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Audio levels should remain between?

-26 and -8

How do you repeat information from another cell in the same column?

-Hold option and click on cell in which you want the text to appear. -pop up of the items already entered in that column appears. -select correct text from menu.

Ways to auto sync picture and sound?

-Mark in, -mark out, -source TC, -Auxiliary TC1-TC5, TC24, aux 24,-waveform analysis

How do you roll an edit using extend?

-play the sequence and find where you want the edit to begin or end -if you want to cut the following segment moved earlier, place IN POINT -If you want the preceding segment to end at that location, mark an OUT point -click EXTEND BUTTON to trim the edit back to the IN or forward to the OUT.

How do you remove a split edit?

-snap PI to edit point that you want to turn into straight cut -select track -mark I/O depending on the direction of the edit -press extend key

How do you retrieve a file from the Avid Attic?

/users/shared/shared documents/avid media composer/avid attic - find file you need and paste into project folder on OS level

How do you set up for slide mode?

1 Double click twice on trim roller. 2. enter trim mode, right click on segment and select enter slide mode. 3. Hold shift + option and drag lasso from right to left around material you want to slide.

Choose new frame in thumbnail

1,2 (faster) 3,4 (one frame at a time) AND jul (1x,2x,3x,5x,8x)

Undo/redo list is cleared when you....

1. changer sequences 2. close the project

Relink to linked file?

1. select offline masters, right click, relink to file, navigate to folder, open

DNxHD 175

175 mbits/sec, high quality broadcast codec

DNxHD 220

220 mbits/sec, 10 bit, cinema quality, finishing codec

How many tracks can a sequence hold

24 video, 64 audio

What is low shelf range?

250 hx-50 and lower hums and rumbles

Avid's codec DNxHD 36

36 bits/sec, offline codec for creative editorial

How many marks in total are required for a fit to fill motion effect?


What can you find in Tools menu?

4 windows, audio tool/mixer/suite/eq, effect editor, motion effect editor, effect palette, title tool, media tool, source browser

If you make an inpoint on the timeline and type +50, and place an outpoint, how long is the duration of the clip?

51 seconds bc an inpoint counts as one frame

Play in-out


How do you move between edit points

A + S keys (go to previous edit, go to next edit)


A selected range within a larger clip treated as a separate clip

What are the two sides of any edit point?

A side and B side

What does a green highlight indicate?

Active tool

Tiny C with green dot - color adapter

Adapts colors of image per source color setting

What is the temporal adapter? tiny t with green dot

Adapts speed/rate of playback of clip

Prevent broken sync on multiple tracks

Add edit to all tracks and ripple trim (option + add edit)

Script View

Add notes

What is border control used for?

Adding visual boundary

What is the add keyframes to active parameters option?

Adds keyframes to only active parameters

Add to all parameters

Adds to every parameter in effect

What is the correct order for a curves adjustment?

Adjust chrominance/color first, then luminance/ levels

How do you change output volume of the sequence?

Adjust the output monitor volume (level you are hearing from your speaker), adjust master fader in audio mixer

What is button to button reassignment?

Allows you to remap buttons by dragging them from the command palette to the interface or to the open keyboard setting

How do you make a keyframe

Apostrophe key or shift + cmd + click

Timewarp effects

Applied to a segment in the TIMELINE the same way you apply other segment effects. Rate of motion is varied with keyframes

What are motion effects?

Applied to entire clips or source clips to vary frame rate or motion of footage

Red bars indicate

Areas that are overtaxed during playback. frames dropped.

Where should you choose background color when choosing your pull in the spectramatte effect?

As close to the foreground element as possible

Correct order for auto color correction?

Auto black, auto white, auto balance


Avid Media Access

3 Types of Title Tools

Avid Title Tool, Avid Marquees, NewBlue Titler Pro

When autosaving, avid saves


Why is it important to open a sequence bin before you identify unreferenced clips?

Because you need to know what sequence you are referring to to search

Both fields

Best for still shot

Range to stay in for audio

Between -8 and -26

To add statistical headings to bin?

Bin > choose columns

How do you reapply last sort in a bin?

Bin > sort again

What can you find in bin menu?

Bin info, choose columns, align and fill, show sifted/unsifted, add custom column

How to align and fill

Bin, rt click, Align and Fill

What is the number next to DNxHD codec?


What category is picture in picture found in?


What is a fade?

Blends the image to or from black

What is a dissolve?

Blends together images between adjacent shots in the sequence

Creating freeze frame rendering options are:

Both Fields, Interpolated Field

If your shot doesn't have much motion, what is the best freeze frame render option?

Both fields

Two render types for freeze frames?

Both fields or interpolated fields

What is an enable button

Button next to each parameter group

How do you add an effect to a clip in the TL on top of an existing effect

By nesting

Yellow symbolizes

CAUTION moving objects

How do you make sure you don't mess up aspect ratio when resizing?


What do you use to find a clip you were just on in the source browser?


How do you open audio tool

CMD + 1

How do you lock to vertical moves only?


How to add mono track

CMD + U OR right click in TL> New > audio track > mono

How to add Video track


How to add stereo track

CMD +Shift + U


Calculates the motion effect at the field rather than frame letter. Smooth motion effects without any detail reduction. Slight jitter at slow speeds

Alignment menu

Center in frame horizontal, vertical, show alignment grid, align to grid

What is the difference between modifying frame flex as a source setting rater than in the timeline?

Change in source setting is permanent. In the timeline you can change one and it wont effect the other.

What is slide mode?

Changing position of shot

What is slip mode?

Changing the contents of a shot, not duration. Drag lasso from R to L or double click on trim roller

How do you show a previously hidden column?

Choose bin > headings and select previously hidden column

How do you create a motion effect?

Choose motion effect from composer fast menu, choose options in dialog box

DNxHR 444

Cinema quality

To set up for global option

Clear i/o from TL

What can you find in composer menu?

Clear monitor, hide video, single monitor, full screen, multicam mode

What does clear renders do?

Clears previously made avid mediafiles with renders.

To quickly clear the entire list of columns in bin column selection box?

Click all/none button twice

How do you do a push in in the record monitor?

Click and drag image in record monitor to create keyframes and continue to make keyframes and drag

How do you adjust monitor volume?

Click and hold the monitor icon to the left side of the timeline meters (speaker icon) drag fader and release.

