Art 100 final

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Augustus of Primaporta, early first century C.E., marble, 80". What is the subject?

Augustus in his military role orator's gesture, son of Venus and Aeneas, is located at his feet which suggest that he has descended from the gods.

Georges Braque, The Portuguese, 1911-12, oil on canvas, 46" x 32" (Kunstmuseum Basel) What is the style?

Analytical Cubism

Gianlorenzo, Bernini, Baldacchino (canopy) in Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome, 1624-38, bronze, 95 ft. what is the style? What is its purpose?

Baroque style.The baldacchino is patterned after commemorative funerary structures known as catafalques. It is placed over the tomb believed to contain the remains of Saints Peter and Paul and serves as the main altar in the church.

Rembrandt van Rijn, The Night Watch, 1642, oil on canvas, 12'2" x 17'7" (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) What is the style? Who was it commissioned by and for what?

Baroque Style. The Night Watch was commissioned by a civic guard company to decorate their meeting hall. Each member paid a different fee depending on their place in the composition. The painting marks a revolution in group portraiture through its theatrical composition, dramatic lighting, and activity of the subjects. In the center of the painting Captain Frans Banning Cocq and his Lieutenant Willem van Ruytenburch lead the company in taking up arms even though they were never required to do so. The massive arch in the rear is a symbol of a city gate. Rembrandt has enriched the scene with extra figures such as the woman and the dog to added to the commotion and noise as the company prepares for war.

Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith and the Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes, c. 1625, 6' ½" x 4'7 ¾" (Detroit Institute of Arts). What is the style? What is the subject?

Baroque is the style. The subject isArtemisia Gentileschi is one of few women to work as an artist in the period. She was trained by her father and may have had lessons from Caravaggio. Her work follows the recommendations of the Council of Trent. The story of Judith and Holofernes was taken from the book of Judith in the Old Testament. Judith was a Jewish woman who set out to stop the Assyrian general Holofernes and his troops from destroying her people. She waited until he is intoxicated and cut off his head. Gentileschi has portrayed the women as strong and down-to-earth, and focused attention on them through the composition and dramatic lighting.

Judith Leyster, The Proposition, 1631, oil on panel, 11 11/16" x 9 ½" (Mauritshuis, The Hague, The Netherlands) What is the style and what is the subject?

Baroque style. Judith Leyster was a painter of genre scenes such as The Proposition. In the painting a man is shown offering his coins for sexual favors. The woman ignores him and continues with her needlework. This work represents the woman as the embodiment of virtue which is a departure from the popular bawdy Dutch paintings of prostitution.

Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin, The Morning Toilet, 1741, oil on canvas, 19 1/8" x 15 3/16 (The National Museum of Fine Arts, Stockholm) What kind of painter was Chardin?

Chardin is a painter of realistic images of the middle class which were influenced by seventeenth-century Dutch genre painting. The Art Critic Denis Diderot appreciated his work for its commendable values which were lacking in the frivolous paintings of the Rococo artists.

Head of Constantine, c. 312 C.E., marble, 8'6" (Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome). What is the subject?

Christian Emperor Constantine the Great (272-337, Emperor 306-337) stopped the persecution of Christians. Constantine established the church in an eastern colony known as Byzantio and made its capital Constantinople. He had a thirty-foot tall statue erected in Rome to symbolize of his presence in the city.

David Smith, Cubi XII, 1963, stainless steel, 9' 1 3/8" x 4' 1 ¼" (The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.) what is it made of?

David Smith introduced the non-traditional material of steel into the field of sculpture. Cubi XII, one of his sculptures from the Cubi series, takes the basic geometric shape and places it in various positions. It is displayed out-of-doors so that weather conditions can change its color and form.

Hyacinthe Rigaud, Portrait of Louis XIV, 1701, oil on canvas, 9'2" x 7'11" (Musée du Louvre, Paris) The Sun King - Baroque. What is portrayed of the king in this portrait?

