bio exam iv

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The proportion of unused resources remaining for use by the population is represented by a. (K - N)/K b. the carrying capacity (K) c. the growth rate (dN/dt) d. the biotic potential (rN)


True segmentation is found in which of the following phyla? a. Arthropoda, Chordata, Porifera b. Arthropoda, Annelida, Chordata c. Mollusca, Chordata, Annelida d. Annelida, Mollusca, Arthropoda

Arthropoda, Annelida, Chordata

______ combines with water to form carbonic acid in the capillaries. a. HCO3- b. CO2 c. H2CO3 d. O2


___ populations are usually near their carrying capacity. a. r-selected b. K-selected c. Predator d. Parasite


The beginning of an action potential is dominated by the movement of a. K+ b. Na+ c. H+ d. Cl-


Resting membrane potential in a neuron is partially established by the activity of a a. Na+ pump b. Na+/K+ pump c. neurotransmitter d. voltage-gated Na+ channel

Na+/ K+ pump

Of the following features, which is the most widely shared in the animal kingdom? a. a body plan with symmetry b. a triploblastic embryo c. protostome development d. molting of a cuticle or exoskeleton

a body plan with symmetry

Water tends to move into a cell that has a. reached equilibrium. b. a high turgor pressure due to cell wall rigidity. c. a high, positive water potential. d. a more negative water potential than its surroundings.

a more negative water potential than its surroundings

Which of the following is formed when two branches diverge from one another in a phylogenetic tree? a. A population b. A node c. A homoplasy d. A lineage

a node

The central nervous system receives all sensory input as a. frequency localizations b. action potentials c. reflexes d. receptor potentials

action potentials

The proliferation of a large number of daughter species from a single ancestor is known as a. an evolutionary explosion. b. an adaptive radiation. c. reinforcement. d. an adaptive explosion.

adaptive radiation

The first plants clearly evolved from an organism that, if it existed today, would be classified as a multicellular green ___________. a. Protozoa b. Aquatic bacteria. c. Algae d. Aquatic fungi


Natural selection for a certain phenotype will affect the a. genotype of a population b. allele frequency of a population c. allele frequency of an individual d. genotype of an individual

allele frequency of a population

In lungs the ____ are the site of gas exchange. a. alveoli b. trachea c. bronchioles d. bronchi


Snakes, which lack limbs, evolved from vertebrates that had legs. This is an example of a. a synapomorphy. b. a homology. c. convergent evolution. d. an evolutionary reversal.

an evolutionary reversal

Plasma cells produce a large amount of _____ specific for foreign antigens. a. antibodies b. cytokines c. interferons d. macrophage


The hollow crater formed during gastrulation is known as a(n) a. morula b. cleavage furrow c. archenteron d. trophoblast


The biological species concept does NOT apply to which of the following groups of organisms? a. Mammals that form monogamous pair bonds b. Birds. c. Asexual fungi. d. Fungi that engage in sexual reproduction

asexual fungi

The nutritious flesh of many fruits has the function of a. attracting seed eaters. b. ensuring that the seeds fall close to the parent plant. c. attracting pollinators. d. attracting seed dispersers.

attracting seed dispersers

Two completely separate circulatory systems, or circuits, are found in a. insects. b. birds. c. fish. d. amphibians.


___ do NOT have tidal flow of air. a. mammals b. birds c. amphibians d. reptiles


In fish a. Less work is needed to ventilate gills in warm water than in cold water. b. Blood flows over the gas exchange surfaces in a direction opposite to the flow of water. c. Ventilation of the gills is tidal in fast-swimming fishes. c. Gases are exchanged across the gill arches.

blood flows over the gas exchange surfaces in a direction opposite to the flow of water

A restriction in genetic variability caused by a drastic reduction in population size is called a a. founder effect. b. bottleneck effect. c. adaptive effect. d. Hardy-Weinberg effect.

bottleneck effect

The evolution of similar forms in different lineages when exposed to the same selective pressures is a. referred to as descent. b. also known as natural selection. c. called divergence. d. called convergence.

called convergence

Net Primary Productivity is the net absorption of ____ by plants a.nitrogen b. phosphorus c. carbon d. oxygen


____ muscle contraction is involuntary. a. Cardiac, smooth, and skeletal b. Only smooth c. Cardiac and smooth b. Only cardiac

cardiac and smooth

As adaptions for flight, the wings of bats and the wings of birds are an example of a. synapomorphy. b. convergent evolution. c. monophyly. d. paraphyly.

convergent evolution

Activated helper T cells are able to release_____. a. antigens b. immunoglobulins c. cytokines d. antibodies


______ could NOT be involved in gene flow. a. Wind-blown pollen. b. Zygotes dispersed by ocean currents. c. Disassortative mating within a population. d. Gametes dispersed by ocean currents.

disassortative mating within a population

Cell walls impregnated with water-repellent suberin are found in the cells of the a. endodermis. b. root hairs. c. tracheids. d. cortex.


