Art History Exam 2

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South portal of Saint-Pierre, Moissac, France, Romanesque.

A vision of the second coming of Christ on judgement day greets worshippers entering Saint-Pierre at Moissac. Christ is the door to salvation- depict Christ larger-than life. tympanum (parallel to pediment) and Trumeau. On Tympanum- Christ as grown man, signs of 4 evangelists- a man, a bull, lion, eagle. 24 elders- accompany Christ as the kings of this world and make music in his praise. Trumeau- six interlaced lions- church's ideal protectors. Prophet Jeremiah displays the scroll recounting his vision. His position below the apparition of Christ as the apocalyptic judge is yet another instance of the pairing of Old and New testament themes. (typology)

West facade of the abbey church, Saint-Denis, France. Gothic

Abbot Suger- rebuilding the church. Rib vaults (distinguishing feature is the crossed or diagonal arches under its groins, and chapels. with pointed arches spring from slender columns. Plan on the east end, eliminated walls between the radiating chapels, opening up of space, brining in uninterrupted light. Marked the beginning of gothic architecture- pointed arch gives feeling of ascendence.

Saint Theodore, jamb statue at Chartres Cathedral. Chartres, France. Gothic.

Although the statue of theodore is still attached to a column, the setting no longer determines its pose. Portrayed the saint in a contrapposto stance as in classical statuary. Portrayed him as the ideal Christian knight, clothing him in the cloak and chain-mail armor of 13th century Crusaders.

Dish with Arabic proverb, Nishapur, Iran. Islamic

An arabic proverb in Kufic calligraphy is the sole decoration of this dish made for a cultured owner such as a successful merchants. States that knowledge, although bitter at first taste, is ultimately sweeter than honey. Good Health (to the owner of the dish). formed shape from local dark pink clay dipped in a white slip.

lion capital of the column set up by Ashoka. Indian Art.

Ashoka formulated a legal code based on the Buddha's teachings and inscribed those laws on columns he set up throughout his kingdom. The lions on this capital supported the wheel of law. represent the four quarters of the world (North, South, East, Wes) Lotus as the base, the wheel of Darma, the open mouths of the lions facing the four quarters of the world ay signify the worldwide announcement of the Buddha's message. Can see the persian influence

View of Teotihuacan, Mexico. Teotihuacan, Mexico. Mesoamerican.

At its peak around 600 CE Teotihuacan was the world's six-largest city. Featured a grid plan, a two-mile-long main avenue, and monumental pyramids echoing the shapes of nearby mountains. The Pyramid of the Sun is the city's centerpiece. Pyramid of the Moon. Shapes of these structures echo the surrounding mountains. Built of stone, filled with rubble. have ramped stairways that once led to crowning temples constructed of wood and thatch (ritual purpose). Pyramid of the sun built over a cave. represented origins of humanity.

Doors with relief panels, Saint Michael's, Hildesheim, Germany. Ottonian.

Bernwards door's tell the story of original sin and redemption, and draw parallels between the Old and New testaments, as in the expulsion from Paradise and the infancy and suffering of Christ. Expulsion from the Garden of Eden and the path back to Paradise through the church. Left side, story of Adam and Eve. Right side recounts the life of Jesus.

Saint Michael's, Hildesheim, Germany. Ottonian.

Built by Bishop Bernward, a great art patron. Masterpiece of Ottonian basilica design. Church has two apses, two transepts, and multiple towers which give it a distinctive profile. Entrances are on the side. Alternating piers and columns divide the space in the nave into vertical units. These features transformed the tunnel-like horizontality of Early Christian basilicas. Modular planned church- takes the space of the crossing and uses it as a building block for the rest of the church.

Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, Germany. Carolingian.

Charlemagne wanted to emulate Byzantium splendor in Germany. Plan of chapel is based on that of San Vitale from Ravenna. Central plan, with apses. Aachen plan is simpler, gains geometric clarity. West facade is strictly Carolingian, elaborate facade. Entrance with two cylindrical towers with spriral staircases flank the entrance portal, beginning of church towers. Monument to Charlemagne's power and authority.

Gu Kaizhi, Lady Feng and the Bear, detail of Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court ladies. Chinese Art

Chinese handscrolls are unrolled and read from right to left. This section depicts Lady Feng's act of heroism to save the life of her emperor, a perfect model of Confucian behavior. Sets figures against a blank background with only a minimal setting for the scene. the figures poses and fluttering drapery ribbons, convey clear quality of animation.

