BIO 168 Chapter 7: Skeletal System

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hole in a bone


prominent projection on a bone

identify the functions of the hyoid bone.

provides a point of attachment for muscles of swallowing, provides a point of attachment for muscles of speech, provides a point of attachment for muscles of the tongue. *the hyoid bone provides an attachment point for some tongue muscles and for important neck muscles that elevate the larynx during speech or swallowing.


Horn-shaped process

what process of the temporal bone extends anteriorly to form part of the zygomatic arch?

zygomatic process

in the human body there are ___ pairs of vertebrochondral ribs


radial tuberosity

insertion of biceps brachii the bony process indicated in the firgure is the radial tuberosity.

axial skeleton from superior to inferior

skull, mandible, hyoid bone, sternum, ribs, vertebral column, sacrum


small rounded projection


small, flattened articular surface

skull bones that are unpaired

sphenoid, occipital, mandible, ethmoid, and frontal bones

what is the function of the braincase or neurocranium?

surround and protect the brain

identify the bones of the skull that are paired bones

temporal bones, maxilla bones, lacrimal bones

frontal bone

the arrow in the figure points to the frontal bone

the bones of the skeleton are divides into

the axial and appendicular portions


general term for a depression

cervical vertebrae


lumbar vertebrae


floating ribs

Ribs 11-12


bone that forms the upper jaw is the ____

cranal cavity

is the hollow part of the skull occupied by the brain. the cranial cavity can be exposed by cutting away the calvaria, ,the upper, domelike portion of the skull.

tuberosity, tuber

knoblike process usually larger than a tubercle

movement is possible due to the action of ___ upon ___.

muscles; bones

the breastbone is also known as the



tuberosity on the proximal fermur

this specific vertebra (fifth) shown in the figure is the ____

(lateral view, cervical vertebra) Answer: axis

the labeled structure that indicated the styloid process of the radius is letter ___.


zygomatic arch

cheek bone

the condyles at the proximal end of the tibia articulate with the ____ bone.

femur * the proximal end of the tibia has flat medial and lateral condyles, which articulate with the condyles of the femur.

lumbar vertebrae

lower back

what are parts of the appendicular skeleton?

pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle, lower limbs, upper limbs

the lateral walls and part of the floor of the cranial cavity are formed by the _____ bones


what bone is indicated by the arrow on the figure?


the weight-bearing bone of the lower leg is the


which of the following bones make up the lower leg?

tibia and fibula


tiny pit or depression

the ____ ribs each have costal cartilage anchoring them to the sternum


canal, meatus


the bones associated with the skull include the hyoid and the ____ ossicles.


the vertebral column includes the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae in addition to the ____ and the ____.

coccyx and sacral.

protection for the eyes and attachment points for muscles that move the eyes is provided by the bones that form the ____ of the skull



constriction between head and body

how many floating ribs are there in a typical human?

2 pairs

how many bones are in the adult skeleton


the typical number of bones in the adult skeleton is

206. the average adult has 206 bones, however the actual number of bones varies between people and decreases with age as bones become fused.

an adult human has ___ pairs of vertebral or true ribs?


how many pairs of ribs are classified as true ribs?


the vertebral column typically consists of:

7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, and 5 lumbar vertebrae. 7, 12, 5

the second cervical vertebra (C2) is also called the ____.

AXIS. *the second cervical vertebra is called the AXIS because a considerable amount of rotation occurs at the axis to produce a "no" motion of the head. The axis has a highly modified process on the superior side of its small body called the dens, or odontoid process. The dens fits into the enlarged vertebral foramen of the atlas, and the atlas rotates around this process.

The visible bump in the lateral surface of the ankle is formed by the LATERAL MALLEOLUS of the fibula, while the ____ ____

Medial malleolus of the tibia forms the visible bump on the medial surface of the ankle

greater tubercle

Name this specific part of the humerus. this bony process indicated in the figure is the greater tubercle.

the bones that form the largest portion of the side of the head are the ___ bone and the ___ bone.

The PARIETAL bone and the squamous part of the TEMPORAL bone form a major portion of the side of the head.

sacroiliac joint

The connection point between the pelvis and the vertebral column. what structure is indicated by the (blue) arrow in the figure?

based on the given landmarks, what type of vertebra is depicted in the figure?


which class of vertebrae have a thick stout body, and blunt square spinous processes?


identify the part of the bone that is indicated in the figure

manubrium "sword handel"

what are parts of the sternum?

manubrium, body, xiphoid process

what are the parts of the sternum?

manubrium, xiphoid process, body

which of the following bones or structures form the ankle joint?

medial malleolus talus lateral malleolus

what bones fuse to form the hip (coxal) bone?

pubis, ilium, ischium

the lateral most metatarsal, proximal to the little toe, is metatarsal:


Atlas (C1)

Name the bone.

