Art Exam 3

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Which of the following statements was made by Pierre Auguste Renoir, giving us a sense of what his own art signified to him?

"A painting should be something pleasant and cheerful"

What is the literal meaning of the French word "collage"?


In comparing Bellori's concept of the distinction between the earthly and celestial realms to a pair of sandwiches, the point is that the earthly ream is: 1. More like the moldy sandwich 2. More like the un-moldy sandwich

1. More like the moldy sandwich

In his Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors and Architects, Giovanni Pietro Bellori criticizes Caravaggio and his followers for: 1. Not idealizing the figures in their paintings 2. Depicting contorted, muscular nudes 3. Focusing on pagan rather than Christian subjects 4. Making images that violate the Second Commandment

1. Not idealizing the figures in their paintings

The Moulin de la Galette was a social gathering place located in:

The periphery or suburbs of Paris

"Action painting" emphasizes:

The process of making the work of art

The artist, David, never completed the painting for which this study was made, because:

The revolutionaries in the painting turned against one another, and a period of political chaos ensued

The rubber tubes in this painting are a mocking reference to:

The rich cloth drapery used in traditional portraiture

Why was Duchamp's Fountain refused admission at the first exhibition of the 'American Society of Independent Artists'?

The selection committee determined that it was not really a work of art

The disjointed effect created by the collage medium is a reference to which of the following aspects of medical science during the period of World War One?

The use of prosthetic body parts

The grotesque deformity of George Grosz's figure is a response to:

The violence and psychological pain of life in the modern world

Thomas Jefferson was the author of:

The Declaration of Independence

This painting was made for:

A member of the French aristocracy

Briefly describe the way in which the late 19th-century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, and the early 20th-century psychologist Sigmund Freud, can help us understand the particularly modern king of angst or anxiety expressed in Munch's The Scream?

"God is dead" - Nietzsche more secular in belief. Reflected widespread feeling of loss from religion. Those not happy with traditional religious doctrine. No psychological ease from religion. Angst new to the modern period.

Which of these terms is used to refer to the style of "finish" on this painting, which is characterized by visible brushstrokes, quickly applied?


What does Salon de la Princesse mean?

"Room of the Princess"

Which of the following statements was made by Maximillian Robespierre?

"Terror is only justice—prompt, severe term-2and inflexible; it is thus an emanation of virtue"

Which of the following passages did Thomas Jefferson write?

"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."

Which of the following aspects of this painting (The Raising of the Cross) is characteristic of Baroque art? 1. The diagonal arrangement of forms 2. The use of oil paint 3. The minute details and naturalistic depiction of surfaces and textures 4. The twisting, foreshortened muscular nudes

1. The diagonal arrangement of forms

In his Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors and Architects, Giovanni Pietro Bellori compares idealism in art to: 1. The perfection of celestial objects above the moon 2. Michelangelo's nudes 3. A lack of respect for Jesus's humble origins 4. Caravaggio's peasants

1. The perfection of celestial objects above the moon

A second version of this painting (The Inspiration of Saint Matthew) was made because: 1. The priests at the church were opposed the first version 2. The first version was destroyed 3. The first version was a great success, and other patrons commissioned Caravaggio to paint additional versions 4. The first version was too large for the chapel

1. The priests at the church were opposed the first version

Which of the following aspects of this painting (The Raising of the Cross) was likely inspired by Caravaggio? 1. The strong contrast between light and shade 2. The inclusion of a landscape in the background 3. The muscular nude figures 4. The choice of Christian rather than pagan subject matter

1. The strong contrast between light and shade

Who was Maximillian Robespierre?

A radical revolutionary responsible for the execution of moderates

According to Karl van Mander, what reaction do Brueghel's paintings of peasants provoke in the viewer? 1. The viewer will laugh at the peasant's coarse behavior 2. The viewer will disapprove of the fact that the peasants are getting drunk and behaving wildly on a religious holiday 3. The 2 viewer will have pity for the condition of poverty in which the peasants live 4. The viewer will be moved by the peasants' ability to enjoy humble, down-to-earth pleasures

1. The viewer will laugh at the peasant's coarse behavior

ackson Pollock, Autumn Rhythm (number 30)


This work is:

A postcard bought by Duchamp at the giftshop at the Louvre Museum in Paris, to which Duchamp added facial hair and an inscription

These two paintings (The Inspiration of Saint Matthew) were made for: 1. A private chapel in a Roman church 2. The pope's apartment in the Vatican 3. The home of a rich merchant from Milan 4. The headquarters of the Florentine government

1. A private chapel in a Roman church

What does this painting (Judith Beheading Holofernes) have in common with the poster for the newest Star Wars movie? 1. Both are expressions of female agency, because they show a woman in an active rather than a passive role 2. Both were painted in Italy in the seventeenth century, to promote an action film 3. Both depict a female figure being objectified by a male figure 4. Both show the influence of Brueghel

1. Both are expressions of female agency, because they show a woman in an active rather than a passive role

What does this image (Christ Preaching) have in common with Brueghel's Peasant Dance? 1. Both depict poor people in a realistic way 2. Both have strong contrasts between light and shadow 3. Both are strongly influenced by Italian Renaissance painting 4. Both are strongly influenced by Greco-Roman sculpture

1. Both depict poor people in a realistic way

The rotten fruit and dirty fingernails seen in this painting (Bacchus) are a stylistic link to: 1. Brueghel's Peasant Dance 2. Michelangelo's Last Judgment 3. Titian's Bacchanal on the Island of Andros 4. Botticelli's Annunciation

1. Brueghel's Peasant Dance

Compared to the figures in Michelangelo's art, the figures in this painting (Garden of Earthly Delights Triptych) are: 1. Less influenced by classical nudes 2. More influenced by classical nudes 3. Intended to express ideal human proportions 4. Answers 1 & 3 5. Answers 2 & 3

1. Less influenced by classical nudes

In designing the figures who are raising the cross in this painting (The Raising of the Cross), Rubens was inspired by a detail from: 1. Michelangelo's Last Judgment 2. Masaccio's Trinity 3. Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights 4. Titian's Bacchanal on the Island of Andros

1. Michelangelo's Last Judgment

The rotten fruit and dirty fingernails seen in this painting (Bacchus) are examples of: 1. Realism 2. Idealism 3. Classicism 4. Naturalism

1. Realism

This chapel and sculpture (Cornaro Chapel with The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa) are located in: 1. Rome 2. Florence 3. Milan 4. Paris

