Basic nutrition " Lipids"

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How many __ kcals does fat replace when producing from conventional ingredients in an unconventional way to reduce fat and kcals

0 kcals

Linoleic acid (omega-6) has _____% of energy in fat?

0.6-1.2% E

Alpha Linolenic acid (omega-3) has ______% of energy in fat?

5-10% E

1 ram of fat = _______ kcals

9 kcals

Triglycerides compromise ________ % of all lipids in foods and the human body?


What percentage of food fat is utilized in fat digestion?


Desirable blood lipid values for LDL?

<130 mg/dl (3.4 mmol/ l )

Desirable blood lipid values for Triglycerides (Tg)?

<200 mg/dl (2.3 mmol/ l )

Total cholesterol is < ______ mg/dl

<200 mg/dl (5.2 mmol/l)

Desirable blood lipid values for HDL?

> 40 mg/dl (1.04 mmol/ l )

Chylomicrons are formed by combining _____ & ______ before intestinal cells release lipids into the blood stream, resulting in clustering.

Protein; Triglycerides

How many kcal in each of these meats listed below? Regular ground beef- ______ kcal? Ground Chuck- _____ kcal? Ground Turkey- _____ kcal? Ground round (beef)- ____ kcal?

Regular ground beef- 300 kcal Ground Chuck- 230 kcal Ground Turkey- 195 kcal Ground round (beef)- 180 kcal

Tgs in which all of the FAs are saturated (no point for unsaturation, H atoms cant bind)

Saturated Fat

FA's carrying the maximum possible number of H atoms is

Saturated fats

Vitamins A,D,E, and K are

Fat soluble vitamins

Organic acids composed of carbon chains of various lengths are called

Fatty acids

Fish skins, livers are

Fish Oil Supplements

each small FA fragment is combined w/

Glucose-derived fragment

Small organic compound having a water soluble CHO derivative; serve as backbone fro Tg is called


What fat transport of LP return Chol from storage places to the liver for breakdown and disposal; contain a high proportion of protein ?


Olestra olean can be _____ to fry temp w/o breaking down.


Food sources for omega-3 fatty acid includes,_____ _______ ,____, and some infant formulas are now fortified w/ FAs to enhance the brain function in fetus.

Human milk; Fish

Alterations of FA through manufacturing process; makes fats stay fresh longer; makes them less sensitive by making them more saturated and have higher smoke point is referred to as ......


What % of adults has energy that is mostly monounsaturated & polyunsatured fat?


Young children have ____% of energy in fat?


___ saturated FA's + glycerol= Tg

3 (the storage form of fats)

Triglycerides are made of these components?

3 FA's and glycerol

Lowest fat content is highest and has ____oz a serving?

3 oz

Family of compounds soluble in organic solvents but not in water are called


What is the role of CHO when using fat for energy?

- Must be available when fat is broken down to provide energy, otherwise ketosis occurs

Name important distinction of fat, cholesterol and health?

- Not always the intake of chol in foods - Rather the saturated fat (high Tg) intake that is the major dietary factor that raises blood cholesterol in large majority of people

Characteristics of Fats

-More unsaturated fat - The more liquid it is at room temperature - The more saturated a fat= the higher the temp at which it melts

Name 3 popular food sources of omega 3 FAs?

1.) Fats and oil (Canola, soybean, walnut, wheat germ) 2.) Nuts & seeds (Butternuts, walnuts, soybean kernels, flax seed) 3.) Vegetables (Soybeans)

Olestra can cause 3 problems in the body?

1.) GI distress 2.) Nutrient losses (vit.E) 3.) Loss of phytochemicals through binding them in the GI tract

Name the 4 functions of EPA/DHA ?

1.) Make up cerebral cortex 2.) Make up retina 3.) Hormone-like substances that affect heart 4.) Affect the immune function

Name 16 Trans fatty acid food sources:

1.) Most sticky margarines 9.) Crackers 2.) Shortenings 10.) Crossants 3.) Peanut butter 11.) Corn chips 4.) Almost all fried foods 12.) Snack foods 5.) Salad dressings 13.) Cookies 6.) Mayonnaise 14.) Doughnuts 7.) Biscuits 15.) Fried Chicken 8.) Rolls 16.) Fried Fish

Name the 5 disorders that result from a high fat intake:

1.) Obesity 2.) Hyperlipidemia (high blood glyceride) 3.) Coronary Heart Disease 4.) Hypertension 5.) Type 2 (non-Insulin dependent diabetes) All of the conditions are often linked

Name the 5 options for treatment of CHD:

1.) Reducing Fat (<30%) 2.) ModifiedFat (monounsaturated) 3.) Low Carbohydrate 4.) Low fat 5.) High Soluble Fiber

Name 2 main defense systems against free radicals

1.) Reserves of anti-oxidants 2.) Enzymes systems that oppose oxidation

Name 4 Blood Lipid Goals and there %?

