Bible Chapter 6 Study Guide

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The New Covenant was first revealed to the prophet Jeremiah.


Which of the following is part of the Abrahamic Covenant? A. Abraham's descendants would be given the land of Canaan. B. Abraham's descendants would become a channel of blessing to the world. C. Abraham's male descendants were to be circumcised. D. All the above E. A and B only


Which of these covenants was included in the reading? A. The Abrahamic Covenant B. The Mosaic Covenant C. The Davidic Covenant D. All the above E. A and B only

He is the one who came, embodied the full image of God, continued David's dynasty, brought in a new creation, and fulfilling the redemption of man. Jesus came to restore, renew, and redeem, which fulfills the cores of each covenant and the metanarrative of the Bible.

How is Christ the ultimate fulfillment of each of the covenants mentioned in the chapter?


Circumcision is a sign of obedience required by the Davidic Covenant.

The Biblical account states that because of original sin, we are all tainted. We all have a fallen state we are born into, but it can't be fixed unless it is recognized. Secularists say we are born good, but are tainted by the world and society.

Contrast the biblical account of sin and the fall with Secularism's view.

The verse is actually talking about how God knows where He is taking Israel as they get through captivity, but it is often used in every harsh situation we go through when things don't go our way. We use it to show God's plans for our lives being set when in original context it meant the Israelites.

In what contexts have you encountered Jeremiah 29:10-14, and how is it often misquoted?

The creation covenant was made with Adam to make a whole environment for those made in God's image. The abrahamic covenant was made with Abraham and made a new nation that would bless all others. The mosaic covenant was made with the people of Israel as he set them apart and gave them the missions of reaching the world. The davidic covenant was made with David promising an eternal dynasty.

Summarize the Creation, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic covenants.


The Mosaic Covenant was an unconditional covenant meant to last for all time.

A covenant is other-centered with both parties involved and is an agreement God makes with his creation. There were consequences and blessings that could occur if it was not followed.

What is a covenant in the biblical context?

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