To display other clip data

Click bin view menu.

How do you change the center of trim playback loops/move PI to different edit point?

Click directly n trim roller, make sure cursor icon matches current roller configuration

How do you get frame view in source browser

Click frame view button, drag slider to adjust thumbnail size, click file, press spacebar to play clip

How do you save a bin view?

Click on bin view menu, choose save as, type a name, OK.

How do you activate the clip name menu?

Click on clip name on top of source monitor, drop down appears, second half are clip names

How to duplicate a master clip?

Click on clip, edit, duplicate OR command D, used to create a completely new version of original file

How do you turn on sync lock?

Click on sync lock button next to TC1 track

How do you add a one second dissolve?

Click quick transition button OR select |\ key, click add or enter

How do you update your user profile?

Click settings tab in project window, click user profile, select update user profile

How do you change behavior of animation between keyframes/KEYFRAME INTERPOLATION

Click show/hide keyframe graphs button in bottom right or effect editor, right click master keyframe at top

How do you preview a transition in effect mode?

Click the PLAY LOOP

To save a single bin

Click the bin, cmd + s or file > save bin

How do you delete a custom column?

Click the column heading and press delete key.

How do you hide a column?

Click the column heading and press delete.

How do you enter effect mode?

Click the effect mode button at the bottom of composer OR click effect mode in TL below smart tool OR select windows > workspaces > effect editing

Seeing Source Waveforms

Click toggle source/record in TL

How do you make a freeze frame?

Clip - freeze frame or right click - freeze frame

What happens when applying 3d pip

Clip automatically reduces by 50% and is centered in frame

What happens when trying to put a clip into the timeline with no in and out points?

Clip is placed at the position indicator

Where do you search for text in bin columns?

Clips and sequences tab in find tool

Enlarge or shrink thumbnail in bin

Cmd + L/CMD + K

Enlarge WAVEFORMS only

Cmd + Option L/K

How do you snap to tail end of edit point

Command + option + drag

How do you limit a segment to snap only vertically?

Command + shift

How do you zoom in and out

Command plus or command shift plus

How do you get go to next/previous event to atop at every edit point?

Composer settings - ignore track selectors

four windows of avid

Composer, Project, Timeline, Bin

What is transcoding?

Converting the media (proxy/finishing)

What is consolidating?

Copying media files without re-encoding media. only works on avid native codec. makes a faster and more efficient version of itself (moving project from drive to drive)


Coverting file type into avid specific file for purposes of editing

Motion effects

Created sing master clip or sub clip in SOURCE monitor, speed up or slow down in the video, but still at CONSTANT SPEED

Freeze frames

Created using master clip from SOURCE monitor and creates a new clip containing only the desired frame


Custom location

What does the edit menu do?

Cut, copy, paste, undo, select all, duplicate

Clear in


Resolution on importing

DNxHD 36 or prores xf

Resolution on importing

DNxHD 36 or proves xf

What are pmr or mdb files?

Databases that control the metadata links to media files

Duplicated field

Default, reduces vertical resolution by half bc it drops one field of image, does not require rendering, NOT for broadcast


Default. Constant rate of change from one keyframe to the next.

Deleting Imported Media

Delete 1 master clip (deleting info and presence in bin) Delete 1 associate media file (deleting avid media .mxf file)

How do you delete a keyframe?

Delete key or right click > delete keyframe

Deleting AMF only

Delete media file, right click click, you can also batch reimport

How do you create a split edit? (J/L cut)

Deselect link selection toggle, enable trim mode, position cursor over video or audio edit point, click and drag


Disable tracks in the record column of the selector panel, enable desired tracks by clicking on record track selectors

How to conclude project?

Disconnect archive, open media tool, all drives-current projects, select master clips delete, select all available tracks and click ok

What are pre roll and post roll durations

Display amount of time before and after the edit point included in the loop. (Default is 2.5 seconds before and after cut point. Displayed at bottom of a side monitor in composer)

To load footage in source monitor

Double click on icon OR click and drag into window

How do you reveal item in its original bin?

Double click on item in the bin

How do you expand an effect nest?

Double click on segment w nested effects, in effect editor drag an effect icon to change its position in the nest?

How do you edit from the source browser?

Double click the clip in source browser to load to composer, play and mark clip, edit clip into sequence

How do you resize an image?

Drag RESIZE from IMAGE open effect editor, use parameters, check FIXED ASPECT to avoid distortion

Two ways to import are:

Drag and drop clips from finder into bin OR through source browser

How do you patch tracks

Drag from source track to target OR click and hold source track to to get pop up menu

`How do you save clipboard content?

Drag icon from clipboard monitor to a bin instead of the record monitor. Saved as subsequence.

What are 3 ways to combine bins?

Drag one tab to another, select all > right click > open in one window, drag bin icon to tab

How do you load a sequence into the source monitor?

Drag sequence icon from bin into the source monitor

How do you add a segment effect?

Drag the segment effect icon from the effect palette onto a segment in TL OR enter effect mode and select segments, double click the segment effect in the effect palette

How do you stabilize bumpy footage?

Drag the stabilize effect from IMAGE category, close tracking window, play

How do you create a timewarp effect?

Drage the timewarp effect from the effect palette to a segment in the TL, choose motion effect editor, open speed graph

Another name for pink roller?

Dual roller

Two things to change when creating a motion effect:

Duration and frame rate

Spline keyframe

Easy ease

How do you duplicate sequence in a BIN?

Edit > Duplicate OR CMD + D

How do you find the undo/redo list?

Edit > undo/redo list

How do you create a split screen edit

Edit background clip into sequence, in timeline click V1 source track in the patching panel and drag v2 sequence track to v2. Overwrite the foreground clip onto v2.

Where can you find the stabilization effect?

Effect palette - IMAGE

How to open color correction EFFECT?

Effect palette - image - color correction, drag to singular clip

Where can you find FLUID MORPH effect?

Effect palette, ILLUSION FX (not a real time effect)

What are transition effects?

Effects applied at transition point of two clips

What are segment effects?

Effects applied to entire segment within a sequence to change look (color, resizes, mask)

ExpertRender selects segments in the recommended ranges using what rules?

Effects most topmost effect, render any effect that isnt completely covered by another effect, rene any non real time effect unless covered by another effect that will be rendered, if you have playedback sequence, dos not keep in mind performance capability

Avid Titler Pro

Efficient and simple, most common

What is filler?

