Bio Exam 3

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) Why should we all take time out of our day to thank the phytoplankton

80% Produces the majority of oxygen on the planet from cynobacteria & algae(diatoms & dinoflagellates), forms basis of marine food chain, photosynthetic primary producers

Which statement about the biosphere is true?

A feature of the biosphere is its patchiness.

The "psychological need" that many humans have for nature is called


The sum of all Earth's ecosystems is called the _____.


In cellular respiration, ____ is produced during ____

carbon dioxide; the citric acid cycle

Both tropical and temperate forests have

enough precipitation to support large trees

What is the basis for the recognition of the Intertidal zone?

The intertidal zone is flooded at high tide and dry during low tide.

A microscopic herbivore, Cladocera, living in lakes with an invertebrate predator, a copepod, showed reduced body size. In lakes with no predator the Cladocera were much bigger. Why should the predator have this effect

The lakes with no predators allowed hthe species to grow and mate and live there lives out compared to the lake with predators who attacked th species never letting them grow to their full potential.

What is the primary body part affected by tuberculosis

The lungs

Over the past 580 million years, biodiversity has

generally increased but with punctuations in the pattern.

Fats are composed of fatty acids and ________, which can both be metabolized for the production of ATP.


Most of the best agricultural soils in the United States occur in areas that were formerly ________.


In contrast to tropical forests, temperate broadleaf forests ________.

have a thick layer of leaf litter

A person with hemophilia lacks the pleiotropic gene that codes for the protein called clotting factor VIII. This means that he or she will

have many other symptoms in addition to excessive bleeding.

By definition, fresh water contains ________ salt.

less than 0.1%

Rainfall in a desert is

less than 20 inches per year

The growth and reproduction of an individual is called its

life cycle.

The plasma membrane of all cells is composed primarily of

lipids (phospholipid bilayer with proteins in it))

The reactions of cellular respiration occur in the

matrix of the mitochondria

People with the same blood type

may or may not be related.

Normal cell division, which includes the phases of __________, produces daughter cells that are identical to the original cell and takes place to __________.

mitosis; help organisms grow

After a speciation event

one new species evolves, while the original species may stay the same or evolve into something different.

The type of diffusion in which water moves down a concentration gradient is called ____


The Calvin cycle of photosynthesis occurs in the

outer chloropast membrane

The most trustworthy source of scientific information is

peer-reviewed research publications.

Which of the following factors would have the LEAST impact on a deep-sea hydrothermal vent community?

solar energy

In order to construct an evolutionary classification of modern-day aquatic mammals, the best source of information would be:

the DNA sequence

Which of the following has the most biomass per unit area?

tropical forest

The most nutrient-poor soils are found in _____ biomes.

tropical rain forest

What biome would your expect decomposers to work most rapidly and efficiently?

tropical rain forest

Which of the following macromolecules can't be broken down in the body and used to produce ATP?


Which of these emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere?


Animals are defined as _______.


Exponential growth, when graphed, appears as a(n)

"J" curve.

According to the endosymbiotic theory, both mitochondria and chloroplasts originated from free-living


Why is the level of carbon dioxide and water vapor important in the atmosphere?


Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive allele causing a blood disorder. What are the chances that a daughter of a normal man and a woman, who is heterozygous for the disease, will have hemophilia?


Humans possess

1 pair of sex chromosomes and 22 pairs of autosomes.

According to the generalized species-area curve, when habitat is reduced by 50% of its original size, approximately ______ of the species once present there will be lost.


A solution with a pH of 2 has an H+ ion concentration that is ________ than a solution with a pH of 4.

100 times higher

How many different kinds of gametes can be made by an individual with the genotype AABb?

2 (AB, Ab)

Earth's axis tilts ________ from perpendicular

23.5 degrees

Earth's axis tilts ________ from perpendicular


Cystic fibrosis is caused by the allele f, which is completely recessive to the normal dominant allele F. Consider a couple with the genotype Ff. What is the chance that their second child will develop cystic fibrosis?


Huntington's disease is caused by the allele H, which is completely dominant to the normal recessive allele h. Consider a couple where the man has the genotype Hh, and the woman has the genotype hh. What is the chance that their first child will develop Huntington's disease?


A child with type O blood could not have a parent with type ________ blood.


Chemical work within cells is powered by


Which of the following is a cross between parents who each have two different alleles for each of two different genes?

AaBb x AaBb

Which of the following traits can be acted on by natural selection?

All of them as long as they are controlled by genes

Why are hypotheses never accepted as proven true by scientists?

Alternative hypotheses might provide a better answer to the research question.

The carrying capacity of a population is represented as


"Mediterranean" is another name for this type of biome.


Which type of lagoon has its circulation predominantly controlled by the wind?


Which zone has the lowest biomass per unit of area? A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E


Which molecule remains in the nucleus during protein synthesis?


The sequence of events is the process of protein synthesis is usually


The growing season would generally be shortest in which of the following biomes? A) savanna B) temperate broadleaf forest C) temperate grassland D) tropical rain forest E) coniferous forest


Which of the following is an example of behavioral isolation?

Female spiders only mate when a male of the same species taps her web in a particular way.

What would you choose to be the most important characteristics of a bioindicator species?

Harpy Eagle: know when the environment changes and is around when the forest is healthy. Leaves when the environment changes or isn't fit. High up on the food chain level, specialized(more sensitive to change)

An ecologist might conduct research to answer which of the following questions?

How do tapeworms cope with life in the human intestine?

What happens when water is heated?

Hydrogen bonds between water molecules are broken.

What do savanna, chaparral, temperate grassland, and coniferous forest biomes have in common?

Periodic fires play a role in maintaining these ecosystems.

Plants possess many compounds that affect animals. Which of the following is the most likely reason?

Plants that produce chemical defenses were successful against plant-eating animals

If the red allele (R) of the flower color gene shows incomplete dominance with respect to the white allele (r), then if you cross an Rr plant with another Rr plant, how many different phenotypes to you expect to see in the offspring

Rr=pink x Rr→ Genotypes=RR, Rr, rr. Phenotypes=1 red, 2 pink, 1 white= 1:2:1 ratio. The phenotype of the plants with 2 different alleles is not the same as for plants with only 1 version of an allele.

The North Pole has a six-month day, starting on _________________ and ending on ________________.

September 21 (Sept. Equinox) March 21 (March Equinox)

________ is the cause of about one-third of all cancer deaths.

Smoking tobacco

Enzymes used to cut DNA for DNA fingerprinting and other DNA work are called

Taq polymerase

____________ forests are composed of three distinct layers: deciduous canopy trees, shrubs, and spring-flowering plants.


In summer, why is the air around a large body of water cooler than nearby inland areas?

Water temperature changes slowly in response to solar irradiation when compared to the rate of temperature change of land surfaces.

You are a birdwatcher visiting the desert southwest. Which of the following birds are you most likely to find?

a ferruginous pygmy owl, which often nests in saguaro cacti and eats insects

Traits that increase fitness in a particular environment are called ____


A scientific theory is...

an explanation supported by a very large amount of experimental evidence.

Coniferous trees are most abundant in

boreal forests.

Which organelle is found in plant cells but not in animal cells?


Which organelle performs photosynthesis?


Which of the following occurs inside the mitochondria?

citric acid cycle and electron transport

DNA carries the ________ and is wrapped around proteins to form ________.

genes; chromosomes

The greenhouse effect is most similar to

heating up the air inside a car by parking it in the sun.

What is the name for the ability of living things to maintain a relatively constant internal environment?


Which of these is a freshwater biome?


A family tree that is used to follow human matings that have already occurred is a


The chaparral biome is maintained by _____.

periodic fires

What natural phenomenon maintains the presence of grasslands?

periodic fires

Which of the following is not a known carcinogen?

pet dander

Earth's biosphere is not completely self-contained (or closed) because _________.

plants, algae, and photosynthetic bacteria obtain energy from sunlight, and heat escapes from the biosphere into space

Cells contain proteins that help transport substances from the exterior to the interior of the cell. Where are these proteins found?

plasma membrane

The molecular structure that geneticists use to insert foreign DNA into a recipient bacterial cell where it can be replicated is called a(n)


All the following are predators except


Which of the following is at the "bottom" of a trophic pyramid?


RNA polymerase binds to the ________ to begin the process of transcription.


Crossing over occurs during

prophase I of meiosis I

Molecules embedded in phospholipid bilayers that form channels allowing molecules to pass into and out of the cell are made of


The atomic number of an element refers to the number of ________ in one atom of that element.


Milk production in modern dairy cows has been dramatically increased because of

recombinant bovine growth hormone

Milk production in modern dairy cows has been dramatically increased because of

recombinant bovine growth hormone.

In humans, the sex of the offspring is ordinarily determined by the

sex chromosome carried by the sperm cell.

Results from one test of a new drug are found to be statistically significant; therefore, the hypothesis

should be tested again.

Typical quantitative traits

show continuous variation.

A graph depicting the relationship between the size of a region and the biodiversity that it can support is called a(n) ________ curve.


The gradual replacement of plant species in a rainforest over time (for example, as it progresses from an old agricultural field back to a forest) is called


What is the ultimate source of energy for nearly all surface terrestrial and shallow water ecosystems?


The ocean's pelagic zone contains what type(s) of organisms?

swimming and drifting organisms

What biome is dominated by gymnosperm or conifer trees?


Coral reefs are built of

the limestone skeletons of dead coral

Which of the following would be expected in normal eye cells but not in normal heart cells?

the protein rhodopsin, which is a color pigment protein

The dry deserts of Nevada are most influenced by

the rain shadow from a California mountain range

The structure of a protein is determined by

the sequence of the amino acids it contains.

An atom will be least likely to form chemical bonds with other atoms when

the valence shell is full of electrons.

What links all parts of the biosphere together?

the water cycle

Different groups of fungi are distinguished by:

the way they form spores

What is a function of antioxidants?

to decrease damage done to cells by free radicals

Which of these foods is rich in antioxidants?


During which process does water vapor move out of plant stomata?


Permafrost is characteristic of the _____.


The terms "subspecies" and "race" are best described by which of the following scenarios?

two populations of birds that have different amounts of orange coloration and could produce offspring if they were not separated by a mountain range

Because of the law of independent assortment,

two typical siblings will have about 50% of their alleles in common.

Normal meiosis produces four ____________ haploid cells known as ____________ (eggs and sperm).

unique; gametes

Which of the following is a density-independent factor?


What properties allowed gymnosperms to dominate over plants that reproduced using spores

"Naked Seed" has no protective coat over seed starts production begins their development on the bracts cone.

What are the five reasons that seasons occur?

1. Revolution: orbit around the sun; requires 365.24 days to complete 2. Rotation: Earth turning on its axis; takes approximately 24 hours to complete 3. Tilt: axis is aligned at 23.5 degree angle from a perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic 4. Axial parallelism: remains in a fixed alignment, with Polaris directly overhead at the North Pole throughout the year 5. Sphericity: appears as an oblate spheroid to the sun's parallel rays

Students studying a population of salamanders in a vernal pool mark each salamander caught as it's entering the pool. During the first spring migration to the pool, the students mark 200 salamanders. The following year, they again capture 200 salamanders. Of these, 20 were from the previous year. Students use this information to calculate that they captured ________ of the total population and that the total salamander population in their pool is about ________.

10%; 2000

On the September and March Equinoxes, all points on Earth have ____ hours of night and _____ hours of day. On this day, the circle of illumination appears to coincide with the ________ _______. The noontime sun is vertically overhead the _________.

12 12 Earth's axis Equator

How many degrees of longitude equal one hour of time?

15 degrees

What is the birth rate in a population in which 35 babies are born per every 1000 people in the population each year?


Life on earth is

3.6 bil years old

The major deserts of the world are located at

30 degrees north and south of the equator

The major deserts of the world are located at

30 degrees north and south of the equator.

In a bacterial species, 20% of the bases in its DNA are C. What percent of the bases are T?


The major deserts of the world are located at

30° north and south of the equator

If you're interested in studying one gene within a human, and each gene has two alleles, then the Punnett square that you would use to predict the inheritance of the alleles would contain how many total boxes?


Combined, your parents could have produced as many as ____ different types of children, genetically speaking

64 trillion

Which of the following is the proper equation for photosynthesis?

6H2O + 6CO2 + sunlight >> C6H12O6 + 6O2

What is the pH of a neutral solution?


Based on the punnett square for a dihybrid cross between two heterozygus individuals, how many offspring re expected to be dominant for both traits?

9 out of 16

You cross a Pp Rr plant with a PP rr plant. What are the predicted genotypes of the offspring? You know that purple flowers, P, are dominate to white, p. Also round peas, R, are dominate to wrinkled peas, r. What are the predicted phenotypes of the offspring

? Pp Rr x PP rr= Gametes: PR, Pr, pR, pr....Pr→ PPRr, PPrr, PpRr, Pprr. All be purple and half be round, other half be wrinkled

Why have leks evolved among so many different animals from fish, insects and birds to mammals?

?(Leks-group of males) For mating purposes and to attract the opposite sex to their "good" genes

A child with the genotype IAi has type ________ blood.


As climate changes because of global warming, species' ranges in the northern hemisphere may move northward, using effective reproductive adaptations to disperse their seeds. The trees that are most likely to avoid extinction in such an environment are those that A) have seeds that are easily dispersed by wind or animals. B) have thin seed coats. C) produce well-provisioned seeds. D) have seeds that become viable only after a forest fire. E) disperse many seeds in close proximity to the parent tree.


Deserts typically occur in a band at 20 degrees north and south latitude because A) descending air masses tend to be cool and dry. B) trade winds have a little moisture. C) moisture-laden air is heavier than dry air and is not carried to these latitudes. D) ascending air tends to be moist. E) these locations get the most intense solar radiation of any location on Earth.


Generalized global air circulation and precipitation patterns are caused by A) rising, warm, moist air masses that cool and release precipitation as they rise and then, at high altitude, cool and sink back to the surface as dry air masses after moving north or south of the tropics. B) air masses that are dried and heated over continental areas that rise, cool aloft, and descend over oceanic areas followed by a return flow of moist air from ocean to land, delivering high amounts of precipitation to coastal areas. C) polar, cool, moist high-pressure air masses from the poles that move along the surface, releasing precipitation along the way to the equator where they are heated and dried. D) the revolution of Earth around the sun. E) mountain ranges that deflect air masses containing variable amounts of moisture.


If a meteor impact or volcanic eruption injected a lot of dust into the atmosphere and reduced the sunlight reaching Earth's surface by 70% for one year, which of the following marine communities most likely would be least affected? A) deep-sea vent B) coral reef C) intertidal D) pelagic E) estuary


If you are interested in observing a relatively simple community structure in a clear water lake, you would do well to choose diving into A) an oligotrophic lake. B) a eutrophic lake. C) a relatively shallow lake. D) a nutrient-rich lake. E) a lake with consistently warm temperatures.


In temperate lakes, the surface water is replenished with nutrients during turnovers that occur in the A) autumn and spring. B) autumn and winter. C) spring and summer. D) summer and winter. E) summer and autumn.


In the development of terrestrial biomes, which factor is most dependent on all the others? A) the species of colonizing animals B) prevailing temperature C) prevailing rainfall D) mineral nutrient availability E) soil structure


Suppose that the number of bird species is determined mainly by the number of vertical strata found in the environment. If so, in which of the following biomes would you find the greatest number of bird species? A) tropical rain forest B) savanna C) desert D) temperate broadleaf forest E) temperate grassland


When climbing a mountain, we can observe transitions in biological communities that are analogous to the changes A) in biomes at different latitudes. B) at different depths in the ocean. C) in a community through different seasons. D) in an ecosystem as it evolves over time. E) across the United States from east to west.


