AWR: Dogs and Cats

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Describe the required ventilation holes for primary enclosures with ventilation openings on four walls, according to the AWR.

at least 8 percent of the total surface area of each wall, with a total combined surface area of 14 percent the total combined surface area of all the walls.

According to the AWR, dogs and cats must be fed at least _____

at least once a day.

How long before delivery to the carrier/intermediate handler must a veterinarian's certification stating that a dog/cat is acclimated to temperatures below _____ be, according to the AWR?

dated no more than 10 days prior to delivery 50 degrees F

According to the AWR, if a dog/cat housing suspended floor of a primary enclosure is constructed of metal strnds, the strands must be either greater than _____ or _____.

greater than 1/8" diameter (9 gauge), or coated with a material such as plastic or fiberglass

How does the AWR calculate minimum floor space requirements for dogs? At what point in the dog's life does this calculation apply?

((length in inches +6)^2)/144 Starting at weaning

According to the AWR, (1) How often must surfaces of dog and cat housing facilities be maintained? (2) What about if they cannot be readily cleaned/sanitized?

(1) "on a regular basis" (2) "must be replaced when worn or soiled"

List 3 criteria that are required of cat resting surfaces, according to the AWR.

(1) elevated (high enough that cats can fit underneath it) (2) impervious to moisture (3) easily cleaned

According to the AWR, when dogs or cats are present in sheltered housing facilities, what three surfaces of the sheltered facility must be impervious to moisture?

(1) indoor floor areas in contact with animals (2) outdoor floor areas in contact with animals (3) all walls, boxes, houses, dens, and other surfaces in contact with animals

According to the AWR, under what circumstances do dogs not need to be provided opportunities for regular exercise? (2)

(1) singly-housed dog with more than 2x the required floor space in its primary enclosure, or (2) group-housed dogs where their primary enclosure provides at least 100 percent of the required space for each dog if maintained separately.

According to the AWR, for dogs/cats, _____ of he ventilation area [of transport containers] must be located on the _____ of the primary enclosure.

1/3 upper half

According to the AWR, not more than _____ adult _____ dogs may be housed in the same primary enclosure.

12 non-conditioned

According to the AWR, dogs over _____, except _____ must be provided the opportunity for exercise _____if _____

12 weeks of age bitches with litters regularly they are kept individually in cages that provide less than 2x the required floor space for that dog

According to the AWR, each dog and cat that is _____ of age or more must be offered food at least once every ____ hours. Puppies and kittens less than _____ of age must be offered food at least once every _____ hours.

16 weeks 24 hrs 16 weeks 12 hrs

According to the AWR, for how long is it allowable for the ambient temperature to fall below 45 degrees F when dogs/cats are being transported to or from terminal facilities in primary conveyances?

no more than 45 min

Per the AWR, when moving animals between holding areas and terminal facilities, the dog or cat must not be exposed to an ambient air temperature above _____ or below _____ for a period of more than _____ while being moved unless accompanied by a certificate signed by a vet stating that they are acclimated to lower temperatures.

85 45 45 minutes

According the the AWR, what cats/dogs cannot be kept in outdoor facilities? Under what circumstances might it be allowed for them to be kept outside?

Animals not acclimated to local temps, breeds that can't tolerate them, or sick/aged/young/infirm If specifically approved by the AV

According to the AWR, people transporting dogs/cats in commerce should observe the animals as often as circumstances allow, but not less than _____

once every 4 hours (unless in an airplane where cargo is inaccessible)

According to the AWR, primary enclosures and food and water receptacles for dogs and cats must be sanitized with what frequency? What three sanitization methods are appropriate?

