ATOC 3070 Final Exam

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Why do we have seasons? a. The Earth revolves around the sun. b. The Earth is titled on its axis. c. The seasons help to regulate the uneven heat energy of the Earth d. The Earth is in an elliptical orbit. e. A change of seasons is more interesting than not.

The earth is titled on its axis

T. F. As the young Earth cooled, it became density stratified which means the most dense rocks are in the center of the Earth and the least dense on the outside.


T. F. Boundaries between air masses are called fronts.


Which air mass never (at least so far) has impacted the United States? a. cP b. mP c. cA d. mE e. None of the above


_____________ is the instantaneous state of the atmosphere. a. climate b. rain c. weather d. hot e. none of the above


Which does NOT apply to science? a. Science is a systemic process of asking questions about the observable world. b. Scientists propose hypotheses which can be tested by experiments. c. Experiments can lead to theories. d. Under certain conditions, theories can become physical laws. e. NONE of the above - they ALL are true of science.

None of the above they all are true of science

The change of density with depth in the oceans is called the: a. thermocline b. halocline c. evapocline d. pycnocline e. salinty-o-cline


What instrument can measure 2.54cm changes in sea surface height from a satellite? a. altimeter b. thermometer ' c. radar d. barometer e. None of the above


______________ is the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance: a. Latent heat b. Specific heat c. Temperature d. Energy e. Heat capacity


T. F. On Earth, we have interior heat that allows us to "recycle" our crustal rocks and our atmosphere.


T. F. On the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere, the sun's rays are perpendicular overhead at noon at the equator


T. F. The bottle filled with fresh water broke when frozen because density decreases as water freezes.


T. F. The deepest point on Earth is the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.


T. F. The geostrophic current is the balance between the Coriolis and the force of gravity.


T. F. The larger the mass, the more gravitational pull it has.


T. F. The living members of hydrothermal vent communities rely on chemosynthesis instead of photosynthesis to obtain energy.


T. F. The most productive waters (in terms of food) are those that upwell.


T. F. The pH of the oceans are buffered by the precipitation and dissolution of calcium carbonate meaning that the oceans are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide without much change in its pH.


T. F. The sun has the least effect on the tides because it is so far from the Earth and moon.


T. F. There are three agents of erosion: wind, water, and ice.


T. F. There is a possibility that the first life on Earth was in the oceans.


T. F. Tidal waves are generated by the gravitational pull between the Earth, the sun, and the moon.


T. F. Warm air is less dense than cool air.


T. F. Wave particles move in a circle while the wave form moves forward.


T. F. We know the outer core is liquid and the inner core is solid because "P" waves can travel through both liquids and solids and "S" waves can only travel through solids.


T. F. When sea ice freezes, the formation of the ice crystal releases the salt and makes the resulting waters beneath the ice very salty.


T. F. When two continental plates collide, mountains such as the Himalayas are formed.


T. F. When using beach stabilization methods, usually one part of the beach gains sand while another loses sand.


T. F. When waves come onto the shore, they will refract so that wave crests are parallel to shore.


T.F. When Dinoflagellates (a type of red algae) over produce and die, their decomposition uses oxygen which can mean other "critters" can suffocate.


The foreshore is the part of the shore that is submerged at high tide


True or False: Iceland is over both and "Hot spot" and the mid-Atlantic Ridge


T. F. Neap tides have the lowest tidal ranges.


A full lunar tidal cycle is: a. 12 hours in duration. b. 12 hours 25 minutes in duration. c. 24 hours in duration. d. 24 hours and 50 minutes in duration. e. 48 hours in duration.

24 hours and 40 minutes in duration

According to your text, this person was the first to propose "continental drift" (now known as "plate tectonics") a. Sir Edward Bullard b. Alfred Wegener c. Robert Ballard d. Harry Hess e. NONE of the above.

