ASAM Final

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In _______, the Supreme Court ruled antimiscegenation laws unconstitutional in Loving v. Virginia, marking a significant civil rights victory.


What percentage of Americans under the age of eighteen identify as multiracial?


More than _______ women are abused by their partners each year.

6 million

A black man born after the Civil Rights Movement who later dropped out of high school has a _______ percent chance of doing time in jail or prison.

60 percent

The United States has a very high murder rate compared to almost all other developed nations.


What are the differences between the American ideals of assimilation, hyphenation, and multiculturalism?

Assimilation: out-groups lose their distinctive identities over time and gradually become absorbed into a preexisting, overarching American identity Hyphenation: does tolerate outsider's qualities and continues to stigmatize them (i.e Asian American) multiculturalism: welcomes both the outsider and her or his qualities; opens up possibility for acceptance & toleration and understanding/recognition

_______ women are the least likely to get married and _______ women are the most likely to get married.

Black; Asian American

_______ supported "industrial education" for black Americans. _______ believed that black education should be no different from white education.

Booker T. Washington; W.E.B Du Bois

America has higher crime rates than other industrialized countries


Americans' political attitudes and interests are becoming more polarized.


Nonwhites are overrepresented as performers in the entertainment industry, but underrepresented as writers and directors.


Researchers have found that cities that experienced the largest increases in immigration between 1990 and 2000 experienced the largest increases in violent crime.


An advocate of which of the following racial ideals would disapprove of affirmative action policies for racial minorities?


What best summarizes the completion rate for all races?

completion rates for both high school and college have increased for all racial groups

_______ occurs when members of one ethnic or racial group adopt a cultural product associated with another group.

cultural appropriation

What are the explanations offered for why the rate of children born to unmarried mothers has increased so drastically?

The economy and prison sexual patterns of poor black men Kathryn Edin & Maria Kefalas: women revere marriage

How is corporate oversight that results in deadly consequences different from murder? Why are the corporate crimes that result in deaths not considered murder?

The federal government explicitly chose to consider the drug crime more important than white-collar crimes. There is great act of defining the crime, of labeling certain things while overlooking others that are just as harmful. Justice Department shifted attention from white-collar to street crimes after "war on drugs"

Which of the following is true about religious affiliation in America?

The grand majority of Americans identify as Christians.

Which of the following played a major role in remaking the gendered family structure in the United States in the twentieth century?

The great depression

In what ways is the distinction between highbrow culture and lowbrow culture racialized?

The origin of this artistic division is rooted in racial and class divisions of the 19th century Performing arts were established in a way to set themselves apart from and above the masses When this distinction was imported to the US --> racialized meaning

Compared to similar nations, the United States has a relatively low divorce rate.


Research has conclusively shown that prisons successfully prevent crime.


What is a form of social capital?


Which of the following policies is partly responsible for the massive prison boom? a. the legalization of marijuana b. three-strikes laws c. decreased sentences for nonviolent crimes

three-strikes laws

What was the primary objective of Indian boarding schools at the beginning of the twentieth century?

to strip Native Americans of their culture and force them to assimilate to Anglo-American culture

According to research cited in the text, the stereotype threat results in black students performing worse on standardized tests than white students.


College graduation rates have improved for every racial/ethnic group.


The goals of the racial democracy ideal are in opposition to the goals of color-blindness and multiculturalism.


Example of cultural capital

understanding the right way to email your professor

The paintings of Norman Rockwell and the the TV show The Brady Bunch are examples of the

white aesthetic

Form of oppositional culture

white students tend to make fun of Hispanic students who do well in school

Which of the following types of crime is more profitable? a. white-collar crime b. street crime

white-collar crime

Most people arrested in the United States are _______, but __________ people are arrested at much higher rates.

white; Black and Hispanic

Which of the following groups is least likely to be in an interracial marriage?


What are the various reasons why whites have higher rates of civic engagement than nonwhites?

whites believe that most people can be trusted (high degrees of social trust) variation in affluence English proficiency

Admission policy at Harvard

more likely to rely on affirmative action

An advocate of which of the following racial ideals would focus attention on the lasting racial injustices in housing?

racial democracy

Which of the following racial ideals do the authors advocate?

racial democracy

Lynch mob

racial terrorism that was used to control nonwhites

In what ways does the practice of tracking produce educational inequality?

racialized tracking remains even after student's cognitive ability and class backgrounds are taken into account As a school's racial diversity increases, the chances that blacks and Hispanics will be assigned to higher tracks decreases

The majority of religious congregations in the United States are

racially and ethnically segregated.

How can we tell the difference between racist appropriation and antiracist appropriation?

refuses to deracialize/dehistoricize the art form that inspires it gives credit does not distort or malign the image in mocking wyas refuses to use the image in the interest of racial domination reinvests money to nonwhite communities

What does it mean to say that interracial relationships require "doing the (racial) work"?

requiring each person to engage in a fair amount of cultural labor (learning about history/culture)

Social capital

the sum of all resources one accrues by virtue of being connected to a network of people

Cultural capital

the sum total of one's knowledge of established and exalted cultural activities and practices

A white man born after the Civil Rights Movement who later dropped out of high school has a _______ percent chance of doing time in jail or prison.

11 percent

Blacks and Hispanics account for approximately _______ percent of all prisoners, yet make up only _______ of the U.S. population.


Which racial/ethnic groups have the highest public high school dropout rates

African Americans and native americans

Which of the following states has the highest percentage of multiracial citizens?


What are the authors' four main suggestions for confronting a person with racist views?

Change at the interactional level: take prejudices seriously, do not yell/get angry, realize that they matter, their ideas/beliefs are tied to their experience, you must sincerely listen to them if you want them to listen to you

Sociologist Annette Rue What did she discover?

