Bio 112 Final Review Ch 1-5

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Select all of the following functions of lipids that are essential to living organisms. 1. Comprise the plasma membrane of cells and gives them flexibility 2. Provide comparatively light-weight long term energy storage 3. Comprise vital hormones and chemical signalers 4. Store genetic material 5. Regulate entry and exit of materials from the plasma membrane 6. Provide elasticity, hair strength, and fingernail strength 7. Provide insulation from cold and injury 8. Provide short term boosts of energy 9. Provide a protective and waterproof covering for plants

1, 2, 3, 7, 9

What are the general characteristics of life from this list 1. Organization 2. Consumption of food 3. Growth 4. Harvesting of energy from sun 5. Reproduction 6. Adaptation to the environment 7. Communication 8. Breathing 9. Homeostasis 10. Movement 11. Use of materials and energy 12. Response to stimuli

1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12

Select all of the following that serve to provide examples of the functions of proteins. 1. Lactase is an enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose into usable sugars in stomach 2. Lignin acts to provide structural support in plant cells 3. Amylopectin acts as energy storage in plant cells 4. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas in response to increased blood sugar levels 5. ATP provides chemical energy for cells 6. Keratin makes up hair and nails, providing them with strength 7. Microfilaments within cells are composed of actin and help transport substances 8. Estrogen and testosterone are sex hormones produced in the ovaries and testes 9. Hemoglobin transports oxygen within blood in body

1, 4, 6, 7, 9

Cell Theory principles

1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and organization of all living organisms 3. Cells arise only from previously existing cells

Peroxisomes function and associated proteins orgins

1. Contain enzymes associated with lipid metabolism 2. Free ribosomes within the cytoplasm

Vacuoles function and associated proteins orgins

1. Provide storage 2. Free ribosomes within the cytoplasm

endomembrane organelles such as golgi function and associated proteins orgins

1. Transport, modify and package proteins 2. Rough ER

From the examples below, select the examples of cells or organisms responding to stimuli in order to maintain homeostasis. 1. An animal growing larger 2. A person shivering when their body temperature is low 3. A person getting sick because of infectious bacteria 4. A unicellular organism beating microscopic hairs to escape chemical pollutant in environment 5. Birds migrating when seasons change 6. A cell dying due to chemical poison 7. A plant bending toward light 8. Ants moving within mounds depending on time of day 9. A cell bursting because it takes up too much water 10. Iguanas laying in the sun if body temperature is low

2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10

During one cycle, the sodium-potassium pump binds and moves. -1 Na+ and 2 K+. -2 Na+ and 2 K+. -3 Na+ and 2 K+.. -3 Na+ and 3 K+. -2 Na+ and 3 K+.

3 Na+ and 2 K+

Nucleic acids contain a _________ sugar, a ________ group, and a _______ base.

5-carbon, phosphate, nitrogen

In humans, our blood pH is about ____. If the blood pH drops below this number, ______ occurs and if the blood pH rises above this number, ______ occurs.

7.4, acidosis, alkalosis

Egg whites, which have a pH of ___, have a higher concentration of _____ than root beer, which has a pH of _____.

8, OH-, 6

This type of transport requires both chemical energy in the form of ____ and _____ proteins.

ATP, carrier

Classify the following as descriptive of either acids, bases, or both. 1. Take up H+ 2. When strong, can be caustic enough to eat through metals 3. NaOH is an example of a strong one 4. Dissociate in water 5. Increase OH- 6. HCl is an example of a strong one 7. Commonly associated with milk of magnesia or bicarbonate soda, which decrease stomach acid 8. Increase H+ 9. Found in foods like lemon juice, vinegar, and coffee

Acids: 6, 8, 9 Both: 2, 4 Bases: 1, 3, 5, 7

Classify the following characteristics and examples based on the domain they belong to. (Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya) 1. Include examples as Euglena, a photosynthetic protist; Amanita, a poisonous fungi, Ginko blob, an ancient tree, and humans 2. Unicellular prokaryote thought to be most closely related to Domain Eukarya 3. Unicellular or multicellular organisms that contain a membrane-bounded nucleus 4. Absorb or chemosynthesize food 5. Unicellular prokaryotes that can be found almost anywhere, including soils, water, air, and our bodies 6. Thrive in extreme environments such as thermal vents, sulfur, springs, or acid mines 7. Include examples such as Escherichia coli and Heliobacter pylori 8. Unicellular prokaryote that absorbs, photosynthesizes, or chemosynthesizes food

Archaea: 2, 4, 6 Bacteria: 5, 7, 8 Eukarya: 1, 3

The study of life is called ___________. Because life takes on such a wide array of forms, scientists have devised a hierarchy of levels of biological organization.



