Assessment #1

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Mr. Smith signed his contract for the upcoming school year. Over the summer, he decided to take another job opportunity. How many days notice must Mr. Smith give to his current district prior to abandoning his contract?

45 days - when abandoning a contract

Which of the following is an example of a student- centered classroom?

A classroom where students are working in small groups to solve a problem

Jefferson Elementary School wants to increase parent involvement in the school. Which of the following activities would be the best way to increase parent involvement?

A phone call home inviting parents to attend a community breakfast at the school featuring a local guest speaker.

Which of the following is an example of an issue with collaborative learning?

A teacher is concerned that she will not get through enough learning material before state mandated tests

What is the best way to end written communication regarding a student's negative behavior?

A way to contact you to answer further questions or concerns

Read the following. Standard 1.4: The educator shall not use institutional or professional privileges for personal or partisan advantage. Which of the following is a violation of this standard?

Accepting a free gift from a textbook vendor

Read the following. Standard 1.5: The educator shall neither accept nor offer gratuities, gifts, or favors that impair professional judgment or to obtain special advantage. This standard shall not restrict the acceptance of gifts or tokens offered and accepted openly from students, parents, or other persons or organization in recognition or appreciation of your service. Which of the following is a violation of this standard?

Accepting a gift from a family when you agree to write a college recommendation for their daughter

Why is administrative support crucial in collaborative teaching situations?

Administrators provide the vision of collaborative education

In the last twelve months, a teacher at your school has been cited for public intoxication and disorderly conductWhich of the seven behaviors identified by the State Board of Educator Certification has been violated?

An educator has been convicted of a crime directly related to the duties and responsibilities of the education profession

Which of the following statements about abuse is false?

An emotional injury cannot be measured as a form of abuse

Mrs. Edwards, a 7th-grade science teacher, and Mrs. Williamson, a special education teacher are scheduled to co-teach a science class. They meet together several times before the school year begins. Mrs. Edwards gives Mrs. Williamson all of her lessons for the first unit the class will study. She tells Mrs. Williamson to make the adaptations she thinks are necessary for her special education students. Mrs. Edwards takes the lesson plans home, reads them over, and realizes they are not written in her style of teaching at all.What should Mrs. Williamson do?

Ask Mrs. Edwards to meet with her tomorrow to discuss the lesson plans

You just found out that you will be collaborating with a co-teacher next year. You are a bit apprehensive about the change, but willing to give it a try.Which of the following would be the best way to start preparing yourself for next year?

Ask a peer that is in a co-teaching partnership to sit in and observe his/her classroom

Read the following standard. Standard 1.6: The educator shall not falsify records, or direct or coerce others to do so. Which of the following is a violation of this standard?

Changing an athlete's test score to make him eligible to play in an upcoming game

Which statement about co-teaching is false?

Co-teaching requires one teacher to take the leadership role.

Mrs. Finn and the other 2nd grade teachers meet every Thursday morning to discuss issues and upcoming events. Mrs. Finn is in charge of the Science Fair and is preparing some information to hand out to her teammates at this week's meeting. Mrs. Hawkins, another teacher on Mrs. Finn's team, stops in to Mrs. Finn's room on Tuesday afternoon to tell her the team meeting for this week needs to be rescheduled for Wednesday morning. Mrs. Hawkins has already told all the other teachers. Mrs. Finn feels frustrated by the change and spends all of Tuesday evening preparing her presentation about the Science Fair instead of following her original plan of grading her class' math tests.Which rule of teamwork has not been exhibited in this situation?

Communicate about changes and problems in a timely manner to help avoid stressful situations

At a recent faculty meeting, Mr. Peters, the school principal, asked teachers to make a point of developing more personal relationships with students. Which of the following is one way to easily implement that directive?

Greet students at the door at the beginning of each day or class period

Shane, a student in Mr. Phillips' 5th-grade class, comes into class. It is Mr. Phillips' routine to say good morning and shake each student's hand at the beginning of the day. All of Mr. Phillips students are familiar with the routine expected of them when they enter Mr. Phillips' room. When Shane enters, he refuses to shake Mr. Phillips' hand, does not say good morning, and immediately sits down crossing his arms. Mr. Phillips approaches Shane at his seat and tries to get Shane to say good morning. Shane again does not comply. Mr. Phillips tries a third time, and Shane stands up and yells to Mr. Phillips to get out of his face. Mr. Phillips immediately calls the office to have Shane removed from his class.How should Mr. Phillips have handled this situation differently?