Alfred Wegener

Which of the following is designed to replenish beach sand or to retard shoreline erosion? a. beach nourishment b. groin c. seawall d. breakwater e. All of the above are used to try to prevent or retard shoreline erosion.

All of the above are used to prevent or or retard shoreline erosion

Which of the below are causes for upwelling? a. Offshore winds b. Seafloor obstruction c. Coastal geometry change d. Lack of pycnocline (e.g. High latitude oceans) e. ALL of the above can cause upwelling.

All of the above can cause upwelling

T. F. A Category 1 hurricane is the strongest hurricane.


Which is the last salt to evaporate when a saline body of water evaporates? a. gypsum b. halite c. magnesium chloride d. anhydrite e. copper sulfate


The building blocks of matter are: a. protons b. neutrons c. atoms d. electrons e. molecules


The White Cliffs of Dover are made of _______________. a. coccolithophores b. radiolarians c. diatoms d. foraminifera e. silica


The __________________ extends from the shore beneath the ocean out to where there is a marked increase in slope. a. continental shelf b. continental crust c. continental rise d. abyssal plains e. oceanic crust

Continental Shelf

Which of the following phytoplankton is responsible for producing most of the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere? a. foraminifera b. manganese nodules c. diatoms d. oil and gas e. trees


_____________________ calculated the circumference of the Earth using geometry. He was only 8% off! a. Thor Heyerdahl b. Hypathia c. Eratosthenes of Cyrene d. Bjarni Herjulfsson e. None of the above

Eratosthenes of Cyrene

T. F. A valuable resource, manganese nodules are found on the bottom of the Eastern Pacific ocean from the equator to about 20º N. This valuable resource is VERY easy to mine off the ocean floor.


T. F. Beaches in the winter usually have a lot more sand than in the summer.


T. F. Brackish water is more saline than hypersaline water.


T. F. Clay-sized sediments and much larger than boulder-sized sediments.


T. F. During a La Niña, there is an apparent increase in the number of Pacific hurricanes


T. F. From what we know of the universe, it is common to have a planet have an almost circular orbit around a relatively stable sun.


Which of the processes below can increase salinity? a. melting ice bergs b. formation of sea ice c. fresh water runoff from large rivers d. precipitation e. melting sea ice

Formation of sea ice

A ______________________ seep is characterized by low temperatures, high salinities (46.4 parts per thousand), waters rich in hydrogen sulfide which can support chemosynthesis. a. hydrothermal b. carbon c. hypersaline d. cold e. ALL of the above fit the description.


Where is most of the Earth's fresh water stored? a. in the oceans b. in glacial ice and ice caps c. in lakes and streams d. in the atmosphere e. in the ground and aquifers

In glacial ice and ice caps

Which is the most dense layer of the Earth? a. mantle b. inner core c. lithosphere d. asthenosphere e. outer core

Inner core

____ heat energy necessary to build or break molecular bond during a change of state. a. specific b. latent c. electrical d. hypersaline e. NONE of the above are correct.


Which type of sediment is usually found near shore? a. Pelagic b. Biogenous oozes c. Hydrogenous d. Lithogenous e. None of the above


Which is NOT a step in the formation of a hurricane? a. Easterly wave b. Midlatitude cyclone c. Tropical depression d. Tropical storm e. NONE of the above - they are all steps in the formation of a hurricane

Midlatitude cyclone

Which is NOT a source of sediments? a. weathered rocks and minerals b. hard parts (e.g. skeletons) of fauna and flora c. dissolved minerals d. outer space e. NONE of the above - they are all sediment sources

None of the above they are all sediment sources

Which of the resources below accounts for 95% of the economic value of all oceanic resources? a. oil b. fertilizers c. seafood (both fish and shell fish) d. salt e. sand and gravel


In class we talked about barrier islands as remnants of the shore when sea level was lower during the last ice advance. What factor(s) did I point out as the best evidence of this? a. Grasses growing on top of the dunes. b. Peat deposits beneath the barrier islands. c. Barrier islands are parallel to land. d. Sounds on the landward side suggest a rise in sea level. e. a. and c. only

