ARE 136 Final

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An advertiser for gum attempts to generate brand preference by getting consumers to simply like the product and associate it with fun and happiness. Which type of message is the advertiser sending?

A feel-good message

In advertising, what is a big change with media?

In modern times, much of media buying occurs via programmatic media buying.

Which of the following promotional concepts was demonstrated by the company that hired a sales person to hand out slices of pizza?

In-store sampling

Which of the following is an example of product placement?

Phone from Apple in Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Public relations can help with damage control in the face of negative publicity, in addition to the more constant image management in times of non-crisis.


Public relations is synergistic with social media as well as with mainstream media


Public relations professionals working for a business may seek to highlight positive events like quarterly sales or profits for stockholders


Sales promotions can be used to disrupt competitors' marketing strategies.


The basic premise of a positioning strategy must be simple and distinctive if it is to be communicated effectively to the target segment


The only method that places the advertising, the product, and the consumer together in the same place at the same time is Point-of-Purchase advertising.


The theory behind transformational advertising is that it can actually improve the consumption experience.


There is measured and unmeasured media.


WOM can relate with a customer's intentions to buy the brand, especially if the information comes from someone with close social ties to that consumer


When an advocacy position is taken by a spokesperson in an advertisement, it is known as a testimonial.


When using branded entertainment as an IBP tool, a brand can become integrated in the entertainment media.


Without customer attention, there is no chance that an advertiser's message will have its desired impact


The selection of key themes or concepts that the organization will feature when communicating with customers about their brand is known as

a) positioning strategy.

Of the three entities regulating the advertising landscape, which one is the most effective?


The idea behind both buzz and viral marketing strategies is to:

target a handful of carefully chosen connectors as influencers.

Pay for results, a payment scheme emerging in the advertising industry emphases the need for marketing research.


Old Navy's newest advertisements, which feature comedic messages, are examples of:

humor ads.

What is a market niche?

A small group of consumers with unique needs and who typically are willing to pay a premium to have those needs met

One client was initially willing to pay a hefty fee for its fruit snack bar to appear in a summer action movie full of spies and car chases, but the fit just didn't seem right. You convinced the client to go instead with a teen romance that also released in the summer. It appears to have done very well, building popularity with kids who bought it at the concessions stand, and went on to buy it at their local retailer. Which of the following concepts did you rely on?


Bill likes to view the programs that other channels are airing while an advertisement is being broadcast during the news; which of the following is he demonstrating?

Channel grazing

What is the most fundamental ethical issue in advertising?

Deception, particularly false or misleading statements

Which of the following is true of the media environment today?

Digital media must synergize with traditional media to work effectively.

Which of the objectives of promotion did all these activities have in common?

Eliciting immediate purchase of a product

A brand that does not meet customer needs can still be very successful if it advertises its products extensively


A dentist offers a deal in which customers who have had two teeth whitening services over the last year get the third one free. This is an example of a sampling program to stimulate repeat purchases


As a promotional tool and an industry, advertising does not get a lot of attention, scrutiny, and criticism because it is so conspicuous and has established a global presence


CPM is a measure of the dollar cost of reaching a million audience members with a particular medium


Consumers tend to read prices from right to left.


Despite their widespread use and their repetitive exposures during games, brand placements in video games do not affect purchase intent as much as placement in traditional media does.


Geo-targeting is defined as the expansion of media placement beyond certain regions or national borders and into diverse cultures and global markets.


In the context of audience exposure to a media vehicle, increasing the frequency of exposures results in an increased reach of the target audience


Message impressions are the opposite of exposures to the ads themselves


Point of purchase (P-O-P) promotion can aid manufacturers by attracting consumers, but not by securing relationships within trade and business markets


Sales promotion is the use of techniques that create a perception of greater brand value among consumers, the trade, and business buyers, but the techniques can't entail an incentive


Subliminal advertisement has been found to be an effective way of embedding images and messages into an advertisement that influences the unconscious minds of people


The concept of message strategy refers to objectives, not methods—what you want to do, not how you want to plan


The fight for space on grocers' shelves has become very competitive, so manufacturers will do anything to get stores to stock their items—except paying a fee, which is illegal


The return on investments for event sponsorship, product placement, and branded entertainment as an IBP strategy is easy to measure


When a product is more distinctive, it leads to more price sensitivity


With the merger of movies, music, gaming, and other entertainment, media planning no longer involves numbers, schedules, and deadlines


Which of the following is fundamental to achieve a high exposure rate, and to drive interaction and engagement for advertisements through social media?

Having a large network and a scalable fan base for the brand page

Which of the following is true of public relations?

