Art Test 2

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man body woman looking girl

"Warrior A,"The Riace warriors were created during the Classical period of Greek art.Here is an idealized, virile male body, athletic physique. The warrior stands in a relaxed yet vigilant contrapposto or the weight shift principle is an important improvement in a more naturalistic figure. The human figure is situated so that the legs shifting of weight results in a diagonal balancing of tension and relaxation.

barrel vault

A ________ creates a large interior space and is created by extending the arch in depth one after another. Tunnels formed by this construction method are very dark because inserting openings for light would compromise their strength.


A ________ is often the first and key element in creating a complete corporate identity.

human figure

A basic subject for sculpture, one that cuts across time and cultures, is the _____ ______.

copper plate covered with silver iodine

A daguerreotype was an early photographic method created using a ___________________. The plate is the photograph.

Woman Bathing by Mary Cassatt

A good example of the use of aquatint in creating areas of unmodulated, translucent color is the print ________________________.


A(n) _________ is a director whose films are marked by a consistent, individual style and is closely involved in conceiving the idea for the film's story and writing the script.

3, 4, 1, 6, 5, 2.

Aisle; Generally. a passageway flanking a central area. In a basilica or cathedral, aisles flank the nave. Nave: In an ancient Roman basilica, the taller central space flanked by aisles. In a cruciform church, the long space flanked by asisles and leading fom the entrance to the transcept. Transept: The arm of a cruciform church perpendicular to the nave. The transept often marks the befinning of the apse. Atrium: The court of a Roman house that is partly open to the sky. Also the open, colonnaded court in front of and attached to a Christian basilica. Narthex: In early Christian architecture, the porch of vestibule serving as an entryway to a church. Aspe: The senicircular, protruding niche at one or both ends of the nave of a Roman basilica. In basilica-based church architecture, an apse houses the altar and may be elongated to include a choir.

large windows of stained glass

All the following are features of Romanesque architecture EXCEPT:

clay; glass

Although the chemical composition of ________ changes when exposed to extreme heat, ________ doesn't change chemically when its pliability is altered by heat.


An artist builds or constructs the form of the sculpture from materials such as wood, paper, string, cardboard, celluloid, translucent plastic, sheet metal, or wire, just about any thing, when an artist creates a work in the technique of __________. Putyear's C.F.A.O. is an example of this technique that is made out of wooden elements.


Andy Goldsworthy uses ________ materials to create sculptures that are ephemeral.

is the seminal film in the use of models and special effects

Andy Warhol's film Empire ___________________________

the whole family in cream

Aphrodite of Melos A Hellenistic work, the Aphrodite of Melos, continued the Classical style that emphasized balance and restraint. It was also known as the Venus de Milo. Sculptors had begun admitting female nudes into the public realm—though only as goddesses or mythological characters. This statue exemplifies the ideal of female beauty that resulted.


Architects of Romanesque churches began installing ________ around the apse, which allowed the overflow of pilgrims to circulate freely around the interior of the church.

develop photographic film in total darkness

Artists primarily used the camera obscura to _________________.


As in Mesopotamian art, the ___________ artist's portrayal of Narmer combines profile views of his head, legs, and arms with front views of his eye and torso. Although the proportions of the human figure changed, this composite representation of the body's parts became standard in Egyptian art.


As they copied important texts, medieval monks often created ________, illustrations and decorations that embellished the words.

graphic design

Barbara Kruger appropriated _____________________ methods in her work Untitled (Your Gaze Hits the Side of My Face), which combines words and images in the manner of a poster or an advertisement.

both peirs and flying buttresses

Builders of Gothic cathedrals reinforced the walls of their architecture from the outside with ____________.


Built almost 2000 years ago, the Pont du Gard at Nîmes is an enduring testament to the Roman use of the ______ which allowed an architect to make structures with a much larger span than was possible with the Post and Lintel.

the potter's wheel

By far, the fastest method of creating a hollow, rounded clay form is by means of __________________.

location and time

Cassidy Curtis's Graffiti Archaeology is organized by ________ to effectively display its subject.

an indirect

Casting is known as ________ method, sometimes the sculptor never touches the final piece at all.


Chauvet Cave painting, Lion Panel, Chauvet cave, France is a splendid example of Stone Age painting from the ____________ period.