1. Rome

In comparison to Raphael's School of Athens, Rembrandt's image (Christ Preaching): 1. Shows more realism 2. Shows more influence from ancient Greco-Roman art 3. Is more abstract 4. Is more idealized

1. Shows more realism

The left panel of this triptych (Garden of Earthly Delights Triptych) depicts: 1. The Garden of Eden 2. The terrestrial realm 3. Purgatory 4. Hell

1. The Garden of Eden

The iconography of this (Judith Beheading Holofernes) painting derives from: 1. The Old Testament 2. The New Testament 3. Pagan mythology 4. A description in the writings of Pliny of a lost painting from ancient Greece

1. The Old Testament

Given that the Garden of Earthly Delights Triptych painting is a work of Flemish art, which of the following would you expect to find here? 1. lots of minute detail, and expert depiction of surfaces, and translucent objects 2. lots of nude figures with athletic musculature, based on the art of ancient Greece and Rome

1. lots of minute detail, and expert depiction of surfaces, and translucent objects

George Grosz, A Victim of Society


Marcel Duchamp, L.H.O.O.Q.


Jean-Honoré Fragonard, The Swing


Jacques-Louis David, The Oath of the Horatii


Angelica Kauffman, Cornelia Pointing to Her Children as Her Treasures


Jacques-Louis David, study for the Tennis Court Oath


Claude Monet, Impression: Sunrise


Pierre Auguste Renoir, Dance at the Moulin de la Galette


Edvard Munch, The Scream


Pablo Picasso, Demoiselles D'Avignon


Marcel Duchamp, Fountain


Which of the following passages is found in the Gospel of St. Matthew? 1. "My eyes, desirous of beautiful things, and my soul, likewise, of its salvation, have no other means to rise to heaven but to gaze upon all such things" 2. "Many shall be last who are now first, and many who are now last shall be first" 3. "Noble painters and sculptors, imitating that first maker... correct nature so that she is without fault either of color or of line" 4. Answers 1 & 2 5. Answers 2 & 3

2. "Many shall be last who are now first, and many who are now last shall be first"

Loreto is: 1. A town near Jerusalem 2. A town in Italy 3. The name of this painting's patron 4. The name of the church for which this painting was made

2. A town in Italy

The style of the architecture in this chapel (Comaro Chapel with The Exstasy of Saint Teresa) is: 1. Renaissance 2. Baroque 3. Rococo 4. Neoclassical

2. Baroque

Why might a viewer have found Caravaggio's Bacchus more discomforting, or even scandalous, than Titian's Bacchanal on the Island of Andros? 1. Because Caravaggio's painting was painted earlier, before images of the pagan gods had become acceptable in Italian culture 2. Because Caravaggio does not set his scene in a remote, idealized world of classical myth, but in the realm of real, everyday human life 3. Because Titian's painting depicts a scene from the New Testament, and thus aids the viewer in battling sin and attaining salvation

2. Because Caravaggio does not set his scene in a remote, idealized world of classical myth, but in the realm of real, everyday human life

The artist who made this painting (The Swing) was a student of: 1. Rembrandt 2. Boucher 3. David 4. Kauffman

2. Boucher

The kind of pediment seen above the niche containing the statue (The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa) is called a: 1. Curved pediment 2. Broken pediment 3. Baroque pediment 4. Oval pediment

2. Broken pediment

Rubens is a Northern European artist known for 1. Rejecting the influence of Italian art 2. Combining Italian and Flemish stylistic influences 3. Rejecting the influence of Northern European art 4. Rejecting the influence of ancient Greco-Roman art

2. Combining Italian and Flemish stylistic influences

The artist who made this painting (The Raising of the Cross) was from: 1. Italy 2. Flanders 3. France 4. Spain

2. Flanders

The paintings in this room were made by: 1. Rembrandt 2. François Boucher 3. Jacques-Louis David 4. Angelica Kauffman

2. François Boucher

The artist who made this painting (Christ Preaching) was from: 1. Italy 2. Holland 3. France 4. Spain

2. Holland

Caravaggio was from: 1. Flanders 2. Italy 3. Spain 4. France

2. Italy

Compared to Baroque-style architectural ornament, Rococo ornament is 1. More austere and sober 2. Lighter and more playful 3. Closer to ancient Greco-Roman architecture 4. Italian in origin

2. Lighter and more playful

This building is located in: 1. Rome, Italy 2. Paris, France 3. Antwerp, Belgium 4. Venice, Italy

2. Paris, France

The two figures in the lower right of this painting (Madonna di Loreto) are: 1. Saints paying homage to the Virgin Mary and Christ child 2. Pilgrims adoring the Virgin and Child 3. Peasants offering assistance to a poor woman and her child 4. Jesus's father Joseph and aunt Elizabeth paying homage to the Virgin and Child

2. Pilgrims adoring the Virgin and Child

Bellori criticizes Caravaggio for not learning from and imitating which of the following artists? 1. Brueghel 2. Raphael 3. Michelangelo 4. Bosch

2. Raphael

Compared to Titian's Bacchanal on the Island of Andros, this picture (Peasant Dance) displays more: 1. Naturalism 2. Realism 3. Idealism 4. Classicism

2. Realism

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Baroque art? 1. Drama and intense emotion 2. Stable, symmetrical compositional arrangements 3. Scenes strongly lit by light emanating from a single, discernable direction 4. Compositional arrangements dominated by strong diagonal elements

2. Stable, symmetrical compositional arrangements

Caravaggio's technique of using a strong light source which casts dark shadows over much of the painting (Madonna di Loreto) is called 1. Sfumato 2. Tenebrism 3. Modeling 4. Spotlighting

2. Tenebrism

The Rococo style in art and architecture is associated with: 1. The French peasant class 2. The French aristocracy 3. French philosophes 4. French revolutionaries

2. The French aristocracy

The social and ethical values signified by this painting (The Toilet of Venus) are most closely associated with which of the following? 1. The French peasant class 2. The French aristocracy 3. French philosophes 4. French revolutionaries

2. The French aristocracy

Which ancient statue inspired Rubens' depiction of Christ in this painting (The Raising of the Cross)? 1. Polykleitos's Doryphorus 2. The Laocoon Group 3. Praxiteles' Aphrodite of Knidos 4. The Athena Nike

2. The Laocoon Group

The Garden of Earthly Delights painting was made by an artist from: 1. Italy 2. The Netherlands 3. Greece 4. Germany