Empty space in timeline

How do you delete from TL?

Enable extract/splice in, click segment you want to delete, press delete or backspace OR T, X/Z

How do you prepare tracks to manually add and manipulate keyframes

Enable keyframe button (below motion effect editor button in TL), press apostrophe key

How do you select multiple segments?

Enable segment mode, press shift, click on each segment

How do you avoid breaking sync with top and tail?

Enable sync locks on tracks that must stay in sync.

TC Drop down section one

Enables you to tell system how you want to display info in 2 and 3 as TC, clip names or frames

What is the same as source/custom options button?

Encodes exported file into current media format or if you click option - codec and frame rate become available

What is an A side trim?

Ending the shot earlier in time by dragging to the left. When dragging to the right it gets longer.

Difference Between hitting enter and return when renaming bin

Enter just renames bin, return moves to the next bin

How do you remove a split edit?

Enter trim mode and command + drag to snap back to edit OR snap to edit point, select in or out, and click EXTEND

How do you set up trim on a split edit?

Enter trim mode with rollers on one track, shift + click edit points to add or rmeove trim rollers as needed or drag lasso around the edit point on both audio and video

How do you use jkl trimming?

Enter trim mode, place rollers at appropriate points, press j or j+k or l or k=l

How do you trim with the keyboard?

Enter trim mode, select p[] to select side, use nm,. to trim left and right

How do you trim during playback?

Enter trim mode, select the outgoing or incoming side, click play loop, mark i and o on keyboard to dual roller trim to the mark


Everyone can have access to project on that computer, in SHARED DOCUMENTS

How do you change export options?

Export button, folder directory, rename,options

Export user profile

Exports all user settings into a folder for easy transport

Clear Out


T/F Quick transition is NOT a real time effect


T/F you can use the motion effect button in the TL palette to create a motion effect

FALSE , only to modify a motion effect that has already been created in sequence

T/F to create a quick transition you don't need handles


T/F Deleting linked files will delete the camera native media files


T/F You can rename your project once you've started


T/F You do not need to use a broadcast of separate monitor when freeze framing interlaced footage?


T/F when the blur is first applied to a segment, the blur is immediately visible


To show more info about whats in the bin? (text view)

Fast menu, choose columns

How to fade title up and down

Fast menu, open tool palette, click fade effect button, type number of frames (pixelated E button)

How to access Source Browser

File > Input > Source Browser or Tools > Source Browser

How to open a bin from another project?

File > open bin Navigate to any bin you want to open Any changes to this bin translate to original project, creates "other bins" folder. BEST TO DUPLICATE from this bin so you do not harm OG.

How do you export a file?

File > output > export to file OR right click on record monitor and choose export

To use avid Send To Export templates

File > output > send to (digi delivery, digidesign pro tools, dvd authoring, one step, sorenson squeeze, avid ds)

How do you print a bin?

File > print bin

How to export

File menu > output > export to file, folder directory, export settings, sve

Why would avid go offline?

Files were moved or renamed, deleted, drive disconnected or crashed

Align and Fill - Fill window

Fills window


Finding files based on folder path

Backwards L indicates

First frame of shot

What does the audio mixer do?

Focus on sound and make adjustments with minifader

When would you use "keep as legal range?"

For TV/Broadcast

Name two source settings

Frame flex, color encoding, playback rates, audio, linked plugins


From ILLUSION FX, drag effect onto a cut point, choose source>still, enable feature match option, click render


From PI to the end of the timeline or clip


From beginning to position indicator on timeline OR CLIP

How do you save an effect template from effect mode?

From upper left corner of effect editor, drag the effect icon into a bin

Clear Marks


What does Enable to View Folders as Media Volumes do?

Gets rid of extra files you don't need, skips straight to footage

TC Dropdown section two

Gives info about clip in source (master, duration, I/O, absolute, remaining

How do you delete markers?

Go to frame and hit delete key

How do you remove several markers?

Go to tools > markers, and click markers you wish to delete and press delete

HD vs HR

HD is only used for HD projects and HR is 2k or above

Can you change frame rate in format settings?

HELL to the NO

Blue performance bars indicate?

Hard drives with media ares stressed, no frame drop

What is a quicktime reference?

Has no media of its own but is used to reference media files used by avid. Useful for passing information between applications, but must be used on same system.

What characteristics should you look for when picking a target to track?

High contrast spot


High quality 10-bit


High quliaty

How would you add a color correction effect template to multiple clips?

Highlight clips by shift clicking, and double clicking effect icon in BIN OR in color correction mode, click and drag icon to bin and double click

Play one frame at a time

Hold K and tap J or L

How to play at 1/4 speed

Hold K key

How do you move keyframe earlier or later

Hold down option

How do you change a column heading after you pressed return?

Hold down option and click the heading. Type the new text.

How do you autonest one effect on top of the other?

Hold option and apply a segment effect

Two ways to link are:

Hold option/alt key and drag from finder to bin OR use source browser

How do you activate digital audio scrub

Hold shift key, or use caps lock to toggle

How do you add keyframes using the mouse?

Holding COMMAND + SHIFT slowly move the mouse over center of segment, click where you want key frame

Duration timecode

How long the sequence/clip is

What is mid range?

Human voice range

Mark In

I, E

What happens if you try to import a segment with four marks

If you apply in and out marks to both the source clip and TL SOURCE OUT is ignored and tl marks will mark duration

When do you change project settings?

If you want to export under a different dimension

How do you resize a clip?

Image - resize OR click and drag corner to keep aspect ratio or borders to change aspect ratio

how do you track with blur effect

Image > blur, effect mode, place PI at start, open tracking window, place on high contrast spot, click start tracking, drag PI to first frame, select shape and edit parameters (blur group controls intensity, feathering group softens edges) enable first TRACKER TO T1 point A

How to transfer settings

Import user or user profile

How do you enable data in TL

In TL - Click disclosure triangle for track control panel, click waveform button, click audio data menu (clip gain), press option and select clip gain to enable on all track

How do you view the matte channel?

In the Matte Analysis section of the Effect Editor, choose ALPHA IN SOURCE MONITOR from the SPECTRAGRAPH SOURCE MONITOR menu

How do you use top and tail edits?

In timeline select tracks you want to edit, place PI where you want to perform an edit, press top or tail. This extracts all footage from start of the segment to the PI.