At least every 2 weeks (1) Live steam under pressure (2) Washing with hot water (at least 180 F) and soap or detergent, as with a mechanical cage wash, or (3) washing soiled surfaces with detergent or detergent/disinfection followed by a rinse

According to the AWR, each bitch with nursing puppies must be provided with additional floor space based on ______. If the additional amount of floor space for each nursing kitten is equivalent to less than _____ the minimum req for the queen, this must be approved by _____

Breed and behavioral characteristics. 5% the AV

According to the AWR, what food and bedding may be kept in the animal area?

Food and bedding "that is currently being used"

Describe the frequency of primary enclosure cleaning that the AWR mandates for dogs/cats during transit?

If they are in transit for more than 24 hours, the enclosures must be cleaned and any litter replaced, or other methods, such as moving the animals to another enclosure, must be utilized to prevent the soiling of the dogs or cats by body wastes.

According to the AWR, carriers and intermediate handlers must not accept a dog or cat for transport in commerce unless the consignor certifies what in writing?

That the dog or cat was offered food and water during the 4 hours before delivery to the carrier/IH

T/F: It is never allowable for the ambient temperature of a dog or cat's primary enclosure to fall below 45 degrees F for more than 4 consecutive hours while that animal is in transit, according to the AWR.


T/F: The AWR requires that dogs or cats that are suspected of having a contagious disease be isolated from healthy colony animals.


According to the AWR, if potable water is not continually available to the dogs and cats, it must be offered to the dogs and cats _____

"as often as necessary to ensure their health and wellbeing, but not less than twice daily for at least 1 hour each time, unless restricted by the AV"

According to the AWR, dead animals, animal parts, and animal waste must not be kept ______

"in food storage or food prep areas, food freezers, food refrigerators, or animal areas."

According to the AWR, when dogs or cats are present in sheltered housing facilities, how large must the shelter structures be?

"large enough to allow each animal to sit, stand, and lie in a normal manner and to turn about freely."

According to the AWR, how frequently must outdoor housing facility surfaces used for dogs and cats be maintained?

"on a regular basis"

What 4 pieces of information does the AWR say must be present on a vet's certification of cat/dog temperature acclimation when it is given to the carrier/IH for transport?

(1) Consignor's name/address (2) Animal tag/tattoo number (3) vet statement younger than 10 days that says that each of the dogcs/cats contained in the primary enclosure is acclimated to temps <50 but not lower than a minimum temperature specified on the certificate (4) the vet's signature/date

According to the AWR, under what two conditions can a dog be exempt from exercise? How frequently must these exemptions be reviewed?

(1) The AV can exempt a dog for health/condition/well-being reasons. If this is the case, the AV has to review the exemption at least every 30 days unless it is a permanent condition which prevents the dog from exercising. (2) IACUC-approved protocol; must be reviewed at least annually

According to the AWR, what 4 pieces of information must be included in writing on a document attached to the outside of the primary enclosure on dogs/cats that are being shipped?

(1) The consignor (sender's) name (2) the tag number or tattoo assigned to each dog/cat (3) The time and date the animal was last fed and watered, and the specific instructions for the next feeding(s) and watering(s) for a 24-hour period, and (4) The consignor's signature with the date/time signed

According to the AWR, when shipping to research facilities, it is ok to house weaned live puppies or kittens together under what 2 circumstances?

(1) less than 8 weeks old and are littermates/accompanied by their dam (2) less than 8 weeks old and of a comparable size to one another

According to the AWR, each cat primary enclosure must be at least _____ high. Cats up to and including 4 kg must be provided with at least _____ sq ft of floor space, while larger cats must be provided with _____ sq ft.

24" high for <4 kg: 3 sq ft for >4 kg: 4 sq ft

In animal holding areas in terminal facilities, the AWR states that the ambient temperature must be measured in the animal holding area at a point not more than _____ away from an outside wall of the enclosure, midway up the side

3 feet

According to the AWR, no more than _____ live dogs or cats, (age/size) may be transported in the same primary enclosure when shipped by (route)

4 > 8 weeks and of comparable size surface vehicle or private aircraft

According to the AWR, carriers and intermediate handlers must not accept a dog or cat for transport in commerce more than _____ before the scheduled departure... however... they may agree to extend this time by up to ______

4 hrs 2 hrs

According to the AWR, puppies or kittens younger than what age may not be transported in the same primary enclosure with adult dogs or cats other than their dams?

