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what does polyploid mean?

some plants and fingi have more three or more sets of alleles

Resource partitioning occurs when these

species use different means to obtain the same resource, or they seek out slightly different resources. Hence, these species occupy niches that are subtly different, and thus they are both able to survive in the long run.

An average newborn weighs around 3.5 kg, while babies who are born too small are fragile and babies who are born too big may face complications during the birth process. This is an example of what type of natural selection?

stabalizing selections

Ethology is the

study of animal behaviors, which can be inherited (innate behaviors) or learned.

Polyploidy is beneficial because

the dominant allele can mask the effect of the recessive allele, which is very helpful in cases where the recessive allele is harmful, such as sickle cell anemia.

Sexual selection is different from natural selection because

the evolutionary changes each gender makes could lead to less survival

What is gene flow? Give an example.

the exchange of genes between two populations, so when a certain breed of dogs breeds with another dog breed the genes exchange.

What is the theory of use and disuse?

the theory of use and disuse hypothesis is NOT correct. It states that: The more used the body part is, the more it will develop i.e. a giraffe's neck grows longer when it tries to feed from higher trees. The less used the body part is, the more weakened it will be i.e. certain species of monkeys didn't use their tails much, so through disuse that species evolved to not have tails.

biomass is

the total number of living organisms in an area

What is puncuated equilibrium?

there are short spurts of evolutionary changes during long periods of stasis (no evolution). This theory is more supported by the fossil evidence.

Which of the following is true of the disphotic zone?

they are bioluminescent species

What is density-dependent and what are some examples?

they become more significant as the population density increases. Examples include diseases, predation, and resource competition.

Convergent evolution is when

two completely unrelated species grow more and more alike (development of analogous structures) due to adaptations in similar environments.

What is Gause's law?

two organisms are not able to live in the same niche because one will always end up outcompeting the other.

Coevolution is when

two species impart selective pressures on each other, resulting in the evolution of both species

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck proposed which two hypotheses of evolution?

use and disuse, inheritance of acquired traits

What is exploitation competition?

when a common resource is depleted. tigers and leopards comete for one common food source and that is the warthog

What is non-random mating?

when individuals choose who they want to mate with. This is a consequence of sexual selection. When certain traits are favored over others, they get passed onto offspring and become more represented within the allele frequencies of future generations.

Parsimony refers to the idea

'the simpler, the better'. The tree with the least number of evolutionary reversals, convergent evolution, and parallel evolution is the most parsimonious - or the simplest. This is generally how biologists formulate phylogenetic trees.

What is another term for cryptic coloration?

(cryptic coloration) allows animals to avoid visual detection through matching of their appearance to the environment. An insect appearing stick-like is an example of this.

Which of the following is an example of aposematic coloration?

(warning coloration) is a vibrant, bright coloration of poisonous animals, which warns predators that they are poisonous. An example of aposematic coloration is the bright coloring of poison dart frogs.

In interference competition, other individuals are directly prevented from physically establishing themselves in a shared habita

, other individuals are directly prevented from physically establishing themselves in a shared habitat

if a plant has 10 chromosomes how will it be shown...


What are examples of visual communication?

Aggressive-snare teeth Submissive-tails come down Courtship-dance

What does p^2 + 2pq + q^2 mean?

All individuals should add up to 100%. This variant of the formula looks at the different genotypes that any given individual could be and in total all the variants should add up to 100%

Iteroparity refers to...

Animals that mate many times during the course of their life cycle. Humans

There are three main ways to achieve sympatric speciation:(stop a species from mating)

Balanced polymorphism Polyploidy Hybridization

Conserved DNA regions are an example of which type of evidence that supports the theory of evolution?

Biochemical is the newest type of evidence that supports the theory of evolution, as scientific analysis methods has gotten more and more advanced.

What is direct and indirect fitness?

Direct-Refers to the number of genes an animal can pass onto the next generation on its own Indirect- refers to the number of genes passed onto the next generation by an animals relatives. Inclusive fitness is the sum of animals direct and indirect fitness

What are the two subsects of genetic drift?

Founder and bottleneck

A couple of individuals from a population migrate to and settle in a new location, resulting in a much smaller gene pool than their original population. This describes which of the following terms?

Genetic drift more specifically founder effect

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium requires large populations to minimize the effects of what?