Hyacinthe Rigaud painted this portrait of King Louis XIV at the age of sixty-three. The king is depicted in an elaborate costume with all the accoutrements of power including a scepter and sword. He is set off by a column, a curtain, and an abundance of color. He is a self-confident ruler and an expression of nonchalant luxury.

What is the style of Monet's Boulevard des caprucines?


Mary Cassatt, The Bath, 1891-92, oil on canvas, 39 ½" x 26" (The Art Institute of Chicago) What is the style? What does this painting represent?

Impressionism. In The Bath Mary Cassatt combines Impressionism with formal qualities of Japanese prints such as the handling of space. The Bath is an intimate and private view of a mother and child who do not make contact with the viewer. The painting also represents the restricted social spaces of bourgeois women.

Monet, Boulevard des Capucines, 1873, oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm. (Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City). What is the style? What are the stylistic qualities used and what is the subject?

Impressionism.Monet used rapid brushwork, patches of color, and blurred outlines of objects to capture a fleeting moment. His Boulevard des Capucines is a view of modern life from an apartment window in Paris.

Does art have to be unique (original) in ready made art?


Non- Objective art is inspired by what?


Leon Golub, Interrogation II, 1981, acrylic on canvas, 9'10 7/8" x 13' 10 7/8" (The Art Institute of Chicago) What is the style?


Pieter Brueghel the Elder, The Peasant Dance, 1567, tempera on paper, 3'9" x 5'5" (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) . Brueghel was a master of what? What does the painting represent?

Pieter Bruegel was a master at genre (scenes of everyday life) painting. The Peasant Dance is a representation of peasants feasting, fighting, playing music, and dancing. They ignore the church in the distant background and picture of the Virgin Mary tacked to a tree in the upper right corner. The message of the painting is that sinful arrogance and pride will lead to disaster.

Andy Warhol, Two Hundred Campbell's Soup Cans, 1962, synthetic polymer paint on canvas, 6' x 8' 4" (The Andy Warhol Foundation, Pittsburg) What is the style? What did Andy Warhol focus on in his art work?

Pop art. Massmedia and commercial products.

Gustave Courbet, The Stone Breakers, 1848 (destroyed 1945), oil on canvas, 5'5" x 7'10" (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden) (Original destroyed in 1948) What is the style? What is the subject?

Realism.avant garde: ("advanced guard") Individuals or groups who were committed to advancing social, cultural, or artistic tendencies of the day. The Stone Breakers was denounced by the critics because they thought it was vulgar and degrading. They held that art should portray noble subjects and themes and be painted in a tasteful manner. Courbet aimed to create a document of real life and truth in art. The painting is life-size, matter-of-fact, and without sentimentality.

Grant Wood, American Gothic, 1930, oil on beaverboard, 29 7/8" x 24 7/8" (The Art Institute of Chicago) What is the style?


Théodore Géricault, The Raft of the Medusa, 1818-19, oil on canvas (Musée du Louvre, Paris) What was the style? What was the subject?

Romantisism was the style. French artist Theodore Gericault was committed to portraying victims of injustice such as those on The Raft of the Medusa. The Medusa, a government ship captained by an aristocratic official, sunk off the west coast of Africa in 1816. The officers went to the lifeboat and were saved. They put 149 people on a makeshift raft and only 15 survived. Gericault exposed the suffering, cruelty, and death of the people on the raft.

what did michelangelo represent on the Sistine Ceiling?

Scenes from the book of Genesis

Saints Theodore, Stephen, Clement, and Lawrence, door jamb statues, south transept, Chartres Cathedral, 13th century Where is this located? What is the style?

Sculptures of Saints Theodore, Stephen, Clement, and Lawrence decorate the south entrance doorway of the cathedral. The figures are more naturalistic than earlier jamb statures. They are physically breaking free of the columns and appear to come to life. They are also individualized and humanistic.

Caravaggio, The Calling of Saint Matthew, 1599-1600, Contarelli Chapel, San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome. What was the style? Who was it commissioned by? What is the subject?

