BIO 211 EXAM 3

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2. Which animal must eat a larger proportion of its weight in food each day: a house cat or an African lion caged in a zoo? explain

a house cat

5. In which of the following species should natural selection favor the highest proportion of juxtamedullary nephrons? (A) a river otter (B) a mouse species living in a temperate broadleaf forest (C) a mouse species living in a desert (D) a beaver

a mouse species living in the desert

1. Fat digestion yields fatty acids and glycerol. Protein digestion yields amino acids. Both digestive processes (A) occur inside cells in most animals. (B) add a water molecule to break bonds. (C) require a low pH resulting from HCl production. (D) consume ATP.

add a water molecule to break bonds

explain how people can become obese even if their intake of dietary fat is relatively low compared with carbohydrate intake.

all excess calories are stored as fat

2. A drop in blood ph causes an increase in heart rate. What is the function of this control mechanism?

allow for more O2 to be picked up by hemoglobin within the blood.

7. The relationship between the insect hormones ecdysteroid and PTTH is an example of (A) an interaction of the endocrine and nervous systems. (B) homeostasis achieved by positive feedback. (C) homeostasis maintained by antagonistic hormones. (D) competitive inhibition of a hormone receptor.

an interaction of the endocrine and nervous systems

2. in what sense are nutrients from a recently ingested meal not really "inside" your body prior to the absorption stage of food processing?

because it stays within the alimentary canal and doesn't come in contact with cells within the body

3. Growth factors are local regulators that (A) are produced by the anterior pituitary. (B) are modified fatty acids that stimulate bone and cartilage growth. (C) are found on the surface of cancer cells and stimulate abnormal cell division. (D) bind to cell-surface receptors and stimulate growth and development of target cells.

bind to cell-surface receptors and stimulate growth and development of target cells

1. explain why blood has a higher O2 concentration in the pulmonary veins than in the venae cavae, which are also veins.

blood that flows through the pulmonary vein came from venules that led from capillaries from the lungs, which supplied O2 to the blood.

1. What is the primary cause of the low velocity of blood flow in capillaries?

capillaries have a large cross-sectional area

2. Why could it be dangerous to drink a very large amount of water in a short period of time?

causes very low electrolyte concentrations in the body, which can cause respiratory distress.

1. the movement of salt from the surrounding water to the blood of a freshwater fish requires the expenditure of energy in the form of Atp. Why?

concentration of salt is moving against the concentration gradient (low to high)

2. Which of the following would increase the rate of heat exchange between an animal and its environment? (A) feathers or fur (B) vasoconstriction (C) wind blowing across the body surface (D) countercurrent heat exchanger

countercurrent heat exchange/ wind blowing across body surface

7. Which of the following animals uses the largest percentage of its energy budget for homeostatic regulation? (A) marine jelly (an invertebrate) (B) snake in a temperate forest (C) desert insect (D) desert bird

desert bird

1. What determines whether O2 and cO2 undergo net diffusion into or out of capillaries? explain.

differences in partial pressures of CO2 and O2

4. The high osmolarity of the renal medulla is maintained by all of the following except (A) active transport of salt from the upper region of the ascending limb. (B) the spatial arrangement of juxtamedullary nephrons. (C) diffusion of urea from the collecting duct. (D) diffusion of salt from the descending limb of the loop of Henle.

diffusion of salt from the descending limb of the loop of Henle

3. Consider the energy budgets for a human, an elephant, a penguin, a mouse, and a snake. The __________ would have the highest total annual energy expenditure, and the __________ would have the highest energy expenditure per unit mass. (A) elephant; mouse (B) elephant; human (C) mouse; snake (D) penguin; mouse

elephant; mouse

2. What type of gland would you expect to secrete pheromones? explain.

exocrine glands, because they are excreted into the environment

6. After surgical removal of the gallbladder, a person might need to limit his or her dietary intake of (A) starch. (B) protein. (C) sugar. (D) fat.


2. Which process in the nephron is least selective? (A) filtration (B) reabsorption (C) active transport (D) secretion


1. What do the number and length of nephrons in a fish's kidney indicate about the fish's habitat? how do they correlate with urine production?

freshwater--> many nephrons and high urine production marine--> few nephrons and low urine production

1. Distinguish the overall structure of a gastrovascular cavity from that of an alimentary canal.

gastrovascular cavity has one opening, functions in ingestion and exchange . alimentary canal has two openings, and fuctions in digestion

2. Where and how does filtrate originate in the vertebrate kidney, and by what two routes do the components of the filtrate exit the kidney?

glomerus filters blood in renal artery in Bowman's capsule, leaves filtrate. some filtrate goes back into renal vein, most leaves through the ureter

3. Pulse is a direct measure of (A) blood pressure. (B) stroke volume. (C) cardiac output. (D) heart rate.

heart rate

1. how is the flow of hemolymph through an open circulatory system similar to the flow of water through an outdoor fountain?

hemolymph is pumped through a vessel and then returns to the pump after collecting in excess

2. clots in arteries can cause heart attacks and strokes. Why, then, does it make sense to treat people with hemophilia by introducing clotting factors into their blood?

hemophilia is inability for blood to clot. adding clotting factors would prevent extreme blood loss from a minor wound.

