art chapter 15

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-art developed in the vast region conquered by Alexander the Great - Persia, Egypt, and the entire Near East -lasted from 323 to 140 BCE when Greece became of province of Rome -is characterized by excessive, almost theatrical emotion and the use of illusionistic effects to heighten realism.

Archaic period

-spanned roughly 660 to 480 BCE. -growing emphasis on the human figure, which replaced Geometric motifs -important artistic developments during the Archaic period included: -an emphasis on sculptures of the human form, which gradually shifted toward naturalism -the birth of the major forms of Greek architecture -the black figure and red figure style of vase painting.

Early Classical

-the change from the Archaic to the Classical period coincided with the Greek victory over the Persians in 480 BCE. - although Early Classical sculpture developed beyond Archaic stylizations, some of the rigidity of the earlier period remains. Sometimes referred to as the Severe style. -Implied movement was the most significant development in sculptural style (observation of nature)


a philosophy in which knowledge comes from reason rather than from the senses


-Etruscan civilization (Etruria) was the most significant culture in Italy before that of ancient Rome, beginning in about 700 BCE. -the Etruscans borrowed motifs and styles from the art of Greece. -Rome conquered the last of the Etruscans by 88 BCE.

Classical period

-Greek sculpture and architecture reached their height of perfection during the Classical period from 450 to 404 BCE -Greece turned its attention to rebuilding the monuments destroyed during the Persian Wars and advancing art, drama, and music -in Athens, these accomplishments occurred under the leadership of the dynamic statesman Pericles.

Geometric period

-lasted for approx. two centuries from about 900 to 700 BCE. -called because of the predominance of geometric shapes and patterns in works of art. -conceptual representation of the human form.

Late Classical period

-lasted from 404 to 323 BCE, the year of the death of Alexander the Great -brought a more humanistic and naturalistic style, with emphasis on the expression of emotion -the stocky muscularity of the Polykleitan ideal was replaced by a more languid sensuality and graceful proportions.


a constitutional government with a senate of upper-class patricians and an assembly of lower class plebeians

Contropposto pose

a human figure standing with most of its weight on one foot so that its shoulders and arms twist off-axis from the hips and legs.


the representation of forms according to an accepted standard of beauty.


the view that humans are the center of the universe


truth to reality based on a keen observation of nature

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