bio ex3

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Select the TRUE statement about animal development: A.) Deuterostome development is indeterminate. B.) Mesoderm in protostomes arises as outpocketings of the primitive gut. C.) Radial cleavage is characteristic of protostome development. D) In deuterostomes, the blastopore ultimately becomes the mouth of the adult. E) All of the above are true.

Deuterostome development is indeterminate.

Are somatic cells haploid or diploid ?



Discipline of classifying organisms and assigning each organism a universally accepted name

phylogenetic tree

A family tree that shows the evolutionary relationships thought to exist among groups of organisms

binary fission

A form of asexual reproduction in single-celled organisms by which one cell divides into two cells of the same size

A land snail, a clam, and an octopus all share a) A mantle b) A radula c) Gills d) Embryonic torsion e) Distinct Cephalization

A mantle

f factor

A piece of DNA that confers the ability form a sex pili.

hybrid inviability

A postzygotic barrier in which hybrid zygotes fail to develop or to reach sexual maturity


A primitive form of sexual reproduction where individuals exchange genetic material

gram positive

A prokaryote that has a large amount of peptidoglycan in its cell wall and is stained violet during Gram Staining


A protective flap that covers the gills of fishes *analogous to peristome


A thick-walled protective spore that forms inside a bacterial cell and resists harsh conditions

In a cnidarian life cycle, A) polyps grow from ciliated larvae B) medusae bud off from polyps C) medusae have gonads and produce gametes D) polyps bud off from other polyps E) ALL of the above


The earliest fossils that are clearly animals:



ALL descendants came from one common ancestor

In what way does the angiosperm life cycle DIFFER from the gymnosperm life cycle?

Angiosperm pollen grains must grow pollen tubes through styles and ovary tissue.


Animalia, phylum that includes animals with specialized stinging cells used to capture food. Jellyfish and coral

A jointed exoskeleton is the most striking characteristic of phylum a) Annelida b) Nematoda c) Porifera d) Molluska e) Arthropoda


Which phylum is characterized by animals that have a segmented body?



Bony fish

Sponges are called "basal metazoans" because their phylogenetic position is closest to the common ancestor of all animals. What feature of sponges is visible evidence of the ancestral relationship?


What is the term used for the specialized head structures used by spiders for grasping prey ? a) chelicerae b) pedipalps c) spinnerets d) mandibles e) prostomium


Some members have a cartilaginous endoskeleton a) amphibians b) aves c) Chondrichthyes d) mammalian e) reptilian


Your friend finds a small invertebrate in his back yard. You suspect it is an insect. Which one question, if the answer is yes, will confirm that the invertebrate is indeed an insect?

Does it have wings?


Segmented worms


Small circular pieces of DNA found in bacterial cells and used in genetic engineering


Which of the following organisms are common soil decomposers that grow in colonies of branched chains of cells that superficially resembles a fungus?

Which of the following characteristics most likely explains why insects are so successful? a) internal fertilization b) jointed appendages c) wings d) chewing mandibles e) exoskeleton


In examining an unknown animal species during its embryonic development, how can you be sure what you are looking at is a protostome and not a deuterostome?

You see a mouth, but not an anus

Which tissue type, or organ, is NOT correctly matched with its germ layer tissue? A) nervous-- mesoderm B) stomach -- endoderm C) muscular -- mesoderm D) skin -- ectoderm

nervous -- mesoderm

Which of the following is (are) unique to animals?

nervous system signal conduction and muscular movement

temporal isolation

When two species breed at different times of day, season, or years.

A bony fish such as a tuna has an adaptation not found in sharks and rays. This is an endoskeleton a swim bladder gills a cranium two pairs of lateral fins

a swim bladder

Whatever its ultimate cause(s), the Cambrian explosion is a prime example of _____.

adaptive radiation

Arthropods invaded land about 100 million years before vertebrates did so. This most clearly implies that _____.

arthropods have had more time to coevolve with land plants than have vertebrates

The fruit of the mistletoe, a parasitic angiosperm, is a one- seeded berry. In members of the genus Viscum, the outside of the seed is viscous (sticky), which permits the seed to adhere to surfaces such as the branches of host plants or the beaks of birds. What should be expected of the fruit if the viscosity of Viscum seeds is primarily an adaptation for dispersal rather than an adaptation for infecting host plant tissues? It should ______.

be nutritious to the dispersing organisms

Evolution thoughts

characteristics acquired during an organisms lifetime are not generally passed on through genes

Which of the following is NOT functionally important in cells of the gametophytes of both angiosperms and gymnosperms?


**question on test**

chytrids cause a decline in yellow bellied frogs -habitat loss -climate change


enzyme like RNA catalysts are not proteins


eukaryotes have introns and exons as a part of their mRNA yet only exons have the potential to be expressed

You are walking around the LSU campus after the Aggies crush the Tigers in their SEC match. You find an unusual tree with fan-shaped leaves. The presence of which of the following would immediately prove that this tree is, in fact a Gymnogperm?

exposed ovules


extra sets of chromosomes

Which of the following structures are possessed any birds ONLY ? a) a short tail and mammary glands b) light bones and a four-chambered heart c) enlarged pectoral muscles and a four-chambered heart d) feathers and a keeled sternum e) a large brain and endothermy

feathers and a keeled sternum

A lophophore is a structure used by lophophorates for A) feeding B) structural support C) respiration D) sensory reception E) locomotion


A lophophore is a structure used by lophophorates for A) sensory reception B) structural support C) feeding D) locomotion E) respiration



ferns and allies


fertile polyploidy

The Chelicerates get their name from structures called chelicerae. The chelicerae are:

claw-like feeding structures

In animals, ________ of the zygote leads to the hollow ball stage called the _______.

cleavage; blastula


considers changes above species levels, such as origins of new taxonomic groups


develops within uterus but nourished by egg yolk

prezygotic barriers

function before the formation of the zygote by preventing mating between members of different species or successful fertilization should gametes meet

The water vascular system of echinoderms:

functions in locomotion and feeding

Unique intracellular communication is also known as

gap junctions


embryo develops within the uterus and is nourished through a yolk sac placenta through mothers blood

Which of these features is NOT typical of the lizards & snakes?


What is the term used for animals which generate their own heat? a) ectotherms b) endotherms c) ambulotherms d) biotherms e) metatherms


Which of the following are you LEAST LIKELY to find as a sessile organism in a marine environment?


During embryogenesis of diploblastic and triploblastic animals, the embryo becomes multilayered (i.e., the germ layers are differentiated) through the process of:



hatch outside of mothers body

Members of class Osteichthyes differ from those of both Agnatha and Chondrichthyes in that Osteichthyans a) have a bony skeleton b) lack a true jaw c) possess gills d) have amniotic eggs e) possess a notochord

have a bony skeleton

What is one characteristic which separates chordates from all other animals? a) true coelom b) hollow dorsal nerve cord c) blastopore, which becomes the anus d) bilateral symmetry e) segmentation

hollow dorsal nerve cord

orthologous genes

homologous genes that are found in different species because of speciation

is nature teleological?

no, it has no plan or purpose, it just is


involves evolutionary changes in allele frequencies in a population

The amniotic egg was a successful adaptation primarily because

it freed animal reproduction from dependency upon water.

The amniotic egg was a successful adaptation primarily because it freed animal reproduction from dependency upon water. it assured more successful fertilization many more offspring could be produced at one time its triploid endosperm is especially nutritious for the young embryo it promoted parental care of offspring.

it freed animal reproduction from dependency upon water.

In addition to seeds, which of the following characteristics is unique to the seed- producing plants?


what do muscle tissues do?

power locomotion

hox genes

related to homeotic genes, gene expression in embryonic development

Among the arthropods, the presence or absence of anterior-most appendages modified as chelicerae (feeding structures such as pincers or fangs) can be used to distinguish between A) insects and centipedes B) spiders and insects C) insects and crustaceans D) centipedes and millipedes E) millipedes and insects

spiders and insects

lateral line system

sensitive receptor system that enables fish to detect gentle currents and vibrations in the water

most species in the animal kingdom exhibit what type of reproduction?

sexual reproduction - Haploid egg and sperm unite -> diploid zygote

sex pili

sexual-like structure that can join 2 bacteria to exchange DNA

postzygotic barriers

should a hybrid zygote form, these may prevent it from developing into a viable fertile adult.