2. The Netherlands

What aspect of Brueghel's painting suggests that he empathized with the peasants who are the subjects of this painting? 1. The fact that the peasants look funny, and the viewer is inclined to laugh at them 2. The fact Brueghel shows some of the peasants interacting in tender, loving way toward each other, making the best they can of a tough life 3. The fact that some of the peasants are shown getting drunk and arguing, rather than observing the religious holiday in a more decorous way

2. The fact Brueghel shows some of the peasants interacting in tender, loving way toward each other, making the best they can of a tough life

Which of the following aspects of this painting (The Raising of the Cross) was likely inspired by Flemish art? 1. The strong contrast between light and shade 2. The minute details and naturalistic depiction of surfaces and textures 3. The twisting, foreshortened muscular nudes 4. The diagonal arrangement of forms

2. The minute details and naturalistic depiction of surfaces and textures

The artist who painted this was:

A revolutionary during the French revolution

Rembrandt left the figures on the left side of this image (Christ Preaching) unfinished—why? 1. He died before the work was completed, leaving it in an unfinished state 2. To demonstrate his etching technique and make the image more "collectable" 3. He abandoned work on the image when his patron failed to pay him 4. As a protest against the privileges of the upper class

2. To demonstrate his etching technique and make the image more "collectable"

In comparing Caravaggio's two versions of this painting (The Inspiration of Saint Matthew) to a set of guidelines for professionalism in job interviews, the point is that: 1. Caravaggio never had to interview for a job, because the job interview had not yet been invented 2. When Caravaggio painted the first version of the painting, he broke a code of decorum for proper depiction of religious subjects, similar to the code of decorum that applied to job interview etiquette. 3. When Caravaggio first applied for his job, he was dressed in rags and hadn't showered for days, which gave he and his art a bad reputation

2. When Caravaggio painted the first version of the painting, he broke a code of decorum for proper depiction of religious subjects, similar to the code of decorum that applied to job interview etiquette.

This scene (The Swing) takes place in: 1. A village square 2. A forest 3. A garden 4. A field of crops

3. A garden

The subject of this painting (Peasant Dance) is: 1. A group of traveling musicians 2. A mythological drinking party in honor of the god Bacchus 3. A group of peasants dancing and drinking at a festival 4. A party held by Bruegel's patron, the merchant Hans Frankert

3. A group of peasants dancing and drinking at a festival

This painting (The Swing) was made for: 1. A wealthy Parisian merchant 2. The queen of France 3. A member of the French aristocracy 4. A wealthy French artist

3. A member of the French aristocracy

This room belonged to: 1. A wealthy Parisian merchant 2. The queen of France 3. A member of the French aristocracy 4. A wealthy French artist

3. A member of the French aristocracy

The artist who painted this (The Toilet of Venus) was: 1. A member of the French royal family 2. A wealthy aristocrat and amateur painter 3. A professor of painting at the French Royal Academy of Painting 4. A revolutionary during the French revolution

3. A professor of painting at the French Royal Academy of Painting

This painting (Judith Beheading Holofernes) belongs to which art-historical category? 1. Gothic 2. Renaissance 3. Baroque 4. Romanticist

3. Baroque??

What does this painting (The Inspiration of Saint Matthew) have in common with Jan van Eyck's Ghent Altarpiece? 1. Both are triptychs 2. Both were made by an Italian artist 3. Both are altarpieces 4. Both depict the fons vitae

3. Both are altarpieces

The touches of realism in this painting (Madonna di Loreto) link it to: 1. Raphael's School of Athens 2. Botticelli's Annunciation 3. Campin's Annunciation 4. Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling

3. Campin's Annunciation

Which of the following terms refers to "the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another person"? 1. Pathos 2. Penitence 3. Empathy 4. Comedy

3. Empathy

This work (Christ Preaching) is an example of which kind of print? 1. Woodblock 2. Engraving 3. Etching

3. Etching

The center panel of this triptych (Garden of Earthly Delights Triptych) represents: 1. The "solution" to the problem of Original Sin 2. Souls that have received salvation and are now in paradise 3. Human pursuit of bodily pleasure in the Earthly realm 4. Human souls in Purgatory being cleansed of sin in preparation for entrance into Paradise

3. Human pursuit of bodily pleasure in the Earthly realm

Which of the following are depicted in carved balconies on either side of this chapel(Camaro Chapel with The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa)? 1. Martyr saints 2. Allegorical figures representing Christian virtues 3. Members of the family that owned the chapel 4. Jesus's apostles

3. Members of the family that owned the chapel

The style of the architecture in this room is: 1. Renaissance 2. Baroque 3. Rococo 4. Neoclassical

3. Rococo

What is the style of the couch on which the figure in this painting (The Toilet of Venus) is seated? 1. Renaissance 2. Baroque 3. Rococo 4. Neoclassical

3. Rococo

What does the panel on the right side of this painting (Garden of Earthly Delights Triptych) have in common with the depiction of Hell in Giotto's Last Judgment? 1. Style 2. Medium 3. Subject matter 4. The artist's country of origin

3. Subject matter

The theme of humorous, mischievous eroticism is a characteristic that this painting (The Swing) shares with: 1. Brueghel's Peasant Dance 2. Rembrandt's Christ Preaching 3. The Hellenistic Greek Aphrodite, Pan and Eros 4. David's Oath of the Horatii

3. The Hellenistic Greek Aphrodite, Pan and Eros

The young man in the bottom left of this picture (The Swing) is: 1. The gardener 2. The husband of the woman on the swing 3. The lover of the woman on the swing 4. The brother of the woman on the swing

3. The lover of the woman on the swing

This painting (The Toilet of Venus) was made for the dressing room of: 1. The King of France 2. The Queen of France 3. The mistress of the King of France 4. A corrupt priest

3. The mistress of the King of France

The subject of the work (The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa) is: 1. The Annunciation 2. The death of the Virgin Mary 3. The mystical experience of a female saint 4. The martyrdom of a female saint

3. The mystical experience of a female saint

Which of the following shapes is characteristic of Baroque design and ornamentation? 1. The circle 2. The square 3. The oval 4. The triangle

3. The oval

Fragonard's The Swing, like most works of French Rococo art, was made for:

A member of the French aristocracy

The Salon de la Princesse belonged to:

A member of the French aristocracy

The first version of this painting (The Inspiration of Saint Matthew) can be seen only in a black and white photograph because: 1. The painting was destroyed by an amateur restorer attempting to clean it 2. Caravaggio experimented with a new painting technique, which eventually caused the painting to disintegrate 3. The painting was destroyed by bombing during World War II 4. The current owners of the painting won a copyright case, and no new photos can be used without their permission