Genetic drift. This the random increase or decrease in allele frequencies due to chance

Some types of prezygotic isolation include:

Habitat Isolation Temporal Isolation Behavioral Isolation Mechanical Isolation Gamete Isolation

Which of the following accurately describes analogous structures?

Have the same functions but are not derived from a common ancestor

Suppose that the green color in peas is dominant, and the yellow color is recessive. Consider a population of peas that is 84% green and 16% yellow. What is the heterozygous frequency?

How would you solve this? Use the equation and solve for each percentage by square roofing and subtracting from 1

What is true of a population that experiences no gene flow?

Isolated from other populations

Which form of animal movement is associated with randomness?

Kinesis. A worm will move out of sunlight and change its speed. Bc the worm has no particular set location he's needing to go it is considered random

what are the 7 levels of taxonomy?

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

What is a mnemonic to remember hardy weinberg?

Large random MnM

Genetic drift has a...

Larger effect on smaller populations

Primer behaviors trigger

Long term behaviors and releaser hormones are short term that are reversible and immediate

There are two types of non-native species:

Naturalized species Exotic species

Suppose that the green color in peas is dominant, and the yellow color is recessive. What variable of the Hardy-Weinberg formula represents the frequency of the dominant allele (G)?


Which Hardy-Weinberg equation implies that the frequency of all alleles of the same gene should add up to 100%?

P + q = 1

Suppose that the green color in peas is dominant, and the yellow color is recessive. What variable(s) of the Hardy-Weinberg formula represent the frequency of individuals with the dominant phenotype (green)?

P^2 + 2pq

What is polygyny, polyandry and polygamy?

Polygyny- male has multiple partners Polyandry- female has multiple partners Polygamy - a male has multiple partners at one time

R-selected and K-selected species

R-produce abundant, small offspring that mature quickly. K-produce significant parental investment and support. Therefore, a high percentage of the offspring survive to reproductive age. Examples include humans and most large mammals.

Which of the following is NOT a factor that causes microevolution?

Random mating

Which of the following best classifies the Mediterranean coast, which is characterized by its mild winters and hot, dry summers?


Which of the following accurately describes the term "balanced polymorphism"?

Situations where different phenotypes within membres of a population can be maintained

What are some sources of genetic variation?

Sources of genetic variation: Mutation Sexual reproduction Balanced polymorphism Polyploidy

Aggression is likely to

Sustain damages to both parties

Which form of animal movement is associated with randomness?

Taxis. A movement that has a specific direction either towards or away from the stimulus. Taxis a non-random change in direction or speed

Why is waggle dance not a form of visual communication?

The bee hive is dark

Which of the following do not break down organic matter but consume detritus?

The detritivores are a subclass of decomposers. Examples include worms and slugs. These organisms do not actually break down organic matter; rather, they consume detritus (organic wastes), which helps expose additional organic matter for decomposition by fungi/bacteria.

Which of the following accurately describes stabilizing selection?

The mainstream type is favored

Which of the following accurately describes hybrid F2 breakdown?

The offspring of the hybrid zygote suffers from decreased fitness

What does kin selection refer to?

The way an individual animal's inclusive fitness is increased by indirect fitness. Kin selection is a form of natural selection where altruists are the most fit

Which of the following accurately describes the term "ichnofossils"?

There are two types of fossils — one is fossils of the actual remains of the animal, another one is fossils of their traces (ichnofossils), which records details like footprints and nests.

Natural selection chooses the fittest being. But in order for natural selection to occur, there are 4 requirements:

There is more demand than supply, i.e. organisms are constantly competing for survival. There is a difference in the level of fitness, i.e. organisms must have variation in traits. Traits must be heritable. The variation of traits must be significant to reproduction and/or survival.

Give an example of directional:

This is a diagram that shows directional selection where giraffes evolve to be taller (which enables them to reach leaves of taller trees and which contributes to fitness). Note how one extreme is favored.

What is appeasement behavior?

Threats followed by submission can often avoid aggression and harm associated with it

What are major animal communication methods?

Visual, auditory, tactile and chemical

sympatric speciation, speciation occurs

WITHOUT the presence of a geographical barrier.

Sexual dimorphism is..

When male and female animals of the same species begin to look less similar

Which of the following describes the term "bottleneck effect"?

When there is a disaster that kills off most of the population

Which of the following describes convergent evolution?

