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During muscle contraction, which of these processes requires ATP

- Transport of Ca+ ions intothe sarcoplasmic reticulum - Release of cross- bridges - Formation of cross-bridges

A person suffering from sarin (nerve gas that inhibits ach esterase activity) exposure is given atropine to counteract the effects. Why?

Atropine blocks the ach receptor and that blocks the effect of the excess ach lingering in the synaptic cleft.

OH Ions


Which of the following is best example of an agonist?

A drug that increases the activity of dopamine receptors to be inserted into the membrane of the cell.

Saturation occurs when:

A group of carrier proteins is operating at its maximum rate.

one of the reasons corpses usually exhibit rigor mortis is because

ATP is required for myosin heads to detach from actin.

Which of the following signals would be acting as an agonist of the receptor?

Albuterol is given to an asthma patient where it binds with beta-adrenergic receptors in the smooth muscle of the bronchioles, making it easier to breathe

Which of the following statements concerning the preganglionic neurons of the ANS is true?

All parasympathetic preganglionic neurons secrete ach

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A low numerical pH value is associated with a high concentration of H+ (or low OH-) and a high pH value with a low concentration of H+ (or high OH-). Which statement about pH is correct?

An acidic solution has a low pH and high concentration of H+.

Which statement is correct about ligands?

An agonist binds with the same receptor as the primary ligand but invokes the same or an increased cellular response.

Which statement correctly describes negative feedback?

Cortisol secreted from the adrenal cortex binds with glucocorticoid receptors in the hypothalamus, decreasing secretion of CRH.

The sympathetic dividsion

Generally opposes the actions of the parasympathetic division.

An intergrating center

Evaluates incoming signals and compares them with the setpoint.

Which pattern of hormone secretion would be found in a patient with a tumor in the adrenal cortex, assuming the tumor over produces its product?

High cortisol, but low levels of CRH and ACTH

Review the section of your Metabolism and ATP Production notes about anabolic and catabolic reactions and answer the following questions. Which of the following statements is true?

In the fasted state, glycogen is converted to glucose by the process of glycogenolysis.

To bind with its receptor, _____, cortisol must first pass through____ after it leaves the blood.

In the nucleus; interstitial fluid.

an agonist of cholinergic receptors applied to the heart would most directly:

Decrease heart rate

a drug that is an antagonist of ligand-gated ca+ channels on smooth muscle would:

Decrease peristalsis in the large intestine

A general term describing the movement of solutes FOLLOWING their concentration gradient


Vasodilation occurs:

During increases levels of nitric oxide in the genital vasculature.

Which is the correct statement about lactic acid?

Lactic acid is formed from pyruvate when oxygen is in short supply

Oxygen in a working muscle cell is always at a _____ concentration on the inside compared to the outside because____.

Lower; it is combined with hydrogen ions and electrons to make water.

the repolarization phase of the action potentials in the graphs shown:

Potassium efflux both action potentials

ATP is hydrolyzed by the same protein that moves a solute against its gradient

Primary active transport

Which of the following statements best describes substrate phosphorylation (SP)?

SP occurs in all cells during glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. During SP, a kinase enzyme removes a phosphate from a molecule and adds it to ADP. Cytochrome oxidase is an enzyme in the electron transport chain.

Glucose enters absorptive cells this way

Secondary active transport

Which is the correct description of the pathway leading to the secretion of cortisol?

Secretion of CRH from the hypothalamus leads to secretion of ACTH from the anterior pituitary which leads to secretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex.

Cyanide inhibits one of the proteins in the electron transport chain. It would affect cellular respiration by:

Inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation

Cyanide would affect cellular respiration by:

Inhibiting oxidative phosphorylation

a target cell's response to a hormone is the activation of an enzyme. Choose the hormone most likely to cause this response.


Which is the correct sequence of movement for a molecule of carbon dioxide produced by a cell?

Intracellular fluid to interstitial fluid to plasma.

Parvalbumin is a protein that binds calcium, removing it from the cytosol, in certain types of skeletal muscle, especially in birds or insects with high wing best frequencies. Which is the best explanation of how this protein affects twitch speed?

It allows muscle to relax more quickly

"Endocrine glands and hormone targets notes" to answer this question. Which of the following statements is true?

To bind with its receptor on the plasma membrane, insulin must first pass through interstitial fluid after it leaves the blood.

Action Potentials and Graded Potentials

Touch smell

the sense of a "full stomach" is being relayed to the brain through the visceral afferent neurons of the PNS


Graded Potential

Taste Hearing Vision

toxin that acts as an agonist of ligand gated Na+ channels

Tetanic paralysis

If you hold your breath for an extended period of time, how will the equilibrium of the above reaction shift, and what will happen to your plasma pH?

The reaction will shift to the right, and pH will decrease.


monosodium glutamate

beta receptors

dilation (sympathetic system)

If voltage gated K channels stay open for an abnormally long time period, what will happen to the resting membrane potential of a neuron?

more negative; hyperpolarization--> K goes out because voltage gate is open longer which allows diffusion to keep going.

which of these process does NOT require binding of a ligand to a protein?

movement of oxygen into cells

The binding of cortisol with a glucocorticoid receptor on the hypothalamus, reducing the secretion of corticotropin releasing hormone is an example of this process.

negative feedback

The receptors of the neuromuscular junction and in the ganglia of sympathethic system are:

nicotinic cholinergic receptors

identify the factor increases peripheral resistance

elevated levels of EPI at alpha adrenergic receptors

Diffusion of water through an aquaporin


An agonist of ach-gated sodium channels on skeletal muscle is likely to:

causes increased contraction of the diaphragm.