Peat deposits beneath the barrier islands

Which early group of people are credited with populating much of the South Pacific? a. Polynesians b. Greeks c. Chinese d. Australians e. New Zealanders


The LEAST abundant salt in 35‰ seawater is a. sodium b. manganese c. calcium d. potassium e. gold


Which is NOT a characteristic of coastal waters? a. Salinity rarely varies b. Mixing of fresh and salt water by winds and tides c. Waters are relatively shallow d. Waters may be isohaline e. NONE of the above they are all characteristics of coastal waters.

Salinity rarely varies

Which of the following words does not belong with the others? (HINT: Think composition of the choices) a. spit b. sea stack c. barrier island d. delta e. baymouth bar

Sea Stack

Particles of organic or inorganic matter that accumulate in a loose, unconsolidated form are called: a. Soil b. Gravel c. Sediments d. Alluvium e. None of the above


Who recently sailed on a balsa raft to demonstrate migration of South Americans to Pacific Ocean islands? a. Hypatia b. Pytheas c. Eratosthenes of Cyrene d. Thor Heyerdahl e. Prince Henry the Navigator

Thor Heyerdahl

T. F. The "Father of Physical Oceanography", Matthew Maury, was a naval officer who began to chart winds and ocean currents until he was crippled in a stagecoach accident. After his accident, he went on to become of the Naval Depot's Charts and Instruments.


T. F. The Chesapeake Bay is a drowned river basin that is so large Coriolis causes the waters of the bay to rotate (similar to a gyre) when the tides change.


T. F. The Earth's internal structure (layers of the Earth) is defined by physical and chemical properties.


T. F. The LEAST competent agent of erosion is wind.


T. F. The Mariana trench is deeper than Mt. Everest is high.


T. F. The atmosphere and the ocean are interdependent systems.


Which is NOT a consequence of an ENSO event? a. Droughts in Australia and Indonesia b. Suppression of upwelling off coast of South America (no nutrients, no fish, no guano) c. Decrease of Atlantic hurricanes; slight increase of eastern Pacific hurricanes d. Wetter than normal conditions in northern USA e. Warmer than normal conditions in Pacific northwest.

Wetter than normal conditions in northern USA

Which of the ocean's climate zones are characterized by the doldrums wind band, rising air, and very weak winds? a. polar b. subtropical c. subpolar d. equatorial e. temperate


larger (coarse) sediments are on the bottom of each layer and the smallest (fine) are on the top.

graded bedding

The center of mass of the Earth-Moon system is called the: a. aphelion. b. apogee. c. perigee. d. perihelion. e. NONE of the above.

none of the above

What causes the most damage in a hurricane? a. High tides b. Increased rainfall c. Winds d. Tornadoes associated with hurricanes. e. NONE of the above are correct.

none of the above are correct

Which is NOT a type of oceanography? a. physical b. geological c. biological d. chemical e. NONE of the above, they are ALL types of oceanography.

none they are all types of oceanography

________________ is the universal solvent. a. alcohol b. sulfuric acid c. hydrochloric acid d. water e. hydrofluoric acid


Which is NOT a property of water? a. Water is cohesive. b. Water has a high surface tension. c. Water molecules are bonded together ionically. d. Water can exist in all 3 states (liquid, solid, and gas) at normal Earth temperatures. e. NONE of the above - they are ALL properties of water.

water molecules are bonded ionically

__________ stabilize grasses and protects lagoons from strong storms a. baymouth bars b. spits c. dunes d. groins e. jetties


(T. F.) Elements heavier than iron are made when stars cool.


T. F. "cP" air masses are cold and wet.


T. F. A change in the circulation of the North Atlantic Deep Waters was initiated by the catastrophic melting of the waters of Lake Erie.