Pharyngeal gill slits appear to have functioned first as a) gill slits for respiration b) portions of the inner ear c) suspension-feeding devices d) components of the jaw e) the opening to the digestive system or mouth

suspension-feeding devices

The gills of chordates appear to have evolved first as

suspension-feeding devices

Which of the following is NOT a shared characteristic of ALL chordates?


Which of the following is NOT characteristics of Amphibia ? a) two pairs of limbs b) lungs c) external fertilization d) keratinized skin e) three-chambered heart

keratinized skin

Terry catches a ray-finned fish from the ocean and notices that attached to its flank is an equally long, snakelike organism. The attached organism has no external segmentation, no scales, a round mouth surrounded by a sucker, and two small eyes. Terry thinks it might be a marine leech, a hagfish, or a lamprey. round mouth has teeth like structure lacks segmentation has elongated body

lacks segmentation

The process of metamorphosis transforms a ____ into a _____.

larvae; sexually mature adult


lipopolysaccharides released from the outer membrane of gram (-) bacteria that have died *typhoid fever and salmonella

Which of the following organisms is generally considered to be the closest extant phylogenetic relative of snakes?



lobe-finned fish thought to be extinct, but then found in deep water off Madagascar in 1938

Most people, lacking the benefit of having had an outstanding course in introductory biology, would be surprised to find out that the common terrestrial pill bugs are most closely related to (are in the same subphylum) as

lobsters and crabs


localized interbreeding group of individuals of a species


maintains body temperature through metabolism

heterozygote advantage

maintains two or more alleles at a locus when heterozygotes have survival and reproduction advantage

Three major groups: egg-laying , pouched, and placental a) amphibia b) aves c) Chondrichthyes d) mammalia e) reptilia


relative fitness

measure of the individuals contribution to the gene pool of the next generation


member of a clade of tetrapods that have an amniotic egg containing specialized membranes that protect the embryo; mammals, birds+reptiles


member of the class Chondrichthyes, vertebrates with skeletons made mostly of cartilage, such as sharks, skates, and rays

The coelom is a fluid-filled cavity that develops within a) ectoderm b) endoderm c) mesoderm d) the hydrostatic skeleton e) the mesenteries


gene flow

migration of individuals and transfer of gametes between populations

serial endosymbiosis

mitochondria evolved first because they or their genetic remains are present in all eukaryote

molecular clocks

models that use mutation rates to measure evolutionary time

You turn over a rock in your garden and dozens of little animals may be seen squirming, crawling, or running around on top of or just underneath the soul. Which of the following groups are you LEAST likely to find represented there?


starfish, sea lilies, feather stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and sand dollars all belong to what phylum a) Nematoda b) Mollusca c) Allelida d) Echinodermata e) Arthropoda



Ecological relationship between the mycelium of a fungus and the roots of certain plants

Which of the following subdivisions of the animal kingdom encompasses all the others in the list? a) Bilateria b) Deuterostomes c) Coelomates d) Eumetazoa e) Protostomes


How would a biological determine whether a fossil represents a reptile or a mammal? a) look for the mammalian characteristics of a four-chambered heart and a diaphragms b) Examine the teeth: reptilian teeth are conical and uniform in size, while mammalian teeth have a variety of shapes and sizes c) Use molecular analysis to look for the protein keratin d) look for evidence of a placenta e) look for the presence of milk-producing glands.

Examine the teeth: reptilian teeth are conical and uniform in size, while mammalian teeth have a variety of shapes and sizes



Cell Walls of different Kingdoms

Fungi=chitin plants=cellulose animal=none bacteria=peptidoglycan

A terrestrial mollusc without a shell belongs to which clade?


A blastopore is a structure that is evident in the a) Egg and Sperm b) Zygote c) Eight-cell stage d) Blastula e) Gastrula


The embryonic blastopore is formed during which embryonic stage? A) Blastulation B) Blastagation C) Gastrulation D) Neurelation E) Archenteron F) Metallication!!!!!


The most common cause of gastric ulcers in humans is

Helicobacter pylori infection

how does speciation happen?

Individuals vary > Too many individuals > Certain individuals reproduce more successfully and at a greater rate > Natural Selection > Descent with Modification > Speciation (maybe)

Arthropods have an exoskeleton that benefits individual success in many ways. What is a disadvantage of an exoskeleton?

It must be shed if the animal needs to grow.

Which process effectively eliminates the need for water in sexual reproduction of Gymnosperms and Angiosperms?


fertilization is also know as what?

syngamy - haploid egg and sperm unite -> diploid zygote

types of prezygotic barriers

temporal isolation habitat isolation behavioral isolation mechanical isolation


the ability to move

cambrian explosion

the appearance of many of the major the major phyla of animals between 535 and 525 mya

Which of the following characteristics of Arthropods is particularly adaptive for life on land (even though it was present first in aquatic forms)?

the cuticle

During development of chordates, the ectodermal layer of cells on the dorsal side of the embryo folds into itself, forming a tube that extends from anterior to posterior. This structure develops into

the nerve cord


the phylum to which jointed-legged invertebrates belong, including insects, arachnids and crustaceans

The color, size, and shape of the petals of a flower are mostly closely related to:

the type of pollinator it depends on

Even though onychopores are Ecdysozoans, they clearly are not arthropods because:

their appendages are not jointed.

The monotremes, marsupials, and eutherians are PRIMARILY distinguished on the basis of a) their geographical distribution b) cranial and dental structure c) their reproduction d) their mode of feeding e) their mode of locomotion

their reproduction

Certain nutrients are considered "essential" in the diets of some animals because _____.

these animals are not able to synthesize these nutrients

Cnidarians and Ctenophores are ALIKE in the following way:

they are both diploblastic

Cnidarians and Ctenophores are ALIKE in the following way: A) some members of both groups secrete supportive exoskeletons. B) they are scavengers and parasites. C) they both alternate between bilateral and radial forms. D) both groups move with simple contractions of the bell. E) they are both diploblastic

they are both diploblastic

An animal that is endothermic and homoeothermic uses metabolic energy to regulate its body temperature and maintains a relatively constant body temperature uses metabolic energy to regulate its body temperature but has a broad range of body temperature variation has its body temperature determined primarily by the environment and has a broad range of body temperature variation has its body temperature determined primarily by the environment, but maintains a relatively constant body temperature behaviorally regulates its body temperature and has a broad range of body temperature variation

uses metabolic energy to regulate its body temperature and maintains a relatively constant body temperature

Scientists believe that all present- day animals descended from a common ancestor that:

was a colonial, heterotrophic, flagellated protist.

The swim bladder of modern bony fishes a) can fill or empty through the operculum b) stores oils that are less dense than water c) was modified from simple lungs d) first appeared in sharks e) ALL OF THE ABOVE

was modified from simple lungs

The swim bladder of modern bony fishes a) was probably modified from simple lungs of freshwater fishes. b) provides buoyancy but at high energy cost c) first appeared in sharks d) developed into lungs in saltwater fishes e) Both C and D are correct.

was probably modified from simple lungs of freshwater fishes.

Countercurrent exchange is evident in the flow of _____.

water across the gills of a fish and the blood within those gills

Which of these is in Phylum Anthophyta but is NEITHER a monocot NOR a eudicot?

water lily

With respect to angiosperms, which of the following is incorrectly paired with its chromosome count? (A) egg—n (B) megaspore—2n (C) microspore—n (D) zygote—2n

(B) megaspore—2n

Which of the following is not a characteristic that distinguishes gymnosperms and angiosperms from other plants? (A) dependent gametophytes (B) ovules (C) pollen (D) alternation of generations

(D) alternation of generations


(snails, clams, squids, octopuses) have a soft body that in many species is protected by a hard shell


*caecilians* -legless -nearly blind resembles earthworms


*frogs* -lack powerful hind legs for locomotion on land -frogs with leathery skin are called toads


*salamanders* -amphibians with tails -some aquatic, most live on land -Paedomorphosis, the retention of juvenile features in sexually mature organisms, is common in aquatic species

point mutation

*sickle cell anemia* *Can be hidden from selection in recessive alleles *A change in a single base that can be harmful if it effects protein production or it can be beneficial

gram positive bacteria

*tuberculosis and leprosy *anthrax and botulism

What are connective tissues?