How do you analyze audio on one side of your edit

In trim mode, press play loop, press Q to play outgoing side of transition only. Press w pressing either key a second time to

What is reference pattern?

Inner rectangle, defines the pixels that will be followed and tracked from frame to frame

Another word for ingest/import


What can you find in file menu?

Input, output, new, open

If your shot has lots of motion and you want to freeze-frame, what is the best render option to use?


What are the advantages of simple nesting view?

Isolate one efect, no audio

How to shuttle through footage

JKL keys (1x,2x,3x,5x,8x)

Shelf keyframe

Jumps right to next keyframe. not gradual.

Remapping to buttons

Keyboard settings, Tools > command palette, click button to button, click and drag

Which type of adjustment is most similar to audio ducking?


When should you layer vs nest

Layer to composite video into one multilayer effect design

what do use marks/enabled tracks check boxes do?

Limit exported file to area within marks on sequence

Favorites tab SB

Lists shortcuts to the folders you've tagged as favorite


Lists the folders you've used in previous sessions


Lives anywhere else or on EXTERNAL DRIVE, use FOLDER BROWSE

To override the expert render selection

Load a sequence in record, mark I/O, right click the TL expert render i/o, click expert render, click modify selection button, shift + click any segments that might not need to be rendered, select drive to place renders

How do you use find bin tool?

Load clip into source using match frame, click find bin button.

How do you create a motion effect?

Load clip into source, click motion effect from composer fast menu OR tools > motion effect editor

Adding clips with drag and drop splice in

Load clip into source, select I/O, click in source and drag mouse pointer to gray space in TL, release

How do you find a specific frame using timecode?

Load clip or sequence into monirot, click monitor, enter TC press enter

How do you group clips?

Load each clip and mark in point at sync point, select clips to group, choose bin > group clips (command + shift + G), group by film or source TC, I/O Points, source TV, auxiliary, or waveform analysis.

How do you see the impact of changi video playback quality

Load into record mointor, play in full quality, look for performance bars, play again from beginning to end

To adjust clip gain level?

Load into source or place PI over clip. set audio mixer mode to CLIP, play and drag fader up and down or type number

How do you create a freeze frame

Load into source, right click, freeze frame OR create in timeline under effects palette, timewarp, freezeframe

How do you add a cutaway?

Load master clip in source monitor, set marks, deselect audio, overwrite on appropriate track

Rendering multiple effects with expert render

Load sequence into record monitor, set I/O, right click in TL, render > expert render I/O

How do you create a subsequence?

Load the sequence into the record monitor and mark I at the start and O at the end. select record tracks you want in subsequence. drag subsequence icon above record monitor to destination.

How do you edit title into the sequence?

Load title into source, mark IO, watch center duration, add video track, patch, overwrite

Trim buttons

Look like ,, and .. allow you to trim one frame or 1/3 second in either direction. 1/3 = 8 frames in a 24 fps project


Low bandwith

Avid MediaFiles are always this file type


What is Fit to Fill when creating motion effects and how is it used?

Make I/O point on TL, I/O source, open motion effect, click fit to fill check mark, avid will do math for you and fit entire selection in marked section, overwrite in

How to troubleshoot offline media?

Make sure drives are visible to OS, reconnect drive, within avid refresh media databases, use relink, delete media database files

Typing a frame offset with a clip or sequence loaded in monitor

Make sure monitor is active, press plus or minute sign, enter number of frames (100 to move forward a minute) (add lowercase f to type over 99 and not count as minute)

How do you solve problem of effect editor always disappearing?

Map it to keyboard shortcut OR put it on second monitor

How do you add markers on the fly?

Map one marker to key, play clip or sequence pressing marker keys at any time

How do you create fit to fill?

Mark I/O in TL and source, click fit to fill button (edit tab of command palette) (two arrows going outword in box)

How to set up for marked region option?

Mark and in and out in the sequence around segments you want to affect and make sure PI is within in and out marks. Fast menu - set level on track from I/O point.

What is the tracking point?

Mark in middle

From in option audio mixer?

Mark in sequence. Adjustment is applied to all segments after in until the end of sequence

To out option in audio mixer fast menu?

Mark out in sequence. Adjustment is applied to all segments before the out.

To set marks in PIP based on background segment

Mark the same duration in track above, mark clip

What is source priority?

Marking an in and out in source clip and an in OR out in timeline

Types of media you ca select in media tool:

Master clips, linked master clips, precompute clips, media files

What is the green dot next to an effect?

Means it does not require rendering, will play in real time

Any Icons with } indicates

Media files are on shared storage system

Avid Native

Media is created by avid when you import, consolidate or transcode

What can you use to view render files?

Media tool

What audio mixer mode enables manual audio keyframing?


Main difference between motion, timewarp, and freeze frame?

Motion and freeze-frame are using material from source, timewarp uses from Timeline

What is fit to fill?

Motion effect uses 4 marks, two in source two in tl. Create new clip that fits exactly in marked duration in TL.

How to add a clip inside a nest

Move PI over a two input effect like PIP, click step in, add 3rd v track, lod clip into source, mark clp to nest duration, patch source to v3, check to makr sure track in v2 in sequence is deslected, press b on keyboard to overwrite to v3, apply pip, or multi input effect to new v3 segment so background is viewable

How do you apply an EQ preset?

Move PI to target segment, mark i.o, click audio EQ fast menu, choose template. To apply to other segments choose set EQ IN/OUT

What does the transition manipulation tool do?

Move the pointer over a transition in TL, causes pointer to change to hand, can move alignment of effect my dragging

Activate yellow function

Move to bottom half of a clip

Activate red function

Move to top half of a track

How you monitor incoming out outoing shots in dual roller trim?

Mover cursor over either the outgoing or incoming image in monitor. do not click.

What does dual roller do?

Moves both A and B sides at the same time. One side is lengthened, one side rolls up.

Why would you make a sub clip?

Multiple takes in one clip, want to break down interview segments

What is sequence priority?

Must mark in and out in sequence and in OR out in source

How do you mark as a favorite?

Navigate to folder - click star button

What can you find in Clip menu?

New Title, group, multigroup, autosync, autosequence

What can you find in TL menu?

New, add filler, remove match frame edits, render, mixdown

Advantages of importing

No lagging, don't have to worry about location

What does a blue dot on an effect mean?

