Basic Nutrition

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58. 4 cal/g is the available energy in carbohydrates and _________? A. Fat B. Protein C. Polyphenols D. Minerals


86. Vitamin E is: A. A powerful pro-oxidant B. An emulsifier C. Found in chylomicrons D. Produced in the liver


89. The nutrient that can be considered both a vitamin and a hormone is: A. Vitamin A B. Folate C. Vitamin D D. CoQ10


18. The following question concerns body composition. Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) A. is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease when increased B. parallels the accumulation of fat in white adipose tissue (WAT) or subcutaneous storage C. consists of a greater number of anti-inflammatory type macrophages D. behaves metabolically similar to brown fat


2. Nutrient kinetics provides a framework for understanding how the body processes the food we eat. Which of the following is a principle of nutrient kinetics? A. absorption across the enterocytes B. biomarkers of nutrient deficiencies C. gut transit time D. macronutrient ratios (percent of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins)


24. FODMAPS: A. includes fructans and lactose B. are rare compounds in the diet C. do not include mannitol or sorbitol sweeteners D. are non-fermentable


25. Resistant starch/s: A. are digested in the colon B. bacterial digestion promotes long chain fatty acid production C. in food is increased with industrial processing D. are unaffected biochemically by cooking


27. Carbohydrate/s: A. rate of absorption is independent of other macronutrients present in a meal B. absorption and metabolism speeds up with the addition of fiber C. glycemic index can be changed in some foods by freezing D. quality and quantity determines its glycemic load


29. Toasting white bread is an example of heat induced: A. advanced glycation end products B. per oxidation C. modification for resistance starch D. oxidation


31. Food components are signaling compounds that can control gene expression (epigenetics). Examples include Vit. A & D, omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids and phytonutrients found in plants. A. true B. false


34. the majority of experts agree that plant phytonutrients can be cytoprotective. Some benefits are obtained by inducing hormesis. Hormesis is best characterized as: A. a nonlethal dose of a compound that results in cellular adaption B. a promoter of nutrient absorption C. a pro-inflammatory drug D. compound that reduces basal metabolic rate


37. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A. neurons are capable of using long chain fatty acids and amino acid as their energy source B. RBCs require glucose for energy because they don't have mitochondria C. glycation may structurally change hormone, insulin, and other cell surface protein receptors D. insulin surges are higher after glucose consumption when compared to fructose


38. Notable anti-cancer phytochemical can be found in many plant foods. which of the following is INCORRECTLY paired? A. catechizes from green tea B. glucosinolates/sulforaphane from root vegetables C. resveratrol from purple grape skins - aka (Polyphenols) acting like antioxidants D. curcumin from turmeric spice


55. You run a 100 meter race, which of the following nutrients will your body burn for immediate energy if available? A. Carbohydrates B. Vitamins C. Fats D. Proteins


59. Eight essential _________ must be consumed in food. A. Amino acids B. Fatty acids (3) C. Fiber type (7) D. Carbohydrates


60. Which of the fat below contains the greatest supply of phytonutrients? A. Extra virgin olive oil B. MCT oil C. Coconut oil D. Canola oil


66. Which of the following is NOT a derivative of dietary fat? A. Enzymes B. Cholestoral C. Lipoproteins D. Triglycerides


68. Which of the following hormones corrects a hyperglycemic state? A. Insulin B. Glucagen C. Epinephrine D. Cortisol


70. Which of the following molecules cannot be digested in the stomach or small intestine? A. Fiber B. Dextrose C. Glucose D. Sucrose


72. Starch is comprised of hundreds and sometimes thousands of ____________ molecules? A. Glucose B. Galactose C. Fructose D. glycerol


76. Which of the following nutrients provides energy? A. Lipids B. Fiber C. Minerals D. Vitamins


85. Proteins in the diet are used for all of the following EXCEPT: A. Enzymes B. Energy C. Nucleic acids for DNA D. Glycolysis E. Anabolism


90. Which of the following is TRUE about the absorption, transport, and storage of fat? A. HDL (high density lipoprotein) removes cholesterol from the circulation. B. Long chain fatty acids enter the portal vein directly after absorption C. Medium chain triglycerides require carnitine to enter the mitochondria D. Short chain fatty acids must undergo beta oxidation for energy production.


