Art Appreciation ch 1

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Jesse Howard

Sign painter freedom of speech


The property of objects that depends on the light that they reflect and that is perceived as red, blue, green, or other hues. A pigment used in art. Not black white or gray. color affects us on a basic level that we have direct emotional response to it


The quality of being varied or diversified. Showing or characterized by many different forms or kinds. Otherwise, difference, which provides interest

cimabue madonna


why do some artworks sell for large amounts of money?

ex: Van goghs paintings are so expensive because of the major influence on artists of the next generation, the limited number of paintings, the painting allows us to feel with the artist humself, and for his accomplishments and for the story of his life.

kitagawa utamaro


aerial perspective

or atmospheric perspective refers to the effect the atmosphere has on the appearance of an object as it is viewed from a distance. The objects become smaller and smaller in the distance, and there is less colors of the object - usually becomes bluer or grayer.

jean-baptiste grueze

the fathers curse brush and gray wash son deserts his family, including an aged father, to join the army the son, ridden with guilt, returns to see his father on his death bed in the punished son

auguste rodin

the kiss


(king) was viewed as a link between the divine and earthly realms as a ruler his role was to maintain social order of egypt art portrayed those in power


A specific kind of artistic technique or means of expression as determined by the materials used or the creative methods involved: the medium of lithography. (painting, sculpture, drawing, printmaking, digital arts, photography, movies, etc.)

Jim Hodges

Evert Touch, Silk flowers

lorna simpson

In Lorna Simpson's Easy to Remember, shape provides the main rhythm—the repeated shape of lips, each pair a little different. Songwriters Rodgers and Hart. Simpson invited people individually to hum along to a jazz version recorded by the saxophonist John Coltrane, which she played over a headset to them so that only they could hear it. She recorded each person's humming, and filmed the face as he or she hummed.

who designed the vietnam war memorial?

Maya ying lin, was a 22 year old undergraduate architecture student

record and commemorate

create images that help us rememebr the present after it slips away, our history, will speak of our times

paul klee

landscape with yellow birds repetition can take on a rhythm within a work

jackson pollock

shimmering substance (sounds in the grass series) abstract expressionist balancing unity and variety

what is art?

the product or process of deliberately arranging or creating items, to represent an idea using symbols of something that physically exists or something from ones imagination

why do some humans want to create art?

1. construct meaningful images 2. create order and structure (or mimic or challenge it) 3. explore aesthetic possibilities

claude monet

painted fishermans cottage this painting gave pleasure

sainte chapelle

soaring vertical space whose walls seem to be made of stained glass believed to include pieces of the true cross, the crown of throns and other instruments of religious or spiritual artworks


the process of attaining awareness or understanding of the environment by organizing and interpreting sensory information (sight, touch, smell, hearing, taste) involves signals in the nervous system, which in turn result from physical stimulation of the sense organs

head of a king

to commenorate the kingdoms rulers naturalistic- appears true to life

louise bourgeois

woman with packages uses abstraction: which is no longer recognizable to somewhat recognizable

what were the names of Brancusi's sculptures

Endless column Fish Bird in Space


Forcefulness of expression to indicate the importance of something. Otherwise, the viewer's eyes are first drawn to it, usually because of bold color or strong light source on the object. In art, the artist organizes the elements in order to place greater attention on a certain area.


another name for color


destruction of images "image breaking"


he part of a pen that conveys ink to the drawing surface


one who delivers a speech

joseph beuys

performing how to explain pictures to a dead hare directly adopted the idea of the artist as a kind of shaman and art as a tool of spiritual healing

henri matisse

piano lesson subject matter- a piano lesson music lesson-oil on canvas memory of ocean-example of unity and variety


refers to the visual effect or optical illusion that an object or distance appears shorter than it actually is because it is angled toward the viewer


the branch of philosophy that studies art, also studies the nature of beauty

franceso di giorgio martini

vanishing point


3-dimensional volume Form: 3-dimensional (height, width, and depth) and encloses volume. For example, a triangle, which is 2-D, is a shape, but a pyramid, which is 3-D is a form, it has mass.

Gayleen Aiken

A beautiful dream outsider art artist is not formally trained; may acquire techniques from another outside artist

hudson river school

A group of American landscape painters active from about 1825 to 1875 whose works, influenced by European Romanticism, depict the beauty and grandeur of areas such as the Hudson River Valley, the Catskill Mountains, and Niagara Falls.


A line is a path that has length and width, traced by a moving point.


A pattern of elements suggesting movement or pace in something such as a work of art.


