Bible Test: OT Wisdom Literature 2019

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The main imperative of the wisdom literature is what?


What is one phrase that is commonly repeated in Ecclesiastes? What two things does this phrase remind us of?

"Under the sun" This phrase reminds us of the earthbound life of perplexed human existence. It also reminds us that life under the sun is not all there is.

There are two aspects that go into the making of an effective proverb. What are these two things?

1) They are concrete rather than abstract 2) They are creative within their various genres

In general, the figures of speech in the OT poetic texts can be placed into two major categories. What are they?

1. Figures of speech involving analogy 2. Figures of speech involving substitution

Describe/compare the narratives in the beginning and end of the chiastic structure in Job.

1:1- Job lives a righteous life 1:2- Job's children: 7 sons and 3 daughters 1:3- Job's flocks: 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 donkeys 1:4-5- Parties of Job's family members 1:6-2:10- Job's afflictions 2:11- Job's 3 "comforters" come to console him 2:12-13- Friends are silent 7 days and nights POETIC STUFF 42:7-8- Friends rebuked; 7 bulls and rams 42:9- Jobs 3 "comforters" come to be "comforted" 42:10- Job's afflictions are reversed 42:11- Party of Job's family members 42:12- Job's flocks: 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 yoke of oxen, 1,000 donkeys 42:13-15- Job's children: 7 sons and 3 beautiful daughters 42:16-17- Job dies "old and full of days"

The Psalter is for the most part a book of ________ and _______.

A book of prayer and praise.

Define hyperbole

A conscious exaggeration for the sake of effect

We could say that the book of Ecclesiastes is a contrast between what two things? Define these two things.

A contrast between profit and portion. Profit describes the vanity of human labor, while portion describes the lot which God's grace bestows.

Define irony

A literary device where the writer says the exact opposite of what they actually mean

What is an acrostic?

A poem in which each successive line of poetry starts with the next letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

What type of parallelism is found in Psalm 1:6? ("For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish?)


Describe which type of parallelism is associated with each wisdom book.

Antithetic Parallelism is preferred in Proverbs. Synonymous parallelism is preferred in Job.

According to Proverbs, a wise person is concerned with what three things?

Character, relationships, and words

Essay Question

Connection between Psalm 1 and the Abraham and Lot narratives

Biblical authors convey _______ truth but convey this truth __________.

Convey literal truth but convey this truth figuratively.

The Psalter is a cantata of the Davidic Covenant including which three events?

David's rise and reign, kingdom and fall, and the exile and return

Which of the wisdom books is an intellectual search for meaning in life?


One characteristic of Hebrew poetry is the use of figurative imagery. Explain why figurative imagery is not used as much in Proverbs as it is in Psalms.

Figurative imagery is especially effective when the writer is trying to connect emotionally to the reader. Proverbs is focused more on thinking as opposed to feeling, while Psalms connects on a more emotion level with the reader. Therefore, one would expect to find more figurative language in Psalms than in Proverbs

The wisdom books present a practical theology for doing what?

For living a godly life in a complicated world

Though Probers is more practical than theological, what is highlighted?

God's work as Creator is especially highlighted

What does the Teacher in Ecclesiastes use to show people that they have not, in fact, discovered all the answers? Define this technique. Give an example of where this technique is found.

He uses antiproverbs. These are wisdom sayings which state the opposite of traditional proverbs. Example: Ecclesiastes 1:18- "For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow."

Describe the main difference between Hebrew and English poetry.

Hebrew poetry lacks rhyme and meter that is very common in English poetry

What does the book of Job teach us?

In situations in life where life is inexplicable to us as mere humans, we are forced to rely on faith in the Creator.

What is the overall theme of Psalms?

Instruction in the godly life under the reign of God. This is also the emphasis of Psalms 1 and 2

The book of Song of Songs talks about what?

It deals with the mushy and corny aspects of love as opposed to giving good practical advice

Which wisdom book demonstrates that there are often events in life that humans cannot grasp or understand through the proverbial wisdom?


In Psalms, what things frequently major themes?

Key words

What two categorizations do most Psalms typically fall under?

Lament or Praise

The Psalms call us to do what three things?

Meditate on God's word, to trust and put our faith in Him, and to love Him wholeheartedly.

Are Proverbs absolute promises?

No! As effective as they could be as a guide to success, they could be misleading if viewed as magical sayings which always and automatically bring results.

Do Hebrew wordplays transfer well into English?

No, they often fail to transfer altogether

Is the book of Proverbs full of universals or norms of life?

Norms of life

Hebrew poetry not only speaks to the __________, but also to the __________.

Not only to the intellect, but also the emotion.

What are the three main genres of Proverbs? Give an example of all three.

Numerical: Proverbs 30:15- "There are three things that are never satisfied, four that never say, "Enough!" Comparative: Proverbs 25:24- "Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife" Parabolic: Probers 26:9- "Like a thorn bush in a drunkard's hand is a proverb in the mouth of a fool"

According to Ecclesiastes, true purpose to life is found in what?

Obedience to God

Who is the Teacher/Preacher in Ecclesiastes?

One who gathers a congregation

What is the most distinctive structural element of Hebrew poetry?

Parallelism. Most poetic lines are composed of two to three balanced segments

Define personification, anthropomorphism, and zoomorphism

Personification: attributing human features/characteristics to nonhuman entities Anthropomorphism: representation of God with human features/characteristics Zoomorphism: animal imagery, or imagery relating to inanimate objects, is used to describe God

Describe the poems in the middle of the chiastic structure in Job.