- Tissues that support, connect and protect other tissues such as blood, bone, tendons, ligaments. - cells embedded in an extracellular matrix (ex. bone ,cartilage)

What are epithelial tissues? what role do they play?

- layers of cells that cover internal and external surfaces - covers, lines, protect and secrete

What is multicellularity?

- many have complex bodies - most have complex tissue structure -A condition or state of having or being composed of many cells or more than one cell performing differing functions.

brown algae

- mostly marine -multicellular -largest most complex algae -has tissues/organs analogous to those found in plants (holdfast=roots, stipe=stem, blades=leaves) -some multicellular algae has alteration of gen -NOT A PLANT


-"fishapod" -shows both tetrapod and fish characteristics -fins, gills, lungs, scales -ribs to breath air and support -neck and shoulders -fins with the bone pattern of a tetrapod limb

4 supergroups of eukaryotes

-excavata -SAR complex -archaeplastida -unikonta


-CHROMATOPHORE: peptidoglycan cell wall derived from bacteria -large group of amoebozoans and flagelleted protists -feed with threadlike pseudopodia -most are predators/parasites -mixotrophic/autotrophic

Which of the following statements concerning animal taxonomy is (are) true?

-Kingdom Animalia is monophyletic. -Animals are thought to have evolved from flagellated protists similar to modern choanoflagellates

red algae

-PHYCOERYNTHRIN: produces the color of red algae (photosynthetic) -absorbs wavelengths of light that penetrate into deep water (green/red in shallow, dark red/black in deep water) -usually multicellular (largest are seaweed)


-alpha -beta -gamma -delta -epsilon


-amoebozoa -opisthokonts

land plants

-bryophytes -lycophytes -monilophytes -gymnosperms -angiosperms

slime molds

-called mycetozoans (once thought to be fungi) -resemblance between fungi and slime mold is a result of CONVERGENT EVOLUTION -extends pseudopodia through decomposing material, engulfing food by phagocytosis *cellular slime molds=multicellular; forms fruiting bodies


-capture food -evading predators -muscle attachment sites -inner ear bones are the only bones that don't have muscle attached to them

three lineages of jawed vertebrates

-chondrichthyans -ray-finned fishes -lobe-fins


-club mosses

golden algae

-color results from yellow/brown CAROTENOIDS -mostly unicellular & biflagellate members of freshwater plankton -photosynthetic (all), some mixotrophic -NOT A PLANT


-crocodilians -pterosaurs -dinosaurs


-cyads -gingkos -pines -conifers


-delicate symmetrical internal skeletons made of SILICA -use pseudopodia to engulf microorganisms though PHAGOCYTOSIS -pseudopodia radiate from central body

dorsal, hollow nerve cord

-develops into central nervous system; brain and spinal cord


-diatoms -golden algae -brown algae *tritomy*


-dinoflagellates -apicomplexans -ciliates


-diplomonads -parabasalids -euglenozoans


-diverse amoebas -lobe pseudopodia -unicellular -heterotrophic (consume bacteria and other plants)

how bacteria combats antibiotics

-evolved pumps -enzymes that degrade antibiotics -fortifying cell wall


-extreme halophiles -extremethermophiles -methanogens

advantages of seeds

-food supply -remain dormant for long periods -may be transported


-forams -cercozoans -radiolarians *sister taxa is foram and cerc*


-four limbs, feet with digits -neck which allows separate movement of the head -fusion of pelvic girdle to the backbone -absence of gills (except in aquatic species) -ears (and tympanic membrane) for detecting airborne sounds

lobe fins

-have muscular pelvic and pectoral fins that they use to swim and "walk" underwater across the substrate -muscular nature that allows for the evolution of appendages where things can crawl


-hydrogenosomes (reduced mitochondria) -anaerobic (release H2) -lack plastids *Trichomonas vaginalis*


-liverworts -mosses -hornworts


-longitudinal rod between digestive and nerve cord -provides skeletal support -adult retains only remnants


-make up most marine/freshwater phytoplankton -2 flagella between cellulose plates makes spinning movement -dinoflagellate blooms produce "red tides" that are often harmful -many heterotrophic


-mitosome (reduced mitochondria) -lack plastids -anaerobic -2 nuclei -multiple flagella *Giardia intestinalis*

green algae

-named for grass green chloroplasts -plants descended from green algae -paraphyletic group main groups: -charophytes: most closely related to land plants. rings of cellulose; ability to synthesize sporopollenin -chlorophytes: most live in fresh water (everywhere they can photosynthesize)


-nearly all are animal parasites -most have complex life cycles -asexual and sexual stages as well as several host species -have tiny infectious cells called "sporozoites" specialized for invading host cell *Plasmodium vivax*

hardy weinberg is maintained by

-no mutations -random mating -no natural selection -large population -no gene flow in or out

5 Characteristics of Chordates

-notochord -dorsal, hollow nerve cord -pharyngeal slits -post anal tail -endostyle


-nucleariids -fungi -choanoflagellates -animals *nucleariids and fungi sister *choano and animal sister


-parasites of vertebrates and some invertebrates -entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic dysentery

4 major nutritional catagories

-photoautotrophs -chemoautotrophs -photoheterotrophs -chemoheterotrophs

Kingdom Animalia

-porifera -cnidaria -platyhelminth -nematoda -mollusca -annelida -arthropoda -echinodermata -chordata


-pourous tests (shells) made of calcium carbonate -pseudopodia extending through pores help swim/feed -obtain nourishment through symbiotic algae


-predatory heterotrophs, autotrophs, and parasites -SPIRAL/CRYSTALLINE rod flagella -single, large mitochondrion containing "kinetoplastids" -EUGLENOIDS: photosynthetic euglena switch to heterotrophy in the absence of sunlight because of PIGMENTED EYESPOT (first primitive electroneg radiation detector) CHAGAS AFRICAN SLEEPING SICKNESS

benefits of amniotic egg

-prevents desiccation -gas exchange -nutrient storage

post anal tail

-propelling force (in aquatic) -skeletal elements and muscle -defense -nutrition -locomotion


-quantities of fossilized diatom walls make up "diatomaceous earth" -"diatom blooms" are a part of a biological CARBON PUMP -responsible for about 80% of the oxygen production in the modern atmosphere -hydrated silica shells

hybrid zones

-reinforcement -fusion -stability

antibiotic targets

-ribosomal large and small subunits -super coil in genome -peptidoglycan -1 RNA polymerase


-slime molds -tubulinids -entamoebas

SAR complex

-stramenopiles -alveolates -rhizarians

2 enzymes in aerobes

-super oxide distase -catalase can grow bigger and be on land

pharyngeal slits

-suspension feeding -gas exchange -develops into ear, head, and neck in tetrapods

genetic recombination

-transformation -transduction -conjugation


-tuataras -lizards -snakes -extinct mososaurs


-tuataras -lizards -snakes -turtles -crocodilians -birds scales that make waterproof barrier lay shelled eggs on the land


-urodela (salamanders) -anura (frogs) -apoda (caecilians)


-use cilia to move and feed -2 types of nuclei: macronuclei(controls everyday function) micronuclei(exchanged in CONJUGATION) -reproduce asexually through binary fission -expels excess H2O to maintain an isotonic internal enviornment

derived characteristics of birds

-wings with keratin feathers

fundamental principles of science

-without data, one is just a loudmouth with an opinion -one time does not a pattern make -scientific thought and should be put forth for peer review

sequence of events under the influence of natural selection

1) change occurs in the environment 2) poorly adapted individuals have decreased survivorship 3) well adapted individuals leave more offspring than do poorly adapted individuals 4) genetic frequencies within the population change

Oviparous (egg- laying) animals have internal fertilization (sperm cells encounter eggs within the female's body). Yolk and/or albumen is (are) provided to the embryo, and a shell is then deposited around the embryo and its food source. Eggs are subsequently deposited in an environment that promotes their further development, or are incubated by one or both parents. 1.The yolk of an animal egg has what type of analog in angiosperms? 2.Which of these is a major trend in land plant evolution?