Which climograph shows the climate for location 1? A) A B) C C) E D) G E) H


Which of the following can be said about light in aquatic environments? A) Water selectively reflects and absorbs certain wavelengths of light. B) Photosynthetic organisms that live in deep water probably use red light. C) Longer wavelengths penetrate to greater depths. D) Light penetration seldom limits the distribution of photosynthetic species. E) Most photosynthetic organisms avoid the surface where the light is too intense.


Which of the following choices includes all of the others in creating global terrestrial climates? A) differential heating of Earth's surface B) ocean currents C) global wind patterns D) evaporation of water from ocean surfaces E) Earth's rotation on its axis


Which of the following best describes the structure of the plasma membrane?

A double layer of lipids with proteins embedded in it

Which of the following presents the greatest threat to biodiversity?

A habitat loss or degradation

Are euglena a plant or an animal

A plant (protozoa), both heterotroph & photosynthetic(mixotrophic), can detect light thru eyespot, moves in environment to max. photosynthesis, reproduces asexually by fission

Which of the following describes natural selection?

A population of a mammal species varies in the length of their legs; water levels rise and the habitat becomes swampy; the individuals with shorter legs are better able to swim to food; the population evolves to become shorter-legged.

Which of these is an example of diversifying selection?

A population of moths with white and grey forms lives in a forest containing trees with light and dark bark.

Many birds have "helpers-at-the-nest." These helpers are non-parents who help feed and care for the young in the nest. A) Why is this not altruism (behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species)? B) How can this behavior be explained if the helpers are NOT related to the parents or the offspring?

A) How it could be passed on, gene wont pass it on, parenting skills obtain 'em B) Altruism is helping that doesn't benefit that individual, its not altruism because it helps develop parenting skills, which is still being selfish

What do fungi use as an energy source

Absorbs solutions of organic substances, serves as decomposers, widely distributed in water & soil, yeasts are unicellular, most multicellular (molds & mushrooms), does not use photosynthesis

What characteristics of the nerves cause an electrical impulse to be initiated and why does it go in only one direction?

Action potential is when nerves send signals to other cells, happens a lot in the endocrine system and is used to communicate between different parts of the body. A reflex is when the nerves send a one way signal to the brain but the muscle moves itself before it gets there.

Where can you find the most genetically diverse populations of humans?


What distinguishes the five different kingdoms of eukaryotes

Algae(unicellular eukaryotes photosynthesis (autotrophs: produce own energy), Protozoa(unicellular eukaryotes feed on others, Fungi(unicellular & multicellular eukaryotes, Plantae(multicellular autotrophs), Animalia(multicellular heterotrophs→must obtain energy from food)

What is metabolism? Is energy created or used during catabolism and anabolism? How are catabolism and anabolism linked together

All chemical reactions occurring in cells, Catabolize: break down organic molecules to precursor molecules used to synthesize cellular components, Anabolize: build larger, more complex molecules necessary for the structure & function of the cell. Energy is gained during catabolism, energy is required for anabolism, enzymes made from protein are used in all of these. Products of pathway are used in other pathways.

Why would it be difficult to expect to find a super predator that feeds exclusively on lions?

Amount of energy used to make the super predator survive, there is no amount of food source to help maintain this species.

If you transplant an optic cup from one embryo onto the region that normally becomes the tail in another embryo, what happens

An eye is formed where the optic cup is transplanted, unusable eye where the tail should have been=Induction

Which of the following is the best way to test a hypothetical evolutionary classification among living organisms?

Analysis of DNA sequence

Explain how the angle of the sun and day length affect insolation.

Angle of the sun: In the lower latitudes, the angle of the suns rays are always high. In the higher latitudes, the angle of the suns rays are low. Higher angle = more intense radiation (such as vertically overhead) Day length: The longer the length of day, the more time there is for the Earth to absorb energy from the sun.

Why did angiosperms come to replace gymnosperms

Anigiosperms (seed born in a vessel) are enclosed in a fruit that encloses the seeds. Over 200,000 species today, pollinated by insects, birds, mammals, promotes genetic diversity, all seeds, herbs, nuts, veggies, & fruits in human diet.

To which group is fungi most closely related?


) What are the most successful multicellular organisms

Anthropods=social insects Beetles: specialized, most different species

What is one theory explaining how eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes? What is the evidence supporting this theory

Appeared 2 billion years ago, Endosymbiosis theory of how mitochondria & chloroplasts evolved, prokaryote engulfed smaller bacterial cells, both have own genome, evolution of membrane bound organelles allowed diversification.

An organism is described that can live in very high temp water. This organism is more likely a member of the


An organism is described that can live in very high temperature water. This organism is most likely a member of the

Archaea domain.

Why might Archaea be more difficult to grow in the lab than Bacteria?

Archaea often grow in unusual environments that would be hard to reproduce in the lab

What is a hotspot?

Areas around the globe where the climate and geological events have results in a large number of species

Bacteria are single cells that replicate themselves by binary fission, resulting in genetically identical daughter cells. These cells undergo ____ reproduction.


Air masses formed over the Pacific Ocean are moved by prevailing westerlies where they encounter extensive north-south mountain ranges, such as the Sierra Nevada and the Cascades. Which statement best describes the outcome of this encounter between a landform and an air mass? A) The cool, moist Pacific air heats up as it rises, releasing its precipitation as it passes the tops of the mountains, and this warm, now dry air cools as it descends on the leeward side of the range. B) The warm, moist Pacific air rises and cools, releasing precipitation as it moves up the windward side of the range, and this cool, now dry air mass heats up as it descends on the leeward side of the range. C) The cool, dry Pacific air heats up and picks up moisture from evaporation of the snowcapped peaks of the mountain range, releasing this moisture as precipitation when the air cools while descending on the leeward side of the range. D) These air masses are blocked by the mountain ranges, producing high annual amounts of precipitation on the windward sides of these mountain ranges. E) These air masses remain essentially unchanged in moisture content and temperature as they pass over these mountain ranges.


Fire suppression by humans A) will always result in an increase in species diversity in a given biome. B) can change the species composition within biological communities. C) will result ultimately in sustainable production of increased amounts of forest products for human use. D) is necessary for the protection of threatened and endangered forest species. E) is a management goal of conservation biologists to maintain the healthy condition of forest communities.


If global warming continues at its present rate, which biomes will likely take the place of the coniferous forest (taiga)? A) tundra and polar ice B) temperate broadleaf forest and grassland C) desert and chaparral D) tropical forest and savanna E) chaparral and temperate broadleaf forest


In which of the following terrestrial biome pairs are both parts dependent upon periodic burning? A) tundra and coniferous forest B) chaparral and savanna C) desert and savanna D) tropical forest and temperate broadleaf forest E) grassland and tundra


The main reason polar regions are cooler than the equator is that A) there is more ice at the poles. B) sunlight strikes the poles at a lower angle. C) the poles are farther from the sun. D) the polar atmosphere is thinner and contains fewer greenhouse gases. E) the poles are permanently tilted away from the sun.


Two plant species live in the same biome but on different continents. Although the two species are not at all closely related, they may appear quite similar as a result of A) parallel evolution. B) convergent evolution. C) allopatric speciation. D) introgression. E) gene flow.


Which climograph shows the climate for location 5? A) A B) C C) D D) E E) H


Which lake zone would be absent in a very shallow lake? A) benthic zone B) aphotic zone C) pelagic zone D) littoral zone E) limnetic zone


Which marine zone would have the lowest rates of primary productivity (photosynthesis)? A) pelagic B) abyssal C) neritic D) continental shelf E) intertidal


Which of the examples below provides appropriate abiotic and biotic factors that might determine the distribution of the species in question? A) the amount of nitrate and phosphate in the soil, and wildflower abundance and diversity B) the number of frost-free days, and competition between species of introduced grasses and native alpine grasses C) increased predation and decreased food availability, and a prairie dog population after a prairie fire D) available sunlight and increased salinity in the top few meters of the ocean, and the abundance and diversity of phytoplankton communities E) the pH and dissolved oxygen concentration, and the streams in which brook trout can live


Which of the following investigations would shed the most light on the distribution of organisms in temperate regions that are faced with climate change? A) Remove, to the mineral soil, all of the organisms from an experimental plot and monitor the colonization of the area over time in terms of both species diversity and abundance. B) Look back at the changes that occurred since the Ice Age and how species redistributed as glaciers melted, then make predictions on future distribution in species based on past trends. C) Compare and contrast the flora and fauna of warm/cold/dry/wet climates to shed light on how they evolved to be suited to their present-day environment. D) Quantify the impact of man's activities on present-day populations of threatened and endangered species to assess the rate of extirpation and extinction. E) There is no scientific investigation that can help make predictions on the future distribution of organisms.


Which of the following levels of ecological organization is arranged in the correct sequence from most to least inclusive? A) community, ecosystem, individual, population B) ecosystem, community, population, individual C) population, ecosystem, individual, community D) individual, population, community, ecosystem E) individual, community, population, ecosystem


Which of the following statements best describes the interaction between fire and ecosystems? A) The likelihood of a wildfire occurring in a given ecosystem is highly predictable over the short term. B) Many kinds of plants and plant communities have adapted to frequent fires. C) The suppression of forest fires by man has prevented certain communities, such as grasslands, from reaching their climax stage. D) Chaparral communities have evolved to the extent that they rarely burn. E) Fire is unnatural in ecosystems and should be prevented.


Which statement describes how climate might change if Earth was 75% land and 25% water? A) Terrestrial ecosystems would likely experience more precipitation. B) Earth's daytime temperatures would be higher and nighttime temperatures lower. C) Summers would be longer and winters shorter at midlatitude locations. D) Earth would experience an unprecedented global warming. E) More terrestrial microclimates would be created because of daily fluctuations in climate.


Which zone produces the most global oxygen gas? A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E


Governments and corporations have worked together to lessen CFC production. How have they done so?

Banned CFCs and changed use in propellants

What is the role of base pairing in DNA replication, mRNA synthesis and protein synthesis

Base pairing to get new strand of DNA=A pairing with T or U, G with C. this occurs in all three of these processes. Watson Crick base pairs. Semi-conservative DNA, hydrogen bonds broken to replicate

Why do mammalian red blood cells have no nucleus

Because our red blood cells are filled with hemoglobin-which means lots of oxygen there is no room for a nucleus. Mammals are the ones with no nucleus because we need to stay warm and we need qxygen. The shape of them is important, spherical and can be pushed through a lot faster. Shape increases their surface area which means more room for hemoglobin and can store more oxygen

Why do chromosomes resemble the letter X when viewed during metaphase of mitosis?

Because there are two sister chromatids joined at a point in the middle (the centromere).

Which of the following statements about the water cycle is true?

Because they contain water, aquatic ecosystems are not part of the water cycle.

Some plants in Africa look very much like the cactus of North American deserts, even though there are no cactus in Africa

Because they have similar biomes, receiving the same amount of sun, creates the same adaptions.

What were Darwin's beliefs before he left on his trip on the Beagle

Believed in Special Creation: god created the heaven and earth, animals do not change over time

Why do lipids form a bilayer

Bilayers keep the insides in, when lipids are mixed with water spontaneously form lipid bilayer.

How do markets for Black Pepper Tea, and sun-grown Coffee affect tropical rain forest differently than Vanilla, Brazil Nuts and Mexican Chocolate?

Black pepper, tea, coffee: destroying the rain forest. Vanilla, brazil nuts: keep the forest intact

_________ forests are those that are dominated by evergreen coniferous trees with a very short growing season


Which of the following is an example of a quantitative trait?

Both A and B (height and skin color) are correct.

What gives proteins the ability to do different functions

Building blocks (amino acids) made mainly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, & nitrogen. Peptide bond: covalent bond that forms between the amino group on one amino acid & the carboxyl group on another. (Some hydrophobic, hydrophilic, small, big= combination of different side chains is what makes proteins different from each other, the sequence of amino acids in the protein determines proteins functions.)

A certain species of pine tree survives only in scattered locations at elevations above 2,800 m in the western United States. To understand why this tree grows only in these specific places, an ecologist should A) conclude that lower elevations are limiting to the survival of this species. B) study the anatomy and physiology of this species. C) investigate the various biotic and abiotic factors that are unique to high altitude. D) analyze the soils found in the vicinity of these trees, looking for unique chemicals that may support their growth. E) collect data on temperature, wind, and precipitation at several of these locations for a year.


The success with which plants extend their range northward following glacial retreat is best determined by A) whether there is simultaneous migration of herbivores. B) their tolerance to shade. C) their seed dispersal rate. D) their size. E) their growth rate.


This observation best illustrates which of the following principles about factors that limit distribution of organisms? A) Abiotic factors, such as weather extremes, ultimately limit distribution. B) Organisms will face extinction unless they adapt to conditions or evolve new mechanisms for survival. C) Environmental factors are limiting not only in amount but also in longevity. D) Daily accumulations in snow depth gradually add up to cause increased deer mortality. E) Temporary extremes in weather conditions usually result in high mortality in the deer population.


Vitamin ________ is water soluble and cannot be synthesized by the body.


Which of the following abiotic factors has the greatest influence on the metabolic rates of plants and animals? A) water B) wind C) temperature D) rocks and soil E) disturbances


Which of the following are important biotic factors that can affect the structure and organization of biological communities? A) precipitation, wind B) nutrient availability, soil pH C) predation, competition D) temperature, water E) light intensity, seasonality


Which of the following areas of study focuses on the exchange of energy, organisms, and materials between ecosystems? A) population ecology B) organismal ecology C) landscape ecology D) ecosystem ecology E) community ecology


Which of the following best substantiates why location 3 is an equatorial (tropical) climate? A) It has a monsoon season during the winter months. B) It has consistent monthly averages for rainfall. C) The temperature is high for each monthly average. D) The temperatures reach 100°F during some months. E) The temperatures are lower in June, July, and August.


Which of the following examples of an ecological effect leading to an evolutionary effect is most correct? A) When seeds are not plentiful, trees produce more seeds. B) A few organisms of a larger population survive a drought and then these survivors emigrate to less arid environments. C) A few individuals with denser fur survive the coldest days of an ice age, and the reproducing survivors of the ice age all have long fur. D) Fish that swim the fastest in running water catch the most prey and more easily escape predation. E) The insects that spend the most time exposed to sunlight have the most mutations.


Which of the following statements best describes the effect of climate on biome distribution? A) Average annual temperature and precipitation are sufficient to predict which biome will be found in an area. B) Seasonal fluctuation of temperature is not a limiting factor in biome distribution if areas have the same annual temperature and precipitation means. C) Not only is the average climate important in determining biome distribution but so is the pattern of climatic variation. D) Temperate forests and grasslands are different biomes because they receive a different quality and quantity of sunlight, even though they have essentially the same annual temperature and precipitation. E) Correlation of climate with biome distribution is sufficient to determine the cause of biome patterns.


Which statement about dispersal is false? A) Dispersal is a common component of the life cycles of plants and animals. B) Colonization of devastated areas after floods or volcanic eruptions depends on dispersal. C) Dispersal occurs only on an evolutionary time scale. D) Seeds are important dispersal stages in the life cycles of most flowering plants. E) The ability to disperse can expand the geographic distribution of a species.


Which zone has a condition of constant temperature? A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E


Which zone is comprised largely of detritus-feeding organisms? A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E


Why is the climate drier on the leeward side of mountain ranges that are subjected to prevailing winds? A) Deserts usually are found on the leeward side of mountain ranges. B) The sun illuminates the leeward side of mountain ranges at a more direct angle, converting to heat energy, which evaporates most of the water present. C) Pushed by the prevailing winds on the windward side, air is forced to rise, cool, condense, and drop its precipitation, leaving only dry air to descend the leeward side. D) Air masses pushed by the prevailing winds are stopped by mountain ranges and the moisture is used up in the stagnant air masses on the leeward side. E) More organisms live on the sheltered, leeward side of mountain ranges where their utilization of water lowers the amount available when compared to the windward side.


Consider a strand of DNA with the sequence GAATTCGGCA. What is the sequence of the complementary strand?


Animal life underwent its greatest diversity during the _________, which began about _______.