Not a real time effect

Mark Out

O, R

Disadvantages of linking

Once it's gone, it's gone, can't rename folders, avid doesn't run as smooth, more issues with playback


Only available on that computer in DOCUMENTS folder

How do you use trim to fill?

Ope effect palette and select timewarp, drag trim to fill effect on segment

How do you create a stringout?

Open bin containing the clips, sort by column, select all, click text view button, drag clips onto TL.

How do you enter color correction mode?

Open icon under smart tool (3 panel)

How to prepare for import

Open import settings by clicking on gear icon in source browser

What is the proper way to delete media?

Open media tool, select drive, select clips (can right click to make an informed decision choose columns)

How do you set render quality for mastering quality renders?

Open render settings, image interpolation, select advanced polyphase, OK

How do you lock down a shot? (make it static)

Open stabilize effect, allow effect to process, in tracking tool window toggle off STEADY GLIDE button

How to display waveforms

Open track panel, click on waveform button

Import user profile

Opens a browse dialog box used to direct the system to a previously exported user profi;e

What does the motion effect button do?

Opens motion effect editor if record monitor or timeline is selected, opens motion effect window if source monitor is active

What command takes you back to zero on mini fader

Option + click

How do you quickly reset fader back to 0?

Option + click the level slider

How do you autonest a clip?

Option + drag each effect you want to add

How to clone clip from one bin to another?

Option + drag if you do not want to destroy original bin

Best performance

Option reduces quality down by 75%

What is a storyboard edit?

Organizing clips in bin by frame view and dragging on timeline

Camera Native Files

Original files are created in camera

How do you reorder effects in a nest?

Park on a clip auto nested with effects, drag an effect icon from EFFECT EDITOR to nested track to change position in nest

Displaying a nest in the TL using SIMPLE NESTING VIEW

Park on a clip with nested effects, click STEP IN button

How do you expand an effect nest?

Park on clip with auto nested effect, click option + step in OR double click

How do you step into a nest?

Park on clip with multiple effects, step in button

How do you see multiple effects in effect editor?

Park on nested effects clip, click on the effect mode button, look in effect editor

What is the marked region in audio tool?

Parking PI over original clip that you want settings to apply to al clips highlighted.

How do you add audio effects to multiple tracks?

Place PI and mark I/O, open quick transition, adjust duration, click apply to all transitions it-out, add)

How do you find bin on clip currently under PI

Place PI on clip within sequence, select track, option + click the find button.

How do you create a pan and zoom in frame flex?

Place PI over clip, open effect editor, add keyframe button in preview (right) monitor, maniplate wireframe box to reframe, move PI and end w keyframe

How do you make a storyboard edit?

Place bin in frame view mark portions of clip arrange clips in your bin in rows in the desired order l-r t-b make new sequence select clips by dragging lasso around them or shift click to drag clips to timeline

Activate trim roller

Place mouse near edit point of a shot

How do you slip a shot in SOURCE RECORD MODE?

Place pi over segment and pres trim keys (m,./)

Activate Segment Mode

Place your mouse pointer in the middle of a clip

What does the play loop button do?

Plays loop around edit point (space bar)

Blue line is called

Position Indicator

How do you lasso transitions in the TL?

Position cursor in gray area above video track, drag lasso around transition

How do you modify transitions duration

Position the pointer of lower left or top right corner of a transition until pointer changes to resizing arrow > drag transition handle to lengthen or shorten duration

How do you activate digital audio scrub

Press caps lock or hold shift

How do you stop looping playback in trim mode?

Press spacebar

How do you setup color correction effect?

Project window > settings, find correction setting, double click to open, click AUTOCORRECT button at top, click drop down menu, nothing drop down

How do you save a project settings preset once setting up a project?

Project window, format, my presets, click OK

How do you hide/display keyframe tracks

Put a transition or effect effect on, enter effect mode, click the show/hide keyframe graphs button

How to divide a segment? (add edit)

Put blue P.I. to point where you want to cut, using record track selectors, determine what tracks you want to cut, click add edit

Go to in


How do you rearrange order of effects?

Rearrange them in EFFECT EDITOR

For consolidating linked media, select ?

Relink master clips to media on target drive

What are precomputes?

Rendered files

Rotoscoping tools

Require you to manually draw or paint the matte frame by frame over the portion of the image you wish to keep.

Features of audio tool

Reset peak button, in out toggle, peak hold buttons, digital scale to left, volume unit scale to right , meters

What to do when importing images

Resize image or fit format raster to prevent distortion (import > gear > image size adjustment box > image sized for current format (if already matches project dimensions) OR resize image to fit format raster (keeps original proportions)

Which function can be used to find the media for a clip?

Reveal file

Remove a column?

Right click - remove column

How do you move redundant keyframes? (same value back to back)

Right click KF track at to of effect editor, select remove redundant keyframes

How do you select an add keyframe option (add to al parameters, open group etc)

Right click add keyframe button at bottom of effect editor, choose from menu

Disable live updates

Right click in TL > TL settings > display tab, wideframe dragging > click ok

Disable live updates

Right click in TL > TL settings > display tab, wireframe dragging > click ok

How do you hide controls in audio mixer?

Right click in audio mixer and chose DISPLAY OPTIONS, deselect any controls you wish to hide.

How to find an avid media file

Right click in bin, reveal file

To empty record monitor and TL

Right click in record monitor > select clear monitor

How do you duplicate the sequence you are editing?

Right click in record monitor and select duplicate.

How do you create a freeze frame?

Right click in source monitor and access menu, two field frame, using interpolated field OR Clip menu

How do you consolidate?

Right click on clip, consolidate/transcode, select consolidate, check mark for VIDEO AND AUDIO ON SAME DRIVE, then select name of target drive, consolidate

How to change the number of rows of timecode displayed?

Right click on composer window and choose composer settings, window tab, select preference

How to sort in ascending/descending order

Right click on heading of column you wish to sort and choose SORT ON COLUMN, ASCENDING/DESCENDING.

If you reframe a shot using frameflex on a clip in a bin, how do yo update the segment in the TL to show the change?

Right click on sequence in bin, refresh sequence - aspect ratio and reformatting.

Adding custom information in custom columns?

Right click, add custom column

How do yo use audio ducking?

