ARTH 217 Greek Art and Archaeology: Test 3

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parian marble Nike of Samothrace - shes now in paris Dynamic example of Hellenistic wet sculpture sense of motion, goddess of victory- a naval battle Peros marble, boat is from marble in Rhodes- two different colored boats


part of the idea of benefaction- give a gift of a huge stoa of attalos ---- stoa of attalos Blending or the orders, doric and ionic Stoa is more than a gathering place but also shopping- early mall Another gift to the athenens

pompe (pl. pompai)

part of the panathenic festival - pompe through Athens Athenians processed along Panathenaic Way ----- route of the Panathenaic pompe: Start in the kerameikos ceemtary- state war cemetary Then go along the panathenic way road Thorugh the city center Then up to the acropolis itself After the sacrificse they woulc go back to the cemetary for a picninc with their ancestorys

Pella Pebble Mosaic - lion hunt

pebble mosaic Pella lion hunt last 1/3 4th c. (ca. 330-300) Wild beast hunt with a lion Possible lions are in Macedonia but it is also iconography Two youths, landscape, dynamic, sense of the rippling muscles and fur of the lion In addition to the different colors and sizes of pebbles there were thin metal strips to create outlines of the arms and face etc Colors indicate volume and shading etc


ruled by Lysimachos after they split up alexanders kingdom see pic in doc


ruled thrace Silver Coin of Lysimachos depicts Alex. G. 305-281 One of the generals looking to establish their own legitamcy Issue coins that have alexander on them and continue using standard iconography- his face is known For lysimachos he draws upon this relationship - new conception of the divine, rulers and gods can be one and the same- alexander is a son of the god he is like a god, trappings of divine power but he is a ruler


"Mausoleum" of Halikarnassos ca. 350 tomb of Mausolos, satrap (~ provincial ruler) of Caria architect: Pytheos Debate over its reconstruction Built by pytheos- tomb for him and his wife, layers stacked ontop of each other lower level, other levels stacked, Pseudo ionic temple, large roof, four horse chariot at the top Whole structure was filled with décor- relief structure and in the round A truly massive undertaking, nothing subtle Tiered structure, type of temple

Mausoleum of Halikarnassos

"Mausoleum" of Halikarnassos, ca. 350 Satrap- regional ruler of the area who reports back to the king At Halikarnassos Mausolos was the person he decided to create his tomb prior to his death (similar to egypitan pyramid) How we get the term mausoleum -one of the seven wonders of the ancient world "Mausoleum" of Halikarnassos ca. 350 tomb of Mausolos, satrap (~ provincial ruler) of Caria architect: Pytheos Debate over its reconstruction Built by pytheos- tomb for him and his wife, layers stacked ontop of each other lower level, other levels stacked, Pseudo ionic temple, large roof, four horse chariot at the top Whole structure was filled with décor- relief structure and in the round A truly massive undertaking, nothing subtle Tiered structure, type of temple


"Mausoleum" of Halikarnassos, ca. 350 Satrap- regional ruler of the area who reports back to the king At Halikarnassos Mausolos was the person he decided to create his tomb prior to his death (similar to egypitan pyramid) How we get the term mausoleum -one of the seven wonders of the ancient world

Slipper Slapper

"Slipper Slapper" from Delos, marble ca. 100 Slipper slapper- Aphrodite fighting off pan- half goat half man Self absorphed epiphanic moment, playful moment, the dieties aren't paying attention to us Lasting influence of praxitiles a few centuries after him but still see his influence legacy is long, impact on depcitions of the human body Pyreaus Athena and Aphrodite differ in poses, gazes, how spectators interact with us (slipper slapper we view, Athena we interact with) Changing conception of the divine- similar to alexander the great on coins as the son of a god while alive, ramifications as to how people view the gods Now there is a living god walking among them- alexander a living god among them Rethink the nature of their gods

Philip III (Arrhidaios)

-Philip III (half-brother of Alexander) rulers Alex. IV & Philip III // Kassander (Macedonia) after breaking up alexander the greats kingdom Example of the fracturing Whoever rules Macedonia and Greece has the power- the son and brother- when they die then kassander Lysimachos- Ptolemey- become the new pharaohs, see Cleopatra eventually ---- possibly buried at Tomb II


-presentation of the peplos in the panathenic festival - special robe presented to cult statue (agalma) of Athena Polias went outside the walls through the city up to the acropolis- when the peplos would be presented to the cult statue, and a sacrifice of 100 cattle sacrificed to Athena on her altar and then a big bbq of the meat they sacrificed Greek festivals was one of the occasions greeks would eat meat, this is a time to indulge Presentation of the peplos could be what was presented on the frieze ---- Parthenon frieze (pictured) Contraversial scene over the entrance on the east side Problems of interpreteation- who is the figure a boy or girl presenting the peplos to the statue of Athena Using the scale to decide who is important- hierarchy of scale Person who gets the peplos is athena polias- more important and sacred ---- erechtheion (temple of athena polias) Why isn't the presentation of the peplos on this building bc that's where the cult statue is? white marble figures painted but popping out from the grey limestone

The Parthenon Frieze

40 ft. above level of stylobate ca. 1 m. high runs across exterior cella walls Blending of orders seen in the frieze Third layer of sculpture that is a continuous ionic frieze tucked on the outside wall of the cella, wouldn't see unless youre close to the building, on the outside woulf have seen triglyphs and metopes Have two bands, both ionic and doric Unique, type of décor that is new, mixing of orders outside with the sculpture as well frieze is on all four sides, up high tucked behind the peristye, seen in glimpses thorugh the columns One of phideas's master works- planned the sculpture, huge team of sculptors- have inscriptions that talk about how much each person was paid One of phideas's master works- planned the sculpture, huge team of sculptors- have inscriptions that talk about how much each person was paid ---- content: Huge portion is men on horseback, triumphant scene with energy, overlapping, charge around the exterior of the building Past the people are a depiction of more people walking as if in a procession women carrying water jugs, sacrificial vessels, bowls for liabations, basket with sacred objects All of the action is moving to the east end of the temple - move further to the entrance of the parthenon, move on foot walking toward the eastern end Older and younger men, horseback, sacrificial animals (cow happy about to sacrified) All moving to the east over the the entrance On the eastern side- see humans and the gods Can tell the presence of gods bc of the hierarchy of scale The standing people are normal people and the people sitting are much larger hierarchy of scale- dealing with a devine presense All humans until you get to the entrance then you move to depictions of some of the gods- relaxed and talking to each other Right over the main entrance there are 5 humans between them 3 women, garments and boobs, a male priest in a long tunic and beard, holding a piece of cloth with a young person Gods and the 5 people in the middle, don't know who they are, a big mystery most people think its 3 women bringing sacrificial objects to Athena, head priest, and help of young girl folding a peplos- one of the things in annual festivals the cult statues would get new clothes - could be a new dress for the cult statue of Athena ----- peplos dilemma: If this is a young girl, we can see her butt cheek right above the entrance to the parthenon ancient greeks didn't depict female nudity, especially not young girls but its tyouically the job of a young girl to do this so having a young boy (whose butt we would be fine seeing) is still not right with the times All of this hinges on the gender of the individual and what theyre doing Short hair- young boy or girl Venus rings- rings on the neck that some young girls have but there is the bare butt only seen with boys and men, lots of problems here Most common scholars view this frieze as representing the procession- in this interpretation the scene would be a priest and a young temple attendandt prolyl female with a sacred peplos dress for Athena representation of an Athenian procession and the depiciton of the gods are gods in the heavens watching the festival --- Peristyle did have a metope and tyigpyh thing Scenes of trojan war, gigantomachy, and centauromachy This is carved in relief like the other metopes but the the legs and robe are so deep relief it is pobbing out deeper at the top and shallower at the bottom so they lean out for people to see better Chiasmus X composition- unifying are the sweeping folds of the drapery, serving as the backdrop tying together the man and the beast Remind us of the moschophorous calf bearer back in the archaic period, grasping legs of the calf, man and beast in a common composition - this was for a common purpose Here is a scene of battle but are unified

Philip II

4th century Rule of Philip II of Macedon: 359-336 Battle of Chaironeia: 338 Death of Philip II / Rise of Alexander the Great: 336 Death of Alexander: 323 ---- Philip the second unifies lower and upper Macedonia king of a large territory, palace at pella in Macedonia After he gain control he marches shouth to Greece- expansionist agenda and tension btw greeks and Macedonians Philip wanted to more firmly prove that he was Greek Alexander had to convinve people he was Greek enough to compete at the Olympic games Battle fo chaironeia- the last stand of the united greeks against Philip, but the Greeks are unsuccessful, represents the moment when Greece is handed over to Philip - Philip is now king of Greece, there are still polis but under ther bigger umbrella of Macedonian moncrchy ---- Death of Philip II Accession of Alexander III 336 With the death of Philip the rise of his son alexander the great Alex wants to establish legitimacy - desire to prove himself and establish legitimacy --- Tomb 1 or 2 at Royal Tumulus at Vergina possibly philip II


Akropolis, ca. 480 When the Persians got to Athens this is what they would have seen on the acropolis the completed OAT and in progress old parthenon Set them on fire- set the wooden scaffolding on fire and dedications that are natural goods maybe flowers and garlands- ritual festivals set enough of that on fire it calcifies and cracks the stone- would crack and fracture the stone - limestone and marble OAT- roof tiles are terracotta but the timbers are inside holding it up- catch on fire Set fire to everything else and wait for the stone to be so heated and lose its structural integrity ------- Akropolis North Wall rebuilt in the 470s All the things belong to Athena- like the sculpture of athen in the OAT are buries in the the pits like the cyrsleephantice statues The old dedications are used in the wall- different version of spolia this people carefully recreated with deliberate attention with individual blocks that were reassembled into the wall visible from outside the acropolis Deliberate use of spolia- keeping what is sacred inside the sanctuary and commemorating the triumph of the Athenians- remember the horrible destruction on the acropolis and throughout Athens Two different approaches to spolia ------- Classical Akropolis Walls were redone first when they were rebuilt Part of it is practical, acropolis isn't flat, slopes on both sides putting a wall around the acropolis keeps people from falling off Push to rebuild the rest of the sanctuary is in the middle of the 5th century- time of the Delian league treasury being transferred to Athens- big building push you don't need to have the temples to worship - all you need is an altar- sanctuary is the sacred plot of land dedicated to the god, temples are extra When they do rebuild on the acropolis they rebuild some of the things from before but also new things are added On the Athenian acropolis there is mostly the worship of Athena but also smaller spaces dedicated to artemis, zeus etc

Alexander IV

Alexander IV (baby of Roxane & Alexander) Alex. IV & Philip III // Kassander (Macedonia) Whoever rules Macedonia and Greece has the power- the son and brother- when they die then kassander


Alexander has a particular poise of the neck- head is bent slightly to the side, melting of the eyes out to the distance, characterisitic anastole lock of hari that curved upward over his hair (a cowlick in modern days, hair bunches up and drapes to the side- key piece of him), anastole gives him a look of a lion, flowing locks framing his face


All Greek buildings in the doric and ionic have no straight lines Every horizontal piece curves slightly up Every vertical piece leans slightly in and back both are subtle and difficult to see Possible reason is that the greeks did this to trick the eye-when the eye looks at a straight line it would think its sagging down, the curvature up is to counteract this trick Can see an attempt to enliven the building, give it a sense of vitality like its springing up from the ground Has the optical refinements that we discussed Image on the krepis- krepidoma, if the surface was flat youd see the mans foot but bc of the curvature his foot is hidden


Andron- public room-reached by going through the courtyard "the man room"- where the symposium took place- placement of the door-off center, greeks reclined on couches- to maximized couches an offcenter doorway lets us do that- can fit 7 couches but if the door is in the middle only 6 - invite more guests to the symposium decorated with mosaic floors, helps us understand the purpose of the floors These are everyday people but almost all of the houses have a andron- see how the elite symposium is trickling down to the middle class- incorporate this practice into common life middle class taking customs normally associated with the aristocracy Sympoium- has connotations of elite but its more available to the greeks ---- commonly had pebble mosaics Bichrome mosaics- two colors, a light pebble and a dark pebble In the andron Geometirc or vegetal patterns, lot of detail Mosiacs are a clue for symposium- a sign of status, showing off wealth conversation starters- like the painted depiction of the pottery at a symposium Easy to clean compared to a dirt floor- better after symposium Practical and symbolic

Apollo Epikourios

Apollo the helper, mercenary People in arcadia worked as mercenaries that were hired out to either side In the mountains many built a temple to Apollo epikourios ----- sanctuary to him at bassai


Architectural refinements Entasis- swelling of the column in the doric order idea is that it makes the column look stronger and taller than it is an optical trick


