BIO 222 Digestive System HW (Ch. 24/25)

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during the cephalic phase of gastric secretion...

CNS sensory or cognitive activation increases neural stimulation of the stomach

the mesocolon is...

a mesentery associated with a portion of the large intestine

the functions of the oral cavity include all of the following except...

absorption of monosaccharides

a drug that blocks the action of the hormone cholecystokinin would affect all of the following except...

absorption of water in the large intestines

Which of the following is not a digestive enzyme?


the fusion of the common hepatic duct and the cystic duct forms the...

bile duct

the duodenal ampulla receives secretions from the...

bile duct and the pancreatic duct

the end products of aerobic respiration are...

carbon dioxide, water, ATP

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term cholecystokinin (CCK)?

causes gallbladder to contract

the lipoproteins that carry absorbed lipids from the intestinal tract to the bloodstream are...


a feature of the digestive tract wall that increases surface area available for absorption is the...

circular folds

Oxygen is an important molecule in which of the following?

citric acid cycle and ETC

a disease that attacks and disables the myenteric plexus would...

decrease intestinal motility

within the oral cavity, both mechanical and chemical _____ begin


put the following layers of the digestive tract wall in order from the lumen to the deepest layer

digestive (mucous) epithelium, lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa

submucosal glands that secrete mucus are characteristic of the...


most of the ATP from metabolism is produced in the...

electron transport chain

absorption of glucose from the gut lumen depends on all of the following except...

emulsification forming small micelles

Which is not a reason the stomach is acidic?

emulsification of lipids

an intestinal hormone that stimulates mucin production by the submucosal duodenal glands is...


the structure that marks the division between the right and left lobes of the liver is the...

falciform ligament

blockage of the common hepatic duct would interfere with digestion of...


Which of the following is not a function of the digestive system?


during the citric acid cycle, both NAD and FAD _____ a hydrogen atom and become _______

gain; reduced

the middle segment of the small intestine is the...


the villi are most developed in the...


Which organ is responsible for dehydration and compaction of indigestible materials?

large intestine

carbohydrate digestion begins in the...


in oxidative phosphorylation, energy for the synthesis of ATP is directly obtained from the...

movement of hydrogen ions through channels in the inner mitochondrial membrane

the gastroileal reflex...

moves some chyme to the colon

the _____ gland empties into the oral cavity at the level of the second upper molar


functions of the tongue include all of the following except...

partitioning the oropharynx from the nasopharynx

chief cells secrete...


the enzyme amylase digests...


all of the following are true of the intestinal phase of gastric digestion except that it...

precedes the gastric phase

Which of the following is true regarding digestion and absorption in the stomach?

protein digestion begins in the stomach

the region of the stomach that empties into the duodenum is the....

pyloric part

functions of the large intestine include...

reabsorption of water and compaction of feces

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term submucosal plexus?

sensory neural network

Which of the following descriptions best matches the term gastrin?

stimulates gastric secretion

chemical protein digestion begins in the...


place the following structures in order as food passes into them

stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum

Which salivary gland produces a mucous rich secretion that acts as a buffer and lubricant?


the stomach is different from other digestive organs in that it...

has three layers of muscle in the muscularis externa

____ are arranged within a lobule of the liver into a series of irregular plates converging toward a central vein


the essential functions of the liver include all of the following except...

hormonal regulation

Which is not part of the large intestine?


the teniae coli are...

longitudinal bands of smooth muscle in the colon wall

the esophagus has several variations from the standard plan of the GI tract; these include...

muscularis externa has some skeletal muscle

Which of the following is an accessory organ of digestion?


the exocrine portion of the pancreas is composed of...

pancreatic acini

the defecation reflex involves...

relaxation of both the internal and external anal sphincters

in response to the hormone secretin, the pancreas secretes a fluid...

rich in bicarbonate ion

Which is not true of pancreatic enzymes?

their primary site of action is the pancreas

at the hepatic flexure, the colon becomes the...

transverse colon

impaired fat absorption in the intestine would interfere with the absorption of...

vitamin A

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