Style is Baroque. The Calling of Saint Matthew and The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew were commissioned for the Contarelli chapel in the French Church of San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome. According to the recommendations of the Council of Trent, art of the Counter Reformation was to be instructive and move the faithful to devotion. Caravaggio responded by representing height of the moment in the story when Matthew, a tax collector, is asked by Christ to follow him. The story is made more convincing through the use of ordinary figures, dramatic lighting, soft atmosphere, and warm colors

Duane Hanson, Dishwasher, 1973, polyester and fiberglass polychromed in oil (Private Collection) What is the style?


Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory, 1931, oil on canvas, 9 1/5" x 13" (Museum of Modern Art, NY) What is the style and subject?

Surrealism. Spaniard Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory was derived from the imagination and inspired by the writings of Freud on the unconscious mind. It is filled with strange decaying objects such as a melting watch hanging from a dead tree, a timepiece with ants crawling on it, and a fetal-like create with an eyelash set against a Mediterranean-like sea.

En Plein air means what?

That the entire painting is done outside

Roman copy after bronze by Polykleitos, Doryphoros (Spear Bearer), 450-440 BCE, marble . Cannon of Properties.The style is and subject are?

The Doryphoros is naturalistic and represents the Greek ideal of a perfect male who is physically fit and has aristocratic bearing. He is not a real man. The style is classical with an emphasis on clarity, order, and severe expression. The figure stands in a contrapposto position

Botticelli, Birth of Venus, c. 1480, tempera on canvas, 5'9" x 9'1" (Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence) Botticelli based the pose of Venus on an ancient sculpture of the goddess owned by the family. Renaissance. What family commissioned this?

The Medici family (possibly Lorenzo de Pier Francesco de' Medici) commissioned the Birth of Venus for their private residence in Florence. The work was inspired by a classical story from Hesiod's Theogony in which Cronus castrated his father Uranus (sky god) and tossed the parts into the sea. Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, was born from the parts and foam in the sea. Venus is shown being blown to shore by Zephyr, god of wind, and showered with flowers by his wife Chloris, goddess of the spring.

Taj Mahal, Agra, India, 1632-48 . Who was it built by? Why was it built?

The Taj Mahal was built by Mogul Emperor Shah Jahan as a shrine for his wife the Empress Mumtaz Mahal who died in childbirth. It is one of the most splendid buildings in the world and known for its architectural magnificence and beauty. It is surrounded by gardens, walkways, and water channels.

Jean-Antoine Houdon, George Washington, 1788-92, marble, 74' (State Capitol, Richmond, VA). What style is this art work? What was it made for?

The style is neoclassical. This sculpture of George Washington is located in the state capitol building in Virginia. He is idealized and presented as a modern day Roman hero which was seen as fitting for a hero of democracy. Washington stands next to a bundle of rods called a fasces, the Roman symbol of civil authority. The thirteen fasces symbolize the thirteen colonies.

Jacques-Louis David, The Oath of the Horatii, 1784-85, oil on canvas, 10'10" x 14" (Musée du Louvre, Paris) What is the style? Who Commissioned it? What is the subject?

The style is neoclassical.The Oath of the Horatii was commissioned by Louis XVI prior to the French Revolution. According to Titus-Livy there was a political dispute in the Republican Roman period which was settled with a single combat of the three Horatii brothers and the three Alba brothers. David chose the moment the father calls to sons to swear to the oath to their country. He used three arches and figure groupings to organize the composition. The women are shown in varying expressions of sorrow. The French related the story to their current situation and the defense of their own country. The style was influenced by Roman relief sculpture.

The Pyramids of Giza were tombs for the Pharaohs?


Giotto was an italian renaissance artist?

True. He was also influenced by humanists to focus on the humanity of Christ.

Who commissioned the Bayeaux Tapestry?

William the Conqueror's brother

Can art be humorous?