1.) TC <200 mg/dl 2.) LDL <130 mg/dl 3.) HDL >40 mg/dl 4.) TG <200 mg/dl anyone w/values outside this range should be put on the AHA STEP 1 DIET

Patient assessment includes 9 things:

1.) Total and LDL cholesterol 2.) TG and HDL 3.) Visible Signs (white spots around eye) 4.) Body Weight 5.) Blood Pressure 6.) Smoking 7.) Dietary habits 8.) Excercise (increases HDL) 9.) Diabetes , liver & kidney disease

5 facts about CHD Mortality in USA?

1.) USA and many other countries death rates from CHD have decreased since the middle of 1960's 2.) Avg. blood chol has decreased by 3.8% during this period 3.) Better drugs and resuscitation are important factors 4.) Surgical procedures also play a role 5.) There has been a considerable reduction in saturated fat intake over the same period

Name the 3 types of fat transport vehicles

1.) Very low Density LP (VLDL) 2.) Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) 3.) High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)

Men have/ or should intake 1.6 g/d of linoleic acid while women have should intake ____ g/d?

1.1 g/d

Men intake 17 g/d of alpha linolenic acid while women have intake of _____g/d?

12 g/d

Lipids role in human body includes? a.)Protects vital organs, stores fat, stores energy, protects against extreme temperature, and provides essential fatty acids used as raw material. b.)Making sure body bounces if falls, Hiding blood vessels, caries soluble vit. C,D,E and K, provides a major material in cell membranes called FA'S. c.)Fat causes the body temp to drop when it receives excess energy requirements, it provides vit . A,D, E, and K, protects vital organs and stores energy. d.)Provides essential FA's used as raw material , fat is the body's chief storage fro vitamins, acts as cushion fro vital organs.

A.) Protects vital organs, stores fat, stores energy, protect against extreme temperature and provides essential FA's used as raw material

WBC attack & destroy bloood lipids, but the white cells cannot leave the area and ___________ forming foam cells.


A compound that protects other compounds from O2 by itself with O2 is referred to as


Vit. C,E,A and beta-carotene slow LDL oxidation is a nutrients for ?

Anti-oxidant nutrients

Products that provide less than 1/2 gram of fat/ serving is referred to as

Fat replacers

Cholesterol has Major components of plaques that narrow arteries in ______________.

Atherosclerosis (high levels can lead to heart attack & stroke)

What are the 2 common forms of CVD?

Atherosclerosis and Hypertension

What emulsifier splits FAs from their glycerol for absorption?


______ is an Emulsifier made by the liver from cholesterol and stored in _______.

Bile; Gallbladder

High levels of _________ cholesterol may be indicative of cardiovascular disease of coronary heart disease.

Blood Cholesterol

How does fat cells respond to call for energy?

By dismantling stored fat into small fragments.

The #1 killer in the US today is ?


Once blood lipids have been oxidized they then try to penetrate the vessel walls in which they _______ do so?


High blood cholesterol is a risk factor for?

Cardiovascular Disease

Sterol that is important in the brain and nerve cell structure is


Class of lipoproteins; clusters that form when lipids from a meal or combined w/ carrier proteins in the intestinal lining and are transported food fats through watery body fluids to the liver and other tissues.are called


_________ is used to repair the vessels, which thickens them.


Myocardial infarction occurs when blood oxygen fails to reach areas of the heart causing the heart to stop working and the brain becomes oxygen deficient is referred to as ?

Coronary Heart Disease

Between whole and fat- free or low fat milk products can make a large difference to the fat content of diet in regard to ?

Dietary Fat reduction

High saturated and trans fat intake can cause ?


What kind of FA can be made from EFAs?

Eicosapentaenoic / docosahexaenoic acid (EPA/ DHA)

The process of mixing lipid w/ water by adding an emulsifier


Protein and phospholipids in the lipid cluster acts as _____________ by attracting water and fat, causing chylomicrons to transport lipids in watery body fluids.


Main 2 functions of fats

Energy and structural material

Fats come in many differnt forms and some are _________ nutrients?


Building blocks of triglycerides


Fats cannot be hidden in bread/ cereals containing food such as biscuits, croissants, muffins and cake. T or F

False (Fats can be hidden in bread/ cereals containing foods can be well hidden in biscuits, croissants, muffins and cakes)

CHD cannot be successfully treated, especially if the treatment begins early. T or F

False (CHD can be successfully treated)

EFAs can be made from other substances in the body or from each other and must be supplied in the diet. T or F

False (EFAs cannot be made from other substances in the body or from each other and must be supplied in the diet)

Fat intake is most developed countries is too low. T or F

False (Fat intake is too high)

Free radical formation can not exceed body's defense against them to cause oxidation stress

False (Can exceed bodys defense against free radicals)

Fats don't enhance food flavor, aroma, and tenderness/ T or F

False (Fats do enhance flavor in food as aroma, tenderness)

Excess fat is carried in HDL, and is stored by the body's fat cells as adipose tissue for later use. T or F

False (LDL not hdl)

Lipids are insoluble in organic solvents? T or F

False (they are soluble)

Lipids that are soluble at room temp is considered to be a ?


