Art Appreciation Ch. 13-16 Study Guide

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By placing part of the structural skeleton on the outside, _______ builders were able to make their cathedrals higher & lighter in appearance, larger parts of wall could be replaced by enormous stained-glass windows by using ________&___________.

Gothic; pointed arch & buttresses

The Romans' __________________ were in civil engineering, town planning, and architecture.

Greatest artistic achievements

___________ reflects the great shift in living patterns, from naturalistic to geometric abstract art, based on plant & animal forms.

Neolithic Art

The word Neolithic means ________.

New Stone Age

An excellent example of the gothic cathedrals is the _____________.

Notre Dame De Chartes (Chartres Cathedrals)

Vertical posts or columns support horizontal beams & carry the weight of the entire structure to the ground. (stone columns)

Post & Beams

Early ____________&____________ figures showed characteristics that were not natural but were symbolic.

Christian & Byzantine

1.) Doric 2.) Ionic 3.) Corinthian

3 Greek Architectures:

An _____ can span a longer distance and support heavier loads, when extended in depth create a tunnel- like structure called a __________. (picture with arch & blue sky; keystone needed)

Arch; barrel vault

As an ____, architecture is concerned with the expression of the space-defining form throughout the structure.


Human expression of an idea or experience, formed with skill through the use of a medium.


In the past, a person who made things was called an _________.


When a beam or slab is extended substantially beyond a supporting column or wall, the over-hanging portion is called a _________.


Architectures first technical innovation of the 21st century is ___________ and it may have an important impact on how we build in the future. (cars, shoes, metal)

Carbon Fibers

Since it was illegal to be Christian, the followers of Christ were forced to worship& hide their art in underground burial chambers called ___________.


During the Romanesque period, the largest sculpted figures, since Roman times were placed over the ______________.

Central doorways of churches

The art & science of making objects from clay is called _________.


Is complex & organic; like an inverted bell with acanthus leaves.


1st meant strength or power; later it came to mean skill.


Perhaps the largest #'s of ___________ using metal today are the who make jewelry.

Craft Artists

The Sumerians developed the worlds first writing ___________, the wheel, the plow & broke the hour into 60 min. (codes)


Noted for his intricate and colorful works in glass. (colorful neon paintings)

Dale Chihuly

Minor Arts: *Ceramics *Textiles *Furniture *Jewelry *Metal Work

Decorative Arts

_________ on both sides of the Nile diminished outside influences & enabled Egypt to develop distinctive styles of architecture, painting, & sculpture that remained relatively unchanged for 2,500 years.


An arch rotated 180 degrees on its vertical axis creates a ______. (not fully a circle yet)


Came first, has a simple unadorned capital. It's geometric and study.


_________ art greatly influenced that of early Greece & the Greeks later developed one of the most important styles in Western art.


___________ also made extensive use of cantilever. One of the boldest & most elegant uses of principle of cantilever occurs in ________________. (known as Falling Water) at Bear Run, Pennsylvania (Waterfall)

Frank Lloyd Wright; Frank Lloyd Wright's Kaufmann residence

A distortion called ________ was used on the Parthenon to correct the optical illusion, that parallel lines seem to converge when the lines are stretched.


Story of quilt called "Tar Beach", tells of an 8 year olds dream of overcoming obstacles. (woman laying on a quilt)

Faith Ringgold

Major Arts: *Drawing *Painting *Printmaking *Sculpture *Architecture

Fine Arts

______ has been used for at least three thousand years as a material for practical containers of all shapes & sizes. During the Middle Ages, stained glass was used extensively in Gothic Churches and Cathedrals.


A ________ is a specifically formulated liquid clay paint with a silica base. During firing the glaze turns glassy & causes it to vitrify with the clay body, creating a non porous surface.


In Egyptian paintings, sizes of human figures are determined by social rank, systems known as _____________.(picture of people)

Hierarchic Scale

Throughout most recorded history, people built their own _____.


__________ rarely appears in Paleolithic paintings; those that do tend to be more simplified & abstract than the images of animals.