Artemisia (?) woman marble ca. 350 2.67 m. (8' 9") Example of the colossal figures 10 and 9 feet tall, examples of the figures, made of marble Male and female look like what we expect- historical figures depicted mausolos has sandals and artemisia has her drapery over her arm his face- see a movement towards portraiture, depiction of actual people, he has a mustache, distinctive hair, eyes, and brows- actual historical person and their defining characterisits standard Greek clothing but inque traits through the mustache and face Her hair is archaizing- looks like its much older from the archaic, used to make something look older than it is abut also to send a message about tradition Representation is in Greek tradition but their faces are life like


At Halikarnassos Mausolos was the person he decided to create his tomb prior to his death (similar to egypitan pyramid) How we get the term mausoleum -one of the seven wonders of the ancient world "Mausoleum" of Halikarnassos ca. 350 tomb of Mausolos, satrap (~ provincial ruler) of Caria architect: Pytheos ---- Mausolos (?) marble ca. 350 3 m. (9' 10") Example of the colossal figures 10 and 9 feet tall, examples of the figures, made of marble Male and female look like what we expect- historical figures depicted mausolos has sandals and artemisia has her drapery over her arm his face- see a movement towards portraiture, depiction of actual people, he has a mustache, distinctive hair, eyes, and brows- actual historical person and their defining characterisits standard Greek clothing but inque traits through the mustache and face Her hair is archaizing- looks like its much older from the archaic, used to make something look older than it is abut also to send a message about tradition Representation is in Greek tradition but their faces are life like

Athena Parthenos cult statue

Athena Parthenos by Pheidias chryselephantine agalma dedicated in 438 Now inside the temple see the cult statue made my phideas- like zeus at Olympia it is chryslephantine Now inside the temple see the cult statue made my phideas- like zeus at Olympia it is chryslephantine Scale replica of the parthenon in Nashville- see a one to one replica of the parthenon but not in actual materials sense of the building Athena Parthenos Outstrethced right hand is a smaller winged victory (still over lifesize) Would have been a huge space lit by candle light, surrounded by interior colonnade

Athena Nike

Athena nike- victory- war and battle victory Athena nike- temple with her own altar, tiny temple with big altar Sometimes nike is her own goddess and sometimes she is combines with Athena- victory in battle

Athena Parthenos

Athena parthenos- watches over young girls- about to go through pubery The altar of athena Parthenos - there is no alter of her, there are other alters for her other versions but not for her Parthenos What is the parthenon then?- no priestess, no peplos, in this light the parthenon is a fancy piggy bank- big with sculpture, votives, could be used as the treasury for Delian league there is no altar, no festivals for Athena Parthenos, no sacrifies since no altar another weird thing about the parthenon big anf beautiful but deosnt matter in terms of ritual big part of conspicuous consumption ----- Athena Parthenos by Pheidias chryselephantine agalma dedicated in 438 Now inside the temple see the cult statue made my phideas- like zeus at Olympia it is chryslephantine Scale replica of the parthenon in Nashville- see a one to one replica of the parthenon but not in actual materials sense of the building Athena Parthenos Outstrethced right hand is a smaller winged victory (still over lifesize) Would have been a huge space lit by candle light, surrounded by interior colonnade ------ Parthenon Temple of Athena Parthenos

Athena Polias Nikephoros

Athena polias nikephoros- Athena protector of the city anf bringer of victory standard temple, modeled after agthens legacy- connected to the idea of legitimacy take Athena polias and add on nikephoros

Athena Polias

Athena polis- athen protector of the city Old Athena Temple (Athena Polias) ca. 500 Before the Persian destruction there was the old Athena temple, and early parts of the old partheneon that was built as a victory monument celebrating the battle at marathon ----- Person who gets the peplos in the festival is athena polias- more important and sacred - special robe presented to cult statue (agalma) of Athena Polias If this is all for Athena polias, why is it depicted on the temple of Athena Parthenos? ----- Great Altar of Athena Polias Great altar is where the sacrifices would be, there are not many remains of it Monumental stone altar that is on the northern half of the akropilis Close to the OAT, and next to the new temple of Athena polias OAT- was Athena polias, where here cult statue was, build the new one close by that is more commonly known as the Erechtheion (a later name from the romans) Athenians called it the temple of Athena polias or the archaios naos (could be called the old temple bc that's where the old cult statue was, even tho it's a new building) the most important building on the acropolis within the sanctuary ---- Erechtheion Temple of Athena Polias 430s - ca. 405 Challenges the idea of the cannon Started after the parthenon- the first big thing that was rebuilt after the walls, built quickly Next was this, ground plan, a complex building Ioninc temple but nothing is canonical East façade and East cella = Athena Polias East cella, this is the side that is for Athena polias faced her altar East cella is a big square, hexastyle, prostyle porch In antis is with the columns between the walls, these are not in antis they are infront of the walls hexastyle prostyle ioninc porch that is added to the cella of Athena polias Made entirely from marble can see highly decorative qualities, the volutes of the ionic order, and delicate moldings inbetween the volutes and neck of the column have extra décor This is built of pentallic marble foundations of Old Athena Temple Porch juts forward and overlaps the ruined foundatinos of the OAT a little bit When the athenianas went to rebuild they didn't put it directly ontop but with the shift they maintained the sanctity of the location the sacredness is transferred by this porch the tiny overlap physically transfers the sanctity from the old building into the new building This tiny piece of overlap has caryatids that take the tiny step forward as if theyre walking into the old temple, taking the step forward and putting their feet on the foundation Transfer of sanctity from OAT to New Athena polias temple Physical connection indicates transference of sanctity Caryatids at the new temple of Athena polias vs caryatids at siphnian treasury at Delphi Femal figure takes the place of the ionic column still kore with ionic drapery but aesthetically enlivens the building ionic order is more decorative than the doric- substituting a himan dfigure for a column is more decoratie to the max


Bastion of Athena Nike Unusual positon that is thrust our from the acropolis ontop of the bastion Built up pltform that pushes it up to the front- would have seen it before entering the sanctuary but you cant get to it until you get up there

Temple of Athena Nike

Bastion of Athena Nike Unusual positon that is thrust our from the acropolis ontop of the bastion Built up pltform that pushes it up to the front- would have seen it before entering the sanctuary but you cant get to it until you get up there ---- Temple of Athena Nike built in 420s See another view rounding the corner of the bastion Altar is almost as big as the temple- underscoring the importance of the altar Temple built in the 420s but it is ionic More ionic happening here, not a mixing of orders A simple structure- 4 columsna cross the front Tetrastyle, not peripteral, not between the anta tetrastyle amphiprostyle (both on the front and the back) Columns on the back- otherwise toud just be looking at a blank wall The view is at the back of the temple to give symmetry and enliven the back view bc thats the first thing oyu see as you go to the acropolis Symetry btw the front and back Ionic with continuous frieze, pentallic marble Bc the structure is on the bastion is projects the idea of victory- Athenian victory is the message that can be traced though every sturcutre Parthenon- thanking Athena for help at the battle of marathon OAT- thank goddess who protects the city Athena nike- message of athenia victory and supremacy- all bult after they take over control of the Delian league (Like nato) they move the treasury to the acropolis, took over the navy and essentially turned it into an Athenian empire Athena nike is an encapusilation of that idea Fireze of the temple of Athena nike- all has to do with the battle Wiomen fighting- Amazonomachy legendary mythical warrior women who lived near the black sea region ----- Parapet of the Temple of Athena Nike 420s-410s Around the bastion is a parapet fence This is a fence as a safety measure that is decorated added, can see in the reconstruction going around the top edge of the bastion, more pentallic marble and relif scuplure that was painted, another place for iconography to send a message this reinforces the message of the temple of vicotory depicted images of Athena seated with her shield and nike over and over again


Battle of Chaironeia: 338 Battle fo chaironeia- the last stand of the united greeks against Philip, but the Greeks are unsuccessful, represents the moment when Greece is handed over to Philip - Philip is now king of Greece, there are still polis but under ther bigger umbrella of Macedonian moncrchy


Battle of Ipsus: 301 Battle of ipsus- had war elephants from india After this battle things seemed to calm down, there is no single person that could rule this entire amount his hige empire is chopped to pieces- one big empire to several smaller kingdoms still have monarchs but multiple kings with its own regions

Athena Promachos

Berlin Painter ca. 480-470 All are the same standard size, neck amphora Front always has Athena striding to her right holding her spear and shiled about to fight Athena promachos- someone who fights at the front of battle, Athena fights for you flanked with two columns, this case there are roosters at the top- can also put different items on her shield Label- from the games at Athens- official marker that this is a prize Back depicts the event which is won This is the berlin painter- men running about to turn a post column and inscription ("from the games at Athens") Athena (in Promachos stance) ----- have large statue in center of akropolis

Panathenaic amphora, Berlin Painter

Berlin Painter ca. 480-470 column and inscription ("from the games at Athens") Athena (in Promachos stance) (see front at Athena Promachos card) --- All are the same standard size, neck amphora Front always has Athena striding to her right holding her spear and shiled about to fight Athena promachos- someone who fights at the front of battle, Athena fights for you flanked with two columns, this case there are roosters at the top- can also put different items on her shield Label- from the games at Athens- official marker that this is a prize Back depicts the event which is won This is the berlin painter- men running about to turn a post ---- Panathenic prize amphora at the olypics- you get fame and glory and olive wreath winning at pithian games- fame and renown and a laurel win at panathenic games- some fame not as much renoun, but also cash money in sacred olive oil in these amphoras not as much fame and glory but a better prize, money bc it us valuable (could win hundreds if you win first), can be used but many victors would sell them - sell the oil or just sell the pot to the etruscans can turn winnings into revenue Commercialization of the winnings- the prize amphoras were commissioned by the state and every 4 years they looked the same, were certified, and act as actual currency find fake ones that were made to sell as dupes we know this one is real bc it corresponds to the standard iconography

Olynthos pebble mosaics

Bichrome mosaics- two colors, a light pebble and a dark pebble In the andron Geometirc or vegetal patterns, lot of detail Mosiacs are a clue for symposium- a sign of status, showing off wealth conversation starters- like the painted depiction of the pottery at a symposium Easy to clean compared to a dirt floor- better after symposium Practical and symbolic


Can see the themistoklean walls circling the city with mudbrick and spolia Any city can have an acropolis (a high place in the city) but if its with a capital A Acropolis its in athens athenian games - panatheneic Festival for the atheninas and the culmination of the festival would have been a big procession and parade through Athens- for the Athenians other greeks were spectators watching the parade went outside the walls through the city up to the acropolis- when the peplos would be presented to the


Delos, the sacred panhellenic island for Apollo This sculpture is for a naval club, not in the sanctuary, not a cult statue "Slipper Slapper" from Delos, marble ca. 100

Derveni krater

Derveni Krater gilded bronze ca. 350-330 Initial function as a symposium vessel but in the mid 4th the owner changed the use- to an urn Remains of the ownwer were placed in side Guilded bronze- with gold and silver details Made in a mold and extra details would be cast separetly and then added on Metal vessel is the true signifier of the ultra rich- 1%ers use this for their symposium- afford this and guilded cups etc, supreme signs of status and wealth Derveni krater- scene is Dionysus recinin gon a couch with his wife Ariadne- his leg on her lap, at leisure and surrounded by vine leaves and then around them on the top shoulders there are satyrs (half man and goat) and maenads (female followers, clothes molded to their bodies)- followers of dionysus Meanads- female followers, wild dances in the countryside after they drink Animals Surrounding the symposium vessel- wet style drapery rendered on a metal vessel (we have seen before on stone) Styles not just limited to one method- wet style on a metal vessel Iconogrpahy appropriate for a symposium but it also has connections to death Dionysiac activity- much about letting go of your inhibitions and revelaing your true self- go wild and crazy before going back to normal- connected to rebirth and going through different phases in life- connected to the harvest of grapes from the vine- to be used for wine Cyclical nature of the seasons and life- cycles we all experience As a symposium vessel and an urn carry the messages with it


Derveni krater- scene is Dionysus recinin gon a couch with his wife Ariadne- his leg on her lap, at leisure and surrounded by vine leaves and then around them on the top shoulders there are satyrs (half man and goat) and maenads (female followers, clothes molded to their bodies)- followers of dionysus


Derveni krater- scene is Dionysus recinin gon a couch with his wife Ariadne- his leg on her lap, at leisure and surrounded by vine leaves and then around them on the top shoulders there are satyrs (half man and goat) and maenads (female followers, clothes molded to their bodies)- followers of dionysus