Cambrian; 530

If life on Mars is fundamentally like life on Earth, its macromolecules will be based on which elements?


Which of the following is a true statement about carbon and the carbon cycle?

Carbon is recycled among plants, animals, water, soil, and the atmosphere.

A population of caterpillars feeds on the leaves of trees in a forest and is in turn food for birds that eat them off the tree leaves. Given this information, which adaptation would be most likely to evolve?

Caterpillars would evolve to a color that matched the leaves they eat.

The DNA of cats and dogs is much more similar than the DNA of cats and hamsters. Why is that?

Cats and dogs have a common ancestor that is more recent than the common ancestor of cats and hamsters.

How are continuous phenotypes, such as skin color, produced

Characteristics that appear continuous arise from combinations of multiple genes. Normal distribution.

________ are places in the cell cycle where proteins survey the cell to make sure that conditions for a favorable cell division have been met.


The standard classification system used by biologists today groups and classifies organisms on the basis of similar physical traits. This system was first developed by Carl Linnaeus. At the time of his work, there were other methods for grouping organisms that were based on similar habitats, similar diets, or similar behaviors. Why is Linnaeus's system the most useful one to biologists today?

Classifying on the basis of shared traits points out the underlying evolutionary relationships among organisms.

___________ is the average conditions of a place measured over time


_____________ are another type of marine biome. These are found in tropical areas in relatively shallow water. Reefs are made up on the remains of the coral animals and provide habitat for a diverse array of species

Coral reefs

How old is the earth? What sorts of methods have people used to calculate its age? How does radioactive decay give us a method for dating rocks

Counting generations in the bible (age 6,000 years), deposition of silt forming rock layers (age 12 million yrs), explain how radioactive decay acts as a clock to date rocks (4.5 billion yrs)

How does cultural selection differ from natural selection?

Cultural Selection is when a society or culture defines why things are, sociological perspective. Whereas natural selection is where biology determines which trait will be passed on in the next generation

Coral reefs can be found on the southern east coast of the United States but not at similar latitudes on the southern west coast. Differences in which of the following most likely account for this? A) sunlight intensity B) precipitation C) day length D) ocean currents E) salinity


Generally speaking, deserts are located in places where air masses are usually A) tropical. B) humid. C) rising. D) descending. E) expanding.


How would an ecologist likely explain the expansion of the cattle egret? A) The areas to which the cattle egret has expanded have no cattle egret parasites. B) Climatic factors, such as temperature and precipitation, provide a suitable habitat for cattle egrets. C) There are no predators for cattle egrets in the New World, so they continue to expand their range. D) A habitat left unoccupied by native herons and egrets met the biotic and abiotic requirements of the cattle egret transplants and their descendants. E) The first egrets to colonize South America evolved into a new species capable of competing with the native species of herons and egrets.


Imagine that a deep temperate zone lake did not "turn over" during the spring and fall seasons. Based on the physical and biological properties of limnetic ecosystems, what would be the difference from normal seasonal turnover? A) The lake would be uniformly cold during the winter and summer. B) The lake would fail to freeze over in winter. C) An algal bloom of algae would result every spring. D) Lakes would suffer a nutrient depletion in surface layers. E) The pH of the lake would become increasingly alkaline.


In which community would organisms most likely have adaptations enabling them to respond to different photoperiods? A) tropical forest B) coral reef C) savanna D) temperate forest E) abyssal


Species introduced by humans to new geographic locations A) are usually successful in colonizing the area. B) always spread because they encounter none of their natural predators. C) increase the diversity and therefore the stability of the ecosystem. D) can outcompete and displace native species for biotic and abiotic resources. E) are always considered pests by ecologists.


The oceans affect the biosphere in all of the following ways except A) producing a substantial amount of the biosphere's oxygen. B) removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. C) moderating the climate of terrestrial biomes. D) regulating the pH of freshwater biomes and terrestrial groundwater. E) being the source of most of Earth's rainfall.


Turnover of water in temperate lakes during the spring and fall is made possible by which of the following? A) warm, less dense water layered at the top B) cold, more dense water layered at the bottom C) a distinct thermocline between less dense warm water and cold, dense water D) the changes in the density of water as seasonal temperatures change E) currents generated by nektonic animals


Which climograph shows the climate for location 4? A) A B) B C) C D) E E) G


Which of the following is characteristic of most terrestrial biomes? A) annual average rainfall in excess of 250 cm B) a distribution predicted almost entirely by rock and soil patterns C) clear boundaries between adjacent biomes D) vegetation demonstrating vertical layering E) cold winter months


Which of the following is true with respect to oligotrophic lakes and eutrophic lakes? A) Oligotrophic lakes are more subject to oxygen depletion. B) Rates of photosynthesis are lower in eutrophic lakes. C) Eutrophic lake water contains lower concentrations of nutrients. D) Eutrophic lakes are richer in nutrients. E) Sediments in oligotrophic lakes contain larger amounts of decomposable organic matter.


Which of the following might be an investigation of microclimate? A) the effect of ambient temperature on the onset of caribou migration B) the seasonal population fluctuation of nurse sharks in coral reef communities C) competitive interactions between various species of songbirds during spring migration D) the effect of sunlight intensity on species composition in a decaying rat carcass E) the effect of different nitrogen applications on corn productivity


Which of the following statements about the ocean pelagic biome is true? A) The ocean is a vast, deep storehouse that always provides sustenance; it is the next "frontier" for feeding humanity. B) Because it is so immense, the pelagic ocean biome is globally uniform. C) Globally, more photosynthesis occurs in the ocean neritic biome than in the pelagic biome. D) Pelagic ocean photosynthetic activity is disproportionately low in relation to the size of the biome. E) The most abundant animals are vertebrate fishes.


Which series is correctly layered from top to bottom in a tropical rain forest? A) ground layer, shrub/immature layer, under story, canopy, emergent layer B) canopy, emergent layer, under story, shrub/immature layer, ground layer C) canopy, under story, shrub/immature layer, emergent layer, ground layer D) emergent layer, canopy, under story, shrub/immature layer, ground layer E) emergent layer, under story, canopy, ground layer, shrub/immature layer


____ is the enzyme that synthesizes DNA during the S phase of the cell cycle.

DNA polymerase

The sequence of events in the process of protein synthesis is usually

DNA → RNA → protein.

How did the segmented body plan allow variation in arthropods

Developed exoskeleton, jointed legs, exoskeleton provides protection & improves locomotion by giving muscles a firm structure, # of legs generally used to group species. EX) Crustaceans, insects, millipedes, spiders, scorpions, beetles (has most species 400,000), social insects(ants& termites=20%). Appendages can turn in to different things(wings, legs) More variation.

During early embryogenesis, what happens to the cells

Development of embryos, cells rapidly multiply then get smaller. Cells move around , create dorsal lip. Blastula is created, gastrulation happens

What causes the differences between two human cell types (for example, a skin cell and a brain cell)?

Different cell types contain the same genes but use different combinations of them.

ADHD is inherited and has been around for thousands of years, but it is much more common in the USA, Canada and Australia than in Europe, Asia or Africa. Airplane pilots, however, in any country are much more likely to have ADHD than non-pilots. What hypothesis most logically explains this unusual geographical and occupational distribution of ADHD.

Do not focus really well, very bored easily. Pilots have a higher portion of ADHD. Columbus was ADHD, passed on from our founding men/women. Relative to what the culture has around them.

Which of the following situations has the greatest potential for observer bias in an experimental process?

Dr. Jones is evaluating cancer patients for their responses to a new therapeutic drug. She knows which patients are receiving the placebo and which are receiving the drug.

Explain how the angle of the sun and day length combine to affect the level of insolation over the year on Long Island.

During the winter, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, resulting in shorter days. Therefore there is less sunlight and lower insolation during winter. It varies during the summer as well.

"How do seed-eating animals affect the distribution and abundance of the trees?" This question A) would require an elaborate experimental design to answer. B) would be difficult to answer because a large experimental area would be required. C) would be difficult to answer because a long-term experiment would be required. D) is one that a present-day ecologist would be likely to ask. E) All options are correct.


Imagine some cosmic catastrophe jolts Earth so that its axis is perpendicular to the orbital plane between Earth and the sun. The most obvious effect of this change would be A) the elimination of tides. B) an increase in the length of night. C) an increase in the length of a year. D) a decrease in temperature at the equator. E) the elimination of seasonal variation.


In mountainous areas of western North America, north-facing slopes would be expected to A) receive more sunlight than similar southern exposures. B) be warmer and drier than comparable southern exposed slopes. C) consistently be steeper than southern exposures. D) support biological communities similar to those found at lower elevations on similar south-facing slopes. E) support biological communities similar to those found at higher elevations on similar south-facing slopes.


Trees are not usually found in the tundra biome because of A) insufficient annual precipitation. B) acidic soils. C) extreme winter temperatures. D) overbrowsing by musk ox and caribou. E) permafrost.


What is the limiting factor for the growth of trees in the tundra? A) low precipitation B) cold temperatures C) insufficient minerals in bedrock D) pH of soils E) permafrost


What would be the effect on climate in the temperature latitudes if Earth were to slow its rate of rotation from a 24-hour period of rotation to a 48-hour period of rotation? A) Seasons would be longer and more distinct (colder winters and warmer summers). B) There would be a smaller range between daytime high and nighttime low temperatures. C) Large scale weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes would no longer be a part of regional climates. D) Winter seasons in both the northern and southern hemispheres would have more abundant and frequent precipitation events. E) The climate would stay the same. The only change would be longer days and nights.


Which of the following biomes is correctly paired with the description of its climate? A) savanna-low temperature, precipitation uniform during the year B) tundra-long summers, mild winters C) temperate broadleaf forest-relatively short growing season, mild winters D) temperate grasslands-relatively warm winters, most rainfall in summer E) tropical forests-nearly constant day length and temperature


Which of the following environmental features might influence microclimates? A) forest canopy B) freshly plowed field C) log on the forest floor D) large boulder E) All of the options are correct.


What organ system is most likely in charge of "telling" a bird in South America it is time to migrate north to Alaska?

Endocrine System: releases hormones, signals conveyed between organs in the body, seasonal change in an environment. Day lengthening lets them know when to go as well

Which of the following is true regarding enzymes?

Enzymes can be recycled and used over and over again.

Activation energy is similar to the "push" needed to start rolling a stalled car down a hill. How do enzymes fit into this analogy?

Enzymes decrease the effort that's needed to start the car moving.

Activation energy is similar to the "push" needed to start rolling a stalled car down a hill. How to enzymes fit into this analogy?

Enzymes decrease the effort that's needed to start the car rolling

In September and March the Earth's axis is neither tilted away nor towards the sun. Therefore the noonday sun is vertically overhead the ___________. September 21 and March 21 are called the Equinoxes. The September Equinox starts fall in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere. The March Equinox starts spring in the Northern Hemisphere and fall in the Southern Hemisphere.


On the December solstice, what is the angle of the sun at: Equator? Tropic of Cancer? NYC? Arctic Circle?

Equator: 66.5 degrees Tropic of Cancer: 43 degrees NYC: 25.5 degrees Arctic circle: 0 degrees

What is the basis of the controversy about stem cell research?

Ethical controversy because its dealing with abortion of a fetus to study the stem cell

The domain in which you belong is called ____


What are the three main domains in which all organisms are classified

Eukarya, Bacteria, Archaea.

Exotic species are those native species that have a disproportionally large effect on a community relative to its abundance


The spoil islands are naturally occurring islands?


True or false: Evolution, including the theory of common descent, is a very controversial idea among scientists.


True or false: Natural selection occurs so an organism can become perfectly adapted to its environment.


Can we find evidence that new species are forming today

Frogs from Vermont and frogs from Florida will not mate with each other. Frogs from New Jersey will mate with both Vermont and Florida frogs. The Vermont and Florida frogs are in the process of becoming independent species. Yarrow plants grow throughout California in a range of habitats. Lowland plants are taller than those found at higher elevations. Take seeds from each group, grow under same conditions. Results: lowland yarrow plants still taller than plant from seeds gathered at high elevation. Conclusion: the yarrow plants have genetic differences and are in the process of becoming separate species. Plants in environments in between are intermediate in height, these are hybrids

Which of the following complementary base pairings occur between DNA and RNA?

G to C and A to U

Which of the following is the correct order of events in the cell cycle?

G1, S, G2, mitosis, cytokinesis

Why do your cells need to regulate what proteins are being made. What are two ways of turning genes off or on

Gene regulation: process of controlling what proteins are made when different proteins are needed at different times during development in response to the environment different proteins are needed by different cells brain cell versus liver cell. Promoter= special sequence encoding process(start). Operator=DNA sequence proteins bind to control transcription(activator-turns gene on, depressor-turn off)

What are the differences in codons between humans and bacteria

Genetic code is universal and is the same in all organisms

) Why is the genetic code degenerate? What are codon synonyms

Genetic code universal, different structure(codon) but create the same result. Each amino acid may have more than one codon (need 3 base pairs together).

What are mechanisms that prevent species from coming back together

Geographical Isolation-evolution of one species into two or more new species

Darwin observed that tortoises of the nearby islands, although slightly different, belonged to the same species. How might he have known they were the same species?

He may have been told by local people that when tortoises of different islands were brought together, they could mate with each other.

What is the significant problem with Lamarck's ideas about evolution and natural selection?

He proposed use of a trait by the parent could be passed to the offspring. Examples: stretching of a giraffe's neck caused offspring to have longer necks, use of muscles by a blacksmith would cause his children to have larger muscles.

How did the geologist Charles Lyell influence Darwin?

He suggested that slow, gradual changes shaped the features of Earth.

Dr. Smith has discovered a bird that he believes is a new species. Dr. Wilson says he will only be convinced if Dr. Smith finds several more of the same type. Why might Dr. Wilson feel this way?

He wants to be sure that the bird Dr. Smith found really represents a new type and isn't just an unusual example of an already-described species

The "Morning After Pill" (Plan B) serves as a birth control by what steps?

High Progesterone (previn) tricks the endometrium into acting like implantation has already occurred, actual fertilized egg will then not be accepted for implantation, 2 doses must be taken as soon as possible after intercourse (72 hours).

Where is albedo the highest?

Highest in the north pole because of ice - ice is very reflective. Lighter surfaces are more reflective than darker surfaces.

Breast feeding has an additional affect in many women. The hormones important for producing milk and causing milk to be released in reaction to suckling also inhibit the pituitary gland from releasing the hormones needed for initiating ovulation in the ovaries

Hormone for production of milk (Prolactin), could also be the reason for menopause in women when they are older which ceases the menstrual cycle. Oxytocin=release milk and to give birth. *Signal that helps let you know when your body cannot handle giving birth. Nervous and endocrine systems often tightly linked that help signal suckling of milk lactation

Which is a correct statement about diet, exercise, and disease?

Hypertension is a major disease associated with lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet.

A woman with type A blood and a man with type B blood have a baby with type O blood. What are the genotypes of the woman and the man?

IAi and IBi

If necessary, our muscles can rely upon an anaerobic (fermentative) pathway to metabolize glucose, but this can only last a short period of time. Why can't our cells survive very long under such anaerobic conditions?


Compare the number of differences in the amino acid sequence of hemoglobin between humans and other species. What does this tell us about when species last shared a common ancestor?

If evolved from common ancestor, then the number of differences in a protein between 2 species should reflect the distance between when the 2 species shared a common ancestor. Number of changes in the amino acid sequence of hemoglobin between humans and other species corresponds with time that has passed since we last shared a common ancestor. Data supports evolution theory that states that organisms evolved from a common ancestor

Consider this hypothesis: "Drinking Echinacea tea reduces the duration and severity of colds." Which of the following statements is the best prediction based on this hypothesis?

If people with a cold drink Echinacea tea, then they will feel better sooner than people who don't consume the tea.

What makes one louse able to survive treatment with permethrin and another louse unable to survive?