Gislebertus, Last Judgement, West tympanum of Saint-Lazare, Autun, France. Romanesque.

Christ in middle. Halo covers head and mandorla (halo that covers whole body- his divinity sets him apart) Basic theme is judgement of souls. Right side is heaven. Left side is hell. On bottom souls waiting to be judged. Angel helping somebody up to heaven, angel blowing horn to announce second coming. In hell, St. Michael is weighing the souls. One of the earliest examples of the rebirth of the art of monumental sculpture in the Middle Ages.

West facade of Saint-Etienne, Caen, France. Romanesque.

Division of the facade into 3 parts corresponding to the nave and aisles reflects the methodical planning of the structure. Towers also have a tripartite design. Radiating chapels become part of the ambulatory. Dramatic increase in complexity of the vaulting. William of Normandy buried in this church. ribbed groin vaults. Piers divide the large square vault compartments into six sections- a sexpartite vault.

Fan Kuan, Travelers among Mountains and Streams. Chinese Art

Fan Kuan spent long days in the mountains studying the effects of light on rock formations and trees. One of first masters at recording light, shade, distance, and texture. multiple layer os depth- foreground, middle, background, shifting perspective leads the viewers eye on a journey through the mountains. Overwhelming natural forms dwarf the few human and animal figures.

Nave elevations of Four French gothic cathedrals at the same scale

Gothic naves evolved from a four story elevation (nave arcade, tribune gallery, triforium- decorative element, clerestory) to a three-story elevation (without tribune). Height of the vaults also increased dramatically.

Seated Buddha preaching first sermon. Gupta style Buddha. Indian Art.

Gupta artists formulated the canonical sculpted image of the Buddha combining the Gandharan monastic-robe type (covering both of his shoulders) with the Mathuran soft, full-bodied figure attired in clinging garments. Combo of Gandhara and Mathura Buddha. Combo drapery- covers whole body, no wrinkles or lines, but it covers anatomy. emphasize the figure's spirituality.

Ma Yuan, On a Mountain Path in Spring. Chinese Art.

In contrast to Fan, Ma reduced the landscape on this album leaf to a few elements and confined them to one part of the page. A large solitary figure gazes into the infinite distance. Perfect embodiments of the Chinese ideals of peace and unity with nature. painted on silk.

Portrait statue of the priest Shunjobo Chogen. Japanese Art

Kamakura artists interest in naturaliam is evident in this moving portrait of a seated priest. The statue is noteworthy for its finely painted details and powerful rendering of personality and old age. Woof sculpture. similar to hyperrealism. Wrinkles, posture, facial expression makes him look old. fiddles with prayer beads. drapery falls nicely- not rigid or stiff.

God Accusing Adam and Eve, left door of Saint Michael's, Hildesheim, Germany. Ottonian.

Lost wax casting. With vivid gestures, God accuses Adam, who passes the blame to Eve who points in turn to the serpent. presented the story with simplicity, although with great emotional impact. Adam and Eve both struggle to point with one arm while attempting to shield their bodies from view with the other. Artist communicated their newfound embarassment at their nakedness and their unconvincing denials of wrongdoing.

Meditating Buddha, Gandhara, Pakistan. Indian Art.

Many potrayals of the Buddha in human form come from Gandhara and depict the Enlightened One as a robed monk. This style of this Gandharan Buddha owes much to Greco-Roman art (sharp-arching brows, continuous profile or forehead and nose, draping togalike garment) Buddha increasingly became regarded as divinity. Sits in a yogic posture, Buddha's hands overlap in the gesture of meditation. Lak Shana- body attribute indicating Buddha's superhuman nature. Ushnisha- bump on back of head. unibrow represented symbolically by a dot. gaged ears. often has wheels on hands and feet.

Moche portrait head vessel. Andean Art.

Moche culture produced extraordinary variety of painted vessels. This one depicts the shape of a head may depict a warrior, ruler, or royal retainer (warrior priest). May have been buried next to a ruler. The realistic face is particularly striking. Made with two piece molds.

Bridge-spouted vessel with flying figures. Andean Art.