Derveni krater- scene is Dionysus recinin gon a couch with his wife Ariadne- his leg on her lap, at leisure and surrounded by vine leaves and then around them on the top shoulders there are satyrs (half man and goat) and maenads (female followers, clothes molded to their bodies)- followers of dionysus Meanads- female followers, wild dances in the countryside after they drink Animals Surrounding the symposium vessel- wet style drapery rendered on a metal vessel (we have seen before on stone) Styles not just limited to one method- wet style on a metal vessel Iconogrpahy appropriate for a symposium but it also has connections to death Dionysiac activity- much about letting go of your inhibitions and revelaing your true self- go wild and crazy before going back to normal- connected to rebirth and going through different phases in life- connected to the harvest of grapes from the vine- to be used for wine Cyclical nature of the seasons and life- cycles we all experience As a symposium vessel and an urn carry the messages with it


Dexileos Stele marble from the Kerameikos 394 Thorikos- city on the outskirts was a calvary man not just a hoplite he was able to afford a horse- inscription tells us about the status Dexileos died in battle but he is depicted in triumph Grave itself is topped by the naiskos frame- a mini pediment of sorts- triangular ped, with palmettes, acroteria- a tiny temple model Grave stele erected over an empty tomb bc his remains are in a public war cemetary - family erected this to honor him as something special and not just another soldier death

Dexileos stele

Dexileos Stele marble from the Kerameikos 394 naïskos frame Thorikos- city on the outskirts was a calvary man not just a hoplite he was able to afford a horse- inscription tells us about the status Dexileos died in battle but he is depicted in triumph Grave itself is topped by the naiskos frame- a mini pediment of sorts- triangular ped, with palmettes, acroteria- a tiny temple model Grave stele erected over an empty tomb bc his remains are in a public war cemetary - family erected this to honor him as something special and not just another soldier death See that the style of the horse and face is drawing on the same iconographic in the high classical period- compare to parthenon frieze/metopes suggest that all the people working on the parthenon and akropilis may have turned to grave sculpture- due to similiarities Continued symbols of status Unique here bc there has been a lot of heroic nudity- heroes in the nude (centauromachy at Olympia, many indiviudals on parthenon etc) but here the nudity is on the conquered enemy- a reversal of the type of clothed and unclothed dynamic


Early Classical Period: ca. 500 - ca. 450 Themistoklean Walls: just after 480 Build up of the Piraeus & Long Walls: ca. 480-470 Formation of the Delian League: 477/6 "High" Classical Period: ca. 450 - ca. 399 Delian League Treasury moved to Athens: 454 Peloponnesian Wars: 431-404 The "Thirty" Tyrants: 404 Democracy restored: 403 Death of Sokrates: 399 4th century (400-300) Rule of Philip II of Macedon: 359-336 Battle of Chaironeia: 338 Rule of Alexander the Great: 336-323

Athenian Chronology

Early Classical Period: ca. 500 - ca. 450 Themistoklean Walls: just after 480 Build up of the Piraeus: ca. 480-470 Formation of the Delian League: 477/6 "High" Classical Period: ca. 450 - ca. 399 Delian League Treasury moved to Athens: 454 Peloponnesian Wars: 431-404 The "Thirty" Tyrants: 404 Democracy restored: 403 Death of Sokrates: 399 Themistoklean walls- go all the way around the city with any rubble Pireaus- walls that linked astu of Athens down to the harbor Delian league - league that is like NATO formed after the Persian wars, islands could choose to become members, as members all the city states would put aside their differences if the Persians would come back- international threats but still had interleague squabbles to be a member you had to contribute 1. boats to the navy 2.togive money, it was easier and most places did this Athens starts to take over- move treasury from island of delos- Delian league, and then move to Athens so al the money was there Delian league became a tool of Athenian imperialism - Athenians are taking the money for themselves-- one of the causes that leads to the peloponneasean wars - spartans and allies vs Athenians and allies when the spartans are victorious they dismantle the democracy and then put 30 tyrants in place, the tyrants are then thrown over and Athens comes back and restore democracy but not to the same height and success they were beforehand as a superpower In 450 prior the the wars Athens was at its height- no competition even after they restore the democracy they regain some economic power but they are never at their height 399 death of Socrates- general mark of the end of the classical period

East façade and East cella (Athena Polias) at Erechtheion

East façade and East cella = Athena Polias East cella, this is the side that is for Athena polias faced her altar East cella is a big square, hexastyle, prostyle porch In antis is with the columns between the walls, these are not in antis they are infront of the walls hexastyle prostyle ioninc porch that is added to the cella of Athena polias Made entirely from marble can see highly decorative qualities, the volutes of the ionic order, and delicate moldings inbetween the volutes and neck of the column have extra décor This is built of pentallic marble ------ continuous ionic frieze Pentellic marble, local to Athens Frieze is a continuous ioninc frieze with eleusininan limestone instead of marble, has a distinctive blue grey color on the limestone more pentallic figures were put into place this is very uncommon- two different materials and the figures that are carved separately are attached with metal fasteners this gives a contrast in materials, white metallic in the sculpture and then the figures would have been more distinctive and stood out Frieze is fragmentary and people don't know what is represtneed- mythical and scenes of battle but not much more can be said Why isn't the presentation of the peplos on this building bc that's where the cult statue is? white marble figures painted but popping out from the grey limestone

Zeus Am(m)on

Egypt- he goes to siwah to speak to their oracle (similar to Delphi) to the Egyptian god ammon, similar to Greek zeus, - zeus ammon, at this oracle alexander is proclaimed to be the son of zeus ammon, and he is declared pharaoh of Egypt- a king of Egypt and the son of the divine Silver coin of alexander, he is using the coins to establish his legitimacy and authority of his rule- circulate his message widely On the left is alexander (most coins are only gods and goddesses until now) this starts a new trend in coinage The other side is zeus on a throne holding and eagle and staff- and alexandroy- a coin of alexander clear message that he is the son of zeus Diadem with the horns of zeus ammon with the horns- alexander the great

Eleusinian limestone

Eleusinian limestone (blue-gray) Erechtheion Frieze is a continuous ioninc frieze with eleusininan limestone instead of marble, has a distinctive blue grey color on the limestone more pentallic figures were put into place this is very uncommon- two different materials and the figures that are carved separately are attached with metal fasteners this gives a contrast in materials, white metallic in the sculpture and then the figures would have been more distinctive and stood out Frieze is fragmentary and people don't know what is represtneed- mythical and scenes of battle but not much more can be said Why isn't the presentation of the peplos on this building bc that's where the cult statue is? white marble figures painted but popping out from the grey limestone


Eleusis - sight of the worlds most famous mystery cult, on the edge of Athens initiation rituals are still a mystery


Eleusis - sight of the worlds most famous mystery cult, on the edge of Athens initiation rituals are still a mystery Special temple called a telesterion- building of initiation, a temple that is weird looking Strange initiation ritual is connected ot this story Mystery initiation cult is with the cyclical nature of the seasons and the cyclical nature of life- birth and death If you put yourself in the midset of the ancient worshippers- intiation that happens at night with torches, intiates come inside and all the columns are everywhere adding to disorientation and shadows, this is done bc it has the connections to initiation itself- mystery and things are hidden Red is a person, a large building - how famous it was as an initiation panhelenic cult, you had to speak greek and bring your own piglet- men, women, slaves could be intiated

Erechtheion (= Temple of Athena Polias = Archaios Naos)

Erechtheion Temple of Athena Polias 430s - ca. 405 Erechtheion (a later name from the romans) Athenians called it the temple of Athena polias or the archaios naos (could be called the old temple bc that's where the old cult statue was, even tho it's a new building) the most important building on the acropolis within the sanctuary Think of it as a central rectangular building, with porches on every side ----- Acropolis isn't flat, it sloped down to the north and west so this building is werid bc of that Can see that there are different ground levels- east side is higher than the west (need a flight of stairs) Incorporates multiple cult areas in a werid place Adapted to the ground, takes into account the variable landscape Incorporation of the landscape into the layout of the building- tiny cult space of the north porch, further emphasizes taking into taccount the rock of the acropolis being incorporated Even more beautiful, adapts itself to the sacred rock of the acropolis, a complex building This is Athena polia, panathenia festival would have gone around to her alter and certain would have coe inside to give her her new peplos

Antikythera Youth

Found in a ship wreck off of the Antikythera Unclear if its an athlete holding a ball or myth- ex trojan prince paris holding the apple to judge the most beautiful goddess Don't know who made him lysippian in nature - outstreatched arm, stance is similar polykelitus connecitons- closer to 7:1 height, torso is more polykleitus, thicker and muscular There is no abrupt shift between the two but an evolving art drawing on different infrerences0 creation of art is communal Changes in sculpture can be in painting as well Cross cultural interactions- all artistits looking at each other See the connection to lyssippus- connection to aloofness, reaching into space but not one of us hes not of our world Proportions is more like polykleitus- musculature, but distinct preferred viewpoint

Olynthos house plans

Generalized plan Oikos- Greek work for house Three oikoi at the top and left is a generalized plan Front- more public part of the house Shop- many had a commercial area in the front to sell goods or services Guest or member would go through the main entrance- open courtyard with no roof, pebbles or stones - a gathering area for the family Pastas- hallway, characteristic of the oikis at olynthos, one of the styles but the vast majority is this style- after the courtyard there is a long hallway that bisects the house in the front anf back- spatial division- between more public and private areas Back- bedrooms, bath complex, kitchen, stairs to a second floor when needed- more private part of the house Andron- public room-reached by going through the courtyard "the man room"- where the symposium took place- placement of the door-off center, greeks reclined on couches- to maximized couches an offcenter doorway lets us do that- can fit 7 couches but if the door is in the middle only 6 - invite more guests to the symposium decorated with mosaic floors, helps us understand the purpose of the floors These are everyday people but almost all of the houses have a andron- see how the elite symposium is trickling down to the middle class- incorporate this practice into common life middle class taking customs normally associated with the aristocracy Sympoium- has connotations of elite but its more available to the greeks


Grave stele of Hegeso marble from the Kerameikos end 5th c. (ca. 400) Hegeso, daughter of Proxenos Grave stele for a woman- memenbr of the aristocracy Calling on the status of her father Also in the naiskos frame but there are columns enclosing it as if it's a mini temple on a chair, wet style drapery, hair is bound up, facing a young servant girl holding a box of jewelry- missing what shes holding- a necklace painted to the grave stele -would have been in polychramy including the inscription female signs of status can be similar to the male but other things are jewerty, clothing, headgear, a servant and the fact that she has a monumental tombstone signals her place in society even tho she is a woman In the kerimeikos place of war burials but also this is a sign of elite Family using monumental grave marker as status Hierarchy of scale- if she stood up she would pop out of the monument compared to the servant- she is seated on a chair alsmot like a throne

Hegeso stele

Grave stele of Hegeso marble from the Kerameikos end 5th c. (ca. 400) Hegeso, daughter of Proxenos Grave stele for a woman- memenbr of the aristocracy Calling on the status of her father Also in the naiskos frame but there are columns enclosing it as if it's a mini temple on a chair, wet style drapery, hair is bound up, facing a young servant girl holding a box of jewelry- missing what shes holding- a necklace painted to the grave stele -would have been in polychramy including the inscription female signs of status can be similar to the male but other things are jewerty, clothing, headgear, a servant and the fact that she has a monumental tombstone signals her place in society even tho she is a woman In the kerimeikos place of war burials but also this is a sign of elite Family using monumental grave marker as status Hierarchy of scale- if she stood up she would pop out of the monument compared to the servant- she is seated on a chair alsmot like a throne

Great Altar of Athena Polias

Great altar is where the sacrifices would be, there are not many remains of it Monumental stone altar that is on the northern half of the akropilis Close to the OAT, and next to the new temple of Athena polias OAT- was Athena polias, where here cult statue was, build the new one close by that is more commonly known as the Erechtheion (a later name from the romans) Athenians called it the temple of Athena polias or the archaios naos (could be called the old temple bc that's where the old cult statue was, even tho it's a new building) the most important building on the acropolis within the sanctuary


Greek private houses- olynthos Olynthos flourish: ca. 432-348 final abandonment: 316 Colony in the 5th c but was destroued by Philip alexander the greats dad, was contained and then abandoned, no future thigns built ontop of it The north hill was onw of the first places excavated clear evidence of residences Normally we focus on monumental architecture- some sacred areas but not extensively rxcavated Sacred-public-private zones, private zone excavated Foundations were stone but have mudbrick ontop roof was timber and thatch We have the stone foundations - what we see here ---- oikos pebble mosaics


Halikarnassos, a wealthy city eventually conquered by alex the great, before was part of the Persian empire- in the region of caria, modern day turkey "Mausoleum" of Halikarnassos, ca. 350 Satrap- regional ruler of the area who reports back to the king At kalikarnassos Mausolos was the person he decided to create his tomb prior to his death (similar to egypitan pyramid) How we get the term mausoleum -one of the seven wonders of the ancient world


Her hair is archaizing- looks like its much older from the archaic, used to make something look older than it is abut also to send a message about tradition seen on the artemisia marble