1. explain why a physician might order a white cell count for a patient with symptoms of an infection.

high white blood cell count in the body would indicate that the body is fighting foreign pathogens

7. Compared with the interstitial fluid that bathes active muscle cells, blood reaching these cells in arterioles has a (A) higher PO2. (B) higher PCO2. (C) greater bicarbonate concentration. (D) lower pH.

higher pO2

1. Which of the following is not an accurate statement? (A) Hormones are chemical messengers that travel to target cells through the circulatory system. (B) Hormones often regulate homeostasis through antagonistic functions. (C) Hormones of the same chemical class usually have the same function. (D) Hormones are often regulated through feedback loops

hormones of the same chemical class usually have the same function

6. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for hypothyroidism in a patient whose iodine level is normal? (A) greater production of T3 than of T4 (B) hyposecretion of TSH (C) hypersecretion of MSH (D) a decrease in the thyroid secretion of calcitonin

hyposecretion of TSH

5. An animal's inputs of energy and materials would exceed its outputs (A) if the animal is an endotherm, which must always take in more energy because of its high metabolic rate. (B) if it is actively foraging for food. (C) if it is growing and increasing its mass. (D) never; due to homeostasis, these energy and material budgets always balance.

if it is growing and increasing its mass

2. thinking about our nutritional needs and feeding behavior, propose an evolutionary explanation for why amylase, unlike other digestive enzymes, is secreted into the mouth.

it can recognize foods that provide a ready source of energy

2. Many medications make the epithelium of the collecting duct less permeable to water. how would taking such a medication affect kidney output?

kidneys would uptake less water, so more water would be lost through urine

3. Which of the following organs is incorrectly paired with its function? (A) stomach—protein digestion (B) large intestine—bile production (C) small intestine—nutrient absorption (D) pancreas—enzyme production

large intestine--bile production

2. Blood returning to the mammalian heart in a pulmonary vein drains first into the (A) left atrium. (B) right atrium. (C) left ventricle. (D) right ventricle.

left atrium

What are two advantages of a longer alimentary canal for processing plant material that is difficult to digest?

longer time to process allows for more of the nutrients from plants to be extracted, higher SA allows fpr greater absorption.

considering how enzymes function (see concept 8.4), explain why vitamins are required in very small amounts.

many vitamins are used as enzyme cofactors, which are not used up in the process.

3. Which of the following animals generally has the lowest volume of urine production? (A) vampire bat (B) salmon in fresh water (C) marine bony fish (D) freshwater flatworm

marine bony fish

1. What advantage does uric acid offer as a nitrogenous waste in arid environments?

minimal water loss, because is a water insoluble waste

2. Flowers differ in how much sunlight they absorb. Why might this matter to a hummingbird seeking nectar on a cool morning?

more sunlight means more photosynthesis which means more nectar.

1. An animal requires 20 amino acids to make proteins. Why aren't all 20 essential to animal diets?

most of the 20 amino acids are synthesized within the body.

7. If you were to jog 1 km a few hours after lunch, which stored fuel would you probably tap? (A) muscle proteins (B) muscle and liver glycogen (C) fat in the liver (D) fat in adipose tissue

muscle and liver glycogen

4. Which of the following is not a major activity of the stomach? (A) storage (B) HCl production (C) nutrient absorption (D) enzyme secretion

nutrient absorption

5. If you put the following events in the order they occur in the human digestive system, the third event in the series would be (A) Cells in gastric pits secrete protons. (B) Pepsin activates pepsinogen. (C) HCl activates pepsinogen. (D) Partially digested food enters the small intestine.

pepsin activates pepsinogen

2. The mammalian trachea and esophagus both connect to the (A) pharynx. (B) stomach. (C) large intestine. (D) rectum.


how does alcohol affect regulation of water balance in the body?

prevents the release of ADH, and more water would be lost through the urine. higher chance of dehydration

explain why a proton pump inhibitor, such as the drug prilosec, can relieve the symptoms of acid reflux.

proton pump inhibitor decreases acidity of chyme, chyme becomes less of an irritant when entering esophagus during reflux.

. What features of a mammal's digestive system make it an attractive habitat for mutualistic microorganisms?

provides a steady source of nutrients for the microorganisms and constant temperatures due to optimal enzyme activity.