What do echinoderms and chordates have in common? a. protostome development b. dorsal nerve cords c. endoskeletons d. ecdysis


The lungs in birds and mammals both a. exchange O2 and CO2 with blood in capillaries. b. have a unidirectional flow of air moving through them. c. contain alveoli at the terminal ends. d. need two cycles of inhalation and exhalation in order for air to move.

exchange O2 and CO2 with blood in capillaries

Which of the following is done by freshwater fish? a. Excrete copious amounts of dilute urine and retain salts. b. Excrete small amounts of concentrated urine. c. Conserve both water and salts. d. Excrete a small volume of dilute urine and retain salts.

excrete copious amounts of dilute urine and retain salts

____ would be the most probably symptom in an animal with damaged semicircular canals. a. Falling over b. Being unable to respond to a call to locate another mouse c. Overeating d. Not being startled by sudden noise

falling over

Which of the following has the simplest heart? a. Birds b. Fishes c. Reptiles d. Amphibians


Evolution of terrestrial vertebrates mostly involved expansion of the a. hindbrain b. thalamus c. forebrain d. midbrain


Distinction between a mild or a strong sensation is determined by the a. frequency of action potentials b. conduction speed c. amount of neurotransmitter released per vesicle d. amplitude of action potentials

frequency of action potentials

Certain groups of cells move inward from the surface of the blastula in a carefully orchestrated migration called a. cleavage b. gastrulation c. mesoderm formation d. blastulation


The difference between glia and neurons is that a. Glia include parts of multiple neurons. b. a neuron is only the body of a glial cell. c. glia carry information away from the brain, whereas neurons carry information to the brain. d. glia are cells that nourish and support the neurons.

glia are cells that nourish and support the neurons

Filtration in nephrons occurs through the a. glomeruli b. collecting ducts c. loops of Henle d. vasa rectae


Plants regulate gas exchange and water loss via a. coated pits. b. xylem. c. guarded stomata. d. the cuticle.

guarded stomata

Which of the following represents a monophyletic group? a. green algae and mosses b. ferns and angiosperms c. ferns and mosses d. gymnosperms and angiosperms

gymnosperms and angiosperms

The lateral line of a fish contains a. cochlea b. hair cells c. large external structures for capturing pressure waves d. numerous organs of Corti

hair cells

Human fetus hemoglobin a. has a higher affinity for O2 than adult hemoglobin has. b. is supplied by the mother's red blood cells. c. has only two protein subunits instead of four. d. has a higher affinity for CO2 than myoglobin has.

has a higher affinity for O2 than adult hemoglobin has

Humans and arthropods both a. have muscles that pull against rigid skeletons. b. are deuterostomes. c. have closed circulatory systems. d. have endoskeletons.

have muscles that pull against rigid skeletons

All blastulas contain a(n) a. archenteron b. neural tube c. acrosome d. hollow blastocoel

hollow blastocoel

Both Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes help neurons by providing them with a. nutrients b. physical strength from microtubules c. oxygen d. insulating layers of membrane

insulating layers of membrane

Both the C and the N cycle a. involve a significant atmospheric component. b. mainly involve microbes in their fixation. c. are often limiting nutrients. d. are extensively involved in global climate change.

involve a significant atmospheric component

Action potentials a. can be triggered in very rapid succession, with no delay. b. return to resting when the sodium channels open. c. involve voltage-gated channels in the membrane. d. are triggered by the membrane's increased permeability to potassium.

involve voltage-gated channels in the membrane

It is _____ in mammals that allow them to concentrate their urine the most. a. more permeable collecting ducts b. increased number of nephrons c. longer loops of Henle d. longer convoluted tubules

longer loops of Henle

Birds, snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles are all thought to share a common ancestor and several homologous traits. Assuming that this is true, these groups of animals and their common ancestor would represent a. a monophyletic group. b. homoplastic convergence. c. a polyphyletic group. d. a species cluster.

monophyletic group

Hemoglobin releases _______ in acidic environments. a. more O2 b. less CO2 c. more CO2 d. less O2

more O2

Which one of the following features is unique to animals? a. embryonic development b. movement associated with muscle tissue and nervous tissue c. heterotrophism d. cells without walls

movement associated with muscle tissue and nervous tissue

Which of the following is FALSE? a. Myoglobin is found in muscle cells. b. Diving mammals have high concentrations of myoglobin in their muscles. c. Myoglobin has a lesser affinity for O2 than hemoglobin does. d. Iron in the myoglobin molecule can bind to O2.

myoglobin has a lesser affinity for O2 than hemoglobin does

Many male songbirds are brightly colored. However, the color of the birds is determined by a balance of a. natural selection against bright colors by predation and mutations that introduce bright colors. b. mutations that reduce bright colors and sexual selection in favor of bright colors. c. natural selection against bright colors by predation and sexual selection in favor of bright colors. d. mutations that reduce bright colors and gene flow in favor of bright colors.

natural selection against bright colors by predation and sexual selection in favor of bright colors

___ are specialized cells that produce and conduct electrochemical impulses. a. Dendrites b. Astrocytes c. Axons d. Neurons


The uneven distribution of an impermeable solute on either side of a membrane will result in a. root pressure. b. proton pumping. c. osmosis. d. an increase in oxygen deprivation.