T. F. A rip current flows parallel to the shoreline and transports sand along the beach.


T. F. If water depth is greater than wave base (>½L), wave is a shallow water wave.


T. F. In the future, loss of life from hurricanes should increase while property loss should decrease.


T. F. Radiolarians are used as fillers in toothpaste.


T. F. Salt is a fertilizer that comes from the abyssal plains.


T. F. Some bioluminescent fish are blind.


T. F. The Nile River delta is an example of a bird's foot delta.


T. F. The Phoenicians dominated navigation in the Mediterranean Sea in the Middle Ages.


T. F. The coast is the boundary between shore and coast


T. F. The highest recorded tsunami was in 2004 in the Philippines.


T. F. The magnetic poles of the Earth reverse at regularly spaced intervals and are therefore predictable.


T. F. The most dense waters are deep, salty, and warm


T. F. The most prominent feature on all of the Earth as seen from space is Antarctica.


T. F. The open ocean's climate regions are parallel to longitude lines.


T. F. The salinity of the oceans is low in high latitudes (polar regions) due to high evaporation rates and fresh water discharge from large rivers like the Amazon.


T. F. The single cell model of the general circulation was developed by Alfred Wegener.


T. F. The two types of siliceous, biogenous sediments are foraminifera and radiolarians.


T. F. The typical salinity of the open ocean is about 35 PERCENT.


T. F. Trenches only occur when an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate.


T. F. When evaporation occurs, latent heat is released into the environment.


T. F. When the sun and the moon are aligned like they are above, you would expect a neap tide.


T. F. Winds blow from areas of higher pressure to lower pressure in the northern hemisphere but they blow from areas of lower to higher pressure in the southern hemisphere.


___________________ is common table salt. a. limestone b. gypsum c. anhydrite d. halite e. magnesium chloride


The _________ is a narrow, fast moving, stream of air. a. jet stream b. Westerly wind belt c. Northeast Trade Winds d. Polar easterly wind belt e. None of the above

Jet stream

______ are similar to groins but are built in pairs: a. Jettes b. Breakwaters c. Baymouth bars d. Seawalls e. none of the above


______________ was the costliest hurricane to hit the continental United States. a. Katrina b. Andrew c. Camille d. Typhoon Tip e. Sandy


Which is NOT true of the thermohaline circulation? a. It is a deep ocean circulation driven by temperature and density differences. b. The circulation is initiated every year when salt water freezes c. It involves 90% of all ocean water d. An interruption in the initiation and circulation of the thermohaline circulation can affect climate. e. NONE of the above, they are all true of the thermohaline circulation.

None of the above they are all true of the thermohaline circulation

Which of the below do NOT apply to the Principle of Constant Proportions when trying to determine salinity? a. Chemical analysis via titration b. Major dissolved constituents are in same proportion regardless of total salinity c. Measure amount of halogens (Cl, Br, I, F - salts) (chlorinity - a measure of the chloride content by mass/kg) d. Salinity = 1.80655 * Chlorinity (ppt) e. NONE of the above - they ALL apply to determining salinity by using the Principle of Constant Proportions

None of the above- They all apply to determining salinity by using the principle of Constant proportions

Which is NOT part of the Earth's hydrologic cycle? a. Evaporation b. Precipitation c. Runoff d. Condensation e. NONE of the above - they are all part of the Earth's hydrologic cycle.

None of the above- They are all apart of earths hydrologic cycle

Eustatic (worldwide) sea level changes CANNOT be caused by: a. formation or destruction of inland lakes b. Sea floor spreading rate changes c. Formation or melting of glaciers d. Thermal expansion or contraction of seawater e. NONE of the above, ALL of the above can cause eustatic sea level changes.

None of the above- all of the above can cause eustatic sea level changes

Which is NOT true of an El Niño, Southern Oscillation (ENSO)? a. There is a high pressure near Darwin, Australia, and a low pressure Tahiti, French Polynesia. b. The Southeast Trade winds are weaker c. Thermocline in the eastern, South Pacific Ocean basin deepens. d. Lower biological productivity in the eastern South Pacific Ocean basin due to weakened upwelling. e. NONE of the above - they are ALL true of an ENSO event.