3. The painting was destroyed by bombing during World War II

Which of the following characteristics of this work (Christ Preaching) suggest Rembrandt's empathetic character? 1. The strong tenebrism 2. The fact that the work is an etching, as opposed to a woodblock print or an engraving 3. The sensitivity with which he depicts the poor and the sick gathered around Christ 4. The fact that he left part of the work unfinished

3. The sensitivity with which he depicts the poor and the sick gathered around Christ

Iconographically, this painting (Bacchus) is most closely related to: 1. Jan van Eyck's Ghent Altarpiece 2. Michelangelo's Last Judgment 3. Titian's Bacchanal on the Island of Andros 4. Botticelli's Annunciation

3. Titian's Bacchanal on the Island of Andros

The feminist historians Griselda Pollock and Mary Garrard disagree as to: 1. Whether Artemisia Gentileschi's Judith Beheading Holofernes was actually painted by Artemisia 2. Whether Artemisia Gentileschi should be regarded as a victim of sexism 3. Whether Artemisia's gender and sexual history should influence interpretations of her art 4. Whether Artemesia was raped by another artist

3. Whether Artemisia's gender and sexual history should influence interpretations of her art

The figure in the shadows in the lower right of this painting (The Swing) was originally intended to be: 1. A peasant 2. Venus 3. Cupid 4. A priest

4. A priest

The figure of Bacchus in this painting seems to be modeled on: 1. An ancient Greek statue that was especially revered for its beauty 2. A figure from Michelangelo's Last Judgment, which set the standard of excellence for the male nude 3. A formula for ideal human proportions devised by Leonardo da Vinci 4. A young man that Caravaggio met on the street, and dressed up as Bacchus in his painting studio

4. A young man that Caravaggio met on the street, and dressed up as Bacchus in his painting studio

Which of the following does Joachim von Sandrart say in his biography of Rembrandt? 1. Rembrandt did not travel to Italy to study Italian art 2. Rembrandt did not study ancient Greco-Roman art 3. Rembrandt refused to associate with members of the lower classes 4. Answers 1 & 2 5. Answers 2 & 3

4. Answers 1 & 2

This painting (The Raising of the Cross) is an altarpiece for a church in: 1. Rome 2. Paris 3. Florence 4. Antwerp

4. Antwerp

The Garden of Earthly Delights Triptych was created in Flanders at the same moment which of the following paintings was being executed in Italy? 1. Masaccio's Trinity 2. Donatello's bronze David 3. Botticelli's Birth of Venus 4. Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling

4. Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling

The medium of this work (Christ Preaching) is: 1. Painting 2. Drawing 3. Watercolor 4. Print

4. Print

Which of the following is characteristic of Rococo iconography? 1. Religious subjects 2. Subjects imbued with moral severity 3. Current political events 4. Scenes of aristocratic luxury

4. Scenes of aristocratic luxury

This painting (Peasant Dance) is an example of: 1. Fifteenth-century Italian art 2. Fifteenth-century Flemish art 3. Sixteenth-century Italian art 4. Sixteenth-Century Flemish art

4. Sixteenth-Century Flemish art

The subject of this painting (The Inspiration of Saint Matthew) is: 1. St. Matthew learning to read 2. St. Matthew writing a letter to Jesus 3. St. Matthew teaching an angel to read 4. St. Matthew writing the Gospel of St. Matthew

4. St. Matthew writing the Gospel of St. Matthew

What technique associated with Caravaggio does this painting (Judith Beheading Holofernes) make use of? 1. Linear perspective 2. Sfumato 3. mosaic 4. Tenebrism

4. Tenebrism

With which eighteenth-century socio-cultural group is Rococo art associated? 1. The unemployed French poor 2. The French working class 3. The French middle class 4. The French aristocracy

4. The French aristocracy

In the first version of this painting (The Inspiration of Saint Matthew), the face of St. Matthew most closely resembles: 1. The face of the pharaoh Menkaure 2. The facial type of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ignudi 3. The face of Polykleitos's Doryphorus 4. The face of the bagpipe-playing peasant in Brueghel's Peasant Dance

4. The face of the bagpipe-playing peasant in Brueghel's Peasant Dance

The scene of this painting, like that of many Rococo works, takes place in:

A garden

In French, the term hotel means:

A large, opulent town house, usually belonging to an aristocrat

The artist who painted this was:

A member of the British Royal Academy of Arts

The inscription "L.H.O.O.Q." on this image refers to:

A vulgar French expression with sexual connotations

The artist who "made" this work is most closely associated with which artistic movement?

Abstract Expressionism

This painting is an example of:

Abstract Expressionism

The Impressionist movement marks a turn in modern art toward:


At the start of this lecture, I outline three common characteristics of modern art. What are those three characteristics?

Abstraction: most distinctive, consistent stylistic feature of modern art is the death of naturalism/idealism as dominant artistic values and a return to abstraction Transgressive art: modernist artists often have socially/morally politically subversive intentions "Art about art": modernist works often refer, explicitly or implicitly to artistic tradition to the nature of art itself

Which change began to occur in Europe and American in the decades leading up to the French and American revolutions?

An influential group of people stopped being primarily concerned with getting to heaven and started to focus on how to improve life on earth through political and scientific progress

The late eighteenth-century artistic movement known as Neo-classicism takes which of the following as its source for artistic subject matter and style?

Ancient Greco-Roman art

The artist who made this painting was:


The subject of this picture comes from:

An event that took place in France shortly before the picture was made

The architecture in the background of this scene can best be described as:


What are the three main principles of Bauhaus design, as outlined by the movement's founder?

Avoid all romantic embellishment and whimsy Restrict forms and colors to what is universally intelligible Economize in use of space, material, time, and money

What does this painting have in common with Artemisia Gentileschi's Judith Beheading Holofernes?

Both have subject matter derived from Greco-Roman antiquity. Both depict a woman who displays a type of agency more commonly associated with male figures. Both were painted by a female artist who was a member of an art academy

The artist who made this painting was a student of:


The moral values represented by the woman holding the gold chain on the far right of this picture can be identified with the values represented in which of the following works?

Boucher's The Toilet of Venus

Which of the following paintings from your image list represents the artistic tradition that Picasso's Demoiselles D'Avignon is most clearly subverting?

Boucher's Venus at Her Toilet

Which of the following was NOT a main artistic interest of the Impressionists?

Capturing the effects of light

Thomas Jefferson, Monticello

Charlottesville, Virginia, 1770-1806

Which of the following did Neo-classical architects like Jefferson believe was expressed in the architectural style of a building like Monticello?