If there is genetic variation in the louse population independent of permethrin exposure, then some lice are likely to be resistant.

Why do islands tend to have fewer species than similar habitats on main lands?

In the Amazon there are many different species of plants that have barriers that have no explanation for. To find the answer they had to look at the past. They found long periods of drought where the heavy rainfall where only in certain spots. So the forest was divided into separate species.

In what major ways do forest management practices differ in tropical forest from that used in temperate forests?

In tropical forests there are more specialized animals and depend on the stability of the environment. Whereas temperate forests aren't dependents on specialization and can adapt easily to change in the environment.

Which of the following does not involve molecules moving across cell membranes?

Induced fit

Insects and many medicines are connected by what line of logical reasoning?

Insects help maintain the plants in which most medicines are made from, ants help kill off predator in one plant...they help keep these certain poisons from being eradicated off. Develop toxins from insects wiping out the specific plant species.

How does polyploidy cause reproductive isolation?

It alters the number of chromosomes in the sex cells

The reason the scientific method works most effectively with numerous multiple competing hypotheses is

It tests each question and it goes through a procces that determines whether or not your hypotheses actually works.

When a population of organisms is evolving, what can you be sure is happening?

It's changing

The noontime sun is vertically overhead the Tropic of Cancer on ____________. It is vertically overhead the Equator on ____________ and ____________. It is vertically overhead the Tropic of Capricorn on _____________.

June 21 March 21 September 21 The December solstice

How does natural selection work to change the characteristics of organisms

Kettlewell's experiments with Peppered moths in 1950 in the United Kingdom. Moths were becoming darker than earlier specimens. Hypothesis was that as tree trunks became darker because of soot buildup, birds could see the lighter moths so they were eaten more frequently. To test this hypothesis, attached dark and light moths to trees in either polluted areas (dark trunks) or non-polluted areas (trees with light trunks). Then measured how many moths were eaten by birds in each area: Results: significantly more moths were eaten if their color did not match the color of the tree trunk. Conclusion: natural selection was selecting for darker moths in industrial areas where trees were darker-predators and limiting resources

How did the Hershy-Chase experiment show that nucleic acids, and not proteins, were the molecules that carried genetic information

Knew that T2 viruses transferred genetic info to their host (E. coli), knew that proteins contain sulfur no phos; nucleic acid contains phosphorus. They used radioactive material to see how the info was being transferred, the DNA was radioactive, in the test tube showed that is was the info molecule(nucleic acids) Proteins were transferred.

On a warm summer day in August, you decide to go for a walk through a new housing development that was built near your home a few years ago. As you walk by the pond that's in the center of this development, you notice an unpleasant smell. Then, you see that the pond is full of green algae, and there are dead fish floating on the surface. This is a pond that used to be clean and clear, and you used to play in it as a child. What could have most likely caused this change?

Lawns are being overfertilized, causing excess fertilizer to wash into the pond, stimulating algal growth

The Emperor Penguin lays its eggs and raises its young 60 to 80 miles inland in the Antarctic. It also begins this process in the Austral winter, when it is 60 degrees below zero or colder. Why doesn't the Emperor Penguin wait until the relatively mild Austral summer (December-February) to begin nesting when the extreme hardships of cold and wind can be avoided

Less competition, and no predators. That's why they walk inland. They do it in the winter so when the babies grow up they have nice weather and are born during spring and have all summer to grow and gain blubber

What were the main tenants of Darwin's theory of evolution

Life evolved from one relatively simple kind of organism, species arose from another that preceded, elimination of species occurs due to competition or environmental change

Although most biologist believe that many species are becoming extinct each each year because of the activities of humans, relatively few species actually appear on compiled lists of extinct species. What is one reason why so few species are listed as extinct?

Many species are unknown to science and go extinct before they've been described

Although most biologists believe that many species are becoming extinct each year because of the activities of humans, relatively few species actually appear on compiled lists of extinct species. What is one reason why so few species are listed as extinct?

Many species are unknown to science and go extinct before they've been described

Incest is one of the most wide spread taboos among the world's cultures. What are two alternative hypotheses to explain how and why this taboo became so ubiquitous (found everywhere)?

May cause more genetic mutation, cultural selection

What is a good way to measure your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)?

Measure calories intake while resting or doing every day things. (energy) The energy you need to do things, need food and oxygen to survive. Measure your amount of exercise and what you do, your taking the sugar and turning it in to energy measure amount of waste and Co2 produced

Homologous chromosomes separate during

Meiosis I

Many lines of evidence suggest that human populations aren't distinct races. What keeps us so similar even though adaptations to local conditions have occurred?

Members of different populations mate with each other

What causes the reproductive isolation that can lead to speciation?

Members of one group are unable to make fertile offspring with other groups.

What are the organelles found in eukaryotic cells

Mitochondria: all eukaryotic cells have one, cells that need more energy have more, similar to bacteria, replicate independently from nucleous, also use nuclear encoded proteins, Chloroplast: Synthesizes sugars, contains chlorophyll, have own DNA, smaller than nucleus DNA, replicate independently from nucleus.

Why can't eggs and sperm be produced using mitosis

Mitosis creates duplicates of cells with complete copies of the chromosomes in each cell made. For eggs and sperm cells the cell division process has to end up with the eggs and sperm having just 1/2 of the chromosome numbers in each cell made. Eggs and sperm are therefore produced by 'meiosis' and not 'mitosis'.

Which city would have the largest variation in daylight hours between the summer solstice and the winter solstice?

Montreal, Canada

Increased burning of fossil fuels is rapidly increasing the concentration of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere. This CO2 may contribute significantly to global warming and cause massive changes in agriculture

More photosynthetic processes for plants per square leaf in the biomass -Increases soil enzyme activity -Plants need carbon dioxide -Increase solar energy (we need)

Which of the following statements about the greenhouse effect is true?

Most life on Earth relies upon the hospitable temperatures resulting from the greenhouse effect

Which of the following statements about the greenhouse effect is true?

Most life on Earth relies upon the hospitable temperatures resulting from the greenhouse effect.

Which of the following is a "metabolic taxicab" that shuttles electrons?


Is a virus alive

NO! Need host to survive. Does not have its own metabolism. Cannot reproduce. Needs reproductive partner to be alive, a lot like other parasites.

Under what conditions is communication within the body advantageous using hormones and when is it more advantageous to communicate using nerves?

Nervous system is more advantageous because it is fast, reactions or burning need to be used then. Hormones are slow moving and need to be used in body function like ovulation

Which statement best describes how the FDA regulates the food industry?

Newly developed foods or food additives must be certified safe by the FDA before they can be marketed to the public.

The lower atmosphere is made of several gases. The largest by volume are: __________ and __________.

Nitrogen 78.084% Oxygen 20.946%

At one time, in June, the ___________ hemisphere receives the most radiation. That day is June 21 and it is called the _________ solstice. At this time, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted most towards the Sun and the Sun's radiation is very strong in the Northern Hemisphere. The noonday Sun is vertically overhead the Tropic of Cancer, a latitude of 23.5 degrees north. Vertically overhead means that the Sun is 90 degrees above the horizon. The __________ point is the place on Earth where the sun is vertically overhead. The day when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted begins the Northern Hemisphere summer and the Southern Hemisphere winter.

Northern summer subsolar

Why is the appendix in humans an organ that can be removed with no apparent long-term affects?

One of those evolutional changes just like wisdom teeth, they become not needed to support any functions in the body if removed. Adaptive function over time

Antibiotics that normally work against bacteria may also affect what structure in your cells

Our use of antibiotics and antibacterial agents is changing the microbes in our environment, making the germs tougher to beat and eliminating some beneficial microbes. Mitochondria & chloroplast(plants): site of metabolism, form a endosymbionic theory (evolution of eukaryote cells) Mitochondria like prokaryote cell.

Which of the following is an example of biological evolution?

Over time, a species of caterpillar becomes the same shade of green as the leaves on which it feeds.

Why is oxygen needed in cellular respiration?

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain

Why is oxygen needed in cellular respiration?

Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.

In pea plants, the allele for purple flowers (P) is dominant to the allele (p) for white flowers. In a cross between a purple-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant, all 73 pf the offspring plants had purple flowers. Which of the following most likely describes the cross above?

PP x pp

In pea plants, the allele for purple flowers (P) is dominant to the allele for white flowers (p). In a cross between a purple-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant, all 73 of the offspring plants had purple flowers. Which of the following most likely describes the cross above?

PP x pp

What are the genotypes of the gametes produced by a Pp Rr YY plant

PRY, PrY, pRY, prY.

Which of the following proposed research projects would occur at the ecosystem level?

Paula Krenshaw has proposed studying how polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are transferred between organisms living in the desert southwest.

How does speciation occur

Phyletic speciation-one ancestral species gives rise to a new species ex) horse evolution, Divergent Speciation-evolution of one species into two or more new species ex) squirrels at the Grand Canyon also show geographical isolation (Galapagos finches)

Pioneer species in plant succession arrive at cleared areas to germinate. However, when they grow, the shade they produce makes it impossible for their own seeds to again germinate there because of their shade intolerance. Instead other more shade-tolerant species come in, grow, and force out the pioneer species. How do pioneer species ever get their seeds to germinate if the parent plants always modify the habitat enough to make it inhospitable for their own seeds?

Pioneer-old, good in sun bad in shade. Seeds taken away by the wind hoping some will land in the shade.

There is snow and ice year round at the polar ice caps. Yet, some animals such as polar bears and penguins can live there. How can the polar ice caps support these animals?

Polar animals such as polar bears, seals, and penguins feed in the neighboring marine biome.

Orchids can be artificially cross-pollinated with virtually any other orchid species. Yet, in the wild this rarely occurs. Throughout Latin America, a group of Orchid Bee species is a common pollinator of orchids, but these bees are NOT specialized. Each bees species will pollinate between five and ten different species of orchids. How is cross-pollination between orchid species avoided

Pollen pockets: lock and key hypotheses: certain bees goes with certain flowers. Also, time of day, flowers open at different times.

What are the main components of natural selection? What are the roles of variation, biotic potential and limiting factors?

Populations have high biotic potential, population size is fairly constant due to limiting factors, individuals vary, individual with favorable variations survive to produce more offspring than those with unfavorable variations, some variation are heritable, environments change, natural selection causes the accumulation of favorable variations and the loss of unfavorable variations

Why are whole foods better for your health than processed foods?

Processed foods don't contain all the vitamins and minerals found in whole foods.

How are prokaryotes different from eukaryotes?

Prokaryotes have no nucleus separating the DNA from the rest of the cell.

Of the four kingdoms in the domain Eukarya, which one is most likely to be split into two or more kindgomes as scientists perform more genetic analyses on evolutionary relationships?


Where do the new nucleotides come from to form the new strand of DNA during replication?

Pulled apart nucleotides, synthesize some, bits come from part of metabolism into single amino acid, proteins, and boy arranges it for what you need it for. Takes more energy to build again.

You know that purple flowers, P, are dominate to white, p. What is the genotype of a plant with purple flowers? What is the genotype of a plant with white flowers

Purple flowers: 2 genotypes PP, Pp. White flowers: pp

Who wrote the influential book Silent Spring and is considered one of the founders of the modern environment movement?

Rachel Carson

What is punctuated evolution versus gradualism

Rapid changes followed by periods of relative stability and gradual changes occurring at a steady rate. Punctuated equilibrium requires that some mutations could bring about dramatic changes (fly antennapedia mutation)

Why do humans not have a nucleus in the red blood cells?

Red blood cells do not contain DNA and cannot divide in RNA, they are produced by other cells within bone marrow. Filled of hemoglobin which means a lot oxygen, holds oxygen to no need it.

A fluorescing alga off the coast of California receives most of its energy from green light for photosynthesis. The uncaptured light energy that is fluoresced is most likely to be in what color wavelength?

Red, Orange, Yellow are the colors that could only be fluoresced for they are at the highest nm per wavelength and that these colors are present all along. Violet uses the most energy and red is the least.

Select all of the grassland habitats

Steppe Prairie Savanna

What are the functions of polysaccarides

Sugars can be linked together by covalent bonds, can form linear/branched chains = linked sugars, these are used for structural support & for protection, serve as nutrient & energy stores, cell walls in plants are made from cellulose, linked sugars>form starch to store energy

_____________ is another interaction where both species live together in a close relationship. Typically we see this in species that have co-evolved with each other over a long period of time. This type of interaction does not imply a benefit or cost to either species, just that there is a close association.


The speciation process where two species form in the same area often due to populations having behavioral differences is called

Sympatic speciation

Which of the following statements regarding freshwater ecosystems is true?

Temperature may have a profound effect on freshwater ecosystems.

A city was sprayed with DDT... which of the following most likely explains this?

The DDT killed most flies. The few that were already resistant survived and passed on the resistance

Where is the level of insolation high all year round? Why?

The Equator - because it receives the most consistent sunlight throughout the year

A three-hour old antelope is waiting for its mother who is grazing a kilometer away in the continuous grassland prairie of Saskatchewan. There are many foxes, wolves and grizzly bears around looking for fresh and delicious prey. What kind of anti-predator behavior would you predict most likely to have evolved in this young antelope?

The antelope would follow and stick close to its mother. Not going out of range of it mother and watching out for any dangers that coud be around in this new unkown world it was just born into. They may be born into an environment that camoflages to them

How do the concentrations of H+ and OH- compare to each other in acidic solution?

The concentration of H+ is higher.

How do the concentrations of H+ and OH- compare to each other in an acidic solution?

The concentration of H+ is higher.

Cactus Wrens build large domed nests in catus and bushes of the desert. Each nest has a single entrance hole on the side. In the Phoenix area, a scientist measured the compass direction of the nest hole opening for 100 nests built in April and for 100 built in July

The early nests in April face generally east because they receive sunshine for warming up in the morning but are shaded and cooler in the hot afternoon. In July the strong winds from the southeast together with the rain they often carry make holes on the western side less likely to be affected.

Which of the following is the most direct (or first) result of natural selection on a population?

The frequency of some alleles changes in the population.

Which of the following is not part of the procedure used to make a DNA fingerprint?

The genes that encode fingerprint patterns are cloned into bacteria.

Many species of corals (an invertebrate animal) thrive in nutrient poor tropical sea waters due to a mutualistic relationship with a group of green algae called zooxanthellae that live only inside the corals. The coral host uses the photosynthetic products produced by the algae. These corals are not found below 100 feet depth in the ocean

The green & blue light helps produce photosynthesis is found in the deepest part of the ocean, red and violet disappear in the deepest parts. Pigment chlorophyll reflects green light.

Two butterfly species live on and around the Hackberry Bush (Celtis) near Sycamore Creek, AZ. Males of one species of butterfly, Asterocampa leilia, perch on the ground or on the bush and wait for females to fly into view. These males actively defend their perching sites against other males of the same species. Males of the second species of butterfly, Libytheana bachmanii, fly constantly above the bushes searching for females. These males do NOT defend a site. How might this difference in male mating behavior be explained?

The male butterflies perch on the branches all day and watch females. They lay there eggs on the branches, that is why it is important for them perch and stick to their territory. The different mating styles may be due to the fact that the second species of butterflies are very migrant.

What factors would have to be controlled to reach Zero Population Growth (ZPG).

The population growth rate (births + immigration) - (deaths + emigration) has to completely balance out

Which of the following is a sign that scientific information on a website may be unreliable?

The site is set up to allow you to buy the product being described

You notice in the fall that the oak trees on campus change color at slightly different times, even though the environment is the same for all the trees. What is the most likely explanation?

There are different alleles of the gene responsible for color change

What is the role of fossils in supporting the theory of common descent?

There have been many fossils of intermediate types discovered that provide strong support for the theory of common descent.

What is a unique feature of many plants that inhabit tropical forests, such as orchids?

They are epiphytes

What is the function of tRNA molecules during translation?

They carry amino acids to the ribosome.