Hermes and Dionysos by Praxiteles (?) found at Olympia 2nd ½ 4th c. - mid-1st c.(ca. 340??) Hermes holding baby Dionysus, Hermes perhaps holding grapes and the restored baby arm ------ Dionysos on the derveni krater

epiphany (epiphanic)

Knidian Aphrodite Epiphany- the goddess just appeared out of no where, captured the goddess as she emerges or enters a bath- is she removing or putting it back on We are witness at this moment but she isn't witnessing us A single moment we witness, we are purely spectators, a praxitiliean idea ---- slipper slapper Self absorphed epiphanic moment, playful moment, the dieties aren't paying attention to us Lasting influence of praxitiles a few centuries after him but still see his influence legacy is long, impact on depcitions of the human body


Hermes and Dionysos by Praxiteles (?) found at Olympia 2nd ½ 4th c. - mid-1st c.(ca. 340??) Praxiteles- preferred medium is stone Sinuous S curve of the body depicting the body with a softened musculature overall- volume of the flesh due to general changes in the Hellenistic period about the gods- still have euergetism and sacrifice but the interaction of gods with humans has changed there are a lot of question marks with this statue- is it actually by Praxiteles? is this an original or a later copy- or another sculptur in this period or his student ------- Knidian Aphrodite Praxiteles Praxitiles depicting with the S curve, contrappasto, shift of the shoulder and hips full fleshy figure, softness of abdomen and thighs- they are fully revealed here Prax is developing a new cannon in how the body is depicted but also in iconography


Hermes and Dionysos by Praxiteles (?) found at Olympia 2nd ½ 4th c. - mid-1st c.(ca. 340??) Hermes holding baby Dionysus, Hermes perhaps holding grapes and the restored baby arm

Hermes and Dionysos

Hermes and Dionysos by Praxiteles (?) found at Olympia 2nd ½ 4th c. - mid-1st c.(ca. 340??) Praxiteles- preferred medium is stone Sinuous S curve of the body depicting the body with a softened musculature overall- volume of the flesh Depicts a lot of gods and many of them seem self absorbed like the pyrieaus Athena Concentrated on themselves, don't care about the other people- different than how other depictions are like the pyreaus Apollo due to general changes in the Hellenistic period about the gods- still have euergetism and sacrifice but the interaction of gods with humans has changed there are a lot of question marks with this statue- is it actually by Praxiteles? is this an original or a later copy- or another sculptur in this period or his student Hermes holding baby Dionysus, Hermes perhaps holding grapes and the restored baby arm Have a primary source text by Pausanias- a roman travel writer Temple of hera at Olympia - is Pausanias right or was he told wrong info, but he is much closer in date than we are Details - overall S curve and softened flesh and self infelction is trademark praxitiles- there is a strut covered in drapery, is that more likely to be original or less likely Style of sandal isn't developed until later tho so it being prax is off Strange use of a chisel roughening up the back surface in the back, the front is shiny and polished but the back is almost unfinished- would praxitiles do this? praxitilean in age but maybe not his sculpture


In Athens agora In Hellenistic period the pergamine kings spend money to beautify Athens part of the idea of benefaction- give a gift of a huge stoa of attalos Blending of orders, use of landscape and sightlines in the agora people look up and see the structures, special present just for the Athenians Mix of tradition, innovation, and experience * In the heyday of ancient Athenian culture and power (roughly 500 B.C.E. to the mid-300s B.C.E.), the agora was the center of all aspects public life. It was the center of economic life and served as a bustling marketplace. ... But the agora never lost its place as the center of other forms of public life either.

Stoa of Attalos

In Hellenistic period the pergamine kings spend money to beautify Athens part of the idea of benefaction- give a gift of a huge stoa of attalos Given by the pergamine kings to Athens 100% accurate reconstruction of what it would have been Stoa of Attalos original ca. 150 rebuilt 1952 - 1956 Stoa of Attalos Athens ca. 150 (mid-2nd c.) built by Attalos II (king of Pergamon) Large columsn and halls, shops and mercantile uses Paid for from the pergamine kings to athens Athens is the sight of benefaction- to gain favor and positioning ----- Blending or the orders, doric and ionic Stoa is more than a gathering place but also shopping- early mall Another gift to the athenens ionic on upper floor and doric on ground floor ---- Blending of orders, use of landscape and sightlines in the agora people look up and see the structures, special present just for the Athenians Mix of tradition, innovation, and experience


In Hellenistic period the pergamine kings spend money to beautify Athens part of the idea of benefaction- give a gift of a huge stoa of attalos- athens agora


In ancient Greek and Roman architecture, a peribolos was a court enclosed by a wall, especially one surrounding a sacred area such as a temple, shrine, or altar.

Siwa (Siwah) Oasis*

In antiquity, Siwa was famous for the Temple of the Oracle that dates from the 6th century BC and was renowned throughout the Mediterranean world. Alexander the Great came here to ask about his fate and whether or not he was really the son of Zeus, as his mother had told him.

Knidian Aphrodite

Knidian Aphrodite Praxiteles Roman copies ca. 350-330 (original) Naked female diety Roman copy here with the same basic form and design Praxitiles depicting with the S curve, contrappasto, shift of the shoulder and hips full fleshy figure, softness of abdomen and thighs- they are fully revealed here That fact he was commissioned here shows his fame and mobility in the art world There are other nude female dieties in the eastern area of the med but this is still quite shocking to walk into a temple and see a naked representation of Aphrodite- one of the only Greek female dieties this becomes okay with - not Athena or artemis Prax is developing a new cannon in how the body is depicted but also in iconography Self absorption, positioning of her right hand is up for debate in terms or original- is she trying to be modest? Epiphany- the goddess just appeared out of no where, captured the goddess as she emerges or enters a bath- is she removing or putting it back on We are witness at this moment but she isn't witnessing us A single moment we witness, we are purely spectators, a praxitiliean idea

Nike of Samothrace

Nike of Samothrace Parian marble with Rhodian marble base (probably) early 2nd c. Nike of Samothrace - shes now in paris Dynamic example of Hellenistic wet sculpture sense of motion, goddess of victory- a naval battle Peros marble, boat is from marble in Rhodes- two different colored boats Boat is the most prominent part, the nike is the small addition, outstretched wing, movement moneument about victory but connected to the navy Eyeline is the boat, nike is high above you- aloof self contained victory goddess Anathema- sacered dedication in a panhellenic sanctuary Memorial to victory, changing conception of the divine, sightlines


Mausolos and Artemisia Example of the colossal figures 10 and 9 feet tall, examples of the figures, made of marble


Moving from high classical into the 4th c 4-century of transition rise of Macedonia is part of that fracturing of traditional powers (like Athens losing the pelop wars) Rise of alexander the great=the rise of Macedonia


Myth about demeter and Persephone- demeter in her grief at not being to find her daughter Persephone that was taken by hades, the goddess of agriculture neglects her crops and it ends when she is reunited with her daughter when her daughter is with her that is the period of growth and abundance but when shes with hades her mom is sad- an explanation for the changing in seasons this is wehre a lot of this myth took place


Naiskos - schoalrs use to describe a small size temple, aka temple of Athena nike A little temple on the scale of things


Neolithic Period: 6000-3000 BCE Bronze Age: 3000-1100 Iron Age: 1100 - ca. 900 (12th - 10th c.) Protogeometric Period: ca. 900 - ca. 800 (9th c.) Geometric Period: ca. 800 - ca. 700 (8th c.) Protoarchaic Period: ca. 700-600 (7th c.) Archaic Period: ca. 600-500 (6th c.) Classical Period: ca. 500 - 400 (5th c.) Early Classical Period: ca. 500-450 High Classical: ca. 450-400 The Fourth Century: ca. 400-300 Hellenistic Period: ca. 323-100


Nike of Samothrace - shes now in paris Dynamic example of Hellenistic wet sculpture sense of motion, goddess of victory- a naval battle Peros marble, boat is from marble in Rhodes- two different colored boats

Sandal Binder

Nike pausinig for the moment, needs to stop and adjust her sandal, see the arch of her wings, creating an oval compositon that is reinforced by the drapery folds that reinforce the structure of the body Don't have nude women but there is an idea of what the body looks like Paying attention to how the female body moves in space- folds of the belly, breast hanging down, attention to the contours and the volume of the female body bc shes pausing to adjust her sandal ---- As she pauses to fix her sandal she is paused, a sense of her movement but she is stopped there and her drapery hangs straight down, a sense of the weight of the drapery, emphassizng the volume of the figure carved in relief but there is a sense of depth Another way scholars talk about this Severe->classical style-> style (looks like the drapery is wet like a wet tshirt), clings to the body and reveals the contours wet


Nike swopping in to place crown on Athena in victory - altar of zeus at pergamon


No detached colonnade in the cella- but columns attached to the walls with spirs, and interior columns are ioninc in the middle is the Corinthian column, and a door or window off to the side some association with the cult itself, the sun would shine through the opening and illuminate the area in the back, not an adyton, just a back part of the cella ---- Corinthain column survues in tiny segments Line of the spur ionic columns and across the back in the middle is one column by itseld looks like the ionic order- Corinthian order is the same as the ionic except for the capital that is different ---- corinthian capital looks like the ionic order- Corinthian order is the same as the ionic except for the capital that is different Most ornate of all the capitals combines the volutes and is enlivened but the vegetal matter that gives a hight decorated feel that is enhanced by paint, most of it looks like its one color but it has a lot of paint applied initially Odd interior spaces ----


Philip the second unifies lower and upper Macedonia king of a large territory, palace at pella in Macedonia --- pebble mosaic by Gnosis Pella stag hunt pebble mosaic Pella lion hunt having a big house in pella is a symbol, having a pebble mosaic in andryon is a symbol, and then this icon is an indication of conspicuous consumption --- Vergina0 the royal cemetary close to pella

Old Parthenon

Old Parthenon 490-480 (unfinished) Before the Persian destruction there was the old Athena temple, and early parts of the old partheneon that was built as a victory monument celebrating the battle at marathon ------ When the Persians got to Athens this is what they would have seen on the acropolis the completed OAT and in progress old parthenon Set them on fire- set the wooden scaffolding on fire and dedications that are natural goods maybe flowers and garlands- ritual festivals set enough of that on fire it calcifies and cracks the stone- would crack and fracture the stone - limestone and marble OAT- roof tiles are terracotta but the timbers are inside holding it up- catch on fire Set fire to everything else and wait for the stone to be so heated and lose its structural integrity Parthenon was where the old parthenon was- built on the remains - included in the foundations etc


Olympia Delphi began to be used as a place for polis to show off Olympia becomes a place for showing off The Nike of Paionios dedicated at Olympia Nike from Olympia made by Paionios

oikos (pl. oikoi) - at Olynthos

Olynthos oikos Generalized plan Oikos- Greek work for house Three oikoi at the top and left is a generalized plan Front- more public part of the house Shop- many had a commercial area in the front to sell goods or services Guest or member would go through the main entrance- open courtyard with no roof, pebbles or stones - a gathering area for the family Pastas- hallway, characteristic of the oikis at olynthos, one of the styles but the vast majority is this style- after the courtyard there is a long hallway that bisects the house in the front anf back- spatial division- between more public and private areas Back- bedrooms, bath complex, kitchen, stairs to a second floor when needed- more private part of the house Andron- public room-reached by going through the courtyard "the man room"- where the symposium took place- placement of the door-off center, greeks reclined on couches- to maximized couches an offcenter doorway lets us do that- can fit 7 couches but if the door is in the middle only 6 - invite more guests to the symposium decorated with mosaic floors, helps us understand the purpose of the floors These are everyday people but almost all of the houses have a andron- see how the elite symposium is trickling down to the middle class- incorporate this practice into common life middle class taking customs normally associated with the aristocracy Sympoium- has connotations of elite but its more available to the greeks

Panathenaia / Panathenaic / Panathenian

Panathenaia (Panathenaic Festival) What was it? - Panathenaia = pan (all) + Athenaia (Athenians) - festival for all Athenians - festival for foreigners When was it? - celebrated in Hekatombaion (mid-summer) - occurred annually on small scale - every 4 years, Great Panathenaia Why was it celebrated? - birthday of Athena - victory over Giants (Gigantomachy) Festival that happens every summer but every 4 years there is a bigger festival open to everyone Similar to Olympic and pithian games- in the panhellenic sanctuaries among the most [restigious athletic and music festivals This isn't panhellenic but they allow other greeks to come and participate in certain events every 4 years Panathenic prize amphora at the olypics- you get fame and glory and olive wreath winning at pithian games- fame and renown and a laurel win at panathenic games- some fame not as much renoun, but also cash money in sacred olive oil in these amphoras not as much fame and glory but a better prize, money bc it us valuable (could win hundreds if you win first), can be used but many victors would sell them - sell the oil or just sell the pot to the etruscans can turn winnings into revenue Commercialization of the winnings- the prize amphoras were commissioned by the state and every 4 years they looked the same, were certified, and act as actual currency find fake ones that were made to sell as dupes we know this one is real bc it corresponds to the standard iconography ---- Main Events of Festival - athletic & musical competitions - Panhellenic vs. Athenian events - pompe through Athens - Athenians processed along Panathenaic Way - presentation of the peplos - special robe presented to cult statue (agalma) of Athena Polias - sacrifice - hecatomb (100) of cattle sacrificed to Athena on Great Altar of Athena Polis distribution of meat in Kerameikos Bottom right are moving faster Discus throwing, javelin etc Even berlin painter made it in balck figure Theres less black figure over the course of the classical period, but panathenic amphoras were produced in black figure Festival for the atheninas and the culmination of the festival would have been a big procession and parade through Athens- for the Athenians other greeks were spectators watching the parade went outside the walls through the city up to the acropolis- when the peplos would be presented to the cult statue, and a sacrifice of 100 cattle sacrificed to Athena on her altar and then a big bbq of the meat they sacrificed Greek festivals was one of the occasions greeks would eat meat, this is a time to indulge Presentation of the peplos could be what was presented on the frieze If this is all for Athena polias, why is it depicted on the temple of Athena Parthenos?