Class difference in parenting styles: language, attitudes, and behavior Discovered that working-class children develop less cultural capital due to participating in fewer activities

What are the major weaknesses of both the color-blindness and the multiculturalism agendas?

Color blindness: does nothing to dismantle entrenched patterns of racial segregation, undermine unconscious racial stigmatization and discrimination, challenge informal practices of racial avoidance such as white flight.... etc. Multiculturalism: demands for certain cultures a level of respect they might not deserve, portrays cultures themselves in reified fashion BOTH fail to appreciate a crucial aspect of the democratic ideal : responding to problems with just remedies

What is Eurocentric curriculum?

Eurocentric accounts consider stories and experiences of Americans of European descent to be central to American history while marginalizing the stories of non-Europeans

What is the social relationship between cultural capital and educational success?

Having the right type of cultural capital= educational success; having the wrong cultural capital can hold you back

Which of the following is true about prisons?

In the 1970s, the prison population increased significantly

Which of the following is an example of subversive art?

James Luna's The Artifact Piece

Why is the myth of the "model minority" problematic even though it seems like a positive stereotype?

Lose-lose situation with the burden to succeed invokes antipode a lot of pressure

Which of the following was a leader in the black nationalist movement?

Marcus Garvey

What are some of the reasons why such a large proportion of African Americans today never marry?

Men with criminal records do not reenter the marriage pool (women don't want to marry those who have done time) racially homophily powerfully structures mate-searching behavior black women are left behind in the dating/marriage game

Betty Hart & Todd

Middle class children are more likely to receive more praise and hear more utterances than poor children

Which of the following is true about American women in prison today? a. Women are incarcerated at lower rates in the United States than in most other industrialized nations. b. Most women in prison are mothers. c. The number of women in prison has been steadily decreasing. d. White women are more likely to be incarcerated than black and Hispanic women.

Most women in prison are mothers

Which of the following groups is most likely to experience religious discrimination in the United States?


Which of the following is a true statement about affirmative action policies on college campuses?

On college campuses, "legacy" students far outnumber students who benefited from affirmative action.

_______ deployed the National Guard to aid the segregationists in keeping black students out of Little Rock Central High.

Orval Faubus

A child's parent did not attend college but saved money for tuition and saved scholarships. Concern: no deep familiarity with the kinds of practices for educational success (music/art knowledge)

The concern is a form of cultural capital

Why did politicians focus on crime as the main problem plaguing America when most Americans did not view it as a major problem? Once it was introduced, why did the focus on crime resonate with so many Americans?

The terms of political debate were altered in a way that "tough on crime" stances, which are called repressive punishments, were counterposed to more rehabilitative stances, which focused on the root causes of crime.

Which of the following statements is representative of the white aesthetic?

The white experience is seen as "normal."

What is the justification of the lynch mob?

The white public argued that lynching kept white women safe from the black male rapist

Which of the following statements is true of minstrel shows?

They made a mockery of black Americans for the enjoyment of white audiences.

"For the first time in our history, Americans have to be fearful of what they say, of what they write, and of what they think. They have to be afraid of using the wrong word, a word denounced as offensive or insensitive, or racist, sexist, or homophobic."—Bill Lind, American University, 2000 Who, exactly, does Lind have in mind when he references Americans who, for the first time in history, have to watch what they say? Explain.

Those who advocated for a kind of white identity politics; it is their voices that have come under attack -first time in American history where white and nonwhites consider racial domination evil

In what ways can the Internet serve as a source of both virtual racism and virtual empowerment?

Virtual racism -racism is perpetrated much more regularly by users who respond to videos than by those who post them (anonymous comments on Youtube, Twitter) -Even not anonymous online communities are rife with racism (Tinder, Grindr) Virtual empowerment -Giving voice and fostering healthy debate -increasing political mobilization and participation reconnecting diasporic communities -preserving indigenous languages

Which author wrote about a double consciousness?

W.E.B. Du Bois

Which of the following groups has the highest rates of civic engagement?

White americans

Oppositional culture

collection of linguistic, behavioral, aesthetic, and spiritual attitudes and practices formed in direct opposition to mainstream white culture

The percentage of Americans favoring interracial marriage has

consistently increased.

What are the major critiques of diversity training as a way to combat racism in the workplace?

does nothing to bust through glass ceilings diversity comes to mean many things (is it just about talking about respecting individual differences--> overlooking role of conflict, power, dominance, and the history of how organizations are structured), might reify race in fallacious ways (inflating cultural differences)

Which of the following is an example of how change can be enacted on the institutional level?

enacting affirmative action policies

The ideological movement that resisted cultural and social assimilation with whites and instead championed self-determination, race pride, and separatism is called

ethnic nationalism

Advocates of which of the following racial ideals would be most likely to find value in experiencing other cultures and broadening their horizons?

multiculturalism and cosmopolitanism

How do high incarceration rates affect nonwhite communities?

political: no longer can participate in citizenship economic: no access to well-paying jobs, food stamps, medicaid, financial aid wreaks havoc on family

Where the white aesthetic seeks to normalize whiteness, the racist aesthetic

seeks to depict people of color in a negative light

The authors argue that "cultural appropriation . . . is not simply about who is doing the appropriating but how they are doing it." What does this mean?

the difference between one that denigrates and one that appreciates racist aesthetic vs antiracist aesthetic

The text offers four explanations for racial disparities in education. Which of the four explanations points to the effects of cultural capital?

the role of culture

Movies like Black Hawk Down, Django Unchained, The Matrix, The Help, and Avatar are all representative of which of the following themes?

the racist aesthetic

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