ASCP Hematology - MediaLab (1)

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Which of the following best describes a resting lymphocyte? A. Cytoplasm is light blue and nucleus is about the size of an erythrocyte B. Delicate chromatin with cytoplasm that has a "ground glass" appearance C. Light pink cytoplasm with many fine specific granules D. Clear cytoplasm with large red-orange specific granules


Which of the following cells are of lymphoid lineage? A. Plasma cell B. Macrophage C. Eosinophil D. Megakaryocyte


Which of the following cells is characterized by a thin rim of cytoplasm around the nucleus? A. Small lymphocyte B. Large lymphocyte C. Monocyte D. Segmented neutrophil


Which of the following is true of the nuclear appendage seen in this image? A. Seen only in women B. Seen only in men C. Seen in both sexes D. Seen in dwarfs only


Which of the following phrases best describes a segmented neutrophil? A. Cytoplasm appears pink-purple due to small specific granules B. Cytoplasm contains large red-orange granules C. Cytoplasm is a pale blue color with a ground glass appearance D. Cytoplasm is clear with no granules


All of the cells listed below function as a phagocyte, EXCEPT? A. Neutrophil B. Eosinophil C. Monocyte D. Macrophage


An SDS-agarose gel electrophoresis for determining different multimer sizes of vWF is performed on a group of patient. Which of the following would indicate a patient who does not have von Willebrand Disease? A. A column which has 2 heavy-staining bands and 2 light-staining bands (meaning a large quantity of 2 different multimers, and a small quantity of 2 other multimers) B. A column which has 11 heavy-staining bands C. A column which has 10 light-staining bands D. A column which has 3 light-staining bands


Classification of acute leukemia in the US relies on 2 main systems, the FAB and the WHO. In order to diagnose acute leukemia, the FAB system requires _____% of non-erythroid blasts to be present in the bone marrow/peripheral blood, while the WHO system requires the presence of _____% non-erythroid blasts. A. 40%, 20% B. 30%, 20% C. 20%, 30% D. 20%, 40%


Cooley's anemia is another name for which form of beta-thalassemia? A. Delta-beta thalassemia B. Beta thalassemia major C. Beta thalassemia intermedia D. Beta thalassemia minor


How many WBCs would be considered normal for adult cerebrospinal fluid? A. Any number of WBCs is considered abnormal B. 0-5 WBCs/uL C. 6-10 WBCs/uL D. Up to 30 WBCs/uL


How would you describe the appearance of a mature monocyte seen in a Wright's stained peripheral blood smear? A. Pale blue cytoplasm. Nucleus may be oval or round B. Blue-gray opaque cytoplasm. Nucleus may have convolutions C. Light pink cytoplasm with fine granules. Nucleus with 2-5 lobes D. Colorless cytoplasm with large red refractile granules


In the heterozygous state of HbS, referred to as sickle cell trait, which of the following hemoglobins appear in combination with HbS? A. HbE B. HbA C. HbC D. HbD


Removal of which of these organs may be a last resort treatment for a patient whose platelet count is less than 30 x 10^9 /L as a result of immune thrombocytopenia? A. Gall bladder B. Pancreas C. Spleen D. A kidney


If one finds excessive rouleaux formation on a blood smear examination, then which of the following parameters might also be increased? A. Leukocyte count B. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate C. Hematocrit D. Osmotic fragility


In which disorder may a mild anemia be present even with an increased RBC count and normal adult hemoglobin electrophoresis? A. Alpha thalassemia silent carrier B. Alpha thalassemia minor C. Alpha thalassemia intermedia D. Alpha thalassemia major


Remnants of erythrocyte nuclei, nuclear fragments, or aggregates of chromosomes are called: A. Heinz bodies B. Howell-Jolly Bodies C. Basophilic stippling D. Pappenheimer bodies


Select from the choices below the best report that reflects this pleural fluid cytospin image from a patient with refractory Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. A. Lymphoma cells, mesothelial cells, macrophages, neutrophils B. Lymphocytes, lymphoma cells, neutrophils, macrophages, hemophagocytosis C. Mesothelial cells, neutrophils, macrophages, hemophagocytosis D. Neutrophils, hemophagocytosis, mesothelial cells, lymphoma cells, macrophages


The causative agent of infectious mononucleosis attaches to a receptor on which of the following cells? A. T helper cell B. B lymphocyte C. T suppressor cell D. NK cell


Which of the following factors is known as Hageman factor? A. Factor X B. Factor XII C. Factor V D. Factor VII


Which of the following stages of neutrophilic granulocyte cellular development is at the second stage from the least mature stage? A. Band neutrophil B. Promyelocyte C. Metamyelocyte D. Myeloblast


What abnormality is present in this slide? A. None B. Polychromasia C. Howell-Jolly Body D. Basophilic stippling


What are the abnormal red cells in this field? A. Target cells (codocytes) B. Burr cells (echinocytes) C. Sickle cells (drepanocytes) D. Stomatocytes


