Bahay Kubo - Scientific Names , Family name and Common names

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Sibuyas - Onion

Allium cepa (Amaryllidaceae) Use : Juice - Disinfectant, Antipasmodic

Bawang - Garlic

Allium sativum (Amaryllidaceae) Use : promoting leucocytosis, lipid lowering and platelet aggregation inhibition

Mani - Peanut

Arachis hypogaea (Fabaceae) Use : aphrodisiac

Kundol - winter gourd

Benincasa hispida (Cucurbitaceae) Use : Seed - antihelminthic, anti inflammarory Fruit - tonic, diuretic and styptic

Mustasa - Mustard

Brassica juncea (Brassicaceae) Pure mustard oil - Pale yellow & pungent taste

Kalabasa - Squash

Cucurbita maxima (Cucurbitaceae) Use : diuretic

Bataw - Poor man's bean

Lablab purpureus (Fabaceae) Use : boiled ripe seed - carminative

Upo - White pumpkin

Lagenaria siceraria (Cucurbitaceae) Use : diuretic

Patola - Towel gourd

Luffa acutangula (Cucurbitaceae) Use : Fruit - Demulcent Seed - purgative & emetic

Singkamas - Yam bean, Jicama, Potato bean

Pachyrhizus erosus (Fabaceae) Use : seeds - toxic to fish, Fatal to dogs insecticide and skin whitening

Patani - Lima bean

Phaseolus lunatus (Fabaceae) Use : Seed - poisonous hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic and others

Sigarilyas - Winged bean

Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (Fabaceae) Uses : anti inflammatory

Labanos - Radish

Raphanus sativus (Brassicaceae) Use : Fresh root - Antiscorbutic scurvy - Lack of vit .C

Linga - Sesame, Sesame seeds, Gingely-oil, Teel

Sesamum indicum (Pedaliaceae) Use : antirheumatic in massage treatment

Kamatis - Tomato

Solanum lycopersicum (Solanaceae) Use : Blood purifier, Promoter of gastric secretion, cleansing effect in the enteric portion of the intestinal tract Antioxidant - carotene lycopene

Talong - Eggplant

Solanum melongena (Solanaceae) Uses : Roots - anti asthmatic & stimulan Fruit - digestive, phlegmatic

Sitaw - String bean

Vigna unguiculata (Fabaceae) Use : source of vit. A, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, vit c, folate and protein

Luya - Ginger

Zingiber officinale (Zingiberaceae) zingerone and shogaol - Pungent volatile oil - aroma Use : perfume making, anticancer, antimutagenic, anti inflam,

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