Commitment to democratic values and civic responsibility

This painting belongs to the early twentieth-century art movement known as Dada. What concern or ideology underlies the art of the Dada movement?

Conceived as a protest against the logic and values of modern capitalist society, particularly the horrors of World War 1. Counter ideals of capitalism and disapproving of their effects on life.

This work is an early example of:


Walter Gropius, Bauhaus Building

Dessau, Germany, 1926

The women in this picture:

Display less agency than the male figures

Which of the following artists was a Post-Impressionist?

Edvard Munch

The ideal of duty and sacrifice embodied by the young men in this picture can be contrasted with the pleasure-seeking frivolity of the young man in:

Fragonard's The Swing

The Impressionist movement began in:


The paintings in this room were made by:

François Boucher

The Bauhaus aimed at producing:

Functional objects suitable for mass production

The architecture in the background of this scene is in which style?


Depictions of human life in Impressionist art tends to be characterized by which emotion?


Compared to Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, the Bauhaus building:

Has less ornamental decoration

Duchamp coined the term "Ready-made" to describe a work of art that:

Involves taking an everyday object, and offering it to the public as a work of art

Grosz's use of pieces cut out from advertisements in newspapers and magazines reflect:

His negative view of the effects of consumerism and marketing

Explain the meaning of the following pictorial elements In relation to the overall moral lesson of Kauffman's painting:

I. The figures' body language: Cornelia is gesturing to her children as her treasures rather than material aspects of her life. II. The color of the figures' clothing: Cornelias way of raising the boys in the proper way has created a transformation. Transformed in the contraposto pose. Moral purity vs moral decadence. III. The object in the basket next to Cornelia, in relation to the jewel's held by the woman on the right: Distaff used to spin wool, used in neoclassical art as a symbol of female virtue.

Explain the iconographic meaning of:

I. The gesture of the three young men on the left: Indicating the central principles, make them seem as they are one three headed creature, latin principle of 'E Pluribus Unum', embodiment of many II. The plow in the background of this picture, directly beneath the swords: Drawing from history of Roman literature and political values, the most noble thing in Roman culture, symbolism of virtue and honest work when not called to take up arms III. The distaff on the ground next to the women: Object symbolizes female industries and virtue, similar to

Which of the following does Impressionist art share with other art in the Modern period, representing a break with academic artistic tradition?

Impressionist art is executed in such a way as to draw attention to the medium in which it is made

In what regard can Pollock's Autumn Rhythm be regarded as a liberation from conventional artistic practice, going back to the time of Ancient Egypt?

It focuses on the natural order.

Adolf Hitler objected to modern art, including the Bauhaus movement, because:

It was not sufficiently nationalistic.

What aspect of the passage from the Declaration of Independence discussed in lecture is characteristic of the Enlightenment, and the ideals of the 18th-century philosophes?

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Compared to Baroque-style architectural ornament, Rococo ornament is:

Lighter and more playful

Explain the iconography of this painting, and what makes its theme typical of Rococo art:

Material luxury, psychological luxury, eroticism, garden theme. Conflict of fun vs. civic duty of life.

Which of the following people is depicted in this image?

Maximillian Robespierre

Typical of Impressionist art, and indicative of its modernism, Renoir's painting depicts:

Members of the French middle class

This work is a satirical critique of:

Mindless adulation of the artistic tradition as represented by the artists of the Renaissance

Compared to Rococo architectural ornament, Neo-classical ornament is:

More austere and sober

Compared to the setting of Boucher's Toilet of Venus, the setting of this painting is:

More austere and sober

Which of the following stylistic qualities does Picasso's Demoiselles D'Avignon undermine?

Naturalistic perspective in the depiction of space. Ideal proportions in the depiction of the body. A crisply detailed, "licked" painting surface

In what way does the Neoclassical architecture of the late 1700s differ from the revival of classical architecture that took place in the 1400s, during the Renaissance?

Neoclassical buildings stand for political and moral ideals specific to the 18th century, which had not yet emerged during the Renaissance

This work is an example of:


The artist who made this painting was from:


At the meeting shown in this picture, a group of Frenchmen swore an oath:

Not to disband until the French king accepted a constitutional government

After World War II, the center of the art world in the West moved from:

Paris to New York

The Salon de la Princesse is a room in a building located in which city?

Paris, France

Germain Boffrand, Salon de la Princesse, Hotel de Soubise

Paris, c.1740

The original title of this painting was:

Philosophical Brothel

How does the abstraction of Picasso's painting differ from that of ancient Egyptian art?

Picasso developed his abstract style as an aggressive attack against recent artistic tradition, while Egyptian abstraction was used to denote high social status

What does Pollock's Autumn Rhythm have in common with the art of the Impressionists, and of Rembrandt?

Pollock's 'facture' leaves a visual trace of the physical movements the artist made in creating the work

Thomas Jefferson created a version of the Christian Bible which omits:

References to supernatural phenomena and to Jesus's divinity

The "painterly" facture of this work links it to the art of:


The style of the architecture in this room is:


The two boys on the left of this painting—Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus—grew up to be:

Roman officials who attempted to redistribute wealth from wealthy patricians to impoverished plebeians

Briefly describe what we learn by comparing the terms that André Salmon used to describe the making of Picasso's Demoiselles D'Avignon and the terms that Joachim von Sandrart used two centuries earlier in his criticism of Rembrandt:

Sandrart on Rembrant c. 1670 praiseworthy artist must: visit Italy, study classical statues, study art theory, abide by the 'rules of art', study anatomy and the proportions of the human body, study Raphael's drawing, paint clean outlines, avoid the lower orders Andres Salmon on Picasso's Demoiselles D'Avignon, 1912: figures 'crudely drawn', faces are 'devoid of all humanity', Picasso 'attacked the faces and the nudes', chose 'uncivilized' artists as guides, outside the 'laws of academicism and the anatomical system', Picasso had 'no concern with grace', Picasso driven by 'tragic curiosity'

The humorous, mischievous eroticism of this painting is a characteristic that The Swing shares with:

The Hellenistic Greek Aphrodite, Pan and Eros

Which of the following was NOT typical subject matter for Impressionist art?

Scenes from the Christian Bible

Bauhaus design principles were applied in the development of new type fonts. What does the French term sans serif mean, and how does the sans serif type font conform to Bauhaus principles?

Serif is little loops/tails coming off of letters at end. Decorative and variation of thick/thin. Attempt to give look of handwritten letters.