Chylomicrons + 3 lipoproteins=

Fat Transport Vehicles

- Elevated LDL forecasts heart/ artery disease - Elevated HDL signifies low disease risk - Dietary measure to decrease LDL involves reducing saturated fat and substituting w/ monounsaturated fats - Only certain individuals need to lower dietary chol intake.

Interpreting LDL and HDL

Compounds that result from incomplete fat breakdown and occurs on diets severly restricted in carbohydrate are called


Change in EFAs deficiency cells can cause , reproductive failure, skin abnormalities,________/_____ ______, and _______ ______ ________?

Kidney/Liver Disorders; Childhood Growth Disturbances

What fat transport of LP transport lipids from the liver to the muscle and fat tissue; contain large proportion of cholesterol ?


Food sources of omega-6 includes seed oils,____ _____,_______, nuts and ______

Leafy vegetables; Seeds; grains

Fatty acid chains are named by their


Name the 2 essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

Linoleic (omega-6 FA) and Alpha-Linolenic acid (omega-3 FA)

Cluster of lipids associated w/ protein serve as transport vehicles for lipids in the blood & lymph systems called


Lecithin is a phospholipid manufactured but the ______; found in many foods and are a major constituent in cell membrane

Liver (ex. egg yolk )

Fat , cholesterol and health have the ability to handle cholesterol in food by

Modified genetics

Tgs in which most of the FAs have one point of unsaturation; have been shown to be health beneficial when used in place of saturated fat

Monounsaturated Fat

Lipids that are liquid at room temp is considered to be a ?


What type of sucrose polyester remains undigested and passes through digestive system intact; a noncaloric artificial fta made from sucrose?

Olestra- Olean (artificial fat)

Linoleic acid is primary member of this FAs?


LDL is susceptible to damage free radical called ?


The interaction of a compound with O2, a damaging effect by a chemically reactive form of O2, which causes free radical formation (ex; Radiation, pollution and tobacco smoke)


Connections have been made between _________ and _______ such as heart disease and cancers.

Oxidation ; Disease

Trans fatty acids are formed when______ &______ are hydrogenated, and act like saturated fats in the body.


_______ and ______ try to repair the area & cause narrowing of the vessels. If this are ruptures a ________ forms causing myocardial infarction. If the clot goes to the _______ it can cause a ______.

Platelets; Fibrin; Clot; Brain; Stroke

Tg in which most of the FA's have 2 or more points of unsaturation.


What are the 3 types fats?

Saturated, Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated

What part of the GI tract gas bile that emulsifies fats, lipase from the pancreas digests them & intestinal cells absorb them in fat digestion?

Small Intestine

Cholesterol is a type of ?

Sterol , found in animal-derived foods

What part of the GI tract separates fats from other food components in fat digestion?


Emulsifier is a ________ that mixes with both fat and water and permanently disperses the fat in the water, forming an emulsion

Substance ex. soap connect to water

EFA deficiencies are rare because a balanced diet typically __________ all of the needed FAs in abundance and prevents deficiencies.


Small lipids can travel alone in the blood after absorption while large lipids are incorporated into chylomicrons for _________


Name the 3 classes of lipids?

Triglycerides, Phospholipids, and Sterols

A large % of the US population has abnormal blood lipids? T or F


CVD is a when there is continuous wear and tear to the blood vessels that can cause blood flow to become turbulent and as a result, they have to undergo continuous repair by platelets that can form clots. T or F


Compounds that belong to sterol lipid family and derived from plants and reduce blood cholesterol when consumed in place of other fats in low fat diet called Stanol Esters T or F


Fats in food contribute to satiety, which is the feeling of fullness or satisfaction felt after eating a meal. T or F


Lecithin plays a key role in cell membranes and are composed of glycerol + 2 FA + 1 Phosphorus , soluble in water and fat, serves as a emulsifier and lecithin is a supplement that has no health promoting properties T or F


Meats account for a large portion of hidden fat in many peoples diet and most people consume meat in large servings than the recommended. T or F


Phospholipids are lipids that are similar to Tgs, but each has a phosphorus containing acid in place of 1 FA. T or F


Phospholipids are present in all cell membranes. T or F


What fat transport of LP transport Tg and other lipids from the liver to body?


3 major classes of lipoproteins?

VLDL- LDL-bad HDL-good, eating veg. high in leafy green

Which of these is NOT A TRUE function of Essential PUFAa? a.) Help make hormone-lie substances that regulate many body functions (BP, blood clot formation, blood lipids, immune response and inflammation response) b.) Serve as structural parts of cell membrane c.) Make up a minor part of the lipids of brain and nerves d.) Essential in infant/childhood normal growth

c.) Make up a minor parts of cell membrane (true: Make up major parts of cell membrane)

Release of energy + CO2 + H2O =

energy releasing reaction continues

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