Human figures

Is taller & more dynamic with scrolls on the capital.


The Crystal Palace, designed by ____________ was a spectacular demonstration of what cost iron could do.

Joseph Paxton

A kind of oven for firing pottery is called ________.


_____________, took rule at about 9 years old, who died at age 18, is best-known Egyptian pharaoh because his was the only royal tomb discovered in modern times with most of its contents intact. (was popped in the back of the head)

King Tut Tutankhamen

The Archiac-style ___________, has a rigid frontal position, that was influenced by the Egyptian sculpture. (2 bodies standing side by side)


___________ is concerned with relationships between land forms, plants, and constructed elements.

Landscape architectures

___________, regarded as the first great modern architect, led the Chicago School of Architecture. He was known as the father of the skyscraper.

Louis Sullivan

Some present day potters use ancient methods, firing their pots in open fires that reach only ____ &_____ temps.

Low & Varied Temps.

Potter's wheel used to create pottery by throwing clay o a revolving wheel. The potter's wheel was invented in ____________. (different ways to make it)


___________ means land between the rivers.


These two ancient civilization, ___________ & __________ were almost parallel in time, arising in the 4th millennium B.C.E & lasting some three thousand years.

Mesopotamia & Egypt

____________ technique was widely used on the large walls in the Early Christian Churches. Mosaics were made of bits marble that formed images.


The ____________, a major temple dedicated all the gods, Roman builders created a domed space of immense scale.


The ___________ interior space was designed to house a forty-foot stature of Athena. (woman in Nashville)


A series of arches placed side-by-side forms an arcade. The ____________ is a good example the arch method of construction. (bridge stacked onto of the other)

Roman Aqueduct

Christians adapted the ________________ (government buildings), as the floor plans for its place of worship.

Roman basilica

________________ & carefully recorded those physical details and imperfections that give characters to each person's face this is called __________.

Roman sculptors; versatic

The ____________ (Great Stone House) used dry masonry, located in East Africa is an elliptical structure that gave its name to the country.

The Great Zimbabwe

As a _______, architecture is a physics problem: How does a structure hold up under its own weight and the loads placed on it.


America's Contribution to 20th century architecture was the __________.


One feature that set Gothic architecture apart from Romanesque was the extensive use of ___________.

Stain glass

Much of the worlds major architectures has been constructed of _____ because of its permanence, availability, and beauty.


The first Mesopotamia civilization arose in the southernmost part of the plain in an area called _______.


The ____________ found in Iran from the New Stone Age. We can see the charge in style from naturalism to abstraction in animal forms. (weird shaped beaker)

The "Earthenware Beaker"

The __________ tools enabled our ancestors to gain some control over their relationship to their surroundings.

The 1st Stone tools

This hand-sized cravings of female figures may be the earliest known works of religious art, depicting the Paleolithic image, The _____________, also known as the woman of Willendorf. (wood carvings of woman)

The Great Mother Goddess

The ______________ is among dozen of image painted with charcoal & earth pigments on the cave walls located in South Central France at the Chauvet Cave. (cave paintings of horses & animals)

The Wall Painting of Animal

Scholars long believed that the purpose of the art was related to some sort of ritual in relation to the hunt. New ________ state that the youth were initiated in ceremonies based on symbolic & metaphysical associations with he portrayed animals.


______ is given a second life in handmade objects, because of its individual characteristics visible in the grain of wood long after trees are cut, giving wood vitally not found in other materials. (rocking chairs)


Since the beginning of history, most structures have been made of ______,_______,_______,&________. Each of these natural materials has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Wood, stone, earth, and brick

__________ was one of the most creative and controversial architects. Many of her buildings have remained in the planning stages because they are two radical to be built. She designed the Contemporary Arts Center in Ohio. (different shaped & sized buildings)

Zaha Hadid

The Mesopotamians worshipped nature (wind, fire, etc.) gods in temples set on huge platforms called ___________. The biblical Tower of Babel (pyramid picture)


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