Posterior View of Skull

Parietal and Occipital bones, Lambdoid suture, Sutural Bones, External occipital protuberance, Ligamentum nuchae, Nuchal lines

superior view of the skull

Parietal bones, frontal bone, sagittal suture, coronal suture

which bones form the lateral walls and part of the cranial cavity?


You are given a vertebrae to identify. It has articulate facets on both the transverse processes and the body and a long, thin inferior spinous process. What type of vertebrae is it?


the head of the femur articulates the ___ of the os coxa


match the vertebra type with its function

cervical- protect the arteries feeding the brain while allowing rotation thoracic- articulate with ribs and provide muscle attachment sites lumbar- lock together and provide stability and limit rotation

thoracic cage

chest or rib cage; protects thoracic organs and upper abdominal cavity

the features of the female pelvis arise from what major factor?


the slightly s-shaped bone in the upper thorax is the one of the bones of the pectoral girdle is the ____.


appendicular skeleton

clavicle, scapula, humerus, ulna, radius, carpal bones, metacarpal bones, phalanges, hipbone, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsal bones, phalanges


cleft or groove

located at the terminal end of the spinal column is called the


what small triangular bone made up of four or five small fused vertebrae at the very end of the vertebral column?


the medial and lateral ____ are two smooth, rounded joint surfaces at the distal end of the femur.


the largest cavity in the skull that encloses the brain is the ____ cavity


if you were to damage both your hard and soft palate, which of the following activities would you have difficulty performing?

eat and breathe at the same time

if you were to damage your hard and soft palate, which of the following activities would you have difficulty performing?

eat and breathe at the same time

what is large hole that transmits sound waves towards the tympanic membrane called?

external auditory canal transmits sound waves toward the eardrum or tympanic membrane

what structure forms the floor of the nasal cavity and is composed of parts of the palatine and maxillary bones?

hard palate

the external portions of the nose are mostly formed from ____ cartilage.


what bone in the neck does not articulate with any other bone?



identify the bone (vertebrae) show in the figure

Spinous process of vertebra

identify the boney process indicated in the figure

mastoid process

identify the bony process indicated in the figure.

glenoid cavity

identify the cavity indicated in the figure socket in scapular that receives head of humerus refer to figure 7.23 page 198


identify the part of the bone that is indicated in the figure

the opening between the pedicies of two successive vertebrae shown in this figure is the ____ foramen.



main part of bone

what bone is indicated by the arrow?


which bones comprise the jaw?

mandible and maxilla

the part of the bone that is indicated in the figure is the ____ of the sternum


match the anatomical terms with the corresponding bone feature.

neck - constriction between head and body of bone ramus - branch off the body beyond the angle condyle - smooth rounded articular surface of bone facet - small flattened articular surface of bone spine - very high ridge foramen - hole in the bone

the chambers that add resonance to the voice and lighten the anterior portion of the skull are the ___ sinuses.


the large, air filled cavities located within the bones associated with the nasal cavity are the ____ ____.

paranasal sinuses

sacrum forms

posterior wall of pelvic cavity

crest, crista

prominent ridge

what are the functions of the pelvic girdle?

protect internal organs, attach lower limbs, support the weight of the body

The five classes of vertebrae are thoracic, lumbar, coccygeal, _____ and _____.

sacral and cervical

the sacroiliac joint is the articulation between the hip bone and the ____.


what bones form the pelvis?

sacrum right and left coxal bones coccyx

the five sacral vertebrae fuse to form a bone called the ____.

sacrum. a) Anterior view Ala Sacral promontory Anterior sacral formina Transverse lines Coccyx b) Posterior view Vertebral canal (top, center) Median sacral crest (arrow indicated) Articular facet Ala Auricular surface Posterior sacral foramina sacral hiatus coccyx

the anterior crest forms the ____.


what are the components of the thoracic cage? Select all that apply.

sternum thoracic vertebrae ribs

the ____ process of the zygomatic bone forms part of the zygomatic arch.

temporal *the zygomatic process is a part of the temporal bone. the temporal process of the zygomatic bone forms part of the zygomatic arch.