The Nike of Paionios Nike, carved by paionios- a voctory monument from the Peloponnesian wars- victory of some of the people in the Peloponnese that rose up against the spartans, rose up and revolted in one battle they are victorious and won their freedom back

Panathenaic amphora, Kleophrades Painter

Panathenaic Prize Amphora Kleophrades Painter ca. 500-475 BCE Festival that happens every summer but every 4 years there is a bigger festival open to everyone Similar to Olympic and pithian games- in the panhellenic sanctuaries among the most [restigious athletic and music festivals This isn't panhellenic but they allow other greeks to come and participate in certain events every 4 years Panathenic prize amphora at the olypics- you get fame and glory and olive wreath winning at pithian games- fame and renown and a laurel win at panathenic games- some fame not as much renoun, but also cash money in sacred olive oil in these amphoras not as much fame and glory but a better prize, money bc it us valuable (could win hundreds if you win first), can be used but many victors would sell them - sell the oil or just sell the pot to the etruscans can turn winnings into revenue Commercialization of the winnings- the prize amphoras were commissioned by the state and every 4 years they looked the same, were certified, and act as actual currency find fake ones that were made to sell as dupes we know this one is real bc it corresponds to the standard iconography


Parapet of the Temple of Athena Nike 420s-410s Around the bastion is a parapet fence This is a fence as a safety measure that is decorated added, can see in the reconstruction going around the top edge of the bastion, more pentallic marble and relif scuplure that was painted, another place for iconography to send a message this reinforces the message of the temple of vicotory depicted images of Athena seated with her shield and nike over and over again


Parthenon architects: Iktinos & Kallikrates master sculptor: Pheidias This was built by two architects Kallikrates went on to write a book about architecture Iktinos was commissioned to build other buildings in as well Pheidas- master sculptor in charge of all the sculptural program- rich in detail also made the cult statue just like in Olympia Plan is weird- peripteral, 8x17,


Parthenon architects: Iktinos & Kallikrates master sculptor: Pheidias This was built by two architects Kallikrates went on to write a book about architecture Iktinos was commissioned to build other buildings in as well Pheidas- master sculptor in charge of all the sculptural program- rich in detail also made the cult statue just like in Olympia Plan is weird- peripteral, 8x17, ----- Athena Parthenos by Pheidias chryselephantine agalma dedicated in 438 Now inside the temple see the cult statue made my phideas- like zeus at Olympia it is chryslephantine Scale replica of the parthenon in Nashville- see a one to one replica of the parthenon but not in actual materials sense of the building Athena Parthenos Outstrethced right hand is a smaller winged victory (still over lifesize) Would have been a huge space lit by candle light, surrounded by interior colonnade


Parthenon architects: Iktinos & Kallikrates master sculptor: Pheidias This was built by two architects Kallikrates went on to write a book about architecture Iktinos was commissioned to build other buildings in as well Pheidas- master sculptor in charge of all the sculptural program- rich in detail also made the cult statue just like in Olympia Plan is weird- peripteral, 8x17, Ancient worshippers would expect doric temple bit then in the opishodimos would be shocked, iktinos- becomes famous for the mixing and blending of the orders


Parthenon begun 447 dedicated 438 finished 432 What is the parthenon then?- no priestess, no peplos, in this light the parthenon is a fancy piggy bank- big with sculpture, votives, could be used as the treasury for Delian league there is no altar, no festivals for Athena Parthenos, no sacrifies since no altar another weird thing about the parthenon big anf beautiful but deosnt matter in terms of ritual big part of conspicuous consumption Parthenon was where the old parthenon was- built on the remains - included in the foundations etc ------ Begun right after th mid point In 10 years it was complete enough to be dedicated then 5 yrs it was finished This is really fast Huge temple made of marble- even roof tiles, and it was completed in 15 yrs astounding, fast construction process speaks to the resources- money, people- masons, carpenters, local pentallic marble, resources to feed the people all made evident with the quickness 438- entire structure and cult state in place, but pedimental sculpture, metopes, and painting embellishment wasn't complete yet ----- Parthenon Plan: architects: Iktinos & Kallikrates master sculptor: Pheidias This was built by two architects Kallikrates went on to write a book about architecture Iktinos was commissioned to build other buildings in as well Pheidas- master sculptor in charge of all the sculptural program- rich in detail also made the cult statue just like in Olympia Plan is weird- peripteral, 8x17, Octastyle peripteral, hexastyle prostyle pronaos and opisthodimos (quite shallow first one and then a second big one that is more enclosed with internal columns), cella is a triple internal colonnade- down two sides and around the back- create a frame for the cult statue to be placed- pie shaped internal collonate (Greek letter) Huge building with some parts that are normal but its on a large scale with some unique parts In antis- inbetween ends, not here Has the optical refinements that we discussed Image on the krepis- krepidoma, if the surface was flat youd see the mans foot but bc of the curvature his foot is hidden Hard to see the refinements, cant see any curvature, entasis, corner contraction etc If you look carefully you may pick it up but a quick look is so subtle The archaic period- can see the refinements clearly, as you move through the 5th century they become very subtle and hard to see with the naked eye Carefully constructed and built- all the reinements, no straight line anywhere- difficult process to build the structure, a beautiful symmetrical stone Ratio system Series of 4:9 ratios Width-heighlt of the building Diameter of column- intercolumniation Length of epistyle- height of the pediment Fluting of the columns- consistent use of the ration Doryphoros- 7:1 in the body system A move to consistent attempt to proportional systems Ratio adds to sense of balance and harmony, all the pieces work together to a greater whole ---- Second opisthodimos- votive dedications Possibly Delian league treasury part of it could have been here A place to put valuable votive dedications bc it had a door- normally there is no door but here there is one- can shut and lock the door keep it more secure and safe Bc its so large it needed extra help supporting the roof- take steps to support marble roof Opisthodimos has interior support to hold up the roof It's a doric building but in here they used 4 ionic columns did not have entasis- not as fat as the doric columsn in order to hold up the roof- the doric columns would be so big and cover the floor space, instead used 4 smaller, slender, taller ionic columns the ionic colums- can have a taller column with a smaller diameter doric order- as you go taller you get fatter Main cella- use the doric order but counteract rotundity with two super imposed collonades- cutaway view no doric to the roof, partially up and a second set ontop as well not clear why they didn't do this in the opisthodimos Doric and ionic are blended in the parthenon, ionic on the inside Ancient worshippers would expect doric temple bit then in the opishodimos would be shocked, iktinos- becomes famous for the mixing and blending of the orders

pastas house

Pastas- hallway, characteristic of the oikis at olynthos, one of the styles but the vast majority is this style- after the courtyard there is a long hallway that bisects the house in the front anf back- spatial division- between more public and private areas

Peloponnesian War

Peloponnesian War- 431-404 Spartans aren't happy with Athens powergrab- leads to Peloponnesian wars- btw spartans and their allies and Athenians and their allies

Pentelic marble

Pentelic marble (white) Pentellic marble, local to Athens Erechtheion Frieze is a continuous ioninc frieze with eleusininan limestone instead of marble, has a distinctive blue grey color on the limestone more pentallic figures were put into place this is very uncommon- two different materials and the figures that are carved separately are attached with metal fasteners this gives a contrast in materials, white metallic in the sculpture and then the figures would have been more distinctive and stood out Frieze is fragmentary and people don't know what is represtneed- mythical and scenes of battle but not much more can be said Why isn't the presentation of the peplos on this building bc that's where the cult statue is? white marble figures painted but popping out from the grey limestone

Pergamon citadel

Pergamon citadel (acropolis) Pinnacle on a high plateau- defensable and sweeping views of the territory On the acropolis there are a lot of sacred building but also palaces- homes of the kings Acropolis- means high city but the Acropilis is Athens Contour lines indicate steepness- high elevation Lower city has most of the provae residences, marketplace areas, bathing areas Acropolis is a concentrated area for religion and kings ---- Acropolis is built on three terraces similar to Delphi -terraces ot have construction Bottom terrace- sacred to zeus, sanctuary and altar 2nd Sanctuary to Athena - the most important, Athena is patron Top terrace is developed in the roman period but the bottom two are the most important in the Hellenistic period Three terraces are in an arch around the theatre Palaces- spatial association btw gods and kings - kings living in backyard of dieties- chaning conception of the divine monarchs put on the trappings of divine kingship- not declared gods but clear spatial message about the connections Diadem in video- may have been from an head on the acropolis but it got chopped off and rolled down

Attalid Kingdom

Pergamon- capital of the attalid kingdom very small but in a great area- western modern day turkey great place for trade routes EW and NS - small and weathly - ruled by attalos and Eumenes (family alternating names) last attalid kingdom wills his kingdom to Rome eventually ruled by attalos and eumenes - after alexanders kingdom was split


Samothrace home a mystery cult like eleusisu People come from all around to here to be initiated into the cult Panhellenic sanctuary, has a lot of dedications Elites and Hellenistic kings have made dedications Nike of Samothrace


Philip was a military genius He takes the hoplite phalyx and replaces spear with a sarissa- a longer spear, puncture the fighting army quicker, metal attachment that could be put into the ground as a stake Also a hinge in the middle- detach sarissa and get a shorter spear (three uses out of one piece of equipment) ---- Alexander is trying to prove himself and establish his Greek legitimacy- frames his eastern conquests as greeks taking revenge on the Persians- even tho it was over 100 yrs ago this is some of his reasoning to convince the greeks to come with him He conquered a lot of terriroty in a short amount of time, sarissa allows him to conquer this much land in a short amount of time


Praxitiles is commissioned to create a statue for a sanctuary of Aphrodite of knidus (cnidus) Naked female diety Roman copy here with the same basic form and design Praxitiles depicting with the S curve, contrappasto, shift of the shoulder and hips full fleshy figure, softness of abdomen and thighs- they are fully revealed here That fact he was commissioned here shows his fame and mobility in the art world There are other nude female dieties in the eastern area of the med but this is still quite shocking to walk into a temple and see a naked representation of Aphrodite- one of the only Greek female dieties this becomes okay with - not Athena or artemis Prax is developing a new cannon in how the body is depicted but also in iconography ----- slipper slapper Slipper slapper- Aphrodite fighting off pan- half goat half man Self absorphed epiphanic moment, playful moment, the dieties aren't paying attention to us Lasting influence of praxitiles a few centuries after him but still see his influence legacy is long, impact on depcitions of the human body


Propylaia 438/7-432 architect: Mnesikles Everything on the akroplis is weird including the propylaia Propylia- started as they were finishing the parthenons sculpture, different architect Mnesikles, anther innovative and interesting architect Mnesikles- faced difficulties, a crucial place symbolically but alos geographically another area where the acropolis slopes downward, changing groundlevels