Christianity's situation changed abruptly in the year 313, when the Roman empreror _________________ issued an edict to toloerance for all religions.

international, gothic, gothic, romanesque, romanesque, green, international, digital design

Clean lines Flying buttresses Pointed arch Barrel vault hides the roof structure Groin vaults Sustainable development Geometric (usually rectilinear) form Complex curving forms became possible

all but st. theodore

Compare and contrast the portal sculpture of the Chartres Cathedral west façade and south façade. Which of these statements are true? M-S

the egyptian wall painting, the birds and other creatures, the contemporary

Consider the fragment of a wall painting from the tomb of Nebamun, which of these statements are true about this work and true about Egyptian art in general.

ancient greeks

Contrapposto (meaning counterpoise or counterbalance) was developed by ________ as a pose for sculptures of the human figure.

the inability to make multiple images from one negative

Despite an enthusiastic public acceptance, the success of the daguerreotype was limited by _____________.


Early Photographic artists, ______________ embraced labor-intensive printing techniques that allowed them to blur unwanted detail, enhance tonal range, soften focus, and add highlights and delicate veils of color, resulting in images that drew close to painting in their effects.

central plan; vertical

Even though this church has a traditional plain exterior like other Christian churches, the Church of San Vitale is an example of the __________ church, which was the popular style in the East and the art of Byzantine. It is octagonal with a domed central space, its circular nave is ringed by an aisle or ambulatory eliminating the longitudinal axis of the Early Christian basilica. The major axis is __________, from floor to dome, or symbolically from earth to the vault of the heaven.


Except in the case of ________, identical multiple impressions are printed to create editions in printmaking.


For what purpose was color photography first widely used?


Gothic architects found they did not need heavy masses of material throughout the curve of the vault, as long as the major points of intersectrion were reinforced with ___________.

their stained glass windows

Gothic cathedrals are known especially for ______________________.

Metal looking man

Herakles and Nessos, from Olympia, Greece,The sculptural tradition of Greece begins with small bronze figures of horses and men in styles much like the abstract figures on the krater.This Geometric work , a bronze cast group made up of two schematic figures locked in a hand-to-hand struggle. The geometric artist conceived the centaur as a man in front and a horse in back.

elements of high-relief project at least .....

High-relief sculpture is different from low-relief sculpture in that ______________________________________.

Dada; slaughter of World War I

Hoch belonged to the _______ movement which formed in 1916 as a reaction to the unprecedented _________.


Honoré Daumier used the lithographic process for his masterly work in ________.

printing press, industrial revolution, film and invention

Identify the developments that created graphic design, as we know it today. Mult. S

Albrecht Durer

In 1525, with the advent of moveable type, ________ created a unified alphabet that could be mass-produced.

galloping horses occasionally have all four hooves off the ground

In 1887, Eadweard Muybridge photographed a galloping horse and discovered that __________________________.

by making photography easily accessible to the general public

In 1888 the Kodak camera changed the history of photography _______________________.

Christ Entering Jerusalem

In his painting ________, the artist Duccio pioneered the use of architecture to define space and direct movement.

Substratum 12 III, Thomas Ruff

In his work ___________ is an example of an artist who disseminates and exhibits his work online, rather than traditional spaces like galleries or museums. He used a camera attached to his head to capture his daily life and transmit it to the Internet.


In printmaking, an ________ is a surface on which a design is prepared before being transferred through pressure to a receiving surface such as paper.

It will be canceled so that no more prints can be made from it.

In printmaking, when an edition is complete, what will typically happen to the matrix?

Dorothea Lange, Migrant Mother

In the 1930's ____________________ traveled for the FSA taking pictures of migrants uprooted from their farms due to the Depression and drought. Her best known image, ___________________, humanized the plight of migrants and touched the hearts of the world.


In the additive sculpture process of ____________ a pliable material like clay is used to form the finished work. The advantage to this technique is the artist does not have to have a finished idea in mind because the materials can be reworked until they have a finished design. Materials like wax can also be used.

the beauty, the idealized, the panel...

In the panel picturing Constantine and his court from the Arch of Constantine, we see a change in the Naturalistic style of Classical art. Which of these describe this change in style in this work and art in general? M-S


In this intaglio process the metal plate is coated with a acid resistant ground . The artist then draws the image onto the surface removing the ground and exposing the metal. The plate is placed in an acid bath and the exposed metal is eaten into by the acid leaving a depression. It is these depressions that hold the ink in the printing process. The lines are not as sharp and precise as those made by the engraver's burin, because the biting action of the acid is slightly irregular. This technique is ______________.


