Bangura Short Answer

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Infer According to Figure 11-7, if red-flowered snapdragons and ivory-flowered snapdragons are crossed, what percentage of their offspring would be expected to be pink-flowered?


Interpret Tables According to Figure 5-4, which year had the highest number of live births per thousand of population?


Interpret Tables In which year was the ratio of births to deaths at its lowest point, according to Figure 5-4?

1990, when it was 6.9

How many sets of chromosomes are in a diploid cell?

2 sets.

Figure 3-8 shows a food web arranged into trophic levels. How many energy-transferring steps away from the sun is the deer? How do you know?

2, it is on the second trophic level. Energy goes from the sun to the tree to the deer. It goes through 2 organisms.

In figure 12-8, the percentage of guanine would be _________________________.

20% (A & T = 30% + 30%, G + C = 40%, 40/2=20%)

Calculate Approximately what percentage of adenine would you expect to find in herring in Figure 12-12?

27.4% (27%)

Calculate In Figure 12-12, what percentage of thymine would you expect in yeast?


Calculate What fraction of the offspring in Figure 11-6 would be expected to have white, smooth hair?


Draw Conclusions In the United States' age-structure diagram shown in Figure 5-6, the male and female bars are approximately the same length in all age groups except one. Which age group is this? What is a possible reason for this difference?

80+, Women tend to live longer lives than men, in general

What is the phenotype ratio of the offspring of the plants in the Punnett square in Figure 11-2?

I don't see a punnet square, but i put: 1 Yellow Square, 4 White squares, 2 White Circles, and 1 Yellow Circle

Analyze Data Compare the number of deaths per thousand in 1960 and 1970 as shown in Figure 5-4.

In 1960, the ratio is 14.2, but in 1970, the ratio is 8.9

Explain the ecological significance of interdependence.

Interdependence is the idea that all things depend on all things. In a food web, if one thing dies, many other things lose food sources, causing their population to drop, and many things lose predators, causing their population to spike.

Draw Conclusions Examine the data in Figure 5-4. Does the ratio of births to deaths since 1950 increase or decrease?

It decreases a great deal

Infer In what way does the food web in Figure 3-8 show part of an ecosystem? What parts are not shown?

It shows the plants and animals that live in an environment. There are no abiotic factors shown in the food web, which is why it is a food web and not an ecosystem

Differentiate between exponential and logistic growth.

Logistic growth (S Curve) is proportional to the population, but also to the available resources and the carrying capacity of the environment. Exponential growth, (L Curve) represents ideal conditions for the growth of a population, and begins slowly, until a small period of increase, and then a sharp spike upward.

Infer Give two possible reasons why the age-structure diagrams in Figure 5-6 have different shapes. Explain your reasoning.

Mexico is a much more violent country than the united states, and it makes sense that they would have less people grow to a very old age than they would in America, a fairly peaceful well governed nation, as well as the best god-dmn nation in the world

Infer Using Figure 5-6, describe the type of growth Mexico is experiencing. If the death rate fell, how would a demographer describe that stage of growth?

Mexico is experiencing a rapid growth rate because there are more children than adults indicated. The birthrate is high, and if the death rate fell, Mexico would be in an early stage of demographic transition

Infer Could the red snapdragons shown in the P generation of Figure 11-7 ever have white offspring? Explain your answer.

No, the gene for white petals is recessive, and red is dominant. They are not completely with each other as well, meaning that both flowers would either have to be pink or white in order to have white offspring

Describe three methods used by ecologists.

Observation, such as wilderness expeditions and safaris. Experimentation, such as lab experiments on bacteria and other animals to determine the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on a population. Modeling, such as the proposed results if any species was added to the habitat of any other given species

Interpret Visuals In Figure 3-8, how many first-level consumers are there for each producer?

Only 1 for Corn, but 3 each for the Flowering Shrub, Tree, and Carrots

Interpret Graphs According to Figure 5-5, which species has the greatest growth rate over days 1 and 2 when they are grown in separate cultures?

P. Aurelia

Interpret Graphs From Figure 5-5, which species has the greater growth rate overall when the species are grown together? Describe the growth curve of P. caudatum in Graph III.

