BCOM Exam 1

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The term proximity is used to refer to the idea that elements that share similarities are placed together, while space, or other means are used to separate other social elements that are not similar (T/F)


Using bold to call attention to a key point in your report is an example of the principle of contrast (T/F)


When two employees of a business communicate in order to complete a project, they are engaging in internal-operational communication (T/F)


Green, violet, and orange are all examples of ________ colors

Tertiary (secondary?? because they are made from primary colors such as yellow, blue, red)

Which of the following statements about the Gutenberg diagram is true?

The Gutenberg Diagram assumes that they eye is pulled diagonally from a document's start to finish (OR assumes that the readers eyes are pulled across the page in a Z-pattern, but ultimately pulled diagonally)

Which of the following is true about the informal network of an organization?

The informal network follows no set pattern and is usually a complex relationship of smaller networks

Which of the following statements is true about increasing gender, age, and ethnic diversity in the workplace?

The requirement for cultural agility in workplace communication has increased significantly

Which of the following is true regarding the amount of time novice business writers should ideally spend on each stage of the writing process

The should spend approximately equal amount of time on each of the three stages

Texts and IM

Used for promotions, brand awareness, customer relations, time-sensitive messages Typically formed with a max of 150 characters Some tips for using texts and IM: -Cover all critical information. -Keep it short. -Strive for clarity. -Maintain a conversational tone. -Adapt messages to the audience. -Keep language and content professional.

incomplete construction

When a word or words is left out of the sentence

Sernity is crafting a letter to one of her clients to advise him of some changes in the forecasts for the coming year. It is important to her that it be easy to read, and she plans to print it out and send it in paper form. What type of font would best suit her purposes?

a serif font

dangling modifier

a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence

Email Advantages and Disadvantages

advantages: -Eliminates telephone tag -Saves time -Speeds up decision making -Is cheap -Provides a written record disadvantages: -Not confidential -No authentic signature -Can be misunderstood or used to avoid difficult live conversations -Doesn't communicate emotions well -May be ignored FORMAT: Header: includes To, Cc, Bcc Subject: short (5-7 words), clear, and descriptive Salutation: formal, informal, or generic—depends on relationship with recipient Message: to the point Closing: informal or more formal, in keeping with tone Attachment: includes only what reader needs, signature block (name, job title, company, contact info) Attachments: only attach what is needed or referred to

External-operational communication

all the communicating businesses do with people and groups outside the business. Because businesses are dependent on outside people and groups, external-operational communication is necessary for success. This category includes direct selling (sales presentations, advertising, public relations activities, mailings), correspondence with other businesses, and communication with external parties such as community representatives, nonprofit and/or government organizations, and more. Nowadays, much of this communicating is technology assisted.

Internal-operational communication

all the communication that occurs in conducting work within the business. It is the work done to carry out the operating plan (the business's plan for doing whatever it was formed to do). It takes many forms—orders and instructions from superiors; oral exchanges between workers; written reports, emails, memorandums, proposals . . . and the list goes on. Much of it is conducted through the business's computer network. (Here you can call attention to the Intranet example provided and discuss other contemporary communication media that businesses are using internally.)

In the proofreading stage of the writing process, you are most likely to

check the technical and grammatical elements of your message

The formal network

consists of communication along established channels in the business. Every business has a formal network. It may be completely hierarchical, meaning little information can be communicated to the company unless it goes through the CEO and internal communications team first. Or it may be less formal, meaning that every employee has access to company-wide email and can send a notice out as required. In larger companies, the former is generally true, while in smaller companies the latter is often true. Whether it's formal reports, weekly/monthly staff meetings, or an internal project management/communications system, such as Basecamp, every organization also has its own formal, often traceable way of disseminating work information and project updates internally. **lines connect the division manager to the department managers, and then lines connect the department managers to the next level of the company

In todays business world, ______ are the most commonly used form of written communication


Which of the following statements about emails is true?

emails can be archived and filed for easy access to a written record of correspondence

For a business document, you ideally want your margins to be

equal in size

Which of the following should ideally be avoided during the drafting stage of the writing process

focusing on creating a perfect draft on the first attempt

A _______ refers to the major, well-established channels for information exchange within an organization

formal network

Good problem solvers rely on

guidelines, models, known scenarios, and other aids to help them apply tested strategies to new problems.