The artist who made this painting was from:


What does the art critic Clement Greenberg mean where he says that "Naturalistic, illusionist art had dissembled the medium"?

That during the pre-modern period, abstraction was the primary artistic goal, and that this continued into the modern period

Which of the following domed structures does Jefferson's Monticello most closely resemble?

The Duomo of Florence

In what sense does the art of Renoir and other nineteenth-century Impressionists treat the "limitations that constitute the medium of painting... as positive factors that are to be acknowledged openly"?

The Impressionists painted with a style that makes it evident that the painting is made of paint

Which of the following structures does the portico of Jefferson's Monticello most closely resemble?

The Parthenon, in Greece

The subject of this work is:

The anxiety of modern life

In pose and facial features, which of Cornelia's children is closest in appearance to Polykleitos's Doryphorus?

The boy in gold standing second from left

The difference in body language between the two boys on the left of this painting signifies:

The civilizing effect of a good education and principled upbringing

This painting is:

The first work of "Impressionist" art

The subject of this picture comes from:

The history of ancient Rome

How do you know that the portrait bust in the photo above is a work of Modern Art?

There are tool marks visible on its surface, calling attention to the process of its creation

On which of the following grounds were the Impressionists criticized?

They broke with the academic tradition of naturalism and the "licked" finish

Which of the following is true about Post-Impressionist artists like Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gaugin and Edvard Munch?

They continued the push toward abstraction, while giving an unsettling aura to their paintings that departed from the generally pleasant mood of Impressionism

In which regard is the style of this image different from the characteristic style of Impressionist art?

This work has a "painterly" surface, which Impressionist works typically do not. This work departs from the experimental, non-naturalistic use of color that typifies Impressionist art. This work shows a degree of abstraction in bodily proportions and spatial perspective not seen in Impressionist paintings

The German Bauhaus, or "School of Building" was founded by:

Walter Gropius

"Ready-made" art was subversive because it offered as a work of art an object that:

Was not physically made by the artist, and hence showed no artistic skill

Question on reading 6.4: The type of criticism that von Sandrart makes of Rembrandt's art is closest to: a. The criticisms that Giovanni Pietro Bellori made of Caravaggio's art b. The criticisms that Pietro Aretino made of Michelangelo's Last Judgment c. The criticisms that Girolamo Savonarola made of art in late fifteenth-century Florence d. The criticisms that Gregory the Great made against an iconoclastic bishop in France

a. the criticisms that Giovanni Pietro Bellori made of Caravaggio's art

The word "Moulin" in French means:


Which of the following statements from reading 6.3 comes closes to articulating the concept of the "construction of gender" that we discussed in connection with reading 1.4, "Sappho in Attic Vase Painting"? a. "the definitive assignment of sex roles in history has created fundamental differences between the sexes in their perception, experience and expectations of the world" b. "The [subject] of Judith and Holofernes was highly popular at the time with artists and patrons alike" c. "Women artists in history are now being rediscovered in increasing numbers" d. "women have been as talented as men in learning the common denominators of style and the expression in specific culture

a. "the definitive assignment of sex roles in history has created fundamental differences between the sexes in their perception, experience and expectations of the world"

Which of the following artists is a Caravaggista? a. Artemisia Gentileschi b. Raphael c. Michelangelo d. Rubens

a. Artemisia Gentileschi

Question on reading 7.3: What is the main lesson or moral of the poem that Bryant dedicated to Cole before Cole's departure for Europe? a. Bryant wants Cole to enjoy and be moved by the "artificial" European environment, but not to lose the spirit that the American wilderness has instilled in him b. Bryant wants Cole to use his American style of art, and the virtues imbued in that art, to influence European culture and politics c. Bryant wants Cole to remain in the United States, so as not to corrupt his American identity with European influences d. Bryant wants Cole to take advantage of the superior art culture of Europe in order to refine his painting style

a. Bryant wants Cole to enjoy and be moved by the "artificial" European environment, but not to lose the spirit that the American wilderness has instilled in him

Which of the following is NOT true about last week's readings? a. In reading 7.3, the nineteenth-century American poet William Cullen Bryant argues that American art would be improved if American painters spent more time studying art in Europe b. In reading 7.2, Linda Nochlin argues that Nineteenth-century French "Orientalist" paintings are significant for what they say about European attitudes toward the Middle East c. In reading 7.1, Theodore Gericault expresses frustration over the fact that journalists politicize works of art

a. In reading 7.3, the nineteenth-century American poet WIlliam Cullen Bryant argues that American art would be improved if American painters spent more time studying art in Europe

Question on reading 6.3: In this reading, two art historians comment on an interesting question: should the fact that an artist is a woman influence the way we look at and interpret her art? Which of the two historians seems to be taking the position, "no, that fact should not influence us"? a. Mary Garrard b. Griselda Pollock

a. Mary Garrard

Which of the authors from the previous reading (Reading #5) referred to physical beauty as a "means to rise to heaven"? a. Michelangelo b. Gilio c. Vasari d. Aretino

a. Michelangelo

Question on reading 8.2: Which of the two paintings below better exhibits "flatness" in the sense of the term that Greenberg uses? a. Painting A (Book of Kells) b. Painting B (Annunciation of Christ - Botticelli)

a. Painting A

Question on reading 8.1: Why, according to Salmon, did Picasso "choose uncivilized artists as his guides"? a. Picasso believed that the art of "uncivilized artists" expresses something essential about the world that is missing in conventional Western art b. Picasso had a passion for exoticism, which led him to study and even imitate non-Western artists c. Mirroring Karl van Mander's comments on Brughel's relationship to peasants, Salmon sees Picasso's painting as making a humorous satire on coarse, "uncivilized" people d. Picasso's popularity was diminishing, so he decided to imitate the "uncivilized artists" as a way to shock viewers and attract attention to his art

a. Picasso believed that the art of "uncivilized artists" expresses something essential about the world that is missing in conventional Western art

Question on reading 6.2: Why did the priests at the church of San Luigi dei Francesi remove an altarpiece by Caravaggio from their church? a. Because they considered the saint's pose to be rude and inappropriate b. Because the price Caravaggio demanded was not the one they had earlier agreed upon c. Because the painting was too large to fit over the altar for which it was to serve as an altarpiece

a. because they considered the saint's pose to be rude and inappropriate

Question on reading 6.2: What thematic connection is there between Bellori's comments and those by van Mander in Reading 6.1? a. Both take a low, uncomplimentary view of the "common people" b. Both explicitly praise Flemish art over Italian art c. Both valorize the "common people," as Jesus had in the Sermon on the Mount d. Both explicitly praise Italian art over Flemish ar

a. both take a low, uncomplimentary view of the "common people"