1. endosperm 2. the trend toward a sporophyte dominated life cycle

A student encounters an animal embryo at the eight- cell stage. The four smaller cells that comprise one hemisphere of the embryo seem to be rotated 45 degrees and to lie in the grooves between larger, underlying cells. 1. If we were to separate these eight cells and attempt to culture them individually, then what is most likely to happen? 2. Both animals and fungi are heterotrophic. What distinguishes animal heterotrophy from fungal heterotrophy is that only animals derive their nutrition by:

1.Each cell may continue development, but only into a nonviable embryo that lacks many parts. 2.ingesting it

During chordate evolution, what is the sequence (from earliest to most recent) in which the following structures arose? 1. amniotic egg 2. paired fins 3. jaws 4. swim bladder 5. four-chambered heart


Arrange these taxonomic terms from most inclusive (most general) to least inclusive (most specific). 1. lobe-fins 2. amphibians 3. gnathostomes 4. osteichthyans 5. tetrapods


Arrange the following in the correct sequence, from earliest to most recent, in which these plant traits originated. 1.sporophytedominance,gametophyte independence 2.sporophytedominance, gametophyte dependence 3.gametophytedominance,sporophyte dependence


Which of the following is NOT a shared characteristic of all chordates? a) 4 chambered heart b) pharyngeal slits c) notochord d) dorsal, hollow nerve chord e) post-anal tail

4 chambered heart

Which of these characteristics added most to vertebrate success in relatively dry environments? A) the amniotic egg B) the ability to maintain a constant body temperature C) two pairs of appendages D) claws E) a four-chambered heart


Molluscs, arthropods, and annelids all show a) A complete digestive system b) An open circulatory system c) Spiral and determinate cleavage d) All of the above e) A and C only

A and C only

R plasmid

A bacterial plasmid carrying genes that confer resistance to certain antibiotics.

Which of the following statements comparing the mammalian respiratory system with the arthropod tracheal system is FALSE ? a) Both include a highly branched system of tubes b) A closed circulatory (blood transport) system is adjacent to the gas exchange surface in both systems c) The arthropod tracheal system is widely distributed throughout the organisms body, while the mammalian respiratory system is confined to a certain region pos the organisms body. d) Both are invaginated surfaces e) Both are adaptations for living in air and maintaining a moist gas exchange surface.

A closed circulatory (blood transport) system is adjacent to the gas exchange surface in both systems


A eukaryotic organism that cannot be classified as an animal, plant, or fungus.

All of the following statements about the Kingdom Animalia are true EXCEPT: A) Terrestrial (land) habitats host the greatest diversity of animal phyla. B) Muscle tissue is unique to the Animal Kingdom (not found in other Kingdoms of life). C) Many animals have a larval stage that utilizes different resources than the adult stage. D) The cells of most animals are organized into tissues. E) Except for the production of gametes, animals are diploid organisms.

A) Terrestrial (land) habitats host the greatest diversity of animal phyla.

Which of these is the best description of pollenation in flowering plants? A) delivery of a pollen grain to a stigma B) joining of an egg and a sperm in a plant C) release of pollen grains from anthers D) growth of the pollen tube until it reaches an ovule

A) delivery of a pollen grain to a stigma

Key features of seed plants facilitating life on land include three of the following four traits. Select the exception. (A) homospory (B) pollen (C) reduced gametophytes (D) seeds

A) homospory

Which of the following statements about seed plants is true:

All seed plant species are heterosporous

amniotic egg evolutionary adaptation

Amnion contains the amniotic fluid until the kidneys are formed


An evolutionary change in the rate or timing of developmental events


Analogous structures that have evolved independently.

Convergent Evolution

Analogous traits; the same structure evolving in different organisms that are not homologous

homeotic genes

Any of the genes that control the overall body plan of animals by controlling the developmental fate of groups of cells.

The fossil skeleton given the name "Lucy" belongs to which of these taxa? Australopithecus Homo sapiens Homo habilis Ardipithecus Homo erectus


An animal has these characteristics: endothermic, 4-chambered heart, amniotic egg. Given only this information, to which taxa could it POSSIBLY belong? a) Reptilia or Amphibia b) Amphibia or Chelonia c) Aves or Mammalia d) Aves or Reptilia e) Reptilia or Mammalia

Aves or Mammalia

According to one hypothesis, the jaws of vertebrates were derived by the modification of A) scales of the lower lip. B) skeletal rods that had supported pharyngeal (gill) slits. C) one or more gill slits. D) one or more of the bones of the cranium. E) one or more of the vertebrae.


Pharyngeal slits appear to have functioned first as A) the digestive system's opening. B) suspension-feeding devices. C) components of the jaw. D) gill slits for respiration. E) portions of the inner ear.


What is one characteristic that separates chordates from all other animals? A) true coelom B) dorsal, hollow nerve cord C) blastopore, which becomes the anus D) bilateral symmetry E) segmentation


What is the single unique characteristic that distinguishes extant birds from other extant animals? A) a hinged jaw B) feathers C) an amniotic egg D) flight E) a gizzard


Which is not characteristic of all mammals? A) a four-chambered heart that prevents mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood B) giving birth to live young (viviparous) C) having hair during at least some period of life D) having glands to produce nourishing milk for offspring E) having a diaphragm to assist in ventilating the lungs


Which one of these chordate groups lacks a post-anal tail and a notochord as adults? A) lancelets B) tunicates C) amphibians D) mammals E) reptiles


Why is the amniotic egg considered an important evolutionary breakthrough? A) has a shell that increases gas exchange. B) allows incubation of eggs in a terrestrial environment. C) prolongs embryonic development. D) provides insulation to conserve heat. E) permits internal fertilization to be replaced by external fertilization.


Arrange the following structures from largest to smallest, assuming that they belong to two generations of the same angiosperm. 1. ovary 2. ovule 3. egg 4. carpel 5. embryo sac

B) 4,1,2,5,3

In bivalve molluscs, the ________________ secretes the shell and the ____________ muscles help keep the two halves sealed shut/together. A) gills; abductor B) mantle; adductor C) siphons; abductor D) mantle; abductor E) umbo; adductor

B) mantle; adductor

What do hagfishes and lampreys have in common with the extinct conodonts? A) lungs B) the jawless condition C) bony vertebrae D) their mode of feeding E) swim bladders

B) the jawless condition

Four of the choices below correctly match the name of a structure with its function. Select the choice in which the function listed is INCORRECT. A) radula-- feeding B)lophophore -- locomotion C) gills-- gas exchange D) cnidocyte-- capturing prey E) mantle-- secretes protective shell

B)lophophore -- locomotion

Which of the following was probably the least important factor in bringing about the Cambrian explosion?

C) the movement of animals onto land

Gymnosperms and angiosperms have the following in except: A.seeds B.pollen C.ovaries D.ovules

C. ovaries

Which of the following groups is INCORRECTLY matched with the common names of representative organisms?

Cephalopoda- snails and slugs

You are walking a beach and find a dead creature washed up on the shore. It is about as long as your forearm, fishlike with paired lateral fins. You notice the teeth in its mouth but the gill openings are merely slits along the side of the pharyngeal area. A quick dissection reveals an internal skeleton made of cartilage. There is no swim bladder. With this information, which of the following is the smallest phylogenetic group that includes this specimen?