Nasca were masters of pottery painting. Depicted two crowned and bejeweled flying figures, probably ritual impersonators with trophy heads. smooth polychrome surfaces.

The life and death of the Buddha, frieze from Gandhara, Pakistan. Indian Art.

One of the earliest pictorial narratives of the Buddha's life. Depicted in chronological order from left to right, are the Buddha's birth at Lumbini (emerging out of Queen Maya's right hip), the enlightenment at Bodh Gaya (while Demons try to distract him) the first sermon at Sarnath (preaches his eightfold path at Deer Park), and the Buddha's death at Kushinagara (some wail in grief, while one monk who realizes that the Buddha has been permanently released from suffering, remains tranquil in meditation.

Dancing Shiva, Badami, India. Indian Art.

Shiva dances the cosmic dance and has some 18 arms, some holding objects, some holding mudras. Hindu gods often have multiple limbs to indicate their suprahuman nature and divine powers. elephant headed Ganesha tentatively mimics Shiva. Shiva rides the bull Nandi, and often carries a trident- a three pronged pitchfork. Shiva is the Destroyer but is also a regenerative force.

West facade of Reims cathedral, Reims, France. Gothic.

Stone carvings go on top of portal, tympanum becomes another space for stain glass windows. more intricately decorated. jamb statues- completely detached from their architectural background because the sculptors shrank the supporting columns into insignificance.2 schools of artists that produced these. Right two figures severe contrapposto- coming from Roman traditions (visitation) left is the annunciation scene- from Persian school. Much more elongated. Annunciation and Visitation jamb statues from Reims Cathedral.

The Bayeux Tapestry, Romanesque.

Tels the story of the Norman conquest of Anglo-saxon Kings at Hastings. Story of how William the Conqueror takes over England. it is am embroidered fabric- sewn on to fabrics with threads. Boarders contain real and imaginary animals found in contemporaneous books similar to manuscript illumination. Explanatory latin text accompanies the pictures. tapestry was comissioned by Bishop Odo and sewn by women (potentially English stitchers in Kent). First detail depicts King Edward's funeral procession- hand of god points way to the church in london where he was buried. Second detail- shows the battle of Hastings in progress.

Great Bath, Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan. Indus Civilization.

The Indus cities of the third millenium BCE had sophisticated water-suply and sewage systems, which made possible this brick complex used for ritual bathing of a kind still practiced in South Asia today. made the bath watertight by seeling the joints between the bricks with bitumin. Probably not a purely recreational facility but rather a place for ritual bathing of the kind still practiced in South Asia today.

Raimondi Stele, Chavin de Huantar, Peru. Andean Art. Period

The Raimondi stele staff god wears a headdress of faces and snakes. Seen upside down the god's face becomes two faces (duality, mirroring images) The ability of gods to transform themselves is a core aspect of Andean religion. stone slab carved in low relief style. has eccentric eye.

Temple I Tikal, Guatemala. Mesoamerican

The Temple mausoleum of Hasaw Chan, who died in 732 CE. The 9 tiers of the pyramid probably refer to the 9 levels of the underworld. Tikal one of the oldest and largest Maya cities. Not on a grid plan. Much shorter and narrower than the Preclassic Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan. Painted exteriors of their temples red, white or other bright colors.

Hummingbird, Nasca Lines, Nasca Plain, Peru. Andean Art

The earth drawings known as Nasca Lines represent birds, fish, plants, and geometric forms. They may have marked pilgrimage routes leading to religious shrines, but their function is uncertain.

Colossal head, La Venta, Mexico. Mesoamerican.

The identities of the Olmec colossi are uncertain, but their individualized features and distinctive headgear as well as later Maya practice suggest these heads portray rulers rather than deities. transported across 60 miles of swampland from the nearest known basalt source. The sheer size of the heads and their intensity of expression evoke great power, whether mortal or divine.

Shakyamuni Buddha. Period: Chinese Art

The silk road brought not only trade goods to China but also Buddhism. This earliest datable Chinese Buddha image is stylistically indebted to Gandharan prototypes. Gilded bronze. missing Urna, has Ushmisa. Increased emphasis on almond shaped eyes (Chinese looking). misrepresented the canonical dhyana mudra, or meditation gesture. concentric folds of drapery.

