Big Era 9

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China Expands under the Communists

* China takes control of Tibet and southern Mongolia - India welcomes Tibetan refugees fleeing revolt against Chinese - China/India clash over border - fighting stops but tensions remain

Former colonized people created new nations

- India gained independence from Britain in 1947 - Indonesia gained independence from the Dutch in 1949 -Ghana gained independence from Great Britain in 1957 -1965 most former European colonies had become newly created independent nation states

The World in 1945

- Many European economies in shambles -European Colonial empires crumbling -Growing nationalist movements in Africa and Asia - US the major industrial and atomic power

Cold War (1946-1991)

-The Western democracies of Europe and the US are in a state of hostility, but there is no actual fighting. Instead there are mind games, propaganda, and bluffing -Arises primarily out of differences between the US and the USSR about how to deal with post war Europe

Communists take power in China

After WW2 Chinese communists defeat Nationalist forces and two separate Chinas emerge

Non-aligned policy

Aimed to promote solidarity among newly independent states and to prevent the US and the USSR from meddling in their domestic affairs -Nehru (India) and Sukarno (Indonesia) led the meeting

Global Economy

All the financial interactions involving people, businesses, and governments that cross international boundaries


Always being ready to go to war

New Policies and Mao's Response

China, Soviet Union clash over leadership of Communist movement, Strict socialist ideas are moderated, Mao reduces his role in government

Communists Claim a New "Mandate of Heaven"

Chinese Communists organize national government and Communist party

Mao's Little Red Book

Collection of quotations excerpted from Mao Zedong's past speeches and publications, requirement for every Chinese citizen to own, read, and carry at all times during the later half of Mao's rule especially during the Cultural Revolution

"The Great Leap Forward"

Communes-large collective farms often supporting over 25,000 people Program is ended after inefficiency leads to crop failures and famines

Warsaw Pact

Communist team

US tries to contain Soviets

Containment and Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan

The Cultural Revolution

Cultural Revolution- movement to build society of peasants, workers Red guards close schools and execute or imprison many intellectuals 1968- Chinese army imprisons, executes, exiles most Red Guards Many religious buildings such as temples, churches, mosques, and cemeteries were closed down and sometimes looted and destroyed August and September- 1,772 people murdered in Beijing alone. Shanghai in September there were 704 suicides and 534 deaths related to the Cultural Revolution

Civil War resumes in China

Economic problems cause Nationalist soldiers to desert to Communists, Mao's troops take control of China's major cities 1949 People's Republic of China created, Nationalists to Taiwan

World in 1945

Europe is in shambles, empires crumble, nationalist movements, America on top


First communist country in the Western Hemisphere and was almost a station for nuclear weapons


First satellite launched into orbit

Mao and Stalin

Following the consolidation of power, Mao launch the First Five Year plan (1953-1958)- aimed to end Chinese dependence upon agriculture in order to become a world power with the Soviet Union's assistance New industrial plants were built and agriculture production eventually came to where industry was beginning to produce enough capital that China no longer needed the USSR's support

communes during great leap forward

Great Leap Forward planned to develop agriculture and industry. Many believed that both had to grow to allow the other to grow. Industry could only prosper if the work force was well fed, while the agricultural workers needed industry to produce the modern tools needed for modernization. To allow for this, China was reformed into a series of communes. People in communes gave up their ownership of tools, animals etc so that everything was owned by the communes

Yalta Conference: A Postwar Plan

In February 1945, British, American, and Soviet leaders meet at Yalta They agree to divide Germany into zones of occupation when WWII ends, Soviet leader Stalin agrees to allow free elections in Eastern Europe


Increasing global connectedness through rapid communication and transport, rapid intensification of worldwide social relations, swift and free flow of capital, people, and ideas across national borders

How Globalization affects the environment

Jeopardizes and threatens the planet along with Deforestation

United Nations

June 1945, 50 nations form United Nations, an international organization, all members represented in General Assembly; 11 on Security Council, five permanent members have Security Council veto power

Mao Zedong

Leader of the People's Republic of China from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976

Mao's Brand of Marxist Socialism

Mao takes property from landowners and divides it among peasants. Government seizes private companies and plans production increase

Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD)

Military deterrence strategy in which a full scale use of nuclear weapons by one of the opposing powers would result in the destruction of both

Terrorism has ushered in a new global threat

Modern military strategies and weapons are often ineffective against suicide attacks, terrorists communicate and spread their ideologies using cell phones and the internet, terrorist grout's ,ay have cells in many nations

Marshall Plan

Much of Western Europe lay in ruins after WW2, US program of assisting Western European countries, Congress approves plan after communist takeover of Czechoslovakia


Mutual Assured Destruction- the USA and USSR can destroy each other at any time

Eastern Europe's Iron Curtain

Soviets control Eastern European countries after WW2, Stalin installs Communist governments in several countries, Truman urges free elections, Stalin refuses 1946- Stalin says capitalism and communism cannot coexist Germany gets divided, East Germany is communist, West is Democratic

Cold War policies developed

The Soviet Union occupied Eastern Europe and part of Germany - US offers Marshal plan to rebuild Europe and gives 13 billion dollars in aid -US develops a policy of "Containment" of the Soviet Union with military bases around the world - An "Iron Curtain" of tense relations separated the Western allies from the USSR and its allies


The worlds split between the North- rich industrial nations and the South- poor "third world" nations grew wider

Red Guards Role in the Cultural Revolution

Throughout the cultural revolution, the Red Guards traveled through China, going to schools, universities, and institutions, spreading the teachings of Mao, attack the "Four Olds" of society, this is what is believed to be old ideas, cultures, habits, and customs of China at the time, Red Guards in Beijing and everywhere else in China had taken to the streets, made posters, speeches, criticized Party Leaders and some committed violent acts in the name of the Cultural Revolution

The Superpowers React

U.S. supports Nationalist state in Taiwan, called Republic of China Soviets and China agree to help each other in event of attack U.S. tries to stop Soviet expansion and spread of communism in Asia

Differing U.S. and Soviet Goals

US and Soviets split sharply after WWII ends, US is world's richest and most powerful country after WWII, Soviets recovering from high war casualties, many destroyed cities


US plan to stop spread of communism

Truman Doctrine

US supports countries that reject communism, Congress approves Truman's request for aid to Greece, Turkey

Communists vs. Nationalists

WW2 in China Mao Zedong leads Chinese communists against Japanese invaders Jiang Jieshi leads Chinese nationalists in WW2 Nationalist and Communist Chinese resume civil war after WW2 ends

Wealth is distributed

Wealth gap and few people control most of the money


Western Democracies team

Iron Curtain

Winston Churchill's name for the division of Europe

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