Basic Coding-Ch.50 (I feel bad love, I feel sad love, Sometimes happy love)

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Table 50-8 Character 4, Body Part Values for Table OXM: Body System Anatomical Regions, Upper Extremities (X) and Root Operation Reattachment (M) (1 of 4)

Value: Body Part: 0 Forequarter, Right 1 Forequarter, Left 2 Shoulder Region, Right 3 Shoulder Region, Left 4 Axilla, Right 5 Axilla, Left 6 Upper Extremity, Right 7 Upper Extremity, Left

Table 50-8 Character 4, Body Part Values for Table OXM: Body System Anatomical Regions, Upper Extremities (X) and Root Operation Reattachment (M) (2 of 4)

Value: Body Part: 8 Upper Arm, Right 9 Upper Arm, Left B Elbow Region, Right C Elbow Region, Left D Lower Arm, Right F Lower Arm, Left

Table 50-8 Character 4, Body Part Values for Table OXM: Body System Anatomical Regions, Upper Extremities (X) and Root Operation Reattachment (M) (3 of 4)

Value: Body Part: G Wrist Region, Right H Wrist Region, Left J Hand, Right K Hand, Left L Thumb, Right M Thumb, Left N Index Finger, Right P Index Finger, Left Q Middle Finger, Right R Middle Finger, Left S Ring Finger, Right T Ring Finger, Left V Little Finger, Right W Little Finger, Left

Assigning Characters 4-7 for Root Operations M, S, X, and Y (2 of 8)

•Character 5: Approach -Always Open for Transplantation -For Reattachment, Open, Percutaneous Endoscopic, External -For Reposition, all approaches except Via Natural or Artificial Opening with Percutaneous Endoscopic Assistance -Always Approach External for Reattachment, Transfer, and Reposition procedures of the Skin and Breast

Assigning Characters 4-7 for Root Operations M, S, X, and Y (4 of 8)

•Character 6: Device -Body Systems for fixation devices ▪Mouth and Throat (C) ▪Head and Facial Bones (N) ▪Upper Bones (P) ▪Lower Bones (Q) ▪Upper Joints (R) ▪Lower Joints (S) -Root operations Transfer, Reattachment, Transplantation always have a value of Z No device.

Assigning Characters 4-7 for Root Operations M, S, X, and Y (3 of 8)

•Character 6: Device -Root operation Reposition uses device character to identify type of internal or external skeletal fixation device applied. ▪Specific values for fixation devices based on body systems and body parts. -Identify the specific device documented in the operative report. ▪If correct PCS value not immediately obvious, refer to Device Key Appendix.

Assigning Characters 4-7 for Root Operations M, S, X, and Y (5 of 8)

•Character 7: Qualifier -Reposition and Reattachment ▪Qualifier identifies the location to which body part is moved. ▪For root operations Reposition and Reattachment and body system C Mouth and Throat, qualifier identifies number of teeth being repositioned or reattached. ▪For all other procedures, the value is always Z No qualifier.

Assigning Characters 4-7 for Root Operations M, S, X, and Y (6 of 8)

•Character 7: Qualifier -Transplantation ▪Qualifier specifies genetic compatibility of body part transplanted. -0 Allogeneic -1 Syngeneic -2 Zooplastic

Table 50-9 Types of Skeletal Fixation Devices (1 of 2)

•External Fixation Devices -Delta frame external fixator -Ilizarov external fixator -Monoplanar (uniplanar) external fixator -Sheffield hybrid external fixator -Sheffield ring external fixator

Table 50-9 Types of Skeletal Fixation Devices (2 of 2)

•Internal Fixation Devices -Bone screw (interlocking, lag, pedicle, recessed) -Clamp and rod internal fixation (CRIF) system -Fusion screw (compression, lag, locking) -Intramedullary (IM) rod (nail) -Intramedullary skeletal kinetic distractor (ISKD) -Joint fixation plate -Kirschner wire (K-wire) -Kuntscher nail -Neutralization plate -Titanium sternal fixation system (TSFS)

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