BIBL 105: Old Testament Final

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What is the most accurate way to summarize the Ten Commandments?

4 commandments about how to treat God and 6 about how to treat each other

Nehemiah leads the exiles

445 B.C.

King Cyrus allows exiles to return home

538 B.C.

Persians overrun Babylonians

539 B.C.

Babylonians invade Judah

587/586 B.C.

The northern kingdom (Israel) is destroyed by the Assyrians in which year?

722 B.C.

In Genesis 12:1-3, besides numerous descendants and blessings, what does God promise to Abraham?

A land

At the covenant ceremony, after Abraham cuts some animals in half, what happens?

A smoking pot with a blazing fire (representing God) passes between the halves

In Joshua 7, __________ disobeys God by hoarding loot from a conquered city.


An __________ is a poem in which each successive line of poetry starts with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet.




If a biblical poet describes God as having hands, arms, and feet, then the poet is using what figurative element?


In 2 Samuel 6 David brings the ___________ to Jerusalem, so that it will be the focal point of Israel's worship.

Ark of the covenant

Deuteronomy promises ___________ if Israel obeys God and _________ if Israel disobeys God.

Blessings and Curses

Deborah and Barak


What category of parallelism best describes the following lines: (A) For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous, (B) but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.


In 539 B.C. King ________ of Persia declared that the Judahite exiles could return to their homeland.


King Jeroboam constructed worship sites for the people of Israel at ___ and _________.

Dan, Bethel

________ was one of the first Judahites carried off into exile by the Babylonians.


1-2 Samuel is primarily about who?


Who finally completes the conquest?


Who is contrasted repeatedly with King Saul?


Day 1 God separates light from darkness

Day 4 creates the sun, moon, and stars

Day 2 God separates the sky from the sea

Day 5 God creates birds and fish

Day 3 God separates dry ground from water

Day 6 God creates livestock, wild animals, and people

What is the name of the Philistine prostitute who helps to bring about the downfall of Samson?


The people of Israel must keep the terms found in the book of _____________ if they want to live in the Promised Land with God in their midst.


At the beginning of 1 Samuel the inept and incompetent ______ serves as the high priest at Shiloh.


Gideon's story does not end well, because he forms a golden ________ that is ______________ by his family.

Ephod worshiped

Name the first part of plot. This part describes the basic setting of the narrative.


A priest named _________ led the second wave of exiles back to Judah in 458 B.C.


Which two books were originally written as one book?

Ezra and Nehemiah

After refusing to enter the Promised Land, the people of Israel wander in the wilderness for four hundred years


Conflict in narrative is always external.


David builds a great temple for God.


Ezra, the priest leads the first wave of exiles back to Jerusalem.


From Malachi's perspective worship in the new temple is going just fine.


God's covenant with Abraham is bilateral.


Hezekiah and Josiah are considered some of the worst kings of Judah.


In the book of Exodus the people of Israel build God a palace to live in.


Joseph lives his entire adult life as a slave in Egypt.


Nehemiah successfully prevents the people from returning to their old habits of social injustice and religious formalism.


Old Testament poetry is a good source for developing doctrine and propositional truth.


Poetry appeals to reason


Saul dies while battling the giant Goliath.


Taken as a whole you can characterize the book of Joshua as a "bad news" book.


The Babylonians conquer the northern kingdom, Israel, in 586 B.C.


The Mosaic covenant is identical to the Abrahamic covenant.


The Psalms teach us that honesty is not the best policy when it comes to talking to God.


When Joseph is reunited with his brothers he seeks revenge.


When studying narrative, deciding who is a good guy and who is a bag guy is straightforward.


A great ___ reunites Joseph with his brothers in Egypt


The name Abraham literally means what?

Father of a Multitude

While waiting for Moses to come down from Mount Sinai, what idol do the people decide to build?

Golden Calf

The skills required to read which New Testament genre are most applicable to Old Testament narrative?


What are the books of Ezra and Nehemiah about?

How the exiles return to the Promised Land and struggle to rebuild Jerusalem, the temple, and their society.

What figure of speech is defined as a conscious exaggeration for the sake of effect?


In the Old Testament, God frequently makes this three-part formula-like statement: I Will be your God; you will by my people; and ____.

I will be with you.

Which of these statements is not part of the three-part formula that describes God's relationship with Israel?

I will destroy your enemies

What is the reason why a group of people rebel against King Rehoboam?

Increased the forced labor of Israelites

When God reaffirms his covenant with Jacob, he changes Jacob's name to___.


Put in order the sequence of events that lead to the downward spiral of disobedience.

Israel turns away from God to idols God hands Israel over to oppressors Israel suffers under foreign domination God raises up a "judge" to deliver Israel

What did the authors of LGW say was the point of the book of Esther?

It is a story of God's great grace toward those Jews who do not obediently return to the Promised Land.

What is the book of Deuteronomy about?

It presents the terms for a blessed life in the Promised Land with God in their midst.

Which prophet tells the people they will live in exile for 70 years?


Rahab lives inside the walls of which Canaanite city?


The people of Israel must cross the ____ to enter the Promised Land.

Jordan River

In Genesis 12:1-3, as God makes his famous promise to Abraham, what does God tell Abraham to do?

Leave his home and his people and travel to a land God showed to him.

