Art 101

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A work that depicts people or objects in a way that makes them recognizable.


Rectangles based on the Golden Section can be nested inside each other to create an elegant _______.


translates fool the eye.

Trompe l'oeil

Type of perspective used when an object is being viewed from an angle rather than from directly in front.

Two-point perspective

This sculpting process involves adding a liquid or pliable material to a mold.


Which of these is not a subtractive method of sculpting?


Propaganda art that uses distorted images of people tend to _____________, which makes it easier to oppose them.

dehumanize the enemy

The underwater sculpture of Jason DeCaires Taylor not only functioned as art, but it also ________.

helped restore the coral reefs

When a sculpture is designed to be viewed from one side, and protrudes dynamically from its background plane or is carved with deeply incised marks, this is called ________.

high relief

The mosaic on the wall opposite of Justinian's expressed through symbolism that _____.

his wife, Theodora, had the same status and power as he did

This intaglio process is achieved by roughening the entire metal plate surface with a rocking tool, then smoothing the areas where the ink is to be wiped away.


These prints can be made using any print process, but with the intention of creating a unique image rather than an edition.


What are the scenes on the Palette of Narmer about?


produced when complimentary colors are placed side-by-side


Put these stages of bronze casting in the proper order from start to finish.

1. Make the original sculpture. 2. Molding 3. Wax pouring 4. Wax chasing 5. Spruing and gating 6. waste mold 7. Burnout 8. Casting/ Pouring the bronze 9. The Breakout 10. Welding 11.Metal chasing 12. Patina Patina

Phi = ______.


What is the name for any side of a building that is intended to be looked at?

A facade

An empty space defined by its surroundings.

A negative shape

doesn't use any hue-- only grayscale

Achromatic composition

This kind of motion is occurring when we see movement in real life.

Actual motion

A line that is a continuous mark.

An actual line

a color scheme using colors chosen by the artist

Arbitrary color

achieved when two halves of a composition are not mirror images of each other.

Assymmetrical balance

A painting with one big painting on one side and two small on the other side.

Asymmetrical balance

When objects are far away they lack contrast, detail, and sharpness of focus because of the interference of air.

Atmospheric perspective

Creating visual weight and counterweight is part of an artist's use of the element of _____ in creating a work of art.


Type of relief that takes its name from the french word for low, does not imply great depth.


The lines that create the image of the Nazca Spider drawing define the ____ of a ____.


A technique utilizing the full range if value to create the illusion of form


Color affects the way we think and react to the world, and can be used for healing purposes called this.


Which emperor created a colossal statue of himself to be placed in a basilica in the center of Rome?


This is the specific part in an area of emphasis to which the viewer's eye is drawn.

Focal point

What technique would the artist have to use when drawing outstretched arms.


A shape made of perfectly straight lines.

Geometric shape

The german word refers to something in which the whole seems greater than the sum of its parts.


Workhouse Zoo marks the passage time by the _____ and deterioration of these organic materials.


When an artist uses scale to indicate the relative importance of elements in a composition, he or she is employing this kind of scale.

Hierarchical scale

"Triumph of Will" was a propaganda film about ______________.


The basic colors of the spectrum.


Created by the lack of people on the street, the absence of street lights, and the somber mood of the customer's in the cafe represents this mood.


a type of suspended, balanced sculpture that uses air currents to power its movement.


Creates a strong, unified design through repeated patterns


The artist used diagonal lines and flowing drapery to convey the _____ of the chase.


The artist can more readily reflect the complexities of the real world by using more than one vanishing point. Known as:

Multi-point perspective

In his obey campaign poster Shepard Fairey used a striking contrast between positive and _____ shapes to attract the attention of the public.


The study of what art technique helped in the development of air bags in cars?


The term used to describe a shape that suggests the natural world, while the term geometric suggests mathematical regularity. Ex: Baby blocks.