When two unrelated species grow more and more alike when they live in the same enviroment

Conserved DNA regions are an example of which type of evidence that supports the theory of evolution?

When we compare DNA sequences in genomes, we see conserved DNA regions across species which are related. The higher the similarity, the stronger the relatedness. Chimpanzees have roughly 98% similarity with humans, showing a strong lineage connection.

What are agnostic behaviors?

Where animals compete for food water and resources can be broken down into threats, aggression and submission

What are non-native species?

a species that lives outside its native distributional range, but which has arrived there by human activity, either deliberately or accidentally

Primary succession occurs on

a substrate that completely lacks plant and animal life. The process begins with pioneer species (lichen, algae, and fungi are classic examples), in combination with abiotic factors such as water and sunlight. Once a thin layer of soil has formed, vascular plants, like grasses and shrubs, join (or replace) the pioneer species

A clade on a phylogenetic tree consists of which of the following?

an ancestor and all the descendants from that ancestor

A paraphyletic group on a phylogenetic tree consists of which of the following?

an ancestor and some, but not all, of its decendants

What is in contrast to cladogenesis?

anagenesis, which describes the gradual evolution of a species that continues to exist as an interbreeding population.

This layer has almost no light that penetrates and photosynthetic plants cannot survive here. Which layer of the ocean is it?

aphotic zone

Which of the following is NOT true regarding aquatic biomes?

aquatic biomes consume most of the earths atmosphere

Which scientist proposed catastrophism?

baron cuvier

Which type of mimicry describes when a non-harmful animal mimics the coloring of a harmful animal?

batesian; harmless fly mimics the coloring of a stinging bee

In secondary succession, since soil is already present, this process

begins with the establishment of grasses and shrubs, rather than pioneer species.

Naturalized species — A naturalized species is a type of non-native species that spreads

beyond the place of introduction, and whose reproduction is sufficient enough for the species to maintain its population. If a naturalized species becomes sufficiently abundant, they have the potential to have adverse effects on native plants and animals, which is a key characteristic of naturalized species.

Allelopathy is the production of

biochemicals by an organism that influences the growth, survival, and reproduction of other organisms. Allelopathy is a form of interference competition, which occurs directly between individuals via aggression.

Which type of evidence explains the spread of different species throughout the world?


During the Industrial Revolution, white tree bark was covered by soot and turned black. The frequency of which type of peppered moths increased as a result?

black peppered moths

Since the cost of fathering an offspring is very low for most male animals, males increase their fitness by

boosting the quantity of his offspring (trying to impregnate as many females as possible).

What does inbreeding mean?

breeding between relatives

birds and bats evolved to have wings... and legs of a cat and legs of the praying mantis

but they are not derived from the same common ancestor

What does the theory of catastrophism state is an effect of sudden catastrophic events?

caused mass extinction events

Evolution refers to the heritable changes in populations of species over generations. Specifically, what kinds of changes does this refer to?

changes in allele frequencies

Which of the following best classifies the Mediterranean coast, which is characterized by its mild winters and hot, dry summers?


Every cluster you see on a phylogenetic tree is called a

clade, also known as a monophyletic group . It includes an ancestor and all descendants from that ancestor. Therefore, a clade could be as big as the entire tree, or just a small branch at the tip of the tree

The process of evolutionary lineages splitting apart and forming new clades is known as


The euphotic zone is .

closest to the surface. It receives strong irradiance (and heat) from the sun; plants are able to survive and undergo photosynthesis

Camouflage, aposematic coloration, and mimicry are examples of which of the following terms?


Resource partitioning allows two species to...

coexist, despite the fact that they seem to compete for resources.

What is the biosphere?

combo of all living species on earth

Respiration can be seen in many eukaryotes like plants and animals, which provides evidence that both plant and animal eukaryotes evolved from a common eukaryotic ancestor. Which of the following terms describes respiration?

common conserved pathways like the krebs cycle

what is true for competition and symbiosis?

competition is short term- predators hunting for food-and symbiosis is long term

Which of the following best describes the time period in which an animal can imprint?

critical period

k-selected species

demonstrated by a type I survivorship curve. This curve demonstrates a high rate of survival during early and middle age, with mortality increasing during old age.

Ecological factors can be grouped as either...

density-dependent or density independent factors on population density

Mullerian mimicry occurs when

different poisonous species that share a common predator evolve to resemble each other.

