behavior ka

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A researcher develops a thesis focusing on aspects of an individual's character that are established before the person is exposed to environmental influences. These aspects are also relatively persistent throughout that person's lifetime. What term best describes the focus of the researcher's thesis? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ATemperament (Choice B)BInherited trait (Choice C)CAcquired trait (Choice D)DPersonality

A. temperament is made up of innate aspects of a person's character that persist over a person's lifetime. inherited traits are qualities that are passed down from parents to children. acquired traits are learned traits that come from experience with a person's environment.

Jane and Kerry are involved in an altercation that is captured on tape. In the video, Jane is seen walking with her young son when Kerry attacks her. Jane falls to the ground and Kerry assaults her, ultimately punching and kicking her dozens of times. A group of individuals gathers around the two women, take out their cell phones, and record the fight. They do not help Jane or call for help. The behavior of the group is an example of which of the following terms? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ABystander effect (Choice B)BGroup polarization (Choice C)CSocial facilitation (Choice D)DSocial loafing

A. social loafing: the tendency for individuals to put forth less effort when part of a group. social facilitation occurs when individuals perform easy better in front of an audience, but impair harder tasks. group polarization: the tendency for groups to make decisions that are more extreme that the initial thoughts of group members might dictate.

Anna is watching television when a commercial for homeless animals airs. The commercial features a sad song, and Anna starts to cry. Which of the following statements would not support external attributions of Anna's crying behavior during the sad animal commercial? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AAnna cries during every commercial. (Choice B)BAnna cries every time the commercial airs. (Choice C)CAnna only cries when she sees this commercial. (Choice D)DEveryone in the room cries when the commercial airs.

A. external attributions are associated with behavior that is dependent on a person's situation or environment

what are the three components of attitude?

ABC model of attitude affective (emotion) behavioral (act, behave) cogintion (belief, knowledge)

Which of the following parental styles is associated with high self-esteem in children? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer: (Choice A)APermissive (Choice B)BAuthoritative (Choice C)CAuthoritarian (Choice D)DUninvolved

B. authoritative self esteem is hgher when parents provide rules and establish discipline, but are still loving and supportive. This is the authoritative parenting lifestyle

A researcher is studying hunger and satiation signals in the brain. The researcher injects a neurotransmitter called peptide YY into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus of rats with previously normally functioning PVNs. Peptide YY is a neurotransmitter that is very similar and functions similarly to neuropeptide Y in humans. What effect should the researcher expect on the experimental rat's behavior? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThe rat will stop eating because food will cease to be rewarding. (Choice B)BThe rat will be able to stop eating as soon as it feels satiated. (Choice C)CThe rat will be unable to stop eating because it would never feel satiated. (Choice D)DThe rat will continue to eat normally with no significant deviations in behavior.


PWM, prototype willingness model

behavior is a function of our past behavior, our attitudes towards the behavior, subjective norms, our intentions, willingness, and models

elaboration likelihood model for persuasion

cognitive approach: central route: the degree of attitude change depends on the quality of persuasion pheripheral route: supervisial or nonbeahvioral social cues

A speaker comes to give a talk on socio-economic inequality. As a listener, you find that the topic is interesting and important. You feel motivated as you listen to the talk, and you think deeply about the topic. After the talk, you thoroughly feel that the talk changed your perceptions and attitudes towards inequality. Which of the following is true, according to the experience? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThis is an example of the central route to persuasion.(Choice B)BThis is an example of the elaboration likelihood model.(Choice C)CThe listener here was receptive to change and was persuaded. (Choice D)DThis is an example of the peripheral route to persuasion.


A tribe of Native Americans have a specific model of parenting that has been practiced for generations. Mothers respond quickly to infant distress, which leads to decreased episodes of crying and tantrums. They also believe in the power of touch, and hold their children almost constantly through the first three years of the baby's life, which also leads to decreased distress. Generations of the tribe's children are quiet, even tempered, obedient, and respectful. The behavior of the tribe's children is best described by which of the following terms? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ALearned (Choice B)BInnate (Choice C)CComplex (Choice D)DCovert


Which of the following statements accurately describes the terms "sex" and "gender?" Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer: (Choice A)ASex refers to biological identity, whereas gender refers to psychological or social identity. (Choice B)BSex and gender are interchangeable terms; both describe choices regarding sexuality and romantic partnerships. (Choice C)CSex and gender are interchangeable terms; both describe biological and psychological or social identity.(Choice D)DSex refers to psychological or social identity, whereas gender refers to biological identity.


A group of employees from a local bakery are hard workers and are able to make delicious food quickly. They hear a rumor that the owner of the store is going to sell the business and that the bakery will close. Since hearing the rumor, the quality of the food and efficiency of the baking process has decreased, and the employees often spend time discussing what they would do if the rumor were true. According to Maslow's hierarchy, what are these workers currently motivated by? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ASafety needs (Choice B)BPhysiological needs (Choice C)CBelonging needs (Choice D)DActualization needs


A researcher is interested in conducting a 12 month placebo-controlled trial to test the effects of a new diabetes drug. He recruits college students who have been diagnosed with diabetes within the past 5 years. Which of the following represents the greatest ethical concern in this study? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AEffective treatments for diabetes exist and could be used as an effective control; use of a placebo control presents undue risk. (Choice B)BStudy subjects may experience increased discrimination or stigmatization as a result of their participation in the research. (Choice C)CYoung adults are not able to accurately perceive potential risks and benefits of participation and cannot provide informed consent. (Choice D)DThe results of the study may not be disclosed to the subject's primary physician, which could lead to issues with comprehensive care.