In this sculpture, the artist first makes a model to the size of the desired sculpture. A mold is made of that model and the finished work of art is created from a wax model made using this mold. A second mold is made around the wax model. The wax is melted out of the mold and the finished work is created by pouring a liquid material (clay, metal, plastic..) into that mold, which is then allowed to harden. After it is removed from the mold and it is cleaned and polished, this becomes the finished work of art. This work is an example of the __________ technique using bronze.

street art

In what way does Caledonia Curry, better known as Swoon, use linocuts and woodcuts in a modern way?

carpets and rugs

Islamic cultures have focused a great deal of aesthetic attention on __________________.

all of the above

Italian artists Duccio, from Sienna, and his contemporary Giotto, from Florence, were influential in making the shift from art styles of the Middle Ages to the significantly different styles of the Renaissance. Which of these statements supports this? ms


Julia Margaret Cameron is renowned for her __________________________.

2.3.1 Doraic-plain... iconic, fat with swirl... corinthian is skinny with design

Know Greek Order of all three columns. Doric, Iconic, Corinthian.

single cream lady

Kouros, from Attica, GreeceA prime example of sculpture of the ______ and the characteristics that it entails would be the Kouros Figure. The figure is very stiff and ridge even though all the body parts are freed from the block of marble the shape of it adheres essentially to the block shape. The sculptor adheres to Egyptian stance, but renders the human body in a far more naturalist manner.

Two people (horse) looking at eachother holding hands

Laocoön Group. The Hellenistic style that overthrew Classical values in favor of dynamic poses and extreme emotions. One of the best-known examples of this style is the Laocoön Group, Its subject matter, filled with drama and tension, would have been unthinkable three centuries earlier. The three figures writhe in agony, thrusting their bodies outward in different directions, pushing into space.


Lithography is a __________ process, which means that the printing surface is flat, not raised.

in the round

Maman is a sculpture _________, a freestanding work that can be viewed from any angle, for it is finished on all sides.

basillica plan

Old St. Peter's drew on the __________ and derived a plan for Christian cathedrals that functioned for centuries to come. Some important features that were incorporated into other churches were the long central aisle or nave, at the end of it is the apse in which the altar sets.

lies below

One of the main differences between the intaglio and the relief printing process is that with intaglio, the ink ____ the surface of the printing plate.

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

One of the most celebrated 19th-century artists, __________________________, created posters for the famous dance hall called the Moulin Rouge.

To redesign its logo

One of the most effective and easiest ways for a company to change its image is _____________.


Printing impressions on top of one another from separate blocks in order to achieve full-color woodcut prints requires careful alignment of the paper, known as


Romans could watch gladiators fight to the death, along with other sporting events, at the ______________________.


Sculptors will often create a "sketch" out of ________ to test ideas before proceeding to their medium of choice.


Serpent Mound and Spiral Jetty are known as _________________________________ a work of art made for a specific place using natural materials found there, especially the earth itself.

wood engraving

Similar to woodcut, _______ is a relief printmaking process in which the image is cut on the end grain of a wood block or a hard, laminated, no directional wood surface resulting in a "white-line" impression. The took used for cutting making fine, narrow grooves in the wood, and these grooves, which do not take the ink, result in white lines when the inked wood block is pressed to paper. This technique allows for greater detail.

load-bearing construction

Stacking and piling is another term for ____________________.

Industrial Revolution

The Arts and Crafts movement came about as a reaction to __________________.

... and l or f consturction

The Byodo-in Temple in Kyoto, Japan, is an elegant example of _________ in which two uprights support a horizontal crosspiece.

Cast Iron Construction

The Crystal Palace was one of the first buildings to use the skeleton-and-skin system of ___________. This building was prefabricated with iron parts cast at the factory and transported to the site and assembled there. This solid iron frame work covered in a glass skin, which was non-load-bearing paved the way for 20th-century architecture.

greek orders

The Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian styles are known as the __________________________.


The Double Portrait is a portrait of a husband and wife, who are fully realized as individuals. __________________ sculptors excelled at realism in busts of ordinary people, as illustrated in the husband, whose well-defined creases and patient face convey a long experience in the trials of the world.

paid photographers to document the Great Depression.

The Farm Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture _____________________________.

all of them

The International style emphasizes ____________________________.


The Istar Gate stood at one end of the Processional Way in the planned city of _______________ . The gate is composed of thousands of ceramic bricks glazed with ceramic animals, probably meant as spirit-guardians., Two massive towers flank a central arch.

the images of creatures...