Right click, audio ducking, or TL > audio ducking select tracks that contain dialog on left, select tracks with music on right, adjust music track attenuation to approx -14db time to 12 frames and click duck

How do you clear renders?

Right click, clear renders in/o

Another name for yellow roller?

Ripple trim

How do you fix broken sync

Ripple trim and slip mode

What is a B side trim?

Rollers on right side on head of incoming shot when you drag to the left are revealing clips that did not exist earlier and making it longer. When you drag to the right, you are trimming away frames and starting the action later.



How to navigate to avid attic

Saved on computer station. Macintosh HD, Users, shared, avid media composer, avid attic

Advantages of linking

Saves space, faster

Draft quality

Scales frame by 50% in each direction

Where do you search text of scripts imported into the project?

Script text tab in find tool

What does the find tool do?

Searches metadata across all bins?

Advantages of expanded nesting view?

See how effects interact with each other

Name for using red/yellow arrows?

Segment mode

How do you open Avid Title Tool

Select Clip > New Title. Alternatively , select Tools > Title Tool New Title Dialog Box Displays Click Title Tool

How to replace existing material

Select I/O points around material to replace, load replacement masterclip in source monitor, click source track selectors, set in point, while pressing cmd + drag clip to marked region (or press B)

How to use frame flex?

Select clip in bin, coose source settings, frameflex tab, drag video slider of frame OR adjust framing parameters

How do you access source settings?

Select clips > right click > source settings

How to change clip gain levels of master clips in bin?

Select clips, right click on one and choose AUDIO> APPLY GAIN

How do you match frame

Select frame n TL, select track in control panel, click on fast menu in composer, click MATCH FRAME button in tool palette.

How to video mixdown?

Select record track monitor button in track selector panel, mark i/o, select timeline menu > mixdown > audio/video select target bin, drive and resoluton or mono/stereo

How do you create a sequence from a selection?

Select segments in TL, right click in TL > create new sequence based on selection

When using tracking with the blur effect, how do you attach a tracker to the shape created?

Select shape and set tracking to appropriate point (where it says no tracker)

How do you remove in and out points from multiple clips?

Select them all in bin and hit G.

How do you dissolve multiple cuts?

Select tracks in track selector, mark I/O, click quick transition, select APPLY TO ALL TRANSITIONS (IN -> OUT) option

How do you remove an add edit?

Select tracks with add edits, mark I/O, Timeline Menu > remove match frame edits

How do you use the audio EQ tool?

Select tracks you want to EQ only, set I/O, tools > audio eq

Applying automatic color correction to WHOLE SEQUENCE?

Select tracks, select right button in TL toolbar, double click color correction effect (HSL auto contrast- HSL auto balance)

How do you add an effect to multiple segments?

Select with segment tool or lasso and double click effect icon in effect editor. DOES NOT WORK with in and out points

What is a stringout?

Selection of shots laid out in a sequence

Tools used for blur effect?

Selection tool, reshape, bring forward, send back, rectangle tool, oval

What is select in/out?

Selects everything between the in and out marks on active tracks

How do you make a sub clip?

Set I/O points and drag icon to bin

What is audio ducking?

Setting music tracks to alway reduce under dialog tracks

How do you toggle overwrite trim? (red)

Shift + D

Shortcut for ripple trim

Shift + D

How do you toggle ripple trim?

Shift + F

Shortcut for overwrite trim

Shift + F

Explore tab SB

Show all your system folders

Frame View

Show and set frame

What does the markers tool do?

Shows all markers present on sequence or source clip. (TOOLA > MARKERS)

Text View

Shows all metadata

What is Center Duration?

Shows currently marked duration

B side monitor

Shows first frame of incoming shot

What is the A side monitor

Shows last frame of outgoing shot

what is S icon placed on clip in TL?

Size and spatial, puts on frame flex

You can double click on a column heading to ?

Sort column. (or cmd + E)

What does the tiny S with green dot mean?

Spatial/source adapter. TL is smaller than footage. its an adapter for frameflec.

What does Timewarp do/change?

Speed and position

Motion effects

Speed up or slow down action consistently

Timewarp effects

Speed up or slow down ramping visbly changes in timeline, REAL TIME EFFECT, four render types

What are 3 types of stabilizers?

Stabilize (for shaky shots), Regional stabilize (old school, to automatic, must be rendered) 3D (stabilize built in, warps, overkill)

DNxHD 145

Standard HD broadcast quality codec


Standard qualkty

How to use Favorites Button

Star at top, then go to favorites tab. Used to navigate quicker

How to lasso segments?

Start in gray space above top video track and move L to R

Slip Mode?

Start in gray, move R to L, then use M,./ keys

How do you lasso a segment?

Start in grey space above the top video track and click and drag from l to r. OR hold option to allow lassoing directly in TL. lasso must completely fill segment.

What is the correct order for an HSL adjustment?

Start with luminance (levels), then adjust color (chrominance)

What do yellow performance bars indicate?

Stressed system, frames drop

How do you prevent broken sync

Sync locks, timeline settings ( segment drag sync locks, default sync locks on)

What are the limitations of automatic color correction?

System cannot see what's in scene, doesn't understand extreme light conditions or problems, lacking appropriate distinct white or black regions

What happens when trying to insert a clip with in marks on

System will use only portion of source clip from in to end of source

Mark Clip


How to hide or show combination of 3 adapters on clip

TL Fast menu, choose show adapters, select which ones you wish to see.

T/F Masterclips that are cloning or duplicated are all the same media file


T/F another way to adjust a transition is to drag the left or right edge of the purple graphical effect icon to change its duration or drag within the purple effect icon to change its alignment.


T/F liquid morph works best when the majority of the image is the same and difference in the object that moves is not severe.


T/F you can modify export settings directly from settings in project window


Disadvantages of importing

Takes forever

What is still -> still in fluid morph?

Takes the first and last frame of the jump cut to create morph.

Bin Views:

Text view, frame view, script view

Four frame display

The last frame before the edit point, first frame of the shot you are adding, the last frame of the shot you're adding, first frame of shot afterwards

Master Clip

The media object that refers to the media files imported into a Bin

What is the search region?

The outer rectangle. Gives a region to search to find new position. Use a larger search region if clip is faster.

What are trim counters

These indicate the number of frames that have been trimmed on eeach side of the edit. Negative = trimmed to left. Positive = trimmed to right (LOCATED UNDER BOTH MONITORS IN PINK)

Menu to button reassignment

This allows to map menu command for which there is no preset button to the keyboard or interface.

