Behavioral Analysis Ch.17

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Define stimulus class

A set of related stimuli

A stimulus that precedes the behavior and is present only if the behavior will be reinforced is called a(n) [a] a stimulus that precedes the behavior and is present only of the behavior will be extinguished is called a(n) [b]


Define generalization (not generalization training).

The occurrence of a behavior in the presence of a novel stimulus

If a behavior is more likely to occur in the presence of the SD than the S-delta, the behavior is called a(n) __________.


Damien helped his little sister learn addition by showing her simple problems that were printed in a series of flash cards. Damien gave her a chocolate-covered peanut after showing her the card "3+9=?" if she said "twelve" but not if she said "twelve" when he showed her the card "8+7=?". Damien used the same approach for answers to other cards. What procedure did he use? _________

discrimination training

Professor Brainbuster usually got a smile when he called the student in the front row "Ted" but not if he called him "Dan." Likewise, he usually got a smile when he called the burly athlete in the back row "Dan" and not if he called him "Ted." What behavioral procedure are these guys unknowingly applying to the prof's behavior? __________

discrimination training

Reinforcing a behavior in the presence of a particular stimulus and extinguishing it in the presence of other stimuli is called ___________.

discrimination training

Rex praised his daughter for saying "fifteen" when asked "What does eight plus seven equal?" but not when asked "What does nine plus four equal?" What procedure was Rex using? _________

discrimination training

Generalization training is a procedure in which a behavior is reinforced in each of a series of situations until is __________ to other members of that same stimulus class.


Dr. Ford taught Jan a number of "good listening" behaviors using role-playing in his clinic. However, she never used them anywhere else. So Dr. Ford arranged to have a colleague reinforce Jan for "good listening" behavior also in another role-playing situation. Jan then used good listening with her English teacher. The occurrence of good listening behavior outside the role-playing situation would be an example of __________


If Danny is reinforced for calling the giant tree in front of his house a "tree," he might see the giant oak down the street and call it a tree also. If he does, the occurrence of his labeling behavior for the second tree is called __________.


Miller and Weaver (1974) reinforced students for correctly labeling the examples contained in this book. They then observed that the students could correctly label examples that they had not seen before. The occurrence of the students' labeling behavior in the presence of the new examples would be called __________.


Professor Smart always got a big smile whenever she referred to the pretty brunette as "Kay" in class, but she didn't seem to recognize her outside of class. One day, however, as she was walking across campus she looked up, saw the pretty brunette, and said "Hi, Kay" and was rewarded by a giant smile. The occurrence of the naming behavior outside of class would be an example of what process? __________


The Klines praised little Sarah when she called their dog "doggy." One day she called the neighbor's dog "doggy" also. What behavioral process occurred? ___________


The occurrence of a behavior in the presence of a novel stimulus is called __________.


Bornstein and associates (1977) taught Jane to be assertive in response to being interrupted by another person. They then taught her to be assertive in several other types of situations. When they tested her assertiveness in three situations, they found her to be quite assertive. What behavioral procedure did they use? ___________

generalization training

Davey looked at the big old elm and said, "That's a tree, mom" to his surprised mother. She praised him for knowing it, and he often told her that the elm was a tree. One day he said, "Hey mom, that is a tree too, isn't it?" and pointed to a giant oak. Again, she made a big fuss over his knowledge. After several more trees, Davey started referring to all big woody plants as "trees". What behavioral procedure did his mother use? ___________

generalization training

Dr. Rutherford taught Karen a number of "not shy" behaviors using role playing in his clinic. However, she never could get up enough nerve to apply them anywhere else. So Dr. Rutherford arranged to have another psychologist reinforce Karen for "not shy" behavior also in a role-playing situation. Karen then started to act in not-shy ways at school, on her job, and even among strangers. What behavioral procedure did Dr. Rutherford employ to help Karen? __________

generalization training

Mr. Wyler worked long and hard to teach Fran to study most of the time when she was in third-grade spelling. However, this did not change her habit of goofing off all the time in other classes. Mr. Wyler suggested to Ms. Green that she also reinforce Fran for studying on third-grade math. Pretty soon, Fran was the champion studier in all of her classes. What procedure had her teachers used to bring about this remarkable change? __________

generalization training

Peggy never volunteered to answer a question in class. However, a question arose one day in one of her classes concerning her greatest love, classical art, and she got so excited she volunteered. the teacher praised her for having the right answer. She volunteered often in that class in the future. Somewhat later, the same thing happened in another class, and again she volunteered and had the right answer. After that, she started to volunteer in all of her classes. Even though no one was intentionally arranging it, Peggy's behavior changed as a result of what procedure? __________

generalization training

Professor Smart always got a big smile whenever she referred to the brunette as "Kay" in class, but she didn't seem to recognize the brunette outside of class. One day, as she was crossing campus, she looked up, saw the brunette, and said, "Hi, Kay" and was rewarded with a giant smile. From then on, she recognized Kay no matter where she saw her. What behavioral procedure did Kay use to teach Professor Smart to recognize her in all places outside of class? __________

generalization training

Reinforcing a behavior in each of a series of situations until the behavior generalizes to other members of that same stimulus class, is what procedure? ___________

generalization training

Sally was a health food nut. Whenever Ralph ate healthy food at home, she praised his diet. Later, she praised him whenever he ate healthy food at their favorite restaurant. Pretty soon he was eating only healthy foods no matter where he ate. What behavioral procedure did Sally use? _________

generalization training

The second tactic in using the stimulus control strategy to help people is to broaden stimulus control through ___________.

generalization training

A set of related stimuli is called a(n) _________.

stimulus class

Any stimulus in whose presence a behavior has not previously been reinforced is called a(n)__________ stimulus


Generalization is defined as the occurrence of a behavior in the presence of a(n) _________.

novel stimulus

Define generalization training.

reinforcing a behavior in each of a series of stimulus situations until it generalizes to other members of that same stimulus class.

Miller and Weaver (1974) showed students a series of examples of extinction. If you regard each example as a stimulus, then the collection of all examples of extinction would be termed a(n) _________.

stimulus class

The collection of all people that you encounter during a day would be called a(n) __________.

stimulus class

The grouping of all situations in which Professor Smart might encounter Kay at the University -- class, hallway, campus, student union, and so-on would be called a(n) _________.

stimulus class

James usually acted very businesslike around Mr. Smith because he seemed to appreciate it. James usually did not act businesslike around Mr. Clevis because he ignored such behavior and acted in a slower and more relaxed manner. In this situation, we would say that Mr. Smith exerted _________ over James' businesslike behavior.

stimulus control

The increased probability of a discrimination behavior that has not previously been reinforced is called a(n) __________ stimulus.

stimulus control

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