BACA Comprehensive Exam

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T/F: When testing and recording results, you should provide prompts to make sure the student can respond correctly.


T/F: When using the total task teaching method, you should always begin by having the student complete the last step of the task analysis.


T/F: Using natural rewards that the student might encounter in real-life does not promote maintenance


T/F: When testing and recording results, be sure to use a different instruction than the one you used during teaching.


When running a test and recording results, you can provide reinforcement for:


How many methods of teaching complex skills are there?


What is the minimum number of trials you should present during a test?


If a student gets ______ trials correct stop. If they get some correct and some incorrect continue until _______.


What is incidental teaching

A child initiated teaching technique used to promote elaborated language

How is autism diagnosed?

A child's behavior Learning the history of their development

Which response should get the best reward?

A correct response completed independently

backward chaining

A teaching procedure in which a trainer completes all but the last behavior in a chain, which is performed by the learner, who then receives reinforcement for completing the chain. When the learner shows competence in performing the final step in the chain, the trainer performs all but the last two behaviors in the chain, the learner emits the final two steps to complete the chain, and reinforcement is delivered. This sequence is continued until the learner completes the entire chain independently.

The following can co-occur with autism

ADHD symptoms Intellectual Developmental Disorder Anxiety

What is a prompt?

Any assistance you give the student to help him respond correctly

After the student shows interest in the item or activity, you should:

Ask and prompt a response related to the item or activity

An appropriate instruction should:

Be brief and clear

The goal of teaching for generalization is to ensure the student can apply skills:

Beyond the teaching environment In everyday life When prompted by a teacher

What shows a student's interest in an item?

Child asks for the item Child points to the item Child reaches for an item

What is the best way to begin conducting a task analysis?

Compile a list of possible steps and methods, and test each one Write down the steps of the task and then try doing each one Preview all steps yourself

As the student becomes more independent with the task,

Fade your prompts Fade your distance Fade the rewards

If the results show that the student is making steady progress but has not yet mastered the skill, what should you do?

Continue reinforcing correct responses Continue teaching the skill

T/F: All toddlers with autism do not have language skills


T/F: The BEST way to ensure that a skill will generalize is to have only one person teach the skill.


What is a good definition for a problem behavior?

Crying, clapping, and hitting

What is the first step in developing a plan to decrease problem behavior?

Define the behavior in observable terms

After several trials in which you provide a model of the full verbal response, you can begin fading your prompt by:

Delaying your verbal prompt by a few seconds to see if the student will respond on his own Giving the student a little less assistance each time (e.g., only say the beginning of the response)

Symptoms of autism found in a 15 month old

Does not look where you point Does not speak Does not respond when being called by name

First step of DTT

Establish the student's attention

What is true about the presentation of autism?

Every child with autism displays at least 4 symptoms of impairment i social interaction The severity of symptoms can be mild to severe Symptoms vary

When using forward training,you always start with this step of the task analysis:


If the student makes an error after you've started to fade your prompt, you should:

Go back to the original prompt and fade more slowly

What is a good test of the definition of a problem behavior?

Have two people observe and record the behavior using the definition and compare their results

The student engages in the problem behavior only when you ask him to do something. Which of these is the most likely possible reason for the behavior?

He wants to escape the task

Varying the reinforcers you use during teaching can:

Help keep the student motivated

What is a way to prompt the student's attention?

Hold preferred item up to your eye Call their name

If your student has learned to sweep the classroom floor, what may be (an) appropriate way/s to maintain the skill?

If the student spills his snack on the classroom floor, have him sweep it up Incorporate sweeping the kitchen floor into his chore list at home

For modeling to serve as an effective prompt, the student must be able to


You should provide the reinforcer:

Immediately after a correct response

When testing, what should you do if the student responds incorrectly?

Record an incorrect response and continue testing

Which of the following is a good way to help your student maintain a skill?

Incorporate the skill into play activities Incorporate the skill into real-life situations Incorporate the learned skill into a more complex skill

In incidental teaching, the interaction:

Is initiated by the student

You can identify possible reasons why the student is engaging in the problem behavior by:

Keeping a log of what happens before and after the behavior occurs

If the results indicate that your student has not made any progress over time, what should you do?

Make sure the student has the necessary prerequisite skills Check to see if your teaching strategy needs to be modified

If only physical prompts are used to help a student complete a puzzle, you can fade prompts by going:

Manually guiding their hands > guiding only wrists > guiding only elbow > no guidance

Which is NOT a method of teaching complex skills?

Partial task teaching

Your student has learned to label various foods. What can you do to help her maintain the skill?

Play a restaurant game that involves opportunities to label various play food items Take her on an outing to a grocery store and practice labeling foods there If the student brings one of the foods for lunch, have her label it before eating

What are examples of prompts?

Pointing toward the target item Positioning the object closer to the student Modeling the response

When using incidental teaching to expand a student's language, if a student requests an item using one word (e.g., sees a cookie and says, "Cookie"), the teacher can:

Prompt a more elaborate response, such as, "Say, 'Want cookie.'"