What is active palette?

This enables the command palette to function as an editing tool.

TC Dropdown section three

This section lists info for each track of the clip in the source or where position is marked in tl

Three types of motion effects?

Time warp, motion effects, freeze frames

Where fo you search text displayed on segmenrs in timeline ?

Timeline and monitors tab in find tool

What is trim to fill?

Timewarp effet that enables you to adjust the speed of a clip by changing its duratio in TL using trim tools

Why do you use video mixdown?

To finalize a complex sequence before consolidating, exporting or transferring create a complex you need to use repeatedly, retime an entire sequence using a motion effect

When to nest vs ayer

To make a modification to a shot that already has an effect on it(adding a color effect to one shot in a pip composite)

Why do you make subsequences>

To make changes and load into source to put in your film.

What does avid title tool offer?

Toolbar, styles, template, border controls, video background toggle, font and paragraph, text, color, file, drop shadow, crawl, roll

How do you access media tool?

Tools > Media Tool, click ALL DRIVES, current project

How do you get to Audio EQ?

Tools > audio EQ

How do you access the audio mixer?

Tools > audio mixer OR windows > workspace > audio mixing

Adjusting audio levels of source clips

Tools > audio mixer, drag the slider up and down

To open audio tool?

Tools > audio tool or command +1

How do you get to the effect palette

Tools > effect palette OR CMD + 8

How do you auto nest?

Tools > effect palette, click a category, hold option, apply segment effect

To apply a timewarp preet

Tools > effect palette> timewarp, select preset and darg to segment on TL

Features of audio mixer

Track selector, volume level display, track fader with integrated meter, master fader, effect insert buttons, disclosure triangles, pan value indicator, pan knob, track sidebar button, group buttons, audio mixer mode button, audio loop button, render button

What can you find on the quick transition menu?

Track selectors, effect selection button, duration and alignment controls, effect icon

Tracking window button

Tracker with 3 x's.

What function can be used to convert the format of a media file?


What is high shelf range

Treble, high frequency, 6khx-20+

How do you prevent breaking sync?

Trimming a single track always use dual roller or overwrite trim, add or subtract frames f\rom all tracks, if you want to extract frames from one track use lift overwrite.

What are common ways to break sync?

Trimming only one side of transition, extracting frames from only one track, splicing in only audio or video, moving only one track in segment mode

T/F If no smart tool rollers are enabled, single roller trims default to yellow (ripple trim)


T/F Subsequences do not make changes to the original sequence?


T/F When adjusting pan keyframes, the top of the track is left and the bottom is right


T/F if any effects are in the nest are not the advance keyframe type (blur effect) then their parameters cannot be viewed in the effect editor. To modify these effects you will need to see them directly while in effect mode.


T/F if you adjust the level while playing, the new lvel will be heard on next loop


T/F you can break sync with other ways like using extract/splice in segment mode in trim mode


T/F you can use interpolated fields for progressive footage but you cannot use progressive options for interpolated footage


How do you make a radio edit?

Turn off v1, enter trim mode, enable ripple trim, select tracks, ripple trim entire sequence

How do you type 100 frames

Type F first

Shortcut to add 00 in timecode

Type a period (.)

How to add or remove frames while trimming

Type a plus or minus and the number of frames

Shortcut to enter a timecode that starts at the same hour as the current timecode?

Type only last four digits.

Getting in and out of trim mode

U key

How do you activate trim mode?

U key

How do you exit trim mode?

U, Y, esc or anywhere in T1 tracks

How do you add keyframes?

USE APOSTROPHE, direct manipulation in effect preview monitor, or click keyframe monitor in interface

Where are your project settings?

Under format in Project Window.

What can you find in edit menu?

Undo, redo, undo/redo list, cut copy paste,

Stages of audio mixing?

Use clip gain and audio crossfades to create smooth audio edits, apply audio keyframes, use EQ and keyframing to solve specific issues.

What can you do in the export as menu?

Use drop down to change type of file to be exported

Fixing out of sync audio

Use ripple trim (yellow) and click and drag or use M,./ keys, or use SLIP TRIM (lasso right to left so roller bars are facing inward)

Removing quick transition using smart tool

Use the transition manipulation tool, click on transition effect icon, delete key

User profile

Used for reconfiguring keyboard store on COMPUTER STATION

What is stream -> stream in fluid morph?

Uses a group of clips to create the morph

Matte keys

Uses a separate grayscale image to create the transparency.

What does Both Fields do when rendering

Uses both fields, good for shots without motion, progressive footage (24-35p etc) does not jitter

What is an anchor frame

Using a keyframe to ensure that a timewarp effect doe not shift the position of a specific frame

Keying effects

Using one of the keying effects, the matte is procedurally generated by Media Composer based on color or luminance

When applying a blue effect how do you control where the blur effects the image?

Using shape tools

How do you toggle video background in title tool?

V button next to BG

Sequence/Track Layout Order

V1 Picture, A1 Natural Sound, A2 VO, A3 Music L, A4 Music R

What do you need to turn on to make keyframes in audio?

Volume and keyframe button under motion effect

Go to out


When would you use interpolated fields with freeze frames?

When using footage with interlaced motion, interpolated

When would you use both fields in freeze frames?

When using progressive footage without a lot of movement

When would you use "scale full to legal range"

When watching on computers and mobile devices.

When do you use interpolated fields

When working with NTSC 29.97i, PAL 25i or 1080i media, used for interlaced video, lots of movement


When you are inside of a nest, you can only access content inside of the nest, address layers individually in isolation. DISADVANTAGE: you cant see anything else

Master timecode

Where PI is on TIMELINE

How to create a basic title

With text tool active click on the image where you want text and type, click arrow tool position text by dragging/ alignment/ drag control points to resize, use font controls, fill.shadow/border, close, save, type name

What can you find in windows menu?

Workspaces, bin layout

Bezier keyframe

You can control curves

Benefits of expanding nest?

You can see all nested tracks at once and see how everything layers on top of each other

What happens when you use sync locks?

You eliminate risk or breaking sync of downstream material


a series of shots unified by theme or purpose

Folder browse

access project directory

Use MIDI mixer to

add and modify keyframes in real time playback

Inner and outer softness in spectra matte

affects inner and outer opacity of image

Align to grid

aligns to a grid

tape capture

allows you to record the video signal over a baseband connection from tape, satellite or live camera feed.