Which blastocyst germ layer is associated with muscular development? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AMesoderm (Choice B)BEctoderm (Choice C)CEndoderm (Choice D)DBlastopore


John is a 25-year old male physician who is trying to improve his fitness levels and increase his muscular strength. He hires Ariel (a personal trainer whom he is very attracted to) to coach him for two mornings each week, and completes two workouts on his own in the evenings. When he looks through his notes on his progress, he notices that when he works out with Ariel he lifts heavier weights than when he works out on his own. He thinks that his performance with Ariel could be related to increased testosterone. How could bias related to short-term maturation effects explain John's changes in strength? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThe natural variations in John's testosterone levels correspond with the times that he works out with Ariel, which could temporarily increase strength. (Choice B)BJohn is attracted to Ariel, wants to impress her, and believes that she wants him to lift heavier weights, which temporarily increases testosterone and observed strength. (Choice C)CRepeated testing of John's strength leads to extreme measurements when he works out with Ariel, but these measurements become more normal over time. (Choice D)DAriel's expectations of John's ability and masculinity affect how she observes his muscular strength and writes about his progress.

A. John works out with ariel in the morning, which is when his testosterone naturally peaks.

What is the primary difference between a peptide hormone and a steroid hormone? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AA peptide is lipophobic, while a steroid hormone is lipophilic. (Choice B)BA peptide is hydrophobic, while a steroid hormone is lipophobic .(Choice C)CA peptide is lipophilic, while a steroid hormone is lipophobic. (Choice D)DA peptide is lipophilic, while a steroid hormone is hydrophilic.

A. a peptide is lipophobic while a steroid hormone islipophilic steroids are hydrophobic and lipophilic. peptides are hydrophilic and lipophobic.

A researcher is interested in studying executive function development. He recruits children who are from very similar backgrounds, but are at different ages. He administers a cognitive test to each child and compares their results. What kind of study design does the researcher use? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ACross-sectional design (Choice B)BCase study design (Choice C)CLongitudinal design (Choice D)DExperimental design

A. cross-sectional designs involve the examination of the same factor of interest in different groups of individuals who vary in age.

Deviations from homeostasis can create an internal state of biological and psychological tension. What is this best term for this state? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ADrive (Choice B)BRegulation (Choice C)CDissonance (Choice D)DEquilibrium

A. drives: internal states of bodily tension dissonance is a broad term for tension, but does not specifically describe the internal state of biological and psychological definition

In a study, a researcher divided participants into three groups. In Group A, participants were asked to resist pieces of chocolate in a bowl. In Group B, participants were asked to resist pieces of radishes in a bowl. In Group C, participants were given nothing to resist. Afterwards, all of the participants were asked to solve a difficult math problem. The results showed that those who had to resist chocolate were more likely to give up sooner on the problem. This is an example of: Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AEgo depletion (Choice B)BLearned helplessness (Choice C)CCognitive dissonance (Choice D)DTyranny of choice

A. ego depletion too much priority placed on self-cotnrol in the short-term may result in negative consequences in the long-term because of mental exhaustion. this is referred to as ego depletion, where our limited mental resources are used up for other tasks.

Which of the following hormones is not released by the anterior pituitary? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AEstradiol (Choice B)BFollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (Choice C)CLuteinizing hormone (LH) (Choice D)DProlactin

A. estradiol is released by the follicle i the ovary FSH and LH are released by the anterior pituitary. FSH promotes growth of a follicle in the ovary and LH triggers ovulation

The ability to prevent symptoms of Phenylketonuria (PKU) from becoming problematic demonstrates which of the following concepts? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AHighly heritable characteristics are modifiable. (Choice B)BHighly heritable characteristics are unmodifiable. (Choice C)CPKU is not a highly heritable characteristic. (Choice D)DGene expression is not dependent on the environment.

A. highly heritable characteristics are modifiable

Which of the following is an example of an informal norm? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ACustomers line up to order their meal at a fast food restaurant. (Choice B)BEmployees read a staff manual outlining expectations for behavior. (Choice C)CChildren respond to a sign at the pool that tells them not to run around the pool deck. (Choice D)DStudents apply to medical school based on instructions outlined in entrance requirements.

A. informal norms are casual behaviors that are learned by observation, imitation, and general socialization. informal norms are generally and widely conformed to. formal norms are established, written rules that are clearly and specifically stated,, but enforced in various degrees

A scientist is studying brain function in rats and destroys the animal's ventromedial hypothalamus. Which of the following is most likely to occur? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThe rat will eat excessive amounts of food.(Choice B)BThe rat will refuse to eat until it is forced. (Choice C)CThe rat will refuse to drink until it is forced. (Choice D)DThe rat will drink excessive amounts of water.

A. the rat will eat excessive amounts of food the ventromedial hypothalamus is the nucleus of the hypothalamus. this region of the brain is associated iwth feelings of fullness. damage to this area of the brain results in excessive overeating

Josephine is an American college student who spends her sophomore year studying abroad in France. Her appreciation of French culture is heavily influenced by her experiences with French cuisine. She feels that the French believe it is important for families to take pride in the quality of their food and how it is prepared. She believes that the culture benefits from families eating and enjoying their food together. She ultimately decides French culture is superior to American culture. What term describes Josephine's beliefs? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AXenocentrism (Choice B)BCultural relativism (Choice C)CEthnocentrism (Choice D)DCultural imperialism

A. xenocentrism: judging another culture as superior to one's own culture cultural relativism: the practice of assessing a culture by its own standards rather than viewing it through the lens of one's own culture ethnocentrism: judging one's own culture as superior to another culture

A research study reveals that a measure of disordered eating has a heritability estimate of .40 in a group of young women. This finding best supports which of the following conclusions? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ADisordered eating is more nurture than nature and is made up of 40% genetic and 60% environmental factors. (Choice B)BApproximately 40% of the variance in disordered eating is attributed to genetic factors within this group. (Choice C)CHeritability for disordered eating would be .40 in most groups of young women. (Choice D)DApproximately 40% of the population has the gene for disordered eating and could develop an eating disorder.