C=O-H present in sugars


C=O-OH, present in fatty acids and all amino acids

Classify the following characteristics depending on if they are describing centrioles or cilia and flagella. 1. Often aid in cellular movement 2. Short cylinders of microtubules arranged in 9 sets of triplets 3. Typically exist in pairs at right angles to each other 4. Membrane-bounded 5. Consist of nine pairs of microtubules surrounding two central microtubules 6. Thought to play a role in cell division 7. Function as the major microtubule organizing center 8. Hair-like projections that beat stiffly or undulate

Centrioles: 2, 3, 6, 7 Cilia and Flagella: 1, 4, 5, 8

List the levels of classification with the most inclusive on top

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

_______________ occur when two pairs of ________ are shared between the outer shells of two atoms. Examples include the ______________.

Double covalent bonds, electrons, bond between 2 oxygen atoms

Classify the following characteristics based on which endomembrane organelle it is describing. (ER, Lysosomes, Golgi, All endomembrane organelles) 1. Phospholipid membranes 2. Hydrolytic enzymes 3. Contain proteins that act as molecular addresses or signalers 4. Ribosomes and associated proteins

ER: 4 Lysosomes: 2 Golgi: 3 All: 1

Two common primary structures of proteins are alpha helices and beta sheets. -True -False


Compared to the polar covalent bonds that hold the oxygen and hydrogen atoms together within a molecule of water, the hydrogen bonds that hold multiple water molecules together are much stronger. -True -False

False, Hydrogen bonds are weak attractive forces and are much weaker than polar covalent bonds.

Electrons possess a negative charge. So, within a molecule of water, if more electrons are orbiting the oxygen atom than the two hydrogen atoms, the oxygen atom will have a slightly more positive charge than the hydrogen atoms. -True -False

False, If more electrons are orbiting the oxygen atom than the two hydrogen atoms, it will have a slightly more positive charge than the hydrogen atoms

Classify the following characteristics depending on what type of lipid they describe. Fats and Oils, Phospholipids, Steroids 1. Cholesterol, testosterone, and estrogen are examples 2. Comprised of 2 fatty acid tails and a glycerol phosphate head 3. contain no fatty acids 4. Provide flexibility to the plasma membrane 5. Function as long term energy storage 6. Composed of a carbon skeleton of four fused rings 7. comprised of glycerol and 3 fatty acids 8. Have a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail and make up the plasma membrane

Fats and Oils: 5, 7 Phospholipids: 2, 8 Steroids: 1, 3, 4, 6

The vesicles are moved to the ___________ where they are sorted and packaged.

Golgi apparatus

_________ occur when partially positive ________ attract partially negative atoms nearby. Examples include the ____________________________________________

Hydrogen bonds, hydrogen atoms, attraction between two molecules of water.

Classify the bond(s) within each substance as either hydrogen, covalent, or ionic. 1. NaCl 2. H2 3. 2 strands of DNA 4. MgCl2 5. H2O 6. 2 water molecules 7. CH4

Hydrogen: 3, 6 Polar: 5 Nonpolar: 2, 7 Ionic: 1, 4

For each scenario below, decide if it is describing a theory or a hypothesis and classify it accordingly. 1. A researcher notices that her plant has stopped growing and wonders if it could be because of a lack of sun 2. Accepted explanation for how the world works 3. Plausible explanations for a single natural event 4. A scientist notices that a certain mold is inhibiting bacterial growth and suggests that the mold is producing antibiotic substances 5. Research has demonstrated all living things share a common ancestor 6. Years of evidence have demonstrated that all living things are comprised of cells

Hypothesis: 1, 3, 4 Theory: 2, 5, 6

____________ occur when atoms are held together by an attraction between negatively and positively charged _______. Examples include ________________.

Ionic bonds, ions, NaCl and MgCl₂

Which of the following statements about receptor-mediated endocytosis is TRUE? -It is not specific. -None of these statements is true. -It involves transport of material into the cell through pores in the cell membrane. -It is used to transport material out of the cell. -It involves coated pits.