It is a tool to manage goodwill, corporate communications, and damage caused by negative publicity.

Which of the following best defines micro-targeting in the context of media strategies?

Micro-targeting refers to delivering appropriate messages and offers where you will be most receptive.

The marketers at Kraft are considering a number of consumer-market sales promotion techniques. Which of the following sales promotion techniques would work best when trying to increase sales of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese?

Offering a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for free if the consumer buys one box

A news article on projected plant closings in Milwaukee has been published. The manager of one of the Milwaukee brewing plants is approached by some of his subordinates who are concerned about retaining their jobs. He sees the need for a public relations response since his plant is not one among those that are closing. Which of the following is his objective in doing this?

Preparing internal communications

Both advertising and promotion are used to build brands. For which of the two is it easier to measure effects that estimate contribution to sales, and why?

Promotion, because responses can be specifically identified and tracked

When comparing the cost of radio and television advertising, which of the following is true?

Radio offers a low absolute cost that television can't match.

A manufacturer of protein powders and protein bars sponsors a grand slam tennis tournament for the first time. When it evaluates this move, it discovers that the cost per brand name exposure is much higher than it would have been by running its standard advertising. Why was the sponsorship still beneficial for the manufacturer?

Sponsorships provide a unique opportunity to foster brand loyalty.

A manufacturer of a brand of high-end hiking boots and specialized athletic shoes has hired your agency to run a print campaign. You tell the client that a full-page, black-and-white ad in Hiking and Biking magazine will cost them $1,650 to run once. You also remind the client that the circulation of the magazine is 42,000. To give the client the cost per thousand for this media buy, which formula would you use?

Take 1,650 multiplied by 1,000 divided by 42,000.

Which of the following is a major factor that gave rise to advertising?

The Industrial Revolution

One objective for promotions in the trade channel is to increase store traffic, which benefits both manufacturers and retailers


Which type of advertising is the most sophisticated, and though difficult to pull off, can powerfully weave ad images with real-life experiences?


A coupon entitles a buyer to a designated reduction in price for a product or service, and is the oldest and most widely used form of sales promotion


A key asset for event sponsorship is that it can relate with the consumer experience.


Advertising today is more diverse and more dynamic as a part of integrated brand promotion


Authenticity of a brand is strongest when the content of the show and the essence of the brand become completely intertwined and integrated


Businesses like to promote their products with rebates. A positive side effect of these sales promotion tools is that they often do not get cashed in due to procrastination.


Comparison ads are rarely seen outside the United States due to cultural customs or legal restrictions of other nations


Contemporary marketers are using event sponsorship, product placements, and branded entertainment to build brands in the marketing environment and to create meaningful connections with consumers


Copy research is also known as evaluative research, and it is a term created back when ads were mostly words


Gross Rating Points measure TV audience, and it is the basis for the rates TV stations charge for advertising on different programs


In a real world scenario, the overall development of the advertising plan takes place before the media planning process


In peer-to-peer programs, the idea is to give influencers something fun or provocative to talk about; there is an emphasis on social currency.


In the mid-1800s, mass-circulation magazines began to make national advertising possible, and national advertising began to make national brands possible.


Internal company data such as customer service reports and customer complaints are considered sources of secondary data


It is almost impossible to legislate against emotional appeals in ads, since even if they seem exaggerated or inaccurate, they are unquantifiable and hard to prove.


It is possible to grow your business with content marketing, which is about providing prospects with relevant content and engaging consumers to have a relationship with your brand


Media vehicles with broad reach are ideal for consumer convenience goods, such as toothpaste and cold remedies.


Media vehicles with broad reach are ideal for consumer convenience goods, such as toothpaste and cold remedies


One drawback of reason-why ads is that they have a potential for counterarguments, which may ultimately convince the customer why not to buy the advertised brand.


A major criterion to consider during segment selection is the __________, or the companies that are vying for that segment's business.

c) competitive field

Brands that meet consumers' initial buying criteria are called the ___________ set


In the model of mass-mediated communication, the:

consumers interpret ads in a way that makes sense to them individually and serves their needs.

For an item to be defined as an advertising specialty, it must:

contain the sponsor's brand name or slogan.

Sparkles Inc. has launched an advertisement on a local television channel. The ad promotes the new set of Acrylic paints and informs customers that the first five people who call in receive a free sample. This is an example of

direct response advertising

The primary role for consumer sales promotion is to:

elicit a purchase from a customer.

One way to justify event sponsorship is via:

exposure and media coverage.