A team of researchers is running a study looking at the correlation between genetic differences in the enzyme choline acetyltransferase. A deficit in this enzyme, which controls the synthesis of acetylcholine, has been linked to Alzheimer's disease. The researchers design an algorithm to search the data for similarities. What are the independent and dependent variables employed in this study? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThe independent variable is the amount of deficit in the enzyme choline acetyltransferase and the dependent variable is genetic differences in Alzheimer's disease.(Choice B)BThis study does not contain an independent or a dependent variable. (Choice C)CThe independent variable is the amount of genetic variance and the dependent variable is whether that patient has Alzheimer's disease or not.(Choice D)DThe independent variable is whether that patient has Alzheimer's disease or not and the dependent variable is amount of genetic variance.


Research shows that our behavior is affected by intentions. In addition to intentions, however, it is also found that whether we have the resources or capacity to carry out these intentions also influence our behavior. This additional factor can be referred to as: Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)APlanned behavior (Choice B)BPerceived behavior control (Choice C)CAttitudes (Choice D)DSubjective norms


Which of the following hormones is a hunger stimulant? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AInsulin (Choice B)BGhrelin (Choice C)CDopamine (Choice D)DLeptin


Which of the following statements does not accurately describe simple and complex traits? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ASimple traits can be traced back to a single gene, whereas complex traits are associated with groups of genes. (Choice B)BSimple traits are basic characteristics of a person's behavior and personality, whereas complex traits are more nuanced characteristics. (Choice C)CSimple traits are minimally influenced by the environment, whereas complex traits are strongly influenced by the environment. (Choice D)DSimple traits exhibit Mendelian monogenic inheritance patterns, whereas complex traits do not exhibit Mendelian monogenic inheritance patterns.


Idris transfers to a new university during his junior year. His family has a history of alcoholism so he has avoided drinking in the past, but his new friends pressure him to drink at social events. He is afraid of social rejection so he decides to drink, but still privately feels that drinking is problematic. What terms best describe the change in Idris' behavior? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AInformational conformity and internalization (Choice B)BNormative conformity and compliance (Choice C)CInformational conformity and compliance (Choice D)DNormative conformity and internalization

B. normative conformity refers to a yielding to group pressure because a person wants to fit in, or fears rejection informational conformity refers to yielding to a group because the person lacks their own knowledge, and needs the input of the group to guide their behavior

How would high levels of insulin affect appetite? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AAppetite would increase. (Choice B)BAppetite would decrease. (Choice C)CAppetite would remain constant. (Choice D)DAppetite would increase quickly, then decrease.

B. apetite would decrease glucose entry into cells suppresses hunger

Inequality between the bourgeois and the proletariat is a key feature of which social deviance theory? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ASocial disorganization theory (Choice B)BConflict theory (Choice C)CLabeling theory (Choice D)DStrain theory

B. conflict theory the term "bourgeois" refers to individuals of a social class that have wealth, power, or influence. the term "proletariat" refers to individuals from a working class, where their worth is determined by their ability to perform manual labor. the conflict theory focuses on how inequality in social and economic environments are causes of crime and deviance.

A 23-year old female reports experiencing severe bloating and water retention at certain points during her menstrual cycle. Which hormone associated with the regulation of salt and water retention could be causing her problem? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ACortisol (Choice B)BEstrogen (Choice C)CProgesterone (Choice D)DProlactin

B. estrogen plays a major role in fluid balance and could be linked to bloating and water retention during the menstrual cycle

Which of the following birth defects is associated with consumption of a teratogenic substances during pregnancy? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)APolycystic kidney disease (Choice B)BFetal alcohol syndrome (Choice C)CAutism spectrum disorder (Choice D)DPhenylketonuria

B. fetal alcohol syndrome. a teratogen is a substance or environmental factor that can disrupt normative fetal development

Which of the following populations would show the highest degree of heritability of genetic traits? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AA population that is genetically identical (Choice B)BA population that is in a uniform environment (Choice C)CA population that is genetically similar (Choice D)DA population that is in a varied environment

B. heritability is the extent to which variation in traits is attributed to differences in genes. heritability increases where genes contribute more, or when non-genetic factors contribute less. as environments are more controlled, differences in traits can be more closely associated with genes, thus populations in uniform environments would show the highest heritability.

In which of the following scenarios would it be most difficult to predict behavior from attitudes? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AWhen the attitude is formed by the individual's direct experience (Choice B)BWhen the attitude is formed by indirect experience (Choice C)CWhen the attitude has a great deal of personal relevance for the individual (Choice D)DWhen the individual has a lot of knowledge about the attitude object

B. if the attitude is formed by second hand knowledge, or indirect experience, it is usually weak. the weakness of the attitude would make it difficult to predict their behavior.