It involves coated pills

Classify the following examples of carbohydrates depending on whether they describe monosaccharides, disaccharides, or polysaccharides. 1. Cellulose 2. C12H24O12 3. Chitin 4. Fructose 5. C6H12O6 6. Lactose 7. Glycogen 8. Sucrose

Mono: 4, 5 Di: 2, 6, 8 Poly: 1, 3, 7


NH2, present in all amino acids

Which of the following would NOT contribute to the level of organization seen within a protein? -pH -None of these. All of the choices contribute to the level of organization of a protein. -Denaturation of protein -Amino acid sequence -Temperature

None of these. All of the choices contribute to the level of organization of a protein.


OH- present in sugars and all amino acids

List the steps of the scientific method

Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Analysis, Conclusion


P=O-O-OH-OH, present in phospholipids and nucleotides

Classify the following descriptions and examples based on what type of active transport they describe. (Phago, pino, receptor mediated) 1. highly selective and very efficient 2. "cell eating" 3. "cell drinking" 4. Seen when WBC engulf foreign particles 5. Seen in plant root cells 6. Transports small molecules 7. Transports large molecules 8. Transports specific small molecules

Phagocytosis: 2, 4, 7 Pinocytosis: 3, 5, 6 Receptor Mediated: 1, 8

Drag the appropriate descriptions of the subatomic particles into the following boxes. Labels may be used more than once. (Proton, Neutron, Electron) -Electrically neutral -Found in orbitals surrounding the nucleus - -1 - Found in the nucleus - +1

Protons: +1, found in nucleus Neutrons: electrically neutral, found in nucleus Electrons: -1, found in orbitals surrounding the nucleus

Classify the following molecules based on their predicted movement across a semipermeable plasma membrane. (Require proteins or not) 1. polar molecules 2. oxygen gas 3. ions towards areas of higher concentration 4. sugars such as starch 5. carbon dioxide gas 6. non polar molecules 7. lipid soluble molecules 8. amino acids such as tryptophan 9. glycerol

Require membrane proteins to cross the membrane: 1, 3, 4, 8 Can cross without aid of proteins: 2, 5, 6, 7, 9

____________ occur when one pair of ________ is shared between the outer shells of two atoms. Examples include the ___________________.

Single covalent bonds, electrons, bond between 2 hydrogen atoms

How do antibiotics kill bacteria without harming host cells? -They engulf bacteria, much like an artificial immune system. -They interfere with the synthesis of peptidoglycan, a unique portion of the cell membranes of bacteria that is essential for their survival. -Antibiotics bind to bacteria specifically, selecting them for apoptosis. -They don't. Antibiotics kill bacteria, but also do harm to host cells.

They interfere with the synthesis of peptidoglycan, a unique portion of the cell membranes of bacteria that is essential for their survival.

Smallest to largest on periodic table

Top left smallest, increase going across and down, as atomic number increases so does size

The enzymes found in the lysosomes were formed in the endoplasmic reticulum. -True -False


A polar covalent bond can best be described as -a bond where electrons are transferred from one atom to another, resulting in charge imbalance in each atom. -a bond where the electronegativity differences between the atoms within a molecule, resulting in the partially positive atoms of one molecule attracting the partially negative atoms of other molecules. -a bond where electrons are equally shared, resulting in equal numbers of electrons orbiting each atom. -a bond where electrons are unequally shared, resulting in more electrons orbiting certain atoms than others.

a bond where electrons are unequally shared, resulting in more electrons orbiting certain atoms than others.

Once results are analyzed, the findings show that Group A experiences a 20% increase in growth, Group B experiences a 10% increase in growth, and Group C experiences no increase in growth. These results show that the new growth hormone had _____________ on growth and works ________ the old growth hormone.

a positive effect, better than

Some proteins, such as _______ help with muscle contraction and cell movement.


For other substances, such as those moving against concentration gradients, large or polar substances, or some ions, energy is required through a process called _________ transport.


Hydrolysis reaction involves the _______ of water as polymers are broken down into monomers.


ATP, or _______________ provides energy for nerve impulse conduction, muscle contraction, and many other chemical reactions necessary for life.

adenosine triphosphate

When moving through the vessels in plants, _______ also keeps the water attached to the vessels for movement.