An act of doing something again. ex: ben jones; black face and arm unit

art for art sake

Art is an activity we have come to pursue for its own sake. As such, art can be its own theme, with no other purpose than to give visual pleasure or to pose another answer to the ongoing question, "What is art?''

joseph cornell

Birds often figured in the intriguing small wooden boxes for which he is best known. In this assemblage, a lithograph mounted on wood shows a parrot perched on a branch; the parrots' beak appears to be pulling a string, which in turn activates a rotating disk. The disk may be a reference to fellow Dada artist Marcel Duchamp's "Rotoreliefs". conceptual unity was meaningful to him, based on dreams, nostalgia, and fantasies. he creates visual unity

what do artists do?

Construct places for human purpose Create extraordinary versions of the ordinary objects Record and commemorate 4. Give tangible form to the invisible Give tangible form to feelings or ideas 6. Refresh our vision and help us see the world in a new ways

what was the earliest form of art ever found?

Dec. 18, 1994 experienced cave explorers (two men and a women) discovered the Chauvet cave and its 300 cave artworks prehistoric artists mixed animal fat grease into the pigments of red and yellow to make paint

Constantin Brancusi

He was a sculptor. would play romanian folk songs on his violin after dinner. He was from a peasant family in romania lived in paris in a single small room adjoining a sky lit studio

Duane Hanson

Housepainter representational works so convincingly lifelike Trompe l'oeil- french for fool the eye

vietnam war memorial

Long tapering V-shaped wall of black granite, inscribed with the names of the missing or dead.


The correct or desirable relationship of size, quantity, or degree between two or more things or parts of something. Otherwise, relative size relationship between parts of a whole. In art, the artist arranges the elements to create a visual equilibrium.


The illusion or suggestion of motion in a work of art. In art, the artist manipulates the elements and objects in order to create a sense of motion by leading the viewer's eye through the artwork


The materials used in a specific artistic technique: oils as a medium for painting, watercolor for painting, white marble for sculpture, bronze for sculpture...

Juan de valdes leal, Vanitas

Theme: Vanity

invention of paper

Traditional Chinese histories date the invention of paper to 105 C. E. Tinted blue, sprinkled with gold, and painted with a gold landscape, the paper was made in China. It was probably sent by a 15th- century Chinese emperor as a gift to the ruler of Iran, who in turn presented it to the famous calligrapher Sultan- Ali Qaini, who used it for a manuscript of Persian poems. Blue Chinese paper with decoration in gold, inscribed by Sultan- Ali Qaini with a poem by Haydar. Tabriz, 1478. New York Public Library.

Audrey Flack.

Wheel of Fortune Theme: Vanity


a very large stone used in various prehistoric architectures or monumental styles ex: stonehenge

cylindrical head

abstract head represents the inner, spiritual reality that can be perceived only by the imagination


accepted bodily into heaven at death


an enclosed space defined and determined by other art elements such as line, color, value, and texture. In painting and drawing, shapes may take on the appearance of solid three-dimensional object even though they are limited to two dimensions - length and width.


defines a 2 dimensional shape

nonrepresentational art

drew comparisons between nonobjective painting and music music does not represent anything outside of itself


the branch of philosophy concerned with the feelings aroused in us by sensory experiences- use of our sight, hearing, tasted, touch and smell. How does one value a work of art. How one values the artwork.

what is the purpose of a symbol?

to communicate meaning (significance) in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect.

linear perspective

two converging lines meeting at the vanishing point


A word borrowed from Italian ("light and shade" or "dark") referring to the modeling of volume by depicting light and shade by contrasting them boldly.

drawing paper

Latin word papyrus, which grew along the banks of the Nile River Ancient Romans and Egyptians used for writing material. Paper was invention to 105 C. E. by Cai Lun, a eunuch who served in the imperial court. . Paper is made from plant fibers, beaten to a pulp, mixed with water, starch or glue (binder), then spread in a thin layer over a fine mesh surface and left to dry.


Seurat's believed if you placed two primary colors next to each other, such as blue and yellow, the eye would mix them and create the color green. optical color mixture


Something whole or complete -formed by combining or joining separate things. Otherwise, a sense of oneness; that things belong together, making a coherent whole

jan van eyck

They were married in 1447, thirteen years after the date on the painting and six years after van Eyck's death. green symbolizes hope white cap symbolizes purity or being married non married women would have their hair down this painting shows her equality to him because she is not looking down at the floor as lower class women would (Ch 2)

edouard manet

a bar at the folies berger ex of asymmetrical balance


a blank area between characters, words, objects


a likenes or image, especially of a person


a person who acts as a medium between the human and spirit worlds


a picture or decorative design made by setting small colored pieces called tessera, as of stone, glass, or tile, into a surface

what was the reason for stonehenge

a place of worship and ritual for the prediction of eclipses, burial site and to predict the solstice -longest or shortest day


any decorative repetitive motif or design. pattern can create visual texture, although visual texture may not always be seen as a pattern

nicolas poussin

apollo and the muses pen and brown ink and brown wash

henri cartier bresson

are lines that are not real lines but are created by the edge of an object. the illusion of a line is created


are made of pigment bound with a non-greasy binder such as gum arabic made from hardened sap and mixed with water. pastels leave a velvety line of almost pure pigment - can blend the tones

conceptual art

art could reside in an idea

what are the themes of art?