Jasper Johns, Three Flags, 1958, encaustic on canvas, 30 7/8" x 45 ½" (The Whitney Museum of American Art, NY) What is the style?


action and color field painting are two types of what styles?

abstract expressionist styles

Kouros, c. 610-600 BCE, marble, originally painted, 76" (The MET, NY) Archaic . The Kouros is what?

an ideal male youth whose rigid pose was borrowed from Egyptian portraiture. The sculpture may have served as a memorial for a grave or a monument to the glory of a triumphant athlete.

The Bayeux Tapestry, c. 1070-80, wool embroidery on linen, 20" h (Musée de l'Evêche, Bayeux) Who commissioned it and what does it represent?

and was commissioned by Bishop Odo, half-brother of William the Conqueror of Normandy. The linen represents William the Conqueror's victory over Harold of Wessex at the Battle of Hastings (1066) and related events. It is one of the only examples of Romanesque political embroidery of the eleventh century and was probably made by women of the court.

Paleolithic cave paintings are among the earliest works of art to survive. They represent what?

animals, weapons, and humans and may have had a spiritual significance.

Exekias, Amphora showing Achilles and Penthesilea, c. 525 B.C.E., 16", Black Figure Style The Amazons were female warriors who joined the Trojans against the Greeks. The amphora was used as?

as a storage vessel and decorated with a scene from the Illiad by Homer. According to Homer, Achilles was forced to kill his mistress Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons (female warriors), because the Amazons had joined the Trojans against the Greeks. The story emphasizes the balance between social responsibility and individual freedom.

Donatello, Saint George, 1415-17, marble, 82" (Museo di Or San Michele, Florence) Who commisssioned the sculpture and what was the subject?

from the Renaissance. The city guilds commissioned sculptures of their patron saints for the niches. Saint George, a knight famous for slaying a dragon who had been tormenting a village, holds a shield bearing a Latin cross. Saint George is the patron saint of the armorer's guild. He is represented as muscular and active, and confident.

what did Polykleitos represent in his Spear Bearer?

his cannon of properties

Ruins of the White Temple, Uruk (present-day Warka, Iraq present-day Warka - Biblical Erech), c. 3300-3000 B.C.E. What is a ziggurat?

is a huge stepped structure with a shrine on top. They are believed to be meeting places for humans and their gods. This shrine was dedicated to the sky god, Anu. Statues of the gods and donors were placed in the shrine.

What is represented on the Stele of Hammurabi

law codes

Bronzino, Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time, oil on panel, 61" x 56 ¾" (The National Gallery, London) what is the style? What is the subject?

mannerisim is the style.Cosimo de'Medici gave this painting to King Francis I of France. Judgment of Paris - Zeus asked Paris to determine who was the fairest of Venus, Hera, and Athena. He selected Venus and gave her the golden apple. Folly brings red roses and Jealousy tears at her hair. Chronos (time), Venus's father, pulls back the curtain on the scene suggesting that it will not last forever. The Mannerist style is evident in the cramped space, twisted poses, and asymmetrical composition.

Akhenaten and His Family, from Akhenaten (modern Tell el-Amarna), Armarna Period, c. 1345 B.C.E., painted limestone relief, 12 ¼" x 15 ¼" (Staatlische Museen zu Berlin, Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Ägyptisches Museum) . Amenhotep introduced what?

monotheism (the belief in one god) in order to retain his power over the priests. He made Aten (a sun god) the one god and changed his name to Aknenaten (meaning "all is well with Aten"). He also required artists to work in a REALISTIC style.

Wassily Kandinsky, Improvisation 28 (Second Version), 1912, oil on canvas, 43 7/8" x 63 7/8" (The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, NY) What is the style?

non-objective or non-representational art

Masaccio, The Holy Trinity,, 1425, fresco, 21' x 10'5" (Santa Maria Novella, Florence) .Masaccio made use of what? Who commissioned the painting?

one-point linear perspective in the fresco. Domenico Lenzi commissioned the painting as a tomb marker. Lenzi and his wife are shown outside of the sacred space. The Latin inscription above the skeleton is a moral message. It reads "I was what you are, and what I am you shall become."