___________ changed the way artists depicted war and the way the public was exposed to images of war.


A new technique to create a jewel-like diffusion of light and vibration of color in his work The Circus. This type of painting is made up of small dots of color.


contrast is usually discussed in these terms

Polar opposites

a work of art created without precision or a plan; cans of paint on a canvas


The traditional primary colors

Red, yellow and blue

If a figure in an artwork has drapery billowing out behind it, and appears to have multiple feet in different positions, it is assumed this is.

Running forwards

We generally associate a color with it's purest, most intense state, or it's highest level of _____.


A sculpture of a paper clip that is four stories tall is an example of a change in this.


In a linear perspective image, the focal point is ______ where the vanishing point resides.


an upright stone that has an incised relief on its surface ex: mayan sculpture


The kind of motion that is created by showing a series of static images in quick succession.

Stroboscopic motion

suggests divine order.


"The Golden Mean" is related to this series of numbers.

The Fibonacci series

All sculptures have this characteristic in common:

They are 3D

Contain form, volume, mass and texture as four visual elements.

Three-dimensional art

Movement is an expression of this.


the addition of a complimentary color to a hue


This U.S. government program helped to create jobs for artists (and many other occupations) during the Great Depression and World War II. It allowed African-American artist Dox Thrash and other artists to use their art in support of the country. What was this extensive program called?

Works Projects Administration

What event is portrayed in the elaborately carved lintel showing the Maya ruler Shield Jaguar and his wife Lady Xoc (4.92)?

a bloodletting ritual

A sculpture intended by the artist to move is called ________ sculpture.

a kinetic

A relief print created out of a solid wood block is called ________.

a woodcut

What is true about the Aztec Sun Stone (4.60)?

a. it was originally painted in bright colors, it is carved with symbols representing the ways earth was previously destroyed, it functioned like a calendar

used when we touch an object and experience a tactile sensation.

actual texture

The golden Mean is also known as ___________.

all of the above

Duration, tempo, intensity, scope, setting, and chronology are:

all of the answers

Artists who model forms using soft pliable materials, such as clay or wax, sometimes employ this kind of support when creating their work.

an armature

When a printmaker rolls ink onto a raised surface and presses a piece of paper onto it, the resulting image on the paper is known as ________.

an impression

The images of war officers by the illustrator in the British war film differed form the behind-the-scenes images because they _______.

caricaturized the officers

The sculptural process in which the artist carves only in shallow depth is called ________.


What material was used to make the Olmec colossal heads?


Ancient Greek sculptors sometimes created cast sculptures from ________, an alloy of copper and tin.


This printmaking tool is a sharp instrument used to mark the surface of a plate.


Which of these is not an additive process of sculpting?


What is the name of the illusion in which a color value may appear either lighter of darker that actual depending on the value that surrounds it?


considers the religious, political, and social environment in which the artwork is made is viewed.

contextual analysis

Artists can use ______(4) to organize the elements in a work and draw our attention to areas of emphasis and focal points.

direction, placement, dramatic contrast, and line

This intaglio process is achieved by pulling a burin across the surface of a metal plate, leaving a burr where the ink will collect.


considers the role of women in an artwork

feminist analysis

the positive and negative shapes in MC Eschers prints balance each other and are an example of _____.

figure-ground reversal

analyzes the use of formal elements in a work

formal analysis

The principles of design are a kind of ____ that artists apply to the elements of art.


This sculptural process is the act of creating an environment that a viewer will experience within a space.


This term for plate printmaking means "cut into" in Italian.


advertisers use this color because it is the most visible in the spectrum.

lime yellow

This printmaking process means "stone writing" in Greek.


The woman in the Iraq War veteran's video suggests that it is important to use art to get these stories out to the public because it makes the stories ____ to them so that they don't have to go to war to understand the situation.

more accessable

Over time, exposure to the elements can add this surface coloration to metals. It can also be created with the use of chemical preparations.


This type of printmaking does not require the artist to cut into a surface; the ink is suspended by other means to complete the print.


Ancient Egyptian artworks, large or small, are admired by all, because they are ___________.

proportionally harmonious

Unlike freestanding sculpture, this type of sculpture is created to be viewed from one side only.