4 mo

Under what circumstances does the AWR consider it acceptable for kittens under _____ to be housed in the primary enclosure with adult cats that aren't their dam?

4 mo Breeding colonies

According to the AWR, puppies under _____ may not be housed in the same primary enclosure with adult dogs other than the dam or foster mom, except for under what special circumstances?

4 months Breeding colonies

According to the AWR, when dogs or cats are present in indoor housing facilities, the ambient temperature must not fall below _____ for more than _____ consecutive hours, and must not rise above _____ for more than _____ consecutive hours. If the temp rises above _____, what precautions must be taken?

45 degrees F 4 85 degrees F 4 auxiliary ventilation, such as fans, blowers, or air conditioning, must be provided.

According to the AWR, when dogs or cats are present in sheltered housing facilities, the ambient temperature in the sheltered area must not fall below _____ for more than _____ consecutive hours, and must not rise above _____ for more than _____ consecutive hours. If the temp rises above _____, what precautions must be taken?

45 degrees F 4 85 degrees F 4 auxiliary ventilation, such as fans, blowers, or air conditioning, must be provided.

According to the AWR, when the acclimation status of dogs or cats is unknown and they are housed in outdoor housing facilities, the ambient temperature cannot drop below _____

50 F

According to the AWR, when dogs or cats are present in indoor housing facilities, the ambient temperature in the facility must not fall below _____ for (what categories of animals?). When temps are below this level what precautions must be taken?

50 degrees F Animals not acclimated to lower temperatures, breeds that can't tolerate them, or sick/aged/young/infirm animals unless the AV says it's ok. Additional dry bedding, solid resting boards, or other methods of conserving body heat must be provided.

According to the AWR, when dogs or cats are present in sheltered housing facilities, the ambient temperature in the sheltered part of the facility must not fall below _____ for (what categories of animals?). When temps are below this level what precautions must be taken?

50 degrees F Animals not acclimated to lower temperatures, breeds that can't tolerate them, or sick/aged/young/infirm animals unless the AV says it's ok. Additional dry bedding, solid resting boards, or other methods of conserving body heat must be provided.

According to the AWR -no more than 1 live dog or cat (above what age?), -no more than one live puppy (age/weight), and -no more than 2 live puppies or kittens (age/weight) may be transported in the same primary enclosure when shipped via (mode of transport)

6 months of age or older 8 weeks to 6 months and weighing over 20 pounds 8 weeks to 6 months that are of comparable size and weighing less than 20 pounds air carrier

According to the AWR, the interior height of a primary enclosure must be at least _____ higher than the head of the tallest dog in the enclosure when it is in (what position?)

6" a normal standing position

According to the AWR, for air transport of dogs/cats, cargo areas must be pressurized when the the plane is off the ground unless the aircraft is lower than ______

8000 ft

According to the AWR, how frequently must excreta and food waste be removed from dog/cat primary enclosures? From under primary enclosures?

At least daily As often as necessary to prevent an excessive accumulation

According to the AWR, each queen with nursing kittens must be provided with additional floor space based on ______. If the additional amount of floor space for each nursing kitten is equivalent to less than _____ the minimum req for the queen, this must be approved by _____

Breed and behavioral characteristics. 5% the AV

T/F: Cat food and water pans can be counted in the floor space requirement for those animals, according to the AWR. T/F: Cat litter boxes can be counted in the floor space requirement for those animals, according to the AWR.

False True, if it is properly cleaned/sanitized

T/F: According to the AWR, permanent tethering of dogs is acceptable if specifically approved by the AV

False- mus be specifically approved by APHIS

T/F: According to the AWR, substances that are toxic to dogs or cats but are required for normal husbandry practices must not be stored in animal areas.