The Bull Lyre was discovered in the grave of Queen Pu-abi. what does it suggest?

that Sumerians believed in the afterlife and enjoyed many urban pleasures.

Page with Saint Matthew from the Gospel Book of the Archbishop or Reims, c. 830, 10 ¼" x 8 ¼" (Epernay, Municipal Library). This is an illustration from what?

the illuminated Gospel Book of the Archbishop Ebbo of Reims. It may have been produced in a monastery. Saint Matthew is represented with an intense religious spirit as he writes his gospel.

Manet's Luncheon on the Grass was shown in the Salon des Refuses in 1863

true. Style is realism.

Aaron Douglas. Aspects of Negro Life; From Slavery through Reconstruction, 1934, oil on canvas . Who was this artist? what did he do his art work on?

was a famous African American artist who created a series of murals entitled Aspects of Negro Life for the Schomburg Center for the Research of Black Culture of the New York Public Library in Harlem. He documented African Americans from their African heritage through the Depression era in a hard-edge style that was influenced by West African art and the work of Picasso and Matisse.

Ishtar Gate, c. 575 B.C.E., glazed brick . Nebuchadnezzar II (r. 604-562) built a place with what?

with the famous hanging gardens (Seven Wonders the Ancient World) and the gate of the processional way. Neo-Babylonians from western Iran ruled from 612 though 539 B.C.E.

Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Running Fence, Sonoma & Marin Counties California, 1972-76, 18' x 24 ½' miles - What is the style?

Environmental Art

Van Gogh, The Starry Night 1889, oil on canvas. What is the style?

Post impressionism.

Why did Judy Chicago produce The Dinner Party?

To recognize women's contributions in art and history. It's feminist art.

Rocco is a light-hearted and decorated style of the eighteenth century?


Jackson Pollock, Number 1, 1948, paint on canvas, 5'8" x 8'8" (The Museum of Modern Art, NY) Abstract Expressionism (Action Painting) What is the style?

Abstract Expressionism (Action Painting)

Mark Rothko, Orange and Yellow, 1956, oil on canvas, 91" x 71" (The Albright Knox Museum, Buffalo, NY) What is the subject?

Abstract Expressionism (Color Field Painting)

what inspired Caravaggio's The calling of Saint Matthew?

Counter Reformation. It was also done in Baroque style

Pablo Picasso, Les Desmoiselles d'Avignon, 1907, oil on canvas, 8' x 7'8" - (Museum of Modern Art, New York) What is the style?


What is the style of George Braque's The Prtuguese?


Edvard Munch, The Scream, 1893, tempera and casein on cardboard, 35 7/8" x 29" (Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo, Norw. What is the subject?

Edvard Munch found inspiration in his own painful life. The Scream (1893) represents an internal scream as the two people in the background do not hear the man. The painting is about psychological terror and the colors underscore the nervousness and unbearable life of the man.

Emperor Justinian and His Attendants, and Empress Theodora and Her Attendants c. 547, San Vitale, Ravenna, Italy. Who was it commissioned by? What is the subject?

Emperor Justinian commissioned mosaics of himself and his Empress offering communion in the Church of San Vitale. The mosaics represent a union of political and spiritual authority and reflect the claim of "divine" kinship by the Emperor.

Faith Ringgold, The Street Story Quilt, Part 1: The Accident, Part II: The Fire, Part III: The Homecoming, 1985, oil, felt tip pen, dyed fabric, and sequins sewn to quilted fabric, 7'6" x 12' (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY) What did faith Ringgold do to traditional women's crafts?

Faith Ringgold elevated traditional women's crafts to high art. Ringgold created story quilts about African-American identity, culture, and society.

The Venus of Willendorf is a realistic image?


The Church of Hagia Sophia is located on the acropolis?