What term do we use for art that depicts objects in an imperfect, worn out, blemished, scarred or tarnished state? a. realism b. naturalism c. idealism d. abstraction

a. realism

Question on reading 7.3: In the eulogy Bryant wrote for Cole, what point is Bryant trying to convey by comparing Cole's landscape paintings to the work of the German painter Johann Friedrich Overbeck? a. That, like Overbeck's paintings, Cole's landscapes are religious and moral, but in a less restricted and tradition-bound way b. That Cole's landscapes convey the same spiritual message conveyed by the landscapes that appear in Overbeck's paintings c. That the moral significance of Cole's landscapes would be enhanced and made clearer by the inclusion of religious narratives from the Bible d. That Cole's landscapes signify the triumph of secularism over the discredited religious beliefs represented in Overbeck's paintings

a. that, like Overbeck's paintings, Cole's landscapes are religious and moral, but in a less restricted and tradition-bound way

Question on reading 7.2: Linda Nochlin begins her essay by criticizing a museum exhibition of Orientalist paintings that took place in 1982, shortly before she wrote her essay. Which of the following is among the faults she finds in this exhibition? a. The exhibition did not take account of the political and ideological dimension of the works it exhibited b. The exhibition did not place sufficient focus on the aesthetic qualities and painting technique of the works it exhibited c. The exhibition excluded the work of Realist painters, such as Gustave Courbet d. The curators of the exhibition refused to display certain works by Delacroix and Gérôme that some museum visitors might have found morally reprehensible or offensive

a. the exhibition did not take account of the political and ideological dimension of the works it exhibited

Question on reading 8.2: Why does Greenberg say "flatness" was so important to modern painters? a. The modernists wanted to create a kind of painting that focuses on the characteristic that is most unique to painting, and distinguishes it from other artistic mediums, especially sculpture b. The modernists no longer believed that paintings should include narrative or literary subjects c. The modernists no longer wanted to invest the years of study required to produce highly naturalistic paintings, preferring to give free range to their untrained inspiration d. The modernists wanted to make paintings that looked different from the art of earlier eras, because they believed that the values and world-view of those earlier eras were no longer valid

a. the modernists wanted to create a kind of painting that focuses on the characteristic that is most unique to painting, and distinguishes it from other artistic mediums, especially sculpture

Question on reading 6.1: In which of the following works of art did we identify a comical or humorous intent on the part of the artist? a. the School of Athens b. Aphrodite, Pan, Eros c. Laocoon d. Christ the Pantocrator

b. Aphrodite, Pan, Eros

Which sequence of pairings below correctly matches the artist with the artistic style or movement to which they belonged? a. Boucher - Rococo; David - Neoclassicism; Fragonard - Romanticism b. Boffrand - Rococo; Jefferson - Neoclassicism; Gericault - Romanticism c. Fragonard - Rococo; Delacroix - Neoclassicism; David - Romanticism d. David - Rococo; Kauffman - Neoclassicism; Gericault - Romanticism

b. Boffrand - Rococo; Jefferson - Neoclassicism; Gericault - Romanticism

Which of the following artists played a direct role in the French Revolution? a. Gericault b. David c. Kauffman d. Gérôme

b. David

Question on reading 8.1: Salmon compares Picasso's Demoiselles D'Avignon to a work by an artist we studied a few weeks ago. Who is that artist? a. Michelangelo b. Leonardo da Vinci c. Raphael d. Rubens

b. Leonardo da Vinci

Which of the following is one of the High Renaissance artists who achieved the style of harmonious, balanced, ideal beauty that Giorgio Vasari praised as constituting the perfection of art in the 'third age' of Italian painting? a. Giotto b. Raphael c. Masaccio d. Jan van Eyck

b. Raphael

In your readings from last week, which artist was scorned for not traveling to Italy to study art theory, antique statues, and the drawings of Raphael? a. Bosch b. Rembrandt c. Rubens d. Bruegel

b. Rembrandt

Question on reading 8.1: What verb does Salmon use when discussing the changes that Picasso made to the figures in the painting? a. correct b. attack c. adjust d. modify

b. attack

Question on reading 6.1: Which of the following aspects of identity is a theme in this passage? a. race/ethnicity b. social/economic class c. gender/sexuality d. religious belief

b. social/economic class

Question on reading 7.1: On the basis of what he writes in this passage, with which group does Géricault seem to sympathize? a. The officials of the Ministry of the Navy b. The people who were set adrift on the raft c. The Liberals who champion painting as a symbol of patriotism d. The journalists who politicize the significance of his painting

b. the people set adrift on the raft

Question on reading 6.2: Which part of the universe does Bellori seem to admire most? a. the sublunar zone b. the supralunar zone c. the zone beneath the earth's crust d. black holes and stellar nebulae

b. the supralunar zone

Question on reading 6.2: What do Bellori's references to the nature of the cosmos have to do with art? a. Bellori thinks that it is inappropriate for artists to depict celestial objects, such as planets or stars, because the heavens are the realm of the divine, and the Old Testament prohibits "idols" depicting God b. Bellori thinks that artists should also pursue the study of astronomy, since they have such highly developed skills of physical observation c. Bellori thinks that artists should imitate the perfect, eternally constant and unchanging quality that he believed was characteristic of objects in what we would now call "outer space" d. Bellori thinks that artists should paint figures and other objects with blemishes and deformities, since the Greek philosopher Democritus proved that everything is made of random, changing arrangements of atoms

c. Bellori thinks that artists should imitate the perfect, eternally constant and unchanging quality that he believed was characteristic of objects in what we would now call "outer space"

Question on reading 6.1: The artist referred to in this passage was: a. Italian b. Spanish c. Flemish d. Greek

c. Flemish

Question on reading 6.4: Which of the following is NOT among the things that von Sandrart identifies as weaknesses in Rembrandt's preparation and training as an artist? a. Rembrandt never studied the works of Raphael b. Rembrandt never studied ancient Greco-Roman art c. Rembrandt never traveled to Flanders d. Rembrandt never traveled to Italy

c. Rembrandt never traveled to Flanders

If one of the artists below were to paint a scene with a vase or some ceramic tiles in it, which artist would be most likely to paint a vase or tile that is chipped or cracked? a. Sandro Botticelli b. Michelangelo c. Robert Campin d. Raphael

c. Robert Campin

Which of these Northern European artists is known for having combined Italian artistic trends with Flemish ones, to create a broadly encompassing stylistic "synthesis"? a. Bruegel b. Rembrandt c. Rubens d. Bosch

c. Rubens

What was it about Theodore Gericault's The Raft of the "Medusa" that caused controversy when the painting was shown at the Salon (annual art exhibition) of 1819? a. The style of the work broke with the rules of naturalistic academic painting, and was thus seen as an affront to established artistic ideals b. The style of the work was regarded as a slavish, unimaginative imitation of the art of earlier masters, like Michelangelo and Caravaggio, who were now out of fashion c. The subject of the work was considered politically inflammatory, because it dealt with a tragedy for which the government and privileged classes in French society were blamed d. The subject of the work was considered to lack any moral message, functioning only to indulge a morbid fascination with violence

c. The subject of the work was considered politically inflammatory, because it dealt with a tragedy for which the government and privileged classes in French society were blamed