Poetic Speeches by Job, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar Job 28: Poem about wisdom of Yahweh Poetic speeches by Job, Elihu, and Yahweh

The majority of wisdom literature is what genre of writing?


The Psalter was likely put into its final form by who?

Post-exillic temple personel

Which of the wisdom books presents the rational, ordered norms of life?


If we place the wisdom books in order of increasing emotional orientation, and correspondingly, the increasing use of figurative imagery, how would we order them?

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, and Song of Songs

Name the four wisdom books.

Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs

Is Psalms a wisdom book? Are there wisdom Psalms?

Psalms is not a wisdom book, but there are some wisdom Psalms.

What is the Hebrew word for Ecclesiastes? What does this word signify?

Qoheleth. It signifies a congregation.

Give an example of a verse with simile and one with indirect analogy.

Simile example: Psalm 42:1- "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." Indirect analogy example: Psalm 22:13- "Roaring lions tearing their prey, open their mouths wide against me."

Define simile, metaphor, and indirect analogy

Simile: makes an explicit comparison using "like" or "as" Metaphor: Makes a direct comparison without the use of like or as Indirect Analogy: Makes a direct analogy without stating the comparison

Which of the wisdom books celebrates the many aspects of true love?

Song of Songs

What type of parallelism is found in Psalm 1:2? ("But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night")


What type of parallelism is found in Psalm 1:5? ("Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgement, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous")


Which type of parallelism uses a close similarity between lines and words with similar meanings?

Synonymous parallelism

Give an example of each type of parallelism in the Psalms.

Synonymous: Psalm 2:4- "He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord has them in derision." Antithetic (Contrastive): Psalm 1:6- "For the Lord protects the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish." Synthetic (Developmental): Psalm 121:13- "He will not let your foot slip, he who watches over you will not slumber."

What type of parallelism is found in Psalm 1:1? ("Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers")


What type of parallelism is found in Psalm 1:3? ("He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers")


What type of parallelism is found in Psalm 1:4? ("Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away")


In which type of parallelism does the second line develop further the idea of the first?

Synthetic parallelism Also called developmental parallelism

Short answer questions

Talk more on Thursday 1) Proverbs examples 2) The range of meaning of the word "hevel" in Ecclesiastes

What does "terseness" mean?

Terseness means that the poetry purposely uses a minimum number of words in order to impart max impact and max power.

OT Poetry is characterized by three main things. What are these?

Terseness, a high degree of structure, and figurative imagery

Describe the shape of the Psalter. How many sections are there? What does each section end with?

The Psalter is "Torah-Shaped". It's divided into 5 "books". Each "book" concludes with a doxology or song of praise Section 1: Psalm 1-41 (Doxology: Psalm 41:13) Section 2: Psalm 42-72 (Doxology: Psalm 72:18-19) Section 3: Psalm 73-89 (Doxology: Psalm 89:52) Section 4: Psalm 90-106 (Doxology: Psalm 106:48) Section 5: 107-150 (Doxology: Psalm 150)

Describe the literary features of the Psalms.

The Psalter is completely poetry. It is full of images, similes, and metaphors.

Where does the name Psalms come from?

The Septuagint were they originally referred to songs sung with the accompaniment of stringed instruments.

How can wisdom be defined?

The combination of knowledge and character that allows one to live in the real world in a right and godly manner

The theme message of the book of Ecclesiastes centers on what? What verses accurately portray this main theme?

The meaningless of human effort on earth apart from reliance on God. Verses: Ecclesiastes 12:1;13- "Remember your Creator in the Days of your youth...Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of all humanity"

Describe how the second segment of Hebrew Poetry relates to the first segment.

The second segment either echoes (synonymous parallelism), contrasts (antithetic parallelism), or finishes and focuses (synthetic parallelism). These can serve as rough distinctions that can assist the reader.

If wisdom books are not a collection of universal promises, what exactly are they?

They are a collection of valuable insights into godly living. If taken to heart, the reader can develop godly character.

How are Psalm 1 and Psalm 2 connected and significant to the Psalter?

They both give praise to the Lord. They serve as an introduction to the Psalm. They point to God's law and the instruction of the wisdom teachers as well as what God will accomplish through his messiah. They make it clear that those who would find their own voice in the Psalms must fit the description of the blessed person.

Where is Hebrew Poetry found?

Throughout the Tanak. Especially, it's strategically placed throughout the Torah and Former Prophets, the Prophets, and the Writings.

The imperatives of the wisdom literature combine to focus on the overarching purpose of these books. What is this purpose?

To develop character in the reader

What is the prime mission of Proverbs?

To spell out what it means to be fully at God's disposal.

Name 7 other classifications of Psalms besides Lament and Praise. Give one example of each.

Torah- Psalm 1 Royal- Psalm 2 Prophetic (Messianic)- Psalm 22 Salvation- Psalm 30 Penitential (Repentance)- Psalm 51 Thanksgiving- Psalm 100 Imprecatory (Cursing)- Psalm 137

The writer of Ecclesiastes makes the case that what provides the meaning to life?

While wisdom is not bad, only a relationship with God can provide meaning in life

What is personified in the book of Proverbs?

Wisdom as an attribute of God (i.e. Lady Wisdom vs Dame Folly)

What is the key point of the Proverbs?

Wisdom in Proverbs is skill for living. The "teacher" exhorts us to Hear (shame) and fear God

Is it possible that an anthropomorphism can be a simile, metaphor, or indirect analogy?


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