Propylaia 438/7-432 architect: Mnesikles Roman travel writer 6.5 centuries after it was built he said it was unrivaled for the beauty and size of its stones- people were still in awe of ghe magnificaent gateway Propylia- means gateways, multiple doorways, only way to enter the sanctiaru- to cross profane to sacred world of the sanctuary, not a temple Pylon/propylon- the singular gate Propylia- started as they were finishing the parthenons sculpture, different architect Mnesikles, anther innovative and interesting architect Mnesikles- faced difficulties, a crucial place symbolically but alos geographically another area where the acropolis slopes downward, changing groundlevels The propylia isn't just an entrance but also an exit- same building to get in and to get out, front and back are carefully articulated West façade- coming into the acropolis East façade- see this leaving Both are hexastyle doric columns prostyle (inforn tof the walls), both ends, doric order bc its not a temple there is no décor in the metopes or pediemtns, its not a temple but a gateway but it looks similar to temples, reminding us that we are entering a sanctuary space In addition to the central gateway there was also two wings on each side Central area with two wings South wing- small, truncated North wing-bigger with a second room- pinakotheke- room with paintings in it, sorta like the worlds first museum, panel paintings were hung people could enter and look at the paintings before going into the sanctuary itself The south wing and north wing North wing- extra room, he originally wanted to have a symmetrical souith wing like the pinakotheke, he wanted to add a room on the other side but there wasn't enough space, there was a big wall from the bronze age, little sanctuary etc Asymmetrical building but he puts the south wing in anyways so it looks symmetrical when you approach it from the outside, but ones in the gateway you see it is not He knows the importance of the entrance side- the first thing you encounter so you have to make a grand entrance gives the illusion of symmetry ------ Central rectangle that forms an H shape - 5 doorways that are different widths emphasizing you can go through different doorways, the ones on the side youd need to go up a couple steps while the cental one is a ramp big part is sacrificial animals like cows that a ramp can better facilitate this different doorways moving through the gateways up to the acropolis Wings added to the sides, south wing has no purpose only symmetry but north has the paintings, Another structure with both the doirc and ioninc order --- From the outside only see the doric but inside you see the ionic All the columns on the outside are in the standard doric order but under the roof its ionic he knows the importance of visual and how people will look at and move through this space outside he doesn't want to shock people but inside he plays around ---- Enter at the west with the change in ground level and moving up until youre in the sanctuary itself Uses the ionic order for the same reason its in the opisthodimos in the parthenon- can be taller and skinner, takes up less room, nice tall feeling wihtouth having big and bulky columns supporting the roof as you move upwards the roof needs to shift as well, the ioninc order allows this to happen - aesthetic and practical use Connnections btw the propylia and the parthenon- columns dimensions similar, almost identical ioninc columns- similar proprotions- width of the prop is the same as the length of the parthenon, similar materials- tells us the architects are communicating and could have used the same masons to work on the two ----- Can see the proportional connections to the two, merely identidal Parthenon 4:9 ration Propylia 3:7 ratio Mix doric and the ionic, width = length Connections that remind us of the interconnections of the lives of those who are building it One of the main cities you could find year round work as a builder bc of how much activity there constantly was


Rise of Pergamon: 240s Have a couple decades of fighting, but after ipsus the empire is chipped to little pieces New kingdom- center at pergamon Pergamon- capital of the attalid kingdom very small but in a great area- western modern day turkey great place for trade routes EW and NS - small and weathly - ruled by attalos and Eumenes (family alternating names) last attalid kingdom wills his kingdom to Rome eventually ---- Pergamon citadel (acropolis) Pinnacle on a high plateau- defensable and sweeping views of the territory On the acropolis there are a lot of sacred building but also palaces- homes of the kings Acropolis- means high city but the Acropilis is Athens ----- Stoa of Attalos Athens ca. 150 (mid-2nd c.) built by Attalos II (king of Pergamon) Paid for from the pergamine kings to athens


Roman travel writer 6.5 centuries after Propylaia was built he said it was unrivaled for the beauty and size of its stones- people were still in awe of ghe magnificaent gateway

Royal Tumulus at Vergina

Royal Tumulus at Vergina 4th c. - 3rd c. dia. 110 m. (ca. 330 ft.) The cemetray is a giant tumbulus - like at toumba mounded earth Not a single burial, used for several generations of the royal family

Alexander the Great

Rule of Alexander the Great: 336-323 Alexander had to convinve people he was Greek enough to compete at the Olympic games With the death of Philip the rise of his son alexander the great Alex wants to establish legitimacy - desire to prove himself and establish legitimacy ---- Hired his own court sculptor lysippos bc he liked his depcitions the most Alexander has a particular poise of the neck- head is bent slightly to the side, melting of the eyes out to the distance, characterisitic anastole lock of hari that curved upward over his hair (a cowlick in modern days, hair bunches up and drapes to the side- key piece of him), anastole gives him a look of a lion, flowing locks framing his face Compared to the other heads - lysippos is an important artist at this time, but this is an establishement of artistic patronage ---- Alexander the Great's conquests (formation of Empire) 336 - 323 Starting from pella in Macedonia he marches east- his father marches south and conquered Greece Many people think this was Philips plan but alexs conquest could have been a conquest of his fathers plans Alexander is trying to prove himself and establish his Greek legitimacy- frames his eastern conquests as greeks taking revenge on the Persians- even tho it was over 100 yrs ago this is some of his reasoning to convince the greeks to come with him He conquered a lot of terriroty in a short amount of time, sarissa allows him to conquer this much land in a short amount of time This is alexanders empire and he is king of all of this, he was the type of person people wanted to be loyal to, a dynamic personality To instil a lot of loyalty he establishes a lot ofnew cities- alexandrias, leading generals, his horse etc- gives them to his retired soldiers, outposts of veterans across his empire bonds of loyalty and outposts of soldiers, strong military presence in the area areas of Greek and Macedonian culture - creating of areas of goods and ideas trading and melding of cultures Alexander has taken a huge amount of area with different peoples and brought them into stronger communication with each other- things circulating similar to the height of the bronze age with connectivity Crazy route, more of the cities he named after his horse and himself -alexandria Egypt- he goes to siwah to speak to their oracle (similar to Delphi) to the Egyptian god ammon, similar to Greek zeus, - zeus ammon, at this oracle alexander is proclaimed to be the son of zeus ammon, and he is declared pharaoh of Egypt- a king of Egypt and the son of the divine ------ Alexander doesn't live very long- his death in 323 is the start of the Hellenistic period what comes after draws upon alexander and alex drew upon the time before him When alex dies there is no clear successor ---

Temple of Apollo at Bassai

Sanctuary of Apollo Epikourios at Bassai Temple of Apollo late 5th c. (last ¼ 5th c. = 425-400) architect: Iktinos 38 x 14.5 m. (ca. 124 x 47.5 ft.) Apollo the helper, mercenary Extra urban sanctuary - in place for a while and then it gets a new temple by iktinos Today there is a circus tent bc the temple is of local limestone that is fryable to protect it ----- 6 x 15 - see pic with spur columns hexastyle peripteral Doric temple with distyle in antis pronaos and opisthodomos cella with spur Ionic colonnade, central Corinthian column, and lateral door Extra long- expect to have double the short side plus one- closer to an archaic temple that is extra long could be possible bc its on the remains of an earlier temple- continuity of cult space No detached colonnade in the cella- but columns attached to the walls with spirs, and interior columns are ioninc in the middle is the Corinthian column, and a door or window off to the side some association with the cult itself, the sun would shine through the opening and illuminate the area in the back, not an adyton, just a back part of the cella ---- local limestone + local marble for interior frieze dedicated to Apollo Epikourios See fryable limestone, doric orer Only when you go inside that you see the oddities-interior ionic spur columns fluting and the base makes a ¾ arch, know the column is ionic bc of the base Would have noticed the contrast in material ---- Corinthain column survues in tiny segments Line of the spur ionic columns and across the back in the middle is one column by itseld looks like the ionic order- Corinthian order is the same as the ionic except for the capital that is different Back almost a type of screen that is permeable barrier that you can go through to get to the back end of the cella perhaps something happened with the lateral door, all of the focus is on the one corinthaisn column, the ionic spur is directing you to the one Viewing axis- what you would see from where Is iktinos the inventor of the corinthain columns? But this is the ealiest extand example of the Corinthian column, even if he didn't invent it he is adopting the use early and giving it a prominent position Continutous ionid frieze on the inside of the cella that runs across the sides and over across the corinthain columns on the sides


Scraper is probably holding a strigil- a curved tool used by atheletes- a cleaning tool- rub their bodies with olive oil and sand and then use this to scrape the oil and dirt from their skin The alternative to taking a bath Olive oil is a good cleaning tool but depicting an athelete "as he appears to be"

"Wet Style"

Severe->classical style-> style (looks like the drapery is wet like a wet tshirt), clings to the body and reveals the contours wet seen in the sandal binder Wet style drapery from the second half of the 5th Revealing volume, huge swirls for motion

Silver coin of Lysimachos

Silver Coin of Lysimachos depicts Alex. G. 305-281 horn of Zeus Ammon One of the generals looking to establish their own legitamcy Issue coins that have alexander on them and continue using standard iconography- his face is known For lysimachos he draws upon this relationship - new conception of the divine, rulers and gods can be one and the same- alexander is a son of the god he is like a god, trappings of divine power but he is a ruler Relationship is cloer and closer btw humans and gods- this existed in other places in the world but alexander returns it to Greece and his successors continue this idea, they can use alex as a proxy to shore up their own rule over their own kingdoms Lysimachos

Silver tetradrachm of Alexander

Silver tetradrachm (coin) ca. 325-323 Silver coin of alexander, he is using the coins to establish his legitimacy and authority of his rule- circulate his message widely On the left is alexander (most coins are only gods and goddesses until now) this starts a new trend in coinage The other side is zeus on a throne holding and eagle and staff- and alexandroy- a coin of alexander clear message that he is the son of zeus He is wearing a lionskin like Herakles - a demigod, associated with lions and hunting Diadem with the horns of zeus ammon with the horns Alexanders face is the same- wide staring eyes, locks of hair - widely circulated coins that people saw, if there was any question as to who is the conquer they know its alexander

tetradrachm - see pic

Silver tetradrachm (coin) ca. 325-323 Silver coin of alexander, he is using the coins to establish his legitimacy and authority of his rule- circulate his message widely On the left is alexander (most coins are only gods and goddesses until now) this starts a new trend in coinage The other side is zeus on a throne holding and eagle and staff- and alexandroy- a coin of alexander clear message that he is the son of zeus He is wearing a lionskin like Herakles - a demigod, associated with lions and hunting Diadem with the horns of zeus ammon with the horns Alexanders face is the same- wide staring eyes, locks of hair - widely circulated coins that people saw, if there was any question as to who is the conquer they know its alexander

North façade and porch Erechtheion

Similar to the south, the bulk of it is the blank wall with a porch added to the western side Normal ioninc columsn that are large and ornate, porch porjects out in order to incorporate an earlier cult space like the caryatid porch This incorporates the tiny space with an opening in the floor and roof that correspond for an older cult dedicated to zeus or poseidon


Slipper slapper- Aphrodite fighting off pan- half goat half man Self absorphed epiphanic moment, playful moment, the dieties aren't paying attention to us Lasting influence of praxitiles a few centuries after him but still see his influence legacy is long, impact on depcitions of the human body

South Facade at Erechtheion

South side facing the parthenon Blank wall on the side, would have had a continuous frieze The monotony of the wall is broken up by the little porch added on the south side


Telesterion special temple at Eleusis, Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore


Telesterion special temple at Eleusis, Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore Sacntuary dedicated to demeter and kore (Persephone) Special temple called a telesterion- building of initiation, a temple that is weird looking Myth about demeter and Persephone- demeter in her grief at not being to find her daughter Persephone that was taken by hades, the goddess of agriculture neglects her crops and it ends when she is reunited with her daughter when her daughter is with her that is the period of growth and abundance but when shes with hades her mom is sad- an explanation for the changing in seasons this is wehre a lot of this myth took place Strange initiation ritual is connected ot this story Mystery initiation cult is with the cyclical nature of the seasons and the cyclical nature of life- birth and death typing the myth of demeter mourning the loss of her daigher- reminds us that Persephone is in the underworld


Telesterion special temple at Eleusis, Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore Sacntuary dedicated to demeter and kore (Persephone) Special temple called a telesterion- building of initiation, a temple that is weird looking Myth about demeter and Persephone- demeter in her grief at not being to find her daughter Persephone that was taken by hades, the goddess of agriculture neglects her crops and it ends when she is reunited with her daughter when her daughter is with her that is the period of growth and abundance but when shes with hades her mom is sad- an explanation for the changing in seasons this is wehre a lot of this myth took place Strange initiation ritual is connected ot this story Mystery initiation cult is with the cyclical nature of the seasons and the cyclical nature of life- birth and death typing the myth of demeter mourning the loss of her daigher- reminds us that Persephone is in the underworld

hypostyle hall

Telesterion at Eleusis (hypostyle hall plan) Hypostyle hall- structure with a roof that is supported by interior columns, no perisyle, just columns on the inside of the building there is a front porch where they would have entered and moved inside, focus is on the inside, unusual most of the attention is on the outside, the inside typically only houses the cult statue- most of the activity is outside but here it is reversed, keeping it secret and private


Temple of Athena Polias Nikephoros late 4th / early 3rd c. built by Philetairos (~tyrant) 12.72 x 21.77 m. (41.7 x 71.4 ft.) Terrace is the oldest and most sacred- goes back to philetairos who helped establish this as the capital of the attalid kingdom