Neurotransmitters are released from axon terminals by ____ and act as ___ signals when they diffuse across the synapse to bind to their receptor proteins.

exocytosis; paracrine

Water moves into cells by osmosis (diffusion of water), which means it moves:

from high to low water concentration, which corresponds to low to high solute concentration.

Cortisol binds with this receptor

glucocorticoid receptor

in a starving individual, ___, occuring in the ____ would likely be occuring.

gluconeogenesis; liver


alpha/ constriction

The normal action of EPI/NE is to increase heart rate. Propranalol is a drug that slows heart rate by binding to beta-adrenergic receptors. This type of drug is an______ of the receptor


This type of control is how EPI/NE and ACh control heart rate

antagonistic control

This hormone is released from the posterior pituitary gland and causes conservation of water

antidiuretic hormone

This type of signal influences the same cell that released it

autocrine signal

This type of signal travels through the blood to reach its target cell


This type of signal diffuses through some interstitial fluid before binding with its receptor

paracrine signal

Flupiritine is a potassium channel opener used to treat pain. It would cause neural membranes to:


binding of EPI at this receptor can cause blood flow to increase/ decrease

increase= beta (blood volume) decrease= alpha (blood volume)

A non-steroid hormone might cause one of these to open

ion channel

This gland releases oxyticin and antidiuretic hormone

posterior pituitary

intracellular fluid contains much more____, but much less____ compared to interstitial fluid.

potassium; sodium

Insulin is the _____________ of the insulin receptor

primary ligand

Choose the hormone category most likely to increase the amount of cAMP in its target cells.




Hydrogen Ions


This type of signal diffuses through the plasma membrane and activates gene expression


This type of control is how EPI/NE control blood vessel diameter

tonic control

Regarding gene expression, the process of ______ produces mRNA, and occurs in the ______ of cells

transcription; nucleus

When Ca+ ion concentration in the sarcoplasm is low the

troponin- tropomyosin complex slides back over the myosin binding sites

the first thing that happens in the excitation-contraction coupling of smooth muscle is:

Ca+ binds with calmodulin.

____ is a widely used antagonist of adenosine receptors in the brain.


which event does NOT take place at the neuromuscular junction following stimulation?

Calcium is secreted to the synaptic cleft.

Three of the following are characteristics of steroids, and one is not. Which trait does NOT describe a steroid?

Can only bind with a membrane-bound receptor

alpha-bungarotoxin from the Taiwanese banded krait snake is an antagonist of the Ach-gated Na+ channels at the neuromuscular junction... this toxin would most likely cause:

Less sodium to enter the muscle fiber.

nick is enjoying an episode of Friends after coming home from a dinner buffet. While his body continues to digest the food, what transmitter is being released to his target cells and what kind of receptors are located on those target cells?

ach and muscarinic receptor


ach; muscarinic, nicotinic

A general term describing the movement of solutes AGAINST their concentration gradient

active transport

How do opioids reduce the sensation of plain?

acts as an antagonists of Ca+ receptors; blocks neurotransmitters from being released.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine bind with this type of receptor

adrenergic receptor

This hormone is released from the anterior pituitary and binds with receptors in the adrenal cortex

adrenocorticotropic hormone

Isoprenaline is a drug that is prescribed for an abnormally low heart rate. It binds with the adrenergic receptors on the pacemaker cells of the heart. This drug would be an __________of the receptor


Creatine phosphate is used by___ muscle fibers to especially enhance ATP production by___.

fast twitch; substrate phosphorylation

A poison that inhibits voltage gated Na channels (on axon and no action potential is present) would cause___.


toxin that blocks voltage gated Ca+ channels

Flaccid paralysis

In the fasted state, when you are mobilizing nutrients (catabolic reactions), what should be happening with carbohydrates?

Stored glycogen should be broken down and released into the blood for immediate use

which is characteristic of cardiac muscle but not skeletal or smooth muscle?

- None of the above - gap junctions -regulated by ca+ in the cytosol -influenced by the ANS -striated appearance

Which of the following is an example of tonic control of a tissue?

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) binds with receptors on the collecting duct cells of the kidney to cause water to reabsorbed. The amount of water reabsorbed is proportional to how much ADH binds.

correctly paired hormone and source gland.

CRH; hypothalamus

the poison curare competes with ach for receptor sites in muscles but unlike ach, binding on curare to the receptors does not result in any effect in the corresponding muscle sarcolemma. what is a possible medical use for curare?

Curare can be used to prevent muscle spasms in some neurological disorders.

If administered quickly, in some cases cyanide antidotes can save a patient but treatment with oxygen alone is ineffective. Why would this be so?

Cyanide prevents the electron transport chain from creating a hydrogen ion gradient, so hydrogen ions and electrons stop moving through ATP synthase and are not available to form water.

Which is the correct sequence of events in cellular metabolism?

Glycolysis followed by the citric acid cycle followed by the electron transport chain

Which of the following is an example of a mechanism that would terminate, or reduce the amount of cellular activity following a signal's release?

Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme that breaks down epinephrine

in skeletal muscle contraction, calcium apparently acts to

Remove the blocking action of tropomyosin.



Review the notes about anabolic and catabolic reactions in the Metabolism and ATP production document and choose the correct statement.

The conversion of glucose to glycogen is called glycogenesis

as a new ATP binds to the myosin head during the cross bridge cycle, the myosin head immediately___.

detaches from actin.

Glucose enters non-absorptive cells this way

facilitated diffusion

Oxygen crosses membranes this way

simple diffusion

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