If the physical world changes, what does that imply about animals

They change as well, adapt to environment

You read that two populations of hyena are different subspecies. Which of the following would be true of the two populations?

They could produce fertile offspring.

Why do sloths go down to forest floor?

They crawl down the trunk of the tree to expose themselves. Benefits: Getting away from other predators

Females of many species choose to mate with old males rather than the young, newly matured and very energetic males

They have been around, show good traits for future off spring, know how to protect the family, experience.

The logic of female choice hypothesis predicts that most mammals should tend to be polygynous.

To further pass on their genes and traits and their parenting skills

Intraspecific competition is competition within a species, such as for food, mates, and territory. Even though intraspecific competition is common, species will evolve characteristics that will limit this type of competition or develop behavior, such as aggressive displays, that reduce the actual amount of physical altercations, which is beneficial to either.


How many times during the year is the noontime sun vertically overhead latitudes between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?

Twice, only once each.

Why do doctors use high amounts of electricity to stop the heart when a dangerously arrhythmic beat develops?

When shocking the heart it stops the heart and syncs it back in to rhthym.

Several biologists have tried to explain the pattern of tree distribution in tropical rain forests - individual trees of the same species tend to be separated from each other by 100s of meters instead of growing in stands of the same species

Wind carries different strains of tree seeds. Such a wide variation of finches species, each species could eat a different type of seed. (beak size)

Why is a very low level of body fat unhealthy in young women?

Women need a certain amount of fat to maintain their fertility.

What is responsible for the tortoiseshell phenotype in some female cats?

X inactivation

Is a species that has few individuals at greater risk of extinction than a species that has a large population size? Why?

Yes: A species with few individuals is more likely to be eliminated by a reduction in population size caused by a chance environmental event like bad weather or a fire

Your friend was diagnosed with strep throat 2 months ago. She was treated with antibiotics for 10 days, but 2 weeks after treatment, the symptoms returned. She was given a different antibiotic and her symptoms improved again, initially, but then got worse. What is happening?

Your friend was originally infected with some bacteria that were resistant to these two antibiotics and the bacteria multiplied.

Exponation growth, when graphed, appears as

a J curve

A sea urchin living in an intertidal zone must be a tough individual, capable of withstanding many forms of environmental stress. Animals in an intertidal zone are stressed by which of the following?

a broad range of temperatures and the risk of drying out

Temperate broadleaf forests are characterized by _____.

a broad range of temperatures ranging from -30°C to 30°C

Which of the following locations would be expected to exhibit the greatest variation in temperatures among the seasons?

a city in Finland

In Houston, Texas, the warmest time of the day is generally

a few hours after noon.

A cottontail rabbit living in Illinois survives in a hostile environment. Which of the following is an adaptation that functions primarily to address a biotic factor?

a light-colored winter coat that blends in well with light-colored vegetation, snow, and ice

One advantage of preserving more than one population of an endangered species at more than one location is _______________.

a lower risk of extinction of the entire species if a catastophe strikes one population

"Swidden" is another term for

a slash-and-burn agriculture system in the tropics.

What single when present at the ribosome causes protein synthesis to end?

a stop coden

What signal when present at the ribosome causes protein synthesis to end?

a stop codon

Which of the following projects would be conducted by an ecologist?

a study of squirrels and their interactions with other animals

Bias in an experiment can occur when

a technician knows which samples are from the control group

Which of the following descriptions would be considered a theory in the same scientific sense that evolution is considered a theory?

a theory about why an apple falls to the ground when dropped

An adaptation of evergreen trees in boreal forests includes

a thick waxy coat on leaves

An environment where the plants are low to the ground and many boggy areas are found is called

a tundra

The evenly spaced distribution of stalks of corn is

a uniform distribution

In land mammals, the pelvic girdle is the point where the leg bones attach to the rest of the skeleton. Whales also have a small pelvic girdle. This would be an example of what type of evidence for common descent?

a vestigial structure

Many variants are produced during the long course of an HIV infection. Which of these variants would be most fit in the environment of the human body?

a virus that can't be recognized by the patient's immune system

The "blow" visible as a large whale exhales its warm breath is caused by

a whale's breath condensing upon exhalation into the cooler air.

An organisms environments consists of ______.

abiotic and biotic factors

In New York, the warmest days of the year usually occur

about one month after the summer solstice.

Which characteristic do chaparral and tundra have in common?

absence of tall trees

Which of the following is a risk factor for colon cancer?

advanced age

Where does the carbon dioxide you exhale come from?

aerobic respiration

Which of these is a population?

all of the people living in your state

A point mutation results in the incorporation of a new amino acid in a protein. Which of the following would be the most likely result?

an altered protein, which could result in a genetic disease

The loss of heath hens in North America was an example of

an extinction vortex

Life on Earth has experienced five mass extinctions. It's thought that these past episodes of extinction were caused by all the following EXCEPT:

an increase in large predatory mammals

Life on earth has experienced five mass extinctions. It's thought that these past episodes of extinctions were caused by all the following EXCEPT

an increase in large predatory mammals

Burning fossil fuels can result in

an increase in mercury levels

Burning fossil fuels can result in

an increase in mercury levels.

Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria, is a beautiful, long-stemmed wetlands species brought to the United States from Europe as an ornamental plant. In the United States, it has no predators and crowds out cattails, Typha latifolia, another wetlands plant that's a valuable resource for many species. Purple loosestrife is an example of:

an introduced species

Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria, is a beautiful, long-stemmed wetlands species brought to the United States from Europe as an ornamental plant. In the United States, it has no predators and crowds out cattails, Typha latifolia, another wetlands plant that's a valuable resource for many species. Purple loosestrife is an example of

an introduced species.

Kangaroo is to Australia as _____ is to Africa.


. A Florida native plant:

are plants that were here before the influx of Europeans

Which of the following has the lowest OH- concentration (or highest hydrogen ion concentration)?

battery acid

A desert rodent living in a biome created by the rain shadow of a mountain in Mexico would be expected to _____.

be lightly colored, to blend into its environment and avoid predators

A pronghorn can reach speeds of almost 100 km/hr. Ecologists believe that the pronghorn's speed evolved _____.

because 12,000 years ago the pronghorn's major predator was the now-extinct American cheetah

Which food is most likely to contain all essential amino acids?


In certain areas of the world where there's a high incidence of malaria, there's also a high incidence of sickle-cell anemia. Sickle-cell anemia results from a mutation in the gene that codes for hemoglobin. Malaria is an infectious disease carried by mosquitoes. Both malaria and sickle-cell anemia can be fatal. If an individual is homozygous for normal hemoglobin, they're more prone to malaria. If an individual is homozygous for sickle-cell hemoglobin, they'll develop sickle-cell anemia. However, if an individual is heterozygous and possesses one allele for normal hemoglobin and one allele for sickle-cell hemoglobin, they're less prone to malaria and won't develop sickle-cell disease. This is an example of how

being heterozygous can result in greater fitness for an individual

What term describes a harmless, noncancerous or precancerous tumor?


Which antioxidant is naturally found in carrots?


The psychological need that many humans have for nature is called


The most inclusive level of organization in nature is the _______.


When you compare tap water to bottled water, in most cases

bottled water and tap water are equally clean.

Where does most of the carbon dioxide released by human activities come from?

burning fossil fuels

Recombinant proteins refer to proteins that have been made in which manner?

by genetically modified bacteria

More ________ will not increase an individual's basal metabolic rate.

caloric intake

Traits with a strong genetic component, such as IQ, _________.

can also be strongly influenced by environment

Carbon is the basis of organic chemistry and is an important element in biology because it

can directly bond with up to four other atoms at the same time.

What is the name of a molecule composed of one or more sugars?


Which macronutrient is the major source of immediate energy for cell processes?


If life on Mars is fundamentally like life on Earth, its macromolecules will be based on which element?


Almost all scientists believe that the global warming observed over the past 100 years has been caused by elevated levels of gases in the atmosphere. Which of the following gases is primarily responsible for this problem?

carbon dioxide

Global climate change is likely to increase the rate of extinction worldwide. The pollutant most implicated in this problem is

carbon dioxide

What gas do plants release during photorespiration?

carbon dioxide

Over the last 100+ years, the amount of _______________ in the atmosphere has increased. More scientists now agree that human activities such as ________, _______, __________ have contributed to this rise in the gas. The temperature of the atmosphere _________ during the 20th century as a result of the increase in the concentration of this gas, ___________, in the atmosphere. This process is called ___________ or ____________. It is expected to ____________ in the 21st century.

carbon dioxide cars, factories, heating increased carbon dioxide global warming the intensification of the greenhouse effect accelerate

What are fossil fuels?

carbon-rich remains of plants and microorganisms

When a population of spotted salamanders in an area of vernal pools remains stable for many years and the population has stabilized because of resource limits, then

carrying capacity has been reached

The ____ is the fundamental structural unit of life is Earth


Plants that are adapted to frequent fires are part of the


Which of the following terrestrial biomes is dominated by woody plants?


An ecological population of organisms would include all

chipmunks in a wood lot.

Genes are contained within ____, which are long structures made up of DNA and protein.


When you look at the spacing of humans on a global level, the population follows a(n) ________ distribution.


Which of these is a fossil fuel?


The AB blood type, in which both A and B alleles are expressed, is an example of


Cattle egrets hitch a ride on domestic cows and eat insects that are stirred up by their activity. This is an example of


All individuals of all species living within an area of interest represent a(n)


All individuals of all species living within an area of interest represent a(n)


A coniferous forest would be characterized by ______.

cone-bearing evergreen trees.

Which of the following biomes, dominated by cone-bearing evergreen trees, is the largest terrestrial biome?

coniferous forest

The web of life refers to the ___________.

connections between species in an ecosystem

. Why are there gaps (synapses) in the nervous system? They slow the transmission of the impulse down considerably and appear to be a major cost

controls it so they all go ne way2. they block out backgroud noise3. they evaluate all the input of the nuerotransmitters and figure out what they are trying to tell your body

Different species that belong to the same biome, but occur in widely separated geographic regions, often appear similar due to _________.

convergent evolution (convergence)

Which of the following biomes has a structure made up primarily of the remains of its dominant organisms?

coral reefs

At approximately 30 miles above the Earth's surface, the temperature _______ again with altitude. This layer is called the __________. Explain this temperature pattern.

declines mesosphere Low pressure due to low density of molecules. Atmosphere gets less dense with altitude. No molecules = no friction = no heat.

As natural selection acts on a trait in a population, the amount of variation associated with that trait in the population is likely to do which of the following?


How can deforestation increase global warming? Deforestation can...

decrease the total amount of photosynthesis as C3 plants are harvested.

A deficiency of water in the body is called


In some situations, the death rate of a population declines before the birth rate begins to decline. This is an example of

demographic transition.

What type of plants dominate the chaparral biome?

dense, spiny shrubs with evergreen leaves

Increased mortality in a population due to increased competition for water is the effect of a(n)

density-dependent factor.

Overgrazing and dry land farming can convert savanna to _____.


The _____ biome is the driest of all biomes


Which of the following correctly lists the biomes in order from lowest precipitation (at the left) to highest precipitation (to the right)?

desert, tundra, temperate broadleaf forest, tropical rain forest

Annual plants germinate, reproduce, and die in one season. These plants often evolved in


Identical twins are also referred to as


The work of Rachel Carson and other ecologists revealed the terrible consequences of the overuse of DDT. These ecologists were working at what level of environmental interaction?


In the heart of Costa Rica there's a private reserve called Rara Avis. Here, one can hike high into the mountains of a tropical cloud forest to take guided nature hikes and learn about this unique ecosystem. This is an example of how habitats can be preserved through


A human sperm cell receives autosomes and

either an X or a Y chromosome.

Amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body are called ____ amino acids


An ecological footprint ___________.

estimates the total land area required to support a particular person or human population

Which of the following would be a control in an experiment testing the prediction that a certain drug prevents cataracts in females over the age of 65?

female subjects over 65 that are given placebos

. Stem cells (undifferentiated cells) are present in several parts of the body. A) What adaptive value can these stem cells have? B) In what body systems would you most likely encounter stem cells?

fetus, adaptive value: to help save lives and cure complex diseases, eggs that have not been implanted yet. Embryonic stem cell can become anything, how it cures.

Which of the following must be an assumption of the mark-recapture method?

few individuals enter or leave the study area during the period between mark and recapture

Which biome type contains most biodiversity?


When all living organisms are included, ________ contain about 70% of the biomass found on Earth's land surface


When all living organisms are included, ________ contain about 70% of the biomass found on Earth's land surface.


A population of snakes lives in a valley. This population of snakes is 30% black and 70% brown in coloration. A dam is built to flood part of the valley, separating the snakes into two populations. West of the human-made lake, there's a very small population of all black snakes, while east of the lake, the population is much larger and retains the same percentage of black and brown coloration as before the dam was built. This is an example of

genetic drift

Evolution that occurs as a result of chance events is called

genetic drift.

Crossing over and random alignment of chromosomes during meiosis essentially ensure that every gamete is __________________.

genetically distinct

All the genes in an organism constitute its


The ____ of an organism is the genetic makeup of that organism


Which of the following levels would contain members that are the most similar?


Which of the following shows the steps of speciation in the correct order?

geographic isolation, evolutionary changes, reproductive isolation

Imagine a balloon is made from a membrane that's permeable to water but not sucrose molecules. If the balloon is filled with a 50% sucrose solution and then placed in a beaker of water, then the balloon will

get larger as it gains water

Huge herds o bisons and pronghorn antelopes once roamed the North American ________.


Grazing animals that eat the tops of plants have resulted in the selection of plants that

grow from the base of the plant

The specific place in which an organism lives is its _________.


Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox, is situated on land that was once a fen, a kind of wetland. The replacement of the fen is an example of

habitat destruction

Which of the following presents the greatest threat to biodiversity?

habitat loss or degradation

When a cell in the ovary or testes undergoes meiosis, the resulting cells contain _________ the number of chromosomes as the beginning cell.


The circle of illumination separates day and night. It divides the Equator exactly in _____. Therefore, the Equator has equal daylight and equal night or _____ hours of daylight and _____ hours of night. However, as one moves from the Equator north to higher latitudes, the length of daylight gets _______. At the Arctic circle, the length is ___ hours or ____ hours of night.

half 12 12 shorter 0 24

A heterozygous organism

has two different alleles of a gene.

The most important reason that one can see evolution in a population of mosquitoes more easily than one can see evolution in a population of squirrels is because mosquitoes

have a shorter generation time

The fragrant oils found in rosemary and thyme

help fuel fires, to which they've adapted.

The fragrant oils found in rosemary and thyme

help fuel fires, to which they've become adapted.

An immature frog (a tadpole) lives in a pond or lake. The adult frog lives on land, and it possesses special adaptations that permit it to survive in a terrestrial environment. These special adaptations __________.

help prevent the adult frog's body from drying out.

The estimated influence of genes (as opposed to environment) on a trait is called ____


The thermosphere is part of the _________. Here the gases are not fixed in proportion.


A species that has a high number of alleles for many genes that are distributed throughout the population is said to have:

high genetic variability

____ is the ability of living things to maintain a relatively constant internal environment even when the external environment is changing


The members of a pair of chromosomes are called

homologous chromosomes

The mesopause marks the end of the _________. The name describes the relatively ________ composition of the gases in the atmosphere. The gases and their relative proportion are:

homosphere Nitrogen 78% Oxygen 21% Argon 1%

An individual who has two coppies of the same allele is ____ for that allele.


The current rapid loss of species is considered by many scientists to be another mass extinction. This increase in extinction rate, beyond background extinction, is thought to be due to

human population growth and the resulting habitat changes worldwide

The current rapid loss of species is sometimes called the "sixth mass extinction." This increase in extinction rate beyond background extinction is thought to be due to:

human population growth and the resulting habitat changes worldwide

The current rapid loss of species is considered by many scientists to be another mass extinction. This increase in extinction rate, beyond background extinction, is thought to be due to

human population growth and the resulting habitat changes worldwide.