frontal bone

the bone indicated in the figure is the ___ bone.


the bone indicated on the figure is the fibula

tibial tuberosity

the bony bump indicated in the figure is the _____.

the axial skeleton protects:

the brain, spinal cord, and the vital organs housed within the thorax

rib cage

the entire rib cage as seem from an anterior view


the lower, posterior portions of the pelvis

axil skeleton

the skull, vertebral column, ribs and sternum (provides the framework for the trunk and head)

medial epicondyle of femur

the small bony protuberance indicated in the figure is the medial epicondyle

pubic symphysis

the specific name of the joint indicated in the figure is the pubic symphysis


the structure indicated in the figure is the ___. (a fossa called the acetabulum is located on the lateral surface of each hipbone and is the point where the lower limb articulates with the girdle (the hip socket). The articular surface of the acetabulum is crescent-shaped and occupies only the superior and lateral aspects of the fossa. refer to figure 7.29 page 194

body of vertebrae

the thick, disc-shaped anterior portion which is the weight bearing portion

the femur is the only bone of the _____.


the medial bone of the forearm is the ____.


mandibular condyle

Articulation point of the mandible with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone

what is the specific name of vertebra C1?


xiphoid process

Identify the structure in the figure.

which foramen is an opening between the pedicles of two successive vertebrae; they allow passage of the spinal nerves?

Intervertebral The location where two vertebrae meet forms the intervertebral formamina. each intervertebral formen is formed by INTERVERTEBRAL NOTCHES in the pedicles of adjacent vertebrae. These foramina are where spinal nerves exit the spinal cord.

anterior view of the skull

Major structures are frontal bone (forehead), zygomatic bones (cheekbones), maxillae, and mandible. Maxilla and mandible bear teeth. Contain Orbits and Nasal cavities

the dens

Name this specific part of C2. the bony process indicated in the figure is the dens


Raised area on or above a condyle

what are the malleus, incus, and stapes?

auditory ossicles

sinus, labyrinth

cavity in a bone


hook-shaped process

the suture that joins the parietal and temporal bones of the skull is the ____ suture.



the bone indicated on the figure is the ____.


branch off the body beyond the angle

what are the functions of the hard and soft palates?

- separate the nasal cavity from the mouth - allow humans to chew and breathe at the same time *the hard and soft palates separate the nasal cavity from the mouth, enabling humans to chew and breath at the same time

the thoracic cage consists of how many pairs of ribs?


which of the following labeled structures (A-E) are articulation points for the ribs?

A,B,D *refer to table 7.10 page 194

match the labeled structure view of the skull with the correct process.

A- horizontal plate B- pterygold plates C- styloid process D- temporal process E- mastoid process refer to figure 7.12 page 204

match the labels (A-D) with the depicted structures or bones.

A- lambdoid suture B- parietal bone C- sagittal suture D- coronal suture

the vertebral column consists of ____ major curvatures.

Answer: 2 Reason: The adult vertebral column has FOUR major curvatures. 2 of the curves appear during embryonic development (reflect the C-shaped curve of the embryo) When the infant raises its head in the first few months after birth, a secondary cure develops in the neck. (convex anteriorly) Later, when the infant learns to sit and walk, the lumbar portion of the column also becomes convex anteriorly. THUS, in the adult vertebral column the cervical region is convex anteriorly, the thoracic region is concave anteriorly, the lumbar region is convex anteriorly, and the sacral and coccygeal regions together are concave anteriorly. **The spinal curvatures help accommodate our upright posture by aligning our body weight with our pelvis and lower limbs.

thoracic vertebrae


the bony process indicated in the figure is the temporal process of the zygomatic bone.


Choose the correct system for the naming of the metatarsals

The metatarsals are named with Arabic numerals 1 through 5 from medial to lateral.

match the labels on the figure with the correct bone

a - maxilla b - zygomatic c - vomer d - sphenoid e - temporal f - occipital *refer to screenshot*

Separated rib

a dislocation between a rib and its costal cartilage that allows the rib to move, override adjacent ribs, and cause pain. Separation of the 10th rib is the most common.

line, linea

a low ridge or strip of bone for muscle attachment


flat, tongue-shaped process

tarsal bones

ankle bones; allows for movement of the foot which of the bones on the figure are tarsal bones (C and D) refer to figure 7.37 page 198

the laminae and the pedicles of each vertebrae form the vertebral ____.