You are walking a beach and find a dead creature washed up on the shore. It is about as long as your forearm, fishlike with paired lateral fins. You notice the teeth in its mouth but the gill openings are merely slits along the side of the pharyngeal area. A quick dissection reveals an internal skeleton made of cartilage. There is no swim bladder. With this information, which of the following is the smallest phylogenetic group that includes this specimen? Chondrichthyes Gnathostomes Osteichthyes Tetrapods Actinistia


A certain fungus species is attaching your corn crop, turning ears into great packets of nasty-looking spores. Which phylum is this species LEAST likely to belong to?



Classification system in which each species is assigned a two-part scientific name


Closest common ancestor to animals (sister taxa to animals)

Which of the following is a diploblastic phylum of aquatic predators?


Which of the following are NOT found in sponges? a) Cnidocytes b) Spicules c) Amoebocytes d) Spongocoela e) Choanocytes


Which of the following groups is INCORRECTLY matched with a characteristic or attribute? A) Animalia ‑ holotrophic B) Anthophyta ‑ flowers and fruits C) Ctenophora - extensive cephalization D) Cnidaria ‑ dimorphic life cycle in some species E) Gastropoda ‑ asymmetrical growth during development results in 180o rotation of the visceral mass

Ctenophora - extensive cephalization

Chondrichthyans can be distinguished from osteichthyans by the A) presence in osteichthyans of a skull. B) presence in osteichthyans of a lateral line system. C) presence in condrichthyans of unpaired fins. D) absence in chondrichthyans of a swim bladder and lungs. E) absence in chondrichthyans of paired sensory organs.


Mammals and living birds share all of the following characteristics except A) endothermy. B) descent from a common amniotic ancestor. C) a dorsal, hollow nerve cord. D) teeth specialized for diverse diets. E) the ability of some species to fly.


What is a distinctive feature of the chondrichthyans? A) an amniotic egg B) unpaired fins C) an acute sense of vision that includes the ability to distinguish colors D) a cartilaginous endoskeleton E) lack of jaws


Which of the figures below represents countercurrent exchange? The arrows indicate direction of flow, and the numbers indicate temperatures in degrees Celsius.


Which of the following are the only extant animals that descended directly from dinosaurs? A) lizards B) crocodiles C) snakes D) birds E) mammals


Which of these statements accurately describes a similarity between sharks and fishes? A) The skin is typically covered by flattened bony scales. B) They are equally able to exchange gases with the environment while stationary. C) They are highly maneuverable due to their flexibility. D) They have a lateral line that is sensitive to changes in water pressure. E) A swim bladder helps control buoyancy


Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is incorrect? (A) Echinodermata—bilateral symmetry as a larva, coelomate (B) Nematoda—roundworms, pseudocoelomate (C) Platyhelminthes—flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, acoelomate (D) Porifera—gastrovascular cavity, coelomate

D) Porifera—gastrovascular cavity, coelomate


Descent with modification

Differentiation of teeth is greatest in A) sharks. B) bony fishes. C) amphibians. D) reptiles. E) mammals.


Lampreys differ from hagfishes in A) lacking jaws. B) having a cranium. C) having pharyngeal clefts that develop into pharyngeal slits. D) having a notochord throughout life. E) having a notochord that is surrounded by a tube of cartilage.


Which of the following is not a shared characteristic of all chordates? A) pharyngeal clefts B) post-anal tail C) notochord D) dorsal, hollow nerve cord E) four-chambered heart


Which of these are characteristics of all chordates during at least a portion of their development? A) a dorsal, hollow nerve cord B) pharyngeal clefts C) post-anal tail D) A and B only E) A, B, and C


Fungi are easily distinguished from plants by the fact that: A) fungi have chitin in their cell walls. B) The cellular structure of a fungus body is a mass of tubular cells C) fungi do not have photosynthetic pigments. D) all fungi are absorptive heterotrophs E) ALL OF THE ABOVE


To the best of our knowledge of plant evolutionary history, which of the following adaptations appeared AFTER all of the others? A) spores B) vascular tissue C) ovules D) pollen E) ovaries (only angios)

E) ovaries (only angios)

A lophophore is a structure used by lophophorates for:


Which of the following statements correctly describes a portion of the pine life cycle?

Female gametophytes use mitosis to produce eggs.


First major group of reptiles to emerge, mostly large, stocky quadrupedal herbivores; died out in the late Triassic period


Group of uniucellular protists that contain amoebas that feed on alge and bacteria


High frequency of recombination

Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about the evolution of humans? paleontologic and molecular genetic data support the conclusion that Homo sapiens is monophyletic and arose in Africa many features of human anatomy can be traced back to arboreal adaptations of early primates the genus Homo was preceded by an adaptive radiation of species of the hominid genus Australopithecus Homo sapiens evolved from chimpanzees there is fossil evidence that life existed on Earth for more than 3 billion years before the appearance of Homo sapiens

Homo sapiens evolved from chimpanzees

paralogous genes

Homologous genes that are found in the same genome as a result of gene duplication.

hybrid breakdown

Hybrid is fertile, but when they breed the next generation is sterile.



Where can unique intracellular communication be found?

In the complex tissue structure

Why is the amniotic egg considered an important evolutionary breakthrough? It allows deposition of eggs in a terrestrial environment. It permits internal fertilization to be replaced by external fertilization. It has a shell that increases gas exchange. It provides insulation to conserve heat.

It allows deposition of eggs in a terrestrial environment

Arthropods have an exoskeleton that benefits individual success in many ways. What is a disadvantage of an exoskeleton? A) It deteriorates quickly in aquatic environments. B) It attracts the attention of predators. C) It makes movement much slower. D) It must be shed if the animal needs to grow. E) It is difficult to bend the appendages.

It must be shed if the animal needs to grow.


Jawed vertebrates


Kingdom composed of heterotrophs; many obtain energy and nutrients from dead organic matter -chytridiomycota -zygomycota -ascomycota -basidiomycota

Which of the following is a CORRECT association of an animal germ layer with the tissues or organs to which it gives rise ? a) Ectoderm - Lining of the digestive tract b) Mesoderm - outpocketings give rise to the liver and lungs of vertebrates c) Endoderm - forms the central nervous system in some groups of animals d) Endoderm - forms the animal's outer covering e) Mesoderm - forms the muscles and most internal organs

Mesoderm - forms the muscles and most internal organs

Which of the following is an INCORRECT association of an animal germ layer with the tissues or organs to which it gives rise? a) Endoderm- Digestive Tract b) Mesoderm- Nervous System c) Mesoderm- Muscle d) Endoderm- Liver and lungs e) Ectoderm- Outer covering

Mesoderm- Nervous system

mechanical isolation

Morphological differences prevent fertilization.

Due in great part to its characteristics of having a fixed number of cells in the adult, Caenorhabditis elegans has become an important model research organism in developmental biology. To which phylum does C. elegans belong?


Which of these phyla is NOT in the Lophotrochozoan clade?


Myxini and ______________ are phylogenetically sister taxa. A. Cephalochordata B. Chondrichythes C. Urochordata D. Petromyzontida E. OFOchordata F. Cowboys beat the eagles!!!!!!


Which of these is a correct match of animal group and the habitat and life-cycle of a representative of that group?

Phylum Nematoda-- terrestrial decomposer

Wandering along the stream at Research Park one spring day, you furn over a rock in the stream. A small wormlike oeature only 1 cm long is clinging to the rock with its own slime. Its triangle-shaped head has two eyespots but no mouth. Its body is dorsoventrally flattened, instead of round. There are no appendages and no segments. It body surface is soft and slimy, Th-ese observations alone are enough to determine that this animal belongs in:

Phylum Platyhelminthes

Which of the following processes or structures helped to make the cycads and conifers more successful in the drier climate of the Mesozoic Era than the ferns, horsetails, and lycophytes which dominated the Paleozoic Era?


habitat isolation

Populations live in different habitats and do not meet

Digestive organs, circulatory system, and nerve cords are completely absent in:


Which of the following taxa is not a eumetazoan? A) Porifera B) Cnidaria C) Lophotrochozoa D) Ecdysozoa E) Deuterostomia F) Both A & D


Which of the following groups is INCORRECTLY matched with a feeding mode (i.e., mechanism of acquiring food) or structure? A) Nemertea - retractable proboscis B) Rotifera - ciliated crown C) Porifera ‑ lophophores D) Cnidaria ‑ tentacles armed with stinging cells E) Gastropoda ‑ radula

Porifera ‑ lophophores

Which of the following groups is INCORRECTLY matched with a mechanism of motility?