Artificial selection occurs when an organism's fitness is controlled by ____


In Australia, biologists have discovered that when the ranges of two species of Eucalyptus trees meet, they form a hybrid zone. In this hybrid zone, herbivorous insects and fungi are significantly higher in species richness than in either of the ranges where the tree species are separate.

hybrids are a mixture of 2 species half of mom, half of dad. You get half of each gene so you don't have a strong gene pool. The species richness is due to the abundance different eucalyptus trees

What kind of bond holds two water molecules to each other?

hydrogen bonds

A researcher has hypothesized that the chemical tributyltin (an additive in boat paint) seeps out of the paint into the water and causes reproductive defects in developing marine snails. Which of the following would be a good control in an experiment that tests the effects of tributyltin on developing snails?

idk :(

A researcher returns from the Amazon River with 10 individuals of a species of fish and establishes a small breeding colony in her laboratory. She maintains the colony for several years (many fish generations), always maintaining the number of adult fish between 10 and 30. She notices that as generations of fish are bred, the reproductive rate decreases. What is the most likely reason for this?

inbreeding depression

When the phenotype of a heterozygote is intermediate between both homozygotes, the pattern of inheritance is ________.

incomplete dominance

If a blue-colored flower crossed with a white-colored flower produced light blue-colored flower offspring, then it's most likely a case of

incomplete dominance.

Trans-fatty acids, which are common in fast food, are a concern to nutritionists because they

increase the incidence of clogged arteries.

North America is currently experiencing an unprecedented and rapid loss of species. What is believed to be the main trigger of such events, either directly or indirectly?

increased human population

Each breed of dog is known to be susceptible to certain illnesses, such as heart problems, eye disorders, or thyroid problems. Often, dog breeders will go to great lengths to breed a dog that's unrelated to a dog they want to breed. This is because

individuals closely related are more likely to have the same deleterious genes

Most cells spend most of their time in which phase?


Most cells spend most the their time in which phase?


At around 50 miles above the surface the temperature increases rapidly. This layer is called the ___________ or the ______________. Here the temperature is very high but the heat content is low. Explain.

ionosphere thermosphere Temperature is not the same thing as heat. The intense solar radiation in this part of the atmosphere causes molecules to hit each other, resulting in kinetic energy. The friction of the molecules creates heat. Heating in the atmosphere near the Earth's surface is different because of the greater # of molecules in the denser atmosphere transmits their kinetic energy as sensible heat (measure and feel it)

RNA differs from DNA in that RNA

is single-stranded

Replacing defective humans genes with functional genes ______.

is the goal of gene therapy

A statistically significant result is one that

is unlikely due to chance

When a hypothesis is extensively tested and supported by a large number of studies conducted by many different scientists, then

it is considered a scientific theory

During the 1980s, wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park after decades of absence due to attempted extermination in the early part of the 20th century. Within 20 years, not only had the wolf population increased, but there was also a dramatic increase in other species, such as aspen, cottonwood, and willow trees, beavers, warblers, insects, and fish. These changes in Yellowstone Park are examples of how important a(n) ________ can be to an ecosystem

keystone species

During the 1980s, wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park after decades of absence due to attempted extermination in the early part of the 20th century. Within 20 years, not only had the wolf population increased, but there was also a dramatic increase in other species, such as aspen, cottonwood, and willow trees, beavers, warblers, insects, and fish. These changes in Yellowstone Park are examples of how important a(n) ________ can be to an ecosystem.

keystone species

The sudden loss of a ________ would necessarily cause the loss of most or all of a food web.

keystone species

The major determinant of the level of insolation is __________. This property influences the two factors that in turn influence the level of insolation are: ________ and __________.

latitude angle of the sun day length

Buffalo, New York, experiences a "lake effect" when wind blowing across the warm water accumulates water vapor that condenses when reaching cooler land. Boston's climate is moderated by the warmer ocean water that lies to the east. Assuming similar winter temperatures, one would expect ________ snowfall accumulation in Boston.


Teosinte is a wild grass in Mexico from which corn (maize) was originally domesticated. Corn that is grown commercially is probably

less genetically diverse than teosinte.

The principle of a carrying capacity corresponds to a pattern of population growth that's


On the December solstice, in the southern hemisphere, all latitudes have _______ day than night. Which latitudes have 24 hours of night? Which latitudes have 24 hours of day?

longer Arctic circle Antarctic circle

On June 21 (June solstice), in the northern hemisphere, all latitudes have _______ day than night. In the southern hemisphere, all latitudes have _______ day than night. In fact, the ____________________ and all points to the _______ have 24 hours of night. In the northern hemisphere, the ________________ and all points north have 24 hours day.

longer shorter Antarctic circle south Arctic circle

All the following affect temperature variation among geographic locations except


The process by which the shortwave energy from the sun passes through the atmosphere is absorbed by the earth's surface. The Earth's surface reradiates the energy as ___________ energy. The atmosphere absorbs the energy. This process is called ___________________. Without this process, the earth would be much _________ than it is.

longwave The greenhouse effect colder

The entire species of North American right whales currently consists of less than 400 individuals. Through genetic testing, it has been determined that at some point in the past, probably around the time they were first protected in the beginning of the 20th century, the population had only three reproducing females. All individuals that exist today are thought to be descendants of those females. As a result, this species is vulnerable because of

low genetic variability.

Regions that have ________ levels of solar irradiance have ________ average temperatures.

low; low

Cancer cells within which of the following biopsy samples would be the best indicator that the cancer has metastasized and is circulating through the bloodstream?

lymph node

In commercial food manufacturing, hydrogenation is used to

make an unsaturated fat more saturated.

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to

make many copies of a small amount of DNA

Even though marsupial mammals with pouches, like kangaroos, give birth to live young, an eggshell forms briefly early in their development. This is evidence that ______.

marsupials share a common ancestor with some egg-laying species

What produces gene flow?

mating between populations

Which is not a major invasive plant?

melaleuca Brazilian pepper Australian pine *****D) sago palm

Most of the energy contained in one trophic level is "lost" when it gets to the next trophic level. The lost energy takes the form of

metabolic heat.

The ____ of an organism is defined as all the chemical processes that occur in the cells of that organism


Which of the following is a common feature of cancer cells?


A mutation in a gene

might have no effect on the protein encoded by the gene.

The ____ species concept is used by paleontologists as they compare the physical characteristics of fossils to understand human evolution


The Cambrian explosion is a period in earth's history when what significant event occurred?

multicellular animals first appeared

The multiple-hit model of cancer means that

multiple mutations are required to cause most forms of cancer.

A decrease in the body's normal water level can cause which of the following problems?

muscle cramps

Which of the following is an example of a quantitative trait in humans?

musical ability

A primary source for new, unique genes in a population is


Ants from the genus Pseudomyrmex live in bull's horn acacia trees, Acacia cornigera. The ants will attack any predators of the tree. In return, the ants live protected in the thorns of the tree and eat the nectar and protein-rich secretions of the tree. This is an example of


The main mechanism that results in evolution is ____

natural selection

When a mutation results in no significant change in the production of a functional protein, it's called a

neutral mutation.

Which of the following are found in the nucleus of an atom?

neutrons and protons

In lakes, the nutrients that usually limit the growth of phytoplankton are _____.

nitrogen and phosphorus

In the Northern Hemisphere, the apparent position of the sun on the horizon at sunrise moves from ________ as summer turns to winter

north to south

Nucleic acids are polymers of


When essential mineral nutrients pass through a food web, they are generally not lost from the environment. This is known as ____________________.

nutrient cycling

Where would you expect a "rain shadow" to occur in the United States?

on the eastern side of the Sierra Nevada mountains, in Utah

Where does the most rainfall generally occur?

on the leeward side of a body of water

The North Atlantic Right Whale, Eubalaena glacialis, was called the "right whale" because they were the best whale for early whalers to kill. They have long baleen and lots of blubber and oil. When killed, they could be towed back to land for processing because they float. They once numbered in the millions, but the entire population of the species is now less than 400. The history of the right whale is an example of


The North Atlantic Right Whale, Eubalaena glacialis, was called the "right whale" because they were the best whale for early whalers to kill. They have long baleen and lots of blubber and oil. When killed, they could be towed back to land for processing because they float. They once numbered in the millions, but the entire population of the species is now less than 400. The history of the right whale is an example of


During the last few years, scientists have observed that caribou have had difficulty migrating due to the melting of the ________, creating impassable wetlands where there was once solid ground


Describing a person as having hemophilia is to indicate his or her


In addition to excessive bleeding, persons with hemophilia may gave excessive bruising, pain and swelling in the joints, vision loss, anemia, or neurological problems. This is a result of the effects of a single gene loss and is called


The U.S. Endangered Species Act that mandates decisions about the management of endangered species can be based on

political, economic, and biological concerns

Phenotypic features that are coded for by several genes, such as eye color in humans, are called


Evolution that occurs as a result of a dramatic reduction in population size is called

population bottleneck

Deductive reasoning is used to make ________ based on a hypothesis.


The best strategy for preserving biodiversity is to

prevent species from becoming endangered in the first place.

Antibiotic resistance is becoming common among organisms that cause a variety of human diseases. All of the following strategies help reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance evolving in a susceptible bacterial population except ______.

preventing natural selection by reducing the amount of evolution the organisms can perform

The benefits of wetlands include

protection from flooding.

A sequence of DNA codes for a


Enzymes are


Broadleaf deciduous trees of temperate forests

reabsorb chlorophyll, resulting in the colorful autumn pigments becoming visible.

How can the amount of solid waste produced by people be reduced?

recycling and composting

Which mangrove is important because it traps debris and forms a thick layer of organic peat.


Treatment of wastewater in industrial plants of developed countries includes all the following except

removing excess nutrients, such as phosphates and nitrates.

Treatment of wastewater in industrial plants of developed countries includes

removing semisolid wastes

Which of the following is a lipid?

ribonucleic acid

A gene whose sequence can be compared among species from all kingdoms is one that encodes:

ribosomal RNA

Genetically modified foods have resulted in

rice that allows greater synthesis of vitamin A.

In summer, why is water/air around it cooler than nearby inland areas?

rise/fall in response to solar irradiation

Grasses and scattered trees are a dominant part of the plant community in the ______.


What biome are many of the world's most spectacular animals - giraffes, zebras, lions, and cheetahs - found?


Fire helps to maintain the existence of which biomes?

savanna, chaparral, temperate grassland, and coniferous forest

An owl eating a seed-eating mouse is an example of a

secondary consumer

A news report on CNN that describes recently published research on a new treatment for colds is an example of a(n)

secondary source.

Half of the gametes produced by an organism with the genotype Aa will receive the A allele, while half will receive the a allele. This is a demonstration of


The sun emits largely _________ radiation. Much of this radiation is/is not absorbed by the gases in the atmosphere. This ________ radiation is, however, absorbed by the ______________. The earth's surface reradiates this energy as __________ or _________ or __________ radiation. This longwave energy can be absorbed by the ______ ____________. The two main gases that absorb this longwave energy are ______ and _______________.

shortwave shortware earth's surface longwave infrared terrestrials earth's atmosphere carbon dioxide water vapor

In December, the _________ hemisphere receives the most radiation. On December 21, the noonday sun is vertically overhead the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 degrees south). That day begins the Northern Hemisphere winter and the Southern Hemisphere summer and it is called the December solstice.


When genes are copied (in transcription), the resulting copy is in the form of a

strand of mRNA.

Ozone is a gas that exists naturally in the _____________. It is made of _____ atoms of oxygen. The oxygen we breathe is made of _____ atoms of oxygen. Ozone absorbs __________ radiation from the sun. This absorption of ________ energy from the sun _______ the surroundings. Thus the temperature of the stratosphere _________ with altitude.

stratosphere 3 2 ultraviolet ultraviolet heats increases

There is a strong correlation between stress and susceptibility to colds. This means that

stress might or might not affect susceptibility to colds.

Humans and apes show such a strong degree of similarity that they are placed in the same


If the DNA contained in the chromosomes of an organism is similar to an instruction manual, then what are the genes "instructing" the cell to do?

synthesize specific proteins from amino acids

During which phase of mitosis does the cytoplasm divide?

telophase and cytokinesis

The ______ biome contains land that can be used for highly productive agriculture.

temperate grassland

The atmosphere can be divided into layers based on the change in _________. This pattern is called a ______________ ________.

temperature temperature profile

The kind of terrestrial biome that exists in a particular region depends largely on _____ and _____.

temperature ... precipitation

To determine a geographic area's climate, one must take into account the variability of

temperature and precipitation.

The major factors affecting the distribution of terrestrial biomes are _______ and _________.

temperature, rainfall

On June 21, the June solstice, the noontime is vertically overhead ___________________. The ___________ hemisphere or the ________ end of the earth's axis is tilted most towards the sun.

the Tropic of Cancer (23.5 N latitude) northern north

What is the function of the tRNA molecules during translation?

the carry amino acids to the ribosome

What is it about macroevolution that people find controversial?

the common descent of all organisms from one ancestral cell

In general, the net movement of small, uncharged atoms and molecules through the membrane of a cell will occur until

the concentration of a solute is equal on both sides of the membrane.

Heritability is _______.

the degree to which a trait is explained by genes

Introducing large numbers of grazing livestock to a savanna in the Sahel region of Africa has led to

the destruction of the biome.

What is the result of adaptive radiation?

the diversification of one or a few species into a varied group of descendants

The main trunk at the bottom of the tree represents

the earlist common ancestors of all the organisms in the tree

A population has reached the carrying capacity of the environment when

the environment can't support a further increase in the population.

If an inductively reasoned hypothesis makes sense, based on all available and historical observations, then

the hypothesis might be false.

What is the primary body part affected by tuberculosis?

the lungs

A man with normal color vision marries a color-blind woman who gives birth to a color-blind daughter. From this, we can tell that

the man is probably NOT the father of the daughter.

A mountain range us CA causes dry deserts because

the mountain range's rain shadow

Diffusion is

the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

When considering the growth of the human population, how is the annual growth rate determined?

the number of births averaged over the population as a whole minus the number of deaths averaged over the population as a whole

A larval tiger beetle species on the Willcox Playa of s.e. Arizona constructs a unique "turret" over its tunnel opening. One hypothesis is that the turret functions to protect the larva from flies and predatory wasps (these types of predators are called parasitoids) that lay their eggs on the tiger beetle larvae to be later consumed by the emerging young flies and wasps. An investigator looked in the field at 100 larvae whose turret had been removed two weeks prior and 100 larvae whose turret had not been touched. Below are the results from those field studies

the presence of the turrets is likely NOT an adaptation against parasitoids

What accounts for the Indian River lagoon's high diversity?

the ranges of salinity the lagoon straddles the transition zone between tropical and temperate temperature zones the depth of the lagoon *** all answers are correct

Imagine that a mutation in a DNA molecule results in the codon CCU being changed to CCC. Both of these codons code for proline. The fact that more than one codon can code for the same amino acid is referred to as

the redundancy of the genetic code.

If the two means differ greatly between control and treatment groups, the difference is very likely to be statistically significant only if

the sample size is large.

When people speak of the "rain shadow" of the Califronia Coast Range, they are referring to _________.

the scarcity of rain on the eastern flank and adjacent lowlands compared with the western flank

In general, what makes one kind of amino acid different from other amino acids?

the side group

Tropical rainforests exist in soils that are nutrient-poor because

there is a high rate of decomposition, and plants quickly absorb the nutrients as they are available

Common descent is referred to as a theory because

there is overwhelming evidence to support it from many areas of biology.

Tropical rainforests exist in soils that are nutrient-poor because

there's a high rate of decomposition, and plants quickly absorb the nutrients.