The Krater Dipylon Vase is an example of Geometric period that covered the years 900 to 700 BCE in Greece. Which of these is not an example of the Geometric style in ceramics. .

give the impression and the flat, stylized

The Minoan Toreador fresco is one of numerous surviving frescoes that ______________.

Three Goddessess

The Parthenon sculptures represent a high point in the long period of Greek art, the ___________________ group stood near the far right side of the pediment. They still seem to breathe and be capable of movement, so convincing is their roundness. The draperies flow and ripple naturally over the bodies, apparently responding to living flesh underneath.

the golden age of stained glass

The Tree of Jesse is a work from ________________________.

geodesic dome

The U. S. Pavilion used the structural system called _________. It is essentially a bubble, formed by a network of metal rods arranged in triangles and further organized into tetrahedrons.

shred-frame construction

The Wainwright Building is an early example of _____________. A skeleton and skin arrangement in which builders erect a skeleton out of light, narrow, prefabricated I-beams that are capable of sustaining the entire weight of the building. The skeleton is then covered with another material.


The ______ is an architectural structure generally in the shape of a hemisphere or a half globe and is commonly defined as an arch rotated 360 degrees.

printing press

The ________ first made it possible to devise a notice that could be reproduced in large numbers and distributed widely.


The ________ technique was used to complete the Empress Theodora and Retinue in 547 C.E.


The ______________ statue of Saint Foy is a fine example of the treasures that were offered to and displayed in medieval churches. They contained the purported or actual physical remains of saints, such as bones, pieces of clothing, or some object associated with saints or other religious figures.


The _______________ has been studied in greater detail than perhaps any other building in the Western tradition, for it served generations of European architects as a model of perfection.

Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut

The _________________________ is one of the best-preserved and most innovative temples and it was for one of the few female rulers. It rises in a series of three broad terraces, then continues into the steep cliffs behind it, from which an inner sanctuary was hollowed out.

both modeling and assembling

The additive process of sculpture includes _________________________.

abode, bracket sets, tensile strength, corbelling, keystone, hypostyle hall

The amount of stretching stress a material can withstand before it bends or breaks is known as its ___________. The topmost stone in an archway is the _____________. A sun-dried brick is called _______. _________ is a technique to create a dome in which a course of stones extends slightly beyond the one below. A space that uses post-and-lintel construction and features a forest of columns is called a(n) __________. __________ is used to distribute the heavy weight of a roof onto slender wooden columns.

all of these are correct

The artworks of Christo and Jeanne-Claude are intended ___________________________.

Byzantine Empire; Romanesque

The central plan of Charlemagne's chapel links it to the many central-plan churches of the ________________ to the east. The Roman arches, massive piers, and stone vaulting, in contrast, foretell the next style to emerge in Europe, the _______________________.

all of them

The chances that a work of art from ancient times will be found or preserved are greatly increased if ______________________.


The creation of a photographic body of work around an event, place, or culture is known as _____________________________.


The cross-shaped floor plan of a church is formed by the combined shapes of the nave and the ________________.

color lithography

The development of ________ in the 19th century introduced the widespread use of color in posters.


The earliest-known writing system from which a recorded language developed was the invention of __________________________.

relief, intaglio, lithography, screen printing

The four major categories of printmaking processes are _______,______,______, and _____.


The goal of graphic design is to communicate a(n) _________ message to a group of people.

tensile structures or tensile membranes structures

The key to fabric architecture is tension: for fabric to bear weight and resist wind, it must be pulled tense. For that reason, fabric structures are also known as tensile structures or tensile membrane structures.


The most common way to shape a hollow glass vessel is by ________________________.

reinforced concrete construction

The most important advantage __________ gives is its ability to take on natural curved shapes such as eggshells, seashells, or other organic shapes. It can do this because it will assume the shaped of any mold and it gets it strength from embedding iron rods and/or steel mesh inside the concrete before it hardens. This gives it greater tensile strength than either material alone. The Sydney Opera House is an dramatic example of its ability to span distances with curving organic forms.

stonebridge in england

The most notable example of Neolithic architecture in Europe is _________________.

animal style

The motifs depicted on the Sutton Hoo Purse are typical of the ____________ prevalent in the art of northwestern Europe at the time. The images were often accompanied by interlace, patterns formed by intricately interwoven ribbons and bands.