The store gives Stacey a loyalty card for the toothpaste which she must produce the next time she visits the store to purchase the product. This is an example of a:

frequency program

Barlow and Baley Inc., an advertisement agency, handles the clients' needs from account planning to creative to media to production in both digital and traditional areas. Barlow and Baley Inc. is an example of a(n) _______

full-service agency

Repetition is a tried-and-true way of:

gaining easier retrieval of brand names from consumer's memory.

Recent research indicates that a brand gets the most benefit when product placement of the item:

gets people to talk about it in everyday conversation.

In an era of cost cutting and shareholder scrutiny, companies are demanding ___________ across all functions, including marketing, advertising, and promotions.

greater accountability.

One beer producer has sent the press an expensive, attractive, eight-page press release that explains the organization's new educational program on the dangers of teenage drinking. However, the beer producer has failed to anticipate that:

he has little control over how and when the final story will run.

A public relations firm has designed a website for a large brewing company. It provides information on all its beverages, with a separate page for each, featuring how each was imagined, concocted, tested, and named. It offers a contest to name the new fall lager that will premiere later in the year. With this website, the company's primary objective is to:

increase public awareness for its brands.

With an increase in marketing expenditure, the market demand function ________.

increases first at an increasing rate, then at a decreasing rate

A group of friends sitting in a bar talk and joke about various beer commercials. One of them describes an ad and they all laugh, and then someone says, "Yeah, that is one great ad. Who was that for again?" From this scenario, it is clear that the ad the friends were talking about:

is not a persuasive ad.

Compared to a proactive PR strategy, a reactive PR strategy is more difficult for public relations staff to organize and prepare because it:

is triggered by events that are unpredictable.

Compared to a proactive strategy, a reactive strategy is more difficult for public relations staff to organize and prepare because it:

is triggered by events that are unpredictable.

A slogan is a(n). linked to a brand in a memorable way.

linguistic device

You recall that the owner of one firm had said in the past that you'd done a good job in convincing him that he needed to focus on creating synergy in all advertising efforts. At the time, he wanted you to clarify what you meant by synergy. You replied that synergy refers to:

making sure all media efforts reinforce each other for maximum effect.

The blend of different media that will be used to effectively reach the target audience is called the:

media mix.

An ad agency is an expert in placing advertisement messages in different media, like television, radio, magazines, and digital/social media. It effectively mixes and matches all of these media to make sure that an advertiser's message makes a positive impact on the target audience. It is also an expert in creating the schedule in which these messages will appear. This ad agency is working effectively as a:

media planner

The true power of a media plan rests on the ____________, that is, knowing what you are trying to do with your media and matching those objectives with your media choices.

media strategy

Stacey is surprised to see that there was a toothbrush attached to the box of her favorite toothpaste. This is an example of a(n):

on-package sampling.

When entering an Old Navy store, customers immediately see a display that is designed to spark memories of the company's newest advertisements. The display features life-sized cutouts of the actors starring in the commercials as well as a sign that contains a popular line from the ad. The display is an example of:

point-of-purchase advertising.

In your initial review, you realize that all clients are currently paying a fee to have their brands exposed or displayed within some entertainment format. This means that they are all utilizing

product placement

A large brewing company has its public relations staff create an interactive website aimed at men and women in their 20s and early 30s. It offers interesting facts about the history of beer, the making of beer, the definition of various brewing terms, the difference between hops and malt, etc. It also includes games like crossword puzzles, word jumbles, and trivia contests related to beer. The objective of such PR initiatives is

promote goodwill toward beer drinkers.

If an advertisement placed on the network television program is watched at least once by 10 percent of the advertiser's target audience, then the _________ is said to be 10 percent.


If an advertisement placed on the network television program is watched at least once by 10 percent of the advertiser's target audience, then the _________ is said to be 10 percent.


When consumers examine products, they often compare an observed price to an internal price they remember. This is known as a(n) price.


Old Navy intends to air its comedic advertisements of popular products primarily on its website and various social media outlets. The company believes that because consumers spend so many hours using these forms of media, their ads will be seen frequently by consumers. Through this strategy, Old Navy is using:


A top-of-mind brand is:

the brand that comes to mind in a product category when asked to name the first brand one can think of

Research on the topic of using sex in the ad business generally confirms that sex-appeal ads can be effective when:

the context is appropriate.

Integrated brand promotion (IBP) is

the coordination of a number of promotional tools to create widespread brand exposure

A precision shopper is demanding greater __________across all purchases.


A company goes through all of its products and looks for ways in which the products could hurt customers or break; then it looks through social media posts by consumers to see what parts of the products consumers have had problems with. In public relations, this is identifying _______.


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