P. Aurelia has a greater growth rate. P. Caudatum's growth rate shows that it began to grow, but as soon as P. Aurelia began really getting going, it was pushed away from resources

Draw Conclusions What is the most likely reason why the population of P. caudatum decreased in Graph III of Figure 5-5?

P. Aurelia is more effective at using the resources available to it than P. Caudatum, and therefore lived for longer and had more offspring

Compare and contrast photosynthetic producers with chemosynthetic producers.

Photosynthetic producers, like algae, use sunlight to create sugars and carbohydrates in order to survive. Chemosynthetic producers, like tube-worms, use chemicals and gases to produce energy, and often live in very dangerous conditions, like near thermal vents in the ocean

Interpret Visuals In Figure 11-7, what is the genotype of the pink-flowered snapdragons?


Infer What do the letters R and I represent in Figure 11-7?

Red and Ivory

Interpret Tables Identify the phenotype of the offspring represented by the question mark in Figure 11-6.

Rough, White hair

Interpret Visuals In Figure 11-8, during which stage might new allele combinations form? Identify the stage.

Stage A. Prophase 1

Predict If the level of thymine in humans were 34 percent instead of 29.4, would you expect the levels of guanine and cytosine to rise or fall, compared to the values in the table in Figure 12-12?

The % of Guanine and Cytosine would fall

Interpret Visuals Which population in Figure 3-8 would be the most directly affected if the farmer in the area decided not to plant corn? Explain your answer.

The Mouse. The only producer that the mouse feeds off of is the corn, and without it it would have no food source

Infer Explain whether the alleles in Figure 11-7 show dominance, incomplete dominance, or codominance.

The alleles show incomplete dominance because of cross breeding between red and ivory snapdragons, traits from both parents make pink flowers

In the early days of genetic research, there was much debate as to the chemical identity of the hereditary substance. Many were convinced the hereditary material had to be protein rather than DNA. A) Discuss the general chemical nature of DNA and protein, and why their respective structures might lead to the conclusion that protein, not DNA, was the hereditary material. B) Describe one of the classic experiments (Avery, Hershey/Chase, etc.) that supported the hypothesis that DNA was indeed the hereditary material. Include a brief description of the design of the experiment and describe the results of the experiment.

A) DNA is simply a long chain of amino acids that are completely invisible most of the time, and do not seem very important. B) What the hell is this question. The Avery experiment attempted to prove that protein was not the hereditary substance by injecting mice with strains of bacteria, proving that mice injected with non-lethal bacteria did not experience any effects until the bacteria was added to another kind of non-lethal bacteria.

The discovery of the structure and function of the DNA molecule helped scientists understand the basis of metabolic disorders. A) Describe step by step how a change in one nitrogen base would ultimately lead to a disorder such as sickle-cell anemia. B) Describe how redundancy or degeneracy in the genetic code can have significance in preventing some mutations.

A) When a single Adenine is paired with a Guanine, it does not seem like a big deal, but the bulge in the DNA structure could lead to improper replication into RNA. If one Red Blood cell is coded incorrectly, all of it's offspring will also be coded incorrectly. In Human DNA, where every little piece of information counts, any small variation could make a very large difference. B)Redundancy and Degeneracy are necessary to prevent this from happening. The chances of DNA being improperly translated are extremely low, but they still happen. If you have multiple areas for the same gene, say red blood cell shape, then there is a failsafe. If one section of nucleotides is improperly copied, it can be removed, leaving the body unharmed.

Meiosis is crucial to the survival of sexually reproducing organisms because it not only maintains the proper chromosome number at fertilization, but it also allows for genetic diversity and adaptation. A) Describe how the events of meiosis ensure that each new cell will have exactly one member of each pair of paternal chromosomes in the haploid cell. B) Describe the meiotic events that make genetic variation possible.

A) i) Metaphase I and Anaphase I ensure that only one chromosome in each tetrad goes into each of the two cells that result at the end of meiosis I. This creates proper haploid cells. · ii) Meiosis II ensures that only one sister chromatid of each chromosome is allotted to each resulting egg or sperm. B) i)The random arrangement of tetrads during metaphase I allows for further variation among gametes. · ii)Answers could also include: unequal crossing over, deletions, translocations, inversions, etc iii ) Crossing over creates Genetic variation that is not present in mitosis

Interpret Tables In Figure 12-12, what do the A, T, G and C stand for?

Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine

Draw Conclusions What is the relationship between life expectancy at birth and the deaths per thousands? Use Figure 5-4 to explain your answer.

As the deaths per thousand decreases, life expectancy at birth increases.

Describe the Role of Bacteria in the nitrogen cycle

Bacteria break down the proteins contained in the bodies of plants and animals into ammonia, (NH3) through the process of decay

Analyze Data In Figure 11-6, what are the genotypes of the offspring that have black, rough hair?


Observe What type of population growth curve can be observed in Graphs I and II of Figure 5-5?

Both graphs show a logistic growth curve

What is the central dogma of molecular biology?

DNA -> RNA -> Protein

The structure of DNA as revealed by Watson and Crick and subsequent discoveries on how it replicates provided elegant evidence that it is an ideal molecule for control of heredity as well as a molecule which facilitates adaptation and evolution. Describe how the structure and replication of DNA suits it well for its role as the provider of hereditary information and the source of variation for evolution.

DNA's double helix structure allows it to be tightly woven, but easily dissasembled. The H-H bonds between the Nitrogenous Bases in the center holds the molecule together very tightly, but when pulled apart one-by-one, it is very easily separated. It is also easily editable, DNA polymerase can change and replace bases at will, depending on the environment or the surroundings of the organism, which makes it great for genetic variation.

Draw Conclusions Are the limiting factors for all cultures in Figure 5-5 density-dependent or density-independent? Explain.

Density independent for graphs one and two, and density dependent for graph three. Graph three shows that the more densely populated an area is, the less P. Caudatum and the more P. Aurelia exists

Consider a food web in which snakes eat mice; toads eat beetles; owls eat mice and toads; eagles eat rabbits, snakes, and owls; cougars eat deer; and foxes eat rabbits and mice. What animal occupies (gets energy in) more than one trophic level? Explain.

Eagles, Eagles eat rabbits, which are primary consumers, as well as Owls, which are secondary consumers.

The graph in Figure 5-7 shows the changes in population of bass fish in a lake. Describe the trend in population growth from 1950 to 1990. Give an example of something that may have happened in 1990 that affected the bass population. Explain your reasoning.

From 1950-1990 the graph shows near exponential growth, meaning that the fish have near optimal living conditions, but in 1990 the population begins to decline steadily, meaning an increase in predatory species or a severe lack of resources

According to Figure 13-2 (Codon-Amino Acid Wheel), what codons specify the amino acid glycine?


Draw Conclusions Which species would be MOST affected if a disease killed off most of the trees in the ecosystem shown in Figure 3-4? What other species might be affected? Explain your answers.

The deer, the deer's only food source is that of the tree, and if that disappears, so will the deer. The mountain lion will also be adversely affected, due to the fact that the deer is it's only food source.

Interpret Visuals In Figure 11-8, what is the structure labeled X in stage A?

The figure is a tetrad, also known as a bivalent.

Use Models What evidence do you see in Figure 5-6 that the United States is gradually entering the last stage of demographic transition?

The last stage of Demographic transition occurs when the birthrate equals the deathrate. This is represented by an equal amount of all age groups on both sides. This is approaching, as can be seen by extrapolating the data

Predict Using the age structure diagrams in Figure 5-6, what type of growth can the United States expect in the near future? Explain your answer.

The population growth in the United States will show a slight increase in the older population and a slight decrease in the younger population. This indicates a slow but steady growth rate for the near future.

Why are decomposers the final consumers in every food chain?

They break down everything else, even consumers die eventually, the decomposers eat the consumers

Apply Concepts Figure 3-8 illustrates a food web. What makes this diagram a model, and what is the advantage of this type of model to the study of an ecosystem?

This is a model because it accurately displays information. It is useful In order to actually get this information in the field, you would have to watch a mouse eat corn, and then follow the mouse until he was eaten, and so on. That is a very time consuming process

Within a cell, where does translation take place?

Translation occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell, for both eukaryotes and prokaryotes

Analyze Data In Figure 11-6, what are the different phenotypes of the offspring?

White Smooth hair, White rough hair, Black smooth hair, and black rough hair

Interpret Tables Identify the genotype of the offspring that would be represented by the question mark in Figure 11-6.


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