False- they can be stored in cabinets in animal areas as long as they are separate from food storage/prep areas.

Under what circumstances does the cat's resting surface count as part of the floor space, according to the AWR?

If it is low enough that it does not allow the space under it to be occupied.

Under what circumstances is is acceptable for dogs/cats to be shipped with instructions for no food/water, according to the AWR?

If this is directed by the AV

Each primary enclosure housing cats must contain a _______ that is/are large enough to hold all of the occupants of the primary enclosure comfortably.

Resting surface

Under what circumstances must a dog/cat shelter in an outdoor housing area have bedding? Under what circumstances is extra bedding required?

Temperature < 50 degrees F Temperature < 35 degrees F

According to the AWR, who must be involved in the determination/consultation/approval of a research facility's canine exercise program? What three factors must be specified in the canine exercise program plan?

The AV and the IACUC (1) Freuency (2) Method, and (3) Duration

According to the AWR, what must be done if dogs will be housed in a facility without sensory contact with another dog? How frequently must this be done?

The dog must be provided with positive physical contact with humans at least daily.

T/F: according to the AWR, it is acceptable for the floors of dog/cat outdoor housing facilities to be made of compacted earth, absorbent bedding, sand, gravel, or grass


Describe the required ventilation holes for primary enclosures with ventilation openings on two opposing walls, according to the AWR.

at least 16 percent of the surface area of each wall, and the total combined surface area of the openings must be at least 14 percent of the total combined surface area of all the walls.

Describe the required ventilation holes for primary enclosures with ventilation openings on three walls, according to the AWR.

at least 8 percent of the total surface area of two walls, and the ventilation openings on the third wall must be at least 50 percent of the total surface area for that wall. The combined surface area of the ventilation openings must be at least 14 percent of the total combined surface area of all the walls.

Describe the required ventilation holes for primary enclosures that are affixed to the primary conveyance and have ventilation openings on one wall walls, according to the AWR.

at least 90% of the total area of the front wall of the enclosure.

According to the AWR, for dogs/cats, primary enclosures used for transport must be large enough to _____

ensure that each animal contained... has enough space to turn about normally while standing, to stand and sit erect, and to lie in a natural position.

According to the AWR, when dogs or cats are present in indoor housing facilities, the floors and walls and other surfaces that contact the animals must be _____, and the ceilings must be _____

impervious to moisture impervious to moisture or replaceable (ex: suspended ceiling with replaceable panels)

According to the AWR, what organisms should be excluded from dog/cat facilities as part of the pest control program?

insects, external parasites, and avian/mammalian pests

According the the AWR, the shelters in outdoor housing facilities for dogs and cats must be of what size? What components must they possess? Give 4 roles of the shelter.

large enough to allow each animal in the shelter to sit, stand, and lie in a normal manner, and to turn about freely. Roof, four sides, floor (1) protection from cold/heat (2) Protection from sun, wind, rain, snow (3) Windbreak/rainbreak

According to the AWR, outdoor facilities for dogs and cats must contact _____

one or more shelter structures that are accessible to each animal

According to the AWR, unless the primary enclosure is permanently affixed to the conveyance, what must be located on the primary enclosure exteriors?

projecting rims providing a minimum air circulation space of 0.75 inches between the primary enclosure and anything against it

According to the AWR, when steam or water is used to clean a dog/cat's primary enclosure, what must be done?

the animals must be removed, unless the enclosure is large enough to ensure the animals would not be harmed, wetted, or distressed in the process

Dealers, exhibitors, and research facilities must develop, document, and follow an appropriate plan to provide dogs with _____. In addition, the plan must be approved by _____. The plan must include _____.

the opportunity for exercise the attending veterinarian standard procedures to be followed in providing the opportunity for exercise

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