Crucifixion, front cover of the Lindau Gospels, Saint Gall, Switzerland. Carolingian.

This Carolingian book cover revives the early christian imagery of the youthful Christ. The statuesqe, crucified Christ, heedless of pain, is classical in conception and execution. Christ is rendered in repousse (hammered or pressed relief, bang on metal till it bends). artwork portable, made with precious materials, status symbols that go along with certain people.

Ear ornament, from Sipan Peru (Tomb of the Lord of Sipan). Andean Art.

This ear ornment from a Sipan tomb depicts a warrior priest and two reainers. The priest carries a war club and shield and wears an owl-head-bead necklace. The costume corresponds to archaeological finds. wears removable nose ring hanging down over the mouth.

Man (symbol of Saint Matthew), Book of Durrow, Iona, Scotland. Hiberno-Saxon/Insular

This early Hiberno-Saxon Gospel book has four pages devoted to the symbols of the four evangelists. Cloack of Saint Matthew's man resembles a cloisonne brooch filled with abstract ornamentation. elaborate interlace design frames each symbol. Mathew's symbol is the man. abstract replaces corporality of the body.

Nude male torso, from Harappa, Pakistan. Indus Civilization.

This miniature figure, with its emphasis on sensuous polished surfaces and swelling curves, already displays many of the stylistic traits common to South Asian sculpture for thousands of years. has a belly- inner vitality of breath.

Gateway of the Sun, Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Andean Art.

This probably led into a sacred area. The central figure is a version of Chavin staff god. Originally painted, the relief was also inlaid with turquoise and covered with gold. Moved in ancient times from its original location within the site, the gateway now forms part of an enormous walled platform.

Seal with seated figure in yogic posture, Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan. Indus Civilization.

This seal depicting a three faced figure wearing a horned headdress and seated in a yogic posture indicates this important Indian meditative practice began as early as the Indus civilization. On back, a boss with a hole permitted insertion of a string so that the owner could wear the seal or hang it on the wall. Sometimes used seals to make impressions on clay, for securing trade goods wrapped in textiles.

Tori Busshi, Shaka triad. Japanese Art

Tori's Shaka triad (the historical Buddha and two bodhisattvas) is among the earliest Japanese Buddhist sculptures. The elongated heads and elegant swirling drapery reflect Chinese models. According to the inscription on the Buddha's halo, Empress Suiko commissioned the work as a votive offering when her nephew, fell ill. dedicated the triad to the prince's well-being in his next life. Central figure is Shaka, with right hand raised in the "fear not gesture". Flaming mandorla incorporates small figures of other Buddha's. fluidity of the drapery.

Maqsud of Kashan, carpet from the funerary mosque. Ardabil, Iran. Islamic.

carpet that required roughly 25 million knots. Presents the illusion of a heavenly dome with mosque lamps reflected in a pool of water filled with floating lotus blossoms. Lamps are different sizes- an optical device to make the two appear equal in size when viewed from the end of the carpet at the bottom end.

Elephants and yakshi, east torana of the Great Stupa, Sanchi. Indian Art.

carved on the torana is a senuous woman called a yakshi who were worshipped in India and personify fertility and vegetation. She reaches up to hold a mango tree branch while pressing her left foot against the trunk which causes the tree to flower.

Vishnu Asleep on the Serpent Ananta, Vishnu Temple, Deogarh India. Indian Art.

carved these reliefs in classic Gupta style (smooth bodies and clinging garments) 4 armed Vishnu sleeps on the serpent Ananta as he dreams the universe into reality. Lakshimi massages her husband's legs. A lotus plant (grown out of Visnu's navel) supports the four headed Hindu god of creation, Brahma. Flanking him are other important divinites including Shiva on his bull. Below, four figures on right are personifications of Vishnu's various powers. They will defeat the two armed demons at the left.

Interior of Saint-Etienne, Vignory, France. Romanesque.

central altar on East side. ambulatory curves around east end of apse. radiating chapels-radiate around an apse, allowing them to place relics in radiating chapels, move people through smoothly. timber roofed abbey church. Alternate-support system of piers and columns

Chaitya hall, Karle, India. Indian Art.

chaitya halls in Buddhis monasteries house stupas. The rock-cut cave at Karle imitate earlier wooden halls. The massive interior has excellent acoustics for devotional chanting.