He should have let Shane sit down after his first attempt to shake his hand and had a private conversation with Shane about his actions later in class

Which of the following is a formal, published censure that appears on the face of a teaching certificate?

Inscribed reprimand

When is it appropriate to be friends with students on social media?

It is never acceptable to interact with students on social media

What should you do if you know that a teacher candidate for a position at your school has been dismissed from another school?

Keep it to yourself. (standard 2.3)

Mrs. Franklin has just found out she is being evaluated by her principal later today. She is anxious about the evaluation when her students enter the room. Shea, a usually talkative student, rolls her eyes and begins a quiet conversation with a friend during morning announcements. Mrs. Franklin is tired of Shea's talking and decides to make an example of her by scolding her in front of the class.Which rule of communication did Mrs. Franklin not practice in this scenario?

Keep stress out of the conversation

You are in a faculty meeting that has already last fifteen minutes longer than it was supposed to. You look around the room and notice a few teachers yawning, a few teachers doodling on their papers, one teacher checking her cell phone, and a few teachers giving the person speaking eye contact. You want to voice your opinion about the topic being discussed, but you choose to save your comments for another time.Which guideline of conversation are you following?

Learn to read nonverbal signals

Maria stayed after school with Mr. Watkins for some extra help in math. At the end of their session, Maria told Mr. Watkins her mom wouldn't be able to pick her up for another hour. Mr. Watkins gave Maria a few dollars to pay bus fare home.What better solution could Mr. Watkins have offered to Maria?

Mr. Watkins should have waited with Maria until a parent could pick her up.

Mrs. Davis, a 6th grade ELA teacher, and Mrs. Ivy, a special education teacher, are newly assigned co-teachers. They spent a few days before school started discussing teaching styles and developing a behavior management plan for their classroom. Each morning during the first week of school, Mrs. Davis gives Mrs. Ivy a copy of her day's lesson plans and asks Mrs. Ivy to circulate the classroom to answer any student questions that may arise during the lesson.How could Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Ivy have improved their co-teaching?

Mrs. Davis should share lesson plans with Mrs. Ivy earlier so she has a chance to make adaptations to meet student needs

Mr. Brooks' basketball team has an away game today. The team bus is ready to leave and two of his players are making up a test with Mrs. Harper. Mr. Brooks asks Mrs. Harper to drive the boys to the game on the other side of town when they both finish. The boys finish their test and Mrs. Harper drives the boys to the game. Whose behavior is a violation of the law?

Mrs. Harper because she transported the boys in an unapproved vehicle

It is Parents' Night at Mrs. Locke's school. She has prepared a 30 minute power-point presentation for her students' parents. She plans to begin the presentation as soon as all parents have arrived. As the first parents arrive, they are not really sure where to sit or what to do. What was the problem with Mrs. Locke's plan?

Mrs. Locke should have included an activity for parents to do as they wait for the presentation to begin.

Mrs. O'Shea, a 5th grade teacher at Birch Elementary School, sees her neighbor, Mrs. Haas, at the local grocery store. Below is an excerpt of their conversation.Mrs. Haas: I heard that your school principal, Mr. West, has been in the hospital. How is he doing?Mrs. O'Shea: Yes, he has been at Memorial Hospital since yesterday. His wife told me he was having some chest pain yesterday morning.Mrs. Haas: Yes, that is what I heard also. How could Mrs. O'Shea have handled this situation better?

Mrs. O'Shea should not have told Mrs. Haas anything about Mr. West's condition.

Ms. Fischer is frustrated that her students did not score better on their last math test. She doesn't know what she could have done differently. She spent the entire class period before the test writing example after example on the board. Most students even took vigorous notes as she did each example.What change would you suggest to Ms. Fischer?

Ms. Fischer should have asked check for understanding questions as she went through the problems.

Mrs. Jones has asked you to proofread this excerpt from her upcoming classroom newsletter.Winter is quickly approaching. Be sure to send your child to school with all the outdoor gear he/she needs. Thanks!What improvement would you suggest to Ms. Perez?

Ms. Perez should give more detail about what students need.

Which of the following is the best way to ensure paraprofessionals are successful in collaborative education?

Offer regular professional development opportunities

Mrs. Woods, a school principal, is in the process of creating co-teaching partnerships for the upcoming school yearWhich of the following factors will most help Mrs. Woods create quality partnerships?

Pairing teachers with similar teaching styles

Which of the following statements about parent engagement is false?

Parent engagement will create high achievement.

Which of the following can eliminate many issues that might arise with collaboration?


Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Sun are co-teachers in an 8th grade math class. They both have noticed that students are not showing mastery on their exit tickets during this unit of study. They talk about some possible reasons. From the reasons they suggest, they brainstorm some possible solutions. Together they make a plan for improvement for tomorrow's lesson.What characteristic of co-teaching is exhibited in this scenario?


When a student's confidential records are requested by an organization or group, what is a general rule of thumb?

Requests for confidential records should be accompanied by a written release

Standard 2.4 states: "The educator shall not interfere with a colleague's exercise of political, professional, or citizenship rights and responsibilities." Which of the following is protected under this standard?

Right to vote for a candidate of your choice

A school administrator has just become aware that one of his teachers has been exchanging inappropriate text messages with a minor.How long does the administrator have to file a report of the educator's violation of the Educators' Code of Ethics?

Seven calendar days

Ms. Souza is one copy short of today's math worksheet. She asks her students to take their books out and read silently while she runs to the copy room to make the extra copy.What is the problem with Ms. Souza's decision?

She is neglecting her students.

Who is solely responsible for enforcing the Educators' Code of Ethics?

The State Board of Education

At the end of the school day, Mr. Lawrence is not feeling very well. He makes sure he has all of his materials prepared for the next day in case he needs to call in sick. He has made all of his copies, laid out his lesson plans, along with a class roster, and a seating chart. He's also laid out his substitute folder that includes evacuation plans, a classroom behavior plan, and discipline forms.What else should Mr. Lawrence leave out for a substitute teacher?

The name and room number of another teacher close by

Mrs. Dey is in her 30th year of teaching in the same school. She has seen many changes in the educational system. She thinks her experience with all of these changes make her well-prepared to move into a leadership position at her school. When she approaches her principal about the possibility he quickly tells her that he thinks she would be a better fit staying in her same position until she reaches her retirement age in a few years.Who has violated a standard?

The principal because he does not entertain the possibility of Mrs. Dey taking a new position because of her age. (standard 2.5)

A high school girl wants to try out as the kicker on the football team. The principal is concerned that she will be bullied and says she cannot try out for the team.How has the principal violated a standard?

The principal is excluding the girl from participation in a program. (standard 3.4)

Why was the "Proficiencies of Teachers" adopted in 1994?

To focus on the skills and knowledge necessary to foster a learner centered classroom

Why was the Educators' Code of Ethics revised in 2002?

To offer clarity regarding specific professional standards

Why is it important for co-teachers to ask one another questions about discipline?

To send consistent behavior messages to students

Standard 1.2 states "The educator shall not knowingly misappropriate, divert, or use monies, personnel, property, or equipment committed to his or her charge for personal gain or advantage." Which of the following is a violation of this standard?

Using the school copier to make copies of a manuscript you are sending to a publisher

What does the term fair is not equal mean?

What is fair for one student may not be fair for another student

Which of the following is an example of two-way communication?

a parent-teacher conference

Which of the following can be used to deem an educator unworthy to instruct students?

a social media post

Which of the following is an example of a teacher exhibiting flexibility?

adapting instructional techniques to ensure student understanding

Mr. Leary, a special education teacher, has been paired as a co-teacher with Mrs. Turner, a 3rd grade teacher, for the upcoming school year.Which of the following will be Mr. Leary's greatest responsibility?

adapting materials and activities to meet the needs of individual learners in the classroom

Mrs. Hernandez, a parent of one of your 1st grade students, is interested in helping in your classroom once a week.Which of the following is the most effective way to get Mrs. Hernandez involved in student learning?

ask Mrs. Hernandez to practice sight words with individual students

Mr. Rodriguez, a parent of one of your 3rd grade students, is interested in being more involved in the school, but his work schedule offers restrictions. He works a 9-5 job each day. What would you recommend as a way Mr. Rodriquez can become more involved in your school community?

ask if he could volunteer to judge the evening Science fair next month.

After school one day, the baseball coach approaches Mr. Henry to talk about his pitcher's grade in his English class. The grade the student has earned in the class, which is a D+, has made him ineligible to play in the game against the school rivals this weekend. Mr. Henry agrees to raise the student's grade to a C- which will allow him to play this weekend.Who, if anyone, can the State Board of Educator Certification, take action against?

both the baseball coach and Mr. Henry

How do most teachers measure their own success as an educator?

by their students' progress toward becoming an effective citizen

Which of the following forms of communication with students is acceptable?

classroom blog

What are the most important elements of a school system?


Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Drew are co-teachers in a 4th grade reading class. They have both noticed that their plans have not been going as smoothly as they had hoped and are looking to make some changes. Mr. Jackson suggests that Mrs. Drew spend a little more time circulating during his instructional time. Mrs. Drew suggests that they split students into two smaller groups for instructional time. They agree to try Mrs. Drew's idea first and if they still do not see a change, they will try Mr. Jackson's suggestion.Which characteristic of co-teaching is exhibited in this scenario?


Mr. Green placed all of the books in his classroom library in bins. Each bin is labeled with a particular genre.What characteristic of effective teaching is Mr. Green practicing?

effective teachers are organized

Each day when students enter Mrs. Finn's biology classroom, she displays a list the day's needed materials and the activity students should begin work on immediately. Once the bell rings, she says what is written on the board aloud to her students.What characteristic of effective teaching is Mrs. Finn practicing?

effective teachers communicate clearly.

While students are working on a group project in Mrs. Hatcher's 4th grade classroom, she walks by a particular small group. Two of the students in the group are discussing their favorite video games. She puts a hand on the shoulder of each of the off task students as she walks by. The students end their conversation and get refocused on their assignment. Which characteristic of effective teaching is Mrs. Hatcher practicing?

effective teachers establish successful classroom management techniques

Which form of nonverbal communication is negative?

folded arms

Mrs. Gibbons disagrees with a particular testing modification that one of her student's ARD committee decided upon.What should Mrs. Gibbons do?

follow the modification and ask to be included in the next meeting

There are two elements that define parent involvement. One of those factors is intensity. What is the other?


Ms. Jones wrote the following praise on Toby's essay about the causes of the Civil War.Great work. It is clear you know your stuff.What suggestion would you offer Ms. Jones to improve on the praise she has offered to Toby?

give a specific example of something Toby did well.

Mr. Peters has just completed a math lesson and his students are working on a practice set. As Mr. Peters circulates the room, he notices that a large percentage of students are not grasping the concept.What would be the best thing for Mr. Peters to do next?

go through the first two problems of the practice set together with the whole class

Mrs. Phillips is interested in increasing parental presence in her 2nd grade classroom. She comes to you to ask for suggestions for how to accomplish this goal.Which of the following would be the best suggestion to offer Mrs. Phillips?

have a list of different volunteer opportunities available for parents to view and sign up for at parent teacher conferences.

Complete the following sentence.If a teacher did not participate in a student ARD committee decision, then ______________.

he is required to follow both requested modifications and testing practices.

Mr. Klein is in the middle of a conference with Lucy's parents. He is discussing some of the issues that Lucy and Julia have been having in class. Here is an excerpt of their conversation.Mr. Klein: I want to discuss some of Lucy's recent behaviors in class. I have observed Lucy and another student, Julia, having a disagreement at their lockers and not showing one another the respect I expect in my classroom.Lucy's Mother: I see. Would this Julia you mention happen to be Julia Friedrich? If it is, she and Lucy have been having problems since the 1st grade. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I assure you, we will have a conversation with Lucy as soon as we get home.How did Mr. Klein handle this conversation incorrectly?

he revealed the name of the student that Lucy was having an issue with.

A student in Mr. Garcia's classroom is tapping his pencil during the lesson.What is the first thing Mr. Garcia should do to address the problem?

ignore the student behavior

Ms. Loomis is a first year teacher. STAAR tests are coming up next month and she is starting to get nervous about how her students will perform. What would be the best piece of advice for Ms. Loomis?

incorporate a practice question or two each day into her lessons

How is random questioning an effective questioning technique?

it increases student engagement during a lesson.

Which of the following is not an example of a confidential record?

lesson plans

As you pass the teachers' lounge, you hear two of your colleagues talking about the amount of student noise in your classroom yesterday. Rather than going in the lounge to confront the teachers, you decide to walk by not letting their discussion affect your day or your teaching plans.According to the Teacher-To-Teacher article, which of the principles to building positive relationships with staff members did you exhibit?

let the water roll off your back

Who is responsible for interpreting the policies of the State Board of Education?

local school boards

Students who feel respected are ____________________________________.

more likely to take risks in the classroom.

Ms. Grayson and Mr. Pullman co-teach in a 10th-grade biology class. When students enter the room, they immediately begin work on an entrance ticket. While one teacher prepares the day's activity, the other teacher circulates the room while students work. The circulating teacher holds up one finger when a student's work illustrates comprehension of the skill and two fingers up when a student's work does not illustrate comprehension. What characteristic of co-teaching does this scenario illustrate?

observation of cues

Which of the following is not an example of moral turpitude?