This might occur when molecules need to move ______ a concentration gradient, as is the case of thyroid cells where iodine collects in _______ concentrations.

against, large

Some molecules, such as water, _______, and gases, need no assistance crossing the differentially permeable membrane as they are small and ________.

alcohol, uncharged

These proteins are specific for the substances they transport across the plasma membrane and include substances such as sodium ions, ___________, and glucose.

amino acids

A sequence of _________ strung together in a strand forms a ________ structure.

amino acids, primary

Some proteins, including ________, function in defense by preventing antigens from destroying cells.


Water molecules will enter the cell either by diffusing across the plasma membrane, or in some cells, by using special water channels called _____ that allow larger amounts of water to cross the membrane.


Although they provide cells with structure, the fibers of the cytoskeleton __________ and disassemble _______ and result in cells changing shape from one moment to the next.

assemble, rapidly

The basic units of matter are _________; when they combine, they form __________.

atoms, molecules

pH stability in blood is achieved through a built-in ______.


A _____ is a chemical solution that keeps pH within normal limits by absorbing excess _______, or H+, ions and ________, or OH-, ions.

buffer, hydrogen, hydroxide

Facilitated diffusion requires -enzymes. -carbohydrate carriers. -lipid or carbohydrate carriers. -lipid carriers. -carrier proteins.

carrier proteins

Large molecules and some ions require the use of ________ proteins to assist them across plasma membranes during _______ transport.

carrier, active

Substances requiring ________ proteins but no energy expenditure to move with a concentration gradient across a membrane do so through _________.

carrier, facilitated diffusion

Prokaryotes are surrounded by a __________ that contains the _______ to regulate the entry and exit of materials through the cell, the ________ to help maintain cell shape and structure, and the ___________ (when present) to aid in attachment and evasion.

cell envelope, plasma membrane, cell wall, glycocalyx

Various molecules group together to form organelles, which in turn, form ________, the basic units of all living things.


Plants use a polysaccharide called ___________ for structural support. This molecule is comprised of __________ molecules that are alternately flipped for increased support.

cellulose, glucose

Animals and fungi use _______ for structural support. It's found in the ____________ of insects and crustaceans and makes up fungal cell walls.

chitin, exoskeletons

Also, the DNA of mitochondria and chloroplasts is in a ___________, like those of prokaryotes.

circular loop

The ability of water molecules to cling to each other is referred to as _________.


Some proteins, such as _______, function in support and provide structure to ligaments, tendons, and skin.


The smallest parts of these _________ that retain their original properties are called _______.

compounds, molecules

One subset of the group, Group C, receives no growth hormones of any kind. This group is called the _________.

control group

Some prokaryotes, such as _______ are photosynthetic and contain _________ to aid in photosynthesis.

cyanobacteria, thylokoids

In eukaryotic cells, they occur in the _________ singly or in groups called ___________.

cytoplasm, polyribosomes

Embedded within the _________ are small particles called ________ that function in protein synthesis.

cytoplasm, ribosomes

The results of an experiment are called _________ and must be analyzed in order for a _______ to be reached.

data, conclusion

Scientists use ________ reasoning to design an experiment to test their _________.

deductive, hypothesis

These subunits attach themselves together to build biomolecules through _________ reactions.


Polymers composed of monosaccharides are formed through __________ reactions and are called ____________. Specific forms of these polymers serve several different functions.

dehydration, polysaccharides

Combinations of two monomers are called ______________ and include molecules like _________, which are typically _________ and can be metabolized into ________.

disaccharides, maltose, transported, fat

Triple covalent bonds occur when three pairs of _______ are shared between the outer shells of two atoms. Examples include the ______________

electrons, bond between 2 nitrogen atoms

When two or more different ________ bond together, _______ are formed.

elements, compounds

Many of these synthesis and degradation processes are catalyzed by __________.


Proteins serve many diverse functions. Some function as __________, catalyzing metabolic reactions within cells.


When water _______ to become a gas, it _______ large amounts of heat and _______ surrounding temperatures.

evaporates, absorbs, lowers

If the contents of a beaker are hypertonic in relation to the interior of the cell, water will -enter the cell and lysis will occur. -enter the cell and crenation will occur. -exit the cell and lysis will occur. -exit the cell and crenation will occur. -both enter and exit the cell at equal rates so no let loss or gain occurs.

exit the cell and crenation will occur.