Align and Fill - fill sorter

alphabetizes footage

add keyframes to open graphs

anything w keyframe graph displayed

How do you create a watermark

apply and configure timecode burn in effect disable 1 if you dont want TC, click box to enable notes, type watermark, open appearance group, set background opacity to 0

How do you use the anchor frame

apply timearp effect, open motion effect editor, speed graph, drag PI in speedgraph to frame you want and add keyframe, click set anchor button (anchor)

Where do you make tone media?

audio tool, peak hold menu

Interpolated field

best for shot with a lot of motion

Object menu

bring forward, send back title area, soften shadow

Project window

central hub, bin settings, effects palette, format

To adjust clip gain

click fader button and drag, click up and down arrow keys (increases by 0.1dB), use number keys

To save all bins

click project window, cmd + s or File > save all

Activate project window

cmd + 9

Snap to head of a shot

cmd + drag OR cmd + click to the left on timecode bar

Create new bin

cmd + n

snap to tail of shot

cmd + option + drag OR click to right on timecode bar

How do you open find tool?

command + f or edit > find

How do you lock a shot vertically?

command + shift + drag

To pan around zoom in image

command option drag

how to activate full screen playback

composer . full screen play back or command + shift + f


connects media to the project in avid. does not move or copy

what happens when you create a video mix down?

creates single master clip in bin. Original sequence remains the same

Combining bins into one window

drag next to other bin by tab

In and out timecode

duration from i/o or position indicator to the end if no points (same as remain)

To apply the spectramatte

edit the blue screen segment on track above background, from KEY category of effects palette apply SPECTRAMATTE to foreground, enter effect mode, click bypass checkbox, point cursos over color preview display, move eyedropper to EFFECT PREview monitor and click mouse button on green screen close to subject.

How would you create a pan and zoom in frame flex

effect editor - keyframe graph

Add keyframes to enabled groups

enabled groups open or closer

3 tabs in source browser

explore, favorites, recent

What is cutting down a sequence with top and tail?

extracting footage from designated spot until position indicator

T/F if you accidentally delete an important media file, you can use undo to restore it


T/F the purpose of the garbage mask is to remove all green from foreground

false. used to remove unwanted portions of frame

How to relink Avid native files?

fast menu, select offline items, right click - relink, unchecking relink from current project, deselect match case when comparing tape and source file names, allow relinking of imported ama by source file name, any video format,

2 ways to get to source browser

file > input > source browser or tools > source browser or right click in bin > input > source browser

How is a fit to fill different than a 3 point edit?

fit to fill you need 4 points


freezes image, control in source monitor

How do you make a watermark

generator > timecode - notes

script view

gives space for comments

How to Autosave


Open multiple bins at once

highlight in project window, fast menu, open/close selected bins (CMD +O) (CMD + W)

How do you reference the edit point on any active track??

hold option and press top/tail

How do you select multiple segments

hold shift and select each segment

Settings tab

houses all customizable settings

What is frame flex?

if your footage is more high res than your project, you can manipulate image in source settings

Where do you create timewarp effect

in the timeline


inputs media file by copying to avid media files directory

Can change colors and behaviors in

interface settings

What do the L and R parameters stand for in the Crop Parameter group of the SpectraMatte?

left and right crop to cut out unwanted areas of the green screen


lineup of all angles from a particular scene put together on one TL not edited

Where can you get bars tone and coundown

macintonish HD/applications/avid/supporting files/test patterns

The transparent channel in a clip is called


Timewarp effects need to be rendered if

motion is reversed, play rate exceeds 1000%, bezier keyframes, render type set to fluid motion

How do you maintain sync on multiple tracks

move pit close to every edit point, enter trim mode, option + add edit to add edits to all filler, ON ALL TRACKS, USE RIPPLE TRIM TO FIX BROKEN SYNC. Edits in filler push back all other tracks.

Name the media database files.

msmFMID.pmr and msmMMOB.mdb

How do you add timecod

new track, effect palette, generator, timecode

Adds keyframes to active group option

only adds to open group

Viewing folders as media volumes

only displays media files

Changing start timecode

open bin and select the text view, click on start TC, enter new value

How do you change render quality for fast, draft quality renders

open render setting dialog box from project window, click image interpolation, select draft (nearest neighbor)

How to enable waveforms on all tracks

option + click on waveform

Storyboard editing

placing all the thumbnails in a certain order on the TL

Full quality option

processe video at full quality full ram

How to choose monitor for full screen playback

project winow, settings, fullscreen playback settings, drag settig window on desire monitor.

Media composer interface

project, bin, composer, timeline

How do you switch keyframe interpolation

right click inside open keyframe graph, choose a keframe interpolation from popup

Setting FF/RW to stop at every edit point

rt click on composer > composer settings > FF/RW Tab > ignore track selectors


saved to documents folder


saved to shared documents folder

What do you do in the markers tab?

search text in markers

how to maintain sync when inserting

select all tracks that need to remain synced

To customize a send to template

select sequence, file > output > send to > make new, click export setting or options button, add item in menu

Frame view

shows frame

Text view

shows metadata

What are the two different methods you can use to view effects inside of a nest

simple and expanded

How to add filler at start of sequence

timeline > add filler at start or right click in tl > add filler > at start

What is the Alpha in Source Monitor menu selection used for?

to view alpha channel or matte in source monitor and see more clearly

How do you create tone media

tools > audio tool, PH button, create tone media, set calibration tone, number of tracks, click menus and select target bin

How to open timecode window

tools > timecode window

T/F The spectramatte effect provides a better key than RGB keyer effect and makes it easier to finetune you key


t/f when you consolidate subclips or sequences, new master clips are created with a new duration based on that of the segment or subclip of the sequence


What is the global option?

under audio mixer fast menu, effects all tracks to change to what PI is parked on

Removing quick transition effects

use transition manipulation tool click on transition effect icon, delete key

Folder browse button

used to navigate custom location of project

If you have a background clip on track V2, what track should your green screen clip be edited onto?


What category is 3d PIP found in

xpress 3d effect

Is frame flex a real time effect?


What are you actually doing when you are deleting linked media

you are not deleting picture, just breaking the link between the file and your drive

Star in bin indicates:

you have changed something and it has not been saved

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