AS level Travel and Tourism

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The effects of seasonality can be seen as:

- A change in the pattern of tourist demand - A decrease in the number of nights tourists stay - A drastic change in the pattern of tourists - A lower number of trios made by tourists overall

Main factors affecting tourism

- Changes to the national GDP and GNP - Levels of disposable income in the country - Changes in distribution of wealth - Changes in employment levels and opportunities - Changes in currency exchange rates - Infrastructure development and improvement

How can travel and tourism organizations overcome seasonality?

- Produce videos or virtual tours - Offer a product at discounted rates - Reviews of websites can be made, such as Trip Advisor - Can read sales literature (leaflets etc)

How do travel and tourism organizations overcome perishability?

- Some marketers have developed a complex pricing strategy which attempts to sell their products in advance for off-season months - It is also cheaper for people to book in advance

Social factors affecting tourism

-Aging population -Leisure time -Rising middle classes in the East, declining in the West -New family structures -Increasing awareness of health

Economic factors affecting tourism

-Changes to the national economy and GDP -Levels of disposable income -Changes to the distribution of wealth -Changes to employment opportunities -Changes is currency exchange rates -Infrastructure development and improvement

Technological factors affecting tourism

-Developments in transport technology -Developments in information technology

What are the 5 main groups of external customers?

-Individuals -Groups -Foreign visitors -Families -Special needs people (disabilities, allergies etc)

Ecological factors affecting tourism

-Protection of the environment, and conservation of natural/cultural heritage -The threat posed by climate change, including global warming and natural disasters -Diminishing oil reserves means seeking new travel forms

Political factors affecting tourism

-Terrorism, war, civil unrest, crime and other factors which affect social harmony -Changes to security measures -Visa regulations and entry controls -Changes to legislation

What is an integrated resort.

A relatively new type of resort that have a mixed development concept which are large scale and purpose built. They usually offer a range of leisure and conference activities, sometimes ass well as things like a casino. An example is the World Sentosa Resort in Singapore.

What is a beach resort?

A resort based on the beach where the main amenities and activities for visitors are liked to the beach, such as waterskiing or paddle boarding. An example of this are resorts in Benidorm.

What is a purpose built resort?

A resort that has been specially built for tourists. The accommodation, food, beverages, activities and amenities are all designed around a certain theme and have been carefully planed and developed to attract certain customer groups. A well known example of this is Disneyland Paris.

What is a tourist?

A tourist is a person who travels for pleasure to a counrty other than their own for a peroid of time that is longer than a day but less than a year

What is adventure tourism?

A type of tourism where people travel to remote or exotic locations in order to take part in physically challenging outdoor activities, such as skiing, rock climbing, bungee jumping, sky diving etc. Tourists are encouraged to step out of their comfort zones and to expect the unexpected. An example of this is is zip lining in Costa Rica through the jungle.

MEDC (More Economically Developed Country)

A very rich and developed country, which has: lots of money, low infant mortality rates, low death rate, high quality housing, generally free education and healthcare which is very advanced, high GDP's

LEDC (Less Economically Developed Country)

A very underdeveloped, poor country which has: not very much money, high infant mortality rate, high death rate, low quality housing, generally quite high debt levels, low literacy levels and schooling is sparse and not advanced, low GDP, lots of raw materials which they sell to MEDC's

What is slum tourism?

Also known as ghetto tourism, this is a type of tourism that involves visiting areas of poverty, with the purpose to give tourists the opportunity to see the non-touristy areas of a country. This is popular in places like Brazil, India (Dharavi slum), and South Africa.

What is an internal customer?

An employee of the travel and tourism organization who must treat their colleagues the same way they would treat a customer (politeness, respect, trust etc)


An inhabited place of greater size, population or importance than a town or village. It's not la,y th emailer metropolitan center of a region.

What is the World Tourism Organization (WTO)

An intergovernmental organization who aim to promote international tourism

What are ancillary services?

Any extra service that may be provided by a business for a customer that makes their trip more enjoyable, sound as: car insurance, free hotel transport, currency exchange booths


Any geographical area consisting of all the services and infrastructure necessary to support tourism

Definition of a customer

Anyone who has the right to ask or expect an employee to provide a service as part of their job role

Commercial organizations

Businesses that aim to make a profit

Private sector

Businesses that are not owned by the government and are instead owned by private individuals

Island destinations

Islands that are attractive to visitors with their exotic images of white beaches, where you can do activities such as snorkeling, paddle boarding and canoeing (example is the Maldives or Bora Bora)

GNP (Gross National Product)

Measures the value of goods and services produced by people from that country, but it does not matter about where they make it, but they/it has to originate from that country.


Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions

Countryside destinations

More remote and less densely populated areas of a country. Tourists visit these areas to enjoy natural attractions such as lakes, mountains and forests (example is the Lake District)

Business Tourism

People traveling for work related purposes to attend MICE events

What are consular service providers?

People who provide advice to citizens of their own country who are planning to travel abroad by: replacing passports, giving loans to people who need them, helping out with visas

Urban destinations

Places with a relatively high population density, so mainly large towns and cities

What is outbound tourism?

Residents of a given country traveling to and staying in a place outside of their own country. An example is a person from Barbados leaving their own country to go on holiday in Germany.

Functional area customer service standards

The actions an individual employee needs to follow to perform a task competently

Definition of customer service?

The advice and assistance provided by an organization to those people who buy or use its services

What is integration?

The growth of a travel and tourism organization (Example for a travel agent= - Backwards is running a transport company - Horizontal is merging with another travel agent/company - Forward is buying into accommodation such as hotels or resorts)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The monetary measure of the value of final goods and services produced in a country in a certain period, usually a year

Disposable income

The money that is left over after income tax on your salary, which you are free to spend on whatever you want

What is an external customer?

The organizations customers who visit or use the organization because it can provide them with something they need


The process of dividing the market into different groups of people who all have different wants and needs, then designing and implementing strategies to target them

What is package tourism?

The simultaneous sale of at least two elements of a holiday to the traveler, such as flights and accommodation. An example is someone staying in Ibiza for two weeks may book a package holiday as they could get discounts for things to do on that area.

What is the national tourism organization (NTO)

The tourism board for each independent nation who: establish tourism policies, ensure infrastructure is adequate, maintain tourist attractions, provide tourist information centers, make tourism legislation and regulations

Film tourism

The travel to locations which feature in films and in television series. These forms of media inspire people to experience the locations themselves. One major example is New Zealand, because due to the Lord of the Rings movies, lots of tourists want to visit New Zealand to see where these famous movies were actually filmed.

Product line extension

The use of an established product brand name for a new item that is in the same product category (eg: opening a new hotel branch in a new destination under the same hotel brand name)

GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

The value of the goods and services that are produced in a country (this is not affected by where people/companies in that country originally come from)

What is dark tourism?

Tourism that involves traveling to places that are historically associated with death and tragedy. The main attraction to dark locations is their historical value rather than the actual death and suffering they associated with. Places like old war battlegrounds (France after WW2), catacombs (under Paris), and war memorials are all examples of dark tourism.

What is eco tourism?

Tourism that is directed towards exotic, often threatened natural environments, often to support conservation efforts, to observe wildlife in their natural habitat, and to educate the traveler about sustainable development. It is a low impact and small scale alternative to standard commercial mass tourism. An example is the Urnatur Eco Resort in Sweden where you stay in a tree house in the forest.

Responsible tourism

Tourism that recognizes that the impacts of tourism are very different in different places, and that some impacts will be more important than others. It tries to create better places for people to live in, and better places for tourists to visit

Sustainable tourism

Tourism that takes concrete actions to each enhance the well-being of the local communities, and makes positive contributions to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage (eg: water conservation and hiring staff from the local community)

Coastal destinations

Towns and villages that attract visitors because they are located on the coast. Fists here are known as seaside tourism (example is Brighton in the UK)

Leisure tourism

Traveling for fun so you can freely choose where you go, it is not work related at all

What is health and spa tourism?

Trips that are taken by tourists where the principle purpose is to improve their health and well-being. Tourists can take part in: physical fitness programs, spa treatments, health retreats, medical treatments like acupuncture, and natural beauty treatments like clay face masks. A popular destination is North America.


When a product or industry service cannot be easily evaluated or demonstrated in advance of its purchase ( for example a holiday to Barbados cannot be tested before it is booked)

What is international tourism?

When a traveler crosses one or more national boundaries, they are classified as an international traveler because they are visiting a different country and have left their own country in order to do so. An example is someone from Australia going to Japan on holiday.

