Art 100 Ch 14 - Ancient Mediterranean Worlds

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How did the new style of art created during the Amarna period differ from earlier Egyptian art?

It was relaxed and naturalistic

Which 20th-century artist was inspired by Cycladic Art

Alberto Giacometti

In ancient Mesopotamia, a _____ was associated with kingly power, and was often seen in sculptures depicting rulers.


What artistic style does the sculpture of Sargon I exhibit, which is rarely seen in early art?


What reason did the Greeks have for not displaying female nudity in art?

Women were primarily domestic, which was considered private

The Collosseum was planned under Emperor Vespasian as

an amphitheater for public entertainment and gladiatorial competitions

What assumptions can you make about Minoan culture by studying the Toreador Fresco?

People loved sports and games, People were lighthearted and cheerful

How is the depiction of the Seated Scribe typical of other depictions of people in Egyptian art?

The figure is symmetrical and each body part can be seen, It is a realistic depiction of the subject

What artistic period is this krater from?

Late Geometric period

The Classical period encompasses both ancient Greeks and Romans


Which goddess was the Parthenon dedicated to?


One of the few Greek bronze sculptures to survive to modern day, Warrior A assumes what pose?


During which period of Greek history did Rome become prominent?


What city was the center or Minoan culture?


In what ways does this Kouros figure differ from Egyptian culture?

Purposeful nudity, Anonymous subject, Released completely from the stone

What is a krater?

Vessel used for wine

The ______ opened Mesopotamia to _____.

lack of natural boundaries, invasion

Numerous female statuettes of differing styles, found over a span of thousands of years and across a wide region, were often thought to be ______ figures, meant to promote pregnancy and childbirth.


Which pharaoh changed Egyptian culture from polytheism to monotheism during the Amarna period?


Because most Greek bronze sculptures have been melted down, how were scholars able to learn about Greek sculpture?

Studying Roman marble copies

In which Greek art period were the kouroi and korai figures created?


The mummy case of the Roman subject Artemidoros shows what cultural evidence of two civilizations that were conquered by the Romans?

Greek letters, Egyptian gods

What is the last period of Greek art that is also refers to the spread of Greek culture?


What is the most significant trait of this Neo-Babylonian wall?

It features a true arch, an architectural feature often associated with the Romans

What Aegean culture created this rhyton, or drinking cup?


What is the most famous architectural creation of the Egyptians?


What did the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius help to preserve?

Roman frescoes

What are the characteristics of this double portrait that reflect the Roman interpretation of Hellenistic art?

Skin wrinkles are visible, Husband's face looks aged

What impression did portraits often set into mausoleum facades to give?

The dead looking out at the living

What elaborate structures did the Mycenaeans build that were influenced by neighboring Egypt?


The writing system that was developed in Mesopotamia and used for 3,000 years was called _____, which is Latin for "wedge-shaped."


What is entasis?

A slight bulge in columns

In the early 20th century in which Egyptian ruler's tomb was found nearly intact, which allowed people to understand the visual culture of ancient Egypt?


What were the three major Aegean Cultures?

Cycladics, Mycenaeans, Minoans

What did the second Hellenistic style prefer over previous Classical values?

Dynamic poses, Extreme emotion

What was the purpose for the stylization used by Egyptian artists to depict the human form?

Each body part could be read clearly

The Romans are best known for which two areas of artistic development?

Engineering, Architecture

True or false: The age of Aegean art and culture followed the collapse of the Egyptian civilization.


True or false: The most important legacy of the Babylonian empire is artistic.


What popular subject matter for Assyrian reliefs is depicted here?/

Lion hunt

How does Narmer's pose reflect the Egyptian requirements for depiction of the body?

Lower body is in profile, torso is full frontal, eye is frontal

Why was the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb particularly significant?

Most of the previously discovered ancient Egyptian tombs had been looted

How does this amphora show the evolution of Greek art?

Red-figure style of painting, More natural figures, Nude males and clothed females

What is the Egyptian symbol of stability, order, and endurance?


What is a ziggurat?


What is the difference between the Classical period and the generic term classical when it refers to art?

The Classical period is a specific period, whereas the term classical encompasses all of Greek and Roman art

In ancient Greece, sculpture, painting, and architecture were described as "things requiring a special body of knowledge or skill to make," or _____.


The sculptural technique where objects and figures do not project from the surface but are carved deep into the surface is called _____ _____.

sunken relief

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