In a video clip where a child shows interest at a toy elephant, what incidental teaching strategy can the teacher used

Prompt for more language by modeling a request with a full sentence

In a video clip where a child is reaching for a toy, what would you prompt the student to do?

Prompt her to ask for it

After the student begins initiating a new response independently, you can teach him to expand his language further by:

Prompting a more complex response over the next few trials

Once the student is able to give the correct response consistently...

Provide the reinforcer after a few correct responses have been given, instead of after every correct response

Which of the following is a/ are appropriate way(s) to prompt for more language using incidental teaching?

Providing a full verbal model Giving the student multiple responses to choose from

Which of the following are appropriate ways to set up the environment to capture your student's interest in an item or activity?

Put a preferred item in front of the student Put it on a shelf where they cannot reach Start an activity then abruptly stop Block access to an activity Put it in a see through container

If the student has a tantrum whenever he has difficulty completing a task, what is a/are skill(s) to teach him that may help reduce the problem behavior?

Raising hand to seek assistance Asking for help Asking for a break

What should you do after the student responds correctly to your instruction?

Reinforce the response

Which of the following is NOT a part of stimulus generalization?

Responding to varied answered

If a verbal model is used, you can fade prompts by:

Saying the response fully, then only the first part of the response, then not providing a model

The student engages in the problem behavior only when you are busy and attending to other students in the classroom. Which of these is the most likely possible reason for the behavior?

She wants your attention

What are examples of possible reinforcers?

Snacks Praise Breaks from working Tokens that lead to a reward

You should try to pair tangible rewards such as toys and snacks with:

Social rewards such as praise

When beginning to teach a response using errorless teaching:

Start by giving the most assistance necessary

When first teaching a new verbal response using incidental teaching, you should:

Start by giving the student the most help necessary in order to respond correctly

If your student has learned to throw a ball, what may be (an) appropriate way/s to help him maintain that skill?

Teach the student to play catch with a friend Teach the student to play baseball

Which of the following is an example of teaching stimulus generalization?

Teaching the student to line up in the library, gym and cafeteria Teaching the student to say "Hello" to his friends, teachers and parents

What is an example of teaching stimulus generalization?

Teaching the student to say "Hello" to his friend Tom in the hall, classroom and playground

What is an example of teaching response generalization?

Teaching the student to say "help me," "I need help," or "Can you help me please" when he needs assistance

What is a/are way(s) to set up the environment to encourage the student's interest in an activity or item?

Tell the student to pick a preferred item to play with

How do you know if a reinforcer is effective?

The student repeats the target response to get the reinforcer

When fading prompts, you should provide better rewards when:

The student responds with less assistance

Total Task Chaining

The chaining procedure which teaches each step of the chain during each training session.

When using incidental teaching, what comes before the teacher's prompt?

The student initiates interest in something

When using incidental teaching, what happens after the student responds to the teacher's prompt?

The teacher provides access to the item or activity that the student showed interest in

Why is it important to record results?

To determine when it's time to teach new skills To monitor the student's progress To determine if you need to modify your teaching strategy

What's true about maintenance?

To ensure a skill is maintained, follow-up testing sessions should be run once a week for a few weeks and then once a month If a skill does not maintain, bring the lesson back and re-teach the skill Using natural rewards that the student might encounter in real life helps promote maintenance

T/F: A reinforcer should always be something the student enjoys


T/F: If you used a prompt and the student continues to respond incorrectly, you may have to use a different kind of prompt


T/F: In incidental teaching, the reward for the verbal response should be the item or activity that the student showed interest in.


T/F: Incidental teaching is a way to teach that involves capturing the student's interest


T/F: Incorporating a learned skill into play activities can help the student maintain the skill


T/F: Prompt fading means giving your student a little less assistance each time over several trials


T/F: Running follow up testing sessions after a student has mastered a skill will let the teacher know if he has maintained the skill


T/F: Studies how that the earlier a child receives intensive ABA-based treatment, the more substantial the progress and the better the prognosis


T/F: To promote generalization, use varied materials when teaching a skill


T/F: When teaching a complex skill, you should always use verbal prompts.


T/F: When using incidental teaching, if you prompt a response and your student imitates the modeled response, you should provide access to the item or activity.


T/F: When using incidental teaching, you should provide access to the desired item even though the response was prompted


T/F: You can identify potential reinforcers by observing what your student likes to play with during his free time.


One way to test for stimulus generalization is to:

Use different materials as those used during teaching Have a different teacher ask the student to perform the skill Have the student give different responses to the same question

If the student is engaging in problem behavior because he wants something immediately, what is a/are skill(s) to teach him that may help reduce the problem behavior?

Waiting appropriately Requesting appropriately

What is an extinction burst?

When the behavior increases after you stop paying attention to it

When should you introduce distractor trials?

When the target response can be completed without any assistance

Can autism be detected before the child reaches 2?


forward chaining

a method for teaching behavior chains that begins with the learner being prompted and taught to perform the fist behaivor in the task analysis; the trainer completed the remaining steps in the chian.

What is stimulus generalization?

the tendency to respond to a stimulus that is only similar to the original conditioned stimulus with the conditioned response

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