What is domestic tourism?

When a trip takes place within a travelers own country (It is sometimes known as a staycation) An example is a person from Leeds going to Brighton for the weekend.

Indirect employment

When employees don't come into contact with the tourists, but carry out vital services that the tourists benefit from, such as restaurant suppliers or aircraft manufacturers

What is religious tourism?

When people travel either individually or in groups for pilgrimages, missionary expeditions, or for leisure purposes to visit holy cities and sights. The worlds largest form of mass religious tourism is the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Some of the most famous holy cities are: Vatican City, Mecca, and Jerusalem.

What is medical tourism?

When people travel to a country other than their own to obtain medical treatment, which is usually either unavailable or illegal in their home country. Normally people travel from LEDC's to MEDC's to get their treatment because the healthcare is more advanced, but a recent trend has seen people traveling to LEDC's more now to get the treatments for cheaper. An popular destination is Miami, in the USA.

What is sport tourism?

When people travel to either participate in or view sport related activities. Examples include people who travel to watch the Olympics, FIFA World Cup, or the F1 Grand Prix. On the other hand, people who travel to go hiking or canoeing abroad are also taking part in sports tourism.

Visiting friends and relatives (VFR)

When people travel with the main purpose of visiting friends and relatives who have migrated elsewhere

What is perishability?

When services go unused so are lost because they cannot be stored and used for later use or sale like normal goods (examples are a hotel bed or airline seat that remain unsold represent lost revenue that can never be recovered)

Direct employment

When the employees come into contact with tourists and cater for tourist demand

What is cultural tourism?

When tourists get to engage with a countries religious culture, the lifestyle of the people, the history and art and architecture of the country, and other elements that help shape the way of life in that country. Some cultural facilities include museums and theaters. An example is Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia.

Countries as destinations

Where countries themselves are seen as the destination, not specific places within them (examples: Thailand or Kenya)

What is specialized tourism?

Where people go on trips in areas that are geared towards people with a particular interest. An example is many people go to the Lake District in the UK to go on hiking holidays.

What is independent tourism?

Where the traveler organized and books each aspect of their trip separately, such as the transport and accommodation. An example is someone doing a tour of Spain would book each aspect of their trip independently because it is easier as they will be moving around a lot and won't just be located in one place.

What are the regional and local tourism organizations.

Governmental bodies who are responsible for marketing their region via external marketing to people abroad

What are industry groups and trade associations?

Groups that are funded by businesses to handle public relation activities between countries through meetings, charity events and networking


How demand for a travel and tourism product varies throughout a year depending on climatic conditions and the seasons. Also special events for certain times of the year such as Christians or Halloween are classed as seasonality because demand for certain activities can increase at these time of the year

Product differentiation

Individualizing mass market products to make them vary slightly from the competitions products so they can achieve product uniqueness which helps consumers make a choice between the slightly different options

Gross National Product (GNP)

A monetary measure of the value of all goods and services produced by the countries nationals in a certain period, regardless of if the nationals are in the country or not

What is inbound tourism?

A person coming into your country is an inbound tourist (they have to stay for less than a year to be classified as an tourist) An example is someone from Kenya coming into my country, England, for their holiday

What is a resort?

A place where a high proportion of jobs and businesses are connected to tourism. Resorts have a range of accommodation and include a number of other attractions and tourist facilities. An example is the Four Seasons Resort in the Maldives.

What are chartered flights?

A flight where a tour operator/agent pre-books all of the seats on a flight for their customers so if there are not enough people to fill all of the seats, the flight may not go ahead

What is mass tourism?

A form of tourism that involves a large number of tourists coming together in the same destination at the same time. An example is many people fly into LA to attend the Coachella music festival that happens once a year.


A human settlement larger than a village but smaller than a town. A medical town is when a town ha seven around since the 19th century

What are destination management companies?

Companies who have a good knowledge of their local area so can help tourists in the area with: transportation, accommodation, excursions, overcoming language barriers

What does DTCM stand for?

Department of Tourism and Commerce Management

Performance Management

Enables an employee and their line manager to review past performance, to assess current achievements and any specific training needs, as well as analyzing the employees potential for development or promotion

What are scheduled flights?

Flights that run to a published timetable and operate irrespective of whether there are enough passengers to make a profit

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