Porifera- weak contraction of muscle tissue distributed throughout the body


Ray finned fish


Red Algae Green Algae Land Plants


Reptiles possessing a skull with two pairs of openings behind each eye socket; includes squamates, birds, crocodiles, and dinosaurs -lepidosaurs -archosaurs

If you place a small piece of a cracker on your tongue, what would you expect to happen?

Salivary amylase degrades the starch from the cracker into glucose.

Which class of the phylum Cnidaria occurs ONLY as a medusa? a) Hydrozoa b) Scyphozoa c) Anthozoa d) Only A and C are correct e) Only A and B are correct


Which of the following is most closely related to the jellyfish?

Sea anemone

Food being digested in the stomach is in a highly acidic environment. When the food is released from the stomach into the small intestine, why is the environment no longer acidic?

Secretin increases the flow of bicarbonate ions from the pancreas into the small intestine to neutralize the stomach acid.

Which of the following statements about fungi is TRUE?

Some fungi can release chemicals that are toxic to bacteria.


Sponge Phylum. Asymmetrical organisms that lack tissues.


Stem cells with the potential to differentiate into any type of cell.

A direct consequence of indeterminate cleavage is a) Formation of a coelom b) The ability of cells isolated from the early embryo to develop into viable individuals c) The arrangement of cleavage planes perpendicular to the egg's vertical axis d) The unpredictable formation of either a schizocoelous or enterocoelous body cavity e) A mouth that forms in association with the blastopore

The ability of cells isolated from the early embryo to develop into viable individuals


The retention in an adult organism of the juvenile features of its evolutionary ancestors.

A pearl results from calcium carbonate layers being layed down around a foreign particle. These layers of calcium carbonate are produced by a) The mesoderm b) The cnidocyte c) The endoderm d) The mantle e) The visceral mass

The mantle

f plasmid

The plasmid form of the F factor.

What do all deuterostomes have in common?

The pore (blastopore) formed during gastrulation becomes the anus

Which example is evidence provided by living gymnosperms of an evolutionary transition between seedless and seed plants?

The sperm of some gymnosperms have flagella

Which one of the following is true of seed plants, but NOT true of seedless plants?

The sporophyte is large, and the gametophyte is small and independent

horizontal gene transfer

The transfer of genes from one genome to another through mechanisms such as transposable elements, plasmid exchange, viral activity, and perhaps, fusions of different organisms.


The use of living organisms to detoxify and restore polluted and degraded ecosystems

Which of the following distinguishes the marsupials such as opossums and kangaroos from common European mammals like rats, deer, and horses?

The way their young develop

Which of the following distinguishes the marsupials such as opossums and kangaroos from common European mammals like rats, deer, and horses? The types of habitats they occupy The type of outer body covering they have The way they feed their young The way their young develop The types of food they eat

The way their young develop

What would BEST explain why sponges do not have terrestrial species?

They are suspension feeders

All following correctly characterize nematodes EXCEPT that a) They both have circular and longitudinal muscles b) They are often parasitic c) They have a complete digestive system d) They play an important role in decomposition e) They have a pseudocoelom

They both have circular and longitudinal muscles

Members of the Phylum Porifera can be distinguished from all other animals by which of the following characteristics?

They do not have true tissues

Which of the following is a characteristic of nematodes?

They have only longitudinal muscles

Which of the following is true of members of the phylum Cnidaria?

They may use a gastrovascular cavity as a hydrostatic skeleton.

The closest seedless relatives of seed plants produce one kind of spore that gives rise to a bisexual gametophyte. What does this suggest about the ancestors of seed plants?

They were homosporous

Among the invertebrate phyla, phylum Arthropoda is unique in possessing members that have:


Animals that actively move in a unidirectional fashion through their environment would be expected to exhibit which of the following characteristics? A) bilateral symmetry B). radial symmetry C). cephalization D) a and c E) b and c

a and c

Founder's Effect

a few individuals colonize a new area; unlikely to represent the parent population

What represents the female gametophyte generation in a gymnosperm?

a group of haploid cells enclosed within the ovule

Which of the following animals is a tetrapod, an amniote, and an ectotherm?

a lizard

A land snail, a clam, and an octopus all share

a mantle

The red cherries on the wild cherry tree function primarily as:

a means of seed dispersal

Which structure do sea slugs use to feed on their prey?

a radula

secondary endosymbiosis

a red or green algae was engulfed by a heterotrophic eukaryote, leading to a new protist lineages

An animal that is diploblastic could not possibly have:

a true coelom

The fossil skeleton given the name "Lucy" belongs to which of these taxa? a. Australopithecus b. Homo sapiens c. Homo erectus d. Homo habilis e. Ardipithecus

a. Australopithecus

Which statement about vertebrate phylogeny is TRUE? a. Birds are descended from one of the lines of ancient reptiles. b. Snakes are descended from a group of legless amphibians. c. Amniotes include frogs, salamanders, turtles, crocodiles, snakes, and lizards. d. Mammals first arose from a group of small dinosaurs that evolved endothermic metabolism. e. The amniotic egg apparently evolved at least twice in the history of vertebrates.

a. Birds are descended from one of the lines of ancient reptiles.

Select the TRUE statement about animal development: a. Deuterostome development is indeterminate. b. Mesoderm in protostomes arises as outpocketings of the primitive gut. c. Radial cleavage is characteristic of protostome development. d. In deuterostomes, the blastopore ultimately becomes the mouth of the adult. e. All of the above are true.

a. Deuterostome development is indeterminate.

Two concepts that identify species as groups of reproductively isolated populations are the a. biological and recognition species concepts b. recognition and ecological species concepts c. genetic and evolutionary species concepts d. biological and phylogenetic species concepts e. morphological and biological species concepts

a. biological and recognition species concepts

You are able to able to inhale because a. contracting rib muscles and diaphragm muscles expand the volume of the chest cavity, reducing the air pressure within the chest cavity and drawing in air. b. chest muscles surrounding the alveoli relax, allowing passive expansion of the space inside each alveolus, so that air is drawn in. c. smooth muscles surrounding the bronchioles contract, allowing the bronchioles to suck up air like a rubber bulb syringe. d. peristaltic contractions of the diaphragm pushes air through the bronchioles. e. the lung tissue is naturally elastic and tends to draw air back in after each exhalation.

a. contracting rib muscles and diaphragm muscles expand the volume of the chest cavity, reducing the air pressure within the chest cavity and drawing in air.

Which of the following is NOT a shared characteristic of ALL chordates? a. jaws b. dorsal, hollow nerve cord c. postanal tail d. pharyngeal slits e. notochord

a. jaws

stabilizing selection

acts against extreme phenotypes and favors intermediate forms

After eating a large meal, which of the following is true?

all of the answers describe events that occur after eating a large meal

The chorion, amnion, and allantois are structures found in. (choose the MOST inclusive taxon that applies) a) all reptiles b) all chordates c) all tetrapods d) all vertebrates e) all gnathostomes

all reptiles

What is the function of the pollen tube?

allows the sperm to reach the egg within the ovule

Includes salamanders, frogs, and toads. a) amphibia b) aves c) Chondrichthyes d) mammalia e) reptilia



an animal phylum in which all members have a notochord, dorsal nerve cord and pharyngeal gill slits at some embryonic stage; includes the Cephalochordata and the Vertebrates

The body of a starfish is supported primarily by:

an endoskeleton

The most important adaptive advantage associated with the filamentous nature of fungal mycelia is:

an extensive surface area well suited for invasive growth and absorptive nutrition.