the structures of the foot are responsible for distributing the weight of the body from the heel and ball of foot during standing and walking are the ____.


occipital condyles

articulate with first cervical vertebra


bend in a bone

The part of the vertebra that is a mass of bone acting as the weight-bearing portion of the vertebra is the

body *the weight-bearing portion of the vertebra is a solid, bony disk called the body,

match the anatomical terms with the corresponding bone feature.

body - main part of the bone head - enlarged often rounded end margin - edge of a bone angle - bend in a bone linea - low ridge crest - prominent ridge

what are the two parts of the mandible?

body and ramus the body which extends both anteriorly and posteriorly and the ramus which extends superiorly from the body toward the temporal bone.

the components of the skeletal system include

bones, cartilage, and ligaments

the three types of vertebrae of the vertebral column from C1-L5 are the ____, ____, and ____ vertebrae.

cervical, lumbar, and thoracic vertebrae.

sphenoid bone

forms part of the base of the skull and parts of the floor and sides of the orbit the purple (pink) bone marked on the figure is the ____ bone.

anatomical terms with the corresponding bone feature

cornu- horn shaped process fossa- depression in bone foeva- small pit in bone ulcus- deep narrow depression trochanter- tuberosity on the proximal femur labyrinth- cavity in a bone

identify the suture indicated in the figure

coronal suture

which skeletal structure is highlighted in the picture?


ethmoid bone

forms part of the posterior portion of the nose, the orbit, and the floor of the cranium

what is the group of bones indicated by the arrows called?


indicate the order of bones from the top of the little finger to the base of the hand on that side.

distal phalanx middle phalanx proximal phalanx metacarpal V

what is the opening where the spinal cord enters the cranium called?

foramen magnum


enlarged, often rounded, end of bone *femoral head

Enternal acoustic meatus

external auditory ossicle

which bones support the teeth, give shape to the face, and provide attachment for facial muscles?

facial *maxilla, zygomatic, palatine, lacrimal, nasal, inferior nasal concha, mandible, and vomer bones. the frontal and ethmoid bones which are a part of the brain case also contribute to the face.

ribs lack independent cartilaginous connections to the sternum are called ____ ribs.

false *true ribs have independent cartilaginous connections to the sternum. false ribs do not. floating ribs are not connected to the sternum.

the bone in the thigh is the ____.


the number of sacral vertebrae that fuse to form the sacrum is _____.


intervertebral disc

identify the structure indicated in the figure. *located between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae, provide additional support and prevent the vertebral bodies from rubbing against each other. they consist of annulus fibrosus and nucleus prulposus. the disc becomes more compressed with age so the distance between vertebrae and therefore overall height of the individual decreases. the annulus fibrosus also becomes weaker with age and more susceptible to herniation. refer to figure 7.15 page 194

false ribs

identify the type of rib indicated in the figure Ribs 8-12

iliac crest

identify the upper margin indicated in the figure

what bones fuse to form the hip (coxal) bones?

illum, ischium, pubis

identify the structure indicated in the figure.

intervertebral disc

which of the following is true for the vertebral arch?

it forms part of the sides of the vertebral foramen it contains two pedicles and two laminae it projects posteriorly from the body

what is the function of the rib cage?

it protects the vital organs or the thorax, it provides sites for muscle attachment, it forms a semi rigid chamber that aides in respiration

identify bones of the skull that are paired bones

lacrimal, maxilla, and temporal

identify bones of the skull that are unpaired

occipital, mandible, ethmoid, sphenoid, frontal

the yes motion or tilting of the head is produced by the movement of the joint between ______ and ______ bones.

occipital; atlas

lateral malleolus

of the fibula, Contributes to ankle joint what is the large process indicated in the figure?

identify the bony process indicated in the figure

olecranon *the larger, posterior process that is the olecranon process can be easily felt and commonly referred to as the elbow.

the bone indicated by the latter A is the ____ bone.


match the description of the structure of the skull with the correct process.

part of the zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch- temporal process part of the temporal bone and the zygomatic arch- zygomatic process sharp process that is part of the temporal bone- styloid process part of maxilla- palatine process part of palatine bone- horizontal plate part of occipital bone- occipital condyle

a large sesamoid bone located within the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle group is called the ____ or kneecap


the left and right coxal bones together with the sacrum form the ____

pelvic girdle.

the pelvis includes all of the bones of the ____ girdle and the ____.

