ART.101 Ch.18 Quiz - Test 5

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This activity was the most highly regarded art form in Islamic lands and often performed as an act of prayer:


Early Islamic architects drew inspiration from the Prophet Muhammad's:


This exquisite gold ornament was found in a royal pyramid/tomb from the famous Nubian kingdom of:


The _________ is an empty niche set into the wall facing the courtyard entrance of a Mosque's Prayer Hall.


The people of Kongo use containers called ________ to hold materials that aid in rituals for harnessing the powers of the dead.


From the Arabic masjid, meaning "a place for bowing down":


The smooth surfaces and D-shaped eyes of this sculpture fragment are characteristic of works from the culture known as:


Identify this mask representing the guiding spirit of a Temne women's organization know n as Bondo:


The Nile River nourished Eqypt as well as the kingdoms farther to the south known collectively as:


A mihrab marks the ________ wall, indicating the direction of Mecca and is the wall Muslims face during prayer.


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