How can the amount of yard waste produced by people be reduced

through composting

Vertical stratification (layers of plants) is most pronounced in the _______.

tropical rain forest

The genetic code is ____ and ____.

universal, redundant

In order to reproduce, certain species of salamanders must migrate to a ________, where their aquatic eggs can develop free of predatory fish, which can't survive the annual drying up of this type of wetland

vernal pond

The nonfunctional wings of an ostrich are an example of what sort of evidence for the theory of common descent?

vestigial structures

The presence of goosebumps in humans is an example of what sort of evidence for the theory of common descent?

vestigial structures

Sunlight is required for the synthesis of

vitamin D

Sunlight is required for the synthesis of

vitamin D.

In a general sense, ________ refers to short term environmental conditions, and ________ refers to long term environmental conditions.

weather; climate

Which of the following is an adaptation?

webbed feet on a bird

The most precipitation is expected on the ________ of a mountain.

windward side

When a patch of land is cleared in a tropical rainforest, the vegetation is often burned to enrich the soil with nutrients from the burned plant material. This

works for a few years, but the soil is soon depleted of nutrients

____ are places in the cell cycle where a cell assesses whether it has met the conditions to proceed to the next step of the cycle.


What are the main differences between prokaryotes and eukaryote

(Pro)= Cell Membrane: lipid bilayer, contains proteins to let molecules thru, DNA: not in nucleus carefully packaged circular chromosome, Cytoplasm: aqueous solution contains proteins, metabolism molecules, Cell Wall: not in all, contains proteins & polysaccharides to provide support, Flagellum: not in all but made of protein allow cell to move, Fimbriae: not in all, helps cells to adhere to surfaces. Lipid bilayer doesn't let many molecules across, molecules are allowed into or out of cell by proteins in cell membrane, tightly regulated, cynobacteria can photosynthesis without chloroplast, chlorophyll contained in specialized cytoplasmic membrane=chromatophores. (EUK)= Can be uni or multi cellular, many things are similar to pros(cell membrane of lipid & proteins & cytoplasm) have membrane bound organelles=Nucleus: genomic DNA is in several physical pieces chromosomes, Mitochondria: site of energy generation, have own genomes, Chloroplast: site of photosynthesis, converts sunlight to chemical energy.

Temperature conversion formulas

*F = (9/5 x *C) +32* *C = 5/9 (*F - 32*)

Plants rely primarily on red and blue light photons to drive photosynthesis. Why do they "ignore" the entire rest of the light spectrum and use only this relatively narrow range of wavelengths

-Single pigment cannot absorb energy from all wavelengths -Some pigments emit light or after glow called fluorescence-unused energy that is released as heat

Nose shape and skin color are two physical traits in humans that have been influenced by ______.


On Long Island, New York, there's a population of wall lizards that originated from a group in Italy. Several had been imported to be sold as pets many decades ago, and some escaped and started a new population in this suburban area. This is an example of


The tendency for individuals to choose mates who are like themselves is called _____.


The vast majority of organisms within the kingdom Animalia are _______.


What is found when alleles among different human groups are analyzed?


In a dihybrid cross between two heterozygous individuals, how many offspring are expected to be homozygous-recessive for both traits?

1 out of 16

There are 30 births and 20 deaths for every 1000 residents. The growth rate is?


For how long were prokaryotes the only kind of life on Earth?

1.5 billion years

Approximately how many people are on Earth today?


Which of the following events might you predict to occur if the tilt of Earth's axis relative to its plane of orbit was increased to 33 1/2 degrees? A) Summers and winters in the United States would likely become warmer and colder, respectively. B) Winters and summers in Australia would likely become less distinct seasons. C) Seasonal variation at the equator might decrease. D) Both northern and southern hemispheres would experience summer and winter at the same time. E) Both poles would experience massive ice melts.


Which of the following is responsible for the differences in summer and winter temperature stratification of deep temperate zone lakes? A) Water is densest at 4°C. B) Oxygen is most abundant in deeper waters. C) Winter ice sinks in the summer. D) Stratification is caused by a thermocline. E) Stratification always follows the fall and spring turnovers.


Which zone experiences the most abiotic change over a 24-hour period? A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E


Where can you find the most genetically diverse populations of humans?


What would happen if activation energy barriers didn't exist?

All chemical reactions in the body would proceed whether they were needed or not.

Palm trees and subtropical plants are commonplace in Land's End, England, whose latitude is the equivalent of Labrador in coastal Canada where the local flora is subarctic. Which statement best explains why this apparent anomaly exists between North America and Europe? A) Labrador does not get enough rainfall to support the subtropical flora found in Land's End. B) Warm ocean currents interact with England, whereas cold ocean currents interact with Labrador. C) Rainfall fluctuates greatly in England; rainfall is consistently high in Labrador. D) Labrador is too windy to support tall plants, such as palm trees. E) Labrador receives sunlight of lower duration and intensity than does Land's End.


Which of the following mangroves trees have special glands that secrete salt?

Both Black and White

If the direction of Earth's rotation reversed, the most predictable effect would be A) no more night and day. B) a big change in the length of the year. C) winds blowing from west to east along the equator. D) a loss of seasonal variation at high latitudes. E) the elimination of ocean currents.


What might be the adaptive significance of these unusual forests growing the way they do in this marginal habitat? A) Needles are adapted to withstand cold arctic temperatures. B) Branches are adapted to absorb more CO2 with this displaced alignment. C) Taproot formation is impossible, so trees developed shallow root beds. D) Trees are tilted so snow prevents them from breaking or tipping over. E) Trees tip so that they do not compete with each other for sunlight.


Which climograph shows the climate for location 3? A) B B) C C) D D) E E) F


The DNA of cats and dogs is much more similar than the DNA of cats and hamsters. Why is that?

Cats and dogs have a common ancestor that is more recent than the common ancestor of cats and hamsters

Why are antibiotics used against the common cold?

Colds are caused by viruses and have never been affected by antibiotics

Why are companies particularly interested in bioprospecting?

Companies hope to discover a species that contains an enzyme or another protein that can be marketed.

Your text describes an experiment in which low-nutrient conditions select bacteria that would kill off other bacteria. When nutrients became plentiful again, these killer bacteria became less common because they had lower fitness in this environment, but they didn't become extinct. Why wouldn't the killer bacteria die out completely in the new environment?

Competition must be low enough that the disadvantage of having the killer trait isn't great enough to cause extinction.

Studying species transplants is a way that ecologists A) determine the abundance of a species in a specified area. B) determine the distribution of a species in a specified area. C) develop mathematical models for distribution and abundance of organisms. D) determine if dispersal is a key factor in limiting distribution of organisms. E) consolidate a landscape region into a single ecosystem.


Which climograph shows the climate for location 2? A) B B) C C) D D) F E) H


Why does Dallas, Texas, have a higher yearly average temperature than Chicago, Illinois?

Dallas receives more solar irradiance than Chicago

What causes the differences between two human cell types?

Different cell types contain the same genes, but use different combinations of them

What natural process did the Dracunculus Guinea Worm take advantage of to get from the small intestine to the blood stream?

Digestive process- like the intestine

Which organisms can live in the most extreme environments

Domain Archaea: prokaryotes like bacteria

Why are many of the world's deserts located at latitudes of about 30 degrees north and south?

Dry air, originating at the equator, descends toward Earth's surface at about 30 degree north and south.

What are the main components of synthetic evolution theory

Each species has isolated gene pool, evolution is change of gene frequencies in gene pool, individuals contain only a portion of genes in pool (different portion of each), genes in sexually reproducing individuals result from combination of genes from parents recombination of own genes and mutation, restriction of gene exchange between sub-populations essential for evolution of new species, changes in gene frequency result of natural selection migration genetic drift mutation, evolution involves phyletic speciation divergent speciation or adaptive radiation, complete when variations between populations large enough so that gene exchange cant occur even if individuals of populations meet.

The atmosphere is heated primarily by the _____________ ___________. Therefore the temperature first __________ with altitude.

Earth's surface declines

Which of the following statements is a testable scientific hypothesis?

Eating fish reduces the chance of having a stroke.

Where does most of the carbon dioxide released by human activities come from?

Exhaling (cellular respiration waste products)

During primary succession, these areas of improved soils will quickly allow new plants to grow. Primary succession is what is begins in abandoned crop field or grasslands after they have been burned


Why would it be difficult to explain the formation of two species when there is no barrier between them?

For there are certain types of areas where there are dry patches from natural evolution of the forests rate

Select all of the primary terrestrial biomes (select 4 answers)

Forests Tundra Grasslands Desert

What do we observe about intermediates in the fossil record? How can use them to understand how animals have evolved from one form into another

Fossil records is consistent with species changing over time, if evolution is taking place, we should be able to find intermediates in the record, intermediate between reptile and bird, intermediate stages between land mammal and whale, intermediate forms have vestigial characteristics ex) hind limbs on whales

How can we use the fossil record to look for evidence of species changing across time

Fossil records preserve the structures of animals (at least those not consumed by microbes) younger fossils closer to earths surface, older father down

Which organelle is a stack of membranous sacs that are involved in sorting proteins to their proper cellular location?

Golgi apparatus

What is the source of variation in populations

Gregor Mendel theory: genetic variation through mutation leads to variation of traits in populations for natural selection to work on. Can be passed on for future generations. Favorable mutations increase likelihood for survival and are passed on.

What was Lamarck's idea about how organisms changed?

He proposed that body parts increased or decreased as a result of extra use or disuse.

What experiment showed that the genes in the nucleus were responsible for determining the final form of the embryo

If genes retained, and nuclei from albino frog embryo are inserted into eggs from green frog that lack nuclei, then each egg should develop into a complete albino frog indeed, albino frog=result.

In what way is artificial selection different from natural selection?

In artificial selection, human preference is the selecting force; in natural selection, environmental conditions are the selecting force.

What can happen to the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

It can be converted to glucose by plants.

Why isn't a BMI (Body Mass Index) a perfectly reliable way to estimate your health?

It doesn't account for differences in muscle mass between individuals.

A scientific hypothesis has which of the following features?

It is falsifiable.

What happens to an ATP molecule after it has released a phosphate?

It is phosphorylated and becomes ADP.

How does ATP provide energy to a cell?

It loses a phosphate group, releasing energy in the process.

Why is fiber an important part of a healthful human diet?

It may decrease the risk of certain types of cancers.

How does permafrost affect the tundra vegetation?

It prevents roots from penetrating very far into the ground.

Why are fossils from older species found deeper in the earth than those from more recent species?

Layers of sediments accumulate every year, covering older fossils in more layers.

What is the evolutionary origin of light skin in humans?

Light skin evolved several times in response to low ultraviolet light levels

The North Poles day is... It starts on __________ and ends on __________.

March 21 December 21

During the last decade, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has worked to reestablish the critically endangered California condor in its last stronghold, the mountains of southern California. Recently, the service has also tried to establish a second population in the Grand Canyon region of Arizona. Why would the Fish and Wildlife Service consider it a high priority to establish two populations that are geographically distant from each other?

Multiple condor populations reduce the risk of extinction due to localized catastrophes

After an increase in nutrients due to sewage contamination, a lake often becomes inhospitable to fish. Why?

Nutrient input to a lake causes the explosive growth of algal and cyanobacterial populations. Decomposition of dead algae and cyanobacteria by bacteria results in the depletion of oxygen in the water, which leads to the death of all the fish. (A lack of oxygen is the ultimate cause of fish death.)

Which of the following is frequently used in residential plantings, but is highly poisonous. A) Oleander


Which of the following observations of species distribution across Earth support the theory of common descent?

One can see similarities in organisms that are found in close proximity, but each population has adaptations that suit the organisms to their particular habitat.

Which of the following is NOT a type of lagoon?


You discover that the genes for pea shape (round, R or wrinkled, r) and pea color (yellow, Y or green, y) are located on the same chromosome. If you cross a RR YY plant with an rr yy plant what are the resulting genotypes

RRYY=RY, rryy=ry. Genotype=RrYy results. Phenotype= round and yellow

What are the components of a cell membrane

Separates the cell from the environment, lipid bilayer contains proteins to let molecules pass thru. Molecules are allowed to pass thru but are tightly regulated. Cell Membrane: A thing bag surrounding the fluid like material in the cells interior. Cytoplasm: The fluid like material inside living cell. Nucleus: Dark, centrally located, spherical organelle found inside most body cells & in sperm & egg cells. Cell Theory: 1) Cells are structural & functional units of all living things. 2) Growth occurs primarily when new cells arise by cell division, a complex process in which the parts of the parent cell duplicate themselves and then separate into 2 sets. Cell Division: Four cells divide to produce eight cells...rapidly dividing group of cells is an EMBRYO (very early development stage of an organism in an egg, seed, or body of mother) Cigar shaped structures within each nucleus called CHROMOSOMES (found in nuclei of dividing cell, contains hereditary material) Mitosis: Nuclear division, appears as a series of chromosome duplication called chromatids which separate into 2 identical sets, 2 set passing to each new offspring cell.

How many species of seagrasses are found in the IRL?


The temperature starts to increase with altitude in the _____________ because of the presence of _________. This gas, _______, absorbs _________ radiation from the sun. That absorption _______ the surrounding atmosphere. The absorption also ________ the surface from much of the harmful radiation from the ____________ radiation from the sun. The top of this layer is called the ______________.

Stratosphere Ozone Ozone ultraviolet heats protects ultraviolet stratopause

T = __ and G = __

T = A, G = C

In the tropical rain forest of Borneo, six species of closely-related insectivorous birds live in the same section of forest. Investigators have been able to establish that the insect food for all these species is the limiting resource that controls their population numbers and survival. These investigators have also shown that the size of the bill of each of these species very tightly determines the size and type of insect each species can eat. When measured, however, all six species of birds had bill sizes and shapes that were virtually identical. What hypothesis could most logically explain how these six bird species could avoid or most adequately minimize competition for the insects?

Territoriality is practiced by some of the species, and that permits all six to coexist

A city was intensively sprayed with DDT to control houseflies. The number of houseflies was immediately greatly reduced. Each year thereafter, the city was sprayed again, but the flies gradually increased in numbers until 10 years later, when they were almost as abundant as they were when the control program began. Which of the following most likely explains this?

The DDT killed most flies. The few that were already naturally resistant survived and passed this resistance on to their offspring

Explain the change in orientation of the Earth's axis with respect to the sun from the December solstice to the March Equinox.

The Earth's axis appears to be more perpendicular

France is at almost the same latitude as Nova Scotia. Why is France's climate so much milder?

The Gulf Stream brings warm water from the tropical Atlantic to France, modifying its climate.

Large hawks of the genus Buteo all forage for prey by soaring at heights in the air column and diving on prey. Species of this genus that feed on birds and mammals tend to exhibit polymorphisms (multiple color forms) in breast color (black, brown or white). Species of this genus that feed on insects, frogs and crayfish tend to be monomorphic (single color form) in breast color (each species with a consistent breast color).

The black hawks are the one that are going to miss the squirrl once the squirl has learned that the blacks attack. Rare colors of breasts are better because their prey doesn't learn that they attack. Cross species is a positive. It depends: morning- want to be white, night-black, dusk-grey: separate because of less competition.

What is the most important reason that seasons occur?

The changing orientation of the Earth's axis with respect to the Sun

Why do the deciduous leaves on temperate forest trees turn from green to orange, red, and/or yellow before falling?

The chlorophyll is absorbed by the tree, leaving the other pigments visible

Bat wings are homologous to the front legs of cats. What does the term "homologous" mean in this context?

The common ancestor of bats and cats had a limb with a bone structure similar to that found in cat legs and bat wings.

Bat wings are homologous to the front legs of cats. What does the term homologous mean?

The common ancestor of bats and cats had limbs that functioned as wings.

A lek of male Prairie Chickens presents an interesting paradox. The noisy group of males is more likely to attract the attention of a predator than would a lonely male dancing by himself. What is a possible benefit that outweighs this major cost to participating in the lek and making a male Prairie Chicken so obvious to enemies?