To create a color woodblock, such as Hokusai's famous "The Great Wave off Shore at Kanagawa," a printer must produce a new ________ for each separate color.

relief block

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, by Damien Hirst, is an example of the broad range of materials that can be used in a work of art. It presents a ________ suspended in a tank of formaldehyde.


This printmaking process is used for t-shirts, solar panels, and circuit boards.


Another aspect of sacred geometry is that all figures could be drawn or created using [1.] and [2.].

straight line/compass

Contrast may be used as "an agent of ____."


Why is the flag in the bottom half of the canvas of the 1965 version of Jasper Johns's Flag a solid rectangle with a black dot in the middle?

the artist wanted the viewer to rest their eyes on this rectangle after looking at the one in the painting's top half

Which part of William Harnett's The Old Violin is real and not just painted?

the blue envelope

The Meeting House of the Maori culture has a structure that symbolizes __________.

the body of the community

Polykleitos sought to capture the ideal proportions of the human figure in his statues and developed a set of aesthetic principles governing these proportions that was known as __________.

the canon rule

Thomas Eakins painted a surgery he witnessed in person. Who is shown in the painting, but was unlikely to be at the actual surgery?

the patient's mother

According to the lecture video, what does "Alchemy" mean?

the way of Egypt

The elements of art form the basic ____ of art.


An element of art that can engage the viewer and express a wide range of emotions.


can be relative to the colors nearby. Example: warm vs cold

Color temperature

Kenneth Clark's War Art Advisory Committee was responsible for doing what?

Commissioning artist's to do art during and about the war

Structures like the Parthenon, large cathedrals, and the large architecture in Dubai, are all examples of this.

Community-based artist

Colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel are radically different in wavelengths.

Complementary colors

Which artist created the image, "Vitruvian Man?"


In Goya's The third of may, 1808, the artist used a variety of actual and implied lines to attract attention to specific points within the composition. What are lines that draw the viewer's attention in this way.

Directional line

The process of using a series of parallel lines set close to one another to differentiate planes of value in a work of art.


The scribbled appearance of Jean Dubuffet's suite avec 7 Personnages characterizes it as a drawing that exhibits ______.

Irregular line

An excellent example of Tessellation can be found in ______.

Islamic designs

This type of sculpture can move and change its visual form


Name one of the "Three Main Types" of visual illusions.

Literal, physiological, cognitive

A color scheme using colors that are already present in the scene being painted.

Local colors

The recurrence of a single element in a work of art.


created by all of the other answers including stacks of cans, fish scales


An abstract drawing of a person in which the head is much too big compared to the rest of the person is an example of this.


The relationships between the sizes of different parts of a work make up this.


If you were to design an eye-catching poster using two colors, the combination that would most stand out to passerby would be _______.

Red and green

When rhythm is present in an image, there is also ______.


A pattern with regular intervals.

Repetitive rhythm

What element describes the imposition of order and harmony on a design.


An artist creates a work of art made up of many different shapes, all in varying shades of blue. This is using what principles of art?

Unity and variety

Jose de Rivera's sculpture Infinity can be described as non-objective because its subject matter.


range of light to dark


A kind of visual diversity that can bring many different ideas, media, or elements together in one composition.


Compositional unity strikes an interesting balance between the monotony of too much similarity and the the chaos of too much ________.

Variety in a work of art

The female Iraq Vet said that being able to show artwork about these events made the topics more _____.


Key characteristics of monuments can include:

architectural elements, sculptural elements, and commemorate past events

objects farther away gets distinct and the colors tend to fade

atmospheric perspective

Images of leaders can show the power and status of the person, but can also ____.

be a target of protest and show family lineage

considers the artists personal experiences

biographical analysis

using different techniques within the same image to draw attention to a particular are of the drawing is describe by the term ______.

change visual perspective

interprets objects and figures in the artwork as symbols

iconographical analysis

the substance contained in an object, not necessarily implying weight


During the bombing of WW2, the British stored a lot of art where?


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