art crafts religious or spiritual propaganda history (portrays an event) narrative (tells a story with images) genre scenes (scenes of everyday life) fantasy nature art for art sake

outsider art

artists task is to pursue his or her own vision of art; to express his or her own ideas, insights, and feelings; and to create an inner necessity dictates

what is the difference between art and craft?

artworks give pleasure, are aesthetically pleasing or interesting whereas a craft is useful

chuck close

bill His working method is to draw a grid over the photograph, then a grid with the same number of squares over a much larger canvas. He copies or interprets each square of the photograph, one at a time, ignoring the larger image and focusing solely on the information in the square. The image results as a by- product of this activity.

emmi whitehorse

chanter shapes in Chanter seem to appear and disappear into the background. Some are defined by line, others by a shift in color or value. Still other shapes are only implied

thomas struth

church of the frari venice assumption


cottage among trees liquid medium nib— the part of a pen that conveys ink to the drawing surface reed pens— pens cut from the hollow stems of certain plants— or quill pens— pens cut from the hollow shafts of the wing feathers of large birds. used a wash, ink diluted with water and applied with a brush

andrea del verrocchio

created cast bronze created what his clients asked of him he ran a workshop staffed with assistants and apprentices caste bronze was commissioned by piero de medici, the head of a wealthy and powerful florentine banking family for display in the medici family palace

andy warhol

created pop art. popular images portrays an image that is instantly recognizable portrays the painting as a celebrity created the cambells soup painting

Time hawkinson

created the Emoter installation altered ink-jet print on plastic and foam core on panel, monitor, stepladder and mechanical components the components of the face move continuously in response to the signals they receive, generating expressions that are as extravagant as a mimes

rene magritte

delusions of grandeur One of his favorites was a shift in scale. In Delusions of Grandeur II (5.18), he invented a sort of telescoping woman, with each section rising out of the one before and continuing on a smaller scale. Transforming one element into another was also a favorite ploy, as when the sky, which looks perfectly normal at the horizon, is revealed farther up to be made of solid blue blocks.

bosh, garden of earthly delights

depicts paradise with Adam and Eve & animals on the left panel the earthly delights with nude figures, fruit and birds on the middle panel, and hell with depictions of punishments of the various types of sinners on the right panel.


describes representational art that conforms to a preset style or set of conventions for depicting the world


describing images, involves identifying, describing, and interpreting subject matter in art

Ha-thor and sety

detail of a pillar from the tomb of sety I. Egypt stylized

edward hopper

early sunday morning uses movement the eyes scan across the facade of the buildings

large buddha, bamiyan

empty niche after a statue was destroyed

francisco de goya

execution of the third of may light on the figures create emphasis

pablo picasso

first communion: representational-naturalistic Seated woman holding a fan: abstract-simplified or exaggerated picasso saved all of his sketches-Almost a complete visual record of his mind at work. Illustrated here is his first sketch for his great antifascist mural Guernica, which was a town bombed by the Germans. Much changed between this first rapidly sketched idea and the final painting.-first composition study for guernica

prayer hall fo ABD al-rah-man

great mosque largest place of prayer in western islam serves the needs of the entire community

starry night by van gogh

he was intrigued with the belief that people journeyed to a star after their death and continued their lives he expressed his personal feelings as he stood on the outskirts of a small village in france and looked up at the night sky

sarah sze

hidden relief Installed in a corner of a room. It was made from measuring sticks, string, lamps, ladders, tooth-picks, plastic bottle caps, the white circles are slices of Styrofoam cups. plastic tubes, and kitchen implements. This is a photograph of the installation.


identical on both sides ex: georgia o'keeffe deer skull with pedernal

Dasavsanta, Shravana

illustrated books illustrations in books was the only form of art allowed in the islam religion. Books were the major artistic outlet for painters in islamic culture


in which a space is presented as a wor of art that can be entered, explored, exprienced, and reflected upon

vitruvian man

leonardo da vinci Leonardo's figure stands inside a square defined by his height and the span of his arms, and a circle centered at his navel.- the perfected male form to the perfect geometry of the square and the circle

contour lines

lines that surround and define the edges of a subject, giving it shape and volume

susan rothenberg

maggies ponytail combination of representational and nonrepresentational

ann hamilton

mantle eight tables, eleven shortwave radio receivers, voice, chair, figure, steel block, sewing implements, 33 wool coats, and approx. 60,000 fresh cut flowers; overall dimensions

roger van der weyden

mary magdalen silverpoint on paper Professional artists produce many sketches and compositions before they produce the original artwork.