Casual language and informal language are similar in that they

have the effect of conversation

The informal network

includes those employees you have professional and personal relationships with within your company. It's also the external network you interact with outside of work and within your social media networks, when talking about your company. For instance, as of 2010, P&G employees could not promote a P&G product on their own Facebook pages without disclosing first that they were employees of the company. Many companies will also fire employees for sharing proprietary information or speaking negatively about their companies and other employees on their Facebook pages **lines connect the division and the department managers to the lower levels of the company.

Categories of communication

internal-operational external-operational personal

Personal communication

is the exchange of information and feelings among the workers. People will talk when they come together. Much of this talk is personal. But this communicating can affect the workers' attitudes—and thus their job performance.

Top 4 attributes employers look for

leadership ability to work on a team written communication skills problem-solving skills (5 & 6- Oral communication skills and a strong work ethic)

factors that affect how and how often a business communicates

nature of the business, size and complexity, structure, geographic dispersion, diversity, organizational culture.

Faulty Parallelism

occurs when the elements put into pairs and series "go in different directions" because they do not have the same form

Hiro is writing a list of tasks that need to be done in order to get his company's new product to market. Some of these items can only be accomplished by certain departments, such as Marketing or Production, so instead of writing one long list, he breaks it down into a series of shorter lists that are separated by headings that name the department responsible for completing each list. Hiro is using the design principle of


Social Intelligence is best defined as the ability to

quickly assess the emotions of those around them and adapt their words, tone, and gestures accordingly

Logan is writing a lengthly year-end report for the owners of his company. A the beginning of every section, he included the company logo at the top of the page and center and sets the title of the section in 16 point Times new Roman font. Within each section, he puts subheadings on their own line and sets them in bold. Together, these choices are best described as examples of which design principle?

repetition (the subheading format is continued throughout the paper and the logo is also placed on every page)

A font that has little "tails" or "feet" is known as _______ font



tools to think with, to help meet any communication challenge

The ability to meaningfully, accurately, and efficiently create and interpret pictures and other graphics is known as

visual literacy

With respect to email format, the link "Bcc" or "blind courtesy copy" is used when the sender

wants to forward copies of the email without the knowledge of the primary receiver

Solving a communication problem is typically a linear process (T/F)


Careful proofreading is still in order after document has been checked with a spelling checker (T/F)


Communication ranks at or near the top of communication skills needed for success (T/F)


Information is gathered or analyzed during the planning stage of the writing process (T/F)


Which of the following is true about the process of writing

The three stages involved in the process of writing are recursive and interrelated

Which of the following best describes external spacing?

The white space on a page

Memorandums can be distinguished from other message primarily by their


Larger Communication Context

includes the general business-economic climate; the language, values, and customs in the surrounding culture; and the historical moment in which the communication is taking place.

Which of the following is a current challenge for business communicators?

increased focus on corporate social responsibility

The advent of new media has

increased the needs for employees who have social intelligence

The head of the marketing department at Plural Publishing sends an email to the company's three project managers, asking them to send the back cover copy for each book being published in the spring. This is an example of

internal-operational communication

Organizing online content

inverted pyramid style puts the main point first -----> supporting information ------> any historical or background information Online information should also be arranged in short paragraphs. ****reader centered, accessible, complete, concise, accurate***** Headings and lists should help to create a logical structure for your writing.