Temple of Athena Polias Nikephoros

Temple of Athena Polias Nikephoros late 4th / early 3rd c. built by Philetairos (~tyrant) 12.72 x 21.77 m. (41.7 x 71.4 ft.) Terrace is the oldest and most sacred- goes back to philetairos who helped establish this as the capital of the attalid kingdom Positioned on the cliffside, commanding view and presence Athena polias nikephoros- Athena protector of the city anf bringer of victory standard temple, modeled after agthens legacy- connected to the idea of legitimacy take Athena polias and add on nikephoros ---- Middle Terrace = Athena Sanctuary Mostly exists in berlin now large sanctuary with spaces for people to gather

Terme Boxer

Terme Boxer early 1st c. (ca. 100) Terme boxer in the museum near the train station in rome Base is later- remind us that bronze and marble are widely used Growing interest in portraiture- started with alexander the great Face- nose is broken, califlowered ears, bags under his eyes, folds of fat on his neck, cuts bleeding from his head, ear, nose Sense of the exhaustion of this man Finally taking a break- sense of his individuality Pathos- evoking certain empotions, like pity, despair, letting out a big sigh - us as spectators identifying that sort of emotion in the invidiual


Terme boxer Finally taking a break- sense of his individuality Pathos- evoking certain empotions, like pity, despair, letting out a big sigh - us as spectators identifying that sort of emotion in the invidiual


The Apoxyomenos (Scraper) Roman copy of bronze original by Lysippos ca. 340-330 (original) Lysippos- one of the major scluptore- similar to polykleitus in the 5th From the pelopnnese, not Athenian, mostly worked in bronze this piece would have originally been in bronze- this is a later roman copy we see Depiction of this in a lot of things, we know this pose is accurate Updated polykleitus cannon - older made men as they were but lysippos made them as they appear to be- injected more idealism into sculpture What makes it a roman copy?- tree trunk support in the back that isn't naturalistic, the broken thigh piece- normally a strut extended from his thigh to his arm and the other arm has a strut connecting it to the chest dynamic pose in stone but in bronze you wouldn't need these supports - need the struts in the marble big back support is a clue its roman the fig leaf is another 18thc intervention- wasn't a problem typically at the time- fig leaf is something more recent Reception of the ancient art- can change, imitation and reception of thehuman figure etc

Nike of Paionios

The Nike of Paionios dedicated at Olympia marble ca. 420 1.95 m. (6' 5") Nike, carved by paionios- a voctory monument from the Peloponnesian wars- victory of some of the people in the Peloponnese that rose up against the spartans, rose up and revolted in one battle they are victorious and won their freedom back As thanks to the gods they caved this perched high on a column dedicated to Olympia- but the spartans worship at Olympia as well faced with defeat, a sense of one upsmanship - victory monument that is a losing monument- Delphi and Olympia She flutters down into battle to proclaim a winner Wet style drapery from the second half of the 5th Revealing volume, huge swirls for motion

Piraeus Athena

The Piraeus Athena ca. 350 Bronze sculpture with inlaid eyes Misshing shield and an object in her right hand- maybe an owl or a bowl for liabations etc Helmet, snakey egis Pose- slight tilt of the head, looking off to the side, in contrappasto-rght leg is weight bearing leg Moves into our space- takes the step forward and looks to us, she looks to us but isn't one of us - self contained, chaning notion of the divine the greeks start to reconceptualize their relationship with the divine- the gods didn't answer their prayers in the pelop wars In the 4th into Hellenistic the relationship is rethoutht- more aloof, removed, self concerned- Athena reaches out to us but is it something else that is only for her changing perception She doesn't have the wet style- relatively inappropriate style for her She has a doughy drapery and heavy- weight pulls down in straight lines and puddles on the floor Sense of the weight of the sash and aegis- new change of depictions of dieties that flourishes in the 4th and beyond-a sense appropriateness for Athena vs Aphrodite Depict Dionysus vs Poseidon- different dieties get a sense of different styles of depiction - tied to the changing perceptions of design Over lifesize, bronze, lost wax texhnique in the round- with some attachments, meant to look at her from one angle mainly - complicated how we interact with the piece

South Porch at Erechtheion

The caryatid porch is on the south side, instead of ionic columsn you have caryatids only in the ionic order korre takes the place of a column, functioning structurally as columns and aesthticalky unusual and beautiful Look similar but are all slightly different- hair, drapery folds all have the same form that has been seen over 100 yrs draped youthful contrapposto figure , arms down at the sides and the top of their heads is the support of the entablature Caryatids at the new temple of Athena polias vs caryatids at siphnian treasury at Delphi Femal figure takes the place of the ionic column still kore with ionic drapery but aesthetically enlivens the building ionic order is more decorative than the doric- substituting a himan dfigure for a column is more decoratie to the max ----- Porch juts forward and overlaps the ruined foundatinos of the OAT a little bit When the athenianas went to rebuild they didn't put it directly ontop but with the shift they maintained the sanctity of the location the sacredness is transferred by this porch the tiny overlap physically transfers the sanctity from the old building into the new building This tiny piece of overlap has caryatids that take the tiny step forward as if theyre walking into the old temple, taking the step forward and putting their feet on the foundation Transfer of sanctity from OAT to New Athena polias temple Physical connection indicates transference of sanctity


The cemetray is a giant tumbulus - like at toumba mounded earth Not a single burial, used for several generations of the royal family Royal Tumulus at Vergina

sight lines

Theatre at pergamon looks different according to the slope- three different angles bc of the landscape Greek understanding of integration of architecture and landscape think of sight lines - sanctuaries and palaces behind you and the expansive view infront of you - advantage of natural vistas, attention to the contours and broader conepct like sunrise and set ---- Sight lines- entering from the back you are directed to a bit of an angle, right there is the climactic moment of the giants and toe gods


Vergina the royal cemetary close to pella Discovered in the 1970s, instead of excavating the royal cemetary they made the museum in the cemetary Royal Tumulus at Vergina 4th c. - 3rd c. dia. 110 m. (ca. 330 ft.) The cemetray is a giant tumbulus - like at toumba mounded earth Not a single burial, used for several generations of the royal family

Tomb I at Vergina

Tomb I 336 "The Tomb of Persephone" Tomb of Philip II? ---- Burial of one adult man, female, and infant Mystery as to who it is Could have been Philip the secons, when he was assassinated he had recently remarried a young woman and was pregnant the bone exam shows a clear leg wound- he had a spear thrust to the leg and walked with a limp this may have been his tomb Façade is ornate, marble door, plaster façade made to look like a doric temple Already monumental but then this doric things - as if ther person buried inside was buried in a temple- a message about status ---- Digital reconstructions of interior Red paint, friexe, three figural narratives painted with fresco- wet plaster and pigments on top that when it dries seals in Well preserved examples of wall painting Painted pottery and metal prottery like the dervini may have been inspired from wall painting Actual at the top and watercolor at the bottom mythical scene of hades stealing Persephone- seen also at Eleusis site for the cyclical nature of the seasons looking at the moment of abduction, hades grabbed Persephone, horses led by Hermes - scene full of energy and motion, sense of speed with the horses ---- hades and persephone- hades snatching her See hoe much attention has been given to the tortion of her body, hair, hands, body twist Persephone companion scared as well Use of perspective for the chariots wheels- three dimensional space on a 2d surface this can be done to provide a sense of depth Can see the sketch lines for the face- see the flowing curls streaming out behind him Curls of her hair streaming out behind her, master artist at work here with a lot of careful attention and thought Depth and volume of the figures in space- convey emotion Wall painting has more flexibility with the depictions than with vase painting more freedom for exploration and innovation, why scholars think it's the big influencer for other art forms ---

Tomb II at Vergina

Tomb II 317 Tomb of Philip II or III? Tomb 2 Two chambers connected with the barrel vault same façade as tomb 1, marble door, doric temple style Remains of a man and a woman, a few decades after Philips death- the tomb of Philip the third a half pbrother of alexander the great- does correspond in date A member of the royal family or elite member od Macedonian society Connections to temple architecture are stronger with the triglyphs and metopes, and half columns made of plaster put into the façade Sends messages about the tomb occupants Painted panel above the door ------- Painted panel above the door See another hunting scene - a sign of Macedonia elite status, wild boar, hunting dogs, lion and lioness from the cave, hunter with a net Indicators of landscape, sense of outdoors- different types of trees, loose rocks and pebbles, tufts of grass painter intereste in human and animal form and what the landscape looks like Depth- things fade to the background, foreground and background ¾ back view of a horse and person, the bodies twist in space- depth and shortening and perspective A lot of movement and action, groupings of figures in action but the overall compostion has a sense of unity to it An idealization of this scene- you wouldn't hunt nude and all wouldn't be at the same time- ideal youths doing ideal things Philip the second and the third woudlnt be the prime age but if it was one of them buried there it was still depicted of the ideal youth- messages of iconography and skill of the artistry ---- Grave goods in the tomb, gold, oak crown, gold box with the royal insignia, rings, funerary grave goods We started to see a return to the elite grave displays like the steles return to the grave as a marker of status and conspicuous consumption


Wars of the Diadochoi: 323-301 Alexander doesn't live very long- his death in 323 is the start of the Hellenistic period what comes after draws upon alexander and alex drew upon the time before him When alex dies there is no clear successor ---- Aftermath of Alexander's Death possible successors (Diadochoi) Alexander IV (baby of Roxane & Alexander) - Philip III (half-brother of Alexander) - Olympias (mother of Alexander) - Perdiccas ("guardian of the realm") - Craterus (guardian of Alex. IV) - Antipater - Kassander (son of Antipater) - Polyperchon - Ptolemy I (general) - Antigonos Monophthalmos (the One-Eyed, general) - Demetrios Poliorketes (the Besieger, son of the One-Eyed) - Seleucos I (general) - Lysimachos (Alex.'s bodyguard) Possible successors Baby son Half brother is crazy Mother is a woman Generals and bodyguard Diadochoi- all the possible successors, but none of them had the singular vision as alexander or his personality, none can take over 20 years of fighting between all these people ----- Battle of ipsus-301 had war elephants from india After this battle things seemed to calm down, there is no single person that could rule this entire amount his hige empire is chopped to pieces- one big empire to several smaller kingdoms still have monarchs but multiple kings with its own regions ---

West Facade at Erechtheion

Would have seen this side first No real entrance into the temple from this side, mostly some décor See the caryatid porch on one end, can see the north porch, heart of the west side is the chunk in the middle Ionic columns and frieze- inbetween the columns is walled off- colonnade that isn't open, floating several meters in the air colonnade is in the air, walled off at the bottom, so its just decorative - adds symmetry and adds decoration and embellishment like the caryatid porch Aesthetic detail but not structurally doing anything Some people think there could have been open windows at the top but that's controversial We have ionic columns that are fully or partially connected by a wall floating high above ground level with no access

Siwa (Siwah)

alexander the great Crazy route, more of the cities he named Egypt- he goes to siwah to speak to their oracle (similar to Delphi) to the Egyptian god ammon, similar to Greek zeus, - zeus ammon, at this oracle alexander is proclaimed to be the son of zeus ammon, and he is declared pharaoh of Egypt- a king of Egypt and the son of the divine


alexander the great hired his own court sculptor lysippos bc he liked his depcitions the most Alexander has a particular poise of the neck- head is bent slightly to the side, melting of the eyes out to the distance, characterisitic anastole lock of hari that curved upward over his hair (a cowlick in modern days, hair bunches up and drapes to the side- key piece of him), anastole gives him a look of a lion, flowing locks framing his face Compared to the other heads - lysippos is an important artist at this time, but this is an establishement of artistic patronage


alexander the great his own court sculptor lysippos bc he liked his depcitions the most Compared to the other heads - lysippos is an important artist at this time, but this is an establishement of artistic patronage


alexnader the great Egypt- he goes to siwah to speak to their oracle (similar to Delphi) to the Egyptian god ammon, similar to Greek zeus, - zeus ammon, at this oracle alexander is proclaimed to be the son of zeus ammon, and he is declared pharaoh of Egypt- a king of Egypt and the son of the divine

Attalos and Eumenes

attalid kingdom Pergamon- capital of the attalid kingdom very small but in a great area- western modern day turkey great place for trade routes EW and NS - small and weathly - ruled by attalos and Eumenes (family alternating names) last attalid kingdom wills his kingdom to Rome eventually