12. Lysomal degradation of organelles, unfolded proteins, and foreign extracellular materials is know as: A. Mitophagy B. autophagy C. mitogenesis D. apoptosis


22. Mitochondrial damage: A. can't be repaired and the cell must undergo apoptosis B. occurs regularly C. is a problem because we maternally inherit a limited supply/number of mitochondria for life. D. decreases free radical or reactive oxygen species production


23. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? Carbohydrates: A. are all water insoluble compounds B. serve as prebiotics C. include long chain fructooligiosaccharides D. include short chain oligiosacharides found in human milk


26. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? Glycemic Index: A. ranks foods according to their effect on blood insulin B. predicts the rate of carbohydrate absorption C. is high in most refined carbohydrates D. is low in fruit


28. Cardiometabolic syndrome includes a constellation of physical manifestations that includes all of the following EXCEPT: Cardiometabolic Syndrome = risk refers to your chances of having diabetes, heart disease or stroke. A. insulin resistance B. hashimoto's thyroiditis (leads to chronic inflammation) C. obesity D. hypertension


30. Which of the following does NOT increase the risk of fat and protein glycation? A. insulin resistance (glycation increased when insulin control is overwhelmed) B. chronic nutritional ketosis C. chronic consumption of high glycemic index foods (stacking hyperglycemic episodes overwhelms the cleanup) D. excess caloric intake


47. All of the following statements about omega-3 fatty acids are true EXCEPT? A. They help to maintain a healthy anti-inflammatory status when in balance with omega-6's. B. Over consumption is the primary cause of the obesity and heart disease epidemic. C. They are necessary for healthy gut microbiome. D. They play an important role in the production of hormones that govern numerous metabolic and biological processes.


54. Which substance provides 7 calories per gram but offers little or no nutritional value to the diet. A. Fats B. Alcohol C. Carbohydrates D. Vitamins and minerals


56. Which of the following is NOT a part of a clinical nutritional assessment? A. BMI measurement B. Genetic testing for SNP's C. Hemoglobin A1C D. Insulin Levels


57. Dietary reference intakes can be defined as________. A. Recommendations for the proper intake of nutrients B. Recommendations that meet the needs of nearly all healthy individuals C. Recommendations for the highest safe levels of nutrients D. Recommendations for a nutrient level that meet the needs of half of healthy individuals


6. Which of the following organs is NOT involved in the digestion of micronutrients? A. mouth B. esophagus C. small intestine D. pancreas


61. All of the following are characteristics of cholesterol EXCEPT: it is A. Used for making estrogen and testosterone B. The primary driver of diabetes C. It is incorporated into cell membranes D. It is packaged with apo proteins for distribution


63. If a fat contains mostly saturated fatty acids, it is likely to be: A. Soft at room temperature B. Solid at room temperature C. Rancid at room temperature D. Liquid at room temperature


67. A saturated fatty acid contains: A. 2 to 12 double bonds B. No double bonds C. 14 to 24 double bonds D. One double bond


74. Lipids: A. Supply 4kcal/gram B. Can be converted to ketones C. Undergo glycolysis D. Are not essential in the diet


8. Which of the following nutrients does NOT need to undergo further digestion before being absorbed across the enterocytes? A. sucrose B. galactose C. lactose D. maltose


81. Which statement best describes nutrient density? A. The macronutrient variation between foods. B. The available micronutrients compared to total calories of a food. C. It is a measure of the number of daily calories consumed. D. It is dependent upon the foods antioxidant capacity.


87. The nitrogen from amino acid breakdown is: A. Stored in the liver B. Converted to urea and excreted by the kidneys C. Converted to glucose through the Cori cycle D. Stored in adipose tissue


1. The Gastrointestinal Tract: A. has no known functional connection to the central nervous system B. can digest resistance starch C. acts as a physical and immunological barrier to pathogens and food antigens. D. absorbs most nutrients in the colon


16. Which of the following is NOT a biomarker of mitochondrial function? A. coenzyme Q10 B. B vitamins C. insulin D. alpha-lipoid acid E. TCA (krebs cycle) intermediates (citrate)


17. Glucose: A. generates 9 kcal per gram consumed B. requires modification in the liver before being processed by cells of the body C. is the preferred energy source for some cancers (glioblastoma) D. is an essential nutrient for the human body


21. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? Fatigue, inflammations and chronic disease are often associated or co-exist with: A. failure of cellular autophagy and mitophagy B. genetic enzyme deficiencies C. "clean" macronutrient diet that meets but does not exceed the individual's caloric needs. D. chronic stress


3. Our gut microbiota/microbiome: A. produces vit. D B. makes long chain fatty acids C. contains a lipopolysaccharide coat that can stimulate the gut immune system D. is immune to the antibiotic/herbicide glyphosate


33. which of the following statements is INCORRECT? Sulforaphane: A. is a phytochemical B. reduces oxidative stress in the cell C. is used as a pesticide D. is found in cruciferous vegetables


35. when a meal consists of all 3 macronutrients is ingested, which one is given metabolic preference? A. ketones B. fats C. glucose D. proteins


36. _______ is an anabolic hormone that controls blood glucose and muscle growth. A.Ghrelin B. Insulin C. Thyroid D. Glucagon


4. The Gastrointestinal enterocytes: A. growth and repair are supported by butyric acid B. have a slow rate of turnover or renewal C. are only capable of transcellular absorption D. are impermeable to toxins


44. Which of the following tests gives the most accurate information on how well a diabetic is managing their blood glucose levels? A. Serum glucose B. Serum Insulin C. Serum HgbA1c (Hemoglobin A1C) D. Serum Glucogon


46. The essential fatty acids that must be derived from the diet are? A. Stearadonic acid and eicosatetraenoic acid B. Eicosatetraenoic acid and docosapentaenoic acid C. Linoleic (Omega 6group) and alpha-linoleic acid (Omega 3group) D. Gamma-linoleic acid and arachidonic acid


51. Non-Digestable food ingredients that promote the growth and activity of colon bacteria are found in: A. Fermented vegetables B. Dairy C. Probiotics D. Vegetable oils


64. Which fat is most likely to oxidize while in storage? A. Olive oil is the second ingredient by alphabetical listing B. Grass fed full fat butter C. Canola oil D. Coconut oil


69. Which of the following is NOT true about water? Water: A. Provides a way, a medium, to transport nutrients and waste. B. Needs depend on body composition and activity level C. Provides energy in the form of calories D. Forms as a by product of cellular chemical reactions


71. A kilocalorie of food is a measure of: A. Carbohydrate quality B. Micronutrient content C. Heat or thermogenic energy D. Protein quantity


82. Metabolic flexibility is important for human health, In order to maximize our ability to use a wide variety of fuel sources found in our food, our metabolic biochemistry or metabolism must be in working order. All of the following are indicators or metabolic flexibility EXCEPT: A. Ketone production B. Low homocysteine C. Increased insulin/ glucagon ratio with normal fasting glucose D. Positive urine nitrogen balance.


11. The capacity of the cell's mitochondria to produce ATP energy is referred to as? A. bioregeneraion B. biothermogenesis C. bioexpenditure D. bioenergetics


13. Which of the following is NOT associated with mitochondrial toxicity? A. alcohol ingestion B. glyphosate C. diet high in processed/simple carbohydrates D. diet that puts an individual in a caloric deficit


14. Enterocyte tight junctions determine the level of gut permeability. Destruction of tight junctions results in all the following EXCEPT: A. results in LPS endotoxemia B. passage of potentially antigenic large protein molecules found in food. C. release of anti-inflammatory mediators from the GALT/Peyers patches (gastrointestinal associated typhoid tissue) D. medical/surgical intervention to repair


15. Many patients are taking multiple medications; a prince known as polypharmacy. Common medications that disturb nutrient kinetics include all of the following EXCEPT: A. antacids B. antibiotics C. anti-inflammatory D. pre-biotics


20. In all of the following circumstances EXCEPT: A. aging B. cancer C. environmental toxicity including medications & pesticides D. fasting


32. which of the following statements regarding carbohydrates is INCORRECT? A. galactose consists of single glucose molecule B. sucrose is a combination of fructose and glucose C. lactose is a combination of galactose and glucose D. maltose is a combination of glucose and fructose


40. Which of the following patients is MOST likely to tolerate a high fiber diet? A. A practicing Carnivore B. One who has a small bowel intestinal growth (SIBO) following a round of antibiotics. C. Patients who have undergone a colectomy D. A long time practicing, otherwise, healthy, omnivore