Which of the following increase student achievement in the classroom?

parental involvement

How is the role of an educator "a position of public trust?"

parents trust teachers with their child's well-being

Mr. Fitzpatrick recently attended a teachers' conference where he learned some new techniques that he would like to try out in his 7th grade Social Studies class. He's not sure how they will work in his classroom because the teacher he heard about them from is a 3rd grade teacher. He thinks that with a few adaptations he will be able to implement them with his students.What should Mr. Fitzpatrick do?

practice the techniques with a colleague

According to Ben Bissell, which of the following is not an effective example of praise?

public praise

Mrs. Williams is a fifth-grade teacher. She is frustrated because her lesson on finding the main idea of a text did not go as well as she had hoped it would. At the end of the lesson, she did not feel her students had a firm grasp on the concept.

reflect on the lesson and plan additional activities that will better teach her objective.

Mrs. Young receives an email from Larry's mom about an incident that happened in her classroom between Larry and another student, Vince. Mrs. Young remembers the two students having a disagreement, but does not know all the details.How should Mrs. Young respond to Larry's mom?

respond to Larry's mom's email to let her know she is looking into the situation

Mrs. Henrik's principal, Mr. Gomez, failed to come to her classroom to observe her teaching for her yearly evaluation. This is the second time that he has missed a scheduled appointment with her this school year.What should Mrs. Henrik do regarding the situation?

schedule an appointment with Mr. Gomez to discuss the situation with him.

How does a teacher who regularly uses negative sarcasm when responding to her kindergarten students have adverse effects on her students?

she endangers their learning and mental health

A teacher at your school is using her district issued laptop to create spreadsheets for her part-time job as a bookkeeper.Which standard, if any, is this teacher violating?

standard 1.2

Mr. Farmer has been out of school for the last three days. He knows his district requires a doctor's note for more than three days absence, so he schedules an appointment with his doctor.Which standard of Professional Ethical Conduct, Practices and Performances is he following?

standard 1.7 - getting a note from the doctor

A parent comes into your classroom angry about an incident that happened on the school playground. You know you should have called the parent about the incident, but you forgot. You apologize to the parent and tell her that you thought the principal was going to call you. You then tell the parent how you have noticed the principal not following through on a lot of situations recently.Which standard have you just violated?

standard 2.2 - you have made an untrue statement about the principal to divert the anger of the parent

Your teenage son has a party at your house, without your knowledge or consent. Alcohol is served to other underage individuals.Which, if any, standard has been violated?

standard 3.7

Mrs. Ritter is interested in setting some short term academic goals for one of her struggling 2nd graders. Which professional in the building should she contact to assist her in her goal setting?

the Response to Intervention specialist

How do effective teachers strive to maintain an atmosphere where learning flourishes?

they learn to say I'm sorry in situations where they have made a mistake.

Why is common planning time important for the success of a co-teaching partnership?

to communicate with one another

Why is professional development important for all teachers?

to increase the content knowledge and instructional skills of a teacher

Why is it important to build respectful, positive relationships with all professionals (teachers, custodians, administrators, librarians, etc.) in a school?

to show value for each individual's contribution to the school

Read the following. Standard 1.1: The educator shall not intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly engage in deceptive practices regarding official policies of the school district, educational institution educator preparation program, the Texas Education Agency or the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) and its certification process. Which of the following is a violation of this standard?

using an excerpt from a book on the school district's published banned book list

Which of the following is not an example of a nonverbal signal?

volume of voice

For her math lessons, Mrs. Taylor usually works through many different practice problems on the board for students. She talks through each problem as she works through it on the board. She is struggling to understand that why despite all of the different problems she works through on the board, students are still struggling with some of the concepts.What suggestion would you offer Mrs. Taylor to improve on student understanding?

walk around the room during instruction

What is the major difference between neglect and acting recklessly?

when an educator acts recklessly, she is aware of a substantial risk and acts anyway.

Mrs. Harrison is frustrated that George is not getting any of his work completed during math. To motivate him, she decided to withhold his snack that he brought from home until he gets his work done. When he still did not get any work done, she took his recess away as well. When he still didn't have his work done at the end of recess, she kept him to continue working at lunch. She let him go down to the cafeteria to get his lunch with 10 minutes until the end of the period.Mrs. Harrison made a lot of mistakes in this situation. Which mistakes violated the Ethical Code Toward Students?

withholding snack and not giving ample time for lunch

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