East Pediment of the Parthenon

birth of Athena EAST side Pediments have contestation Athena and Poseidon - Athens was deciding who their patron deity would be and there was a gift competition between the two- Poseidon gave some salt water and Athena gave an olive branch- the people chose Athena and thus Athens was born All of the gods surrounding watching this On the east side there is the birth of Athena- born fully formed out of zeus's head, she has no mother Athena with her father and other gods watching the birth Not a ton of action but it is calm, the swirls and polychromy Pediment: birth of athen Frieze: peplos- preparation of new dress for athen --- K,L,M Goddesses we don't know Leaning against each other and start to taper as they go down the pediment closer to the corner Compared to the the young girl from the temple of zeus at olpymoa- thick doughy folds emphasize the contour Contrasted to the drapery now, seated figure ahs taught drapery at her knees, falls down between her boobs and body languid bodies give a sense of the muscles and flesh, swirling lines that would have been enhanced by paint

Temple of Apollo at Bassai fireze

centauromachy and amazonomachy Carved of a local marble that is dowelled into place Amazonomachy- swirls of the drapery- would not have actually been like that, artist having fun, not a ton of overlap- figures are isolated lunging to each other, sense of chaos of the battle Losts of chaos, some overlapping but more action and activity going on Centauromachy- greeks have composed faces and idealized bodies but the centarus are grimacing and fighting dirty, shaggy beards like beasts us vs them narrative

West Pediment of Parthenon

contest between Athena & Poseidon Pediments have contestation Athena and Poseidon - Athens was deciding who their patron deity would be and there was a gift competition between the two- Poseidon gave some salt water and Athena gave an olive branch- the people chose Athena and thus Athens was born


god of love- seen in cupid on slipper slapper


in Arkadia (region) People in arcadia worked as mercenaries that were hired out to either side In the mountains many built a temple to Apollo epikourios ------ Sanctuary of Apollo Epikourios at Bassai Temple of Apollo Apollo the helper, mercenary Extra urban sanctuary - in place for a while and then it gets a new temple by iktinos Today there is a circus tent bc the temple is of local limestone that is fryable to protect it

agalma (pl. agalmata)

in the panathenaic festival -presentation of the peplos - special robe presented to cult statue (agalma) of Athena Polias would be massive to fit on the huge athena polias in the erechteion (Archaios Naos)


in the panathenic festival - sacrifice - hecatomb (100) of cattle sacrificed to Athena - distribution of meat in Kerameikos

spur columns

inside Sanctuary of Apollo Epikourios at Bassai Temple of Apollo Only when you go inside that you see the oddities-interior ionic spur columns fluting and the base makes a ¾ arch, know the column is ionic bc of the base


intercolumniation- space between the columns problem with corner (angle) contraction


north wing of the propylaia North wing-bigger with a second room- pinakotheke- room with paintings in it, sorta like the worlds first museum, panel paintings were hung people could enter and look at the paintings before going into the sanctuary itself The south wing and north wing North wing- extra room, he originally wanted to have a symmetrical souith wing like the pinakotheke, he wanted to add a room on the other side but there wasn't enough space, there was a big wall from the bronze age, little sanctuary etc Asymmetrical building but he puts the south wing in anyways so it looks symmetrical when you approach it from the outside, but ones in the gateway you see it is not He knows the importance of the entrance side- the first thing you encounter so you have to make a grand entrance gives the illusion of symmetry


pebble mosaic by Gnosis Pella stag hunt last 1/3 4th c. (ca. 330-300) Andryon- pebble mosaic in the room like at olynthos Different colors and sizes of pebbles- more detailed image A lot of geometric patterns, floral Gnosis signed this Gnosis- create energetic movement, landscape, dynamic interest in action but indication of depth with arms crossing infront of the body, twist of stags neck Similiarities btw vase painting and here with pebble mosaics

Pella pebble mosaics - stag hunt

pebble mosaic by Gnosis Pella stag hunt last 1/3 4th c. (ca. 330-300) Gnosis epoiesen Andryon- pebble mosaic in the room like at olynthos Different colors and sizes of pebbles- more detailed image A lot of geometric patterns, floral Gnosis signed this Stag hunt, idealized youth, with hunting dog, hunting is an elite activity This iconography- iconography of the hunt is a status symbol having a big house in pella is a symbol, having a pebble mosaic in andryon is a symbol, and then this icon is an indication of conspicuous consumption Gnosis- create energetic movement, landscape, dynamic interest in action but indication of depth with arms crossing infront of the body, twist of stags neck Similiarities btw vase painting and here with pebble mosaics


potential sacred area within the Erechtheion/Temple of Athena Polias - see pic in doc Erethion- modern name but hes a minor character, name by moder schoalrs and possibly romans


potential sacred area within the Erechtheion/Temple of Athena Polias - see pic in doc Western- three different cult rooms, one to Hephaistos, boutes local hero, Poseidon/Poseidon eretheus (legendary king of Athens), kekrops (legendary king of Athens), open air for pandrosos- dauthger of kekrops, and weird aread on north porch to zeus/Poseidon


potential sacred area within the Erechtheion/Temple of Athena Polias - see pic in doc Western- three different cult rooms, one to Hephaistos, boutes local hero, Poseidon/Poseidon eretheus (legendary king of Athens), kekrops (legendary king of Athens), open air for pandrosos- dauthger of kekrops, and weird aread on north porch to zeus/Poseidon


potential sacred area within the Erechtheion/Temple of Athena Polias - see pic in doc Western- three different cult rooms, one to Hephaistos, boutes local hero, Poseidon/Poseidon eretheus (legendary king of Athens), kekrops (legendary king of Athens), open air for pandrosos- dauthger of kekrops, and weird aread on north porch to zeus/Poseidon


potential sacred area within the Erechtheion/Temple of Athena Polias - see pic in doc Western- three different cult rooms, one to Hephaistos, boutes local hero, Poseidon/Poseidon eretheus (legendary king of Athens), kekrops (legendary king of Athens), open air for pandrosos- dauthger of kekrops, and weird aread on north porch to zeus/Poseidon


potential sacred area within the Erechtheion/Temple of Athena Polias - see pic in doc Western- three different cult rooms, one to Hephaistos, boutes local hero, Poseidon/Poseidon eretheus (legendary king of Athens), kekrops (legendary king of Athens), open air for pandrosos- dauthger of kekrops, and weird aread on north porch to zeus/Poseidon north facade- Big opening to bedrock, and a similar opening on the rood dedicated either to zeus or Poseidon Porch projects out to incorporate this older cult of zeus or Poseidon that has some connection to the sky and to the ground rock of the acropolis itself


potential sacred area within the Erechtheion/Temple of Athena Polias - see pic in doc Western- three different cult rooms, one to Hephaistos, boutes local hero, Poseidon/Poseidon eretheus (legendary king of Athens), kekrops (legendary king of Athens), open air for pandrosos- dauthger of kekrops, and weird aread on north porch to zeus/Poseidon north facade- Big opening to bedrock, and a similar opening on the rood dedicated either to zeus or Poseidon Porch projects out to incorporate this older cult of zeus or Poseidon that has some connection to the sky and to the ground rock of the acropolis itself

`corner (angle) contraction

problem: triglyph and column need to line up at corner The issue of lining up a triglyph over every column and intercolumniation- space between the columns, how you handle the corners? Problem is C, Only a doric issue Option- make last metope a little bigger to make the final triglyph hit the edge, looks a little weird, done mainly in the archaic Instead starting from the middle made each of the intercolumniation a little bit smaller as you move to the two ends- allows more or less the alignment of the final triglyph and column

propylon (pl. propylaia)

propylon = gate propylaia = gates


region containing bassai People in arcadia worked as mercenaries that were hired out to either side In the mountains many built a temple to Apollo epikourios

Great Altar of Zeus

sanctuary and Great Altar of Zeus Acropolis is built on three terraces similar to Delphi -terraces ot have construction Bottom terrace- sacred to zeus, sanctuary and altar 2nd Sanctuary to Athena - the most important, Athena is patron Top terrace is developed in the roman period but the bottom two are the most important in the Hellenistic period Three terraces are in an arch around the theatre Palaces- spatial association btw gods and kings - kings living in backyard of dieties- chaning conception of the divine monarchs put on the trappings of divine kingship- not declared gods but clear spatial message about the connections Diadem in video- may have been from an head on the acropolis but it got chopped off and rolled down Lower is to zeus Monumental altar, foundations in blue remains are in berlin- in an entire museum ------ gigantomachy near the stairs Altar is the slab inside, the others in an enclosure for ut Altar is contained within the enclosure, pie shaped colonnade, flight of steps, and wrapping around is a relief sculpture of a gigantomachy Not a peripteral altar, axiality thorugh the front Ionic colonnade- not a temple but the look Statues on the roof Continuous frieze- reversal of the normal ionic order- the continuous frieze is beloe the columns and is as big Frieze is around all sides and curls around the steps - takes into account the steps, gods and giants stumble up This was disassembled and then brought back to Germany from trains and boats nonstop motion in the gigantomachy Thick drapery, sense of the weight and action Some of the giants have snakey limbs, wings, nonstop overlap and interaction in relief but high depth See the use of the drill to give deep crevaces- a sense of the projection outward would have been polychromy and painted labels Bottom right- mother goddess of the east- same diety and other scene This tyoe of imagery allows the kings to assimilate themselves with their gods and voctory to verify their reign as a new king location, landscape, diadems, monumental iconography all used to show power ----- Carefully orchestrated vistas Sight lines One point of entrance into the terrace- when you enter the terrace you have to walk all the way around the giant enclosure to go up the flight of steps- think of how we interact with the architecture Sight lines- entering from the back you are directed to a bit of an angle, right there is the climactic moment of the giants and toe gods ---- Zeus and Athena having their moment in the gigantomachy Poses are mirrors creating a V- in direct sightline in the back where people come in Nike swopping in to place crown on Athena in victory Sightline when you enter the sanctuary Athena and egis biting down, emphasizing the power of Athena and the giant is doomed Athena points the way to the viewpoints of her temple on the terrace above this Enter and immediate is the triumphant scene Then the other is a view of the temple of Athena on the next terrace above us Athena looking up to her temple there, once at her temple there is a view looking back down circulating visual lines, spatially the two terraces are distinct but visually talking to each other

barrel vault

seen at Tomb II Two chambers connected with the barrel vault same façade as tomb 1, marble door, doric temple style


snakey aegis cloak worn by athena during battle

Telesterion at Eleusis

special temple at Eleusis, Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore Sacntuary dedicated to demeter and kore (Persephone) Special temple called a telesterion- building of initiation, a temple that is weird looking Myth about demeter and Persephone- demeter in her grief at not being to find her daughter Persephone that was taken by hades, the goddess of agriculture neglects her crops and it ends when she is reunited with her daughter when her daughter is with her that is the period of growth and abundance but when shes with hades her mom is sad- an explanation for the changing in seasons this is wehre a lot of this myth took place Strange initiation ritual is connected ot this story Mystery initiation cult is with the cyclical nature of the seasons and the cyclical nature of life- birth and death ------ Telesterion at Eleusis (hypostyle hall plan) A: late 7th / early 6th c. (early Archaic) B: ca. 500 (Late Archaic) C: ca. 450-430 architect: Iktinos Telesterion- several phases going back to the archaic Classical phase- what iktinos did right before building the parthenon The form deosnt change much but it grows in size Hypostyle hall- structure with a roof that is supported by interior columns, no perisyle, just columns on the inside of the building there is a front porch where they would have entered and moved inside, focus is on the inside, unusual most of the attention is on the outside, the inside typically only houses the cult statue- most of the activity is outside but here it is reversed, keeping it secret and private Shift to thinking about interiority ----- Classical Telesterion 52 x 54 m. (ca. 170 x 177 ft.) ca. 450-430 Interior space is held up with ionic columns on the inside- taller and slimmer Big building that can be held up with about ½ the number of columns included If you put yourself in the midset of the ancient worshippers- intiation that happens at night with torches, intiates come inside and all the columns are everywhere adding to disorientation and shadows, this is done bc it has the connections to initiation itself- mystery and things are hidden Bleachers on the inside that the initations would have stood on - carved out of the rock in the hillside itself, integrated with site specificity- building and cult that is rooted into the ground, typing the myth of demeter mourning the loss of her daigher- reminds us that Persephone is in the underworld Red is a person, a large building - how famous it was as an initiation panhelenic cult, you had to speak greek and bring your own piglet- men, women, slaves could be intiated Benches carved out of the rock itself, monumental structure itself Strange building that is classical - subvert expectations against increasing canonical world -------


tomb of Mausolos, satrap (~ provincial ruler) of Caria Halikarnassos, a wealthy city eventually conquered by alex the great, before was part of the Persian empire- in the region of caria, modern day turkey


tomb of Mausolos, satrap (~ provincial ruler) of Caria Satrap- regional ruler of the area who reports back to the king

Eleusinian Mysteries*

were initiations held every year for the cult of Demeter and Persephone based at the Panhellenic Sanctuary of Eleusis in ancient Greece. They are the "most famous of the secret religious rites of ancient Greece".

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