ART 305 CHS 0-6

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US cultureal critic bell hooks deals with popular cultural images because :

- She is convinced that representations are meaningful - She believes students can understand theory then it is related to examples from popular culture - Because she wants to help students think critically about their lives

Jean Leon Gerome's painting "police Verso (Thumbs Down)" was :

The inspiration for Ridely Scott's film Gladiator

The manuscript image of Christ as geometer

Was created to introduce the book of Genesis

The French Revolution :

Was inspired by Enlightenment ideals

Edward Said's concept of "orientalism"

has to do with ho people from Western culture (i.e., Europe and the US) view those from the Near East and Far East

The Baroque period was characterized by :

- The Counter Reformation and absolutist monarchs in Southern Europe - Protestantism and capitalism in Northern Europe - Remarkable scientific advances

Marshall McLuhan's media theories analyze

- The historic development from preliterate societies to today's mass media - How the content of any media system consists of the preceding media environment. - How advertising is a "magical" environment constructed to maintain the economy

Frenchman Louis Daguerre was :

- The mad who took out the first patent on a photographic process (in 1839) - The successful designer of special effects theater presentations known as dioramas - The creator of a one-of-a-kind photographic process that involved the use of highly toxic materials, including hot mercury

The monumental sculptures known as Coatlicue and David have in common

- They are both large stone sculptures - They both embody the cultural values of their makers _ They are both iconic representations of the cities in which they originally stood

The function(s) of the French Royal Academy of Fine Arts was/were :

- To establish and maintain artistic standards - To develop a complex curriculum based on a rationalistic philosophy - To use painting as propaganda for the monarch's version of history

The function of the Victory Stela of Naram-sin is:

- To glorify a ruler - To depict a war massacre - To depict the concept of accessing the divine on a mountaintop

Becoming visually literate means :

- Understanding the indented, evolving and received meanings of images. - Developing a critical awareness of mass media images - Being able to understand, interpret and evaluate the significance of images in out lives

Thomas Couture's immense painting " The Romans of the Decadence " :

- Was one of the most popular Salon paintings of the entire nineteenth century - Had cinematic sweep with its over 25 feet wide dimensions - Reveals that Couture was a clever dramatist a good costume designer, and an adroit stage director

French painter J.A.D Ingres :

- Was the star pupil of Jaques Louis David - Created paintings that glorified the center of power in the post-French Revolution social order, i.e. the middle class (bourgeoisie) - May have used the camera lucida to make his images ore 'real"

Filippo Brunelleschi's painting of the Baptistry near the Florence Cathedral fused :

Art and Science

Leonardo da Vinci's portraits of women represent a radical departure for the Renaissance, in that they present women as :

Individualized human beings with personal agency

Caravaggio's dramatic shifting of the vanishing point, light source and position of main characters brought the viewer :

Into the scene with boldness and psychological connection

English William Henry Fox Talbot

Invented the Positive/ Negative photographic process

French impressionist Claude Monet insisted that the basic content of human perception-- and of art-- was :

Light and Color

Ancient Aztec art is rarely represented in today's mass media because : a. it's bad art b. it involves weak communication skills c. it doesn't deal with any of the important things in life

None of the above

Images have a meaning that a. is singular b. is fixed c. remains static over time

None of the above

New York artist Kieth Haring was : a. A noted filmmaker b. Always considered a "fine" artist c. An important member of the Royal Academy of Art

None of these answers

The Greeks viewed the nude in art as an aesthetic that was

Particular to defining male beauty

Which of the following Post Impressionist artists left Europe for the South Pacific in order to find a more "pureP and "primitive" life ?

Paul Gauguin

Renaissane painter Sofonisba Anguissola was :

The first woman artist to become an international celebrity

According to Marshall McLuhan, the Classical Period in Greek art marked the transition form :

"Making" to "Matching"

The work of Italian Baroque artists Bernini, Caravaggio and Gentileschi was characterized by :

- A focus on religious imagery - Emotional intensity - Dramatic contrast between light and dark

In "The Last Supper" mural, in order to underscore Jesus' liturgical centrality and stability, Leonardo da Vinci configures Jesus as :

- An equilateral triangle - The site of the linear perceptive vanishing point - The psychological center of the composition

Contemporary U.S. photographer Carrie Mae Weems joins photographic image and text in order to :

- Construct narratives that reveal cultural mythologies about identity and relationships - Challenge preconceptions about photography as an art form - Create images that may not beautiful in any traditional sense of the word

British photographer Julia Margaret Cameron :

- Created elaborately staged and costumed pieces that "speak" the artistic idiom of British Academic painters of the ninteenth century. - Used soft focus to create images of melancholy beauty - Sought to position photography as a "high art"

Italian artist Paolo Uccello's drawing of a "mazzaccio" (a man's hat):

- Demonstrates the scientific potential of perspective images - Shows how perspective renderings anticipated computer modeling images Demonstrates the artist's mastery of perspective

French painter Jacques Louis David

- Directed the French Revolution's search for new icons for the state - Was famous before the revolution for paintings like "Oath of the Horatii" - Created idealized images of Napoleon

Given that our experience is, to a great extent, governed by pictures (particularly images in the mass media ):

- First hand experience is diminished - Rather that interpreting reality, pictures seem to have replaced it - We need to understand the picture itself to determine how it becomes a signifying structure of its own accord, that is, to understand how it creates meaning on its own terms.