1. Unlike an earthworm's metanephridia, a mammalian nephron (A) is intimately associated with a capillary network. (B) functions in both osmoregulation and excretion. (C) receives filtrate from blood instead of coelomic fluid. (D) has a transport epithelium.

receives filtrate from blood instead of coelomic fluid

2. What short-term changes in an animal's cardiovascular function might facilitate using skeletal muscles to escape from a dangerous situation

reducing blood flow to other areas to the body and increasing flow to the skeletal muscles

2. The hypothalamus (A) synthesizes all of the hormones produced by the pituitary gland. (B) influences the function of only one lobe of the pituitary gland. (C) produces only inhibitory hormones. (D) regulates both reproduction and body temperature.

regulates both reproduction and body temperature.

4. When you hold your breath, which of the following blood gas changes first leads to the urge to breathe? (A) rising O2 (B) falling O2 (C) rising CO2 (D) falling CO2

rising CO2

6. African lungfish, which are often found in small stagnant pools of fresh water, produce urea as a nitrogenous waste. What is the advantage of this adaptation? (A) Urea takes less energy to synthesize than ammonia. (B) Small stagnant pools do not provide enough water to dilute ammonia, which is toxic. (C) Urea forms an insoluble precipitate. (D) Urea makes lungfish tissue hypoosmotic to the pool.

small stagnant pools do not provide enough eater to dilute ammonia, which is toxic

5. One feature that amphibians and humans have in common is (A) the number of heart chambers. (B) a complete separation of circuits for circulation. (C) the number of circuits for circulation. (D) a low blood pressure in the systemic circuit.

the number of circuits for circulation

6. If a molecule of CO2 released into the blood in your left toe is exhaled from your nose, it must pass through all of the following except (A) the pulmonary vein. (B) the trachea. (C) the right atrium. (D) the right ventricle.

the pulmonary vein

If a mouse and a small lizard of the same mass (both at rest) were placed in experimental chambers under identical environmental conditions, which animal would consume oxygen at a higher rate? explain

the small lizard

1. Which of the following respiratory systems is not closely associated with a blood supply? (A) the lungs of a vertebrate (B) the gills of a fish (C) the tracheal system of an insect (D) the skin of an earthworm

the tracheal system of an insect

Why aren't any freshwater animals osmoconformers?

their body fluids would be too dliute to carry out life processes

5. What do steroid and peptide hormones typically have in common? (A) their solubility in cell membranes (B) their requirement for travel through the bloodstream (C) the location of their receptors (D) their reliance on signal transduction in the cel

their requirement for travel through the bloodstream

Why is an internal location for gas exchange tissues advantageous for terrestrial animals?

they are able to live in drier climates, so ability for lungs to be moist is very beneficial.

2. After a heavy rain, earthworms come to the surface. how would you explain this behavior in terms of an earthworm's requirements for gas exchange?

they need air to diffuse into their bodies in addition to their bodies maintaining moisture

2. Why is it important that the Av node delay the electrical impulse moving from the SA node and the atria to the ventricles?

this allows the atria to contract fully so that the ventricles can fill fully.

4. Which hormone is incorrectly paired with its action? (A) oxytocin—stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth (B) thyroxine—inhibits metabolic processes (C) ACTH—stimulates the release of glucocorticoids by the adrenal cortex (D) melatonin—affects biological rhythms and seasonal reproduction

thyroxine--glucocorticoids by the adrenal cortex

1. how do response mechanisms in target cells differ for water-soluble and lipid-soluble hormones?

water soluble hormones have to enter the cell through receptor proteins in the cell membrane. lipid soluble can enter into the cell through the cell membrane go to receptor protein

2. three-chambered hearts with incomplete septa were once viewed as being less adapted to circulatory function than mammalian hearts. What advantage of such hearts did this viewpoint overlook?

when the animal is in water, they have the ability to completely shut off blood flow to the lungs.

6. You are studying a large tropical reptile that has a high and relatively stable body temperature. How do you determine whether this animal is an endotherm or an ectotherm? (A) You know from its high and stable body temperature that it must be an endotherm. (B) You subject this reptile to various temperatures in the lab and find that its body temperature and metabolic rate change with the ambient temperature. You conclude that it is an ectotherm. (C) You note that its environment has a high and stable temperature. Because its body temperature matches the environmental temperature, you conclude that it is an ectotherm. (D) You measure the metabolic rate of the reptile, and because it is higher than that of a related species that lives in temperate forests, you conclude that this reptile is an endotherm and its relative is an ectotherm.

you subject this reptile to various temperatures in the lab and find that its body temperature and metabolic rate change with the ambient temperature. You conclude that it is an ectotherm.

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