Question on reading 7.2: How does Nochlin interpret the cracked tiles in Gérôme's Snake Charmer? a. They represent a factual inaccuracy, as the type of tiles that appear in the painting were never used in the construction of mosques, and would have been considered impious b. They represent the physical devastation inflicted by Western colonial powers on the religious buildings and monuments of the Middle East c. They are symptomatic of a Western assumption that people in the Middle Eastern world are corrupt and idle, and by implication unable to keep their buildings in good repair d. They represent a stylistic link to European painting tradition, and therefor they represent an imposition of the Western tradition on Middle Eastern culture

c. They are symptomatic of a Western assumption that people in the Middle Eastern world are corrupt and idle, and by implication unable to keep their buildings in good repair

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Romanticism? a. A revival of interest in Gothic architecture b. Paintings depicting subjects derived from non-Western cultures c. A revival of interest in Greco-Roman architecture d. Paintings with scenes of violent natural forces, like storms

c. a revival of interest in Greco-Roman architecture

Which of the following print-making techniques involves covering a copper plate with wax, incising lines into the wax, then using acid to "bite" grooves into the exposed copper surface? a. woodcut b. engraving c. etching

c. etching

Question on reading 8.1: On the basis of the article you read by Linda Nochlin (reading 7.2), which aspect of Salmon's discussion would likely interest Nochlin most? a. Picasso's particular choice of color combinations, "composing his palette of pinks, whites, and grays" b. The way Picasso chose to reject the "laws of academicism and the anatomical system" c. The notion that "Polynesian or African images" appeared "sensible" to Picasso d. Picasso's rejection of conventional standards of beauty and "grace" in art

c. the notion that "Polynesian or African images" appeared "sensible" to Picasso

Question on reading 6.2: Which of the following is NOT one of the criticisms, stated or implied, that Bellori makes against Caravaggio and his followers? a. Rather than taking the paintings of Raphael and works of ancient art as their guides, Caravaggio and his followers use ordinary people that they meet on the street as their models b. Caravaggio and his followers make paintings that are very dark c. Caravaggio and his followers tend to depict objects in a worn-out state, rather than in pristine condition d. Caravaggio and his followers are hypocrites, because they regarded nudes as indecent, when in fact it is their own corrupt minds that make them perceive indecency

d. Caravaggio and his followers are hypocrites, because they regarded nudes as indecent, when in fact it is their own corrupt minds that make them perceive indecency

Question on reading 8.2: Which of the following is NOT a quality that Greenberg attributes to Modernist painting? a. Modernist painting calls attention to painting's limitations, and to essential qualities that distinguish painting from other artistic mediums b. Modernist painting is essentially personal rather than theoretical c. Modernist painting rejects the naturalism that characterized the traditional style of the "Old Masters" d. Modernist painting, though radically different in style and goals from earlier art, shares with earlier artistic traditions its strict adherence to a theoretical, rule-based system

d. Modernist painting, though radically different in style and goals from earlier art, shares with earlier artistic traditions its strict adherence to a theoretical, rule-based system

Question on reading 7.2: Which of the following aspects of Gérôme's The Snake Charmer is NOT among those which Nochlin points out in making her argument that the painting exemplifies Edward Said's concept of 'Orientalism'? a. The absence of reference to efforts that were being made to modernize the Middle East in the 19th century b. The absence of any reference to the presence of Westerners in the Middle Eastern world c. The fact that the viewer is not intended to identify with the people watching the nude boy d. The asymmetrical composition of the painting, which was not characteristic of Middle Eastern painting

d. The asymmetrical composition of the painting, which was not characteristic of Middle Eastern painting

Question on reading 7.1: Géricault seems to be annoyed by which aspect of the way his painting was discussed in the media? a. The critics' obsession with the debate between realism and idealism b. The critics' focus on the painting's sublime majesty, at the expense of its political meaning c. The critics' failure to appreciate Géricault's study of the nudes of Michelangelo d. The critics' emphasis on the political implications of the painting

d. The critics' emphasis on the political implications of the painting

Question on reading 7.2: Which of the following is NOT a claim or observation that Nochlin makes regarding Delacroix's Death of Sardanapalus? a. Unlike in Gerome's painting, in Delacroix's Death of Sardanapalus the key issue to consider is not colonialism and ethnicity, but sex and gender b. Delacroix's painting expresses the 19th-century French attitude that men can use certain women's bodies as they please c. The Oriental setting of Delacroix's painting allowed the artist distance himself from the sexually sadistic desires represented in the scene d. When it was first presented to the public, Delacroix's painting was applauded as an accurate, thrilling depiction of Middle Eastern history and values e. Delacroix was not primarily interested in factual, historical accuracy, and is different in this regard from Gerome

d. When it was first presented to the public, Delacroix's painting was applauded as an accurate, thrilling depiction of Middle Eastern history and values

Question on reading 7.2: In Edward Said's (and Nochlin's) definition of the term, 'Orientalism' refers to: a. A kind of European painting that imitates the stylistic characteristics of Oriental painting b. The characteristic way in which people from the Middle East tended to view their own culture during the 19th century c. The characteristic way in which people from the 'Orient' (in particular the Middle East) tended to view European culture during the 19th century d. A kind of Eastern painting that imitates the style of Western painting e. The characteristic way in which Westerners (i.e. Europeans) tended to view Middle Eastern people and cultures during the 19th century

e. The characteristic way in which Westerners (i.e. Europeans) tended to view Middle Eastern people and cultures during the 19th century

Picasso's Cubist abstraction:

geometricized forms, Representational ambiguity, Mixed fracture, Break with Western ideal proportions

The appearance of the faces of the two figures on the right of this painting is based on:

traditional African Masks

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