Which of the following factors is common to all forms of communication?

the need to adapt messages according to the audience

Baby boomers refers to those people who

were born soon after world war II

Comparing Print and Online Text

**F-pattern shows how readers skim across the top of a page twice and then down the left side of the site. Online: -needs to be linear -Online readers scan for what they want to know and can be easily distracted -People read web text not so much for what the author has to say, but to accomplish a specific TASK -has the ability to pack a lot of information into a small space by using links and embedded material -relies more on bulleted lists and featured text pieces Print: -can be nonlinear -They can be very long and contain excess information & generally constructed in complete sentences.

Social Media Uses

-Communicating with customers or clients -Publicizing or promoting products -Communicating internally -Networking -Evaluating potential employees

Constructing Clear Paragraphs

-Keep paragraphs concise. -Give paragraphs unity. (singular topic or idea) -Make paragraphs coherent. (Repeat key words and sentence, Use pronouns that refer back to elements of the preceding sentence, Use transitional expressions) -Make each paragraph serve a strategic purpose.

How to write clear sentences

-Limit sentence content. -Economize on words. -Determine emphasis in sentence design. -Give the sentences unity. (caused by two problems: (1) unrelated ideas and (2) excessive detail ) -Word sentences logically.

Informal Reports

-May be distributed as part of a letter or a memo. In either case, the report appears as part of the body. -Starts on the second page when part of a letter, and includes a header with the reader's name, the date, and the page number. -May use headings (if part of a memo), often displayed in the margins, to guide the reader through the report.


-Most traditional form (Greek, Egyptian, chinese) -Used to correspond outside an organization -Not as formal as they once were (determined by audience) -Strategic for achieving a business goal -Format (letter head/return address, date, inside address, salutation, body, and complimentary close, signature block) (sometimes: attention line, subject line, return address, enclose info) (all aligned left side)

Formal Reports

-Page layout may need to take into account the binding. -Title pages and divider pages may have a special layout and design. -Text formatted in single-spacing lines (more popular for reports in recent years) with one space between paragraphs. -Must use consistent spacing, styles, and indentation (check out the From the Tech Desk box in this section for more information about modifying styles in Microsoft Word). -Pages should be numbered. -Different heading levels should be clear and guide reader easily through the report. -May include special sections depending on the type of the report: title fly, title page, letters or memos of transmittal, acknowledgments, table of contents, table of illustrations, and references.

What things to consider when writing

1- adapting style 2 -be familiar 3 -avoid cliches 4 -be accessible 5 -use concrete language ---added specificity and vigor, ---reader can see, feel, taste, or visualize ---relate to experiences. ---opposite of abstract words (the words that refer to broad and vague concepts) 6- be precise 7- be appropriate 8- Use active voice (present tense, stronger and more direct) 9- Avoide camoflaged verbs (when the verb describing an action is changed to a noun—for example, when one changes the verb "eliminate" to the noun "elimination") 10- Write clear sentences

the steps that usually occur when people are solving business problems and communicating about them.

1. Sensing a communication need. 2. Defining the situation 3. Considering possible communication strategies 4. Selecting a course of action. 5. Composing the message. 6. Sending the message. 7. Receiving the message. 8. Interpreting the message. 9. Deciding on a response 10. Replying to the message.

Miranda is working on a financial summary for company investors. In the document, she makes sure that the body of her text is positioned along the left side of the page, that her headings are entered, and that images are all placed along the right margin. Together, these choices are best described as examples of which design principle?


The direct order plan of organizing information will be the most effective when you are writing

An email to the HR manger asking her how to access the new forms for reporting vacation time

External Audiences

Business partners, customers, the pubic, public groups, regulatory agents, industry partners


Colors next to each other on the color wheel are analogous colors. Colors across from each other are complementary colors. **important tool for achieving contrast and repetition in business documents.

Basic design principles

Contrast- means using conventions of typography, layout, color, or other visual elements to make the content readily accessible. Repetition- includes the repeated use of elements to help the reader recognize where he or she is in the document. Main Headings Are Given a Distinctive Style. Main body text is set in a different size and/or in a different font. Featured statements may be given a different treatment. → Sometimes icons or color are used to catch the eye. Alignment- refers to the positioning or placement of text and other elements on a page. Proximity- is the concept of similar elements appearing together, while other elements that are not similar are separated from each other by space or other means.