None of the above- they are ALL true of and ENSO event

Which is NOT evidence for continental drift or plate tectonics? a. Evidence of glaciation in now tropical regions. b. Fossil evidence of palm trees in Colorado. c. Same species (or relatives) of animals that couldn't swim or fly found on either side of an ocean basin. d. Cool/cold in the present day equatorial region; warm/hot in the present day polar regions. e. NONE of the above - they are ALL evidence for continental drift or plate tectonics.

None of the above- they are all evidence for continental drift or plate tectonics

Which is not true of western boundary currents as compared to eastern boundary currents? a. warmer. b. narrower c. faster d. deeper e. NONE of the above - they are all true of western boundary current

None they are all true of western boundary current

As a deep-water wave becomes a shallow-water wave, which of the below DOES NOT occur? a. Wave speed decreases b. Wavelength decreases c. Wave height increases d. Wave steepness (height/wavelength) increases e. NONE of the above - all of the above are true.

None- all the above are true

Which does NOT pertain to internal waves? a. They are "sandwiched" between less dense waters above and more dense waters below. b. They can be caused by ships. c. They can be caused by turbidity currents. d. They are part of the thermohaline circulation e. NONE of the above - they ALL pertain to internal waves

None- they ALL pertain to internal waves

The Greeks thought only rivers had currents and they observed currents running and out of the Straits of Gibraltar, so they called the Mediterranean and Atlantic "okeanos" which meant "river". The word ___________ is derived from okeanos: a. sea b. fjord c. bay d. lagoon e. ocean


Which is the name of the movie we watched in class? a. Under the Sea b. Ocean Odyssey c. Visions of the Sea d. Great Barrier Reef e. NONE of the above

Ocean Odyssey

At the water/air interface of fluids with different densities, you get______________: a. Atmospheric waves b. Ocean surface waves c. Internal waves d. Capillary waves e. None of the above

Ocean surface waves

Which is NOT a feature of the mid ocean ridges? a. Magma wells up from the ridge as 2 oceanic plates move apart. b. Marked by fissures and faults c. Small earthquakes d. Sediments are thickly deposited because the ridges are so tectonically stable e. NONE of the above - they are ALL features of mid ocean ridges.

Sediments are thickly deposited because the ridges are so tectonically stable

T. F. Lunar bulges result when force pushes water into two simultaneous bulges


T. F. Corals can be destroyed by a slight increase in temperature.


T. F. Deep sea floor sediments are fine (small) grained.


T. F. Glacial sediments are found on the shelf near polar regions. "Ice rafting" carries them onto the shelf and they are poorly sorted.


T. F. Heat Capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of any substance by 1°C


T. F. Heat energy exchanged in evaporation-condensation cycle makes life possible on Earth


T. F. If a cold front passes you, the air gets colder.


T. F. In class we saw a YouTube of people rafting in the tidal bore in the Bay of Fundy.


T. F. In the high latitudes, there is more heat lost than gained.


T. F. Isostatic adjustments are rebounds of Earth's crust after removal of heavy loads or sinking with application of heavy loads such as the formation or melting of glacial ice.


T. F. Isostatic rebound from glacial ice melting is occurring in parts of the northeast and north central United States.


T. F. Judging from the angle the waves are hitting the coast, the resulting longshore current in the above picture will move to the right.


T. F. Land heats and cools faster than water.


__________________ are large, homogeneous bodies of air with similar temperature and humidity characteristics. a. climates b. fronts c. seas d. air masses e. El Niños

air masses

At present, the Earth's axis is tilted 23.5º to the plane of the ___________. a. ellipse b. eccentric c. ecliptic d. normal e. NONE of the above, the Earth's axis is not titled.


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