Which book stresses holiness, because when God comes to live in your midst everything in your life will change?


The major emphasis in Zechariah is the coming day of the ________.

Lord and the establishment of God's spectacular kingdom

___ and ___ are the two sons of Joseph.

Manasseh, Ephraim



The prophets are God's spokespersons who deliver God's ___________ to the Israelites.






Type out Dan. 12:2-3

Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.

The____ conveys the meaning of a story to the readers.


The prophet ________ rebukes David for his affair with Bathsheba.


Samson is set apart from birth to be a _________.


God empowers __________ to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem in a short period of time.


The book of __________ is the final book in the Old Testament.


Ruth's son _______ later becomes the grandfather of King David.


______ is the dominant structural characteristic of Old Testament poetry.


Just as in Exodus God parted the Red Sea to deliver the Israelites from slavery, so now in Joshua what does he do to lead them to a new life of blessing in the Promised Land?

Parts the Jordan River

The first five books of the Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) are often called the ____ by Christians, and called the ____ by the Jews.

Pentateuch, Torah



Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi are called ___________ Prophets because they live and preach after the exile.


The ________ give us inspired models of how to talk and sing to God.


Who is the Canaanite prostitute living in Jericho who is saved from destruction?


What two characters are contrasted in Joshua 2-7?

Rahab and Achan

King ______________ was the last king of the united monarch of Israel.


Which plot element immediately follows the climax?


In which book does a mother-in-law play a major role?


Deuteronomy literally means "__________ law.


David's conflict with Goliath highlights the contrast the narrator is drawing between David and _____.


Who is the first king of Israel?


The book of Judges ends with the fitting words, "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they_____.

Saw Fit

At the battle of Jericho, God gives the victory to Joshua in

Seven days

Throughout his book, the prophet Jeremiah has an extended wordplay that focuses on the Hebrew word _______ .


The Prophets make three major indictments or charges against Israel/Judah. Two of these are idolatry and religious ritualism. What is the third indictment?

Social Injustice

What category of parallelism best describes the following lines: (A) The One enthroned in heaven laughs; (B) The LORD scoffs at them.


The ____ is a tent-like temple, where God dwells among the people of Israel.


_________ means that poetry uses a minimum number of words.


Daniel lives through the rule of two different empires. They are:

The Babaylonian and the Persian

Originally the "Minor Prophets" were all placed on one scroll. What was that scroll called?

The Book of the Twelve

What is the book of Judges about?

The downward spiral of disobedience.

Which of the following reasons is a con for using narrative to communicate theological truth?

The meaning can be subtle and ambiguous

Two things that drive the story in the book of Joshua (and indeed, throughout the rest of the OT) are:

The promise to Abraham and the terms of Deuteronomy

Type out Genesis 1:26-28

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground." So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Daniel proves his valiant faithfulness to God when he is:

Thrown into a lion's den

Abrahams's son Issac is born in fulfillment of God's promise.


David concocts a plan that will directly lead to the death of Bathsheba's husband, Uriah.


Hannah is the humble and faithful mother of Samuel.


In the book of Esther, God is not mentioned at all.


In the book of Judges, the people of Israel forsook God and worshipped Baal.


Jacob's older brother is named Esau.


Jesus identifies John the Baptist as the essence of Elijah, which fulfills a prophecy from Malachi


Leviticus structures the daily life of Israel around the categories of clean and unclean.


Meaning in narrative is primarily found in the actions of characters


Moses receives the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai


Psalm 119 is an example of an acrostic.


Saul responds to God's three blessing with three boneheaded mistakes.


The Israelites crossing the Jordan River parallels the New Testament picture of salvation for us.


The destruction of Jerusalem and the exile have eliminated idolatry as a serious problem for the Jews.


The group we normally refer to as the prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc...) came to prominence during the monarchy.


The opening chapters of 1Samuel contrast Hannah and Eli.


The poets of the Old Testament are attempting to communicate literal truth.


The prophet Jonah preaches directly to the Assyrians in Nineveh.


The prophets Daniel and Ezekiel are both part of the population of Judah that is taken into exile in Babylon.


Throughout the book of Judges, the Israelites have spiraled downward morally and theologically.


When the Israelites turn to other gods, God removes His protection and power from them.


Abraham is from ___ which is located in the region of ___.

Ur, Mesopotamia

At the very beginning of this chapter, what was used as an illustration of "covenant" in today's world?

Wedding vows

What two standard story questions does plot answer?

What? and How?

Ben Franklin's famous quote, "Let us all hang together or else we may all hang separately." is an example of which literary device listed below?


___ identifies Abraham and his descendants as people who live under the covenant of God.


The central theme of Leviticus is "Be _________, because I am _________.

holy, holy

As part of the Abrahamic covenant, God promises Abraham seed, blessing, and _____.


Samuel functions as a ____, _______, and ______ in the nation of Israel.

last of the judges, a prophet and priest

____ is a literary form categorized by sequential time action and involving plot, setting, and characters.


The requirements for a Nazarite are

never drink alcoholic beverages never touch a dead animal never cut his hair

Names the four basic promises in the Abrahamic Covenant God gives to Abraham

promise of land, promise of many descendants, a promise of blessings, and Blessing on and through Abraham to the world

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