False, it was built in Turkey

Albrecht Dürer, Adam and Eve, 1504, engraving Northern Renaissance . What are the four tempermants? What was Durer influenced by?

Four Human Temperaments/ (Imbalance of Fluids) elk = melancholy (black bile) cat =choleric ( yellow bile) ox = phlegmatic (phlegm) rabbit = sensual (blood) parrot=false wisdom Dürer was influenced by Italian Renaissance art through his studies in Italy. He used Michelangelo's David and Doryphorus for the body of Adam and Greco-Roman images of Venus for his depiction of Eve. The couple is shown naked and without shame.

Umberto Boccioni, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, 1913, bronze, 43 7/8" x 34 7/8" x 15 ¾" (The Museum of Modern Art, NY) What is the style?


Roman copy of a 1st or 2nd c. BCE Greek original, The Laocoön Group, c. 1st century C. E., marble . The style is?


Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus, Church of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom), 532-535, Constantinople (Istanbul, Turkey. What did it represent? Who was it built by?

It communicated the power and religious authority to the people. It was built by Emperor Justinian

How does ready made art get its meaning (context)?

It's taken out of its original context, and given new meaning.

Donald Judd, Untitled, 1969, brass and plexiglass, 6 1/8" x 24" x 27" (The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.) What is the style?


the harlem renaissance was an African American cultural flowering where?

New york

Does an artists have to have skill in ready made art?


Does art matter in ready made art like Duchamp's fountain?


Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Grande Odalisque, 1814, oil on canvas, 35 ¼" x 63 3/4" (Musée du Louvre, Paris) . What is the style?

Orientalism: subjects inspired by Middle Eastern and East Asian culture.

Michelangelo, Sistine Ceiling, 1505-12, fresco, Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome Renaissance. Who commissioned this? What is the subject?

Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in the Vatican. The program would have been written by a scholarly priest and represented the world before Moses. The walls are decorated with scenes from the life of Moses and scenes from the life of Christ, and the former prefigures the latter. The ceiling is decorated with scenes from the book of Genesis including Separation of Light from Darkness, Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Planets, Separation of Land from Water, Creation of Adam, Creation of Eve, Temptation & Expulsion, Sacrifice of Noah; Flood, and Drunkenness of Noah. These scenes are surrounded by prophets and sibyls who predict the coming of Christ. There are also medallions with Biblical stories, and they are surrounded by ignudi which are similar to angels.

Raphael, The School of Athens, 1508, fresco, 18' x 26", Stanza della Segnatura (library), Pope Julius II . Who commissioned it? What was the subject? what was it painted for?

Pope Julius II commissioned Raphael to decorate his library with scenes of humanistic learning including law, literature, philosophy, and theology. The School of Athens represents the subject of philosophy and shows the connection between the Renaissance and Greco-Roman traditions. In the center of the painting, Plato points upwards to symbolize the ideal, and Aristotle points downwards to signify reality. The painting also includes numerous ancient scholars, and portraits of Renaissance artists.

Ictinus & Callicrates, Parthenon, 448-432 BCE (Acropolis, Athens) Classical . It has what kind of construction?

Post and lintel construction and octastyle (8 columns) along the narrow side and protostyle porch of six columns.The Parthenon is located on the Acropolis which was the spiritual center of Athens. Dedicated to Athena.

Gauguin, The Spirit of the Dead Watching, 1892, oil on burlap mounted to canvas, 28 ½" x 36 3/8" (Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY) What is the style?

Post impressionism

Georgia O'Keeffe, White Trumpet Flower, 1932, oil on canvas, 29 ¾" x 39 ¾" (The San Diego Museum of Art) What is the style?


What term did Marcel Duchamp use to describe works of art such as his fountain

Ready mades

What did Francisco Goya represent in The Third of May ?

The french execution of Spaniards for rising up against Napolean. Style was romantisim.

Edward Hopper, Early Sunday Morning, 1930, oil on canvas, 35 3/16" x 60 ¼" (Art Institute of Chicago). What is the style?


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