The more double bonds within a _________ tail, the ________ the melting temperature.

fatty acid, lower

Proteins that function at these levels are called _______ proteins and _____ is an example of this type of protein.

fibrous, keratin

Some bacteria contain appendages such as _________, which are long whiplike structures that aid in locomotion, or _________, which are small bristle-like fibers that function in attachment, or _______________, which are short tubular structures that aid in the exchange of genetic material.

flagella, fimbriae, conjugation pili

This type of reaction (dehydration reaction) involves the ________ of water as ________ are linked together and _____ built.

formation, monomers, polymers

Investigators want to study the effects of a new growth hormone on mice. To do this, they select a population of mice that are ____________

genetically identical

Known as _______ proteins, they are held in place by strong ________ linkages and include _________.

globular, disulfide, enzymes

One _______ molecule attaches to three ________ molecules to form a ________.

glycerol, fatty acid, triglyceride

Animals use _________ as a way to store glucose. It typically exists in a ___________ and is stored in the liver.

glycogen, branched form

This means that in DNA, cytosine is always paired with _______, and adenine is always paired with _________.

guanine, thymine

Both of these conditions (acidosis and alkalosis) can be _______ to humans.


Some proteins, such as _________, serve to transport molecules such as oxygen within the human body.


An example of this type of structure is _______, which consists of _______ polypeptides bonded together.

hemoglobin, four

These molecules are said to flow down their concentration gradient as they move from an area where their concentration is _____ to an area where their concentration is _____.

high, low

These unstable phosphate bonds have a _______ energy associated with them, so when they break, energy is __________ and _______________ is formed.

high, released, adenosine diphosphate

For example, oxygen (O₂) diffuses from the air sacs into the capillaries of the lungs because there is a ______ concentration of oxygen in the alveoli (air sacs) than the capillaries.


Diffusion is the movement of molecules from regions of _____ concentrations to regions of _______ concentration until _______ is reached.

higher, lower, equilibrium

A state of biological balance, or ____________, is important for the survival of individual cells and __________ alike.

homeostasis, organisms

Some proteins, such as _________, function as chemical messengers and help regulate cell behavior.


This clinging ability is due to the fact that water molecules are held together by _____ bonds.


When ________ ions are added to blood, a reaction occurs to reduce acidity and no significant change in pH is observed as a result.


The secondary structure of a protein is held in place by -covalent bonds. -hydrogen bonds. -peptide bonds. -disulfide linkages.

hydrogen bonds

The weak attractive forces that hold water molecules together are called -nonpolar covalent bonds. -hydrogen bonds. -ionic bonds. -polar covalent bonds.

hydrogen bonds

Once ______ bonds form between every fourth amino acid, the chain begins to twist into the _______ structure known as a(n) ________.

hydrogen, secondary, alpha helix

If the chain instead folds back on itself, allowing the ______ bonds to occur for extended lengths, the _______ structure called a _________ forms.

hydrogen, secondary, beta sheet

Biomolecules are broken down into their subunits through _______ reactions.


The lysosome contains ________ enzymes. -anabolic -photosynthetic -melancholic -alcoholic -hydrolytic


When _________ ions are added to blood, a reaction occurs to reduce basidity and no significant change in pH is observed as a result.


For a plant cell in a ______ solution, the cytoplasm shrinks causing _______ and ______ turgor pressure.

hypertonic, plasmolysis, decreasing

For a plant cell in a __________ solution, vacuoles fill with water, _________ turgor pressure.

hypotonic, increasing

Scientists use _______ reasoning to combine isolated facts into a plausible explanation, or ___________.

inductive, hypothesis

These examples of polysaccharides function well as storage molecules since they are large and ___________ in water, which prevents them from passing through the plasma membrane. But storage is not the only function suited to polysaccharides.


Regulation of the ________ environment of cells and organisms is carried out through ________ and other control __________.

internal, feedback, mechanisms

Two other motor proteins, _______ and dynein, move along microtubules to help with organelle movement.


Water can be a solid, a liquid, or a gas at naturally occuring environmental temperatures. At room temperature and pressure, water is a _______.


Oils, such as canola oil, are ______ at room temperature because they contain primarily ________ fatty acids. These oils are produced mostly in _______.

liquids, unsaturated, plants

For example, water will move from a _______ salt solution to a ____ salt solution when they are across a differentially permeable membrane.

low, high

Ribosomes receive _____ that was transcribed in the nucleus and recruit ________ to form a polypeptide chain.

mRNA, amino acids

Cells involved in this type of transport often have high numbers of _________ in order to facilitate this process.