The principal ingredient of glass is ___________.

sunken relief

The sculpture Akhenaten and His Family is an example of the ________ technique. In this technique, the figures do not project upward from the surface.


The sculpture Apoxyomenos (Scraper), employing the contrapposto stance, was created by which artist?


The secret of ____________ was discovered and perfected in China, and for hundreds of years potters elsewhere failed to duplicate it.

suspension construction

The structural system of_____________ is primarily associated with bridges. In this system many parallel wires share the stress of the structure, which is suspended from these cables and are supported on vertical pylons driven into the ground. The Golden Gate Bridge is an example of this type of bridge.


The supervision by one individual or group over the artistic expression of another individual or group is known as ____________________.

ruler of all

The term pantokrater, used in the title of the mosaic Christ as the Pantokater, is Greek for _________________.

an artist-quality printer

The traditional use of a matrix in the printing process is changing, due to the use of ________ to make prints.

the shell and the skeleton and skin.

The two basic families of structural systems in architecture are ________________.


The use by artists of the camera obscura (literally dark room) began in _____________________.


The walled, upward extension of the nave that is pierced with windows is called the __________________.


The work of art Jar, by Maria Martinez and Julian Martinez is an example of the ceramic technique of _____________. In this technique ropes of clay are fashioned, then stacked upon one another. The walls of the pot are then scraped to a smooth finish and molded to the desired vessel shape.


This technique is the reverse of relief printmaking, in that it is any printmaking technique in which the lines are image areas to be printed are recessed below the surface of the printing or metal plate. The ____ technique includes engraving, drypoint, etching, mezzotint, aquatint, and photogravure.


This work is an example of the subtractive process of ___________ in which, the artist starts with a mass of material larger than the planed work of art and then subtracts or takes away material until only the desired image remains. Wood or stone are the materials most often used in this technique.

Venus of Willendorf

This work of art is from the Paleolithic period, the female form is highly abstracted, with the emphasis placed on the anatomical parts associated with fertility (the breast, swollen abdomen, and enlarged hips) and the other parts are subordinated. In this small sculpture called ______________ prehistoric artist attempted to "capture" fertility.

Cycladic, Minoan, Mycenaean

Three major cultures that preceded the Greeks in and around the Aegean Sea were the ________ cultures.


To compensate for the natural visual distortion in which tall columns appear to bend inward, the Greeks gave them a slight bulge, which is known as _______________________________.

Amenhotep IV

Under the reign of ________, a new, more naturalistic style of Egyptian art developed.

a flattened, abstracted style of art

Unlike their Greek and Roman predecessors, Byzantine artists preferred _________________.

if it is a sculpture or a painting?

We have a better understanding and appreciation for a work of art when we have a knowledge of its place in time. Which of these does that not include.

inventing the first workable film projector

What are the Lumière brothers known for?

Prints are made using an indirect process and this process results in multiples of the same image.

What are the two main differences between prints and most other forms of art?

Andy Warhol

What artist often blurred the line between commercial design and fine art?

congregational worship

What aspect of Christianity required a fundamental change in the architecture of religious buildings?


What aspect of media design has been introduced by the digital revolution?

Industrial Revolution

What development dramatically increased the commercial applications of graphic design?

inclusion and acceptance

What does the rainbow symbolize on the LGBT flag?

recorded footage can be instantaneously displayed on a monitor

What feature of video appeals to many artists?


What genre conceives of a space and everything in it as a work of art?

I just paint things I always thought were beautiful- things you use every day and never think about

What is not a true statement about Sun Mad by Ester Hernandez?

museums were given the right to preserve native artifacts

What is one result from the passage of NAGPRA, in 1990?

Today, multiples can be created from the process

What is the key difference between the process of lost-wax casting as practiced in ancient times and that same process today?


What is the most common product of woodworking art?

Japanese manga and anime

What is the source material for Thomas Ruff's work, Substratum 12 III?


What material did Shigeru Ban use in his Centre Pompidou-Metz, that updated the ancient idea of fabric architecture?


What message was conveyed in Shepard Fairey's immensely popular poster that became the unofficial symbol of Barak Obama's presidential campaign?


What object was the most treasured of medieval possessions for royal and noble households, as well as wealthy merchant families?

The Lamentation

What painting, by the artist Giotto, shows his pioneering use of a "window" effect in painting?

they serve as a transition between.....

What purpose is served by the carved figures that adorn the entryways at Chartres Cathedral?