What is the primary difference between mores and folkways? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ADeviance from mores is always punishable by law, whereas deviance from folkways is not (Choice B)BMores are based in ethics, whereas folkways are based in social approval (Choice C)CMores regulate material culture, whereas folkways regulate nonmaterial culture (Choice D)DMores regulate nonmaterial culture, whereas folkways regulate material culture

B. mores are based in ethics, whereas folkways are based in social approval folkways: the traditional behavior or way of life of a particular community or group of people mores: the essential or characteristic customs and conventions of a community

At what stage of development does axon myelination begin? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThird trimester (Choice B)BSecond trimester (Choice C)CFirst trimester (Choice D)DYear one

B. neurons and synapses begin to develop. myelination begins in the second trimester, when a baby's brain is starting to become more complex

What endocrine gland triggers the growth spurt that occurs during adolescence? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThyroid gland (Choice B)BPituitary gland (Choice C)CTestes (Choice D)DAdrenal gland

B. pituitary gland the thyroid gland affects the growth and development of the brain, and regulates growth rates. the testes are involved with male sexual development during adolescence. the adrenal gland plays a supportive role in development of muscle and bones. the pituitary gland triggers the growth spurt that occurs during adolescene.

How is the Freudian theory of psychosexual development similar to the Eriksonian theory of human development? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer: (Choice A)ABoth theories emphasize the importance of social influences in each stage of development. (Choice B)BBoth theories assert that the majority of human development occurs later on in life, rather than in childhood.(Choice C)CBoth theories focus on stages of development that are characterized by a central crisis that must be resolved.(Choice D)DBoth theories focus on the importance of sexuality and libido in each stage of development.


Unlike the DSM-IV-TR, the DSM-5 makes a distinction between paraphilias and paraphilic disorders by stating that "a paraphilia is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for having a paraphilic disorder". What does this difference in approach toward the description of paraphilic disorders imply? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThe APA is making a distinction between normative and nonnormative behavior, labeling nonnormative behavior as psychopathological. (Choice B)BThe APA believes that individuals engaging in nonnormative sexual practices have paraphilic disorders. (Choice C)CThe APA did not change the description of paraphilic disorders, but rather emphasized that nonnormative behavior must cause distress or impairment, before labeling the behavior as psychopathological.(Choice D)DThe APA has changed the description for paraphilia to allow it to cover more forms of nonnormative behavior. Labeling these behaviors as psychopathological allows more people with paraphilic disorder to obtain help.


A researcher would like to study how and to what degree heredity and the environment influence obesity. What population of individuals would provide the most information? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ADizygotic twins adopted by different parents (Choice B)BMonozygotic twins raised by their biological parents (Choice C)CMonozygotic twins adopted by different parents (Choice D)DSiblings adopted by different parents


According to Freud, which part of our personality is the moral part that develops due to the moral and ethical restraints placed on us by our caregivers? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AId (Choice B)BEgo (Choice C)CSuperego (Choice D)DNone of the above


Approximately how many protein coding genes are in the human genome? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AApproximately 40,000 genes (Choice B)BApproximately 100,000 genes (Choice C)CApproximately 20,000 genes (Choice D)DApproximately 10,000 genes


Brian visits an ashram in India for a month. He returns with a deep appreciation of Indian food, art, and cultural customs. He begins taking cooking classes that emphasize the use of Indian spices, practices yoga with his friends, and has philosophical conversations about karma with his family. What term refers to this experience? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ACultural imperialism (Choice B)BGlobalization (Choice C)CDiffusion (Choice D)DEthnocentrism


Tom and Andy are monozygotic twins who are separated at birth and adopted by two different middle-class families from midwestern American states. Their adoptive parents are all athletic and have high expectations for Tom and Andy's performance in sports. The twins participate in a standardized test of athleticism and they receive similar scores. Given this information, what assumptions can be made about heredity and the influence of genes on their athletic ability? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThe boys are genetically identical, so the influence of genes on their athletic ability is probably high. (Choice B)BThe boys are raised in similar environments, so the influence of genes on their athletic ability is probably low. (Choice C)CThe boys are genetically identical and raised in similar environments, so the influence of genes on their athletic ability is unclear. (Choice D)DThe boys are raised in environments that are significantly different, so the influence of genes on their athletic ability is probably high.


Which of these interactions between a doctor and a patient utilizes a biopsychosocial model? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AA doctor, who diagnosed a patient with severe back pain, recommended changes to how the patient lifts objects.(Choice B)BA doctor, after diagnosing the patient with a broken foot, prescribed painkillers. (Choice C)CA doctor, who diagnoses a patient with ulcers, asks questions about stress management. (Choice D)DA doctor diagnoses a patient with migraines after asking questions regarding length of time and the severity of the symptoms experienced.

C. a biopsychosocial model promotes asking open-ended questions to look for psychological or social conditions, which may be contributing to the manifestation of disease.

Which of the following is an example of an informal negative sanction? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AAn individual is expelled from school after plagiarizing a research paper. (Choice B)BAn individual is patted on the back for helping an elderly resident carry groceries. (Choice C)CAn individual is scowled at after swearing loudly in a church. (Choice D)DAn individual is given a ticket for parking in a restricted zone.

C. an individual is scowled at after swearing loudly in a church a positive sanction is a reward for conforming to norms. a negative sanction is a punishment for violating norms. a formal sanction is officially recognized and enforced. an informal sanction is unofficially recognized and does not result in specific punishment.

Stacy is a college student who has strong negative feelings about smoking cigarettes. Her grandfather died of lung cancer and she believes smoking is disgusting. One night at a party, Stacy's friends all go outside for a cigarette and Stacy decides to smoke as well. What will she most likely experience as a result? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AIncreased drive to smoke (Choice B)BJustification of effort (Choice C)CCognitive dissonance (Choice D)DDrive reduction

C. cognitive dissonance stacy's beliefs are incongruent with her actions. when beliefs are incongruent with actions, the most common result is mental tension.