The closest relatives of fungi are thought to be the:


During pollination, pollen grains are transferred from the _____to the _____ .

anther; stigma

Due in great part to its characteristic of having a fixed number of cells in the adult, Caenorhabditis elegans has become an important model research organism in developmental biology. To which phylum does C. elegans belong? a) Annelida b) Nemertea c) Nematoda d) Arthropoda e) Platyhelminthes

b) Nematoda

A triploblastic animal in which the fluid‑filled body cavity is only partially lined (lined on one side) with mesodermal tissue is referred to as: a) protostome b) pseudocoelomate d) deuterostome e) coelomate f) acoelomate

b) pseudocoelomate

A bony fish such as a tuna has an adaptation not found in sharks and rays. This is a cranium a. two pairs of lateral fins b. a swim bladder c. an endoskeleton d. gills

b. a swim bladder

Several species of fish in the genus Astyanax occur only in the waters in completely dark underground caves. These blind cave fish have no external eyes, but have very tiny and functionless eyes under the skin. Genetic studies clearly indicate that the blind cave fish are evolved from surface-dwelling species with typical and functional eyes. The eyes of these blind cave fish are, therefore, an example of a. a discrete character b. a vestigial structure c. clinal variation d. inheritance of acquired characteristics e. hybrid breakdown

b. a vestigial structure

Which of these animals are BOTH endothermic amniotes? a. fish and salamander b. dog and bird c. snake and lizard d. salamander and lizard e. bird and lizard

b. dog and bird

You turn over a rock in your garden and dozens of little animals may be seen squirming, crawling, or running around on top of or just underneath the soil. Which of the following groups are you LEAST likely to find represented there? a. gastropod b. echinoderm c. annelid d. arthropod e. nematode

b. echinoderm

Most fishes can live either in freshwater or in saltwater habitats, but not in both. If you move a marine fish from the ocean to a lake, it will quickly die, and vice versa. However, a small number of fish species are capable of moving between the two environments. Salmon are osmoregulators that hatch in rivers, spend most of their lives in the ocean, and return to the river where they were born in order to breed. When a salmon moves from the ocean to a freshwater environment, you would expect its urine volume to ________ and its rate of salt absorption to ________. a. increase ; remain the same b. increase ; increase c. decrease ; decrease d. decrease ; increase

b. increase ; increase

The main difference between the earliest evolved tetrapods and the most recently evolved tetrapods is that a. early tetrapods lack legs. b. later tetrapods produce milk to feed their young. c. later tetrapods have larger brains. d. early tetrapods lack a vertebral column.

b. later tetrapods produce milk to feed their young.

In humans, after a meal ____ rises, signaling the ____ to secrete ____. This travels through the bloodstream to the cells of the body and stimulates the ____ to produce and store ____. After a period of time, if the person exercises, there is an energy deficit, and the ____ secrete ____ into the blood. This causes the breakdown of glycogen and a resulting in a rise in blood sugar to maintain homeostasis

blood glucose, beta cells of the pancreas, insulin, liver, glycogen, alpha cells of the pancreas, glucagon

How are mycorrhizae and lichens similar?

both involve fungi and a photosynthetic partner

Some bird bones are hollow rather than honeycombed. The hollow bones mostly contain air sacs. The replacement of bone marrow with air sacs is properly understood as an adaptation to just reduce the weight of the bird and nothing else increase weight eliminate the functions that marrow performs. both reduce the weight of the bird and facilitate flight

both reduce the weight of the bird and facilitate flight

Digestive organs, circulatory system, and nerve cords are completely absent in a) Annelida b) Ectoprocta c) Porifera d) Platyhelminthes e) Mollusca

c) Porifera

Which of the following is NOT a reason why prokaryotes are important to humans? a. they form mutualistic symbioses with agriculturally important plants b. they are used to produce antibiotics and vitamins c. all of the answers represent reasons why prokaryotes are important to humans d. they cause various diseases e. they are used in sewage treatment

c. all of the answers represent reasons why prokaryotes are important to humans

complex tissue structure lacks what ?

cell walls


cold-blooded, absorbing external heat


combine photosynthesis and heterotrophic nutrition


common in reptiles and some sharks

Which of the following cells or structures are associated with asexual reproduction in fungi?


nitrogen fixation

conversion of atmospheric oxygen to ammonia

What do nervous tissues do?

coordinate movement

Locomotion in the Ctenophora is accomplished by:

coordinated rows of cilia

Animals that actively move in a unidirectional fashion through their environment would be expected to exhibit which of the following characteristics? a) bilateral symmetry b) radial symmetry c) cephalization d) a and c e) b and c

d) a and c

Which of the following terms is INCORRECTLY defined? a) larva - a free-living, sexually immature form of an animal whose normal developmental process involves metamorphosis b) coelom - a body cavity formed from tissue derived from mesoderm c) blastocoel - fluid-filled chamber within a hollow ball of embryonic animal cells d) diploblastic - the pattern of germ layer development characteristic of all eumetazoans e) radial symmetry - animal morphology in which there is an oral (top) and aboral (bottom) surface and multiple planes of symmetry

d) diploblastic - the pattern of germ layer development characteristic of all eumetazoans

A population of 500 lizards vary in the color of their stripes, controlled by a single autosomal gene. The allele Y has incomplete dominance over the allele y. Lizards with YY have bright yellow stripes. Lizards with Yy have faded yellow stripes and lizards with yy have white stripes. A survey of the population yielded this data: bright-yellow striped: 300 lizards faded-yellow striped: 100 lizards white striped: 100 lizards What is the frequency of the Y allele in this population? a. 0.6 b. 0.8 c. none of the answers are correct d. 0.7 e. 0.3

d. 0.7

Conifers and pines both have needlelike leaves, with the adaptive advantage of _____.

decreased surface area, reducing water loss

Are most animals haploid or diploid ?

diploid (2n)

Gas exchange (O2/CO2) in flatworms is made primarily through

direct diffusion across thin cell layers

Fruit primarily functions for:

dispersing seeds

The beauty of biology

diversity of life and the evolution of mechanisms to maintain life.

In the beetle shown here crawling on the ground, the view of the beetle we can see in its entirety is the

dorsal side

The endosperm of the angiosperm seed is a direct result of:

double fertilization

Atria contract _____.

during atrial systole

The lophophorate animals: a) are deuterostomes b) are not clearly protostomes or deuterostomes c) are directly ancestral to invertebrate chordates d) are psuedocoelomates e) are protostomes

e) are protostomes

Which of the following tissues or structures could NOT be derived from ectoderm? a) all but the digestive tract of a jellyfish b) the thin skin of a platyhelminth c) your epidermis (skin) d) your nervous system e) the muscles of a nematode

e) the muscles of a nematode

Given the phylogenetic tree shown above, which of the following sets of species (A-F) would constitute a monophyletic grouping? a. ABC b. ABCD c. ABCDE d. ABCDEF e. both choices b and d are sets of monophyletic taxa

e. both choices b and d are sets of monophyletic taxa

Which of the following matches an event in the history of animals with the correct geologic era?

earliest mammals-- Mesozoic Era

Humans most frequently acquire trichinosis by:

eating undercooked pork

You stop in a forest to turn over a dead log. Which of the following invertebrate groups can you be confident will NOT be under the log?


The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a ______.

flagellated protist

All of the following have contributed to the success of angiosperms except:

flagellated sperm for more efficient fertilization


flowering plants -monocots -eudicots

genetic drift

fluctuation in a population's allele frequencies from one generation to the next as a result of chance events **has greater effect on smaller populations**

Which of the following does not relate to nematodes?


Which of the following does not relate to nematodes? A) elegans B) trichinosis C) round worms D) flukes E) free-living or parasitic



foreign DNA is integrated into the chromosome by exchange of homologous DNA segments

behavioral isolation

form of reproductive isolation in which two populations develop differences in courtship rituals or other behaviors that prevent them from breeding

During embryogenesis of diploblastic and triploblastic animals, the embryo becomes multilayered (i.e., the germ layers are differentiated) through the process of: A) enterocoely B) cleavage C) blastulation D) coelom formation E) gastrulation


One of the characteristics unique to animals is


sister taxa

genomes of groups that are sister taxa to one another are most similar

allopatric speciation

geographic isolation interrupts gene flow between two subpopulations

In fungi, a spore:

germinates to grow into a new mycelium

Which is NOT characteristics of all mammals ? a) have glands to produce milk to nourish their offspring b) a four-chambered heart that prevents mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood c) have a diaphragm to assist in ventilating the lungs d) give birth to live young (viviparous) e) have hair during at least some period of their life

give birth to live young (viviparous)

The closest relatives of the familiar pine and spruce trees are _____.

gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgos

basal lineage of vertebrates

hagfish and lamprey

Are gametes haploid or diploid?