Many plants devote significant resources to growing colorful, fragrant flowers filled with nectar. What does this illustrate the importance of? a. nutrient storage in seeds b. outcrossing c. long-term nutrient storage in perennial plants d. chemical signaling among plants


Neurons in the ___ transmit information from sensory cells to the central nervous system a. central nervous system. b. peripheral nervous system. c. spinal cord. d. brain

peripheral nervous system

An inverted biomass pyramid in the ocean would be caused by having a low biomass of a. phytoplankton b. detritivores c. zooplankton d. primary carnivores (sardines)


____ do(es) NOT enter Bowman's capsule during filtration. a. Water b. Glucose c. Ions d. Plasma proteins

plasma proteins

A common means of sympatric speciation is a. polyploidy. b. imposition of a geographic barrier. c. hybrid infertility. d. temporal segregation of breeding seasons.


A type of isolating mechanism that leads to reproductive isolation after a hybrid zygote has formed is called a _____________ isolating mechanism. a. hybridization b. postzygotic c. adaptive d. prezygotic


Activation of a T cell by an antigen will most likely result in it a. undergoing apoptosis b. becoming a plasma cell. c. secreting antibodies. d. proliferating.


A technique used in dating a rock can be used to accurately predict the age of the fossils occurring in the rocks. This technique involves a. successive rock layering. b. fossil dating. c. developmental geology. d. radioactive isotope decay.

radioactive isotope decay

Which of the following phenomena is NOT an evolutionary mechanism? a. Natural selection b. Random mating c. Genetic drift d. Mutation e. Gene flow

random mating

The presence of the disease sickle cell anemia illustrates that natural selection does NOT always eliminate _________ alleles. a. polymorphic b. dominant c. recessive d. neutral


A waxy cuticle prevents desiccation. What is the cost of this adaptation? a. Lowered light absorption. b. Slower H2O transport. c. Reduced gas permeability. d. Increased exposure to damaging UV radiation.

reduce gas permeability

Combustion of fossil fuels has altered the balance between photosynthesis and a. the nitrogen cycle b. growth c. respiration d. sunlight


____ are the most likely to excrete uric acid instead of ammonia. a.Frogs b. Sea birds c. Saltwater fishes d. Freshwater fishes

sea birds

Which of the following would be characteristic of plant species during the early stages of succession in a forest a. slow-growing b. seeds germinate in the shade c. seedling growth requires direct sunlight d. plants produce small numbers of seeds

seedling growth requires direct sunlight

Which structure does NOT represent a mode of vegetative reproduction? a. seeds b. runners c. suckers d. adventitious plantlets


The frequency of a particular allele within a population can be changed, over time, by a. large population size. b. random mating. c. selection. d. genetic outflow.


_______ selection operates if individuals within a population with the smallest and largest body sizes have fewer offspring than those of average body size. a. Directional b. Disruptive c. Stabilizing d. Destabilizing


If populations within the same area split into species, the process is known as a. allopatric speciation. b. sympatric speciation. c. racial speciation. d. reproductive speciation.

sympatric speciation

Shared derived traits are also known as a. homologies. b. sympatries. c. synapomorphies. d. homoplasies.


An adaptation in arthropods that allowed them to colonize land was a. positive pressure breathing to increase gas exchange b. the ability to close spiracles to prevent water loss c. gas- and water-permeable exoskeletons d. cutaneous respiration in moist habitats

the ability to close spiracles to prevent water loss

Finches speciated in the Galápagos Islands because a. hybridization across different island populations of finches led to high levels of polyploidy. b. the Galápagos Islands are not far from the mainland. c. the Galápagos Islands are thought to promote sympatric speciation in birds. d. the islands of the Galápagos archipelago are sufficiently isolated from one another that there is little migration among them.

the islands of the Galapagos archipelago are sufficiently isolated from one another that there is little migration among them

The type of sensation a sensory neuron transmits is determined by a. the amplitude of action potentials b. the part of the brain it transmits signals to c. the rate of action potential firing d. the proteins it expresses most abundantly

the part of the brain it transmits signals to

Increased CO2 in the bloodstream results in a. the rate of respiration decreasing. b. the respiratory centers becoming dormant. c. the pH of the blood rising. d. the rate of respiration increasing.

the rate of respiration increasing

Progressive changes in the fossil record are evidence for evolution because a. they show inheritance of acquired characteristics. b. they show gaps in the fossil record. c. they show descent with modification. d they show evolutionary change at the level of the individual.

they show descent with modification

The name of the meristem that ultimately gives rise to xylem and phloem is the a. ground meristem. b. intercalary meristems. c. cork cambium. d. vascular cambium.

vascular cambium

The veins of a leaf consist of a. guard cells. b. epidermal cells. c. stomata. d. vascular cells.

vascular cells

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