Arm abduction and rotator cuff muscles
Action and innervation of teres minor
Innervated by subscapularis Internally rotates and adducts arm
Innervation of serratus anterior
Long Thoracic n.
> 90 degrees of arm abduction - muscle
15 - 100 degrees of arm abduction - muscle
0 - 15 degrees of arm abduction - muscle
> 100 degrees of arm abduction - muscle
Serratus Anterior
assess supraspinatus injury with
empty can test (reproduction of pain with pressure on distal elbow)
Innervation of trapezius
accessory n.
Innervation of Deltoid
axillary n.
Infraspinatus innervated by
suprascapular n.
Innervation of supraspinatus
suprascapular n.
Most common rotator cuff injury