Because all eukaryotic cells contain __________, it is obvious that they were acquired before __________.

mitochondria, chloroplasts

Some studies hypothesize that first, _________ were acquired when _________ were engulfed by larger cells and became mutually dependent and second, __________ were aquired by the same means.

mitochondria, prokaryotes, chloroplasts

Occasionally, scientists are forced to use a __________ to represent the actual phenomenon, usually because of ethical, financial, or logistical limitations.


This is also why coastal areas experience _________ temperatures in winter and summer.


Simple diffusion is defined as the movement of -water molecules across a membrane. -molecules from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration. -gas or water molecules across a membrane. -molecules from areas of lower concentration to areas of higher concentration. -gas molecules across a membrane.

molecules from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration.

Single monomers are called ____________ and include molecules like glucose, which are typically used for _____________ or to help build the backbone of nucleotides that make up RNA and DNA.

monosaccharides, immediate energy

A __________ that functions alongside actin to allow for cell movement is ________.

motor protein, myosin

Often referred to as the "bones and muscles" of an animal cell, the cytoskeleton functions in _______, such as vesicle transport of materials, and _________, determining a cell's shape.

movement, support

Among _________ organisms, groups of _____ with similar functions make up ________.

multicellular, cells, tissues

It is the _______ charged ______ that give atoms properties that are favorable in forming chemical bonds.

negatively, electrons

All atoms contain _____ charged _______ that orbit around a positively charged nucleus.

negatively, electrons, positively

Once all molecules are evenly distributed, their molecules continue to move about, but there is no _______ of either one in any direction.

net movement

A solution with a(n) ______ pH has a(n) ______ number of H⁺ and OH⁻ ions.

neutral, equal

The _______ bases of one strand exhibit _____________________________ with the bases of other strands.

nitrogen, complementary base pairing

The DNA of a prokaryote is arranged in a single coiled chromosome located in the _________.


ATP is a _______ that is comprised of adenine, ribose, and ________ phosphate molecules.

nucleotide, three

Nucleic acids are made of ____________, each of which contain 3 parts.


Information within the _________ is transcribed into mRNA and transported outside the nuclear envelope.


The scientific method begins with the __________ of a natural event called a ___________

observation, phenomenon

There is ________ times as much OH⁻ in household ammonia as there is in ________

one thousand, egg whites

These ___________ each carry out specific functions within an individual.

organ systems

The diffusion of water across a differentially permeable membrane due to concentration differences is called _________.


In contrast to _______ transport, ______ transport requires energy for molecules to pass through cell membranes.

passive, active

Called _____ transport, these molecules are able to slip between the ______ heads of the phospholipids and pass through the __________ tails of the membrane.

passive, hydrophilic, hydrophobic

What type of bonds link individual amino acids together? -hydrogen bonds -polymerizing bonds -organic bonds -peptide bonds

peptide bonds

Bacteria use ___________ for structural support within their cell walls.


In ________, vessels are used to help move the water throughout from the root to the leaves.


Some prokaryotes carry genes on extrachromosomal pieces of circular DNA called ________.


Carbohydrates exist as either monomers or _________, long chains of monomers bonded together.


Large biomolecules, or ________, are comprised of smaller subunits called ____________.

polymers, monomers

Groups of three or more monomers are called _____________ and include ________ and other molecules typically used for ____________ and structural support.

polysaccharides, starch, short-term storage

The nucleus contains _______ charged _____ and neutrally charged _________.

positively, protons, neutrons

Several factors influence the rate of diffusion and among these factors are temperature, ________, electrical currents, and molecular size. For example, as temperature _______, the rate of diffusion increases.

pressure, increases

The _______ structure of a protein consists of _________ strung together and held by _______ bonds.

primary, amino acids, peptide

Ribosomes are the sites of ____________ in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

protein synthesis

The cytoskeleton is made of three types of ______ fibers: ________________, which serve to support the cell itself, ______________, which serve to support the nucleus and plasma membrane, and ___________, which serve to maintain the shape of the cell and aid in organelle movement.

protein, actin filaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules

Some proteins have a ___________ structure, meaning they consist of two or more polypeptide chains held together by complex interactions between amino acids.


When two or more polypeptides bond together into a working protein, it represents a __________ structure


Like many other organelles, mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own ___________ that produce proteins that are similar in structure to prokaryotes.


Proteins are formed by ___________ that are released into the ____________ where they are further folded and modified.

ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum

Once amino acids begin to form bonds with one another to create helical or sheet-like formations, a _________ structure is formed.