Purse cover, from the Sutton Hoo ship burial, Suffolk, England. Early Medieval-Warrior Lords

combination of abstract interlace ornamentation with animal figures is the hallmark of the art of the early Middle Ages in Western Europe. consists of 7 cloisonne plaques within a cloisonne border. solder small metal strips directly perpendicular to metal background and then fill in compartments with semiprecious stones or pieces of colored glass. (cross between mosaic and stained glass). Center image- eagle attacking a duck. fit very snugly together.


congregational (or friday or great) mosque- ideally large enough to accommodate a community's entire population for the Friday noon prayer. important feature is the mihrab- semicircular niche set into the qibla wall (the direction towards Mecca that Muslims face while praying). Also have one or more minarets- towers used to call the faithful to worship. visually announce presence of a mosque.

Pentecost and Mission of the Apostles, tympanum of the center portal of the church of La Madeleine, Veselay, France. Romanesque.

depicts the Pentecost and the Mission of the Apostles. light rays in Christ's hands represents the intstilling of the Holy Spirit in the apostles at the Pentecost. Along the boarders, are the portrayals of the yet-to-be converted- a variety of different races because humanity (which is still suffering) awaits salvation to come.

Goddess, mural painting from the Tetitla apartment complex Teotihuacan, Mexico. Mesoamerican.

depicts the city's principle deity, a goddess (earth or nature goddess) wearing a jade mask and a large feathered headdress. dwarfed by her headress, reduced to a bust placed upon a stylized pyramid. She stretches her hands out to provide liquid streams filled with bounty- symbolizing water and fertility.

Duccio, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints, principal panel of the Maesta altarpiece, from Siena Cathedral, Siena, Italy. Late Medieval Italy

derived the formality and symmetry of his composition from Byzantine painting ( along with the figures and facial types of the principal angels and saints) but relaxed the rigidity and frontality of the figures, softened the drapery, and individualized the faces. Increasing types of naturalism, one-point perspective emerges with throne. Birgin at center, 7 pinnacles above her. tells the story of virgin Mary. Mary looks directly at you. kneeling figures-importance of local saints. foreshortening- parts that are closer are bigger and parts that farther away are smaller. inscription on front that Duccio painted this painting- looking at the individual, slightly bragging. Back of the Maesta altarpiece, scenes of christ- narrative painter (ex's are: entry into jerusalem, betrayal of jesus)

Gero Crucifix. Ottonian

early example of revival of monumental sculpture in the Middle Ages. unprecedented emotional power- the intense agony of Christ's ordeal on the cross. first depiction of christ dead on crucifix. (head bowed). Dramatically different conception of Christ from that seen on the Lindau Gospels cover, which depicts christ as youthful and triumphant over death. Bloated stomach. Back of head becomes reliquary itself, in which it held bread for the Eucharist.

The Great Stupa, Sanchi, India. Indian Art.

earthen mound containing relics of the Buddha. Buddhists walk around stupas in a clockwise direction. They believe the circular movement brings devotees into harmony with the cosmos. (circumambulation). 4 gateways to enter called torana's. Three- dimensional mandalas, or sacred diagrams of the universe. At the top is harmika is the stupa dome, a stone fence or railing that encloses a square area symbolizing the sacred domain of the gods. At the center of the harmika is the yasti or pole which corresponds to the axis of the universe. The yasti rises from the mountain dome and passes through the harmika, thus uniting this world with the heavenly paradise.

Embroidered funerary mantle. Andean Art.

from Paracas culture. funerary textile used to wrap the bodies of the dead in multiple layers. buried beneath the shaft tombs beneath the sands, textiles preserved because of the dry desert climate. Most are of woven cotton with designs embroidered onto the fabric in alpaca or vicuna wool important from the highlands. Used vivid colors. Feline, bird and serpent motifs appear, but the human figure predominates. interpreted the flying figures either as Paracas religious practitioners dancing or flying during an ecstatic trance.

The Great Mosque, Kairouan, Tunisia, Islamic.

hypostyle mosque (hall with roof supported by columns), with a forecourt and columnar prayer hall. Plan most closely resembles the layout of Muhammad's house in Medina.

Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Allegory of Good Government, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy. Late Medieval Italy.

inside the room where the ruling counselors would've gathered. 9 rulers- constantly rotating out so there would be no tyranny. right wall is good government. Common good allegory sits in center. When good government is in place, peace overcomes war- city is bustling. City's traffic moves peacefully. agrarian success- farming, reaping. left side- what would happen if bad government were in place. tyranny is center over common good. city of Siena is crushed, destroyed.

Rose window and lancets, south transept, Chartres Cathedral. Chartres, France. Gothic.

it was a gift of Queen Blanche of Castile- center of french politics, influence can be seen in window with red and yellow castles. Motifs both religious and political

Head Reliquary of Saint Alexander. Romanesque.

life sized head made from silver with bronze for the head. example of repousse. Draws on Roman (head screams Augustus, Constantine, portrait busts) and Byzantine tradition (3 images on the box look like Byzantine icons)

Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem, Islamic.

marks the triumph of Islam in Jerusalem on a site sacred to Muslims, Christians, and Jews/ Takes the form of an octagon with a towering dome. Similar to the domed central plan of the Pantheon, and the Hagia Sophia. more in common with the old late antique world than the new. sits upon a noble enclosure- platform. Also location of Adams grave, and the spot where Abraham prepared to sacrifice Issac.

Mihrab from Madrasa Imami, Isfahan, Iran. Islamic

masterpiece of mosaic tilework, each piece had to be cut to fit it's specific place in the design. Exemplifies the perfect aesthetic union of Islamic caligraphy and ornamentation. 3 instances of text-Outer border writing- Muhaqqaq. flowing, free. Sets down the 5 basic tenets of Islam. Inner border-inscription from the Koran in Kufic script- sharper and harder more text- proclaims the mosque is the domicile of the pious believer.

Vishnu (as Boar) rescuing the earth. Indian Art.

oldest Hindu cave temples at Undayagiri, a site that also boasts some of the earliest Hindu stone sculptures, such as this huge relief of Vishnu as the boar Varaha rescuing of earth. human body and a boar's head, assumed this form when he rescued the earth (personified by goddess Bhudevi clinging to the boar's tusk) from being carried off to the bottom of the ocean. One foot rests on coils on snake king who represents the conquered demon that attempted to abduct Earth. Rows of gods and sages form lines to witness the event.

Vishnu Temple, Deogarh, India. Indian Art.

one of the first masonry Hindu temples, the Vishnu Temple at Deogarh is a simple square building with a tower. Sculpted guardians protect its entrance because it is the transition point between the dangerous outside and the sacred. Narrative reliefs adorn the three other sides which depict important episodes in the saga of Vishnu. made of stone blocks. 3 of 4 sides window panels. Vishnu is the preserver of the universe.

West facade of Amiens cathedral, Amiens, France. Gothic.

portals emerge outwards into tunnels- cavelike entrance. rose window. holes and gaps throughout facade. mass being reduced to basic framework (large monumental walls to simple structures) interior- walls becomes skeletons to hold up windows, nave arcade grows. built to divine proportions (144ft)

Reliquary statue of Sainte-Foy. Romanesque.

reliquary- container for a relic which is any object or body part associated with the holy family (christ, st. james, the virgin). She refused to pay homage to the Roman Gods. statue made of wood, covered in gold. mask/head independent of women's body. Relics prompted the devout to take dangerous pilgrimages to hallowed shrines in Jerusalem, Rome. symbolizes the wealth that the pilgrimage routes generated, placed those precious stones as they gained wealth

Koran page with beginning of surah 18. Islamic

script consisting of 5 text lines and a palm tree finial but characteristically does not include depictions of animals or humans. ink and gold on vellum (calf skin)

shakyamuni and Prabhutaratna. Chinese Art

sculptor transformed the Gandhara-derived style of earlier Chinese Buddhist art. Bodies have elongated proportions and the garment folds form sharp ridges. probably a private devotional object in a domestic setting or a votive offering in a temple. Prabhutaratna, had achieved nirvana in the remote past, as recounted in the Lotus Sutra (encyclopedic collection of Buddhist thought and poetry). promised to present whenever the Lotus Sutra was preached. Behind each is a mandorla, flame-like almond shaped. Both figures sit in the lalitasana pose- one leg folded the other hanging down, indicating relaxation, underscores the ease of communication between the two buddha's.