Error in research caused by social desirability bias is most closely associated with which of the following concepts? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ALocus of control (Choice B)BIntrinsic motivation (Choice C)CConformity (Choice D)DReciprocal determinism

C. conformity social desirability is the tendency to answer questions in a way that is socially acceptable. individuals respond in this way to fit in or to please the researcher.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the relationships between operant conditioning and drive theory? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ADrive theory is associated with positive reinforcement. (Choice B)BDrive theory is associated with positive punishment. (Choice C)CDrive theory is associated with negative reinforcement. (Choice D)DDrive theory is associated with negative punishment.

C. drive theory is associated with negative reinforcement incentive theory: positive reinforcement would involve adding a stimulus to increase behavior. drive theory: associated with negative reinforcement, or the increase in behavior caused by the removal of a stimulus

Fixed action patterns are responses to a particular type of stimuli that result from which of the following? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AClassical conditioning (Choice B)BOperant conditioning\(Choice C)CInnate learning (Choice D)DCognitive responses

C. innate learning a fixed action pattern is an automatic response. fixed action patterns are not learned behaviors. fixed action patterns are considered hard wired or innate.

In a consumer research study, two groups were asked to make product selections. In Group A, consumers were asked to choose 1 product out of 5. In Group B, consumers were asked to choose 1 product out of 25. The results showed that those in Group A were more satisfied with their choices compared to those in Group B who were presented with more choices. Which of the following is true regarding the study results? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThis is an example of how information overload may have positive outcomes on consumers. (Choice B)BInformation overload does not seem to overwhelm Group A. (Choice C)CThis is an example of the tyranny of choice. (Choice D)DGroup A consumers were benefactors of decision paralysis.

C. tyranny of choice: abundant choices become a difficulty for consumers

A salesperson often gets a customer to agree first to a small request, such as a home-visit appointment, an application form, or a trial period. After this initial small compliance, the salesperson will then ask the customer to do bigger things, such as actual purchases. Based on past small-scale compliance, the customer would be expected to experience cognitive dissonance if he/she switched to non-compliant behavior. This is most accurately an example of: Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AElaboration likelihood model (Choice B)BTheory of planned behavior (Choice C)CRole-playing phenomenon (Choice D)DFoot-in-the-door phenomenon


Which of the following describes a group's attitude change that is attributed to the central route to persuasion? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AAttitude change that occurs when groups care about who presents information (Choice B)BAttitude change that occurs when groups do not care about an issue (Choice C)CAttitude change that occurs when groups care about how information is presented (Choice D)DAttitude change that occurs when groups carefully evaluate evidence and arguments


A group of politicians is interested in determining how truancy laws influence academic performance in adolescents from a high crime urban area. If the politicians conducted a research study on the laws before implementing them officially, what would be the dependent variable? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AClass attendance](Choice B)BCrime rates (Choice C)CTruancy laws (Choice D)DGrade point average


A newborn baby turns her head toward something that touches her cheek and makes sucking motions with her mouth. Which of the following behaviors does this describe? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AComplex behavior (Choice B)BLearned behavior (Choice C)CCovert behavior (Choice D)DInnate behavior


An individual goes to the clinic and describes problems with voluntary motor function. He tells the doctor that he is experiencing tremors and weakness that have led to a loss of function in his ankle. After running tests, the doctor cannot find any medical reason for the symptoms which obviously cause the man significant distress and impairment in his occupation (which requires him to stand all day). The individual is referred to a psychiatrist, who shows that the symptoms lack internal consistency by having the individual perform an ankle plantar flexion test both sitting (where he displayed weakness) and then asked the individual to stand on his toes. Having ruled out all other diagnosis, the psychiatrist diagnosed him with what somatic disorder? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)Aillness anxiety disorder (Choice B)BHypochondriasis (Choice C)CSomatic symptom disorder (Choice D)DConversion disorder


When does intrinsic motivation occur? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AWhen extrinsic motivation is at its peak (Choice B)BWhen the behavior is a required obligation (Choice C)CWhen there is an overt external reward for the behavior (Choice D)DWhen there is no overt external reward for the behav


Which chromosome disease is associated with an XXY genotype? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ATurner syndrome (Choice B)BDown syndrome (Choice C)CTrisomy X (Choice D)DKlinefelter syndrome


Which of the following is an example of a gross motor skill? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)APicking up a spoon (Choice B)BStirring cake batter (Choice C)CPainting with fingers (Choice D)DThrowing a ball


Which of these statements does not describe accurate criteria for PTSD, as described by the DSM-5? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThe presence of memories, dreams, or dissociated reactions that are involuntary, intrusive, distressing, and recurrent lasting for more than one month. (Choice B)BNegative, distorted, or exaggerated, beliefs, cognitions, or moods associated with the traumatic event that lasts for more than one month. (Choice C)CPersistent avoidance of memories, thoughts, feelings, or external reminders associated with the traumatic event(s) lasting for more than one month. (Choice D)DExposure to serious injury, sexual violence, or threatened or actual death lasting more than one month.


How would a child that is described as having a secure attachment behave during the Strange Situation? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThe child shows little interaction or desire for proximity with caregiver, even after the reunion episode. (Choice B)BThe child behaves erratic or runs away when the caregiver returns. (Choice C)CThe child shows moderate proximity and contact seeking, desires to maintain contact once engaged, and shows ambivalence toward caregiver after reunion episode .(Choice D)DThe child seeks proximity and contact or interaction with the caregiver both before and after the reunion episode.

