Bible test

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summarize Elihu's two main arguments

- Elihu rebuked Jobs claim of innocence - He believed god was correcting Job

Of what two creatures did God speak? Why do you think he used these two particular creatures to make his point?

- Leviathan -behemoth - because they are big and powerful yet, God is incontrol humans can't control them

What two things did Job vow in his final monologue?

- his words would not be evil - he would remain innocent until his death.

What six avenues did the Teacher test out in his search for fulfillment?

1. wisdom 2. pleasures 3. work 4. advancement/fam 5. riches 6. possessions

What comforting advice did the teacher give his readers?

Be satisfied with what you have enjoy your work as God's gift

what is the conclusion of the matter?

Fear God and keep his commandments

Of what three sins did God pronounce Job's friend guilty?

For not speaking the truth about God, for trying to fit God into their belief system, and for there false accusations against Job

Explain the "orthodox" theology of Job's day on suffering, a theology Job's three friends believed.

God blesses those who obey him God curses those who do wrong

What did the teacher say about God in relationship to these activities

God controls everything and we cant understand what he does (It is beyond our ability)

What did Job's restoration involve?

God gave him twice as much as he had before He allowed him another 140 years of life

How did Job's friends tell Job he needed to do in order to be restored?

He needed to repent of his sins

To what did Job attribute his suffering?

He was convinced of his innocence and he did not blame anyone.

What did Job's situation correspond with the "orthodox" theology of his day?

He was suffering even though he was innocent.

who was Elihu?

He was the younger friend that stayed quiet tell the end

What did Jesus teach in his Sermon on the Mount with regard to "treasures"?


What did the teacher conclude about his understanding of calamity?

It can strike at any time and no one understand how or why?

At what point did God restore Job?

Job had repented for his friends and accepted God's answer

Who might have been the author of Ecclesiastes? What clues suggest this possible

King Solomon - He identifies himself as son of david king of jerusalem

What theme is revealed in the first part of Ecclesiastes?

Life is meaningless

Did God answer Job's questions? what did he do?

No, he said can you do what i can do, he challenged Job, he wanted Job to know who is in control

What did God tell Job to do?

Pray on your friends behalf

Compare satan's beliefs with the beliefs of Job's friends regarding God's blessings.

Satan's: Job only worship or obeys you because of your blessings if you took it away he wouldn't. Job's friends: Your obedience leads to Gods blessing You disobey now you will be punished.

Describe the "greater cosmic battle" that was won through Job's endurance of his suffering?

The battle between satan and God Job never does God

According to Ecclesiastes, how do we get wisdom?

The fear of God

What were the results of his search?

The only satisfaction is God

what did Job's friends do when they heard about his tragedy?

They came to comfort him and sit with him in silence for 7 days.

What did God instruct the three friends to do?

To make sacrifice and to show there repentance

in light of uncertainties and injustice, what did the teacher say about God's purpose?

We don't understand God's ways but we can trust him.

what were the names of job's three friend's?

Zopha, Bildad, and Eliphaz

After 7 days of silence, what did Job do?

cursed the day of his birth

how should we view life's pleasures?

enjoy them as a gift from God?

What do the activities "under Heaven" stand for?

everything on Earth (all human activity)

What will god ultimately do in response to people's chosen lifestyles?

he will bring every action into judgement?

What did Job do in response to God?

he worshiped and repented

List the good things/blessings that Job lost?

his family, His wealth, and his health

How did God approach Job.

in a storm

How did Job react?

kept worshiping God

What outcomes does wisdom produce?

living and acting in obedience to God

What does the word remember mean in the context of this lesson?

make God part of your everyday life

How should we respond to or perform our task?

we are to do our best

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