BIO Final

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What percentage of animal diversity is made up of vertebrate species (species with a backbone)?


Which of the following can be found in BOTH bacterial and animal cells?

A DNA genome

When scientists use the word "theory", they mean:

A broad explanation for a wide range of phenomena based on evidence

Evolutionary theory is the best explanation we have for the diversity of life on Earth. A "theory" in science can be defined as:

A broad explanation supported by multiple lines of evidence


A group of people born around the same time

Which of the following is most likely to be accepted by the scientific community?

A peer-reviewed paper that presents findings from multiple experiments that challenges a widely accepted hypothesis

population bottleneck

A period during which only a few individuals of a normally large population survive.

Which of the following is an example of Batesian mimicry?

A poisonous flowering plant being mimicked by a non-poisonous flowering plant.

natural selection

A process in which individuals that have certain inherited traits tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than other individuals because of those traits.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of viruses?

Able to independently get and use energy (metabolize),Composed of cells

A viral mutation changes the structure of the virus in a way that makes it less likely to be recognized by previous defenses built up by the immune system. What has most likely been altered by the mutation?


Which of the following is a question that is most appropriately addressed by science?

Are masks effective at limiting the spread of illness?

If all photosynthesis on planet Earth stopped tomorrow, what changes would you expect to see

Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels would increase, The energy source for most food webs would disappear and most living things would die, Atmospheric oxygen levels would decrease, The living biomass on the planet would decrease dramatically

You read an article on the coronavirus and wonder what the authors qualifications are to write on the topic? What part of the CRAAP test is this an example of?


Which of the following best describes how antibiotic resistance arises?

Bacteria that inherited traits for resistance to an antibiotic are more likely to survive and reproduce compared to non-resistant bacteria

One way that the combustion of gasoline in your car is like the chemical reactions that occur in your cells during cellular respiration is:

Both combustion and cellular respiration require O2 as an input

Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids all contain:


In Module 6 we talked about many different carbon capture strategies. Which of the following has the potential to lower the amount of carbon dioxide currently in the atmosphere?

Carbon capture and sequestration

Something is called "carbon neutral" when:

Carbon emissions are offset by an equal amount of carbon captured

All living things need to regulate their internal environment. Which core cell component allows all living cells to do this?

Cell membrane

Which of the following processes moves carbon atoms from living biomass to the atmosphere?

Cellular respiration


Change in a kind of organism over time; process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.

Complete the sentence: The overall process of photosynthesis ________.

Converts carbon dioxide into biomass using solar energy to power the process.

Which of the following can lead to atmospheric methane increases

Deforestation/Increase in grazing lands, Melting permafrost, Industrial pollutants


Different forms of a gene

2 component of natural selection

Differential survival and/or reproductive success

If you were trying to choose a source of nutrition based solely on the efficiency of energy transfer from the sun to you, which would be the best choice?

Eat only vegetables.

A biologist is concerned that there has been a drastic decrease in the types of habitats to support different living things in a given region. What type of diversity is this biologist most concerned about?

Ecosystem diversity

Greenhouse Effect

Essential for life on Earth, Without it, Earth would be frozen


Facilitate the building of new proteins in cells

True or False: Evolutionary theory explains the origin of life


Which of the follow cell types is most likely to have the greatest impact on one's overall immune response if impaired or reduced?

Helper T cells

In what part of a frog muscle cell would you find the highest production of ATP?

In the mitochondria

Which of the following is true of the plant in Treatment B?:

It can produce glucose during photosynthesis, It is taking in O2 from the air for cellular respiration, It can convert light energy into chemical bond energy during photosynthesis, It can convert the chemical energy in glucose into ATP energy during cellular respiration

Which of the following describes genetic drift?

It is a random evolutionary mechanism, reduces genetic diversity and has a greater effect on small populations

ATP is necessary for living things because...?:

It is the primary carrier of energy in cells

Which of the following describes how a vaccine works?

It triggers an immune response without an infection occurring


Long-term trends and patterns in surface and atmospheric conditions, Measured by using current samples and past samples collected in ice and rock,Can be predicted by analyzing past and present trends and cycles

When carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms are held together by chemicals bonds they form ____.


The monomers that make up a carbohydrate macromolecule are:


evolutionary mechanisms

Mutation, migration (gene flow), genetic drift, and natural selection

What is the main difference between biofuels and fossil fuels?

New biofuels can be created easily while new fossil fuels can not

Natural selection and m

Not Random

Runaway Greenhouse Effect

Once started it can't be stopped., The Planet Venus

Which of the following is a necessary input for cellular respiration?

Oxygen (O2), Glucose (C6H12O6)


Passing of traits from parents to offspring


Pictured below is a single celled living organism. Is this organism a prokaryote or a eukaryote?

While examining a group of cells using a microscope, you observed that each cell has a true nucleus, cell wall, and membrane-bound organelles. You concluded that these cells are __________cells.


Evolution can be described as the change in allele frequencies in a ______________ over time.


Your friend has been getting sick a lot and taking a long time to get better. What macromolecule might they not be getting enough of to support the production of antibodies in the immune system?


Fill in the blanks: A body builder looking to add muscle mass would want to eat a diet high in _____________, which they could find in foods like ____________.

Protein; Meat and fish

Enzymes that speed up chemical reactions in the body are composed of which biological macromolecule?



Provides structural support for the cell

Mutation and Genetic Drift and Migration


Ultimately, Biomimicry plays a fundamental role in increasing an organism's __________.