The females don't have to search around for the random splattering of males. They all come together for the females to choose their mates all at once. They show off their gene supority

Why is combination drug therapy less likely to lead to resistance than single drug therapy?

The likelihood of one virus mutating to be resistant to three different drugs is very small

What would happen if a mutation created a new allele that decreased fitness?

The new allele would decrease the fitness of the individual that possessed it ,and that individual would have few or no offspring.

A pharmaceutical company is promoting a new estrogen skin patch for birth control. They say it is better because a woman only wears the patch for one week and then wears no patch for three weeks.

The non oral contraceptive is very sketchy, to rely on only one week of using the patch.

In polygynous mammals (one male mating with several females) such as lions and gorillas, when a new male takes over a harem, he kills all the young of the females in the harem as his first act of becoming king of the harem

The sex hormone production called testosterone, promotes and maintains sexual behavior (aggressive), he wants his children to be around to carry out his genes on to the next.

Which of the following is a sign that scientific information on a website may be unreliable?

The site is set up to allow you to buy the product being described.

A five-degree increase in the ocean temperature off the coast of Washington caused sea stars to stop feeding on clams in the rocky intertidal. The clams quickly became the dominant species in the intertidal, and the diversity of invertebrate species in this habitat fell by half

The starfish is the keystone sepcies. Once they were gone there was no more room for other species to come, making the clams the dominant species. Because the starfish are the ones that clear out and make room for others but no room for new babies.

Which of the following steps in the theory of natural selection do humans impact the most to bring about artificial selection?

There is differential survival and reproduction among individuals in a population.

What is one reason why some scientists are still skeptical about the merits of using zinc lozenges during a cold?

There may be other reasons why the people taking zinc lozenges recovered faster, such as stress levels or differences in ther immune systems.

If DNA replication was conservative instead of semi-conservative, what would the bands associated with the original and newly synthesized strands of DNA look like in the Meselson - Stahl experiment

There would be 2 old strands paired together & 2 new strands paired together for conservative replication

Sea stars in rocky intertidal and elephants in desert Africa share what positive interaction with many of the other species in their community?

They are both keystone animals, without them their whole community dies.Elephant limiting resource- water sea star-space

Mothers who are Rh- and are married to a husband who is Rh+ are at risk because of what details?

They cannot have children because the Rh+ attacks kills the mother along with child, positive is the more dominant trait. Has no anti bodies for the Rh+ already there, second child exposes her these antibodies, baby gets hit bad, treat with immune suppressant drugs.

How do scientists "know" the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide that existed on Earth hundreds or thousands of years ago?

They measure it from bubbles of gas trapped in Antarctic ice.

How can oxytocin affect both uterine contractions and milk let down?

This is released through the pituitary glands in which is signals contractions and production of milk. Neural hormonal cycle, releases milk let down.

Three plant species grow side by side, smartweed, Indian mallow and bristly foxtail. The smartweed has roots that extend 1 meter below the ground's surface, the Indian mallow's roots extend 70 cm and the foxtail only 20 cm. They are all early pioneer species and grow in the same type of soil. Their above ground parts are similar in height, leaf size and foliage density. Why might the root depths be so different?

To avoid comptition for water. They all have access to water at different parts of the soil

How are trans fats different from regular saturated fats?

Trans fats have artificially flattened fatty acids.

How do tRNAs translate the nucleic acid code into protein

Translation: process of reading the mRNA & converting it in to protein. 3 Nucleotides long

On the December solstice, the noontime sun is vertically overhead the _________________. Therefore, the _________ hemisphere or the _____________ end of the earth's axis is tilted most towards the sun.

Tropic of Capricorn southern south

___________ forests contain tall trees that have relatively little understory, but have a great diversity of species


The top of the troposphere is called the _____________. Its average height is ______, but the height changes with __________ and season.

Tropopause 11m (18km) latitude

The layer that touches the Earth's surface is called the ______________, which means _________ sphere. This layer is where almost all our weather occurs.

Troposphere turning

Indicator species are typically the first to decline or disappear when conditions change so that they can provide an early warning of environmental conditions when they begin to change


Primary succession begins with radically disturbed habitat is initially repopulated by plants called pioneer species, which are those that will come into barren landscape that can begin to recover the landscape with vegetation


In terms of economics and energetics, is it better to be a vegetarian or omnivorous?

Vegetarian: because its more efficient in energy transfer, more plants than herbivores, every transfer you get 10% of what the plants get rather than the 5% of eating meat

What kinds of observations did Darwin make on his voyage that made him question if the physical world was unchanging

Volcanoes & earthquakes changing the environment, fossils of creatures on mountainsides, huge variety of species

What is the most significant limiting factor for population growth in Arizona, and at what levels must decisions be made to meet this problem?

Water is the limiting factor, streams are polluted, creating aquifiers by digging under the ground for water supply but eventually the ground sinks in...only a short-term solution, draining of the Colorado river Cali is main control. Atmospheric, food, and energy pollution affect this as well. Using solar panels, windmills help solve this.

Why does violet light not go in the bottom of the ocean?

Wavelengths are very tiny, gets caught up in the molecules of water, gets cut off very early

______________ is the current temperature, cloud cover, precipitation, and other current conditions at a given location


Is a species that has few individuals at greater risk of extinction than a species with a large population size? Why or why not?

Yes. A species with few individuals is more likely to be eliminated by a reduction in population size caused by a chance environmental event like bad weather or a fire

What causes the disease tuberculosis?

a particular type of bacteria

What is an allele?

a particular version of a gene

Ethanol and carbon dioxide are released from certain yeast cells during

alcohol fermentation.

Communities that exist in an ocean's aphotic zone ultimately depend on food molecules manufactured by chemoautotrophic bacteria or ____________.

algae and cyanobacteria that live in the photic zone.

Plankton (phytoplankton and zooplankton) consists of _____.

algae, cyanobacteria, and animals that drift near the surfaces of oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams

A man who carries s harmful sex-linked (on the X chromosome) gene will pass the gene on to

all of his daughters

A man who carries a harmful allele for a sex-linked gene (on the X chromosome) will pass the allele on to

all of his daughters.

Which of the following statements about basal metabolic rates among people is true?

all of the answers listed are true

Different versions of the same gene are called


What are the monomer "building blocks" that make up proteins?

amino acids

Proteins are polymers of

amino acids.

Some North American grasslands are called shortgrass prairies, while others are called tallgrass prairies. What is the main cause of difference in grass size?

amount of rainfall

Life on Earth has experienced several mass extinctions. One or more of these extinctions was most likely caused by

an asteroid impact.

As the Industrial Revolution took place, there was a decrease in infant mortality, resulting in

an increase in the population growth rate.

Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria, is a beautiful, long-stemmed wetlands species brought to the United States from Europe as an ornamental plant. In the United States, it has no predators and crowds out cattails, Typha latifolia, another wetlands plant that's a valuable resource for many species. Purple loosestrife is an example of

an introduced species

During which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids separate to opposite poles of the cell?


Which of the following can neutralize dangerous free radicals within the body?

antioxidants from dietary fruits and vegetables

To address the problem of preserving biodiversity, biologist Norman Myers and colleagues have identified various "hotspots" around the world. What exactly is a hotspot?

areas around the globe where the climate and geologic events have resulted in a large number of species

Diversity among offspring can be created through all the following EXCEPT

asexual reproduction

The location of colliding prevailing winds coming from the north and south is

at the intertropical convergence zone.

According to the most current classifications, which of the following groups is the most different from all the others?


Of the groups below, which is the most different from all the others?


A ___________ is a geographic area defined by its primary vegetation


Los Angeles, California, has an average daily temperature between 70 degrees F and 80 degrees F throughout most of the year. There's very little rainfall except for during a rainy season beginning in the fall. This describes the city's


A ____ subject is treated as closely as possible to an experimental subject except that he or she does not get the experimental treatment


What factor is responsible for the moderate winters that characterize the chaparral biome?

cool ocean currents.

Ozone appears to be ________ in concentration. That decline is the result of the production of ________ by people. These _________ are useful in modern society because they are ________ gases; they do not react with other gases. They are used in ________, __________, ________. However, when the CFCs rise to the stratosphere, the ___________ radiation from the sun causes the gas to __________. A _____________ ion is released. The _______ is atttracted to ozone and causes the ozone molecule to break up into ________ and _________. Therefore, the amount of ozone declined. More ___________ radiation from the sun reaches the surface, causing increased cases of skin cancer.

declining CFCs CFCs inert styrofoam, coolants, propellants ultraviolet decompose chloride _______ atomic molecular ultraviolet

____ reasoning is used to make predictions based on a hypothesis


Ivory from elephant tusks is a valuable commodity on the world market. As a result, male African elephants with large tusks have been heavily hunted for the past few centuries. Today, male elephants have significantly shorter tusks at full adulthood than male elephants in the early 1900's. This is an example of _____.

directional selection

Correlations are less convincing than controlled experimental results because correlations

do not eliminate as many alternative hypotheses as experimental results

Correlations are less convincing than controlled experimental results because correlations

do not eliminate as many alternative hypotheses as experimental results.

...Shannon may not be as healthy as she thinks because she...

doesn't have enough body fat for menstruation or pregnancy

The prokaryotic group that tends to inhabit extreme environments belongs to the _________.

domain Archaea

The Earth's axis is tilted with respect to the plane of the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. Another name for the plane of the orbit is the plane of the ____________. The Earth's axis is tilted _______ degrees with respect to the vertical or _______ degrees with respect to the horizontal. Yet, the Earth's axis always points to the same position in the stars. It points towards Polaris or the _______ _______. Therefore, at one time of year, the northern end of the Earth's axis is tilted most towards the Sun. At another time, the southern end of the Earth's axis is tilted most towards the Sun. Twice during the year, neither end of the Earth's axis is tilted away nor towards the Sun, and the Sun is strongest over the _________. Thus the strength of solar radiation varies over the Earth during the year.

ecliptic 23.5 degrees 66.5 degrees North Star Equator

In the heart of Costa Rica, there's a private reserve called Rara Avis. Here, one can hike high into the mountains of a tropical cloud forest to take guided nature hikes and learn about this unique ecosystem. This is an example of how habitats can be preserved through:


Sex-linked traits can be expressed in

either males or females.

The movement of a substance into a cell via a vesicle is called ____


The proteins that catalyze chemical reactions in the body are called


Scientists have used the fossil record to estimate the average length of time that a species inhabits the Earth. This estimate is useful for assessing the impact of humans on the Earth's biological diversity because it can

estimate how many species extinctions are caused by human activity

Scientists have used the fossil record to estimate the average length of time that a species inhabits the Earth. This estimate is useful for assessing the impact of humans on the Earth's biological diversity because it can

estimate how many species extinctions are caused by human activity.

What aquatic biome is one of the most productive of all biomes?


Which if the following is the correct sequence of how an animal is "built"?

fertilization → zygote → meiosis → embryo

When all living organisms are included, a ________ (type of biome) contains about 70% of the biomass found on Earth's land surface.


Which major biome type contains most of Earth's biodiversity?


The rate of production of cellular proteins within each cell is regulated through which of the following?

gene expression

Homologous chromosomes

generally contain the same genes, but may carry different alleles (different versions of those genes)

Evolution due to random chance events is called ____

genetic drift

A biome that contains few shrubs or trees and has limited rainfall is called


Within each of the biomes, animals live in specific places. The place where they normally live in the wild is their __________.


According to the theory of common descent, each species on Earth today should

have a single ancestor in common.

An individual who is a carrier for a recessive genetic disorder but does not have symptoms of the disorder is


The biodiversity of a tropical rainforest is very high because of the

high amount of solar irradiance

Table salt provides the body with necessary sodium and chloride. However, too much salt could result in

high blood pressure.

Another term for high blood pressure is _____


Developed countries tend to have lower population growth rates and are characterized by

industrial economies and high individual incomes.

Suppose that a botanist is interested in the effect of light on plants. In an experiment she conducts, 50 individuals of a single species of flowering plant are grown for 60 days under different lengths of artificial daylight. The plant species has flowers that can be either white or pink, depending on the genetics of the parent plants. The amount of water and fertilizer provided to each plant is constant. At the end of the experiment, the size of each leaf of every plant is measured. The dependent variable in this experiment is the

leaf's size.

Keep in mind that ___________ energy from the _________ directly heats the earth's atmosphere.

longwave earth's surface

DNA is often likened to an instruction manual. According to this analogy, the typographical errors that would inevitably result when the DNA "manual" is transcribed would be similar to


Ants from the genus Pseudomyrmex live in bull's horn acacia trees, Acacia cornigera. The ants will attack any predators of the tree. In return, the ants live protected in the thorns of the tree and eat the nectar and protein-rich secretions of the tree. This is an example of:


Ants from the genus Pseudomyrmex live in bull's horn acacia trees, Acacia cornigera. The ants will attack any predators of the tree. In return, the ants live protected in the thorns of the tree and eat the nectar and protein-rich secretions of the tree. This is an example of


Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource?

natural gas

When is the noontime sun vertically overhead Long Island?


The role a species plays in an ecosystem is called its


In the state of Washington, the prevailing winds blow eastward off of the ocean and up and over two mountain ranges. Biologists are searching for a rare fern plant that is known to prefer cool and wet environments, but hasn't been seen in this state for many decades. Where would the biologists most likely find the plant?

on the west sides of the mountain ranges at higher elevations

The process by which carbon dioxide and water are converted to glucose and oxygen is called


Coral animals harbor ________ inside their bodies to provide them with nutrition.

photosynthetic algae

At least half of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere was created by

phytoplankton in the ocean

At least half of the oxygen in Earth's atmosphere was created by

phytoplankton in the ocean.

A food chain in the open ocean, from the base up, would be

phytoplankton, zooplankton, sand lance, humpback.

If you were to buy land in order to plant crops, which type of biome would you prefer?


Unrelated predaceous plant species that eat insects occur in every biome except the ocean and permanently ice-covered areas of high latitudes and altitudes. Given what we have discussed in lecture, what would be the best reason to pursue as a common cause of this unusual plant character

predacious species live in north and south pole, they live in nutrient poor soil so they receive their nutrients from the bugs they're eating

Extracts of the rosy periwinkle, Catharus roseus, have provided medicine with vincristine and vinblastine, drugs now available for treating cancer. The ability to find this species of plant and discover these drugs is a strong argument for:

preserving biodiversity

One species of plany produces flowers when nights are 10 hours long, another when nights are nine hours long. This is an example of

temporal isolation

One species of plant produces flowers when nights are 10 hours long. A related species comes into flower when nights are 9 hours long. This is an example of

temporal isolation.

Human populations may surpass the carrying capacity of their environment due to

temporary reliance on stored or nonrenewable resources.

The term "semiconservative replication" refers to the fact that

the DNA molecule includes a parental strand and newly created DNA strand.

What law was passed to address the problem of rapid species loss in the United States?

the Endangered Species Act of 1973

The presence of a species in a particular place, and its ability to reproduce there, implies that ______.

the species adapted by natural selection to the type of abiotic and biotic environmental conditions found at that location.

Metabolism is

the sum of all the chemical reactions occuring in the body.

Heat is a measure of

the total amount of energy associated with the movement of molecules in a substance

Other gases, much smaller in volume, are important. One of these, ____________ varies from day to day and hour to hour, but has not changed significantly over the years. Another, ______ has changed from around 1880 to the present from _______ to ______. This is a very small percentage of the volume of the atmosphere, but the increase is important because _____________________.

water vapor carbon dioxide (CO2) 0.33% 0.4% it's role in global temperature

If everyone on the planet used resources and lived the average lifestyle of an American, then

we would need multiple Earths for this to be possible.

Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive trait in humans. If phenotypically normal parents have children without hemophilia, pedigree analysis

would not be able to show the exact genotypes of the parents or children.

Which of these is a community?

you and all of the prokaryotes living in and on you

What would be considered a biotic component of your environment

your friend (Living things)

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