Which layer of the ocean is semi-irradiated with sunlight, but not enough for most plants to survive?

disphotic zone

A climax community results when the

ecological succession process has reached a steady state and there is a balance in the prevalence of each species.

Both humans and fish embryos have a gill slit at some point of their development. Which type of evidence explains this phenomenon?


here are a few exceptions to this. For example, some

epigenetic changes (that is, changes that do not actually change the nucleotide sequence of DNA) are heritable. But in general, environmentally acquired characteristics aren't heritable

which term refers to an area where freshwater from a coast meets a saltwater ocean?


The littoral zone is the part of the

euphotic zone where sunlight penetrates all the way down to the floor of the ocean.

Identify the correct list of the layers of the ocean from superficial to deep

euphotic, disphotic, aphotic

what is disruptive selection?

exact opposite of stabalizing where the rare traits are favored

In a type III survivorship curve, survival undergoes

exponential decay with respect to age

A pioneer species is the

first species that inhabits a barren area and begins the process of ecological succession.

What term describes the ability to survive and produce viable and fertile offspring?


The traits selected for may be favorable for reproduction but not

for survival.

In contrast to a saltwater biome, an aquatic biome is considered a

freshwater biome if it has a salt content of less than 0.1%. However, these account for just 3-4% of all aquatic biomes.

A fundamental niche refers to the

full range of environmental conditions where an organism could survive, in theory

Allopatric speciation is when speciation occurs due to the presence

geographical barrier

Which of the following terms best describes the process of natural selection?

gradual,non-random. where alleles become more or less common as a result of the individual's interactions with the environment. While the genetic variations that lead to different traits in organisms are random, natural selection itself is a non-random process.

Which of the following may or may not perform the same function, but are derived from a common ancestor?

homologous structures

forearm of a human and forearm of a bird is considered...

homologous structures bc its derived from same common ancestor

Memorize all the biomes mnemonic""""


What is analogous to the polyploidy that occurs in plants?

hybridization in humans

Which of the following is an example of a behavior that is acquired and then never forgotten?


Density-independent factors example

include weather and climate

Imprinting is an

innate way animals learn certain behaviors.

What is the analogous of minority advantage?

is when a rare or extreme phenotype offers higher fitness than common phenotypes, just as we saw in disruptive selection.

Which of the following is true of exploitation competition?

it is a type of indirect competition

According to the theory of the inheritance of acquired traits, if a giraffe stretches its neck continually

it will develop a longer neck, and will pass on the long neck to its offspring.

This way, it is easier for the predator to

learn to avoid these species. An example is of a stinging bee and a stinging wasp, which have evolved to share similar coloring and body size.

This is because compared to males, females have a

limited capacity to reproduce due to the relatively long labor period. Hence, females need to carefully pick the superior males to boost the quality of her offspring.

semelparity animals mate

mate once in their life. A lot of offspring are produced. Fish

What is balanced polymorphism?

means that different phenotypes within the members of a population can be maintained, through these advantages: Heterozygote advantage Minority advantage Hybrid advantage Neutral variations

Which type of advantage causes rare phenotypes to cycle between low and high frequencies?

minority advantage

Gene flow is the process

moving alleles between populations through individuals' migration

if there was an infinite supply...

natural selection would not occur

Which of the following is true of apex predators?

no other organisms prey on apex predator, most energy is not stored here

Which of the following terms represents the most recent common ancestor on a phylogenetic tree?


Polyploidy often results from

nondisjunction when chromosomes seperate from nondisjunction, specifically meiosis

As a general rule, environmentally acquired characteristics are

not heritable

Which term describes breeding between individuals with no distinct family ties?


Exotic species — An exotic species is another type of non-native species that lives

outside its native distributional range, but arrived there through human activity. This activity can be deliberate, such as introducing a species into a new habitat intentionally, or accidental, such as through the transportation of goods like lumber.

at what level does evolution take place?


what is the first step of speciation?

reproductive isolation

analogous structures have the...

same functions but are not derived from a common ancestor

the difference between saphrophytes and decomposers

saphrophytes consume dead material decomposers break down

The two main groups of decomposers are

saprophytes and detritivores

Vestigial structures are structures that exist, but do not

serve a purpose in an organism. They are often homologous to structures that are functional in other organisms because they are derived from a common ancestor.

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