D. a child that displays ambivalence to the caregiver and moderate seeking of proximity and contact is characterized as insecure resistant. a child that shows little interaction or desire for proximity with caregiver, even after the reunin episode is often characterized as insecure avoidant. a child that behavors erratically or runs away from teh caregiver when she returns is described as having disorganized attachment

Which of the following is not a neonatal reflex? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AA baby closes her hand into a fist when her palm is touched. (Choice B)BA baby throws out her arms and legs when she hears a loud noise.(Choice C)CA baby sucks on an object that is placed in her mouth. (Choice D)DA baby kicks out her leg when the sole of her foot is touched.

D. a baby kicks out her leg when the sole of her foot is touched primitive neonatal reflexes are present at birth and are adaptive in nature. the sucking reflex occurs when a baby sucks on any object placed in her mouth and helps newborns during the breastfeeding process. the moro reflex occurs when a baby reacts to a noise. the grasp reflex occurs when a baby closes her hand around whatever touches her palm. when the sole of a baby's foot is touched, the baby does not kick out her leg. instead the baby's toes fan out and her foot curls in, which is the babinski reflex.

A child development study follows the lives of 500 children born in Australia during a certain week in 2000. The researchers follow up with the participants once a year to measure their developmental progress through a series of tests. What study design does this describe? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ARetrospective cohort design (Choice B)BCross-sectional design (Choice C)CExperimental design (Choice D)DProspective cohort design

D. a prospective cohort design follows a group of individuals over a period of time. a retrospective cohort design looks back at events that have already taken place

Which of the following is a core principle of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of development? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer: (Choice A)AChildren are able to reach their highest potential when they are given the opportunity to learn on their own. (Choice B)BChildren are able to reach their highest potential when they have consistent, stable care from their parents. (Choice C)CChildren are able to reach their highest potential when they are able to overcome their sexual impulses. (Choice D)DChildren are able to reach their highest potential when they are in the presence of skilled and knowledgeable instructors.

D. children are able to reach their highest potential when they are in the presence of skilled and knowledgeable instructors vygotsky focused on the idea that social learning from qualified sources was a key aspect of development.

Which of the following is not a primary component of attitudes? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AAction tendencies (Choice B)BCognition (Choice C)CAffect (Choice D)DEnvironment

D. environment attitudes are made up of three components. the first is how the person feels about the attitude object, or their affect. the second is how the person feels about the attitude object or their affect. the second is how the person thinks about the attitude object and their knowledge about the attitude object-- also known as their cognitions. the third component of attitude relates to how attitudes influence behavior or action tendencies.

Which of the following is not released after an orgasm? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AEndorphins (Choice B)BOxytocin (Choice C)CProlactin (Choice D)DSerotonin

D. serotonin prolactin is related to sexual gratification and is associated with relieving sexual arousal after an orgasm. endorphins produce feelings of euphoria and pleasue, and are released post-orgasm. oxytocin is released after an orgasm to facilitate bonds and feelings of connecteness between sexual partners. differing levels of serotonin asre associated with the inability to achieve orgasm

Which of the following is not a characteristic of social anomie? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AAlienation from social groups (Choice B)BWeakened social norms (Choice C)CSocial uncertainty (Choice D)DStrengthened social norms

D. strengthened social norms social anomie is a stiuation in which society does not have the support of a firm collective conciousness.

Which of the following hormones monitors circadian rhythm in diurnal animals? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ADopamine (Choice B)BCortisol (Choice C)CGrowth hormone (Choice D)DMelatonin

Melatonin growth hormone is not associated with circadian rhythm. cortisol helps wake a person up after sleep, but does not monitor circadiam rhythm. melatonin monitors circadian rhythm in diurnal animals.

To test the mere exposure effect on familiar brand recall, researchers asked participants to watch four movies (10 minutes each): two without visible product labels (masked) and two with product labels in the center of the screen. Without previous notification the participants were tested on brand recall and to ensure brand familiarity. Afterwards, the participants rated which brands were preferred. What is a possible confounder to this study? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AWhen participants are not told they will be tested at the end, they often fail to pay attention. (Choice B)BThe masked labels did not allow the participants to see the product labels. (Choice C)CSocial priming effects from the actors interacting on the videos are highly reliable. (Choice D)DThe participants may have been unfamiliar with the brands used.


Following the passing of a controversial law by a local leader, a crowd of individuals gathers and begins to act violently. The crowd destroys property, engages in theft, and sets fires in local business places. The crowd is fueled by a deep feeling that an injustice has occurred, but their behavior is unfocused, violent, and random. What collective behavior does this describe? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ARiot (Choice B)BBystander effect (Choice C)CMass hysteria (Choice D)DMob

a riot is a violent form of crowd behavior that results from feelings of injustice or feeling that needs have been ignored. riots typically result in property damage and other signficant crimes. a mob is a group of individuals who are emotional and violent, but target specific individuals or categories of individuals. mass hysteria refers to behaviors tat occurs when groups react emotionally or irrationally to real or perceived threats. it is characterized by panic and spread of information by the media.