Transport vehicles called _____________ carry the macromolecules to the _________________ where they fuse and release their contents to the outside environment.

secretory vesicles, plasma membrane

Red blood cells put in a hypertonic solution will -not be affected in any way. -be destroyed by hemolysis. -shrivel and become crenated. -form linear edges.

shrivel and become crenated.

Sometimes, when the protein being synthesized begins with a __________, the ribosome binds to the _______ where the protein is further folded and modified.

signal peptide, endoplasmic reticulum

Some additional proof to the endosymbiotic theory includes the similarity in ______ that bacteria have to mitochondria and chloroplasts.


The ________________ in comparison helps produce lipids.

smooth endoplasmic reticulum

The sodium-potassium pump functions to pump -sodium ions into the cell and potassium ions out of the cell. -sodium and potassium ions into the cell. -sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell. -sodium and potassium ions out of the cell. -sodium and potassium ions in both directions across the cell membrane.

sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell.

When water freezes and becomes a _____ (ice), it _________ heat, helping keep environmental temperatures _______ than expected.

solid, releases, higher

Fats, such as lard, are ______ at room temperature because they contain primarily _______ fatty acids. These fats are produced mostly in ______.

solids, saturated, animals

Which shape of prokaryotic cell normally does not exist as one single cell, but is instead found in groups of cells with specific names based on their arrangement? -rod-shaped (bacilli) -spiral (spirochetes) -spherical (coccus)

spherical (coccus)

Plants use ______ as a way to store glucose, either in its ___________ called amylose, or its ____________, called amylopectin.

starch, unbranched form, branched form

Facilitated diffusion is used to transport -sugars and amino acids. -CO2 and H2O. -sugars and H2O. -H2O and O2. -CO2 and O2.

sugars and amino acids

This explains why the process of ________ cools off the body.


Physiological factors such as _________, water levels, and pH must remain within a certain ________ for cells and organisms to remain healthy and functional.

temperature, range

In both directions on the scale, between the whole number value, there is a difference of _____ times the concentration of hydrogen ions or hydroxide ions.


When amino acids bond further, creating a globular shape, this is referred to as a protein's _______ structure.


Proteins form a _______ structure when _________ amino acids orient themselves near their watery surroundings and __________ amino acids fold in and away from their watery surroundings.

tertiary, hydrophilic, hydrophobic

One subset of the group, Group A, receives the newly developed growth hormone. This group is called a _________.

test group

One subset of the group, Group B, receives an already proven growth hormone. This group is called a _________.

test group

Scientists develop a good experimental design that contains both a ______ group in which the experimental variable is altered, and a ________ group in which the experimental variable is not altered.

test, control

Osmosis can best be described as -the diffusion of solutes from areas where the solute concentration is lower to areas where the solute concentration is higher. -the diffusion of water from areas where the water concentration is lower to areas where the water concentration is higher. -the diffusion of gas particles from areas where the water concentration is higher to areas where the water concentration is lower. -the diffusion of water from areas where the water concentration is higher to areas where the water concentration is lower.

the diffusion of water from areas where the water concentration is higher to areas where the water concentration is lower.

Active transport can best be described as -the movement of molecules into a cell through phagocytosis and an invagination of the plasma membrane. -the movement of molecules with their concentration gradient, from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration. -the diffusion of water from areas where water concentration is higher to areas where water concentration is lower. -the movement of molecules against their concentration gradient, from areas of lower concentration to areas of higher concentration.

the movement of molecules against their concentration gradient, from areas of lower concentration to areas of higher concentration

When an egg is fried, what happens to the protein in the egg? -the heat converts the protein into water -because the heat removes water, the hydrophilic amino acids leave the pan -amino acids form new proteins -the protein is denatured

the protein is denatured

Groups of ________ combine to form _________, which work together to form organ systems.

tissues, organs

Most organisms contain vessels that utilize this function of water in order to _______ nutrients and wastes.


They are comprised of ______ subunits that are each composed of protein and ________.

two, rRNA

Some organisms, such as bacteria, are ____________, while others, such as humans, are __________.

unicellular, multicellular

The phosphates in ATP are held together by ________________ bonds.

unstable phosphate

Once these molecules are folded and modified, transport vehicles called _______ pinch off and surround them with membranes to be transported elsewhere.



-SH, present in some amino acids

The pH scale ranges from ___ to ____ and measures the _____ concentration of a solution.

0, 14, H+

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