rebecca pur-dum

nonrepresentational art rubs the paint onto a rough canvas with her hands, gradually building up layer after layer

Bird in space- Brancusi

not a particular bird, the idea of flight, soaring upward. "the soul liberated from matter" Brancusi concentrated not on the physical attributes of the bird, but instead on its movement. In romanian folklore the Maiastra is a beautiful golden bird who foretells the future and cures the blind.

claes oldenburg and coosje van bruggen

not in proportion to the environment

janine antoni

not traditional art materials and techniques gnawed away at the 600 pound cube of chocolate and lard to make the lipstick and box of chocolates

edgar degas

nude woman having her hair combed naturalistic dancer adjusting her slipper The drawing is " squared for transfer"; that is, Degas drew a grid over it to make it easier to copy accurately- produced the drawing in one square at a time. (grid)

Newar artists at Densatil Monastery, Central Tibet. Thirteen- Deity Jnanadakini Mandala. 1417- 47

opaque watercolor on cotton cloth

Leonardo da vinci

painted the mona lisa the painting was cut down to fit a frame the husband refused the painting because of the smile in the painting, as if she was looking at the gorgeous man that is leonardo

navajo men creating a sand painting

painting acts as an altar, a zone of contract between earthly and spirit realms and together with the chanting it attracts the spirits, the holy people it is produced for healing

art crafts

produced for special ceremony or to be viewed, not used an elaborate artistic craft is not to be used for everyday purposes

barbara kruger

propaganda art

isamu noguchi

red cube the sculpture balances because its weight is distributed evenly around a central axis shows balance


refers to a characteristic or group of characterisitics that we recognize as constant and recurring


refers to surface quality- a perception of smooth or rough, flat or bumpy, fine or coarse

Dada artist Marcel Duchamp's "Rotoreliefs".



same color different values

genre scenes

scenes of everyday life ex: women weaving, ironing, and folding lengths of silk


seated young woman red, black and white chalks on cream paper he binder, is the film-forming component of paint and additional drawing or painting materials. It is the only component that must be present if the binder material is suitable for application.


serve akan rulers as translators, spokespersons, advisers, historians and orators


serve to make otherworld spirits physically present in the human community

implied shape

shape that is suggested or inferred, rather than directly apparent pyramid composition


size in relation to "normal" size


the arranging of separate elements in a literary or atistic work to create an overall aesthetic impression

henry ossawa tanner

the banjo lesson Tanner used size and placement to emphasize the figures of the old man and the young boy. Tanner set the pair in the foreground, and he posed them so that their visual weights combine to form a single mass, the largest form in the painting. Strongly contrasting values of dark skin against a pale background add further emphasis.


the brightness or dullness of a color dull colors-low intensity bright colors-high intensity


the idea, common to almost all religions that there is a world beyond the world we can perceive with our senses and that at certain rare moments we have access to it.


the lightness or darkness of a color relative shades of light and dark


the most dynamic lines are diagonal lines, which almost always imply action a line can create movement and direction in a composition

theodore gericault

the raft of the medusa ch 4 powerpoint 399 passengers, including 160 of the crew. Ship was sinking. only six lifeboats, he made a raft out of masts and crossbeams to carry the rest of the crew. Dignitaries - 250 of them - took the lifeboats and attempted to tow the raft. Thirteen days later, when Argus found the raft almost by accident, there were only 15 survivors remaining Medusa's surviving surgeon Henri Savigny submitted his account to the authorities. It was leaked to an anti-Bourbon newspaper De Chaumereys was found not guilty of desertion -- despite damning evidence

edgar degas

the singer in green pastel on light blue laid paper dry medium


the way a work of art looks- size, shape, materials, color, and composition

James Hampton

throne of the third heaven of the nations he had no particular training in art worked as a janitor most of his life his work represented hamptons vision of the preparation for the second coming as described in the biblical book of revelation used silver and gold foil


to arrange the different elements of something so that they form a harmonious and well-proportioned result Three kinds of balance: 1. Symmetrical: Identical on both sides 2. Asymmetrical: Sides are not exactly alike but are in a state of equilibrium. 3. Radial- a design based on a circle with elements/objects radiating form a central point.


to simplify- not as much detailed and may be unrecognizable

finial of linguists staff

was not made to be displayed in a museum- cultural artifact to be an icon that is symbolic and used in ceremonies or to ones show status


were an important export-they are dresses in heavy garments


what a work of art is about-subject matter

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