pelvic;coccyx the pelvis includes all of the bones of the pelvic girdle and the coccyx

what are the bones of the upper limb?

phalanges, humerus, radius, ulna

what is the function of the vertebral arch of a vertebra

protect spinal cord protect cauda equina

what are the functions of the bones of the orbit?

protection from physical injury attachment points for the eye muscles the bones that make up the orbits provide both protection for the eyes and attachment points for the muscles that move the eyes.

which of the following features would NOT be found at the distal end of the radius?

radial tuberosity head

which of the following would not be found at the distal end of the radius?

radial tuberosity head

what bones does the head of the ulna articulate with?

radium and carpals

what are the components of the thoracic cage?

ribs, sternum, thoracic vertebrae

each pectoral girdle is composed of a ___ and a ___.

scapula and a clavicle

what is the nasal septum comprised of?

septal cartilage (hyaline cartilage) perpendicular plate of the ethmoid vomer

margin, border

the edge of a bone


the forearm has 2 bones. The ulna (on the medial side of the forearm) is the side with the little finger. The radium (on the lateral side of the forearm) with the thumb. *from proximal to distal* radius: head, neck, radial tuberosity, radius (shaft), styloid process ulna: olecranon process, tochlear notch, coronoid process, radial notch of ulna, ulna (shaft), ulnar notch of radius, head, styloid process

acromion process

the highest portion of the shoulder the bony process indicated in the figure is the acromion process.

radial notch

the indentation on the ulna indicated in the figure is the radial notch

costal cartilage

the part of the thoracic cage indicated in the figure is the costal cartilage.

what bones are part of the pectoral girdles?

the scapulae and clavicles

the three bones that make up the jaw include the paired bones collectively called the _____ and the large, inferiorly located _____.

the three bones that make up the jaw include the paired bones collectively called the MAXILLAE and the large, inferiorly located MANDIBLE. maxillae; mandible *the laws (mandible and maxillae) possess ALVEOLAR processes with sockets for the attachment of teeth.

what are the parts of the appendicular skeleton?

the upper limbs, lower limbs, pectoral girdles, and the pelvic girdle.

temporal process of zygomatic bone

this bony process indicated in the figure is the temporal process of the zygomatic bone.

list the five classes of vertebrae.

thoracic lumbar coccygeal sacral cervical

match the type of rib with its articulation characteristics.

true ribs- articulates with thoracic vertebrae and directly with sternum. false ribs- articulates with thoracic vertebrae, may articulate with costal cartilage but does not directly join with sternum. vertebrochondral ribs- articulates with thoracic vertebrae and the costal cartilage of seventh rib floating ribs- articulates only with thoracic vertebrae and no other bone type.

typically adults have __ pairs of floating ribs



upper jaw

the axial skeleton consists of the bones of the

vertebral column ribs face


very high ridge

which of the facial bones are unpaired?

vomer and mandible

nasal bone

what bone is indicated by the arrow in the figure?

palatine bone

what bone is indicated by the arrow in the figure?


what bone is indicated by the arrow?


what bone is the arrow in the figure pointing to?


what bone is the arrow in the figure pointing to? (highlighted) pubis.


what is the group of bones indicated by the arrows (highlighted) called?

medial condyle (of femur)

what is the joint surface indicated in the figure?

head of the radius

what structure is indicated in the figure?

coronoid process of mandible

what structure is the arrow pointing to on the given figure

lambdoid suture

where the parietal bones meet the occipital bone posteriorly what structure is indicated by the arrow?

the vertebral column consists of ____ cervical vertebrae, ____ thoracic vertebrae, _____ lumbar vertebrae, 1 sacrum and 1 coccygeal bone.

7 cervical 12 thoracic 5 lumbar

the laminae and pedicies of each vertebra form the vertebral ____.


match the labels on the figure with the correct bone.