What is the optimal time to begin initial microscopic examination of a semen specimen, assuming liquefaction is complete? A. 30 minutes B. 2 hours C. 4 hours D. 8 hours


What is the prominent RBC morphologic feature found in lead poisoning (plumbism)? A. Basophilic stippling B. Hypersegmentation C. Macrocytosis D. Target cell


Which disease/condition can be indicated by the morphology displayed in this WBC? A. Chediak-Higashi syndrome B. Pelger-Huet anomaly C. Dohle bodies D. Toxic granulation


A patient initially has a prolonged PT. After reviewing the patient's case and lab findings, the physician administers intravenous vitamin K. The repeat PT results are normal after 24 hours of vitamin K therapy. What clinical condition is MOST likely to produce these results? A. Liver disease B. Factor XI deficiency C. Fibrinogen deficency D. vWF deficency


Aspirin ingestion prevents the synthesis of this signaling molecule in the platelet? A. Thromboxane A2 B. Calcium C. Collagen D. ADP


Disorders in which coarse basophilic stippling can be seen are in all of the following EXCEPT? A. Polycythemia B. Thalassemia C. Disorders of abnormal heme synthesis D. Lead poisoning


Identify the nucleated blood cells: A. Lymphocytes B. Neutrophils C. Basophils D. Monocytes


In an alkaline pH, which of the following hemoglobins cannot be separated from hemoglobin S during hemoglobin electrophoresis? A. HbD B. HbC C. HbA D. HbF


The life span of RBCs containing Hemoglobin H is typically: A. Less than 120 days B. 100-120 days C. 120-140 days D. Greater than 140 days


Identify the nucleated blood cell in the image. A. Lymphocyte B. Segmented neutrophil C. Band neutrophil D. Monocyte


In an adult, hematopoiesis occurs in which of the following listed sites? A. Liver B. Spleen C. Pancreas D. Proximal ends of long bones


Phagocytosis is a function of which of the following types of cells? A. Lymphocytes B. Erythrocytes C. Thrombocytes D. Monocytes


The gene loci for the alpha-globin chains are adjacent to the locus for which other globin chain? A. Beta B. Delta C. Epsilon D. Zeta


The primary purpose of neutrophil granules is to: A. Facilitate nuclear maturation B. Help distinguish neutrophils from lymphocytes C. Prepare cells for removal from circulation D. Provide microbicidal action


Which of the following cells is indicative of Hodgkin's disease? A. Niemann-Pick cells B. Reactive lymphocytes C. Flame cells D. Reed-Sternberg (RS) cells


Which of the following conditions is hypersegmentation of granulocytes most commonly associate with? A. Inherited trait or lipid storage disease B. Iron deficiency C. Viral infection D. Vitamin B12 or Folate deficiency


Which of the following statements about monocyte function is INCORRECT? A. Monocytes are WBCs that are actively phagocytic in the peripheral blood B. Monocytes are WBCs that are actively phagocytic in the body tissues C. Monocytes are WBCs that can continue to develop into macrophages D. Monocytes are WBCs that play an important role in inflammatory diseases


This peripheral smear is demonstrating: A. Artificial poikilocytosis B. Agglutination C. Rouleaux D. Anisocytosis


When RBCs hemolyze, what is the molecule released that will give the plasma its reddish appearance? A. Sodium B. Potassium C. Hemoglobin D. Glucose


Which of the following formulas would you use to calculate absolute cell counts? A. Cells counted / total cells B. 10 X cells counted / total cells C. Total count X % of cells counted D. Cells counted X total cells


You are evaluating a potentially malignant effusion (e.g. peritoneal or pleural fluid) and you note cells that appear to be some type of tumor cells. How would you follow up/report this? A. Assume that they are probably just mesothelial cells and report them as such B. Ignore the cells since that is not part of a laboratory scientist's role in body fluid analysis C. Consult a pathologist and confirm that the specimen has been sent to cytology for analysis D. Consult with other laboratory scientists, then identify and report the cells.


As an RBC ages, all of the following are true EXCEPT: A. The membrane becomes less flexible B. The cellular hemoglobin concentration increases C. Glycolysis and other enzyme activity decrease D. They become less prone to phagocytosis


Identify the white cells. A. Basophil B. Eosinophil C. Monocyte D. Segmented neutrophil


All of the following are associated with Hgb C disease, EXCEPT? A. Hgb C crystal B. Target cells C. Lysine substituted for glutamic acid at the 6th position of the beta chain D. Fast mobility of Hgb C at pH 8.6


All of the following statements are correct regarding polychromatophilic RBCs EXCEPT? A. They correspond to the reticulocyte stage of RBC maturation B. They stain blue-lavender/gray on Wright stain C. They are often slightly larger than mature RBCs and increased numbers are referred to as stress or shift reticulocytes D. They are never seen on normal peripheral blood smears


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