The ideas embodies in Edward Said's teory of Orientalism can be seen in artworks such as :

- Gerome's "Slave Market" which depicts slave traders in Islamic Egypt - Ingres' "La Grande Odalisque" Which depicts a voluptuous nude woman posed as a harem girl - Matisse's odalisques from the 1920's which reflect European cultural attitudes about dominance and submission

The term "bipolar opposition" is used to refer to a linked pair of concepts :

- In which one is valued over the other - In which both concepts are considered absolutes - In Which the concepts are in conflict

The Protestant Reformation was :

- Initiated by Martin Luther - A protest of perceived excess by the Catholic Church, particularly the selling of indulgences - A cataclysmic blow at the authority of the Pope

What is the impact of photography on modern life?

- It created the modern notion of "celebrity" - It made the unseen visible - It gave everyone the potential to record their personal image

Gustave Courbet's painting "The Stonebreakers" was controversial because :

- It depicted the working class as passive victims of the modern age - It was a realistic mirror image of precisely the facts nineteenth century society hoped to ignore - It revealed the artist's socialist politics

German printmaker Albrecht Durer's woodcut "Man Drawing a Lute" is important because:

- It depicts a mechanical device that artists used to make their images look more realistic - It is found in the book Durer wrote on perspective - It depicts a device that Michaelangelo may have used

Ninteenth century Academic painting was popular because :

- It employed highly idealized imagery - It offered fantasy and escape to both the wealthy and the lower classes _ It had the content of today's mass media art : dramatic stories, sex, and violence

The art historical importance of the Renaissance can be found in :

- Its revolutionary development of perspective - Its revolutionary attention to the human condition - Its revolutionary development of printed books

The monumental Parthenon is :

- Located in Athens, Greece - Located on the acropolis - dedicated to Athena

Vincent Van Goh's art and life :

- Point to the understanding of avant-garde art as spiritual revelation - Ar the basis for much of the modern myth about the artist as crazed and misunderstood - Have been the source for more films than any other artist

The device known as the camera obscura is :

A box with a small hole through which an image can be projected and traced

The notion of photographic truth hinges on the belief that the camera is :

A totally objective device

Within cultural context, a myth is

An explanation for how things originate and/or work

The site that marks the transition from an oral tradition to a pictographic writing tradition is :

Ancient Iraq

Which French critic said, after seeing a salon exhibition that included photographs, "Each day Art further diminishes its self-respect by bowing down before external reality"?

Charles Baudelaire

Leonardo's "Last Supper" can be considered an "up-dated" depiction because :

Da Vinci situates the historic event inside an Italian Renaissance palace

French absolutist monarch Louis XIV endeavored to shift the mythic base of culture from:

God to King

The sculpture of the Gothic era differs significantly from that of the Greeks in which way?

Gothic sculpture expresses the soul in the individualized image of the face

John Berger's "Ways of Seeing" analyzed :

How seeing is affected by what we know or what we believe

Which artist(s) focussed on Impressionist images of the wealthy and privileged :

Mary Cassatt

Technology played a vital role in :

Medieval culture

The relationship between the Signifies and the Signified is NEVER


Jan Van Eyck's "Arnolfini Wedding" portrait

Shows how artists could make convincing images without the use of linear perspective

What important process was patented in the 1850s by Andre Disderi

The ability to produce small 2 1/2" x 4" photographs known as "cartes de visite"

What significant controversy about "The Battle of Solferino" was decided in the courtroom?

The battle over the rights to the photograph of Napoleon III on horseback

The central and dominant architecture of the medieval town was :

The cathedral

Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" is a fable that addresses :

The contrast between truth and representation

Spanish artist Diego Velazquez is famed for :

The depiction of light and reflection in his masterwork "Las Meninas"

Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun was:

The most celebrated woman artist of her time

Ferdinand de Saussure used the term "signified" to refer to :

The object of concept the word refers to

Unlike the mass media, the Modern tradition of fine art stressed which inherent values?

The value of the unique art object, the value of the artist's individual personality, and the value of innovative artistic forms

Artists have used protective technologies :

To attain the realest possible image that they could produce

True of False. Human vision is intelligent. We "See" as out culture teaches us to see.


True or False : many ninteenth century images depicts women passively displayed as objects to be "consumed" by the powerful male gaze


True or false. The male/female bipolar opposition is considered "the primary opposition within western metaphysics"


True/ False. The "fine arts" of painting, sculpture, and architecture have always been valued more than "low" cultural products of "crafts" like ceramics and textiles


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