A - maxilla B - zygomatic C - vomer D - sphenoid E - temporal F - occipital

groove, ulcus

Deep, Narrow Depression in the bone


Depression in the margin of a bone

trochlear notch

Name this specific part of the ulna.

identify the motions produced as a result of the joint between the atlas and the occipital condyles

Yes motion the tilting of the head from side to side

which of the following features are found only in the thoracic vertebrae?

articular facets on body, articular facets located on transverse processes, long inferior spinous process

the skeleton is divided into two parts. the main bones of the _____ skeleton include the skull, vertebral column, auditory ossicles, hyoid bones, and thoracic cage.


the bones of the skeleton are divided into the ____ and ____ portions.

axial and appendicular

number of named bones listed by category

axial skeleton: skull (cranium), braincase (neurocranium): paired (left and right); parietal (2), temporal (2), unpaired (single); frontal (1), sphenoid (1), occipital (1), ethmoid (1) Face (viscerocranium); maxilla (2), zygomatic (2), palatine (2), lacrimal (2), nasal (2), inferior nasal concha (2), mandible (1), vomer (1), total skull bones = 22 total associated bone= 7 (auditory ossicles: malleus, incus, stapes and hyoid) vertebral column: cervical vertebrae (7), thoracic (12), lumbar (5), sacrum (1), coccyx (1) total vertebral column bones= 26 rib (thoracic) cage: ribs (24) and sternum total rib cage bones= 25 total axial skeleton bones=80 appendicular skeleton: pectoral girdle: scapula (2) and clavicle (2) upper limb: humerus (2), ulna (2), radius (2), carpal bones (16), metacarpal bones (10), phalanges (28) total girdle and upper limb bones= 64 pelvic girdle: hipbone (2) lower limb: femur (2), tibia (2), fibula (2), patella (2), tarsal bones (14), metatarsal bones (10), phalanges (28) total girdle and lower limb bones= 62 total appendicular skeleton bones = 126

general structure of a vertebra

body - disk shaped; usually the largest part with flat surfaces directed superiorly and inferiorly; forms the anterior wall of the vertebral foramen; intervertebral disks are located between the bodies vertebral foramen - hole in each vertebra through which the spinal cord passes; adjacent vertebral foramina form the vertebral canal vertebral arch - forms the lateral and posterior walls of the vertebral foramen; possesses several processes and articular surfaces pedicle - foot of the arch with one on each side; forms the lateral walls of the vertebral foramen lamina - posterior part of the arch; forms the posterior wall of the vertebral foramen transverse process - process projecting laterally from the junction of the lamina and pedicile; a site of muscle attachment spinous process - process projecting posteriorly at the point where the two laminae join; a site of muscle attachment; strengthens the vertebral column and allows for movement articular processes - superior and inferior projections containing articular facets where vertebrae articulate with each other; strengthen the vertebral column and allow for movement intervertebral notches - form intervertebral foramina between two adjacent vertebrae through which spinal nerves exit the vertebral canal.

muscles act on ____ to produce movement


Identify the eight facial bones:

maxilla, zygomatic, palatine, lacrimal, nasal, inferior nasal concha, mandible, and vomer bones.

the three bones that make up the jaw include the paired bones collectively called the ____ and the large, inferiorly located ____.

maxillae, mandible


smooth, rounded articular surface

true or false: the rib cage forms a semirigid chamber that can increase and decrease in volume during respiration

true * the rib cage, or thoracic cage, protects the heart and lungs within the thorax and forms a semirigid chamber, which can increase and decrease in volume during respiration.

true or false: the false ribs lack independent cartilaginous connections to the sternumwh

true *true ribs have independent cartilaginous connections to the sternum. false ribs do not have independent cartilaginous connections to the sternum. floating ribs are not connected to the sternum.

match the type of rib with its articulation characteristics

true ribs - articulates with thoracic vertebrae and directly with sternum false ribs - articulates with thoracic vertebrae, may articulate with costal cartilage but does not directly join with sternum vertebrochondral ribs - articulates with thoracic vertebrae and the costal cartilage of the seventh rib floating ribs - articulates only with thoracic vertebrae and no other bone type

match the rib type with its correct description.

true ribs - superior 7 ribs that articulate with the sternum and vertebral column false ribs - inferior 5 pairs of ribs that do not articulate with the sternum floating ribs - rib pairs 11 and 12 that do not articulate with either the costal cartilage or sternum *there are 12 pairs of ribs, either true or false ribs. 7, true, attach directly through their costal cartilages to the sternum. inferior 5 pairs, false, do not attach directly to the sternum. 8th 9th and 10th ribs, vertebrochondral ribs, joined by a common cartilage to the costal cartilage of the 7th rib which is attached to the sternum. 11th and 12th ribs are floating ribs because they do not attach directly to the sternum.

match the type of rib type with its correct description

true ribs - superior seven ribs that articulate with the sternum and vertebral column false ribs - inferior five pairs of ribs that do not articulate with the sternum floating ribs - rib pairs 11 and 12 that do nor articulate with either the costal cartilage or sternum

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