Altruistic punishment is the punishment of 'someone' for not punishing anti-social behavior. Why is this important for prosocial group functioning? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ATo enforce social norms (Choice B)BTo help allow people to maximize profit s(Choice C)CTo discourage in-group cooperation (Choice D)DTo show that some people are above the law


Carl is obsessed with cleanliness and control. Which stage of Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development has Carl become fixated at? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AAnal Stage (Choice B)BOral Stage (Choice C)CLatency Stage (Choice D)DPhallic Stage


Which of the following research hypotheses concerning the cause of cancer would be the focus of an individual studying epigenetics? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ACancer is caused by methylation that results in the silencing of tumor suppressor genes, which leads to uncontrolled cell growth. (Choice B)BCancer is caused by damage to pieces of DNA in a person's genome that accumulates over a person's lifetime. (Choice C)CCancer is caused by a genetic predisposition that is only activated if specific events in the individual's environment occur. (Choice D)DCancer is caused by a single gene that can be found by studying populations with shared traits and comparing their genetic profiles.


how would one describe the behaviors of an individual that enhance another individual's or group's fitness at a cost to that individual's fitness a. biological altruism b. genetic altruism c. psychological altruism d. reciprocal altruism

a. genetic altruism: aim to increase the genes of others at the cost of alleles possed by the altruistic individual psychologically altruistic behaviors: enhance pleasure or meet another individual's psychological needs at the expense that individual's pleasure or psychological well being. reciprocal altruism: behaviors involve short-term fitess sacrifices with the purpose of enhancing one's own long term fitness

Which of the following is not associated with attitude change? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ABehavioral compliance (Choice B)BSocial norms (Choice C)CCognitive dissonance (Choice D)DInternalization

a. behavioral compliance occurs when an individual acts as a particular way but does not change their attitudes in conjunction with that behavior social norms can influence people to change their attitudes and beliefs when those norms are internalized. cognitive dissonance can also produce attitude change. when individuals are confronted by inconsistensies between their behaviors and attitudes, they are motivated to change in a way that promotes homeostais.

A person cuts in line at the movie theater. We observe this action, and believe that the person cut in line because he or she is rude, disrespectful, and selfish. This is an example of: Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AInternal attribution (Choice B)BCultural attribution (Choice C)CExternal attribution (Choice D)DAttribution bias

a. internal attribution observers decide whether to attribute a behavior to the internal state (disposition/character) of the person who performed it or the external state (sitation/context)

in which of erikson's stages of human development does an individual begin to develop a sense of self? young adulthood, adulthood, latency, adolescence

adolescence sense of self is developed during a time when peer relationships are very important. the primary conflict of this stage is identity vs confusion.

Amanda is working on a research project that studies the beliefs, cognitions and knowledge that her friends have about themselves. What is her project focused on? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer: (Choice A)ASelf awareness (Choice B)BSelf concept (Choice C)CSelf esteem (Choice D)DSelf efficacy


John's car breaks down in the middle of the highway. He believes that the breakdown of his car can be explained by the fact that his car is old. This is an example of: Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ACultural attribution (Choice B)BExternal attribution (Choice C)CDispositional attribution (Choice D)DInternal attribution


Which of these studies looked into attachment, comfort, and security as innate needs and the effects of maternal and social deprivation on development? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ASchrodinger's Cat Experiment (Choice B)BHarlow monkey experiments (Choice C)CSkinner's studies with pigeons (Choice D)DBobo Doll experiments


At work, you witness an employee getting yelled at by the boss. In your mind you come up with at least three potential causes for the yelling: the boss' (actor) bad temper, the laziness of the employee (object), and the especially hot and humid day (context or setting). This judgment process is referred to as: a. stereotyping b. covariation model c. attribution error d. cultural attribution

b. covariation model a model for judging whether a particular action should be attributed to some internal characteristic of the person or the external environment. perceivers use multiple observations to arrive at a conclusion about the causes of behavior.

which of the following strategies describes how a person would extinguish a response using principles of operant conditioning? a. present the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus b. withhold all reinforcement after responses to the stimulus c. keep subject from being exposed to the stimulus for an extended time d. present the unconditioned stimulus without the conditioned stimulus

b. extinction refers to the gradual weakening of a conditioned response. if the rewards were no longer given, the behavior would decrease and eventually stop.

A researcher studying student intentions to engage in safer sex practices found that individual attitudes toward wearing condoms, and their friend's attitudes toward wearing condoms explained the variations in the intent of an individual to use condoms in the short-term. However, the study further showed that the perception of one's ability to use condoms or of condom availability significantly explained the variation between condom usage and non-usage. This "perception" is an example of: Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ACognitive dissonance (Choice B)BPerceived behavior control (Choice C)CTheory of perception (Choice D)DSocial cognition

b. perceived behavioral control this study shows that a person's behavior is influenced by his or her perception of the ease or difficulty in performing a behavior. this study shows that a person's behavior is influenced by the perceptions of their own ability or access to resources in performing a behavior. the perception of one's ability to use codoms or of condom availability significantly explained the variation between condom usage and non-usage is an example of "perceived behavioral control"

In a 1930s study on the relationship between attitudes and behavior, a researcher traveled with a Chinese couple to 251 hotels and restaurants. At the time of the study, it was thought that there was heavy prejudice towards Asians, and there were no laws against racial discrimination. After their travels, the researcher sent letters to all of the businesses and asked whether they would accept Chinese guests in their establishments. During their travels, only 1 establishment had refused to serve them. However, in the 128 letter responses received, 92% of the establishments said that they would not want to accept Chinese guests. According to the information offered in this study, which of the following is false? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThis study demonstrated the gap between attitude and behaviors. (Choice B)BBehavior influences attitudes through changes in cognition. (Choice C)CPerceptions and attitudes toward race does not necessarily manifest in behavior.(Choice D)DCognitive and affective components of attitudes does not necessarily match behavior.

b. this study shows the gap between attitude (not liking chinese ppl) an dbehavior (sering chinese ppl) this study shows that cognitive and affective (negative feelings towards chinese people) components of attitudes does not necessarily lead to the same types of beavior (negative) this study does not demonstrate how behavior infleunces attitudes through changes in cognition.

