Asia exploration

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North Atlantic Drift

A. Sea current that goes in a clockwise direction B. 1200s sailors would try to go around Portugal and they would get caught in current (didn't have tech or knowledge) C. Cultivated fear of sailing

Vasco da Gama

Area of exploration: coast of Africa and Indian Ocean Main expedition: 1498: rounded the southernmost tip of Africa and reached India Goal of exploration: find a water route to Asia Impact: Da gama found a water route to Asia and brought back a small but impressive collection of jewels and spices, which encouraged further exploration

Bartolomeu Dias

Area of exploration: coast of Western Africa Main expedition: 1488, rounded the southernmost tip of Africa Goal of Exploration: find a water route to Asia Impact: Dias led the Portugues closer to discovering a water route to Asia

New ships had...


What were the motives of European trade?

Crusaders made countries want to trade between Asia and Europe The demand of spices- cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg They wanted to get to the spice islands Spices persevered the food, added flavor, made medication, and perfumes They wanted to get rid of the Muslim and Italian middle men who made them pay The Europeans wanted to find a tax free route

How did Dias and da Gama contribute to achieving the Portugues goal of directly entering the Indian Ocean trade?

Dias advanced Portugues exploration by rounding the southernmost tip of Africa. This led the Portuguese one step closer to finding a water route to Asia. With the info Dias brought back, Gamma was able to further Dias' achievements by rounding the southernmost tip of Africa and then continuing on to India. With the discovery of a water route Asia , the Portuguese were able to get Indian goods and further exploration.

How did European trade routes in the Eastern Hemisphere change after the 15th century?

European trade routes before the 16th century required sailors to go through the Middle East. With new knowledge and technology , they were able to sail around the Southern tip of Africa to avoid passing by the Ottoman Empire who taxed their transportation.

Historic Trade Routes Location

From Italy, through med. Sea nd then make contact with middle east

Why did Magellan set sail?

He avoided the British and went through South America to the spice islands

What were the issues with Columbus's plan?

He underestimated how big the earth was and did not realize that there were two continents in the way

Luxury goods in...

India and China


New ships that were easier to sail in the wind and were much stronger- had lanteen sails


Ruler of Portugal Seized the island of Goa- Made it a military base Burned coastal towns Masticated Muslim cities and temples Introduced inquisition Sunk ships that went to Mecca Built a trading empire

Renaisance set stage...

Setting stage for exploration of seas These things had to happen first

why did the Portuguese not create colonies in the Indian Ocean region?

The Portuguese did not create colonies in the Indian Ocean region because they're were already powerful civilizations there and they did not have enough men or ships to do so.

How did Portugal's location contribute to its exploration in the 15th century?

The location of Portugal, they do not have direct access to good trade routes, provides explorers with a strong drive and determination to find a trade route that gives them direct access to Asia goods. This puts them in a good position to be the first to take the risk of finding an alternative route

Historic trade route limiatations

The region that Europeans need to pass through to get through are ruled by Muslim empires. In order to pass through area with goods Muslims charged fees (paying a toll) Jackpot for Muslims (middle men) dominated region

How do you think this change in trade routes affected the Ottoman Empire?

This change affected the wealth and prosperity of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans were received large amounts of money and goods by taxing European ships that wanted to pas through their Empire. When Europeans figured out how to sail around Africa, the Ottoman's lost this surplus of money and goods.

Francis Xavier

This was a man who helped Ignatius of Loyola to start the Jesuits. He also was famous for his number of missionaries he went on to promote Christianity (including Japan)

British and French

Turned Indian powers against each other Made alliances Company has troops Struggled for power and went to war

The Dutch

Used war ships and trading vessels Greatest country with European trade Used sea power Set up colonies and trading posts Did not care about spreading religion Formed Dutch east idea company Opened trade with china Captured spice islands from the Portugal Drove people out of their land


instrument used to determine latitude by measuring the position of the stars

Prince Henry the Navigator

life goal to make Portugal #1 sea sailing in world • uses own money to develop sailing school ◦ New class of professional sailors give Portugal advantage in sailing


people who make maps

Why did Columbus sail west?

wanted to find a water route to Asia through the west

Asian Goods

• India: textiles, spices, entrepot • China: silk, tea • Molliuccas: spices • Java: coffee, tea • Ceylon: conamon, pearls

Monarchs of the era

• very motivated to financially support • Ferdinand, Isabella, queen elizabeth ◦ Risked money to support sea expeditions ‣ Risky expeditions would not have happened with out them

Renaissance Brings Change

1. Increase demand for goods (spices, luxury items) 2. Increase in power of monarchs (nation-states) A. Decrease in Catholic Church power 3. Curiousity increases (focus on secular world) A. Individual achievement 4. Sci. Rev -> new tech and navigation aids 5. Spain: Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella -> need money-> Econ. Opportunities

Obstacles to Alternate routes

1. North Atlantic DRift 2. sailor's fear

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