41. Fatty Liver with subsequent cirrhosis can result from: A. Chronic caloric overconsumption B. Consumption of highly processed simple sugars including fructose. C. Obesity and insulin resistance D. All of the above E. Both a and c


42. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are DNA variants that can have metabolic consequences for any given individual. Well described SNPs can influence the metabolism of: A. Folate methylation B. Toxins by the liver due to P450 enzyme disruption. C. Vitamin D production D. All of the above


45. Vegetables are potent sources of: A. Complete protein B. Vitamin B12 C. Saturated Fat D. Polyphenols


48. All of the following may be associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency EXCEPT?: A.Depression B.Peripheral paresthesia C.Anemia D.Tongue ulcer E.Only B and D


49. _____________ is a fat soluble antioxidant molecule synthesized by the body? A. Vitamin D B. Thiamine C. Ascorbic Acid D. CoQ10


52. Consuming fewer than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day may induce? A. Hyperglycemia B. Hyperinsulinemia C. Protein deficiency D. Ketosis


53. Characteristics of a successful nutritional strategy for change include all of the following except: A. Maintaining a daily food journal B. Monitoring outcomes C. Setting clear goals D. Consuming processed foods.


62. Which of the following forms of energy can be stored in almost unlimited amounts? A. Glycogen B. Protein C. Glucose D. Triglyceride


7. Which of the following nutrients is absorbed in a protein package known as a chylomicron? A. fructose B. glucose C. galactose D. long chain fatty acids


73. Skeletal muscle tissue will likely undergo catabolism or be broken down and used for energy under which of the following conditions? A. Balanced caloric intake and expenditure B. High carbohydrate diet/low fat diet with sufficient calories C. A low carbohydrate/ high fat diet with ketone production D. Fasting without being metabolically flexible


78. B 12 vitamin deficiency is LEAST likely to occur in which group? A. Chronic alcohol use B. Gastrectomy patients C. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy D. Well informed vegetarian/ vegans


83. Vitamins: A. Are inorganic B. Directly supply energy C. Cant be stored in the body D. Act as co-factors in metabolism


88. Which of the following macronutrient elimination/ excretion from the body is pathologic? A. Glucose through loss in the urine B. Protein through nitrogen loss in the urine C. Fat through ketones lost in the urine D. Alcohol through breath ketones


Nutrient absorption in the digestive tract can be disrupted by: A. Pesticides sprayed on food B. Consumption of alcohol C. Gastrectomy D. All of the above


Which is TRUE regarding vitamins, minerals and electrolytes? A. iron, magnesium, and zinc are absorbed in the ileum B. vit. K is produced by microbiota in the jejunum C. most sodium is managed in the duodenum D. vit. B12 is absorbed in the ileum


10. Balancing energy intake with energy expenditure must take into consideration the: A. caloric value of food B. thermic effect of food C. individual's activity thermogenesis D. individual's age, body surface area or size, and composition E. all of the above


19. Which of the following compounds contribute/s to the intracellular pool of antioxidants? A. Glutathione B. uric acid C. superoxide dismutase D. none of the above E. both a & c


39. Which of the following is NOT an anthropometric assessment? aka measurements & proportions of the human body A. vit. D levels B. dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA scan) C. HgA1C levels D. height to waist ratio E. both A & C


5. Macro-nutrient digestion requires: A. brush border enzymes B. bile production from a healthy liver C. adequate pancreas secretions D. hydrochloric acid secretion from the stomach parietal cells E. all of the above


75. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in: A. Salmon B. Flax and chia seeds C. Beef D. Algae E. All of the above


77. Legumes, such as beans, contain compounds known as: A. Phytates B. Lectins C. Catechins D. Anti-nutrients E. Both B and D


79. Constipation is common in patients who: A. Are dehydrated due to age B. Are in ketosis C. Consume low fiber diets D. Have poor vagal tone E. All of the above


80. Cooking foods can result in all of the following EXCEPT: A. Absorption of aluminum leached from cookware B. Oxidation of unstable fats C. Increased bioavailability of nutrients in some foods D. Creates carcinogens by glycation of proteins at high temperatures. E. Increases the toxicity of lectin containing legumes.


84. Lipid cycle disruption occurs when the ____________ phase of the nutrient kinetic process is altered? A. Absorption B. Distribution C. Metabolism D. Elimination/ excretion/ storage E. All phases


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