In a study on observational learning, three groups of nursery children were shown three different video clips. The first showed an adult person punching a blowup clown and being rewarded, the second showed a person punching a blowup clown and being punished, and the last showed a person punching a blowup clown with no rewards or punishment. When left alone with blowup clown later on, the children who had watched the version in which the person received punishment were much less likely to punch the clown compared to children in other groups. According to this passage, which of the following is most accurate? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AEven if the stimulus (clown) was not there right after the videos, the children would be likely to act on what they learned in the videos (punching). (Choice B)BThe children mostly likely acquired the behavior because they were observing an adult. (Choice C)CThe consequences of what happened to the person after the punching behavior played a role in the learning of the children. (Choice D)DThe children acquired the negative punching behavior after observing and learning from the person in the videos.


Stuart acquires a classically conditioned phobia of ducks. Now he shows a phobic response not just to ducks, but to other birds as well, especially ones that can swim. What are the changes in his phobia an example of? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AStimulus discrimination (Choice B)BShaped response (Choice C)CStimulus generalization (Choice D)DUnconditioned response


The "American Dream" is the idea that if a person believes in their ability to apply themselves and work towards their goals, they can achieve success and happiness. Which of the following qualities does the American Dream describe? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer: (Choice A)ASelf esteem (Choice B)BSelf concept (Choice C)CSelf efficacy (Choice D)DSelf awareness


Which stage of Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development is characterized by a boy developing unconscious sexual desires for his mother? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ALatency Stage (Choice B)BAnal Stage (Choice C)CPhallic Stage (Choice D)DOral Stage


Carl smokes, drinks alcohol, overeats, and bites his nails. Which stage of Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development has Carl become fixated at? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)ALatency Stage (Choice B)BAnal Stage (Choice C)COral Stage (Choice D)DPhallic Stage


which of these factors will cause aggresive behavior? a. a person experiencing frustration, pain, or elevated temperature b. a person with an increase in testosterone levels throughout the body. c. none of these choices alone is sufficient to cause aggressive behavior. d. a person who belongs to a culture of honor

c. aggression is caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors

In one study, researchers compared attributions made by students from an individualist society (valuing individual achievement) and students from a collectivist society (valuing group welfare over individual interests). The researchers hypothesized that individualist cultures focus on the individual, and thus its members are predisposed to use dispositional attribution to explain behavior. The students were asked to assign responsibility for the outcomes of 8 different situations. If the findings were consistent with the hypothesis, which of the following study result is accurate? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)AThe results showed that across the eight situations, students from the individualist society assigned the same amount of responsibility to internal dispositional factors as students from a collectivist society. (Choice B)BThe results showed that across the eight situations, students from the individualist society assigned less responsibility to internal dispositional factors than did students from a collectivist society. (Choice C)CThe results showed that across the eight situations, students from the individualist society assigned greater responsibility to internal dispositional factors than did students from a collectivist society. (Choice D)DThe results showed that across the eight situations, students from the individualist society assigned greater responsibility to external situational factors than did students from a collectivist society.

c. individualist society are more likely to use internal dispositional factors

which of these cohorts is most likely to have exprienced at least one major depressive episode over the last 12 months a. people over the age of 50 b. people between 26 an 49 years of age c. women d. men

c. women people over the agge of 50 have the lowest period prevalence of any age group. men have a much lower period prevalence than women.

Sons of Anarchy" is an American television show that depicts the activities of a fictional motorcycle gang in California. The gang has their own specific rules and norms. They place high value on money, violence, and crime; they believe that they have the power to resolve conflicts with other groups and do not believe in the power of the law. Which type of culture would this group fit into? Choose 1 answer:Choose 1 answer:(Choice A)APopular culture (Choice B)BNormative culture (Choice C)CCounterculture (Choice D)DHigh culture

counterculture refers to a subculture that rejects some of the larger culture's norms and values, and usually develop their own set of norms to live by. high culture refers to patterns of experiences and attitudes that exist in the highest class segments of a society. this tends to be associated with wealth and formality popular culture refers to patterns of experiences and attitudes that exist within mainstream normative society- like attending a game or watching a parade. normative culture refers to value and behaviors that are in line with larger societal norms (like avoidance of crime)

according to freud, which part of our personality are we born with that allows our basic needs to be met? a. id b. ego c. super ego d. none


what is the theory of planned behavior

intention is affected by attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control (how easy/hard it is to control our behavior)

Kelly and Jeff live together, and Kelly constantly yells at Jeff to clean his dishes in the kitchen. She tells him that she will stop nagging if he does the chore. He finally cleans the dishes and Kelly, in turn, stops nagging him. As a result, Jeff is more likely to clean his dishes in the future. What is this scenario an example of? Choose 1 answer: negative punishment, negative reinforcement, positive reinforcement, positive punishment

negative reinforcement

An NBA basketball coach expects his rookie players to be unprepared for professional ball, so he does not play them often. When he does they are rusty and do not perform well. This is an example of: A. attribution theory B. stereotyping C. self-fulfilling prophecy D. biased judgement

self-fulfilling prophecy: a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true

according to freudian theory, where does self-identity develop? sexual impulse, the superego, ego, id

the ego is the one that is operating on reality; it mediates the two other constructs to form a balanced, realistic identity. the id controls impulses and the superego is involved in imposing morals.

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