Reproductive Success

Cells in your stomach actively produce a lot of proteins (enzymes) to breakdown your food. What type of organelle would these cells need a lot of to do their job?


Which of following best describes the nature of science?

Science is an approach to understanding the natural world based on inquiry and evidence

Biology is the ___________ study of life:


Which of the following best describes how scientific knowledge is gained?

Scientific theories are corroborated and/or modified based on evidence

Which of the following is NOT true about IPCC reports on climate change:

Scientists are paid lots of money to write reports

Information that summarizes recent research in a biology textbook is an example of:

Secondary literature

Cell Membrane

Separates the interior of cells from the outside environment and regulates what comes in and out of the cell.


Short-term trends in atmospheric conditions, like rain, clouds, wind, etc, difficult to predict


Site of photosynthesis

Which of the following statements about how organisms might respond to climate change is TRUE?

Some populations will evolve and other will not and may go extinct

A classmate wants to study using both the interleaving and spaced practice strategies. Which of the following best represents the use of both strategies?

Spacing practice over multiple days and switching between topics multiple times each day.

Which of the following individual behaviors could decrease the production of greenhouse gases, and thus perhaps curb global warming

Taking public transportation to school twice a week, Decreasing your meat consumption, Recycling and reusing items you buy

The roots of a sunflower plant move downward towards water, while the shoots and flower move upward towards the sun. These are examples of what characteristic of living organisms?

The ability to sense and respond to the environment

When a person loses weight, what happens to the biomass in the person's body?:

The biomass is broken down and leaves the person's body as water and CO2 molecules

Which of the following accurately describe the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect is the result of gases like carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere trapping heat near the planet's surface

The carbon dioxide (CO2) levels inside of a plant drop dramatically, making it unable to perform photosynthesis, and the plant eventually dies. Which structure of the plant is likely not functioning properly?

The guard cells and stomata on the leaves

Which of the following processes contributed the most to the decrease in mass of Treatment C: "No Light, Water"?

The release of CO2 into the air from the breakdown of carbon-based molecules in the seed.

common ancestor

The shared ancestor of new, different species that arose from one population

genetic variation

The variety of different types of genes in a species or population.

What characteristic do biologists NOT use to evaluate whether something is a living organism?

They can move

Which of the following attributes describes eukaryotic cells?

They contain membrane-bound organelles like a nucleus, They are found in bothsingle-celled or multicellular organisms

Your friend is frustrated because they have been rewriting their notes each day for two weeks leading up to an exam but they are still receiving poor grades. What change would you suggest they make to increase the effectiveness of their study practice?

They should use active retrieval during studying rather than rewriting notes

3 component of natural selection

Traits are heritable

Given the unique properties of HIV, and what you know about natural selection, which of the following alterations in treatments is most likely to be most effective in the treatment of HIV?

Treating with multiple medications simultaneously which require more mutations to overcome

Cellular respiration can occur in which of the following treatments of the Seed Experiment?:

Treatment B and C

True or false: Many of the world's major religious groups see no conflict between their faith and the acceptance of evolutionary theory.


1 component of natural selection

Variation - genotypic and phenotypic

Other than melting land-based ice sheets, which of these factors has made the largest contribution to the rise in sea level over the past 100 years?

Warming of ocean waters

You are infected with a strain of a rhinovirus and then, after your immune system fights it off, you are infected with an adenovirus. (Some background: adenoviruses and rhinoviruses are both cold-causing viruses that have different structures). Assuming you had not been infected with either virus before, how is your immune system likely to respond to the second infection by the adenovirus?

Your immune system would not recognize the adenovirus and would need to launch a new immune response after fighting off the rhinovirus


a random error in gene replication that leads to a change


an explanation using an integrated set of principles that organizes observations and predicts behaviors or events

Many people believe the claim that eating sugar makes kids hyper. People will list a multitude of reasons that support their belief despite scientific evidence that this is not true. What option below is driving their acceptance of this idea?

confirmation bias

Where does the energy originally stored in the chemical bonds of a glucose molecule go during cellular respiration?

energy is captured and used to generate ATP., energy is released as heat energy


how well an organism can survive and reproduce in its environment

You go out to start your car, but it doesn't start. Your friend says, "Your battery is dead." Your friend has just stated a______________.


A mature maple tree can have a mass of 1 ton or more (dry biomass, after removing the water), yet it starts from a seed that weighs less than 1 gram. Which of the following contributes the most to this huge increase in biomass?:

intake of carbon molecules from the air through the leaves

If most Americans gave up eating meat for 4 out of 7 days each week, it would require ____energy to feed the US population.


Fill in the blank: As the population size of a species gets smaller, the more likely it will ___________ genetic diversity due to the effects of genetic drift.


gene flow

movement of alleles from one population to another

differential reproduction

organisms with the best adaptations are most likely to survive and reproduce

genetic drift

random change in allele frequencies that occurs in small populations


site of cellular respiration, generate the cell energy

antibiotic resistance,

the ability of bacteria to withstand the effects of an antibiotic

fixation of an allele

the change in a gene pool from a situation where there exists at least two variants of a particular gene (allele) to a situation where only one of the alleles remains


tiny particles, smaller than bacteria and other pathogens, which must invade living cells in order to reproduce; when they invade, the cells are damaged or destroyed in the process releasing new particles to infect other cells

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