Saint Sernin, Toulouse, France. Romanesque

sight along the pilgrimage route. increased traffic led to changes in church designs. Pilgrimage churches have longer and wider naves and aisles, as well as transepts and ambulatories with radiating chapels for viewing relics. got rid of the wooden roof, things burned down. Roof is now stone vaulting- each rib creates a skeleton. ribbed barrel vaults. Closely resembles Saint James at Santiago de Compostela.

types of stitching in the Bayeux Tapestry

stem stitching- short overlapping strands of thread form jagged lines.this is how you make a line. Laid-and couched work- creates solid blocks of color. Needleworker first lays down a series of parallel and then a series of cross stitches. Then he tacks down the cross-hatched threads using couching (knotting).

Buddha seated on lion throne, Mathura, India. Indian Art.

stylistically distinct from the Gandharan Buddhas are those of Mathura. In this statue depicting the Buddha under the Bodhi tree, the Buddha has the body type of a yaksha (equivalent to female yakshi, depicted as powerful males- broad shoulders, triangular torso) but wears a monk's robe. Much more indian. Has the Lak Shana-know he's the buddha. Wheels on hands and feet. More exposed/toga style, drapery seems transparent, revealing full fleshy body beneath.

Tughra of Suleyman the Magnificent, from Constantinople (Istanbul), Turkey. Islamic.

sultant's signature. 3 vertical shafts, 2 concentric circular elements that emerge from the side. Name of sultant, fathers name, job profession, eternally. 1324 practice brought into place. calligraphist draws the lines and then passes it to an artist to do decorative designs.

Army of the First Emperor of Qin Dynasty. Lingtong, China. Chinese Art

the first emperor was buried beneath an immense mound guarded by more than 6,000 life-size terracotta soldiers. Although produced from common molds, every figure has an individualized appearance. famous for its scale. took 700,000 people to build.

Saints Martin, Jerome, and Gregory, jamb statues, Chartres Cathedral. Chartres, France. Gothic.

the portal jambs are more independent from the architectural framework. break free.

Yan Liben, Emperor Xuan and Attendants, detail of the The Thirteen Emperors. Chinese Art

this handscroll portrays 13 chinese rulers as Confucian exemplars of moral and political virtue. Yan liben, a celebrated Tang painter, was a master of line drawing and colored washes. Each emperor stands or sits in an undefined space. The emperor's greater size relative to his attendants established his superior stature. Simple shading in the faces and robes gives the figures an added semblance of volume and presence. bodies held together with great deal of naturalism. Prime example of early confucian lifesytle- courtly life

Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France. Gothic

turquoise roof, carried a piece of the tunic of the virgin Mary. Wooden roof caught on fire in 1194, the relic didn't burn neither did the West facade, which is late- romanesque, early gothic. the Royal Portal proclaim the majesty and power of christ/; the tympana depict, Christ's Ascension, the Second Coming, and Jesus in the lap of Virgin Mary. Center image of christ surrounded by mandorla similar to the Last Judgement. 4 symbolic evangelists surround him, 24 elders a part of the apocolyptic story. Also consists of jamb figures- which are statues of Old Testament kings and queens. They are the royal ancestors of christ and both literally and figuratively support the New Testament figures above the doorway. They are frontal, elongates, bodies become columns, but there is naturalism, particularly in the faces- initiated era of artistic concern with personality and individuality.

Friday Mosque, Isfahan, Iran. Islamic

typical Iranian mosque plan with four vaulted iwans and a courtyard. qibla wall always the largest

Virgin and Child (Morgan Madonna). Romanesque.

wooden statuette depicts the virgin at the "throne of wisdom" with christ in her lap. If his hands were still there, he would hold the bible in one hand and raises is right arm in blessing (he is embodiment of the divine wisdom contained in the holy scriptures)Relics created demand for small scale images of the holy family and saints to be placed on chapel altars. Would've been painted, soft modeling of the virgin's face. Virgin also has super long arms.

Chi- rho-iota page, Book of Kells, Iona, Scotland. Hiberno-Saxon/Insular Period

work of scribes and illiminators at the monastery at Iona. Page corresponds to the opening of Matthew's Gospel, the passage read in church on Christmas Eve. Illuminator transformed holy words into intricate, abstract designs recalling metalwork. called a carpet page (more light than color)

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