Basic Shop Safety
What percentage of all shop injuries occur to the eyes?
What should you do to stop bleeding of a cut or abrasion?
Apply direct pressure
Which of the following is NOT a basic emergency procedure?
Call the victim's family
What safety device should be worn when there is danger of fragments being thrown?
Clear face shield
What should you do to treat a severe burn?
Cover with a clean, dry cloth
What is the unit of measurement for expressing the intensity of sound?
Gloves should be worn near moving machinery.
Tools with frayed cords are okay to used until the cord is replaced.
When welding, pockets on clothing should not have flaps?
Which of the following is NOT one of the four common types of potential shop hazards?
What should you do if chemicals are splashed into a person's eyes?
Flush with water
What device senses short circuits and stops electrical flow when ground faults occur?
Ground fault circuit interrupter
What should you do if a person breaks an arm?
Immobilize the arm & keep the person calm
What should you do if a penetrating eye injury occurs?
Immobilize the uninjured eye
How should flammable materials be stored?
In safety cans & in cabinets designed for storing flammable materials
Where can you find handling and emergency information on chemicals used in the shop?
Material Data Safety Sheet
Which of the following are fire hazards commonly found in the shop?
Sawdust, lumber scraps & oily rags
What should you do if chemicals are splashed on a person's skin?
Stop the burn process, remove saturated clothing & flush with water
Loose fitting clothing is not acceptable when working in the shop.
What designation appears on the frames of industrial quality safety glasses?