What quality is especially pronounced in Pedro de Mena's Ecce Homo?

guggenheim museum bilbaro, spain

What structure used digital fabrication in its construction?

a layout

What term is used to describe how text and images appear on a page?

tensile strength

What term is used to describe the ability of a material to withstand tension?


What term is used to describe the pose used by Greek artists that expresses the potential for motion inherent in a standing human?

rug weaving

What traditional craft does contemporary Faig Ahmed incorporated into his art?


When the name of a company, institution, or product is given a distinctive graphic treatment, it is known as a ________.


Which of the following is made from the sap of a tree?


Which of the following printing techniques is especially capable of producing subtle shades of gray?

all of them

Which of these statements is true about The Villa of Mysteries fresco?

it is abundant and relatively easy to work

Wood is a popular craft material because___________________.

all of these answers are correct

Wood is not very durable because _____________________.

grion vaults; bay

_______ are constructed by placing barrel vaults at right angles to cover a square space known as a ______.


_______ is a printmaking technique in which a block of linoleum is carved so as to leave the image areas raised above the surface of the block. It is softer and easier to carve than a woodcut block, but it is less durable in printing multiple impressions, which results in a smaller edition.


_______ is any printmaking technique in which the printing plate or matrix is carved with carving tools so that the areas that are not meant to be printed are below the surface of the matrix. The image is printed from the remaining raised surfaces.


________ convey information or embody ideas.


________ involved placing two sets of parellel fibers at right angles to each other and interlacing one set hrough the other in an up-and-down movement, on a loom or frame.


________ is a relief printmaking technique in which the plank side of a block of wood is carved so as to leave the image areas raised from the background. Also the resultant print.


________ is an intaglio printmaking technique in which the image is produced by cutting a metal plate directly with a V-shaped carving tool called a burin. It is these incised lines that receive the ink and make the image. This technique produces a precise clean line like, drawing in pen and ink or a sharp pencil point.

The Steerage

________ is closely associated with Alfred Stieglitz's assertion that for photography to be an art, it should be true to its own nature.

Alfred Steiglitz

________ was a photographer who became dissatisfied with Pictorialism and promoted the idea that photography should be true to its own nature rather than trying to imitate painting.

balloon frame construction

_________ is a product of the industrial revolution. Mass-produced factory milled studs like two-by-fours are assembled on site using mass-produced factory formed metal nails to create the frame of a house which is them covered in either wood, brick, stone veneer, aluminum and so on. This method is used to mass produce suburban housing.


_________ says her art, "is about declaring the walls of the city as public sounding board for our dreams, desires, and collective identity."


__________ involves making objects from clay, a naturally occurring substance and then hardening them into a relatively permanent material by firing.

low relief

__________ sculpture is similar to two dimensional works in that you view both from a frontal vantage point. In this type of sculpture figures or other images are attached to a background. A coin is an example of it in its simplest form.


___________ is an intaglio printmaking process, similar to engraving, in which a sharp needle is used to draw on a metal plate, raising a thin ridge of metal or burr. When the plate is inked, the burr holds the ink so when it is printed it makes a softer less sharply defined line than in engraving.


___________ is fiber art we are most intimately familiar with.


___________ is the art of carving, casting, modeling, or assembling materials into three-dimensional figures or forms.

gothic cathedrals

____________ should appear to reach up to heaven, it should have harmonious proportions, and it should be filled with light, which are created using pointed arches, ribbed vaulting, flying buttresses, and stainged-glass windows so large they seemed like translucent walls.


_____________ architecture addresses the materials that buildings are made of, the construction methods used to make them, and the technology used to heat and cool them, to light their interior spaces, and to supply them with electricity and water.


_____________ is a variation of the stencil process. A finely meshed silk, nylon, or fine metal mess fabric (screen) is stretched onto a frame and the image is made by painting a substance onto the fabric in the areas that are not meant to print. The screen is placed over paper and ink is forced through the open areas of the mesh.


______________ is the art and science of designing building, bridges, and other structures to help us meet our personal and communal needs. It is experienced from within as well as without.


__________________ history was marked by continual warfare and conquests, and a major goal of architecture was the erection of citadels to ensure the safety of temples and palaces.

all of the above

___________________ plays an important role in nurturing and sustaining communities.


____________________ is when metal is shaped by hammer blows.

Hammuabi's Code

_____________________, it is the only complete legal code to survive from the ancient world, and it has provided historians with valuable insights into the structure and concerns of Mesopotamian society.

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