Art History: Romanesque Europe - Chapter 12

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Groin vault

(Cross) is formed at the point at which two barrel vaults intersect at right angles.

The term Roman-like was adopted to describe the architecture of the Romanesque period, because it relied on elements of Roman architecture such as ____.

groin and barrel vaults


A bishop's church. The word derives from a cathedra, referring to the bishop's chair.

Historiated capitals

A capital with a carved figural ornament.


A collection of illustrations of real and imaginary animals.

Rib vaulting

A vault in which the diagonal and transverse ribs compose a structural skeleton that partially supports the masonry web between them.


A vaulted space under part of a building, wholly or partly underground; in churches normally the portion under the apse.

Flying buttresses

An exterior masonry structure that opposed the lateral thrust of an arch or a vault. Consists typically of an inclined member carried on an arch or a series of arches and a solid buttress to which it transmits lateral thrust.

A more complex and efficient type of vaulting was needed that would admit light and at the same time be aesthetically pleasing. Which of the following systems would allow this adoption?

By covering the nave with groin vaults.

_____, in northern Spain, boasts more Romanesque murals than anywhere else in Europe.


Similar to the subject matter of Romanesque portals the ____ fresco from Santa Maria de Mur represents Christ surrounded by the Four Evangelists.

Christ in Majesty

Pilgrimage church

Church along a pilgrimage route. Located by graves of saints.

Which of the following churches was the largest in Europe until the new St. Peter's in Rome was constructed in the 17th century?

Cluny III

Scholars believe that the ____ manuscript was produced in the scriptorium at Moissac.

Codex Colbertinus

At Saint-Sernin, the ____ served as the module for the proportions of the entire church.

Crossing square

Which of the following supports Eadwine's claim to self-importance?

He likened his image to the Abbot of a monastery.


In church architecture, the pillar or center post supporting the lintel in the middle of the doorway.

Radiating Chapels

In medieval churches, chapels for the display of relics that opened directly onto the ambulatory and the transept.

The "Bayeux Tapestry" is unique in Romanesque art. Which of the following supports this claim?

It depicted an actual event in full detail shortly after it occurred.

St. -Sernin at Toulouse has been called a "pilgrimage type" church. Which of the following accounts for this designation?

It had radiating chapels attached to the transept and ambulatory.

The "Bayeux Tapestry" is the conqueror's version of history. It is a narrative that includes the battle sequences as well as the preparations for war. It is said that this is the most Roman of all Romanesque art work. Which of the following supports this contention>

It has often been likened to the Column of Trajan.

Which of the following describes the Stavelot reliquary of St. Alexander?

It is a combination of multiple sources as well as stylistic diversity.

What purpose did Gislebertus's image of the Last Judgement on the portal of Saint-Lazare serve?

It was meant to instill fear in sinners and call them into the church.

The plan of St.-Sernin extremely regular and geometrically precise. It is based on a module seen in earlier church architecture. Which of the following churches is the prototype for this refined and rational structural approach?

Monastery Church, St. Gall

____ was the economic system that was gradually replaced by the growth of towns and cities during the Romanesque period.


Gislebertus, Last Judgement, west tympanum of Saint-Lazare, Autun, France, ca. 1120-1135.

Name of style/period: Romanesque What is the subject? Last Judgement

The tympanum of the Romanesque portal of La Madeleine at Vézelay depicts _____.


Aerial view and plan of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse, France, ca. 1070-1120.

Style/Period: Romanesque Style Why is it necessary to increase the size and add transept and radiating chapels? **Accommodate crowds or relics, So they can fit all the pilgrims who are traveling on their pilgrimage.


The body parts, clothing, or objects associated with holy figure, such as the Buddha or Christ or a Christian saint. Also in Africa, the bones of ancestors.


The medieval political, social, and economic system held together by the relationship between landholding liege lords and the vassals who were granted tenure of a portion of their land and in turn swore allegiance to the liege lord.


The space enclosed by a lintel and an arch over a doorway.

Head reliquary of Saint Alexander, from the abbey church, Stavelot, Belgium, 1145.

What type of object is this? Relic For what is it used? Remains of Saints

Which of the architectural elements below was used for the exterior supports on Romanesque buildings?


The _____ is the covered courtyard in a monastery where monks and nuns prayed and meditated in quiet seclusion.


The nave of pilgrimage churches, such as Saint-Sernin at Toulouse and Saint James, were covered by a _______.

cut-stone barrel vault

One of the primary reasons that Bernard of Clairvaux criticized the profusion of sculptural decoration in the Romanesque cloister was because it ____.

distracted the viewer from reading the prayer.

The intersection of two barrel vaults creates which of the following?

groin vault

Among the saved in Gislebertus's "Last Judgement" are people carrying bags adorned with a shell and a cross. These figures represent ____.


Pilgrims often journeyed to churches to view ____, which were the material remains of holy figures.


Barrel vault

semi cylindrical in cross-section, is in effect a deep arch or an uninterrupted series of arches, one behind the other, over an oblong space.

One of the factors that contributed to the enormous surge in church building during the Romanesque period was the ____.

thanksgiving experienced at the peaceful conclusion of the first millennium

In the Romanesque period church interiors became impressive acoustical settings for church services. Which of the following architectural elements allowed for the excellent acoustics?

the continuous barrel-vaulted naves

The revival of monumental sculpture in the Romanesque was partially influenced by _____.

the survival of ancient Roman ruins

During the Romanesque period the vision of Christ's Second Coming was often depicted on which of the following?

the tympanum

The primary motivation for undertaking a pilgrimage, which was extremely dangerous and could often last a year, was ____.

to seek salvation or a cure

The most venerated pilgrimage shrine in the West, outside Rome or Jerusalem, was the ____.

tomb of the Apostle James at Santiago de Compostela

The _____ is the semi-circular are above the lintel of a Romanesque portal.


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