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In Angelica Kauffman's 'Zeuxis Choosing His Models for His Painting of Helen if Troy', what is the woman at the right of the painting picking up with her left hand?

A Paintbrush; which was meant to evoke Kauffman herslef being a painter.

What does the pointing hand of Christ in Caravaggio's 'Calling of Saint Matthew' recall?

Adam's hand in Michelangelo's Sistine ceiling.

Who were the painters who's clacissizing art was found of the ceiling of the gallery in the Farenese Palace Odoardo Fareneses' collection of antique sculpture?

Annibale and Agostino Caracci.

How does Artemisia Gentileschi's version of 'Judith Slaying Holofernes' differ from the one by Caravaggio painted about 22 years earlier?

Artemesia's painting feels more in action and the figures are dressed more expensively. Artemisia's was also seen as a revenge painting concerning her getting raped. In Caravaggio's though the maid is older and not as involved.

How does Valazquez's 'Water Carrier of Seville' portray it's principle figure?

As a figure of every day life; He is presented with dignity despite his humble clothes and activity.

How does David present Jean-Paul Marat in 'Death of Marat'?

As a martyr of the revolution.

On what was the form of the Lanape bandolier bag based?

Based on amunition bags used by 18th century soldiers (Native Indigenous Americans).

What makes Valazquez's portrait of Juan de Pareja unusual within the genre of portraiture?

Because it was a portrait of his black slave.

Why was Rembrandt's 'Night Watch' believed to be taking place at night?

Because of how dark it looks from the varnish the artist used.

The Loves of Gods


What is the term used to describe Rembrandt's use of light and dark contrasts in his 'Hundred Guilder Print'?


What are the differences between Chinese porcelain of the seventeenth century and blue-and-white ceramics made elsewhere in the world?

Chinese made it out of a formulated white clay while every one else used earthenware.

What figure is the artist painting in Vermeer's 'Art of Painting'?

Clio the Muse of History; He thinks of painting as an art of description.

The Oath of the Horatii


How is an Etching made?

Drawing on wax on a metal plate using a stylus. Then placed into acid bath.

Who is the figure with cuckold's horns in the bottom right of 'The Felicity of the Regency' by Rubens?


What term was applied by the French Academy to Watteau's paintings of the dalliances of leisured people in outdoor settings?

Fete Galante

Which part of the body does 'The Anatomy Lesson of Doctor Nicolaes Tulp' by Rembrandt show the doctor demonstrator working on?

Forearm and Hand.

On what did Benjamin West base the face and facial tattoo of the native American man in his 'Death of General Wolfe'?

From a soapspipe. Usually based likeness on objects rather than actual people.

Why did Rembrandt reproduce figures from Mughal paintings?

He needed new patronage from the wealthy men from the dutch east company, and he knows this would appeal to people who associate with India or have connections with India.

Who was Philips Lucasz?

He was a ship commander.

Whose likeness does Caravaggio use for the head of Goliath in his 'David and the Head of Goliath'?

His own face.

What is notable about Caravaggio's 'Basket of Fruit' of 1597?

It is the first independent still life painting made by an Italian artist in Italy.

In the painting by Dong Quichang after Ni Zan in his 'Landscapes after Old Masters', what is different about Dong's representation of the landscape vis-a-vis Ni Zan's fourteenth-century approach?

It is tilted. This allows us to feel like the painting is more real and like we are part of it.

What was the source for the idol in the background of 'The Martyrdom of Saint Thomas' by Rubens?

It was modeled after an Indonesian statuette from a scultped handle rather than a Roman sculpture. It is called a "Kris".

In 'Surrender of Brenda' by Valazque, who is presenting the key to the commander of the Spanish forces?

Justinus of Nasa

Who commissioned Jaques-Louis David's 'Oath of the Horatii"?

King Louis 16th

What do we know about the Jesuits' use of the 'Illustration of the Gospel Stories' in Asia?

Many Illustrations were changed to fit into different cultures it's purpose was to convert. Changes happen when converted to different cultures; People and Shading.

In her 'Self-Portrait' of 1790, Elizabeth Vigee Le Brun shows herself working on a portrait of whom?

Marie-Antoinette. This juxtaposition illudes to le Brun's status as the Queen's favorite painter.

In Bichitr's 'Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaykh to Kings', the Mughal emperor hands a book to the Sufi shaykh over which kings?

Ottoman Sultan; England's King James 1st.

What is the main source for the Indian painting of the 'Deposition' painting around 1598?

Print by Marcantonio Raimondi

How do we know that Bichitr was the painter who made the image of Shah Jahan standing on a globe?

Stylistic analysis, looking at signatures - He chooses to use light gold colors, the images are flat, many emperors commissioned him to paint this kind of images, and the materials are similar.

Who is the figure dressed in a yellow daopao in 'The Miracles of Francis Xavier' by Ruben?

The Chinese merchant Yppong.

What does the red cross on Valazquez's chest in 'Las Meninas' signify?

The Kighthood of Santiago which Valazquez wanted to be a part of but was not able to until 2 years before his death. The cross was painted after his death.

Who were Rembrandt's principal patrons?

The professional class and civic institutions.

What did Bougainville connect to the art of Boucher?

The things he saw in Tahiti because Boucher's painting were very sensual.

What do we know about Caravaggio's Working Technique?

There are no known or prepatory drawings by him.

What is significant about the mirror, the silver tray, and the red vessel on the tray in 'Las Meninas'?

They are all goods aquired from the colonialism of the Americas. Also the exploitation of the people and land there.

What do the arcs of blood spurting from Holofernes's neck wound in Artemisia Gentileschi's 'Judith Slaying Holofernes' resemble?

They resemble Gallileo's porabola, they were both members of the Design Academy so probably knew each other.

What do we know about the 'Triumph of the Church' by Rubens and its afterlife?

This oil sketch was for a tapestry, it was made into a print and flipped and reproduced by a Mexican painter. Lost in translation bc of so many copies.

What is the format of the 'Elevation of the Cross' by Rubens?

Triptych; An Artwork with 3 panels or part; A medival style.

What is the term used for the effect of Francisco de Zurbaran's 'Christ on the Cross' when it was displayed behind the altar at San Pablo el Real in Seville?


The art of Painting


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