A hermaphroditic animal:

has both male and female reproductive organs

Gnetophytes like Welwitschia look very different from the Ginkgophyte Ginkgo biloba, but they both:

have seeds.


helical gram negative heterotrophs *syphilis and lyme disease

Which of the following is an INCORRECT match of a character and description? amnion - fluid-filled extraembryonic membrane that in amniotes encloses the embryo and protects it from desiccation ray fin - type of paired appendage characteristic of actinopterygian fishes viviparous - animal in which the embryo is retained within the uterus and is nourished by nutrients from the mother allantois - membranous outgrowth of the amniote embryonic hindgut, serves to isolate embryonic waste heterodonty - life history including both deciduous and permanent sets of dentition

heterodonty - life history including both deciduous and permanent sets of dentition

All fungi are:


Vestigial Structures

historical remnants of ancestral structures will not get rid of unless maladaptive

Artificial Selection

humans intervening with natural selection (banana triploidy) (pugs having breeding problems because humans breed them for flatter faces)

types of postzygotic barriers

hybrid inviability hybrid sterility hybrid breakdown

hybrid sterility

hybrid offspring mature but are sterile as adults

Which of these animals has a gastrovascular cavity? a) birds b) hydra c) mammal d) insect e) annelid


finches and environments

in dry environments, finches beaks become deeper to crack through larger seeds


more than two sets of chromosomes that all come from the same species

most animals are mobile but what do they use in order to capture, detect and eat other organisms?

most animals use traits such as - strength - speed - toxins - camouflage

animal tissues

muscle and nervous tissue are unique to animals

Th human disease trichinosis is caused by the parasitic animal Trichinella which is a:


Planarians lack dedicated respiratory and circulatory systems because

none of their cells are far removed from the gastrovascular cavity or from the external environment

In the vertebrates, the vertebral column functionally replaces the _____________ during development.



obligate intracellular parasites of animals *chlamydia is the leading cause of blindness in the world and most common STD in the USA

directional selection

occurs during periods of environmental change when individuals on one end of the phenotypic range may be favored

Bottleneck Effect

occurs when a natural disaster or other factor reduces population size dramatically, decreasing genetic variation *Catastrophic event *small gene pool left over *Understanding this can increase how human activity affects other species *Humans have dramatic effects on populations Ex.) coyotes living in cities

disruptive selection

occurs when the environment favors individuals on both extremes of the phenotypic range

Where are ovules found on pine trees?

on scales of cones

Where may an ovule be found?

on the scale of a cone


only bacteria that lacks a cell wall

allelic frequency

p + q = 1

hardy weinberg equilibrium

p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1


perform plant like, oxygen generating photosynthesis and are important producers in freshwater & marine ecosystems some have cells specifically for nitrogen fixation


pertaining to a group of taxa derived from two or more different ancestors


pertaining to a grouping of species that consists of an ancestral species and some, but not all, of its descendants.

In marine sponges, intracellular digestion of peptides is usually immediately preceded by _____.


Which of the following terms is NOT associated with the Kingdom Fungi?


Why is the discovery of the fossil Archaeopteryx significant? It supports the contention that birds are much older than we originally thought. claim that some dinosaurs had feathers well before birds had evolved. i have no idea phylogenetic relatedness of birds and reptiles.

phylogenetic relatedness of birds and reptiles.


phylum of roundworms

reproductive isolation

prevents individuals from different species from producing viable, fertile offspring, or hybrids

Which of these characteristics distinguishes mammals from ALL other animals?

produce milk for the young


produces mucus to gather food particles

An arthropod has all the following characteristics except a) protostome development b) bilateral symmetry c) pseudocoelom d) 3 embryonic germ layers e) true tissue


A triploblastic animal in which the fluid-filled body cavity is only partially lined (lined on one side) with mesodermal tissue is referred to as:


A triploblastic animal in which the fluid‑filled body cavity is only partially lined (lined on one side) with mesodermal tissue is referred to as: A) deuterostome B) pseudocoelomate C) protostome D) acoelomate E) coelomate


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the Annelida?

pseudocoelomate body plan


radially symmetrical marine invertebrates including e.g. starfish and sea urchins and sea cucumbers

sympatric speciation

reproductive barriers prevent gene flow in populations that share the same area

The amniotic egg first evolved in which of the following groups? a) Birds b) Egg- laying mammals (monotremes) c) reptiles d) amphibians e) fish


Internal fertilization, amniotic egg, skin that resists drying, evolved in late carboniferous. a) amphibia b) aves c) Chondrichthyes d) mammalia e) reptilia


Compared to the seedless vascular plants, the seed plants:

retain the gametophyte generation within sporophyte tissue.


rocklike layers of prokaryotes and sediment


secreted proteins that cause diseases such as cholera and botulism

A pine seed is sometime described as containing "three generations under one roof". The three generations are represented in the mature pine seed by the:

seed coat, nutritive tissue, and embryo

Which of the following best states the advantages that seeds have over spores?

seeds contain embryonic plants, an abundant food supply, and a protective covering.

Which of the following is descriptive of protostomes ? a) spiral and indeterminate cleavage, coelom forms as split in solid mass of mesoderm b) spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth, schizocoelous development. c) spiral and determinate cleavage, enterocoelous development d) radial and determinate cleavage, entercoelous development, blastopore becomes anus. e) radial and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth, schizocoelous development.

spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth, schizocoelous development.

Which of the following correctly describes protostome development?

spiral and determinate cleavage; blastopore becomes mouth; coelom from split in mesodermal mass

What kind of animal is most similar in terms of body organization to the earliest animals on earth?


temporal isolation

staminate cannot fertilize the female cone on same tree (promotes genetic diversity)

Cnidarians are said to be diploblastic because a) they exist in two forms, medusa and polyp b) their cells are of 2 types, cnidocytes and nematocysts c) they develop from two germ layers, ectoderm and endoderm d) they exhibit two forms of reproduction, sexual and asexual e) their adult forms can be either sessile or motile

they develop from two germ layers, ectoderm and endoderm

A diverse of animals are grouped in the clade Lophotrochozoa because A) they were identified as monophyletic from molecular evidence B) they all have lophophores used for feeding C) they have bilateral symmetry D) they all have triploblastic development E) they have a digestive tract with a separate mouth and anus.

they were identified as monophyletic from molecular evidence

gram negative

thin layer of peptidoglycan Bacteria will lose the color purple in a gram stain and stain red with Safranin and appear pink

The gastrula stage in embryonic development of animals is very important because:

this is when the basic embryonic tissue layers are organized.


three primary germ layers

The distinction between sponges and other animal phyla is based mainly on the absence versus the presence of:



transfer genes from one prokaryote to another

The most ancient branch point in animal phylogeny is the characteristic of having______.

true tissues or no tissues

Members of subphylum Urochordata are known as a) tunicates b) lancelets c) arrow worms d) acorn worms e) bristle jaws


Which of the following lists of features characterizes eudicots?

two cotyledons, netlike veins, taproot usually present


two primary germ layers

The Salalizard is a fictional vertebrate that lives in the forest and appears to be half salamander and half lizard. You are not allowed to collect any wild animals, so you decide to take a video of it to show your colleagues. What behavior best distinguishes the Salalizard as either a salamander (amphibian) or a lizard (reptile)? where it reproduces what it eats if it lives in trees whether it is active at night

where it reproduces

Where in an angiosperm would you find a megasporangium?

within an ovule contained within an ovary of a flower

Where would one find the microspores of a pine tree?

within sporophytes of the male cone (pollen cone)

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