AWS Solutions Architect (Ch.8: DNS and Route 53 and CloudFront) Review Questions

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Which of the following are challenges that CloudFront is well positioned to address? (Choose two.)

A. A heavily used website providing media downloads for a global audience D. A popular website with periodically changing content CloudFront is optimized for handling heavy download traffic and for caching website content. Users on a single corporate campus or accessing resources through a VPN will not benefit from the distributed delivery provided by CloudFront.

Which of the following is the name of a record type— as used—in a zone file?

A. CNAME (canonical name) CNAME is a record type. TTL, record type, and record data are all configuration elements, not record types.

Which of the following are services provided by Amazon Route 53? (Choose three.)

A. Domain registration C. Health checks D. DNS management Route 53 provides domain registration, health checks, and DNS management. Content delivery network services are provided by CloudFront. Secure and fast network connections to a VPC can be created using AWS Direct Connect.

Which of the following most accurately describes the difference between geolocation and geoproximity routing policies?

A. Geoproximity policies specify geographic areas by their relationship either to a particular longitude and latitude or to an AWS region, whereas geolocation policies use the continent, country, or U.S. state where the request originated to decide what resource to send. Geoproximity is about precisely pinpointing users, whereas geolocation uses geopolitical boundaries.

Your web application is hosted within multiple AWS regions. Which of the following routing policies will ensure the fastest possible access for your users?

A. Latency Latency selects the available resource with the lowest latency. Weighted policies route among multiple resources by percentage. Geolocation tailors request responses to the end user's location but isn't concerned with response speed. Failover incorporates backup resources for higher availability.

Which of the following kinds of hosted zones are real options within Route 53? (Choose two.)

A. Public D. Private Public and private hosting zones are real options. Regional, hybrid, and VPC zones don't exist (although private zones do map to VPCs).

What's the best way to control the costs your CloudFront distribution incurs?

A. Select a price class that maintains copies in only a limited subset of CloudFront's edge locations. Choosing a price class offering limited distribution is the best way to reduce costs. Non- HTTPS traffic can be excluded (thereby saving some money) but not through the configuration of an SSL certificate (you'd need further configuration). Disabling Alternate Domain Names or enabling Compress Objects Automatically won't reduce costs.

Which of the following describes the function of a name server?

A. Translating human-readable domain names into IP addresses Name servers resolve IP addresses from domain names, allowing clients to connect to resources. Domain registration is performed by domain name registrars. Routing policies are applied through record sets within hosted zones.

Which of the following actions will you need to perform to transfer a domain from an external registrar to Route 53? (Choose two.)

A. Unlock the domain transfer setting on the external registrar admin page. B. Request an authorization code from the external registrar. To transfer a domain, you'll need to make sure the domain isn't set to locked. You'll also need an authorization code that you'll provide to Route 53. Copying name server addresses is necessary only for managing domains that are hosted on but not registered with Route 53. CNAME record sets are used to define one hostname as an alias for another.

Which of the following actions will you need to perform to use Route 53 to manage a domain that's being hosted on an external registrar?

B. Copy the name server addresses from Route 53 to the external registrar admin page. You can enable remotely registered domains on Route 53 by copying name server addresses into the remote registrar-provided interface (not the other way around). Making sure the domain isn't set to locked and requesting authorization codes are used to transfer a domain to Route 53, not just to manage the routing. CNAME record sets are used to define one hostname as an alias for another.

Which of the following content types is the best fit for a Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) distribution?

B. S3-based videos RTMP distributions can manage content only from S3 buckets. RTMP is intended for the distribution of video content.

You're testing three versions of a new application, with each version running on its own server and the current production version on a fourth server. You want to route 5 percent of your total traffic to each of the test servers and route the remaining 85 percent of traffic to the production server. Which routing policy will you use?

B. Weighted Weighted policies route among multiple resources by percentage. Failover incorporates backup resources for higher availability. Latency selects the available resource with the lowest latency. Geolocation tailors request responses to the end user's location.

Which of the following DNS record types should you use to associate a domain name with an IP address?

C. A An A record maps a hostname to an IPv4 address. NS records identify name servers. SOA records document start of authority data. CNAME records define one hostname as an alias for another.

Which of the following is not a permitted origin for a CloudFront distribution?

C. API Gateway endpoint API Gateway is used to generate custom client SDKs for your APIs to connect your backend systems to mobile, web, and server applications or services.

Which of the following is not a direct benefit of using a CloudFront distribution?

C. All user requests will be delivered with lower latency. Not every CloudFront distribution is optimized for low-latency service. Requests of an edge location will only achieve lower latency after copies of your origin files are already cached. Therefore, a response to the first request might not be fast because CloudFront still has to copy the file from the origin server.

For regulatory compliance, your application may only provide data to requests coming from the United States. Which of the following routing policies can be configured to do this?

C. Geolocation Geolocation can control routing by the geographic origin of the request. The simple policy sends traffic to a single resource. Latency sends content using the fastest origin resource. Multi-value can be used to make a deployment more highly available.

Your multiserver application has been generating quality-related complaints from users and your logs show some servers are underused and others have been experiencing intermittent failures. How do Route 53 health checks test for the health of a resource so that a failover policy can direct your users appropriately?

C. It periodically tries to load a specified web page. You specify the web page that you want used for testing when you configure your health check. There is no default page. Remote SSH sessions would be impossible for a number of reasons and wouldn't definitively confirm a running resource in any case.

Your organization is planning a new website and you're putting together all the pieces of information you'll need to complete the project. Which of the following describes a domain?

C. One or more servers, data repositories, or other digital resources identified by a single domain name. A domain is a set of resources identified by a single domain name. FQDN stands for fully qualified domain name. Policies for resolving requests are called routing policies.

You need to decide which kind of website name will best represent its purpose. Part of that task will involve choosing a top-level domain (TLD). Which of the following is an example of a TLD?

D. .com The rightmost section of an FQDN address is the TLD. aws. would be a subdomain or host, amazon. is the SLD, and points to a resource stored at the web root of the domain server.

You have production infrastructure in one region sitting behind one DNS domain, and for disaster recovery purposes, you have parallel infrastructure on standby in a second AWS region behind a second domain. Which routing policy will automate the switchover in the event of a failure in the production system?

D. Failover Failover incorporates backup resources for higher availability. Latency selects the available resource with the lowest latency. Weighted policies route among multiple resources by percentage. Geolocation tailors request responses to the end user's location.

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