Which of the following lists the four most common headings used in memorandums or memos?

Date, to, from, subject

Lance is an executive at a manufacturing company, and he needs to write a letter thanking Amoreena Sanchez a partner at a law firm that sometimes represents his company in disputes for the congratulator bottle of champagne she sent to his office after they successfully defended against a lawsuit. Lance and Amoreena also happen to be good friends who grew up on the same block. How should lance compose the letter's salvation?

Dear Amoreena,


External spacing- is the white space on the page. White space is important for setting text apart and increasing readability. Internal spacing- refers to both vertical and horizontal spacing. The spacing between letters on a line is kerning. The space between lines vertically is leading. **You can also adjust the margins of a document to create more white space around all of the text.

Business writers should think of the three stages of writing as strictly chronological or separate (T/F)


In order to be attractive, business documents must be created by graphic designers (T/F)


Memos are primarily used for corresponding with people outside of an organization (T/F)


Personal communication interferes with good business relationships and should be prohibited in the workplace (T/F)


The grapevine, or the informal network of communication within an organization, typically carries much less information than the formal communication network (T/F)


The principle of alignment means that you can use conventions of typography, layout, color, and other visual elements to make sure that readers can easily access your most important content (T/F)


When using color to signify meaning, you should always choose colors according to your own preference (T/F)


You should avoid the use of informal language in business email messages, especially when writing to people you only know on a business basis (T/F)

FALSE (true ???)

Common Text Layout Methods

Gutenberg diagram: method that assumes the eye is pulled diagonally from start to finish through a document Z-pattern: method using the letter Z to show how a reader's eye moves across the page Grid: nonprinted horizontal and vertical lines to guide placement of visuals and text **The most visually critical areas in a message are the beginning and ending points. **The main difference between the Gutenberg diagram and the Z-pattern is that the Gutenberg diagram assumes the reader will attend to the beginning and ending of the document more than anything else, spending little time on the content in between.

Which of the following is true about external operational communication?

It includes all of the business' efforts at selling, from sales letters to emails to ads, to trade show displays, and customer visits

Which of the following is true about internal-operational communication?

It includes the orders and instructions that supervisors give to their employees

Font Choices

Lettering styles: choose between serif, sans serif, or script., --script fonts such as Monotype Corsiva are not used frequently in business documents --Business writers prefer serif fonts or sans serif fonts --Letters in serif fonts have "tails" and "feet" that can make body copy easier to read --Sans serif fonts allow for more white space, which makes letters and words stand out. *****Serif EXAMPLE: Times New Roman, Cambria**** *****Sans Serif EXAMPLE: Arial, Calibri (dont have "feet")**** Number of fonts per document: limit to two. --some writers prefer to use a sans serif font for headings and a serif font for body copy. --Choosing one of each kind of font means the two will complement each other. **Headings-- Sans Serif (white space stands out more) **Body-- Serif Font size: choose a readable size for body text; choose a size two points larger for headings.

______ are the oldest forms of business messages


Which of the following statements about the four common letter formats is true?

Lines within paragraphs should have single-spacing

Steps of the Writing Process

PLANNING: -Determining goals -Analyzing the audience -Gathering information -Analyzing and organizing the information -Choosing the form, channel, and format DRATING: -be flexible -keep going -use your own favorite strategies -wait to go back and edit REVISING: -break your rewriting down into three "levels of edit"— ----revision content, structure, format (meaning, info, pattern, organized) ----editing (sentences, word choice) ----proofreading (mechanics, grammatical elements)

Most business communication (aka as problem solving) problems are ill-defined and require

Research (interview the key players to understand the history of the situation and purpose of the communication) Careful analysis (gather and interpret the relevant information) Creativity (think of possible solutions and the right media and venues for conveying the information) Judgment (pick the solution that will fit this situation best)

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